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Animals should dump rubbish in living rooms of "modern heeple" |
...in a MAD world???
where GOOD gets "punished" ...
and "evil" (it is the opposite spelling of "LIVE" )
often exists... UNchallenged,,,
..greetings from REdNET
; https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041 )
and OUR CLUB, https://www.facebook.com/groups/CS.LbIrD.OURCLUB ,we support and invite you to join as guest of this event...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58PN6o2QslA&feature=youtube_gdata_player LIVERPOOL inch by Inch..
some clips from the "group games @ the last footy, fun & international friendship meeting (http://www.mypod-net.org/MyCLUB.html)
; Zwolle 09 ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-_eLxJM4_c
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-ibK5L2a4I ....hiding? so many ppl behind a mask, never being true, opne and honest, and then wonder why they/WE have so many problems.. !
ChriS SmiTH> A) you dont take time to UNDERstand - you answer within one minute stuff that I take time and RESPECT for you, to write, i said you are NOT a "bimbo" ...!!! so dont pretend!
B) the "poem" I wrote was not directed at YOU, but at all people...
11:51 .. I would like to introduce Danica , Gi, Izzy, Saule & Triin to each other, because u seem to be "selective"... the majority of "modern fee-males" know a lot...but not how to communicate, love, to care or what "making love" (not sex) truly means ..to exchange and honestly share is the most wonderful feeling on this planet... to the rescue.. (sun is shining, Marley)
Dobar Dan ica, like many women the Balkan people exclude the best chances on this planet in proving "independence". Dont be "cold" to feelings of another or when I care about you, react by "escape" ...
or seek new excuses to break promises & agreements. When you and the Balkan people learn to build respect, local and global .... then, and only then will you be TRULY happy ...when you seek "short cuts" you exlude yourself from beautiful projects & chances we could share..
- Karma will react to your next choices ; to be just another of the "cool clique" and stay on the dark side or..
be a HUMAN BEing..all you need is a bit of faith and understanding , and me.. ChRiS
Bob Marley Sun Is Shining
www.youtube.com ; Bob Marley Reggae Fever Rastavibe13 ....Sun is shining, the weather is sweet Make you want to move your dancing feet....
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"modern fee=males" ...? |
Danica S> molim te ne smaraj me sa svojim glupostima... ako sam ja tebi protracila 3 nedelje zivota onda ti imas problerm u svom zivotu...i ja ti ne mogu pomoci
11:10 ChriS SmiTH>
u are a prisoner of the darkness Danica, u can say what u want , write what u want , but we both know the truth.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3GtAnO66o
you can try to close the door on me, and make lots of excuses, but i have not given you up!
Honesty Billy Joel ww.youtube.com
hope is gud ^^
ChriS SmiTH> vi stezatvorenik mraku Danica , možete rec´i šta želite, pišite šta hoc´ete, ali oboje znamo istinu .. možete pokušati da zatvori vrata na mene , i da puno izgovora , ali ja vam nisam odustala !
if you insult me , it hurts you as much as me..!
ako me vredaju, da te boli koliko ja ..!
Hiya Ivana, U am passing through Bg next week, have u time to meet for coffee? ChriS
'Ivana Torres M'
Well it depends of my free time and my school..When you coming at Belgrade?
ChriS SmiTH> 7th march evening... i take a night flight after..
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Only a fantasy, without feelings! |
Chris ( Ursun )
to help u prepare for the meeting ...please read and start to understand this,, http://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2013/02/dax-killed-valentine-academyso-i-am.html ...as she involved you in her private life..i am sharing this with u.. but no one else..
MonTV: "DaX" killed Valentine & academy..so I am Campaigning
Dusko P>I don't get the point of this random and chaotic post. and I'm not happy that you posted our private conversations online
Chris ( Ursun )
a) i know u dont "get it" ..thats why i am open to meeting you,,
b) its only "on line" if I publicise it, .. this has ONLY been sent to you.. no-one else
c) btw all the security agencies local and global can & do read your emails, FB postings etc etc..."nothing is private" ..!
i am not "happy" with what you did with "Dax" either...
so i felt it a good idea to meet and clear everything between us..
Renata S> hi...good for you. However....my plans chaged...and I will be in barcleona....March 6-11....so dont know if its good or bad for you....
anyway, I am sure you wil like it here....jsut be aware - snow is still in heree....
Chris ( Ursun )
i am there 11-14th march.. have i got your mobile number? i could sms when i am there? ok?
Zdravo Vera, FYI Danicxa is NOT visitng ME at this time.. if u want to test your english anytime, try the lyrics .@honesty ... i am also looking for a potential partner to be trained in the next few months and work in those projects.. (if Danica dont want..) if you know someone who should be "keen"
developing http://www.youtube.com/user/MultiMonTV ...
campaigning REdNET v F S G
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IF ONLY "DAX" knew how to PLAY? |
& assisting with..
the creative academy for support and self-supporting life-style ,
- body, mind & SPIRIT..
and guiding @
monty-logic-club.org ...doing it for the kids
confronting and waking up the people..aND charity work with
N.E.P.A.K. for parents and kids in pain...
and learn our humour.. (yes i do like to have fun too...)
cuvaj se!
Dusica , I wish you well, like many women the Balkan people exclude the best chances on this planet in proving "independence". Dont HAVE to be be "cold" to feelings of another or when I care about you, to react by "escape" ...
or seek new excuses to break promises & agreements. When you and the Balkan people learn to build respect, local and global
then, and only then will you be TRULY happy ...when you seek "short cuts" you exclude yourself from beautiful projects & chances we could share..
- Karma will react to your next choices ; to be just another of the "cool clique" and stay on the dark side or..be a HUMAN BEing
..all you need is a bit of faith and understanding ,
and me.. ChRiS :)
this fits the moment.. ;)
"DaX" killed Valentine & academy..so I am Campaigning
"DaX" killed Valentine & academy
..so I am Campaigning...
& a little complaining..too
Today after waiting THREE weeks and KEEPING my calendar free, refusing visitors so I could Host & support a "friend in Need" she (who should be mt "soul-mate" decided to blame me for
"pushing her" and now "bl;ocked me" because i corected her mis-understanding
towards the end of January we went for a beautiful walk in the park, and the feeling I had with her during a similar wonderful afternoon in Prizren, came back to me, and we agreed that she would visit me ...
the reason for writing this is so I can ensure I dont get swamped by the negative reaction..and to clarify that it is GOOD to CARE for another person... ..
Those you call "friends" are NOT.... if they dont care about you, and you dont care about them.. they are just casual aquaintances ..because they wont be there when you NEED support, but I will , until...I leave this planet..
to damage THREE weeks of my life, which is LIMITED is more than a shame - it is destructive,and "DaX" you must take the blame and wake up to responsibility...do you UNDERSTAND ME???
..diary ... which probably no-one will....
13227 20:00
ChriS SmiTH
? you wasted 3 weeks of my life, break promise & then ....blame me! hmmmmm .. u need MY help..!
dragi Kris , moji prijatelji mi ne postavljalju uslove, ne postavljaju obaveze, moji prijatelji me prihvataju onakvu kakava jesam...neorganizovana...ako zelis da budes moj prijatelj onda izbegavaj reci kao sto je 'bimbo' zatim 'whor of sistem' ....please...moji prijatelji i ja nemamo takvu potrebu da dnevno saljemo jedni drugima 5 poruka...ako zelis biti moj prijatelj, onda me pusti...ne stvaraj obavezu od naseg prijateljstva, molim te
A) you dont take time to UNDERstand - you answer within one minute stuff that I take time and RESPECT for you, to write, i said you are NOT a "bimbo" ...!!! so dont pretend!
B) the "poem" I wrote was not directed at YOU, but at all people...
"disorganised" is NO excuse to be careless, NOT to care, dont say people are "friends" ..because they are NOT.
if you dont care about the consequence on them of your actions..
a friend "CARES" (both ways)
I made a programme for you & us, and you ignored and served yourselF!
(like in Prizren)
I am more than a friend than all of those others because I dont say what YOU WANT me to say!
(you were OUT of contact 8/9 days, I was worried..because of what i KNOW about you , that you forget!)
blame me if it helps you, but i KNOW it does not...
Dobar Dan
ica, the Balkan people exclude the best chances on this planet in proving "independence". Dont be "cold" to feelings of another or when I care about you, react by "escape" or seek new excuses to break promises & agreements. When you and the Balkan people learn to build respect, local and global then, and only then will you be TRULY happy ...when you seek "short cuts" you exlude yourself from beautiful projects & chances we could share..
- Karma will react to your next choices ; to be just another of the "cool clique" and stay on the dark side or.. be a HUMAN BEing..all you need is a bit of faith and understanding , and me.. :) ChRiS
if u decide to visit your parents between 1-6 march, I GO from Bg on 7th march, and you have a "another chance" to share with me IF I return on 17th march (via Bg).. if u care...to contact me
I will continue on your private mail. if u dont block me..:)
Ja c´u nastaviti na privatnom poštom. ako me ne blokira .. :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i-gcWdBUb8 (could U be love, Marley..SAY something...)
Sanja R.
Chris ( Ursun )
i am here... would be great if u "participated too"... hope u had a great birthday cu in Pg...
am back in Pg, gig tomorrow?, or when is good to share a "belated birthday rakija"
CS> Dusko, "we" dont include all people so, Nin, speak for yourself! because SOME of us seeand CARE about both sides, but maintain our course accordingly..because we believe in a local & GLOBAL..vision..
Chris ( Ursun) i know if "DaX" is confused by U?
i travel OUT via Bg on 7th march if u want to have a discussion ..?
Dusko P> sure, if I can make it. I have work and physical therapy on Thursdays, so I'm a bit short on time.
what time are you in Belgrade?
Chris ( Ursun ) look Dusko, i plan my time, so I need to know , if u want to meet me, or not..(u previosuly said u wnated to understand my reasons) i can be there in the evening and I leave @ 03h to catch a flight so u tell me when is convenient to you, because i can easy organise myself. but if u agree please dont change your mind/plan later.. if there is a chance you will let me down better you say "NO" now..
Dusko> I do, just wanted you to know I'm not free during the day. I'm free after 18:30, so we could meet anytime after that and I'm not interested in your reasons, I'm sure they're ok, I'm interested in your plan/process. not because of Danica, but because I think I could learn something and I don't get the comment on the photo "i know if "DaX" is confused by U?"
CS> I can meet you at around 19h - I will check the bus arrival times.. and confirm in the next days.. cool, see you next week not "cool" but cu next thursday! .
CS> Hya,(Pau)
I was expecting a visitor at this time, so i had other plans today, and as i am not always online its difficult if you change the e.t.a. in Pg. if u arrive daytiime i will try to help but there should also be the podgorica CSerS meeting @ "Berlin" caffe in Njegoseva (street) every wednesday so someone shd be able to help u..CS
ChriS SmiTH> ok mate, never mind, i'll go haunt be quick!
Hugo Staman>ahah GL! what is the plan to do in zwolle?
Vincent VdH>I'll be around
ChriS SmiTH> Hiya Vincent can u give me yr mobile number,
i wll let u know my "e.t.a" probably 15th/15th march...
Vincent VdH>177292, still the same
ChriS SmiTH> tx!
mine + 14427
I am occupied with this ..(amongst other things...) REdNETChriS SmiTH
...... is anyone i know still in Zwolle? anyone still at your old apartment? i will come to Zwolle next month
Chris ( Ursun )> Hiya Djordje , are u in Bg night of 7/8th March, (i got to GB!)
sun is shining ; Bob (to the rescue..) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urBbHrJnSmE
ChriS SmiTH> i am even more concerned, by your actions (or lack of application) in the last 3 weeks, little or confusing & careless information makes me very sad, and that sends me the image that you dont want to know if i am sad if i live or am dead, the Danica i believe you are & can be is not the person that acts without care, you can be much, much more!
Ja sam još zainteresovanih, od vaših postupaka ( ili nedostatak primene ) u poslednje 3 nedelje , malo ili zbunjujuc´e i neoprezna informacija stvara me veoma tužno, i da mi pošalje sliku koju dont želite da znate da li sam tužan , ako ja živim ili sam mrtav,Danica i verujem da su i mogu biti nijeosoba koja deluje bez brige , možete biti mnogo , mnogo više!
ChriS SmiTH>
Bob Marley Reggae Fever Rastavibe13 Sun is shining, the weather is sweet Make you want to move your dancing feet To the rescue, here I am Want you to know ya...
ChriS SmiTH> cant you understand!
Dusica Vug
delic ; I can read between the lines, but you are exaggerating... I had my obligations and family matters, you have to appriciate that! And I'm ill last few days, even though I have charity events for this weekend...
Anyway I love Benson, tnx...
ChriS SmiTH>
no i am NOT "exagerating" Dusica, you dont know me ,,yet
I say what I mean and i mean what i say (or write..) get well soon.. u know i can cure u..
ChriS SmiTH> ladies,
please SAY what you mean, &...
MEAN what you say
keep your promises, if a friend of mine you wish to STAY?
Honest communication is the ONLY way
.. cuvaj se!! x
.. still "campaigning" , still breathing.. and....
in "the mood" to ....do everything..
January 27 10:06am
Renata S> from your short answer I wonder if I said something to make you feel „uncomfortable"
January 27
Chris (Ursun )
its ok, just on the move and be happy to meet u when i am there..
Hiya, only 2 weeks and i am in "V"..
ChriS SmiTH> ok so u have no reply, i will stay at Ue with Ivan another day and reurn tomorrow night to Pg, if u care perhaps you should read all the things i sent u during the time u were "unavailable"
Just keep breathing.. til the SuB(SUN) comes up again (castaway, Hanks) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaA_fSYfmTQ
Chris ( Ursun )
its also is a negative sign that she is with wrong ppl & dont respect MY limited time on this planet..
so, this afternoon, in 5 minutes,
we had more "conversation" than in the last 2 weeks..
if you dont understand why i am "UNeasy" - i have to smile in "irony"...
a) I felt that we had a GOOD basis of understanding when we were together in Bg
(4 weeks ago)
b) we agreed you would visit me "after your birthday" (estimated 5/6th february)
c) TWO weeks ago you said you had to visit your parents 13th-20/21 february
d) you told me that you would Only contact me via FB..
e) in between you were out of contact for 8/9 days!
f) because of no contact I asked Vera & Djordje about you, and was told you were NOT at your parents.
i WAS CONCERNED....(as I recall your distress, and our deep discussions in Bg)
G) you had PROMISED to be with me in Pg from 20/21 or LATEST from 25th February
H) we agreed to make a "training programme" ; fitness and projects together (see below)
i) I cleared my guest room, AND my calendar for your visit (NO HOSTING!) awaiting your arrival
J) the first contact from you after NINE days was a ONE LINE message that seemed "angry"
K) NOW you say you must spend from now until 1 march "moving" (7 days!!)
- I dont know where you move to, or why!
- I dont know who you move with, Branko?
- it seems a lot of time - considering you showed me you have ONE suitcase to pack..
L) you also mention your family problems again..
M) you say we have "lots of time"
- but I told you I travel abroad on 7th march (from Bg airport)
would you be easy, if i told YOU these things , in reverse?
sure we come from different cultures, but you are NOT a "bimbo"
I suggested meeting in UE this weekend because its nearer to your family
and half way from Bg to Pg..
so, do you come between 1-6 march? what do YOU propose??
"CS-DaX training Programme"
Body-mind-Spirit training (to strengthen you whilst learning self support)
english-serbia langauge exchange
discuss monty-logic-club.org plans
plan N.E.P.A.K co-operation with womens movement/homeless kids/REd NOSE days
- plan charity & concerts & etc
- Campaign photos (mYtEX)
- explain MonTV/OUR CLUB & creative academy
- plan VirPazar/Ue meetings

