Dusica Vugdelic
I need time to search everything... Don't know about the next week, this morning I found out that I'm gonna be busy with this female organization from Kotor and have some personal things to finish...we'll be in touch
ChriS SmiTH
sorry Dusica, but "vague" doesnt work for me..i probably travel at the end of next week and I "hoped" we could "push" this momentum from yesterday..otherwise the fire goes OUT>> ?soon (soon to me is "yesterday")ha ha.. I will give my time IF ITS WORTH it, that means I need people who will do the same.. I have humour but I am the most effective organiser you will meet, I can come to Kotor monday or tuesday too..because... if u dont have time now then are U giving up the BIGGER chance already?? Dusica, I say what i mean , and mean what I say, and i know that is not "appreciated" here... but I felt and I hope YOU are "different" from the reaction yesterday.. you dont know me, but U dont have to open (search) those links.. you surely have "instincts" dont you?? my time is the most important thing I can give anyone.. but I know that "free time" isnt valued as much as "paid time" .. .. I am in TOUCH.. even if i seem "crazy"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j0c_MbhIMJ4#! StaR of the story
hmmmmm, but i am coping... <SMILE> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2384ayqnAho ..YES!..really!!! :)
Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart (official video)
I hope you got safely home..
Dusica; The best of valentines day
was to meet you in this way
I could have talked with you all night
but I hope we saw the "light"
Cuvaj se, ChRiS
(I hope to cu- very soon) <smile>
I cant help feeling "hungry" (to talk with you)
not "just" to exchane ideas, but I felt the most
relaxed with anyone I have met here, so far..
and I'd like to invite you to lunch or dinner
..if the reply by sms means just that U are "busy"
this weekend, then I would suggest early next week,
lunch or dinner,
or if it means u prefer not to meet me alone..
I am "aware" of over-loading anyone I meet
(that I confide in...)
..I WARNED you! ha ha..
I have a thousand stories, but I would like to listen to yours..
just a " small selection"...of my "links"
a couple of "fun projects"
http://www.facebook.com/groups/12939825777/ (Crazy EuRED)
"charitable/human rights etc)
& invite to join as guest of this event...
Network..for estranged parents & abused Kids
Medinetz (medical assistance for refugees & "sans papiers" , I co-started)
this is currently the only link, but i c0-founded the original group..
A Video "production" for our Campaign to remove american commercial influence from
our club - unfortunately the sound was "distorted" by said people during upload..
(u probably cant hear the original soundtrack) but u may "get the picture"
some of my EIGHT "b-Logs" ..
Monty-logic ; http://monty-logic.blogspot.com/2013/01/itchy-mountain-day-one-of-our-club.html
(blog for club); monty-logic-club.org
part of my "story"
Now ...http://now2balien.blogspot.com/2012/04/12423-chapter-on-this-crimi-nation-anti.html
am i the "anti-chris"?
lets be fair? ..(didnt catch on...in Monty...)
Football ...etc;
http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/ (SCLOG)
and my personal "bibleS"
..Dusica, NOW do you understand why i have t "restrict" the amount of "info" when i meet someone new.. ?
chrismith academy ; https://www.facebook.com/groups/328039023918513/
skype chrismith.csema
& my personal (music) bibles..
Iris http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8UeeIAJ0a0
Imagine, honesty, freebird..etc..
for your love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KobKmnz31lI
all day & all the night ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k3MP0aC8Jw
mister your a better man than i ??(lyrics) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7Qr2hlsknI
& i love her ; owner of a lonely heart ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2384ayqnAho
Sean (dont do this....its MY way, not yours)
open letter REdnET
Od kada je Eve Ensler pokrenula One Billion Rising kampanju kako bi se stalo na kraj nasilju nad ženama, više puta su je pitali: Je li to plesni ili otvoreno politicki pokret? Protest ili globalno slavlje? Dvije ne]elje prije 14. februara koji je Ensler, aktivistkinja i autorica Vagininih monologa, odredila kao datum kampanje kaže: "Nikada nisam vidjela ništa slicno u mom životu. To je nešto što je premašilo klasu, društvene skupine i religiju. To je veliki feministicki tsunami."
Jedna od tri žene širom svijeta su izložene nasilju u nekom trenutku u njihovom životu što cini skoro 70% žena koje dožive nasilje koje obuhvaca zlostavljanje, grupno silovanje, sakacenje ženskih genitalija i rat. Prema podatcima Svjetske banke, žene u dobi od 15 do 44 godina više su u opasnosti od silovanja i porodi;nog nasilja nego od raka, saobra'ajnih nesreca, rata i malarije.
Neravnopravnost polova u mnogim oblicima je prijetnja prosperitetu, koheziji i stabilnosti u državi recesiji i razvoju. Nejednakost polova je moralno pogrešno, loše za ekonomiju i posao. Ni jedna zemlja na svijetu to ne bi smjela ignorisati, najviše tržišta u razvoju. Oni su poprište necuvenih primjera nasilja i zlostavljanja žena koja odbacuju i potkopavaju ženski talent i time vlastitu ekonomiju i politicke situaciju.
Stoga ne cudi da se kampanja, uz pomoc društvenih mreža i grassroots feministickih organizacija, proširila globalno u 190 zemalja u kojima se manifestacija sprovodi na Valentinovo kako bi se simbolicno ideja ljubavi oduzela komercijalnim interesima. Pridružilo joj se više od 15.000 organizacija i pojedinaca, medu njima clanovi vlada i parlamenata, te ugledne javne osobe.
Kamla Bhasin, feministicka borkinja, kaže da svaka zemlja ima drugaciji pristup obilježavanju kampanje, od nevjerovatnog masovnog pokreta u Bangladešu do Afganistana gdje nece biti plesa i pjevanja, ali ljudi još uvijek žele reci dosta je bilo.
Organizatorice kampanje vec se pitaju što ce se dogoditi nakon V-daya. "Ples ce biti nevjerovatan, ali važno je da nasilje nad ženama ostane na celu dnevnog reda", kaže Ensler. "To nikada više nece biti marginalizirana tema. U ovom trenutku, stvarno osjecam da je to pokret s vlastitim životom."
U Crnoj Gori, kampanja Milijarda ustaje, u organizaciji Sigurne ženske kuce, ženskih organizacija civilnog društva Crne Gore, Skupštinskog odbora za ravnopravnost polova i UNDP CG te brojnih osoba iz kulturne javnosti, održat ce se u Podgorici 14. Februara na Trgu Republike, od 14 - 16 sati.
Since it was launched by Eve Ensler One Billion Rising campaign to put an end to violence against women, many times they asked: Is this mold or overtly political movement? Protest or global celebration? Two no] interface before 14 February which Ensler, activist and author of The Vagina Monologues, defined as the date of the campaign said: "I've never seen anything like it in my life. This is something that exceeded the class, social group and religion. feminist That's a big tsunami."
One in three women worldwide are subjected to violence at some point in their life, which is almost 70% of women who experience violence includes assault, gang rape, female genital mutilation and war. According to data from the World Bank, women aged 15 to 44 years are more at risk from rape and family, domestic violence than from cancer, saobra'ajnih accidents, war and malaria.
Gender inequality in many forms is a threat to prosperity, cohesion and stability in recession and growth. Gender inequality is morally wrong, bad for the economy and jobs. No country in the world that should not be ignored, most emerging markets. They are the site of egregious examples of violence and abuse of women who reject and undermine women's talent and thus their economies and political situation.
It is therefore not surprising that the campaign, with the help of social networks and grassroots feminist organizations, spread globally in 190 countries in which the event is conducted on Valentine's Day to symbolically took the idea of love commercial interests. She was accompanied by more than 15,000 organizations and individuals, among them members of government and parliament, and prominent public figures.
Kamla Bhasin, feminist fighters, said that every country has a different approach to the celebration of the campaign, the immense mass movement in Bangladesh to Afghanistan, where there will be dancing and singing, but people still want to say enough is enough.
Campaign organizers are already wondering what will happen after V-Day. "The dance will be amazing, but it is important that violence against women remain at the forefront of the agenda," says Ensler. "It will never again be marginalized subjects. At this point, I really feel that this is a movement with its own life."
In Montenegro, the campaign Billion rises, organized safe house for women, women's organizations of the civil society in Montenegro, the Parliamentary Committee for Gender Equality and the UNDP Montenegro and many people from the audience, will be held in Podgorica 14th February at the Square of the Republic, from 14 - 16 hours.

ChriS SmiTH
"I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
Leavin' me lonely still
Did you ever read about a frog who dreamed of being a king?
And then became one
Well, except for the names and a few other changes
If you talk about me, the story's the same one
But I got an emptiness deep inside
And I've tried but it won't let me go
And I'm not a man who likes to swear
But I've never cared for the sound of being alone
I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
I am, I said
I am, I cried
I am..."
ChriS SmiTH
too many dont have a clue, the consequences of modern "ppl" knowing more about sex than love is a mechanical robotic society without care.. communication, ? on "valentines day" ..like everything the SPIRIT is forgotten in the commerce & technology, who cares...I care, but do you?
is it "ok" for a woman to be "happy" for herself, but not to care about the other?
To paraphrase a well known poem ..about modern woman..
"Oh but life is a funny thing
and yet, is hard to beat..
every WOMAN has a THORN
and yet they seem so sweet
...Roses are RED
violets are blue
have I got alsheimers?
....CHEESE on toast!"
Roses are RED..
Violets are blue.
I am schizophrenic
..and so am I"
(keeping the humour to cover the thorn...)
Nathalie Abu Kheit We can end world hunger with the money spent on Valentine's day gifts
Aaron Irvine >But there'd be so many pissed off women, WW3 would break out & the entire male population would be wiped out!
Nathalie Abu Kheit> ahahaha so silly some ppl aaron
Sharif Abukhait> Yes Nathalie , that's right ... so let's say : Long live true love .. & down with false valentine's love !!!
Nathalie Abu Kheit> wise as ever :))
ChriS SmiTH > we can also end it by stopping production of weapons.
or fair distribution of resources or any sort of intelligent society
Nathalie Abu Kheit Chris... Too many ways to end it
ChriS SmiTH take care Natha! x
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
hvala, Vera, thank you very much, I hope she is safe..
u got my sms?
Vera Stancic
yes, i got, don't wory
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Hvala, i always "worry" (care) dont worry, it only my mentality..
Vera Stancic
worry? with duble rr??? ok, thanks..... mentality? ooooooh, u must come in Bosnia, u can see most relaxed people :)))))
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
i am who i am .. and true to me or U!
and i care deeply what happens to your sister..cuvaj se!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
I dont know where Danica is, but i am still here, in Podgorica :0
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ChRiS> To paraphrase a well known poem ..about modern woman..
"Oh but life is a funny thing
and yet, is hard to beat..
every WOMAN has a THORN
and yet they seem so sweet
...Roses are RED
violets are blue
have I got alsheimers?
....CHEESE on toast!"
Roses are RED..
Violets are blue.
I am schizophrenic
..and so am I"
c´ete rizikovati pic´e i da ga pogledam u oci .. na Dan zaljubljenih ?
will you risk a drink and to look in my eyes.. on valentines day?
I am not very handsome, that you can see
I am not very rich, no yacht on the sea,
not very tall, monty people are taller than me,
but my heart is as big as a mountain, I hope you will agree
to be... MY valentine..
To paraphrase a well known poem ..about modern woman..
"Oh but life is a funny thing
and yet, is hard to beat..
every WOMAN has a THORN
and yet they seem so sweet
...Roses are RED
violets are blue
have I got alsheimers?
....CHEESE on toast!"
Roses are RED..
Violets are blue.
I am schizophrenic
..and so am I"
Hope U enjoy your special day, and greetings from REdNET
; ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041 )
and OUR CLUB, https://www.facebook.com/groups/CS.LbIrD.OURCLUB ,we support and invite you to join as guest of this event...
Dobar DAN I CA ....
I suppose you wont like this...
ha ha but dont hate
I only miss you a lot,
and want to make you SMILE.
my strange SOUL-mate,
I am not very handsome, that you can see
I am not very rich, no yacht on the sea,
not very tall, monty people are taller than me, ;)
but my heart is as big as a mountain,
and cant wait to see you again,
I hope you will agree
to be...
MY valentine..
<SMILE> (molim!)
ChriS SmiTH
hello DaniCA, i worry, so it would be nice to know that u arrrived safe and that U are "ok" even if situation there is difficult.. good luck , ChRiS
ChriS SmiTH
Laku Noc!
ChriS SmiTH
x I hope u are safe and well, sweet dreams x goodnight!
hello DaniCA, i worry, so it would be nice to know that u arrrived safe and that U are "ok" even if situation there is difficult.. good luck , ChRiS
it seems my FB make be "blocked" soon, so i will phone via Vera..
last scene reminds me of YOU! :) ..
"entrapment" .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAfcWIRdINE
=======Dobar Dan Vera, I cant get online at the moment,
hope Dani. arrived safe, I dont want to disturb yr family,
please give her my address (in case of contact problems)
; Pg; "Toloshi" Blaya-Raickevica(elastica)55, molim.