best wishes Sanja R
all the best
I hope u go far..
the best singer in a monty bar
enjoy yr day
..and we'll share a Rak I ja.. :)
contact???? http://www.anfieldfm.com/news/
a poem for "today" .. "y-our way?"
cant YOu find a way
to exist without selling y-our soul?
is money or power the only reason
that you are as blind as a mole?
cant you see what life should be?
caring for the kids, for you, for me?
I try not to hate your ignorance
& ruin this planet with your selfish stance
dont make me angry with you
that brings nothing but pain
make this a better day.
and tomorrow, in every way, a gain
dont be a whore for the system
please value your soul
make caring a reason to live
make honesty more than a goal
I have lost too many
so i hold on to the few
and hope you all learn a better way
look in the mirror, long & hard, find a better you..
ChriS SmiTH>Dani., if you are indeed "ok" why dont u respond properly to my messages on FB, ? u told me FB was the only way u can communicate, but then YOU didnt use it.. we had an agreement, i ask u to foicus on the 97% ..PLEASE dont let THREE percent ruin this big CHANCE .. we will do a lot of GOOD things together which helps a lot of kids , will help YOU ... and me too.. i only contacted people you know because I was worried by your lack of communication... RAZUMEM..? i hope u come to Ue, or Pg monday..vidimo se! ChRiS
ICA! I await your promised arrival by LATEST 25 th February..
& shall go to Ue on saturday and stay until sunday
with Ivan @ "The Dubliner"
( the pub address is
M.M. Magazinovic 31 )
Do you know ?
- if you meet me @ Uzice saturday or sunday (and I can bring you back with me to Pg)
do you come directly on Monday (25th February) to Podgorica.. ?
cuvaj se"
ChRiS > Laku noc..Dani.,
if you are indeed "ok" why dont u respond properly to my messages on
FB, ? u told me FB was the only way u can communicate, but then YOU
didnt use it.. we had an agreement, i ask u to focus on the 97% ..PLEASE dont let THREE percent ruin this big CHANCE ..
we will do a lot of GOOD things together which helps a lot of kids ,
will help YOU ... and me too.. i only contacted people you know because I
was worried by your lack of communication... RAZUMEM..? i hope u come
to Ue, or Pg monday..vidimo se! ChRiS
This weekend I will be able to come because they expected me change the flat. Moving can be done by 1 Marta.Zbog that all plans are canceled. I just do not depend on me. but it will be time for all, take it easy
CS> ??? u will be able or NOt able??
i dont understand U, tomorrow & sunday I am in UE then back in Pg monday!!
NE RAZUMEM!! write in your language , clearly MOLIM!
Zato sto se selim, krecim stan i do utorka moram preci u novi stan
danas je petak i ceo vikend je u selidbi
iz tog razloga ne mogu ici nigde ovaj vikend
well I have kept my calendar clear for our programme etc since 2 weeks, so...
i would have been happy if you had taken a little time to send me occasional messages in the last 2 weeks but you chose to ignore me..so i am not feeling "easy".. so what do you propose next?
moram zavrsiti stvari koje su mi prece, a to je novi stan
nisam imala vremena jer sam u guzvi
ali ne vidim zasto je sad to toliki problem jer je svejedno tek mart
is that a reason for not respecting MY time? that I kept free for you, you first said you woudl come after your birthday and then you said by LATEST 25th February..if you had considered my feelings , just to say something , i did not need to ask your sister, djordje etc to find out ... its takes less than 1 minute so send me a message via FB.. so you had not ONE minute during 8 days... ok if thats the truth.. what do you propiose next, will come because I dont have limitless time, I tried to explain many times.. and I travel abroad on 7th march...
its no use to discuss what has been done or not done , what do you propose? after 1 march??
I can "host you" beween 1-6 march,
i have a special programme ready for you ..which we discussed when we were together in Bg..
can you imagine how it feels? for me , waiting for contact from you, and my "instinct" was screaming at me.. time running by.. i told you that we can do many things.. but you are not on phone so the ONLY contact was via FB, but i got no "news" ..that made me feel sick, because i thought maybe you had serious problems with your family or ...(something else) .. i dont need much, just a few words..
i have value too!
Dani> Zato sto se selim , krecim stan radim utorka moram Preci u NOVI STAN
Danas je petak i ceo vikend je u selidbi
Tog iz razloga Ne mogu ici nigde Ovaj vikend
moram zavrsiti stvari Koje su mi prece ,da je novi stan
nisam Imala vremena Jer sam u guzvi
Ali ne vidim zasto je toliki problem tužno JER JE TEK svejedno mart
moram zavrsiti stvari Koje su mi prece ,da je novi stan
nisam Imala vremena Jer sam u guzvi
Ali ne vidim zasto je toliki problem tužno JER JE TEK svejedno Martu
CS> je da jerazlog za ne poštuje moje vreme? da bude slobodan za vas, prvo je rekao da voudl došao nakon rodendana , a onda ste rekli najnovijim 25. februara .. ako je smatrao svojim osec´anjima , samo da kažem nešto , nisam imao potrebe da pitam sestru , Ðorde itd do saznajte ... svojim traje manje od 1 minut , tako da mi pošalje poruku preko FB .. tako ste imali ni jedan minut u toku 8 dana ... ok ako taj istinu .. šta ti propiose sledec´i c´e doc´i, jer ja dont imati neogranicen vremena , pokušao sam da objasnim mnogo puta .. i ja putuju u inostranstvo na 7. marta ...
njegova upotreba ne bi razgovarali o tome šta je uradeno ili nije uradeno, šta ti predlažeš? posle 1. marta ?
Ja mogu da " te prime " beveen 1-6 marš ,
Imam poseban program spreman za vas .. što smo pricali kada smo zajedno bili u Bg ..
li da zamislite kako se osec´a ? za mene, cekajuc´i kontakt sa vama, a
moj " instinkt " je vrištao na mene .. vreme pokrenut od strane .. Rekao
sam vam da možemo da uradimo mnogo stvari .. ali vi niste na telefonu
tako dajedini kontakt je bio preko FB , ali ja nemam "Novosti" .. To me
je muka , jer sam mislio da ste imali ozbiljne probleme sa vašom
porodicom ili ... (nešto drugo ) .. ja dont morati mcuh , samo nekoliko
reci ..
Imam vrednost previše!
tako . c´eš doc´i izmedu 1-6 mart ?
Dani> Bilo je problema, jos nisu svi reseni, deda je pred smrt pa je to malo ublazilo ljutnju mojih roditelja na mene...ja sam pokazala da manje pijem iako mi se opet desava da pogresim...mogu da razumem ako si ljut, ali jos uvek nije kasno...pocetkom marta cu doci do Pg...idem sad da krecim vec kasnim....cujemo se kasnije...
CS> Please Dont ... recite mi o svojoj porodici, ja sam bio saosec´ajan, i cekali .. mogli ste tamo otišli ??prošle nedelje .. Ovde sam 1-6 marta, njena šansa tvoj .. da dodu ovde?, onda idite na ior porodicu posle Pg .. Jer ja ne mogu da promenim svoje putovanje, njegova sve u potpunosti rezervisana! .. a ako uzmete ozbiljno ovu ponudu, moramo više od 2 dana ..
i wont be online much after today until monday.. i will be in UE saturday & sunday
Dusko P>you've done what you could, the rest is up to her. relax for a day
very true. thanks for this, it's a nice reminder
Chris ( Ursun )
its to remind me too ..especially when someone i care about breaks promises again today.. have a good weekend!
Dobar Da'
there is a saying ; "no good turn goes unpunished" (in other words it seems
every time I extend my hand in humanity here, it gets bitten...)
ChriS SmiTH
Lacu Noc!

ChriS SmiTH
Do you know ?
- if you meet me @ Uzice saturday or sunday (and I can bring you back with me to Pg)
do you come directly on Monday (25th February) to Podgorica.. ?
cuvaj se"
Djordje L.
anyway I go to UE on saturday until sunday and back in Pg monday..
Djordje L>
Chris, i honestly think she doesn't want to call u. If u two had an aggreement, she could have foud the way to tell u how the things are. At this point, she knows u re woried...at least what she can do is to send u a fb message.
I would stpo trying if i were u, and wait for that message. If the message doesnt come, u shoud not care about it.
Bottom line, she is totally fine, and u have no reason to wory.
Chris ( Ursun )
the problem is that without revealing private information, that she trusted me with, i KNOW that she IS in trouble.. , .. its no good FOR MY position (not your problem) to later say what she "should have done"..u are there, i am here, , i know full well that any "force" will probably push her deeper into problems..
she is obviously also reacting against her parents attempts .. i know is that i am able to help her help herself, ..Bg is great for "nights out" but not the place / lifestyle she needs , right now
...I am the "Alien" here.. and the "training methods" i can use will challenge her...that is the sort of "force" she requires..too many will tell her only what she wants to hear...
. but its noting that I can even attempt to explain to you or her, at a distance, I have to just "do it" with and for her...i HOPE she fulfills her promise to me that she will come here..as planned and agreed between us and at least "test" ...what we can do .. because "keeping GOOD faith with promises made" is part of building strength of character.. even though far too many people fail in that basic responsibility...
thanks anyway, Djordje , but i DO HONESTLY have good reason to worry...cuvaj se!
Dusko P> she is in trouble, she is down, I get that, she told me as much herself.
the only other thing I can get out is that by "more dangerous other hands that promise to help" you mean me and you don't like it. if that's the case just say it, there's no need for metaphors and games
if not, then I'm out of ideas
Chris ( Ursun )
dont have the physical contact that you have with her, but i see
confusion, which i can unravel, i need you to help me help her.. keep
"focussed".. i am concerned she is too easily "distracted"..
so that i can help her pull herself up...and I will IF she lets me.. she should be with me in Pg next week..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
p.s. she didnt leave Bg, according to her sister, she didnt go
Chris (Ursun )
anyway saturday & sunday I am @ Ue and I offered Dani. the chance to meet me there (half way) so I can take he with me to Pg, or i will return to PG monday (as that was the "latest day" she shd join me there..) ..today i am feeling low on energy, i am NEVER "sick" - i prefer to be active, i am at my best when i can use my energy positively, and this lack of communication, hurts,,, " c'est la vie! c'est la guerre.." cuvaj se!
Dusko P>the key thing is "if she lets you". you can't force someone to change, even if it is for their own good
I don't know what you want me to do. I can't and won't talk her into doing anything she doesn't want to do, that's not what I do. I don't tell people what to do, I help them figure it out for themselves. anyway, she still has to call, we'll see then
Chris ( Ursun )>
well I have explained, enough, .. its no good later on, saying what we or she "should have done"..u are there, i am here, and I dont know what u have said to her or advised to her, i know full well that any "force" will probably push her deeper into the "whirlpool"
as she is obviously also reacting against her parents attempts .. i know is that i am able to help her help herself, ..Bg is great for "nights out" but not the place / lifestyle she needs , right now...I am the "Alien" here.. and the "methods" i use will challenge her...that is the sort of "force" she requires..too many will tell her what she wants to hear...
but its noting that I will even attempt to explain to you or her, at a
distance, I have to just "do it" with and for her...i would ask her just
to fulfill her promise to me that she will come here..as planned and
agreed between and at least "test" ...what we can do
.. because "keeping GOOD faith with promises made" is part of building strength of character.. even thoughfar too many people fail in that basic responsibility...
what should u do??..u should do what is right & good..!
Evita T>I don't know yet, I wish I would be there! nice day to u Chris:)
ChriS SmiTH> well if u can afford the travel, the rest will cost "nothing" as i would like u to be guest!
Evita T> thank u for invitation, really I do appreciate it...but some things must be settled down,so I can,t make any clear plans as yet.good day to u!!!:)
ChriS SmiTH> thanks , take care! ..keep in touch if u want ..? to discuss "those things" ...

Stevie wonder dedicated to John Henry..
; you haven't done a thing..?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjs_sHwMj-0 @ f-way..utube
or (Mc5 U tube) ; REdBEL-CAMPAIGN5 ;
...without sound..http://youtu.be/7Bp4iTU_BsM (PAIGN1mute.wmv )
Campaign Video (muted as soundtrack blocked, even though wasnt copyright material,,)
..."first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, (or block yr communications & campaign) ;) ...then WE WIN" (to paraphrase Ghandi,
a little man who brought down an empire much bigger than "them"..) :)
thanks to Global REdS.. dont complain CAMPAIGN
"Because we can"
(bon jovi) the lyrics fit....my mood..so does the weather ;)
To je veoma teško bez vesti , s obzirom putne aranžmane .. kontaktirajte me ..
13220> 02:40
Dani> Dear Chris please do not push me. If you do not call back a few days does not mean end of the world. And please do not involve other people in our conversation. I would be grateful.
ChriS SmiTH> I had no contact from you since 8 days, normally you contact me every couple of days. I am not "pushing" i juts care what is happening..its normal in my culture ======================
It is very difficult without any news, concerning travel arrangements.. please contact me..
I am concerned that I havent had any news from you,
i delayed the programme 10 days as we agreed , and await your promised arrival by LATEST 25 th February..
I shall go to Ue on saturday and stay until sunday
and stay with Ivan @
"The Dubliner"
( the pub address is
M.M. Magazinovic 31 )
(his girlfriend is Tijana)
Ivan ; Tel. 0605 331 300
Tijana ; Tel. 0604 211 424
SO, its "half way" between Bg & Pg
i can bring you back with me.
Vidimo se @ pub!
ChriS SmiTH> cuvaj se!
pokušajte da razmislite pogled sa moje strane ..
please try to consider the view from my side..