Cuvaj se, ChRiS (i will try again another time)
Zdravo Vera, "Rasho" (Lfc Fan in Novi Sad) is a friend of yours? I know him from a meeting/weekend in Kotor and some fans meeting in NS, ...
MonDusko Petrovic left the conversation.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
I had contact with Vera, hvala, but communications are difficult , and often blocked , or connections bad, and of course Dani. still has phone problems too, if you contact her, please tell her that I dont want to disturb her at her family home where I know she had to deal with difficulties, so could someone message me or sms with a time I can call..molim..its frustrating.. ChRiS
I was joking, feel free to call...see you on thursday, I'll sms you when we arrive
Yes, I remember your sense of humor :))
see you!
............. Naravno! ..
May 8, 2011
Hiya Dusica
so U are a colleague of Zoran?
May 11, 2011
I don't know which Zoran...
May 21, 2011
With that Zoran-yes
But we do not know each other very well...
May 22, 2011
I would like to invite you tonight to a "Birthday drink" at Nags Head ("ragina glava" ) pub , Pg ?
First let me tell you HAPPY B-DAY )))) Wishing you all (and only) the best in this year!
Thanks for the invitation but I'm in Budva so some other time...
May 23, 2011
yes hopefully, tx
Hiya Dusica.,
I am not very handsome, that u can see
not very rich, no yacht on the sea,
not very tall, Monty people are taller than me.
but MY HEART is as big as a mountain, i hope you agree..
ha ha ha BE "My Valentine" x
We've met once, if you remember
Bit you are IRISH, YES! :))))))))))))))
something similar.. Celts!
Kako si?
Even better! Nisam lose, ti?
I mean i KNOW that you are not "bad" well, I HOPE you are not too bad...
but ...I asked a question, you have 24 hours to answer , no pressure!
In fact on my birthday I invited you for a drink.. (may 2011!!) and you replied "some other time" .. well its "some other time" on thursday?
my langauge is bad..but.. c´ete rizikovati pic´e i da ga pogledam u oci .. na Dan zaljubljenih ?
Actually I'm great! Last year was very exhausting, finally it is over and I'm so glad :)) Yea, you invited me but I was in Budva (and I still am)...I guess I was lazy to come to Podgorica.
I'm coming on thursday to dance on the sqare with other women, it's gonna be great :)))
on the square? ... ?
something special? , btw , i like to dance..but its difficult to find a lady who does... ...
what time do u finish dancing> "With other women" ?
women dancing against violence - Break the chain... it's from 14-16 hour...
ok yes I made some comments on it, would u like to meet me for a coffee after or must u rush back to Budva? ...
I'm coming with friends, sure we're gonna stay for a drink...Berlin or Blues bar- our places :))
Berlin is my "local" but i dont want to disturb or embarass u, if u are in a "crowd" .. would u give me yr mobile number so I can sms U ..? molim!
It's ok, we are all shiny happy people )) do not use number molim
068 366 700
hvala, Dusica, i wOnt call u , but sms if i need to check where u are after dancing thursrday, I will probably watch u anyway, my number 0686 144 27 ..DOBRO? ..
cuvaj se!
p.s. I am not always shiny but i do have a sense of humour vidimo se (hopefully)
update??? http://cser5.blogspot.com = "13208"
REdbEL-Lions_CS1vo @ mc5 u tube.. http://youtu.be/kUxAC7N3Ckw
=================ChriS SmiTH
the english; following the american dream into the global nightmare of social oblivion, apathy rules the waves... and the few exploit the many..Rebel or fade away!
Gavin Szechi> the squatting movement started post war in london.when the east end had been bombed to fuck,and working class families were homeless.often with a lot of kids,whilst in the west end [which was largely uneffected by bombing] there were numerous large houses owned by the upper class that were unoccupied for most of the year,and only 'opened' for party season.debutantes and other toff bashes in the summer.people were fed up then of being told that we,re all in this together,and did something about it.we shame our parents/grandparents if we swallow the same shit now.
ChriS SmiTH > people worldwide, have to start taking responsibility for the society we live in, and stop passing power to the few..
cant u simply demand he takes a long walk off a short Pier??
Alison Webb They don 't claim benefits either.
ChriS SmiTH> the royallty only stole the peoples land ..thats all, then forced people to pay to live on it, or be punished,, thats "civilization"
I support EQUALITY, however as much as I against abuse of women, 25,000 kids die daily because of inequal share of resources and in many parts of "the west" family courts are unfairly biased against men.. by all means be equal, but no less and no more than that = be FAIR! to all = justice for all.
Brian Clare>
The causes of child abuse in the USA and UK
Do you believe in a society in which hugging people is considered to be healthy? Or a society where violence against the body is considered morally necessary for the salvation of the soul.
The USA and UK seem to prefer violence to love.
The USA is one of the worst places in the industrialized world to be a child, according to a report from the United Nations.
"The United Kingdom and the United States find themselves in the bottom third of the rankings for five of the six dimensions reviewed," UNICEF said in a summary of the report. (PDF)
JAMES W. PRESCOTT, Ph.D., in HUSTLER (Article: Child Abuse in America: Slaughter of the Innocents), October 1977, wrote:
"I found that those cultures that gave a great deal of infant physical affection -that is, a lot of touching, holding and carrying - were rated very low in adult physical violence.
"Conversely, the cultures that were rated low on adult physical affection of children were rated very high on adult physical violence.
Thirty-six out of the 49 cultures examined fit this pattern...
"We found support for the basic relationship between approval of violence and rejection of physical pleasure. Individuals who agreed with violent statements also agreed with statements that rejected physical pleasure.
For instance, the majority of people who agreed with such statements as:
"Physical punishment and pain help build a strong moral character,"
"Capital punishment should be permitted by society,"
"Violence is necessary to really solve our problems"
and "I can tolerate pain very well,"
also agreed with such statements as:
"Prostitution should be punished by society,"
"Responsible premarital sex is not agreeable to me,"
"Nudity within the family has a harmful influence upon children"
and "Sexual pleasures help build a weak moral character."
We must reject the idea that pain and violence are both necessary and moral and that physical pleasure is immoral.
Article: Child Abuse in America: Slaughter of the Innocents
Jersey Police Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper "has had more than 140 poison-pen letters, threats to his home, his car burned and rumours spread about his private life.
"He said he has come under renewed attack over the past few days and has accused a 'handful' of journalists and politicians of attempting to undermine the investigation by circulating lies and vicious rumours.
"The Londonderry man has lodged a complaint with the Press Complaints Commission stating that a national newspaper fabricated quotes and accused him of lying..." - Top cop in Jersey child abuse inquiry slams critics
"Detectives investigating allegations of abuse at a former Jersey children's home said new tests had proved 'beyond doubt' that the remains of more than one child had been found." - Jersey tests confirm remains find
One child under 10 is killed each week in the UK.
ChriS SmiTH>
if you want to discuss go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/217326933861 the problems of child abuse are caused by wrong VALUES in society the "capitalisT" selfish mentality which teaches inhumanity must be reversed or society will drown like the titanic ..
Network of Estranged Parents and Abused Kids
too many people have similar problems of losing thieir kids by abduction, or their kids are abused, if all the individual activists and groups exchanged information and co-operated llocal and global w...
154 members
========================= http://unsub-b.blogspot.com/2013/02/equality-in-and-out-of-our-clubs-doing.html
ChriS SmiTH> doing my "Best"
i went our to organise my birthday party w/end...
dont forget we also have to discuss "friend ship weekend" organisation and choice of charity, would like u to meet people in UE , any possibiity you could make short visit at THIS WEEKEND TO UE??
and also plan trip to Istanbul, this is NOT a "bribe" this is your birthday present , but i have to book economy..so it needs "planning"
so many GOOD things to do...and I dont have time to do alone..
vidimo se?
take CARE!
Last night i had a few drinks, but was alone, as usual,
and missing you, I dont like to be feeling selfish and sorry for myself,
when YOU have problems with grandfather & cousin..
I "expected" you after your birthday last week..
but you go to your family..I understand that
but...I wanted to be doing these things NOW,
-I cleaned my room so that you could have your own place..(space)
-i planned to go running every day with you (as u said u could "beat me";0 ...)
- and trekking in the nature, and show u my favourite places..
- explain meditation to breathe in a way, so you could overcome your fears and alcohol
- hoped we could exchange languages, I need to understand your culture & words are part of that
- plan the club and Red Nose, and kids projects together
and i hoped to improve your understanding of me..because NO one knows who I am...& who cares??
why should I improve their world, if people dont care?
if you cant say something "nice" ? wont you be my reason to Live?
- I shall celebrate "this time" , again, ALONE, as I did @ xmas, new year
etc ..alone,,. I cant be "happy" because you are not here, so i have to
occupy my heart & mind with my campaigns , make protests, argue and debate
the world , this mad world, but i HATE feeling sorry for myself..
its selfish and not ME, but its truly hard to wait another 10 days, but
I will..
I would rather be doing something positive, together!
Cuvaj se, Danica, I miss you and think about you , I wish you only GOOD things
ChRiS x
4 February
ChriS SmiTH> zaisto? I am so sorry you feel like that I love the fact that you were born and i want to celebrate your life..! i wanted to phone u and sing in a horrible voice "happy birthday to you!" ... then u would hate me more than this day! ha ha .. please....SMILE...i care how u feel! today ..and ...
i celebrate each of my birthday s more and more , just that I survived another year on this mad planet, every year my patry starts earlier and finishes later, even if i am "alone!" ...
.so .. i AM "celebrating " yr birth ... (and if u ever HEAR my voice its FAR better if these 4 lads from Liverpool sing to you than me! ) SMILE .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_Nz9B1XFio
Birthday by the Beatles
Happy birthday to you
ChriS SmiTH
CUVAJ SE! ..MOLIM! (i care!)
4 February
Danica Stancic
hahaha and we celebrating today my birthday together, Im in Bg and you in Pg :))) thanks for wanderful flower :)))
ChriS SmiTH
i am happy when u are happy!
Ja sam srec´an, kada ste srec´ni, recite mi, molim vas , šta hoc´eš , da nemam?
sta Radis>? (my little serpski..) so if your parents come wednesday/thursday(?) when do u think to come to Pg? so i can belatedly sing (not really!) to U ! ..
4 February
as this day comes to an end
..i think of you, more than friend
"destiny" or fate..
...its is Soul , mate...
i am thinking of you...
laku noc!
ChriS SmiTH
"all property is theft" ... its a sunny day, anyway! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2384ayqnAho
Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart (official video) 11:45
Kako si? ...
Danica Stancic
Today better than yesterday:)
ChriS SmiTH
Dobro... strange this song kept coming into my head then i was helping someone from istanbul and sitting in cafe in Pg and they played the song..i had been thinking of.. it somehow fits me..and i ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxDyXK93o6g
Neil Diamond - I am... I said (W/Lyrics)
I do not own this music or video...
ChriS SmiTH
"I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
Leavin' me lonely still
Did you ever read about a frog who dreamed of being a king
And then became one
Well, except for the names and a few other changes
If you talk about me, the story's the same one
But I got an emptiness deep inside
And I've tried but it won't let me go
And I'm not a man who likes to swear
But I've never cared for the sound of being alone
I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
I am, I said
I am, I cried
I am...
ChriS SmiTH
this film, contrary to personal expeience shows that there may be intellgent life on your planet after all one day if u come to Pg as u promised..u might know the universe as i know it!
ChriS SmiTH
ovaj film, contrrari licnog iskustva, mi pokazuje da može postojati intellgent život na planeti , nakon svega, kada dodete u Podgorici, kao što je obec´ao .. možda znate univerzum , kao što sam to znao!
Laku Noc!
ChriS SmiTH
p..s are your parents coming to visit you tomorrow? , I hope it goes well for you goodnight!
are you ok??
ChriS SmiTH
cuvaj se!!... take care... molim!
ChriS SmiTH
Dobro Jutro, Danica, Sto ima?
ChriS SmiTH
Dobra Dan I CA you know, I am really looking forward to seeing you here, training together, walking in park, talking, etc ...sharing ideas and breathing!
i want to "share"
Hiya "DaX" ...
you do know i keep asking after you, dont you/????
............ I "lost" everyone I loved & cared for..
I mention it now, because i am here in Pg watching a film..
which reminds me of my "first love" .. I was 15 ..
I was infatuated with the lady next door when I was alone
sometimes came and sat and watched TV with me.. she never
knew , and i never told her or anyone..
then they told me she had died, suddenly of epilepsy,
and i couldnt share.. so please ...accept my concern for you
dont be offended that i care what is going on with you
or my belief that we can do something special tongether//...
her name was Audrey, she was wonderful, as clear in my memory now as then (she was at least 10 years older..)
goodnight! x Laku Noc!
ChriS SmiTH
p.s. I got a postcard from Raz STILL in Istanbul, she is workign at a hostel there..would be NICE if ... we visited her when we can go together,
it SEEMS that u CAN use your passport?? ..
lets discuss when u are in Pg, ok?
err...can u find Me, in this picture <SMILE> ...?
ChriS SmiTH
Hiya Danica , Kako si? are YOU ok??
ChriS SmiTH
Dobar DanICA, i know u do not want to be "controlled" but, i do worry If i dont have any contact from you.. whats new? when do u come to Pg/me?
i am going (even more) crazy ..
ChriS SmiTH
Danica Stancic
xaxaxa I finde you on picture! You have a wonderful red dress, you are so pretty)) Still I dont have a phone, and only way to be in contact is on facebook...My father be here, and we just continue like is evrithing ok...But 13. februyry we have family meeting, and he ask me to come home that day. So, My trip to Pg, must wait couple days...Good thing is that I still dont drink( But on My birthday I drink few gin-tonic, but shhhh, its a secret)) And my physical exercize every time is better! And look out, when I come we will have a little competition, and now maybe I can beat you...
Danica Stancic
Timeline Photos
Ulica Crvenih Noseva 1.1.2013.
by: Dusko Petrovic
Danica Stancic
I didnt know that also in Bg exsist a day of red nose:) Its a firs day of New year!!
ChriS SmiTH
ZDRAVO, Its SO good that u contact me, I got a little worried... I am glad u are fit, I am not a very patient person, but i will wait when it(you) are important..) i accept your challenge, but as I have to wait for you , i will expect you to come as soon after the 13th as possible , MOLIM!!!!
in fact there is some local parti sI would normally not go to alone here in PG on weekend 14/15/16th february , so I hope u can come by then? and dance! ...I am also running (although I had some chest pain and small bit of "bronchitis") I am still very much alive, because i need to be breathing to do the things we should do..there ius som much to tell and share with you.. and I have great hopes ..but step by step we shall build this up.. PLEASE bring a couple of RED noses to Pg for me and you (maybe if its cold u dont need one??) ha ha...
it will be hard to wait one more week until you arrive, because I already "prepared" a sort of programme.. so dont be in a rush to leave after u eventually arrive on MY PLANET! please try to send FB messages from time to time, you will make me SMILE..TAKE CARE, until later , SMILE , hugs ^ X your ChRIS .. i cant open your "link" above... and the "C1A" keep blocking this video ; http://youtu.be/7FSvh0J1MgA
maybe u would prefer a phone as my birthday present to you instead of a trip to Istanbul : ?
..and many more co-incidences, every TV programme mentions "DaX" .. I X U
you know I am Gemini *(Twins) as SUN sign, with AQUAIOUS ascendent..! (97%) ..ha ah..
but monday starts MY (chinese) new year.. i am "Snake" , so do you know your "chinese" sign? ..// ? half pig and half Rat??
my emotional instinct wanted to invite you for a "romantic dinner" on 14th February...
because at first , u were coming here immediately after your birthday, then I expected you this weekend, and now ....I hope u understand that I put plans "on hold" until you arrive, so take care, cuvaj se! please tell me something nice, 'Nica ???
Danica, Nadam se da razumete , ja sam toliko puna emotivnog energije.
Ocekujuc´i vas da se ovde dolazi , bio sam pripreme, planiranja, u nadi da se osec´ate dobro u sve to .
Pa , naravno , ja c´u cekati dok ne dode , ako taj kako mora da bude.
Želim da podelim moje oduševljenje , i naravno njena lakše za mene da vidim šta može da bude.
Želim da podelim ponovo kuva, da ide radi (ja dont misliti da c´e me tuc´i , ali ..)
meditiram i razgovaraju o klubu, akcije i poceti u malom nacin da imaju pozitivan efekat ..
i onda ....
pa vas molimo da razumete da ja razumem da izaberete svoju porodicu , i radujem se naredne sedmice .
ali ja vas propustiti!
ChRiS x
Danica Stancic
probably my english is also funny like your serbian:))))
ChriS SmiTH >
yes that why i also want to spend time, together too, to improve your english and VERY MUCH start to improve my understanding of your language and you, too..
Danica, do u want me to write these messages? i am not sure if you get the feeling.. I want .. but..anyway, i wish you GOOD night, ( i am catching up on my sleep, these days, as i am alone) and will run a lot tomorrow to burn some E N E R G Y.. .... laku noc, and sweet dreams.. x ChRiS
i am testing "Video production" .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUxAC7N3Ckw REdBEL1_LionsCS1vo;
Laku Noc! GOOD night Danica!
MY personal "Diary" (CSerS log) seems blocked..so i "couched" it on my back up UnSub Blog..just for you!! http://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com/2013/02/sub-couched-from-csers-13208-13209.html ..no one else (except probably the C1A ) will see it
UNSuB-ed@Tolosi_LOL : sub-couched from CSerS 13208 (13209)
can u tell me a time , monday or tuesday when we can "coomunicate" ..either on facebook or skype (chrismith.csema) ..maybe i could phone you @ at your family or if u give me a phone number that I can call at Bijeljina ..so that we can make arrangements for your visit , the room is ready..!!
ChriS SmiTH
Danica, molim da li bi bili ljubazni da mi kažete vremena, ponedeljak ili utorak , kada možemo da " komunicira " .. ni na Facebook ili Skipe ( chrismith.csema ) .. da li je moguc´e da vas telefon na porodicu ili ako u mi daju telefonski broj koji mogu pozvati na Bijeljine. Dakle, da možemo napraviti aranžmane za posetu ovde , vaša soba je ocišc´en i spreman ovde .. ! ChRiS
some pain.. early night, hows is your weekend? ..
Happy chinese new Year , of Snake, and..laku noc! ..Good night!
are u Ok,? Danica?
ChriS SmiTH
Hiya Since I returned from Bg/UE I have only been out drinking ONCE and had a day out last week @ VirPazar with a visitor (from Istanbul) ..
I want U to go there with me (it is probably my favourite place in MNE ) ..to go training or at a trek or least a walk/talk if you feel up to it.?? have u been training? .(do u like to eat freshly cooked fish?) http://monty-logic.blogspot.com/2013/02/virpazar-favourite-club-csers-location.html
VirPazar, a favourite club CSerS location.. | monty-logic
kako si? ......it would be wonderful if u could come to me on 14th february?
I am "@home" a lot , and of course "hungry" to see some words from you?
ChriS SmiTH>
Ja sustiže na mom snu , ona osec´a cudno da ste u stanju da odgovorite na moje poruke, nedostaje mi je kontakt sa vama, pa vam poslati pozitivnu energiju ,
i pre nego što odem ovu planetu , nadam se da kada me znaš (bolje nego iko drugo ) bic´e poslati mi ovo .. .
Danica, I wish you a GOOD NIGHT!
Laku Noc!
Dobra Dan.. i Ca.....Va? ...we can learn english, sepski & spanish too ha ha ha... its a sunny day.. kako si?
ChriS SmiTH
went for a walk to the "centar" .. i need your HELP with my "local accent" , when I ordered a "wake up" Rakija, i received a COFFEE ..ha ha ha.. it was good to see ppl walking on the field nearby.. was too warm for a coat.. I am waiting for you to start "training" ..I am at MY best when I am supporting , especially someone I care for, its reciprocal , I HAVE to use it (energy & experience) or i lose it, and myself.. vidimo se!
its a "small world" I was in contact with Vera (yr sister) .. :0 and the LFC fan I know is "Rasho" I sent a weekend with his family in kotor the first year I was in MNE, we are not close but I met him a few times together with Ciki and Izabela in NS.. anyway, dont worry about me.. if u have to spend time with your family.. Razumem,
Naravno, . i want to start training with you, here in Pg, I miss you , but I send energy to you and your family.. cuvaj se!
I just want you to be clear, that whilst I really want you to come here and start "training" etc, with me, I know your family is important to you ..
i think I need to get drunk tonight
ChriS SmiTH>
its no fun ..alone, i only got part of "the job" done.. in a bad mood, but it is my fault...my life...whilst it lasts.. who cares?
Danica Stancic
why bad mood? are you drink tonight?
ChriS SmiTH
I didnt drink enough, i came back .. no one to talk to...
i need humanity.. its like being in a desert..
Danica Stancic
aaa you want drink in bar? hm...maybe is better go to store buy some vine and play mouve at home...
ChriS SmiTH
i am feeling sorry for myself, and i dont like feeling like this,, i need to channel my energy into positive.. i miss you!
i dont want...
sure i can escape into fantasy land... thats too easy..
tell me something nice ?
Danica Stancic
oooo I be busy all day because I paint new flat, one room in green:)))
like lepricon
ChriS SmiTH >
i planned a lot of things for us.. and i know u have to go to your family, i dont have family, so I dont have "problem" just me....i wish you well,. i wish...a lot
so you are alone in new flat in Bg??
i know u will spend some days at your family..
Danica Stancic
and now I preparing soma to eat, and I go to sleap...tomorow is day for traveling
...and I need to be a clear head...I have a big talk with my pearents
no, not alone
and wich is a reason your bad mood?
ChriS SmiTH >
with ? (its leprechaun! by the way) cant u communicate with me?? I am in bad mood because
I cant communicate with you!!
you never have time...
who do you live with?
Danica Stancic
hahaha my perfect english:)))
ChriS SmiTH >
do you still come to visit me in Podgorica?
Danica Stancic
because I dont have a routin to be on line...
ChriS SmiTH
do you still come to visit me in Podgorica?
Danica Stancic
yes, on the end of February
ChriS SmiTH
end >? why didnt you say this ?
Danica Stancic
I be at home till next week and after that I coming to visit
ChriS SmiTH
today is 11th february! end is 28th february!
is this a "promise" ?
Danica Stancic
I say to you, I have change plans...I must go to home to make good mood with my pearents
...and today is 11. and I stay few days at home...probably 20. February...and end of February is 28...
I planing to go in Pg about 22 or 23
we speak about same thing:))))
ChriS SmiTH >
its difficult for me ...not knowing about your plans, I have empathy..you know that...
I dont have family to care about,, and I care ABOUT you!! DO U UNDERSTAND ME.. ?? razumem?
Danica Stancic
its not promis, because I dont like give promises...
ChriS SmiTH >
i need a "promise" because then I can be calm! molim?
Danica Stancic
ChriS SmiTH
U did promise me before..
ko? ja
hvala! ... i need some "humanity" on this cold plalnet
Danica Stancic
its something what I dont performing often...I promise to come in Pg farthest 25 February
its ok?
ChriS SmiTH
and I made your room ready, I made a plan, a programme, training, language, projects
.. because..i need to give,,its me!
Danica Stancic
ok we have time for everything:) just dont be sead
ChriS SmiTH >
maybe I go to Uzice...next weekend, because I cant stay alone this time..life is running away from me ..
.i can only be who i am , i respect who you are...
when U finish with your family I can pick u up with car on 22/23 february..
but please BE HONEST with me,. if U are not then I trust no-one., u are the only one i trust now...
u stay in Bijeljina the next 2 weeks?
Danica Stancic
Uzice? Its a good plan...ok...
no two...maybe ten days
ChriS SmiTH >
so Uzice is not so far from Bijeljina .. Laku noc..!
Danica Stancic
I go to eat something..and I go to bed...are you go to bed soon?
ChriS SmiTH >
i hope good things for your family..
... i dont know what I do, maybe i climb the walls, stand on my head, run around ... does it matter?
Danica Stancic
hahahah stand on your head :))))
ChriS SmiTH >
go and eat your food!
Danica Stancic
I would to know that skills
hahah its lunch from yesterday
very nice dinner today :)))
ChriS SmiTH>
If you give me time, I will show YOU everything you need..to surivive on this mad planet ..
an d cook u some nice things, and how to cook "life" .. before i leave it..
Danica Stancic
we have all time of this world...mad world
ChriS SmiTH >
please, will you tell me something "nice" ??
Danica Stancic
you stay here...still is not your time for travel on another dimension
ChriS SmiTH
you have to be my reason.. .. adios!
hasta la vista! ..
when u have time listen to "honesty" by Billy Joel, then u may understand me...a bit!
go eat!, goodnight!
Danica Stancic
I go to translate that song..and please change bed mood in joy and happines
yea, I need food...and sleep
laku noc:)))
ChriS SmiTH >
when U are here , then I will be... not before! laku noc!
sweet dreams "Dax"
Danica Stancic
why not before? its not good
ChriS SmiTH >
because there is no one ..i can trust, no one, who i feel is true.. but I told you months ago, and U did not believe me....
Danica Stancic
we must acting like we have all in this moment...and if we are acting like this we preparing for good moment
ChriS SmiTH >
its the consequence of my life,, a universal gypsy, i never was in a place long enough for anyone to know me ..
thats a nice idea, but also we must be true to what is...
Danica Stancic
I must tell you, like joke...its because you living in Montenegro
ChriS SmiTH>
and I AM TRUE, I am HONEST.. and this is my test to be in MNE.. yes its a "joke" ..
Danica Stancic
hahaha its a really big test...
I go now
laku noc:)
be happy
ChriS SmiTH >
but we find the truth about ourself, often in the LEAST "comfortable" place,,
I lived alone. all my life.. and here is trule ALONE..i will be happy ... when..I am happy,..but i will always be honest with you! good or bad,...goodnight!