ChriS SmiTH
cuvaj se!
pokušajte da razmislite pogled sa moje strane .. ChRiS
ChriS SmiTH
better for me to say that it is NATURAL for me to care about you, did you forget that i make you "partner" in our programme? Sure, i CARE about what is happening with you. It IS natural.. Bolje mi je da kažem da je prirodno za mene da brinem o vama , da li ste zaboravili da ja vas "partner " u našem programu? Naravno, brinem o tome šta se dešava sa tobom. To je prirodno .. RAZUMES?
CS> Subject: CS-R2 Re: CS 13221 (Ue Bmm?)
I dont want to go into the "thread" again but I feel less inclined now to open my birthday party to people I dont know. and theer are people who probably will attend that I honestly wouldnt go out of my way to "please" in MNE, but as the UE event is gonna be open to "anyone" that could be combined with BMM , if u/they want to add it as "option" ?
artu wrote:
>Milano was fun. too many people at the party, but still fun.
>Ye, I've noticed your meeting for the UE weekend and have subscribed as maybe. If I'll be here that weekend, I'd definitely join.
>As for the BMM, is your offer still valid meaning shall we have it as an option when I set up the poll? I got lost in the thread while I was in MI.
CS> HiY Vesna,
hope u enjoyed Milano.
I did mention that I am supporting an event in UE,
I decided not to react any more to the BMM thread unless someone insults me directly again..
but this is the link (as I did notice u suggested UR as an alternative location for this years spring BMM) cuvaj se!
RESPONSE LINK: http://www.couchsurfing.org/send_message.html?id=M7A85TA&mid=17K4J5HNU&utm_campaign=message&utm_medium=email&utm_source=cs
Chris * (Ursun) >Zdravo Dusica, I am sure u dont understand me, but as it took almost 2 years for us to have any meaningful conversation, I have to persue the situation or "not" I am confident of success if my own energy and enthusiasm is only even partially matched.. i have wasted too much time with wrong ppl , but they taught me not to waste any more..this is my "organisational identity" and if u realyl want o "make a difference, lets get together in the next days, i am sure the Kotor project wont interfere with it, and in fact IMO these things should be integrated, so many times I have seen WASTED energy by people who have good causes but WONT share resources or co-operate,,,its easy for me, I have done it all, but its also a curse. as i know too much :0 ... (yes of course I find you very attractive, they put me in mans body on this mad planet...but thats "another story" ..) i am honest! ... ChRiS
Chris *( Ursun )
http://www.youtube.com/user/MultiMonTV ...
campaigning REdNET v F S G
the creative academy for support and self-supporting life-style ,
- body, mind & SPIRIT..
monty-logic-club.org ...doing it for the kids
confronting and waking up the people..
N.E.P.A.K. for parents and kids in pain...
Only once this season in the Premier League have Liverpool come from behind to win, while when conceding the first goal (which you can say they have essentially already done here) they are W1 D5 L9.
..totally off subject but.. WTF are barca wearing, looks like their sponsors are an ice cream manufacturer, i keep wanting to adjust the colour on my Tv.
.. wouldnt be surprised if the yankers make it our change strip
(if they are still around come summer)
..we wouldnt need floodlights
at Anfield in that kit... LMAO!
hiya kelly from Chris in netherlands..
hiya kelly, nice long name , no question of there being 2 of U , eh ?
ChriS SmiTH> Hiya kelly, could u please come to podgorica and make me look good..? i am showing my kilometres..
so u also had some problems with "friends & enemies" ? ...mind how u go.. take care! ChRiS x
Kelly G> Hi Chris! Come to were? Ahh yes all the time so many two faced people about and you Hun X
Ahh I know we're it is now ha ha! I wish! X
ChriS SmiTH> I live in the balkans ("Monty = Montenegro) .. havent been back since a year.. yeah well, I could bleed all over u with my thousands of stories, but i am sure u have your own.. i keep opening the door to people or extending my hand and getting bitten..but ..WTF , its too easy to give up and stop hoping so i remain what my ex called a "cynical optimist" i know its impossible ..but...
Kelly G>Wow
nice ! What takes you over there? Ahh me too but that's there own
faults not mine ile never change me or the way I am because of them
Nor should you
ChriS SmiTH>ha ha...too late for that.. good for u, the short answer is "missionary work" ..i tell the locals i am a spy.. the long answer would have to be explained over a cup of coffee...or several..
Kelly G> Ha ha! That's funny!!
ChriS SmiTH> so any plans this weekend?
(do you mean its "funny" me being damn obvious in suggesting you join me for a coffe or three next time i am over there?)
Kelly G>Early night tonight work 2nrrw then out and about in Hoylake 2mrrw night to watch some Reanna tribute act, hope she is good as she could kill some good songs! How about you?
ChriS SmiTH > (ok so u ignored the "invitation" wise woman!) ...I am also going to bed soon, (hour later than U m time difference) going to an irish pub 300 kms away to meet a couple & some of their friends who are on the verge of being "trusted" by me..yep I am a "glutton for punishment".. back on monday to continue my undercover activities and progress the cultural revolution local and global..oops too much info..
Kelly G> Irish pub! Are they as good as r Irish pubs over here? That actually have Irish people in? Funny enough one of my best friends who ime out with 2mrrw night is Irish she is Nutts! I always end up with a very very sore head after a night out with her ha ! Hope you have a great night ! And your cover doesn't get blown X
ChriS SmiTH> :) choose yr words carefully, I havent had a "relationship" since i split with a mad dutch woman 3 years ago.. no, they arent but, the lad who runs it is decent sort, and has done a good job on making it "realistic" bringing stuyff over from dublin for the walls, and i gave him a Liverpool v Celtic scarf which he proudly pinned up on one wall too we are planning this charity friendship weekend together.. party, concert , footy etc..for orphan kids benefit...http://www.facebook.com/groups/without.frontiers.ue. ok well without any more response, I will wish you a "goodnight"..if u want your ear bent , I will be over weekend 8-10 march..just in case u havent got anything better on.. .and i hope the reanna do goes well.. (might be nice to exchange stories..) and of course u are invited here..for a cheap holiday if u ever ...i 'd be pleased to show you this place..its breathtaking..and fun , if u know where and what..
UE " In Wires and WITHOUT frontiers" = friendship weekend @ UE
the first UE "Balkan & Global friendship event" to bring people together , welcome, exchange, grill, party, with Fun , music , dance & footy tournament ; for kids charity and especially to overcome
ChriS SmiTH> Goodnight Kelly! x
Kelly G> Well sounds like a lot of fun ! Enjoy your weekend! Thanks so much Chris nice chatting to you ! And you never no I might take u up on that offer !! goodnight Hun xx
ChriS SmiTH> keep in touch, i enjoyed it too.. sweet dreams! x

(Mc5 U tube) ; REdBEL-CAMPAIGN5 ;
greetings from REdNET
; ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041 )
and OUR CLUB, https://www.facebook.com/groups/CS.LbIrD.OURCLUB ,we support and invite you to join as guest of this event...
some clips from the "group games @ the last footy, fun & international friendship meeting
http://www.mypod-net.org/MyCLUB.html ; Zwolle 09 ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-_eLxJM4_c
..so I am Campaigning...
& a little complaining..too
Today after waiting THREE weeks and KEEPING my calendar free, refusing visitors so I could Host & support a "friend in Need" she (who should be mt "soul-mate" decided to blame me for
"pushing her" and now "bl;ocked me" because i corected her mis-understanding
towards the end of January we went for a beautiful walk in the park, and the feeling I had with her during a similar wonderful afternoon in Prizren, came back to me, and we agreed that she would visit me ...
the reason for writing this is so I can ensure I dont get swamped by the negative reaction..and to clarify that it is GOOD to CARE for another person... ..
Those you call "friends" are NOT.... if they dont care about you, and you dont care about them.. they are just casual aquaintances ..because they wont be there when you NEED support, but I will , until...I leave this planet..
to damage THREE weeks of my life, which is LIMITED is more than a shame - it is destructive,and "DaX" you must take the blame and wake up to responsibility...do you UNDERSTAND ME???
..diary ... which probably no-one will....
13227 20:00
![]() |
4 "girls" in a special "Caffe" YOU dont know which is "DaX" |
? you wasted 3 weeks of my life, break promise & then ....blame me! hmmmmm .. u need MY help..!
dragi Kris , moji prijatelji mi ne postavljalju uslove, ne postavljaju obaveze, moji prijatelji me prihvataju onakvu kakava jesam...neorganizovana...ako zelis da budes moj prijatelj onda izbegavaj reci kao sto je 'bimbo' zatim 'whor of sistem' ....please...moji prijatelji i ja nemamo takvu potrebu da dnevno saljemo jedni drugima 5 poruka...ako zelis biti moj prijatelj, onda me pusti...ne stvaraj obavezu od naseg prijateljstva, molim te
A) you dont take time to UNDERstand - you answer within one minute stuff that I take time and RESPECT for you, to write, i said you are NOT a "bimbo" ...!!! so dont pretend!
B) the "poem" I wrote was not directed at YOU, but at all people...
"disorganised" is NO excuse to be careless, NOT to care, dont say people are "friends" ..because they are NOT.
if you dont care about the consequence on them of your actions..
a friend "CARES" (both ways)
I made a programme for you & us, and you ignored and served yourselF!
(like in Prizren)
I am more than a friend than all of those others because I dont say what YOU WANT me to say!
(you were OUT of contact 8/9 days, I was worried..because of what i KNOW about you , that you forget!)
blame me if it helps you, but i KNOW it does not...
Dobar Dan
ica, the Balkan people exclude the best chances on this planet in proving "independence". Dont be "cold" to feelings of another or when I care about you, react by "escape" or seek new excuses to break promises & agreements. When you and the Balkan people learn to build respect, local and global then, and only then will you be TRULY happy ...when you seek "short cuts" you exlude yourself from beautiful projects & chances we could share..
- Karma will react to your next choices ; to be just another of the "cool clique" and stay on the dark side or.. be a HUMAN BEing..all you need is a bit of faith and understanding , and me.. :) ChRiS
if u decide to visit your parents between 1-6 march, I GO from Bg on 7th march, and you have a "another chance" to share with me IF I return on 17th march (via Bg).. if u care...to contact me
I will continue on your private mail. if u dont block me..:)
Ja c´u nastaviti na privatnom poštom. ako me ne blokira .. :)

Sanja R.
Chris ( Ursun )
i am here... would be great if u "participated too"... hope u had a great birthday cu in Pg...
am back in Pg, gig tomorrow?, or when is good to share a "belated birthday rakija"
CS> Dusko, "we" dont include all people so, Nin, speak for yourself! because SOME of us seeand CARE about both sides, but maintain our course accordingly..because we believe in a local & GLOBAL..vision..
Chris ( Ursun) i know if "DaX" is confused by U?
i travel OUT via Bg on 7th march if u want to have a discussion ..?
Dusko P> sure, if I can make it. I have work and physical therapy on Thursdays, so I'm a bit short on time.
what time are you in Belgrade?
Chris ( Ursun ) look Dusko, i plan my time, so I need to know , if u want to meet me, or not..(u previosuly said u wnated to understand my reasons) i can be there in the evening and I leave @ 03h to catch a flight so u tell me when is convenient to you, because i can easy organise myself. but if u agree please dont change your mind/plan later.. if there is a chance you will let me down better you say "NO" now..
Dusko> I do, just wanted you to know I'm not free during the day. I'm free after 18:30, so we could meet anytime after that and I'm not interested in your reasons, I'm sure they're ok, I'm interested in your plan/process. not because of Danica, but because I think I could learn something and I don't get the comment on the photo "i know if "DaX" is confused by U?"
CS> I can meet you at around 19h - I will check the bus arrival times.. and confirm in the next days.. cool, see you next week not "cool" but cu next thursday! .
CS> Hya,(Pau)
I was expecting a visitor at this time, so i had other plans today, and as i am not always online its difficult if you change the e.t.a. in Pg. if u arrive daytiime i will try to help but there should also be the podgorica CSerS meeting @ "Berlin" caffe in Njegoseva (street) every wednesday so someone shd be able to help u..CS
ChriS SmiTH> ok mate, never mind, i'll go haunt be quick!
Hugo Staman>ahah GL! what is the plan to do in zwolle?
Vincent VdH>I'll be around
ChriS SmiTH> Hiya Vincent can u give me yr mobile number,
i wll let u know my "e.t.a" probably 15th/15th march...
Vincent VdH>177292, still the same
ChriS SmiTH> tx!
mine + 14427
I am occupied with this ..(amongst other things...) REdNETChriS SmiTH
...... is anyone i know still in Zwolle? anyone still at your old apartment? i will come to Zwolle next month
Chris ( Ursun )> Hiya Djordje , are u in Bg night of 7/8th March, (i got to GB!)
sun is shining ; Bob (to the rescue..) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urBbHrJnSmE
ChriS SmiTH> i am even more concerned, by your actions (or lack of application) in the last 3 weeks, little or confusing & careless information makes me very sad, and that sends me the image that you dont want to know if i am sad if i live or am dead, the Danica i believe you are & can be is not the person that acts without care, you can be much, much more!
Ja sam još zainteresovanih, od vaših postupaka ( ili nedostatak primene ) u poslednje 3 nedelje , malo ili zbunjujuc´e i neoprezna informacija stvara me veoma tužno, i da mi pošalje sliku koju dont želite da znate da li sam tužan , ako ja živim ili sam mrtav,Danica i verujem da su i mogu biti nijeosoba koja deluje bez brige , možete biti mnogo , mnogo više!
ChriS SmiTH>
Bob Marley Reggae Fever Rastavibe13 Sun is shining, the weather is sweet Make you want to move your dancing feet To the rescue, here I am Want you to know ya...
ChriS SmiTH> cant you understand!
Dusica Vug
delic ; I can read between the lines, but you are exaggerating... I had my obligations and family matters, you have to appriciate that! And I'm ill last few days, even though I have charity events for this weekend...
Anyway I love Benson, tnx...

ChriS SmiTH>
no i am NOT "exagerating" Dusica, you dont know me ,,yet
I say what I mean and i mean what i say (or write..) get well soon.. u know i can cure u..
ChriS SmiTH> ladies,
please SAY what you mean, &...
MEAN what you say
keep your promises, if a friend of mine you wish to STAY?
Honest communication is the ONLY way
.. cuvaj se!! x
.. still "campaigning" , still breathing.. and....
in "the mood" to ....do everything..
January 27 10:06am
Renata S> from your short answer I wonder if I said something to make you feel „uncomfortable"
January 27
Chris (Ursun )
its ok, just on the move and be happy to meet u when i am there..
Hiya, only 2 weeks and i am in "V"..
ChriS SmiTH> ok so u have no reply, i will stay at Ue with Ivan another day and reurn tomorrow night to Pg, if u care perhaps you should read all the things i sent u during the time u were "unavailable"
Just keep breathing.. til the SuB(SUN) comes up again (castaway, Hanks) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaA_fSYfmTQ
Chris ( Ursun )
its also is a negative sign that she is with wrong ppl & dont respect MY limited time on this planet..
so, this afternoon, in 5 minutes,
we had more "conversation" than in the last 2 weeks..
if you dont understand why i am "UNeasy" - i have to smile in "irony"...
a) I felt that we had a GOOD basis of understanding when we were together in Bg
(4 weeks ago)
b) we agreed you would visit me "after your birthday" (estimated 5/6th february)
c) TWO weeks ago you said you had to visit your parents 13th-20/21 february
d) you told me that you would Only contact me via FB..
e) in between you were out of contact for 8/9 days!
f) because of no contact I asked Vera & Djordje about you, and was told you were NOT at your parents.
i WAS CONCERNED....(as I recall your distress, and our deep discussions in Bg)
G) you had PROMISED to be with me in Pg from 20/21 or LATEST from 25th February
H) we agreed to make a "training programme" ; fitness and projects together (see below)

J) the first contact from you after NINE days was a ONE LINE message that seemed "angry"
K) NOW you say you must spend from now until 1 march "moving" (7 days!!)
- I dont know where you move to, or why!
- I dont know who you move with, Branko?
- it seems a lot of time - considering you showed me you have ONE suitcase to pack..
L) you also mention your family problems again..
M) you say we have "lots of time"
- but I told you I travel abroad on 7th march (from Bg airport)
would you be easy, if i told YOU these things , in reverse?
sure we come from different cultures, but you are NOT a "bimbo"
I suggested meeting in UE this weekend because its nearer to your family
and half way from Bg to Pg..
so, do you come between 1-6 march? what do YOU propose??
"CS-DaX training Programme"
Body-mind-Spirit training (to strengthen you whilst learning self support)
english-serbia langauge exchange
discuss monty-logic-club.org plans
plan N.E.P.A.K co-operation with womens movement/homeless kids/REd NOSE days
- plan charity & concerts & etc
- Campaign photos (mYtEX)
- explain MonTV/OUR CLUB & creative academy
- plan VirPazar/Ue meetings

best wishes Sanja R
all the best
I hope u go far..
the best singer in a monty bar
enjoy yr day
..and we'll share a Rak I ja.. :)
contact???? http://www.anfieldfm.com/news/
a poem for "today" .. "y-our way?"
cant YOu find a way
to exist without selling y-our soul?
is money or power the only reason
that you are as blind as a mole?
cant you see what life should be?
caring for the kids, for you, for me?
I try not to hate your ignorance
& ruin this planet with your selfish stance
dont make me angry with you
that brings nothing but pain
make this a better day.
and tomorrow, in every way, a gain
dont be a whore for the system
please value your soul
make caring a reason to live
make honesty more than a goal
I have lost too many
so i hold on to the few
and hope you all learn a better way
look in the mirror, long & hard, find a better you..
ChriS SmiTH>Dani., if you are indeed "ok" why dont u respond properly to my messages on FB, ? u told me FB was the only way u can communicate, but then YOU didnt use it.. we had an agreement, i ask u to foicus on the 97% ..PLEASE dont let THREE percent ruin this big CHANCE .. we will do a lot of GOOD things together which helps a lot of kids , will help YOU ... and me too.. i only contacted people you know because I was worried by your lack of communication... RAZUMEM..? i hope u come to Ue, or Pg monday..vidimo se! ChRiS
ICA! I await your promised arrival by LATEST 25 th February..
& shall go to Ue on saturday and stay until sunday
with Ivan @ "The Dubliner"
( the pub address is
M.M. Magazinovic 31 )
Do you know ?
- if you meet me @ Uzice saturday or sunday (and I can bring you back with me to Pg)
do you come directly on Monday (25th February) to Podgorica.. ?
cuvaj se"

This weekend I will be able to come because they expected me change the flat. Moving can be done by 1 Marta.Zbog that all plans are canceled. I just do not depend on me. but it will be time for all, take it easy
CS> ??? u will be able or NOt able??
i dont understand U, tomorrow & sunday I am in UE then back in Pg monday!!

Zato sto se selim, krecim stan i do utorka moram preci u novi stan
danas je petak i ceo vikend je u selidbi
iz tog razloga ne mogu ici nigde ovaj vikend
well I have kept my calendar clear for our programme etc since 2 weeks, so...
i would have been happy if you had taken a little time to send me occasional messages in the last 2 weeks but you chose to ignore me..so i am not feeling "easy".. so what do you propose next?
moram zavrsiti stvari koje su mi prece, a to je novi stan
nisam imala vremena jer sam u guzvi
ali ne vidim zasto je sad to toliki problem jer je svejedno tek mart
is that a reason for not respecting MY time? that I kept free for you, you first said you woudl come after your birthday and then you said by LATEST 25th February..if you had considered my feelings , just to say something , i did not need to ask your sister, djordje etc to find out ... its takes less than 1 minute so send me a message via FB.. so you had not ONE minute during 8 days... ok if thats the truth.. what do you propiose next, will come because I dont have limitless time, I tried to explain many times.. and I travel abroad on 7th march...
its no use to discuss what has been done or not done , what do you propose? after 1 march??
I can "host you" beween 1-6 march,
i have a special programme ready for you ..which we discussed when we were together in Bg..
can you imagine how it feels? for me , waiting for contact from you, and my "instinct" was screaming at me.. time running by.. i told you that we can do many things.. but you are not on phone so the ONLY contact was via FB, but i got no "news" ..that made me feel sick, because i thought maybe you had serious problems with your family or ...(something else) .. i dont need much, just a few words..
i have value too!
Dani> Zato sto se selim , krecim stan radim utorka moram Preci u NOVI STAN
Danas je petak i ceo vikend je u selidbi
Tog iz razloga Ne mogu ici nigde Ovaj vikend
moram zavrsiti stvari Koje su mi prece ,da je novi stan
nisam Imala vremena Jer sam u guzvi
Ali ne vidim zasto je toliki problem tužno JER JE TEK svejedno mart
moram zavrsiti stvari Koje su mi prece ,da je novi stan
nisam Imala vremena Jer sam u guzvi
Ali ne vidim zasto je toliki problem tužno JER JE TEK svejedno Martu
CS> je da jerazlog za ne poštuje moje vreme? da bude slobodan za vas, prvo je rekao da voudl došao nakon rodendana , a onda ste rekli najnovijim 25. februara .. ako je smatrao svojim osec´anjima , samo da kažem nešto , nisam imao potrebe da pitam sestru , Ðorde itd do saznajte ... svojim traje manje od 1 minut , tako da mi pošalje poruku preko FB .. tako ste imali ni jedan minut u toku 8 dana ... ok ako taj istinu .. šta ti propiose sledec´i c´e doc´i, jer ja dont imati neogranicen vremena , pokušao sam da objasnim mnogo puta .. i ja putuju u inostranstvo na 7. marta ...
njegova upotreba ne bi razgovarali o tome šta je uradeno ili nije uradeno, šta ti predlažeš? posle 1. marta ?
Ja mogu da " te prime " beveen 1-6 marš ,
Imam poseban program spreman za vas .. što smo pricali kada smo zajedno bili u Bg ..