Honesty Billy Joel
hope is gud ^^
ChriS SmiTH
If you search for tenderness
It isn't hard to find
You can have the love you need to live
But if you look for truthfulness
You might just as well be blind
It always seems to be so hard to give
Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from YOU
I can always find someone
To say they sympathize
If I wear my heart out on my sleeve
But I don't want some pretty face
To tell me pretty lies
All I want is someone to BELIEVE
Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you
I can find a lover
I can find a friend
I can have security
Until the bitter end
Anyone can comfort me
With PROMISES again
I know, I know
When I'm deep inside of me
Don't be too concerned
I won't ask for ( any thing )' while I'm gone
But when I want sincerity
Tell me where else can I turn
Cause you're the ONE that I depend upon
Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from YOU
ChriS SmiTH
bad translation ;-
Ukoliko tražite nežnost
Nije teško pronac´i
Možete imati ljubav morate da živite
Ali ako pogledate za istinitost
Možda baš kao i biti slep
Ona uvek izgleda da je tako teško dati
Iskrenost je takvausamljena rec
Svako je toliko neistina
Iskrenost je jedva cuo
I uglavnom ono što mi treba od tebe
Uvek možete nac´i nekoga
Da kažu da saosec´aju
Ako ja nosim moje srce na mom rukavu
Ali ja ne želim nešto lepo lice
Da kažem ja lepo leži
Sve što želim je da neko veruje
Iskrenost je takvausamljena rec
Svako je toliko neistina
Iskrenost je jedva cuo
I uglavnom ono što mi treba od tebe
Ja mogu nac´i ljubavnika
Ja mogu da nadem prijatelja
Ja mogu da imaju sigurnost
Do samog kraja
Svako može da me uteši
Sa obec´ava ponovo
Znam , znam
Kada sam duboko u meni
Nemojte biti previše zabrinut
Nec´u tražiti ništa , dok ja odem
Ali kada želim iskrenost
Reci mi gde drugde mogu pretvoriti
Jer ti sionaj koji sam zavisiti
Iskrenost je takvausamljena rec
Svako je toliko neistina
Iskrenost je jedva cuo
I uglavnom ono što mi treba od tebe
ChriS SmiTH >
I just want you to be clear, that whilst I really want you to come here and start "training" etc, with me, I know your family is important to you ..
i think I need to get drunk tonight
Dobra Dan.. i Ca.....Va? ...we can learn english, sepski & spanish too ha ha ha... its a sunny day.. kako si?
ChriS SmiTH
went for a walk to the "centar" .. i need your HELP with my "local accent" , when I ordered a "wake up" Rakija, i received a COFFEE ..ha ha ha.. it was good to see ppl walking on the field nearby.. was too warm for a coat.. I am waiting for you to start "training" ..I am at MY best when I am supporting , especially someone I care for, its reciprocal , I HAVE to use it (energy & experience) or i lose it, and myself.. vidimo se!
ChriS SmiTH
its a "small world" I was in contact with Vera (yr sister) .. :0 and the LFC fan I know is "Rasho" I sent a weekend with his family in kotor the first year I was in MNE, we are not close but I met him a few times together with Ciki and Izabela in NS.. anyway, dont worry about me.. if u have to spend time with your family.. Razumem,
Naravno, . i want to start training with you, here in Pg, I miss you , but I send energy to you and your family.. cuvaj se!
Laku Noc
Ja sustiže na mom snu , ona osec´a cudno da ste u stanju da odgovorite na moje poruke, nedostaje mi je kontakt sa vama, pa vam poslati pozitivnu energiju ,
i pre nego što odem ovu planetu , nadam se da kada me znaš (bolje nego iko drugo ) bic´e poslati mi ovo .. :).
Danica, I wish you a GOODNIGHT! :)
(Special friend..)
I am catching up on my sleep, it feels strange that you are unable to answer my messages, i miss having contact with you, so send you positive energy , and before I leave this planet, hope that when you know me (better than anyone else) YOU will send me this.. :) .
to me
:) I am "@home" a lot , and of course "hungry" to see some words from you? :)
VirPazar, a favourite club CSerS location.. | monty-logic
ChriS SmiTH
kako si? ......it would be wonderful if u could come to me on 14th february?
Since I returned from Bg/UE I have only been out drinking ONCE and had a day out last week @ VirPazar with a visitor (from Istanbul) ..
I want U to go there with me (it is probably my favourite place in MNE ) ..to go training or at a trek or least a walk/talk if you feel up to it.?? ;) have u been training? .(do u like to eat freshly cooked fish?) http://monty-logic.blogspot.com/2013/02/virpazar-favourite-club-csers-location.html
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUxAC7N3Ckw REdBEL1_LionsCS1vo;
(0nly 7 seconds ;; uploafde to Mc5?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FSvh0J1MgA)
please would you be so kind to tell me a time , monday or tuesday when we can "communicate"
..either on facebook or skype (chrismith.csema)
..is it possible to could phone you at your family or if u give me a telephone number that I can call at Bijeljina.
So, that we can make arrangements for your visit here, your room is cleaned and ready here ..!!
==Danica, molim da li bi bili ljubazni da mi kažete vremena, ponedeljak ili utorak , kada možemo da " komunicira "
.. ni na Facebook ili Skipe ( chrismith.csema ) .
. da li je moguc´e da vas telefon na porodicu ili ako u mi daju telefonski broj koji mogu pozvati na Bijeljine.
Dakle, da možemo napraviti aranžmane za posetu ovde , vaša soba je ocišc´en i spreman ovde .. !
some pain.. early night, hows is your weekend? ..
23:15 23:52
ChriS SmiTH >
Happy chinese new Year , of Snake, and..laku noc! ..Good night!
are u Ok,? Danica?
Vera Stancic
yes, hi is my friend. he told me last night about u. and, i am not liverpool's fun
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
its Ok.. i hope it wasnt anything bad that he told U, VerA! cuvaj se! .. !
sorry I am trying to learn your langauge a bit...
Vera Stancic
it's ok, don't worry
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
but today I asked for a Rakija in a caffe , and i received coffee!!
I am hoping Danica and I can improve each others Language, i said i would help her keep up with you!
Vera Stancic
and i learn english so, i don't know write very well
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
you want to "test" , you are welcome to write to me,.
Vera Stancic
hahaha, ok, it is good to know
u are in podgorica now?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
yes ! where are you?
Vera Stancic
i am at home, in Dvorovi, Bijeljina. I am at home since octobar 2011. I am looking for job here.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
what do you want to do? what do you enjoy?
Vera Stancic
i don' know. It is hard to find a job here, u must to pay a work place, or if u have a very strong people behind u.... so, my father and one his friend traying to find some for me....maybe post office or spa.... we don't know jet... enything and i will be happy....
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ok, razumem ,
I understand from Danica that she comes home to Bijeljina for 13th February ? and then she comes to Podgorica to visit me, If you dont mind, I will talk to her, without making any promises, I will see if I ca help... but you should think about what you like to do, because if you enjoy doing something.. its easier to find a way..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Vera Stancic
oh, i love to sing and dance, but, it is just for me and my family
yes, she comes 13th
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ha ha , ok, I am a good dancer, too, but i dont like to punish my audience with singing.,,
Vera Stancic
i don't care about audience
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
what are your favorite subjects at school, ? do you have other "hobbies" ?
Vera Stancic
they all mine, so they must have an undestanding
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ha ha ha ,,,
Vera Stancic
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Ok, Is it ok for me to discuss your "future" with Danica when she comes to Podgorice? again I have no "guarantee" but.. I will try,..
Vera Stancic
about my future? or?
she said about her visit to Podgorica, but one grandfather, in fact one cousin who livs in our home is very ill, and he will probably die very soon
so, maybe she will stay at home for several days longer
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
I am sorry, anyway, I have to contact Danica about her travel to Podgorica, or to make other plans, but of course you know she had problems with her telephone, do YOU have a phone number, if i can call her on 13th? I understand that family is most important.. I just want to know situation..
Vera Stancic
i have a phone and i am always on fb
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
would u let me know your number, so that I can talk to danica?
Vera Stancic
u can call, it's no problem
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Vera Stancic
+387 65 811 477
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ok Hvala, mine is +382 686 14427 , and I am also on skype (but no video) chrismith.csema
Vera Stancic
nema na cemu
i must go now
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
mee too thanks Vera, I dotn get chance to have long conversation with Danica, so its nice to talk with you.. cuvaj se!
me too
Zephod Slartibartfast Biblbroks
big greetings from NS for my old red frend!
ChriS SmiTH
Hello Rasho, do you know Vera Stancic too ??
here is a "Test" if u and Dancia want to try to translate into ENGLISH..
lyrics from a favourite song of mine..
"Ukoliko tražite nežnost
Nije teško pronac´i
Možete imati ljubav morate da živite
Ali ako pogledate za istinitost
Možda baš kao i biti slep
Ona uvek izgleda da je tako teško dati
Iskrenost je takvausamljena rec
Svako je toliko neistina
Iskrenost je jedva cuo
I uglavnom ono što mi od vas
Uvek možete nac´i nekoga
Da kažu da saosec´aju
Ako ja nosim moje srce na mom rukavu
Ali ja ne želim nešto lepo lice
Da kažem ja lepo leži
Sve što želim je da neko VERUJEM
Iskrenost je takvausamljena rec
Svako je toliko neistina
Iskrenost je jedva cuo
I uglavnom ono što mi treba od tebe
Ja mogu nac´i ljubavnika
Ja mogu da nadem prijatelja
Ja mogu da imaju sigurnost
Do samog kraja
Svako može da me uteši
Sa obec´anjima ponovo
Znam , znam
Kada sam duboko u meni
Nemojte biti previše zabrinut
Nec´u tražiti (bilo što ) ' , dok sam otišao
Ali kada želim iskrenost
Reci mi gde drugde mogu pretvoriti
Jer ti sionaj koji sam zavisiti
Iskrenost je takvausamljena rec
Svako je toliko neistina
Iskrenost je jedva cuo
I uglavnom ono što mi od vas"
I will try to contact Danica tomorrow via your phone number, ok?
I hope the situation with your Grandfather & cousin becomes easier .. !
Cuvja se!
13213 4:18pm
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
just got on lien for a few minutes,,
(there could be some work for u, Vera, as an "agent" translating lyrics for musicians.. ) when U improve...(thats why the test is useeful)
I sent U an sms with my address, please pass it to Dani. I just would like to know that she arrived safely and she is "ok" Molim..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Vera Stancic
i think she will come tonight.... i will tell u when she arrived
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
hvala, Vera, thank you very much, I hope she is safe..
ChriS SmiTH
yes that why i also want to spend time, together too, to improve your english and VERY MUCH start to improve my understanding of your language and you, too..
Danica, do u want me to write these messages? i am not sure if you get the feeling.. I want .. but..anyway, i wish you GOOD night, ( i am catching up on my sleep, these days, as i am alone) and will run a lot tomorrow to burn some E N E R G Y.. .... laku noc, and sweet dreams.. x ChRiS
i am testing "Video production" .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUxAC7N3Ckw REdBEL1_LionsCS1vo;
Laku Noc! GOOD night Danica!
MY personal "Diary" (CSerS log) sems blocked..so i "couched" it on my back up UnSub Blog..just for you!! http://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com/2013/02/sub-couched-from-csers-13208-13209.html ..no one else (except probably the C1A ) will see it
UNSuB-ed@Tolosi_LOL: sub-couched from CSerS 13208 (13209)
ChriS SmiTH
can u tell me a time , monday or tuesday when we can "coomunicate" ..either on facebook or skype (chrismith.csema) ..maybe i could phone you @ at your family or if u give me a phone number that I can call at Bijeljina ..so that we can make arrangements for your visit , the room is ready..!!
ChriS SmiTH
Danica, do u want me to write these messages? i am not sure if you get the feeling.. I want .. but..anyway, i wish you GOOD night, ( i am catching up on my sleep, these days, as i am alone) and will run a lot tomorrow to burn some E N E R G Y.. .... laku noc, and sweet dreams.. x ChRiS
ChriS SmiTH
i am testing "Video production" .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUxAC7N3Ckw REdBEL1_LionsCS1vo;
ChriS SmiTH
Laku Noc! GOOD night Danica!
HiYa Sean . my HiYa Sean . my latest "production"
final version on F-way not to pay Utube??
(check sound..) :) CS
latest "production" final version on F-way (we come not to PAY ) dont complain - CAMPAIGN ..WE ARE THE CLUB...
(check sound..) :) CS
I hope you understand, I am so full of emotional energy.
Expecting you to be coming here,I have been preparing, planning, and hoping that you feel good with it all.
So , of course, I will wait until you come,if thats how it has to be.
I want you to share my enthusiasm , and of course its easier for me to see what can be.
I want to share cooking again, to go running (I dont think you will beat me, yet..) :)
meditate and discuss the club, the actions and start in a small way to have a positive effect..
and then....
so please understand, that I understand you choose your family, and I look forward to next week.
but i miss you!
ChriS SmiTH
Danica, Nadam se da razumete , ja sam toliko puna emotivnog energije.