Imam vrednost previše!
tako . c´eš doc´i izmedu 1-6 mart ?
Dani> Bilo je problema, jos nisu svi reseni, deda je pred smrt pa je to malo ublazilo ljutnju mojih roditelja na mene...ja sam pokazala da manje pijem iako mi se opet desava da pogresim...mogu da razumem ako si ljut, ali jos uvek nije kasno...pocetkom marta cu doci do Pg...idem sad da krecim vec kasnim....cujemo se kasnije...
CS> Please Dont ... recite mi o svojoj porodici, ja sam bio saosec´ajan, i cekali .. mogli ste tamo otišli ??prošle nedelje .. Ovde sam 1-6 marta, njena šansa tvoj .. da dodu ovde?, onda idite na ior porodicu posle Pg .. Jer ja ne mogu da promenim svoje putovanje, njegova sve u potpunosti rezervisana! .. a ako uzmete ozbiljno ovu ponudu, moramo više od 2 dana ..
i wont be online much after today until monday.. i will be in UE saturday & sunday
Dusko P>you've done what you could, the rest is up to her. relax for a day

very true. thanks for this, it's a nice reminder
Chris ( Ursun )
its to remind me too ..especially when someone i care about breaks promises again today.. have a good weekend!
Dobar Da'
there is a saying ; "no good turn goes unpunished" (in other words it seems
every time I extend my hand in humanity here, it gets bitten...)
ChriS SmiTH
Lacu Noc!

ChriS SmiTH
Do you know ?
- if you meet me @ Uzice saturday or sunday (and I can bring you back with me to Pg)
do you come directly on Monday (25th February) to Podgorica.. ?

Djordje L.
anyway I go to UE on saturday until sunday and back in Pg monday..
Djordje L>
Chris, i honestly think she doesn't want to call u. If u two had an aggreement, she could have foud the way to tell u how the things are. At this point, she knows u re woried...at least what she can do is to send u a fb message.
I would stpo trying if i were u, and wait for that message. If the message doesnt come, u shoud not care about it.
Bottom line, she is totally fine, and u have no reason to wory.

Chris ( Ursun )
the problem is that without revealing private information, that she trusted me with, i KNOW that she IS in trouble.. , .. its no good FOR MY position (not your problem) to later say what she "should have done"..u are there, i am here, , i know full well that any "force" will probably push her deeper into problems..
she is obviously also reacting against her parents attempts .. i know is that i am able to help her help herself, ..Bg is great for "nights out" but not the place / lifestyle she needs , right now
...I am the "Alien" here.. and the "training methods" i can use will challenge her...that is the sort of "force" she requires..too many will tell her only what she wants to hear...
. but its noting that I can even attempt to explain to you or her, at a distance, I have to just "do it" with and for her...i HOPE she fulfills her promise to me that she will come here..as planned and agreed between us and at least "test" ...what we can do .. because "keeping GOOD faith with promises made" is part of building strength of character.. even though far too many people fail in that basic responsibility...
thanks anyway, Djordje , but i DO HONESTLY have good reason to worry...cuvaj se!
![]() |
..Sunset on the Celts landscape..symbolic of the situation.. |
Dusko P> she is in trouble, she is down, I get that, she told me as much herself.
the only other thing I can get out is that by "more dangerous other hands that promise to help" you mean me and you don't like it. if that's the case just say it, there's no need for metaphors and games
if not, then I'm out of ideas
Chris ( Ursun )

so that i can help her pull herself up...and I will IF she lets me.. she should be with me in Pg next week..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
p.s. she didnt leave Bg, according to her sister, she didnt go
Chris (Ursun )
anyway saturday & sunday I am @ Ue and I offered Dani. the chance to meet me there (half way) so I can take he with me to Pg, or i will return to PG monday (as that was the "latest day" she shd join me there..) ..today i am feeling low on energy, i am NEVER "sick" - i prefer to be active, i am at my best when i can use my energy positively, and this lack of communication, hurts,,, " c'est la vie! c'est la guerre.." cuvaj se!

I don't know what you want me to do. I can't and won't talk her into doing anything she doesn't want to do, that's not what I do. I don't tell people what to do, I help them figure it out for themselves. anyway, she still has to call, we'll see then
Chris ( Ursun )>
well I have explained, enough, .. its no good later on, saying what we or she "should have done"..u are there, i am here, and I dont know what u have said to her or advised to her, i know full well that any "force" will probably push her deeper into the "whirlpool"
as she is obviously also reacting against her parents attempts .. i know is that i am able to help her help herself, ..Bg is great for "nights out" but not the place / lifestyle she needs , right now...I am the "Alien" here.. and the "methods" i use will challenge her...that is the sort of "force" she requires..too many will tell her what she wants to hear...

.. because "keeping GOOD faith with promises made" is part of building strength of character.. even thoughfar too many people fail in that basic responsibility...
what should u do??..u should do what is right & good..!
Evita T>I don't know yet, I wish I would be there! nice day to u Chris:)
ChriS SmiTH> well if u can afford the travel, the rest will cost "nothing" as i would like u to be guest!
Evita T> thank u for invitation, really I do appreciate it...but some things must be settled down,so I can,t make any clear plans as yet.good day to u!!!:)
ChriS SmiTH> thanks , take care! ..keep in touch if u want ..? to discuss "those things" ...

Stevie wonder dedicated to John Henry..
; you haven't done a thing..?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjs_sHwMj-0 @ f-way..utube
or (Mc5 U tube) ; REdBEL-CAMPAIGN5 ;
...without sound..http://youtu.be/7Bp4iTU_BsM (PAIGN1mute.wmv )
Campaign Video (muted as soundtrack blocked, even though wasnt copyright material,,)
..."first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, (or block yr communications & campaign) ;) ...then WE WIN" (to paraphrase Ghandi,
a little man who brought down an empire much bigger than "them"..) :)
thanks to Global REdS.. dont complain CAMPAIGN
"Because we can"
(bon jovi) the lyrics fit....my mood..so does the weather ;)

13220> 02:40
Dani> Dear Chris please do not push me. If you do not call back a few days does not mean end of the world. And please do not involve other people in our conversation. I would be grateful.
ChriS SmiTH> I had no contact from you since 8 days, normally you contact me every couple of days. I am not "pushing" i juts care what is happening..its normal in my culture ======================
It is very difficult without any news, concerning travel arrangements.. please contact me..
I am concerned that I havent had any news from you,
i delayed the programme 10 days as we agreed , and await your promised arrival by LATEST 25 th February..
I shall go to Ue on saturday and stay until sunday

"The Dubliner"
( the pub address is
M.M. Magazinovic 31 )
(his girlfriend is Tijana)
Ivan ; Tel. 0605 331 300
Tijana ; Tel. 0604 211 424
SO, its "half way" between Bg & Pg
i can bring you back with me.
Vidimo se @ pub!
ChriS SmiTH> cuvaj se!
pokušajte da razmislite pogled sa moje strane ..
please try to consider the view from my side..

ChriS SmiTH
cuvaj se!
pokušajte da razmislite pogled sa moje strane .. ChRiS
ChriS SmiTH
better for me to say that it is NATURAL for me to care about you, did you forget that i make you "partner" in our programme? Sure, i CARE about what is happening with you. It IS natural.. Bolje mi je da kažem da je prirodno za mene da brinem o vama , da li ste zaboravili da ja vas "partner " u našem programu? Naravno, brinem o tome šta se dešava sa tobom. To je prirodno .. RAZUMES?

CS> Subject: CS-R2 Re: CS 13221 (Ue Bmm?)
I dont want to go into the "thread" again but I feel less inclined now to open my birthday party to people I dont know. and theer are people who probably will attend that I honestly wouldnt go out of my way to "please" in MNE, but as the UE event is gonna be open to "anyone" that could be combined with BMM , if u/they want to add it as "option" ?
artu wrote:
>Milano was fun. too many people at the party, but still fun.
>Ye, I've noticed your meeting for the UE weekend and have subscribed as maybe. If I'll be here that weekend, I'd definitely join.
>As for the BMM, is your offer still valid meaning shall we have it as an option when I set up the poll? I got lost in the thread while I was in MI.
CS> HiY Vesna,
hope u enjoyed Milano.
I did mention that I am supporting an event in UE,
I decided not to react any more to the BMM thread unless someone insults me directly again..
but this is the link (as I did notice u suggested UR as an alternative location for this years spring BMM) cuvaj se!
RESPONSE LINK: http://www.couchsurfing.org/send_message.html?id=M7A85TA&mid=17K4J5HNU&utm_campaign=message&utm_medium=email&utm_source=cs
![]() |
"DaX could be or maybe not..or might be..if she wants to choose the BEST way"
Chris * (Ursun) >Zdravo Dusica, I am sure u dont understand me, but as it took almost 2 years for us to have any meaningful conversation, I have to persue the situation or "not" I am confident of success if my own energy and enthusiasm is only even partially matched.. i have wasted too much time with wrong ppl , but they taught me not to waste any more..this is my "organisational identity" and if u realyl want o "make a difference, lets get together in the next days, i am sure the Kotor project wont interfere with it, and in fact IMO these things should be integrated, so many times I have seen WASTED energy by people who have good causes but WONT share resources or co-operate,,,its easy for me, I have done it all, but its also a curse. as i know too much :0 ... (yes of course I find you very attractive, they put me in mans body on this mad planet...but thats "another story" ..) i am honest! ... ChRiS
Chris *( Ursun )
http://www.youtube.com/user/MultiMonTV ...