Ocekujuc´i vas da se ovde dolazi , bio sam pripreme, planiranja, u nadi da se osec´ate dobro u sve to .
Pa , naravno , ja c´u cekati dok ne dode , ako taj kako mora da bude.
Želim da podelim moje oduševljenje , i naravno njena lakše za mene da vidim šta može da bude.
Želim da podelim ponovo kuva, da ide radi (ja dont misliti da c´e me tuc´i , ali ..)
meditiram i razgovaraju o klubu, akcije i poceti u malom nacin da imaju pozitivan efekat ..
i onda ....
pa vas molimo da razumete da ja razumem da izaberete svoju porodicu , i radujem se naredne sedmice .
ali ja vas propustiti!
ChRiS x
ChriS SmiTH
Danica Stancic
probably my english is also funny like your serbian:))))
ChriS SmiTH
yes that why i also want to spend time, together too, to improve your english and VERY MUCH start to improve my understanding of your language and you, too..
ChriS SmiTH
Danica, do u want me to write these messages? i am not sure if you get the feeling.. I want .. but..anyway, i wish you GOOD night, ( i am catching up on my sleep, these days, as i am alone) and will run a lot tomorrow to burn some E N E R G Y.. .... laku noc, and sweet dreams.. x ChRiS
Elif Irem Koç
Yes, we are all well! Thanks! I just saw your ref and i left you one as well! Cheers! Take care!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Hvala! enjoy BiH etc... let me know when u go to Bg (in case...)
please http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3GtAnO66o PLEAse learn the lyrics..they are important to me!! one of my favourite songs... from my heart to you..
Honesty Billy Joel
hope is gud ^^
ChriS SmiTH
šta radiš? today?
ChriS SmiTH
Goo Goo Dolls-Iris Lyrics
.... ..... just listen! happy birthday !! Nicer 'Nica , Dan..I Danas , Dobar dan iCA!
ChriS SmiTH
I just want ..u to know, who i am and I will help u know who u are! x
Ja samo želim da znaš, ko sam ja, i ja c´u pomoc´i u znati ko si!
this film, contrrary to personal expeience whows that there may be intellgent life on your planet after all one day if u come to Pg as u promised..u might know the universe as i know it!
ChriS SmiTH
ovaj film, contrrari licnog iskustva, mi pokazuje da može postojati intellgent život na planeti , nakon svega, kada dodete u Podgorici, kao što je obec´ao .. možda znate univerzum , kao što sam to znao!
Dobro Jutro, Danica, Sto ima?
Dobra Dan I CA you know, I am really looking forward to seeing you here, training together, walking in park, talking, etc ...sharing ideas and breathing!
i want to "share"
Hiya "DaX" ...
you do know i keep asking after you, dont you/????
............ I "lost" everyone I loved & cared for..
I mention it now, because i am here in Pg watching a film..
which reminds me of my "first love" .. I was 15 ..
I was infatuated with the lady next door when I was alone
sometimes came and sat and watched TV with me.. she never
knew , and i never told her or anyone..
then they told me she had died, suddenly of epilepsy,
and i couldnt share.. so please ...accept my concern for you
dont be offended that i care what is going on with you
or my belief that we can do something special tongether//...
her name was Audrey, she was wonderful, as clear in my memory now as then (she was at least 10 years older..)
p.s. I got a postcard from Raz STILL in Istanbul, she is workign at a hostel there..would be NICE if ... we visited her when we can go together,
it SEEMS that u CAN use your passport?? ..
much as It was necessary to honour Carra's contribution to Lfc, his
inclusion left us playing too deep.. the team, having got tired of
battering away at WBroms stalwart defence wilted later on and were too
stretched giving the away team the ideal opportunity to counter.
despite the "compliments" from "experts" and self appraisal from BR , that s 9 goals conceded in the last 4 games,, the Reina/Agger/Skrtel/Lucas central structure is the best(currently) ..and conceded less goals than any other selection..
. we cant afford to have a "never will be " like hodson or a "learner" like BR who is a decent coach who can produce pretty football, but is not a BIG enough manager to provide a winning team, ..or to manage a club as BIG as OURS is! certainly not with F S G as his masters..
ChRiS Says:http://live4liverpool.com/2013/02/view-from-the-kop/reds-finally-rising-to-the-occasion
February 10th, 2013 at 5:52 pm
Liverpool FC Ex-Yu REDS
Graeme Souness, Alan Hansen & Kenny Dalglish
Liverpool vs. Arsenal Charity Shield —
Phil Forde We're LIGHT MILES away this right now.
2 minutes ago · Like
ChriS SmiTH The Problems go much deeper..a couple of decent performances left me frustrated still as most ignore the big picture..that we have suffered as a club from off-fiiedl mis-management for a long time…
without the right basis (and IMO, that means a co-op between the global support of 7 million + “customers” , Liverpool community; ex players and Celebrity fan” investors.. we are being fooled into “debating daily issues” instead of a radical re-structuring of our club (which obviously removes F S G)
its pathetic to think that with 7 million “customers” worldwide that we cant make a profit..net… without some y a n k e r s involved!
“bankers” and hedge funds will be exposed for playing with “virtual money” …they are USELESS to us…. WE ARE the club and WE could raise 200-300 million from global support, celebs and ex players… apart from which..F S G are THE problem, , betraying Kenny, (which alone makes them unTRUSTworthy as custodians), ignoring Rafa, both these men are of massive value to our club, having made the progress with the youth players which “buck” is benefiing from.(between them Rafa and Kenny developed 25 international standard youth players ..for the club to “use” (Rafa brought Kenny back and Rudolfo in)
…BR is a novice using OUR club for HIS education & “CV”, he has won nothing, and whilst the footy may be “pretty” we still havent beaten a club in the top half!! progress?..decent coach , but as a man, not big enough “winner” to be manager OF LIVERPOOL..
Henry also snubbed the Hillsborough memorial and backed Bush’s campaign, ...
..WE members @ Global REdS) Do NOT want such people associated with LFC.. thats more important than what Rodgers does... if we want better times back then its in Y-OUR hands,, http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/ SCLOG
?- "Vision without Action is merely a dream. Action without Vision is passing the time. Vision with Action can change the world!"
Americans hire "media men" .. G & H brought in Hodgson in opposition to Rafa (his own man) F S G bring in BR , who maked buddies, and looks good on camera.. in opposition to Kenny who wiped the floor with every Scum journo ,Kenny and Rafa are Ours , woy & "buck" are "theirs"
I suggest ALL SUPPORTERS get off backsides and start distributing the anti F-way poster , and wear protest t-shirts & "we are the club" , boycott shops etc, because SoS..are not "mobilised".. DONT "oass the buck" all TRUE REDS take RESPONSIBILITY for OUR CLUB! its YOUR club.. DONT "complain" CAMPAIGN..(CS)
The time for action is now, FSG are sinking this ship and fast. We either get out and swim to safety or we sink with this ship. I suggest we get writing to spirit of shankly. (Seanocleirigh)
Like ·
Its all going tits up. (seanoc)
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay> As we said would happen..........yet, the penny hasn't dropped with the deluded supporters who think this team and manager are going somewhere........only place they're headed is Championship...!!!
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay > CS> they are not supporters they are "fannies" & F S G clones; 5 games = 3 losses , 2 draws and at least 2 goals conceded in each game.. out of domestic cups , and struggling t stay in europe, and after 2'3 season not yet beaten a team above us.. F S G ? no thank u !!
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay> CS> I see some fana are calling for BR's head but as hard as it may seem, the solution is the removal of F S G, expecting them to manage important decisonns about our football club properly is the equivalent of asking a blind man to choose the colour scheme of your house! (CS)
Although I blame F S G for the mess, people who have no idea or connection to the Culture of our club or a clue about Footy in general, are in trouble in Boston, and Henry (despite the "business acumen" losing 50% of his investments is sinking faster than the titanic.. ) BR took the job, the money and the inclusion on his eventual CV
.. so no sympathy, WHY does anyone believe that we should employ a manager who needs to "learn on the job" we are NOT a training accademy, The Liverpool way would (if , and its a BIG IF, ANOTHER change was needed) would have been to make Steve daily coach and Kenny a Director (of football) as it is F S G virtually (by design or ignorance) INVITED Rebellion..which is here and wont go away..until Henry & co disappear which considering the financial collapse in the USA is closer than you think..
BR is suited to Swanea..but not big enough for the global entity that is Liverpool, unable to "manage" the big players, he is probably 10 years away from being "big enough" for the job that has caused 2 heart attacks and a near breakdown for its encumbants,
We have over 7 million registered fans Worldwide, explayers and celeb investors, who together with the community of our city must prepare a salvage action when Henry's titanic finally sinks... it hit the iceberg some time ago..and I for one wont be throwing him any lifeline..our supporters are too busy building lifeboats..as usual fans arent aware of the depth of the problems..
CS> anti F-way, (u tube) & go to https://www.facebook.com/FenwayWeComeNotToPay
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IakvL1Qwkc Spirit of Shankly where are you?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun CS>Hiya Sean, agree with most of this, (although I think BR is a decent "coach") I mostly blame F S G for putting him in job too big employed by men who are only interested in a "F(R)ANchise" ..(& no NET investment !) but he has to take the blame too, WE, invest daily into the club,via shop purchases, tickets, and via support &media keep the global club going J. Henry who having lost so much of his empires investments is NOt the "shrewd businessman their PR-opaganda spouts..SoS are impotent, without radical leadership!
;a slow-moving committee that was "courted" by Henry when NESV first infected our club.... its embarrasing for a lot of ppl to now admit they have been "conned" by y a n k e r s TWICE..
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay > SEAN> hes made mistakes chris.. that much is sure. hes also spouting a lot of the PR shite fsg feed us... so hes wrong there too. however, my main gripe is with the YANKS. i want them out as do we all on this page. i dont think we can afford to off load another manager. if he had the financial backing, he may be able to do something positive with the squad.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun> CS> well Sean I dont hate him like i did Hodgson, but i believe that BR is not special enough, at this stage of his career, at least,(and a club our size is not a managerial accademy) it is a massive demand to be manager of Lfc, IF Kenny had been made director and either Steve Clarke or even BR instated as team coach with guidance from "above" it would have been sensible, but its mute as F S G know "sweet FA" about the game, our club or our culture.. but from the reaction I have seen recently on the NET to our campaign around the World, they KNOW now.. ..ppl need to realise that the reason jW****r H is not interested in coming to Lp is that his business empire is sinking faster than the titanic.. ..time to build lifeboats ppl! ...! (CS) back on point ...SoS should have taken out an injunction.. to oppose them, organised protests, and supported our poster camopaign etc, but there is an old "joke" ... Q; "what do you call a racehorse designed by a committee? A; A CAMEL! ..
"Spirit of Shankly" , I am sure of one thing, if BILL had been around during the y a n k e r occupation of his club , he wouldn't be sitting on his ar*e!!
a few seconds ago · Like
(i dont think BR is "tough enough" to manage a team of international standard..yet! and we cant afford to wait...) (CS)
Hiya Sean
this is the "raw offer" ..
the mother of a local Liverpool fan works in a clothes factory, and these are their proces for us, cut to the bone.. no middle men, to save shipping costs Ivan (also a RedS Supporter) and manager @ "The Dubliner" pub ( a base for Liverpool and Celtic fans) has offered to collect individual orders as these prices are based on bulk production ex factory..
the REdvolution is coming.. :)
basic T-shirts = 3 euros
Polo & cap together = 15 Euros
woolly hat & Scarf together = (choose your own print) = e12
WE are THE CLUB , dont complain , CAMPAIGN! :)
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
Conversation started December 29, 2012
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
December 31, 2012
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
I am away from my computer chris. What's this you sent me? Happy new year to u
January 19
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
chris. set up youtbe account
gmail is fenwaywecomenottoplay@gmail.com
username: fenwaywecomenottoplay
youtube is the same when logging in.
January 19
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
who are u ?
January 20
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
its sean
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
I know Sean, just having a "light moment" in the middle of "WAR" ...i dont think we need a seperate "get fenway out" group though..it just splits the group and makes another group to look at when i already have too many..
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
i know but i think posting videos from a youtube account which i have started doing, well mean it will bring some attention to this issue
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
design for our "we are the club" t-shirt ;
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Hiya Sean
this is the "raw offer" ..
the mother of a local Liverpool fan works in a clothes factory, and these are their proces for us, cut to the bone.. no middle men, to save shipping costs Ivan (also a RedS Supporter) and manager @ "The Dubliner" pub ( a base for Liverpool and Celtic fans) has offered to collect individual orders as these prices are based on bulk production ex factory..
the REdvolution is coming..
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
great stuff. u in the process of doing this with him?
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
chris, the video u did, as great as it was, the quality of the audio was poor. next time will you make sure u can hear urself on it.
cheers mate
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
didnt u notice i said "check sound" ?? i KNOW !!!! making stuff on a laptop bombarded with viruses from ppl who want to block me, and having to re-load software constantly and change anti virus programmes, scan every single minute i am online... just to give u a small idea of what i am up against....during "production" 36 hours just to upload ONE video
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
the deal with the shirts etc is done, you just have to order via Ivan @ "the dubliner" the orders go direct to factory , NO "middle men" no one can cheat as payments are made direct..not for profit, in order to take income from F S G , and benefit SUPPORTERS!
i only helped set it up when I viisted there , I live 300 kms away!