the creative academy for support and self-supporting life-style ,
- body, mind & SPIRIT..
monty-logic-club.org ...doing it for the kids
confronting and waking up the people..
N.E.P.A.K. for parents and kids in pain...
Only once this season in the Premier League have Liverpool come from behind to win, while when conceding the first goal (which you can say they have essentially already done here) they are W1 D5 L9.
..totally off subject but.. WTF are barca wearing, looks like their sponsors are an ice cream manufacturer, i keep wanting to adjust the colour on my Tv.
.. wouldnt be surprised if the yankers make it our change strip
(if they are still around come summer)
..we wouldnt need floodlights
at Anfield in that kit... LMAO!
hiya kelly from Chris in netherlands..
hiya kelly, nice long name , no question of there being 2 of U , eh ?
ChriS SmiTH> Hiya kelly, could u please come to podgorica and make me look good..? i am showing my kilometres..
so u also had some problems with "friends & enemies" ? ...mind how u go.. take care! ChRiS x
Kelly G> Hi Chris! Come to were? Ahh yes all the time so many two faced people about and you Hun X
Ahh I know we're it is now ha ha! I wish! X
ChriS SmiTH> I live in the balkans ("Monty = Montenegro) .. havent been back since a year.. yeah well, I could bleed all over u with my thousands of stories, but i am sure u have your own.. i keep opening the door to people or extending my hand and getting bitten..but ..WTF , its too easy to give up and stop hoping so i remain what my ex called a "cynical optimist" i know its impossible ..but...

Nor should you
ChriS SmiTH>ha ha...too late for that.. good for u, the short answer is "missionary work" ..i tell the locals i am a spy.. the long answer would have to be explained over a cup of coffee...or several..
Kelly G> Ha ha! That's funny!!

(do you mean its "funny" me being damn obvious in suggesting you join me for a coffe or three next time i am over there?)
Kelly G>Early night tonight work 2nrrw then out and about in Hoylake 2mrrw night to watch some Reanna tribute act, hope she is good as she could kill some good songs! How about you?
ChriS SmiTH > (ok so u ignored the "invitation" wise woman!) ...I am also going to bed soon, (hour later than U m time difference) going to an irish pub 300 kms away to meet a couple & some of their friends who are on the verge of being "trusted" by me..yep I am a "glutton for punishment".. back on monday to continue my undercover activities and progress the cultural revolution local and global..oops too much info..
Kelly G> Irish pub! Are they as good as r Irish pubs over here? That actually have Irish people in? Funny enough one of my best friends who ime out with 2mrrw night is Irish she is Nutts! I always end up with a very very sore head after a night out with her ha ! Hope you have a great night ! And your cover doesn't get blown X
ChriS SmiTH> :) choose yr words carefully, I havent had a "relationship" since i split with a mad dutch woman 3 years ago.. no, they arent but, the lad who runs it is decent sort, and has done a good job on making it "realistic" bringing stuyff over from dublin for the walls, and i gave him a Liverpool v Celtic scarf which he proudly pinned up on one wall too we are planning this charity friendship weekend together.. party, concert , footy etc..for orphan kids benefit...http://www.facebook.com/groups/without.frontiers.ue. ok well without any more response, I will wish you a "goodnight"..if u want your ear bent , I will be over weekend 8-10 march..just in case u havent got anything better on.. .and i hope the reanna do goes well.. (might be nice to exchange stories..) and of course u are invited here..for a cheap holiday if u ever ...i 'd be pleased to show you this place..its breathtaking..and fun , if u know where and what..
UE " In Wires and WITHOUT frontiers" = friendship weekend @ UE
the first UE "Balkan & Global friendship event" to bring people together , welcome, exchange, grill, party, with Fun , music , dance & footy tournament ; for kids charity and especially to overcome
ChriS SmiTH> Goodnight Kelly! x
Kelly G> Well sounds like a lot of fun ! Enjoy your weekend! Thanks so much Chris nice chatting to you ! And you never no I might take u up on that offer !! goodnight Hun xx
ChriS SmiTH> keep in touch, i enjoyed it too.. sweet dreams! x

(Mc5 U tube) ; REdBEL-CAMPAIGN5 ;
greetings from REdNET
; ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041 )
and OUR CLUB, https://www.facebook.com/groups/CS.LbIrD.OURCLUB ,we support and invite you to join as guest of this event...
LIVERPOL inch by Inch..some clips from the "group games @ the last footy, fun & international friendship meeting
http://www.mypod-net.org/MyCLUB.html ; Zwolle 09 ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-_eLxJM4_c

Feb 28, 2013
ReplyDeleteLoosen up, experiment with different types of people in new situations. The lesson is in the struggle, not in the victory. You should take time off to relax. Don’t get too excited over your new status, either.
Feb 27, 2013
ReplyDeleteCare for your partner. That is what love is about. Move ahead slowly with your plans. Your health is in excellent shape. Consult professionals about all your money decisions – avoid dealing with finances on your own.
Feb 26, 2013
ReplyDeleteKeep your eyes open. You face a major challenge now, but persist and you will win the admiration of one most important to you. Recharge yourself with a nice vacation. Many things will seem quite different than they are now.
Dear Mr Christopher Smith,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your reply.
Let me inform you that based on what is included in our reservation system only the amount of 1000 RSD has been deducted from your VISA card (ending: 1212) which was due to the price difference caused by the modification of the flight details. Please note that according to our reservation system only this amount was collected from your account on 4 Jan 2013. I hope that this information helps in order to identify the payment.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay posted in SEND OPEN LETTER TO SPIRIT OF SHANKLY
ReplyDeleteFenway. We Come Not To Pay
26 February 16:06
one year ago today...we won our only trophy of the last 6 seasons .. a legend sacked by clueless F S G after being given a "vote of confidence" ..Henry & co are back-stabbers!
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay posted in SEND OPEN LETTER TO SPIRIT OF SHANKLY
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
26 February 15:52
"had bought to their attention." .... BOUGHT fits exactly what the "committee" is , @ Lfc and SoS ... (CS)http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/supporters-committee-latest-10
Supporters' Committee latest
The minutes from the latest Liverpool FC Supporters' Committee meeting are now available to download...
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
ReplyDelete26 February 00:58
SOS reply to me.
Sean, I should clarify the "subjective footballing opinion" point. It was not meant as a criticism ...
Chris East-west Invest Ursun invited you to Fenway. We Come Not To Pay's event:
24 February at 21:35 - 24 June at 00:35 in UTC at Liverpool FC
You got a reply
ReplyDeleteChris and others,
We have actively made our concerns about the direction under FSG very clear previously and despite the initial correspondence from them haven't had anything further from them following our various statements including this - http://www.spiritofshankly.com/news/fsg-we-still-need-direction .
There is an incredible amount of work going on behind the scenes alongside the likes of Supporters Direct that not only cover campaigns such as our recent ticketing campaign, but also aspects of Football Governance and related issues which will help us in ensuring a long term improving relationship between a club and its supporters through legislation and hopefully leading towards our ultimate goal of supporter ownership.
We always try to deal in facts and do not get involved in subjective footballing opinion to ensure that we act in the best interests of the membership. The regular EGMs help us get to understand member's views and e-mails like yours, tweets and facebook messages reinforce a message of concern that members and supporters alike are experiencing of which we are fully aware of.
We can assure you we are ever vigilant on FSG to enable us to gather facts at all opportunities to ensure we can act appropriately. As stated above we will be continuing to work with the likes of Supporters Direct over their work on Football Governance which will help our work and hopefully enable improved supporter involvement in football clubs.
ReplyDeleteOn 21 February 2013 22:46, campaign@ursun.net wrote:
ChriS SmiTH
please check this, take your time, consider it, but please dont "edit" or
send until we all agree, as this is MY feeling about "SoS"
My fellow Reds Supporter, Sean (you tube/Fb site "Fenway, we come not to
PAY") invited me to pen this open letter.
I warned him that I would "pull no punches", because I am perhaps HARDER on
those I expect the most from.
I grew up in a socialist family, and whilst my experiences have taken me
into many experiences,worldwide, the core ethics of Socialism remain with
and especially those stated on the "Spirit of Shankly" website
"The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone
having a share of the rewards. It's the way I see football, the way I see
life." Bill Shankly
F S G embody the EXACT OPPOSITE of these ideals!!
Which is why so many of us are disgusted by the Failure of the UNION to
confront John Henry; "Chairman" Tom Werner, and their F S G employees;
Namely Ian Ayre!
why have "F S G" been given such an "easy ride" by the UNION?
You use the great BILL SHANKLY's name, yet BILL would surely be the first
challenging the "infestors" and leading protests. What are F S G "Good for"?
Information from USA confirms that their financial empire is in freefall -
so their "business acumen" is questionable.
- The "warrior promotion" is a joke.....
- they have no knowledge of footy (it is not "soccer")
- They are "absent" & without experience of running a UK business like Lfc.
We dont want to be their "F(r)ANchise".
- no knowledge or experience of managing a global entity the size of
LIVERPOOL (non american)
- no true understanding of our culture & passions
(the manner of Kenny's removal, the snubbing of Hillsborough memorial)
- they are cash poor (too many "cash promotions" are noted, that we don't
see benefit of?)
- & failed to recognise Steve Clarke's value, (...ignoring the best manager
we had in 20 years ; Rafa; who we love & who arguably deserved to complete
the contract cut short by G & H)
- signed "average" Borini (due to "connections" with the Italian club)
- sanctioned BR bringing his favourite (the "average") Joe Allen
- Other "questionable dealings" ....Dempsey, Carroll, Ince, etc
Whilst, I tend to favour the youth policy installed by Rafa with Kenny and
Rudolfo, the impression that we are now a "selling club" is an opinion
widely spread.
The Supporters worldwide wont accept this situation, and "campaigns" are
already progressing that reflect the opposition we had against "G & H". The
apparent backing of former USA president Bush's campaign and the
continuation of business relations with "standards corrupted" just remind
us that these are not people that WE want in OUR CLUB.
We are the best supporters in the World, we built this club, made it famous
Worldwide, invest our energy, passion and much of our income. People I meet
all around the globe, even those who arent fans, know our reputation.
G & H damaged that and now F S G continue ruining OUR CLUB.
Many of us joined "SoS" in the belief you truly represent local & global
WE are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL, but what are you.."Spirit of
Feb 24, 2013
ReplyDeleteLaughter is the closest distance between two people. Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. Cut back on salt and sugar. You may face some financial losses by the end of the month.
"North America Road Trip all summer? Looking for travel..." and other posts from the Travel Companions Group on Couchsurfing.org
ReplyDelete“ North America Road Trip all summer? Looking for travel companions.
I am in the planning stage of a cross continental journey. Last summer I did a road trip across the united states going from Miami all the way to California and then to Chicago. This summer I’m hoping to do it all over again but visiting the states I missed last year. I have a very early idea of how the itinerary could look, but I’m adaptable and the itinerary could change extensively if we agree on another route, though, I prefer not to visit too many places where I’ve already been. This what I’ve come up with so far; Start of in Anchorage, Alaska, head up to Fairbanks and stop by Denali National Park. From Fairbanks go on the Alaska Highway and then go by ferry through southeastern Alaska and stop by Juneau. Make our way down to Vancouver, BC, enter the U.S. and stop by in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Northern Grand Canyon with Zion National Park, go through Colorado and Nebraska/Kansas and from there go through the southeastern states to the coast and then head up along the coast to new england. Here’s a map, http://goo.gl/maps/gOMbH This is just a suggestion, as a group we’ll have to agree on a route that suits everyone. So starting point could be Anchorage or maybe Vancouver/Seattle, I would really like to go to Alaska but there sure is a lot of road to cover to get to the contiguous united states. End point in Boston or somewhere else in new england or along the east coast. The trip could also go from the east coast and west, if that’s more suitable. I would like to start in early June and end the trip in late August. Personally, I’m hoping to spend time in national parks as well as in cities. I’d like to keep be trip on a low budget, cooking our own food, camping/staying at motels/couchsurfing etc. I’m looking for 3-5 travel companions to travel with. Age or gender doesn’t really matter to me, as long as you’re easy going and we all can get along. We’re going to need a car, buying one would probably be the best option I think. But, as a foreigner it’s not always that easy to buy and register a car in the U.S., I’ve checked and most states require a social security number somewhere along the way, either when buying or when getting an insurance. Does this sound interesting to anyone? Who would like to join me?
Roger Tedblad
8 people posted 13 times Read the full thread
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Feb 23, 2013
ReplyDeleteIf someone says they're in a relationship, married or otherwise unavailable, believe what they say. While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us. You are very stressed out now, slow down. Finally, you will be able to spend more money on entertainments.
action alert!
ReplyDeleteGoogle earns money by going through every word of your private emails in Gmail and targeting you with ads.
ReplyDeleteNatella Kh
Hello! Sorry, I wasn't able to use Internet and didn't see your message. I've just came back home from my trip and will continue working with my site, promotion, etc, asap. Please, don't doubt, I'm really committed, and will come to Monty both for monty-logic and just having good time . Air ticket has been bought, so no way back!
e.t.a. Podgorica?
Dusko P> it is online, anyone who visits your site can see it. the fact that you didn't post it somewhere doesn't make it less online
ReplyDeletesecurity agencies and stuff don't bother me, I am just a dot in their matrix, real people reading what was not meant for them is a whole different story. don't get me wrong, I don't think anything we spoke about is something to hide, I just that private conversations should be kept private
I don't think there's anything between us to clear, to be honest, but if you do I'm ok with meeting and talking
and I'm curious, what do you think I did with Danica?
i dont get u wrong, u are panicking about nothing, the situation between Danica and myself is more important than your ego! .. NO one looks at that site ....unless i send them the link..my other blogs have "subscribers", but not this one....and u havent got a clue what "agencies" do, I do! i used to be in that field..
notwithstanding the commercial agencies that hack FB (and the FB ppl themselves who monitor what they want) and all blogger sites, NOTHING is "private" on the internet, and as I havent told anyone about that link no one is looking at it,
......and...it only mentions "Dusko P> no one who MIGHT see that will know who u are, I think it says much that you aren't concerned with the content, u have no care about how i feel, just mention the "layout" and yourself? as for the rest , i am not going to discuss it on here, its bad enough that Danica mis-understood..(and no one helped to avoid that) i dont need to spend time in more "exchanges" with u about this..if u want to meet then say so, if u dont , dont..
Mar 2, 2013
ReplyDeleteWhether it will be disappointing or exciting for you depends only on your attitude. Maybe you could think about starting your own business? Your wrists are quite vulnerable, so make sure you rest them after work. You should budget and save for the future.
Mar 1, 2013
Give yourself some time and don’t feel guilty if you are uncertain about your own feelings. If you feel your efforts aren’t appreciated as much as they should, you must think about changing your job. Lately, you are sensitive to flu and cough. You make money fast, but spend it faster.
Across Africa, elephants are being slaughtered by poachers in record numbers -- and their tusks hacked off with chainsaws -- to make luxury items, statues and trinkets in Asia. But in days, Thailand will host a key global summit on illegal trade in endangered species, giving us a rare chance to stop this futile massacre.
ReplyDeleteThailand is the world’s largest unregulated ivory market and a top driver of the illegal trade.They’ve been in the hot seat for years, yet so far little has been done to clamp down on their role in the elephant attack. But Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has just announced that she is considering a full ivory ban. That's why we started a global petition on the Avaaz site, to give this campaign the last push it needs to win.
This is the best chance we’ve had in years to have a meaningful victory for Africa’s elephants -- we just need to put people power behind it. Join me now to stop the bloody ivory trade. Sign the urgent petition and share it with everyone:
CS> hello Leon
ReplyDeleteI dont know if u had any communication problems but i didnt get any message since a while...
I am occupied with "campaiging" and organisation of volunteer projects (and my 8 blogs , several Fb groups and websites)
how are you? whats going on @ school , i wanted to visit you in march but the economy airline cancelled the fllights i wanted (from Belgrade)
take care
Love, Dad x
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I believe Luis is sincere, but its sure we cant trust Werner, (remember his "vote of confidence" in Kenny 2 months before forcing our legand out..) we lost Torres because of the previous G & H ...nothing abou F S G should give anyone reason to believe they are anythign but back-stabbers & with Henry's financial empire in meltdown I just hope Luis resists offers because we cant trust Henry or Werner..
ReplyDeleteRead more: Liverpool Echo http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-fc/liverpool-fc-news/2013/03/02/blood-red-why-doubts-still-linger-over-luis-suarez-s-liverpool-fc-future-100252-32908672/#sitelife-commentsWidget-bottom#ixzz2MO2V4ZHz
ChriS SmiTH
u are a prisoner of the darkness Danica, u can say what u want write what u want but we both know the truth.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3GtAnO66o you can try to close the door on me, and make lots of excuses, but i have not given you up!
Honesty Billy Joel
hope is gud ^^
ChriS SmiTH
vi stezatvorenik mraku Danica , možete reći šta želite, pišite šta hoćete, ali oboje znamo istinu .. možete pokušati da zatvori vrata na mene , i da puno izgovora , ali ja vam nisam odustala !
if you insult me , it hurts you as much as me..!
ako me vređaju, da te boli koliko ja ..!
ChriS SmiTH
if u decide to visit your parents between 1-6 march, I GO ABROAD from Bg on 7th march, and you have a "another chance" to share with me IF I return on 17th march (via Bg).. if u care...to contact me
I will continue on your private mail. if u dont block me..
Ja c´u nastaviti na privatnom poštom. ako me ne blokira ..
ChriS SmiTH
Danica , whatever the distance between us..I send commiserations regarding your Grandad..
...there are no words to help at times like this (I know!)
so, I send you a simple Kiss,
your ChRiS x
ChriS SmiTH
Peter Gabriel - I Grieve
Peter Gabriel - I I Grieve
ChriS SmiTH
Dobar DANiCA
I realise is a difficult time,for you and your family but as I am leaving to travel,
...I want you to know that I send you only good wishes,
this is a time for you to reflect also and decide WHY you are angry with me,
when i care SO deeply how you are ..
you dont like being pushed, i dont like being ignored , but you need "pushing" ..a bit.
YES I was angry that you didnt yet keep your promises.
I didn't accept any visitors, since i last saw you , I stayed alone 3 weeks apart from one weekend with ivan & Tijana
in UE, I want to help make you strong.. whilst I have the chance,
and yes I enjoy being with you and the thought of you being here with me makes me feel happy,..
to train, to talk to share stories, hopes, dreams and secrets..and all the things I know..
I know i can support your way into the sunshine..and i am sad now
..because this distance hurts us BOTH!
I also need your help with integration with balkan people, culture, and of course to teach me language
I shall leave via Bg, thursday night/friday morning..and return on 17th march - I can offer US "another chance" from 17th March...
it is up to you if you really think it was "bad " for me to care about you..
or if you take the chance to find out who i am and what we can do..
for each other..and for the kids,,,enjoy it, have fun too, and much more, much much more...
MY time IS limited here, I want you to accept that to give it to you is of great value
...there is only ONE thing greater that I could give you,
Love ChRiS
Mar 3, 2013
ReplyDeleteYour partner will sure ask you for something this month. Stars favor your career plans – promotions, raises, and transfers to other companies. You are advised to closely monitor the health of your stomach. Carefully manage your assets.
to Bilbao & Thess. REdS ; hope u will bring a team to.. OUR supporters CLUB & Global REdS union meeting, ,we support and invite you to join a great REdS friendship meeting.. as guests of this event...(bring a 5-a-side team?)
ReplyDeletehttp://www.facebook.com/groups/without.frontiers.ue for kids benefit..