Milos Adzic
how r u mate? getting ready for trip to lvp?
ChriS SmiTH
not yet... a lot of organising ..videos, campaigns.. etc ...
Milos Adzic
what do u organise?
ChriS SmiTH
i have invited you to meetimngs, somewhere in your in box, are the links, videos, etc ..
Milos Adzic
i see now
i will see, this meeting in uzice looks nice. i havent been there since i was kid
ChriS SmiTH
met some nice people and the "Dubliner" is managed by a true RED! will be the "welcome party" location too.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Hiya, I was thinking about visiting UE again this weekend?..Dani was supposed to visit but it seems her family needs her.. anything good going on, maybe I can help Marko get the website started , and get away from these "valerntine blues" ..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
I see yr programme, can I play??
Dubliner Uzice
Dont know mate. I ll go on weekend 2 Zlatibor wt. Tijana. I havent be on holiday for at least 1 year. I need some rest... from pub, from people, from everthing...
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
sorry I thought that "programme" was from you ?? valentines from thursday until sunday, obviously i wont come to UE if u arent there..
i/m confused!!
Dubliner Uzice
It was for all The Dubliner friends. Sorry I send event to everyone.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
never mind..
Dubliner Uzice
Sorry again. See ya
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
"nema problema" be happy that u have Tijana.. best regards to u both, I'll bury myself in "production" & campaigning.. take a rest..
maybe I shall come the next weekend, if possible kick a ball around too.
Dubliner Uzice
Thx mate
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
i need to kick something or someone..
Dubliner Uzice
Hahaha i know me 2. Talk to u soon. Take care
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
cuvaj se!
CSeRS v Bummers
Timusorry guys, I am bit getting old (or drunk :P) i guess.
I dont have a full time job so I prefer it to be in a non-eu country so that I don't have to deal with Visas.
I don't mind doing it in Turkiye(Turkey) but i prefer it to be outside of Istanbul since the last one was here. So if there is any non-Istanbul people here, they can make the nominations.
I am excited to participate again and miss all the balkan people (even the ones arguing in this thread).
Posted 15 hrs ago by artu from Uzice, Serbia (Permalink)
I'm travelling at the moment, but will be back by Wednesday and will set up the poll as otherwise it seems we won't get anywhere. In the meantime, do keep on with ideas & suggestions both for places and dates and PLEASE be nice to fellow mafiosos :)
ChriS SmiTH
Posted 0 secs ago by ChriS SmiTH from Podgorica, Montenegro (Permalink)
Public - Make members only
old nik>? :) why dont YOU take a long walk off a shirt Pier, there is enough "thought police" in this world, I would have thought anyone living in your country where the police crack down on any one who dares "protest" woudl have a little more freedom on CS..
if u want to insult me, be MAN enough to do it to my face, its cowardly to try to do it in a language that you ASS ume that I dont understand. grow up! and grow some! in fact i dont mind facing you and "Mega" (as thats the size of his MOUTH?) too at the same time..ok?
very brave guys on a keyboard!
if u want to "ban" me from BM do so, because i could care less right now because the way u are heading is right down the fascist line..good riddance to you!
CS (thats MY initials!) :)
No,U got it wrong.. I said recently that I just need an indication by email (not a "confirmation) to justify the hostel holding all its rooms for us.. is it so unreasonable for pp?? as the base location is VirPazar (Skadar lake), and i making commitment from my pocket.for a very special programme. as i already told u, I dont why u suggest that, ???? but then ... BM doesnt necessarily follow logic.. :)
Posted February 5th, 2013 - 12:18 pm by artu from Uzice, Serbia (Permalink)
It certainly does say 'the deal requires confirmation in advance' - https://www.couchsurfing.org/group_read.html?gid=3741&post=13643086#post14130674
Obviously it does. Every of our previous accommodations needed a confirmation and a deposit I left from my own pocket money (for all the meetings I've organized), but no-one asked for it 2-3 months in advance and there's always a 72h cancellation policy.
Just get used to the Balkan way of life and how things work (meaning don't work :) ) ;)
ChriS SmiTH>
Posted 1 sec ago by ChriS SmiTH from Podgorica, Montenegro (Permalink)
Public - Make members only
it requires (required) confirmation to ME! .. did u ever get a deal like that? NO! only 50 euros for everything>> !! so make sure u stay "balanced" Vesna,TRY to be FAIR .. and just because you cant organise properly in "the Balakns" doesnt mean I have to follow your ways..(or is that why u excluded me from the last "organisation" ? ) as I said ..anyway, I 'll make my party, MY WAY, and u can hold on to your "control" of BMM sheeple! C1A-O!
Ohoooo! calm down!
I am one of Vesna's biggest supporters. And please don't attack her.
And also understand that our lives are complicated, so we can't commit so much in advance (in my case: i am travelling in Russia now, will start a new job in England soon, don't know what spring will look like).
So personally i hope we'll keep meeting ( :-DDD ) but pls understand we in the mafia are not kind of people who plan, organize, settle. We want love, and love is open :-)
Love, love, love... Emeline :-D
????? ???????????
Posted 7 hrs ago by ????? ??????????? from Belgrade, Serbia (Permalink)
I vote for love, 2!!! (>
Borko Cicovic
Posted 5 hrs ago by Borko Cicovic from Vrsac, Serbia (Permalink)
First of all Vesna is good organiser and nice person, and how I see you are probably "excluded" because good reason. So calm down,
you can suggest place for next meeting but that doesn't mean it will be on that place. All members make decision about that.
So, we will see soon what can happen this year.
Maybe this year "wine route" in Vrsac can be in schedule of BMM, what do you think people?
Nikolas Mitsopoulos
Posted 4 hrs ago by Nikolas Mitsopoulos from Athens, Greece (Permalink)
I do not know you in person dear Balcan Mafiozo..
The way you put it, it say to me that you have something like a personal argue with Vesna or not?
But when you pout it like this (so antidemocratic)
" I 'll make my party, MY WAY, and u can hold on to your "control" of BMM sheeple! C1A-O!
forget it!"
I thing it is better for us to forget it...
a) Emeline, if this is "Balkans Mafia" the Godmother, i am sure, dont need "protection from me, by you.. :) ha ha ha
b) sure some people cant commit..but others could.. if you dont see that, thats not my problem, I offered a whole weekend programme, party boat on skadar, accomodation
basic meals and drinks at MY birthday party @ e50 per person for WHOLE weekend (and Rafting @ Tara)
... all i asked was for an email from those that COULD to show some commitment that I can justify the main hostel (at a place which gets 1000 tourists a DAY during season!!) holding its rooms for ME, not for you, because its MY party and I
opened it up (at the beginning in a friendly way) to BM members..
who i wanted to celebrate with me ..as (at the time) it seemed logical as it falls around the same time as the last "spring meeting" (Piran 2012)
c) People shouldnt comment unless they know the whole picture...
D) "Love" ( a word too easily used bu without depth) without RESPECT is like "soup in a basket" .. :) it seeps out through the holes.. ha ha ha
E) Vesna said she was NOT a good organiser, I agreed.. :) so Borko dont tell me to "calm down" I am calm, I am precise.. U havent bothered to check the
situation properly , I offered MY party to you, so I WILL go ahead and invite those CSers that RESPECT what I am doing.. and being "excluded" shows
what direction the BMMers are going ...
F) make your own plans and I will make mine..simple! (i have only 3 months to ensure this will be MY last and BEST ever birthday party)
G) Nikolas , you said I shouldnt take it "personally" well, when ppl disrespect me , IT IS "PERSONAL", I do.. and did , and will, REACT!
"democracy" ?? ha ha ,.. in the BMM? hmmmm.. thats funny.. you mean herding the "sheeple" ?? doesnt exist on this planet,
and seems to contradict the reality..of the BMM...
I already told you to "forget" it.. ha ha ha ...
or shall we "go to the mattresses" ..this is my last event, and i probably wont go to yours..
..because the irony is that Vesna explained quite clearly why I should not....
.. MY life is too short.. Piran was great, but prizren was ruined by selfish YOUNG Bmmers....without RESPECT for "the familY" :)
adios BMers!!!
Do not take it wrong man.
As you say it is "MY last and BEST ever birthday party" and "I offered MY party to you, so I WILL go ahead and invite those CSers that RESPECT what I am doing"
This are the two sentences of you that make it clear. A birthday party in witch you will decide who to invite it can not be a Balcan Mafia open meeting! So simple...
I also find my life too sort and the same time too exciting.
I wish you also feel so. ;)
So my best wishes for Happy Birthday at your lovely VirPazar with ppl witch will participate. :)
ps. I supposed that the 50€ per person for all this is a very good price indeed.
Nebojsa Miskovic
Posted 14 hrs ago by Nebojsa Miskovic from Belgrade, Serbia (Permalink)
I already forgot it.
Too much ego for my taste, anyway.
Kudos & all my respect goes to Vesna, for all her energy and excellent organization!
ChriS SmiTH
Posted 0 secs ago by ChriS SmiTH from Podgorica, Montenegro (Permalink)
Public - Make members only
I DO, take it "wrong" ... Nikolas, because YOU got it wrong
(as many have!)
..I have NOW decided to restrict it to invited guests, because it wasnt respected ...when I first offered it, it WAS "open" to be used as a BMM , but the reaction ...shows a complete and utter lack of understanding.. so ..get it right, and as it said before best to understand it all before commenting..
BTW, I stayed with Vesna recently and enjoyed her company, i dodnt have to agree with someone..in fact i often have more respect for "enemies" than those who PRETEND to be "friends" then act in an opposite manner..
"ego" ? thats ironic in the lando of "macho" ;) look at yourselves!
(stands for "ChriS SMITH" & did long before couchsurfing existed..ha ha )
get a sense of humour! Molim!
Indeed, let's stick to the main theme of the thread and let us have constructive discussions.
For everyone's information I don't have any personal problems with Chris. The fact that he thinks I'm in charge of the Balkan Mafia is so wrong and the fact that the majority here decides where and when the meetings will be is not acceptable/understandable to him. Go figure.
Dear Chris, you have offered to organize the meeting. Acknowledged.
Some people were up for it. Acknowledged.
Some people wanted to see more options & vote. Acknowledged.
New thread was started to move things forward.
You were to wait and see what the majority would say and accept their will.
Some people expressed their opinions.
Suddenly you don't feel like having your birthday party as the Balkan meeting because we didn't accept your offer at first!?
Have I missed the boat?!
"Mega" :) (ego?) ha ha ha..am i supposed to be "impressed" ?
nice of you to take the blame ... U obviously dont understand my point, or have any humour.... and its obvious no-one here really WANTS to understand, have jumped to their own conclusions..& (false) "interpretations " (you too .."R2" :)
.. so "mega" you stick your BMM where the sun dont shine.. as u seem to be yet another dictator.. or mass-debator! U wont "see me around" .. unless you want to discuss the "spirit of Balkan people" ...?
I have a met a few recently which encourages me to make more International events ..in the Balkans , but too many cant actually "debate" ... honestly! ..
"Fredaupoint" made an official complaint against me, which may result in my withdrwal as a couchsurfer
(this is what happens when TRUTH is told, and my "friends" are nowhere ..)
Request #24331 ""Problem With member", Com..." created
Detailed list|Compact list
Open requests
#24331 "Problem With member", Complaint V couchsurfing & its ambassador
I have received a note stating my reference against this man is "inappropriate"
- i do not agree
- this man LIED about me in HIS reference
- he insulted me & my other guests (2 other CSers were staying with me
- he has "secretly" contacted a girl who stayed with me to try to get her to say something against me
- the man is a sham!
IF this is the way Couchsurfing is proceeding, where you automatically take ONE side (that co-incidentally of an "ambassador" ) without asking for input or explanation from BOTH parties then you certainly are results of the UNdemocratic united states of america, who increasingly deal out robotic justice without any due process.!
If i dont a reply and a deletion of "FREDAUPOINT" reference, I shall make this public within the 25,000 global contacts of my own social network! and other media,and bring it up during the next "broadcast"
this act by your colleagues is not in the spirit of couchsurfing as we undersrood it..
Submitted less than a minute ago
Awaiting assignment to a support agent. View request history »
Triin Paja
I only stood in Vilnius a few hours, until my flight to Rome. So it wouldn't have been possible, but thanks for the contact. Now I'm here, with a short time to check my mail until I'll enjoy the sunny Rome a little more.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
well if u want to ...she also stayed with me, and i f we can overcome "communication problems" and ................ I willl visit her next month..she is also too busy...
Triin, I saW YR COMMENT ABOut Roma, its nice and "romantic" although the ir are some problems .. nearby Frascati hold memories for me.. however my favourite "romantic city" is Verona..
many do not know how to BE romantic, their feminity lost in their entrapment in the "capitalist pyramid game"
Triin Paja
I feel the happiest here than I have been for a long time. Its soft, romantic, beautiful, magical. I feel in love. It wasn't the same when I was here two years ago. Never been to Verona.
hope u had a "special" 40th birthday?..u are getting close to me?..remember U said a long time agio, if there seemed not to be such a difference in our ages, we could have... ??? anyway I hope U are well..
16 November 2011
Iris Vogl
Hi Chris, I had a real good party with all my friends but remind me of taking the money on my 50th birthday and to fly away for two weeks...
17 November 2011
ChriS SmiTH
Hiya Iiris, glad u had a good time ..doubt if I will be on this planet, or if anyone will be on this planet in another 10 years...come for xmas, i would be a very "happy ChriSmitH" if u did ! x http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5k21U6hUeg
Chris Rea - The road to hell & lyrics (complete)
Stood still on a highway I saw a woman By the side of the road With a face that I knew like my own Reflected in my window Well she walked up to my quarterlig...
ChriS SmiTH
i think og u often, because "Iris" (goo goo dolls is a song i play often.. of
Iris - goo goo dolls [lyrics]
1 Million views! thanks for your kind comments. I don't own the copyright to the song, and the pics belong to their respected artists, but I can show you whe...
2 December 2011
ChriS SmiTH
UnSUB-B: UnSUB Xtra , getting by ("Fire and Rain....continued") miss U Jacqui...
ChriS SmiTH
Hello Iris, I hope u are well, getting near to the BIG day..sorry I dont mean to make you nervous, I send positive energy that you both are healthy and happy now and after birth,, I had some "complications" a) I belong to a travel club, and hoped to be "hosted" in Fr. but no answer, and b) I had hoped to have some contact with Leon and his mum (Annika) but he seems to be "too busy" to communicate and i got "frozen" the last time i suggetsed a meetign with him to Annika, and...c) the main problem which is practical..I booked an economy flight from belgrade.. the airline changed their schedule, but i can get a refund..
so on reflection I wante dto suggest, that as "fate2 is makig my travel akward that i use my "credit" to pay for your flight to here, when u are "ready" as I am not sure if anyway you woudl be able to see me if you are at the "vital time" next month...
what is your (honest) feeling>?
wishing you all the best, and hoping for a positive answer
ChRiS x
Goog le code for uploading http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUxAC7N3Ckw REdBEL1_LionsCS1vo; (*rev) ; 240746

I need time to search everything... Don't know about the next week, this morning I found out that I'm gonna be busy with this female organization from Kotor and have some personal things to finish...we'll be in touch
ChriS SmiTH
sorry Dusica, but "vague" doesnt work for me..i probably travel at the end of next week and I "hoped" we could "push" this momentum from yesterday..otherwise the fire goes OUT>> ?soon (soon to me is "yesterday")ha ha.. I will give my time IF ITS WORTH it, that means I need people who will do the same.. I have humour but I am the most effective organiser you will meet, I can come to Kotor monday or tuesday too..because... if u dont have time now then are U giving up the BIGGER chance already?? Dusica, I say what i mean , and mean what I say, and i know that is not "appreciated" here... but I felt and I hope YOU are "different" from the reaction yesterday.. you dont know me, but U dont have to open (search) those links.. you surely have "instincts" dont you?? my time is the most important thing I can give anyone.. but I know that "free time" isnt valued as much as "paid time" .. .. I am in TOUCH.. even if i seem "crazy"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j0c_MbhIMJ4#! StaR of the story
hmmmmm, but i am coping... <SMILE> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2384ayqnAho ..YES!..really!!! :)
Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart (official video)
I hope you got safely home..
Dusica; The best of valentines day
was to meet you in this way
I could have talked with you all night
but I hope we saw the "light"
Cuvaj se, ChRiS
(I hope to cu- very soon) <smile>
I cant help feeling "hungry" (to talk with you)
not "just" to exchane ideas, but I felt the most
relaxed with anyone I have met here, so far..
and I'd like to invite you to lunch or dinner
..if the reply by sms means just that U are "busy"
this weekend, then I would suggest early next week,
lunch or dinner,
or if it means u prefer not to meet me alone..
I am "aware" of over-loading anyone I meet
(that I confide in...)
..I WARNED you! ha ha..
I have a thousand stories, but I would like to listen to yours..
just a " small selection"...of my "links"
a couple of "fun projects"
http://www.facebook.com/groups/12939825777/ (Crazy EuRED)
"charitable/human rights etc)
& invite to join as guest of this event...
Network..for estranged parents & abused Kids
Medinetz (medical assistance for refugees & "sans papiers" , I co-started)
this is currently the only link, but i c0-founded the original group..
A Video "production" for our Campaign to remove american commercial influence from
our club - unfortunately the sound was "distorted" by said people during upload..
(u probably cant hear the original soundtrack) but u may "get the picture"
some of my EIGHT "b-Logs" ..
Monty-logic ; http://monty-logic.blogspot.com/2013/01/itchy-mountain-day-one-of-our-club.html
(blog for club); monty-logic-club.org
part of my "story"
Now ...http://now2balien.blogspot.com/2012/04/12423-chapter-on-this-crimi-nation-anti.html
am i the "anti-chris"?
lets be fair? ..(didnt catch on...in Monty...)
Football ...etc;
http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/ (SCLOG)
and my personal "bibleS"
..Dusica, NOW do you understand why i have t "restrict" the amount of "info" when i meet someone new.. ?
chrismith academy ; https://www.facebook.com/groups/328039023918513/
skype chrismith.csema
& my personal (music) bibles..
Iris http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8UeeIAJ0a0
Imagine, honesty, freebird..etc..
for your love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KobKmnz31lI
all day & all the night ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k3MP0aC8Jw
mister your a better man than i ??(lyrics) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7Qr2hlsknI
& i love her ; owner of a lonely heart ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2384ayqnAho
Sean (dont do this....its MY way, not yours)
open letter REdnET
Od kada je Eve Ensler pokrenula One Billion Rising kampanju kako bi se stalo na kraj nasilju nad ženama, više puta su je pitali: Je li to plesni ili otvoreno politicki pokret? Protest ili globalno slavlje? Dvije ne]elje prije 14. februara koji je Ensler, aktivistkinja i autorica Vagininih monologa, odredila kao datum kampanje kaže: "Nikada nisam vidjela ništa slicno u mom životu. To je nešto što je premašilo klasu, društvene skupine i religiju. To je veliki feministicki tsunami."
Jedna od tri žene širom svijeta su izložene nasilju u nekom trenutku u njihovom životu što cini skoro 70% žena koje dožive nasilje koje obuhvaca zlostavljanje, grupno silovanje, sakacenje ženskih genitalija i rat. Prema podatcima Svjetske banke, žene u dobi od 15 do 44 godina više su u opasnosti od silovanja i porodi;nog nasilja nego od raka, saobra'ajnih nesreca, rata i malarije.
Neravnopravnost polova u mnogim oblicima je prijetnja prosperitetu, koheziji i stabilnosti u državi recesiji i razvoju. Nejednakost polova je moralno pogrešno, loše za ekonomiju i posao. Ni jedna zemlja na svijetu to ne bi smjela ignorisati, najviše tržišta u razvoju. Oni su poprište necuvenih primjera nasilja i zlostavljanja žena koja odbacuju i potkopavaju ženski talent i time vlastitu ekonomiju i politicke situaciju.
Stoga ne cudi da se kampanja, uz pomoc društvenih mreža i grassroots feministickih organizacija, proširila globalno u 190 zemalja u kojima se manifestacija sprovodi na Valentinovo kako bi se simbolicno ideja ljubavi oduzela komercijalnim interesima. Pridružilo joj se više od 15.000 organizacija i pojedinaca, medu njima clanovi vlada i parlamenata, te ugledne javne osobe.
Kamla Bhasin, feministicka borkinja, kaže da svaka zemlja ima drugaciji pristup obilježavanju kampanje, od nevjerovatnog masovnog pokreta u Bangladešu do Afganistana gdje nece biti plesa i pjevanja, ali ljudi još uvijek žele reci dosta je bilo.
Organizatorice kampanje vec se pitaju što ce se dogoditi nakon V-daya. "Ples ce biti nevjerovatan, ali važno je da nasilje nad ženama ostane na celu dnevnog reda", kaže Ensler. "To nikada više nece biti marginalizirana tema. U ovom trenutku, stvarno osjecam da je to pokret s vlastitim životom."
U Crnoj Gori, kampanja Milijarda ustaje, u organizaciji Sigurne ženske kuce, ženskih organizacija civilnog društva Crne Gore, Skupštinskog odbora za ravnopravnost polova i UNDP CG te brojnih osoba iz kulturne javnosti, održat ce se u Podgorici 14. Februara na Trgu Republike, od 14 - 16 sati.
Since it was launched by Eve Ensler One Billion Rising campaign to put an end to violence against women, many times they asked: Is this mold or overtly political movement? Protest or global celebration? Two no] interface before 14 February which Ensler, activist and author of The Vagina Monologues, defined as the date of the campaign said: "I've never seen anything like it in my life. This is something that exceeded the class, social group and religion. feminist That's a big tsunami."
One in three women worldwide are subjected to violence at some point in their life, which is almost 70% of women who experience violence includes assault, gang rape, female genital mutilation and war. According to data from the World Bank, women aged 15 to 44 years are more at risk from rape and family, domestic violence than from cancer, saobra'ajnih accidents, war and malaria.
Gender inequality in many forms is a threat to prosperity, cohesion and stability in recession and growth. Gender inequality is morally wrong, bad for the economy and jobs. No country in the world that should not be ignored, most emerging markets. They are the site of egregious examples of violence and abuse of women who reject and undermine women's talent and thus their economies and political situation.
It is therefore not surprising that the campaign, with the help of social networks and grassroots feminist organizations, spread globally in 190 countries in which the event is conducted on Valentine's Day to symbolically took the idea of love commercial interests. She was accompanied by more than 15,000 organizations and individuals, among them members of government and parliament, and prominent public figures.
Kamla Bhasin, feminist fighters, said that every country has a different approach to the celebration of the campaign, the immense mass movement in Bangladesh to Afghanistan, where there will be dancing and singing, but people still want to say enough is enough.
Campaign organizers are already wondering what will happen after V-Day. "The dance will be amazing, but it is important that violence against women remain at the forefront of the agenda," says Ensler. "It will never again be marginalized subjects. At this point, I really feel that this is a movement with its own life."
In Montenegro, the campaign Billion rises, organized safe house for women, women's organizations of the civil society in Montenegro, the Parliamentary Committee for Gender Equality and the UNDP Montenegro and many people from the audience, will be held in Podgorica 14th February at the Square of the Republic, from 14 - 16 hours.

ChriS SmiTH
"I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
Leavin' me lonely still
Did you ever read about a frog who dreamed of being a king?
And then became one
Well, except for the names and a few other changes
If you talk about me, the story's the same one
But I got an emptiness deep inside
And I've tried but it won't let me go
And I'm not a man who likes to swear
But I've never cared for the sound of being alone
I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
I am, I said
I am, I cried
I am..."
ChriS SmiTH
too many dont have a clue, the consequences of modern "ppl" knowing more about sex than love is a mechanical robotic society without care.. communication, ? on "valentines day" ..like everything the SPIRIT is forgotten in the commerce & technology, who cares...I care, but do you?
is it "ok" for a woman to be "happy" for herself, but not to care about the other?
To paraphrase a well known poem ..about modern woman..
"Oh but life is a funny thing
and yet, is hard to beat..
every WOMAN has a THORN
and yet they seem so sweet
...Roses are RED
violets are blue
have I got alsheimers?
....CHEESE on toast!"
Roses are RED..
Violets are blue.
I am schizophrenic
..and so am I"
(keeping the humour to cover the thorn...)
Nathalie Abu Kheit We can end world hunger with the money spent on Valentine's day gifts

Nathalie Abu Kheit> ahahaha so silly some ppl aaron
Sharif Abukhait> Yes Nathalie , that's right ... so let's say : Long live true love .. & down with false valentine's love !!!
Nathalie Abu Kheit> wise as ever :))
ChriS SmiTH > we can also end it by stopping production of weapons.
or fair distribution of resources or any sort of intelligent society
Nathalie Abu Kheit Chris... Too many ways to end it
ChriS SmiTH take care Natha! x
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
hvala, Vera, thank you very much, I hope she is safe..
u got my sms?
Vera Stancic
yes, i got, don't wory
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Hvala, i always "worry" (care) dont worry, it only my mentality..
Vera Stancic
worry? with duble rr??? ok, thanks..... mentality? ooooooh, u must come in Bosnia, u can see most relaxed people :)))))
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
i am who i am .. and true to me or U!
and i care deeply what happens to your sister..cuvaj se!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
I dont know where Danica is, but i am still here, in Podgorica :0
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ChRiS> To paraphrase a well known poem ..about modern woman..
"Oh but life is a funny thing
and yet, is hard to beat..
every WOMAN has a THORN
and yet they seem so sweet
...Roses are RED
violets are blue
have I got alsheimers?
....CHEESE on toast!"
Roses are RED..
Violets are blue.
I am schizophrenic
..and so am I"
c´ete rizikovati pic´e i da ga pogledam u oci .. na Dan zaljubljenih ?
will you risk a drink and to look in my eyes.. on valentines day?
I am not very handsome, that you can see
I am not very rich, no yacht on the sea,
not very tall, monty people are taller than me,
but my heart is as big as a mountain, I hope you will agree
to be... MY valentine..
To paraphrase a well known poem ..about modern woman..
"Oh but life is a funny thing
and yet, is hard to beat..
every WOMAN has a THORN
and yet they seem so sweet
...Roses are RED
violets are blue
have I got alsheimers?
....CHEESE on toast!"
Roses are RED..
Violets are blue.
I am schizophrenic
..and so am I"
Hope U enjoy your special day, and greetings from REdNET
; ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041 )
and OUR CLUB, https://www.facebook.com/groups/CS.LbIrD.OURCLUB ,we support and invite you to join as guest of this event...
Dobar DAN I CA ....
I suppose you wont like this...
ha ha but dont hate
I only miss you a lot,
and want to make you SMILE.
my strange SOUL-mate,
I am not very handsome, that you can see
I am not very rich, no yacht on the sea,
not very tall, monty people are taller than me, ;)
but my heart is as big as a mountain,
and cant wait to see you again,
I hope you will agree
to be...
MY valentine..
<SMILE> (molim!)
ChriS SmiTH
hello DaniCA, i worry, so it would be nice to know that u arrrived safe and that U are "ok" even if situation there is difficult.. good luck , ChRiS
ChriS SmiTH
Laku Noc!
ChriS SmiTH
x I hope u are safe and well, sweet dreams x goodnight!

hello DaniCA, i worry, so it would be nice to know that u arrrived safe and that U are "ok" even if situation there is difficult.. good luck , ChRiS
it seems my FB make be "blocked" soon, so i will phone via Vera..
last scene reminds me of YOU! :) ..
"entrapment" .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAfcWIRdINE
=======Dobar Dan Vera, I cant get online at the moment,
hope Dani. arrived safe, I dont want to disturb yr family,
please give her my address (in case of contact problems)
; Pg; "Toloshi" Blaya-Raickevica(elastica)55, molim.
Cuvaj se, ChRiS (i will try again another time)
Zdravo Vera, "Rasho" (Lfc Fan in Novi Sad) is a friend of yours? I know him from a meeting/weekend in Kotor and some fans meeting in NS, ...
MonDusko Petrovic left the conversation.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
I had contact with Vera, hvala, but communications are difficult , and often blocked , or connections bad, and of course Dani. still has phone problems too, if you contact her, please tell her that I dont want to disturb her at her family home where I know she had to deal with difficulties, so could someone message me or sms with a time I can call..molim..its frustrating.. ChRiS
I was joking, feel free to call...see you on thursday, I'll sms you when we arrive
Yes, I remember your sense of humor :))
see you!
............. Naravno! ..
May 8, 2011
Hiya Dusica
so U are a colleague of Zoran?
May 11, 2011
I don't know which Zoran...
May 21, 2011
With that Zoran-yes
But we do not know each other very well...
May 22, 2011
I would like to invite you tonight to a "Birthday drink" at Nags Head ("ragina glava" ) pub , Pg ?
First let me tell you HAPPY B-DAY )))) Wishing you all (and only) the best in this year!
Thanks for the invitation but I'm in Budva so some other time...
May 23, 2011
yes hopefully, tx
Hiya Dusica.,
I am not very handsome, that u can see
not very rich, no yacht on the sea,
not very tall, Monty people are taller than me.
but MY HEART is as big as a mountain, i hope you agree..
ha ha ha BE "My Valentine" x
We've met once, if you remember
Bit you are IRISH, YES! :))))))))))))))
something similar.. Celts!
Kako si?
Even better! Nisam lose, ti?
I mean i KNOW that you are not "bad" well, I HOPE you are not too bad...
but ...I asked a question, you have 24 hours to answer , no pressure!
In fact on my birthday I invited you for a drink.. (may 2011!!) and you replied "some other time" .. well its "some other time" on thursday?
my langauge is bad..but.. c´ete rizikovati pic´e i da ga pogledam u oci .. na Dan zaljubljenih ?
Actually I'm great! Last year was very exhausting, finally it is over and I'm so glad :)) Yea, you invited me but I was in Budva (and I still am)...I guess I was lazy to come to Podgorica.
I'm coming on thursday to dance on the sqare with other women, it's gonna be great :)))
on the square? ... ?
something special? , btw , i like to dance..but its difficult to find a lady who does... ...
what time do u finish dancing> "With other women" ?
women dancing against violence - Break the chain... it's from 14-16 hour...
ok yes I made some comments on it, would u like to meet me for a coffee after or must u rush back to Budva? ...
I'm coming with friends, sure we're gonna stay for a drink...Berlin or Blues bar- our places :))
Berlin is my "local" but i dont want to disturb or embarass u, if u are in a "crowd" .. would u give me yr mobile number so I can sms U ..? molim!
It's ok, we are all shiny happy people )) do not use number molim
068 366 700
hvala, Dusica, i wOnt call u , but sms if i need to check where u are after dancing thursrday, I will probably watch u anyway, my number 0686 144 27 ..DOBRO? ..
cuvaj se!
p.s. I am not always shiny but i do have a sense of humour vidimo se (hopefully)
update??? http://cser5.blogspot.com = "13208"
REdbEL-Lions_CS1vo @ mc5 u tube.. http://youtu.be/kUxAC7N3Ckw
=================ChriS SmiTH
the english; following the american dream into the global nightmare of social oblivion, apathy rules the waves... and the few exploit the many..Rebel or fade away!
Gavin Szechi> the squatting movement started post war in london.when the east end had been bombed to fuck,and working class families were homeless.often with a lot of kids,whilst in the west end [which was largely uneffected by bombing] there were numerous large houses owned by the upper class that were unoccupied for most of the year,and only 'opened' for party season.debutantes and other toff bashes in the summer.people were fed up then of being told that we,re all in this together,and did something about it.we shame our parents/grandparents if we swallow the same shit now.
ChriS SmiTH > people worldwide, have to start taking responsibility for the society we live in, and stop passing power to the few..
cant u simply demand he takes a long walk off a short Pier??
Alison Webb They don 't claim benefits either.
ChriS SmiTH> the royallty only stole the peoples land ..thats all, then forced people to pay to live on it, or be punished,, thats "civilization"
I support EQUALITY, however as much as I against abuse of women, 25,000 kids die daily because of inequal share of resources and in many parts of "the west" family courts are unfairly biased against men.. by all means be equal, but no less and no more than that = be FAIR! to all = justice for all.
Brian Clare>
The causes of child abuse in the USA and UK
Do you believe in a society in which hugging people is considered to be healthy? Or a society where violence against the body is considered morally necessary for the salvation of the soul.
The USA and UK seem to prefer violence to love.
The USA is one of the worst places in the industrialized world to be a child, according to a report from the United Nations.
"The United Kingdom and the United States find themselves in the bottom third of the rankings for five of the six dimensions reviewed," UNICEF said in a summary of the report. (PDF)
JAMES W. PRESCOTT, Ph.D., in HUSTLER (Article: Child Abuse in America: Slaughter of the Innocents), October 1977, wrote:
"I found that those cultures that gave a great deal of infant physical affection -that is, a lot of touching, holding and carrying - were rated very low in adult physical violence.
"Conversely, the cultures that were rated low on adult physical affection of children were rated very high on adult physical violence.
Thirty-six out of the 49 cultures examined fit this pattern...
"We found support for the basic relationship between approval of violence and rejection of physical pleasure. Individuals who agreed with violent statements also agreed with statements that rejected physical pleasure.
For instance, the majority of people who agreed with such statements as:
"Physical punishment and pain help build a strong moral character,"
"Capital punishment should be permitted by society,"
"Violence is necessary to really solve our problems"
and "I can tolerate pain very well,"
also agreed with such statements as:
"Prostitution should be punished by society,"
"Responsible premarital sex is not agreeable to me,"
"Nudity within the family has a harmful influence upon children"
and "Sexual pleasures help build a weak moral character."
We must reject the idea that pain and violence are both necessary and moral and that physical pleasure is immoral.
Article: Child Abuse in America: Slaughter of the Innocents
Jersey Police Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper "has had more than 140 poison-pen letters, threats to his home, his car burned and rumours spread about his private life.
"He said he has come under renewed attack over the past few days and has accused a 'handful' of journalists and politicians of attempting to undermine the investigation by circulating lies and vicious rumours.
"The Londonderry man has lodged a complaint with the Press Complaints Commission stating that a national newspaper fabricated quotes and accused him of lying..." - Top cop in Jersey child abuse inquiry slams critics
"Detectives investigating allegations of abuse at a former Jersey children's home said new tests had proved 'beyond doubt' that the remains of more than one child had been found." - Jersey tests confirm remains find
One child under 10 is killed each week in the UK.
ChriS SmiTH>
if you want to discuss go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/217326933861 the problems of child abuse are caused by wrong VALUES in society the "capitalisT" selfish mentality which teaches inhumanity must be reversed or society will drown like the titanic ..
Network of Estranged Parents and Abused Kids
too many people have similar problems of losing thieir kids by abduction, or their kids are abused, if all the individual activists and groups exchanged information and co-operated llocal and global w...
154 members
========================= http://unsub-b.blogspot.com/2013/02/equality-in-and-out-of-our-clubs-doing.html
ChriS SmiTH> doing my "Best"
i went our to organise my birthday party w/end...
dont forget we also have to discuss "friend ship weekend" organisation and choice of charity, would like u to meet people in UE , any possibiity you could make short visit at THIS WEEKEND TO UE??
and also plan trip to Istanbul, this is NOT a "bribe" this is your birthday present , but i have to book economy..so it needs "planning"
so many GOOD things to do...and I dont have time to do alone..
vidimo se?
take CARE!
Last night i had a few drinks, but was alone, as usual,
and missing you, I dont like to be feeling selfish and sorry for myself,
when YOU have problems with grandfather & cousin..
I "expected" you after your birthday last week..
but you go to your family..I understand that
but...I wanted to be doing these things NOW,
-I cleaned my room so that you could have your own place..(space)
-i planned to go running every day with you (as u said u could "beat me";0 ...)
- and trekking in the nature, and show u my favourite places..
- explain meditation to breathe in a way, so you could overcome your fears and alcohol
- hoped we could exchange languages, I need to understand your culture & words are part of that
- plan the club and Red Nose, and kids projects together
and i hoped to improve your understanding of me..because NO one knows who I am...& who cares??
why should I improve their world, if people dont care?
if you cant say something "nice" ? wont you be my reason to Live?
- I shall celebrate "this time" , again, ALONE, as I did @ xmas, new year
etc ..alone,,. I cant be "happy" because you are not here, so i have to
occupy my heart & mind with my campaigns , make protests, argue and debate
the world , this mad world, but i HATE feeling sorry for myself..
its selfish and not ME, but its truly hard to wait another 10 days, but
I will..
I would rather be doing something positive, together!
Cuvaj se, Danica, I miss you and think about you , I wish you only GOOD things
ChRiS x
4 February
ChriS SmiTH> zaisto? I am so sorry you feel like that I love the fact that you were born and i want to celebrate your life..! i wanted to phone u and sing in a horrible voice "happy birthday to you!" ... then u would hate me more than this day! ha ha .. please....SMILE...i care how u feel! today ..and ...
i celebrate each of my birthday s more and more , just that I survived another year on this mad planet, every year my patry starts earlier and finishes later, even if i am "alone!" ...
.so .. i AM "celebrating " yr birth ... (and if u ever HEAR my voice its FAR better if these 4 lads from Liverpool sing to you than me! ) SMILE .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_Nz9B1XFio
Birthday by the Beatles
Happy birthday to you
ChriS SmiTH
CUVAJ SE! ..MOLIM! (i care!)
4 February
Danica Stancic
hahaha and we celebrating today my birthday together, Im in Bg and you in Pg :))) thanks for wanderful flower :)))
ChriS SmiTH
i am happy when u are happy!
Ja sam srec´an, kada ste srec´ni, recite mi, molim vas , šta hoc´eš , da nemam?
sta Radis>? (my little serpski..) so if your parents come wednesday/thursday(?) when do u think to come to Pg? so i can belatedly sing (not really!) to U ! ..
4 February
as this day comes to an end
..i think of you, more than friend
"destiny" or fate..
...its is Soul , mate...
i am thinking of you...
laku noc!
ChriS SmiTH
"all property is theft" ... its a sunny day, anyway! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2384ayqnAho
Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart (official video) 11:45
Kako si? ...
Danica Stancic
Today better than yesterday:)
ChriS SmiTH
Dobro... strange this song kept coming into my head then i was helping someone from istanbul and sitting in cafe in Pg and they played the song..i had been thinking of.. it somehow fits me..and i ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxDyXK93o6g
Neil Diamond - I am... I said (W/Lyrics)
I do not own this music or video...
ChriS SmiTH
"I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
Leavin' me lonely still
Did you ever read about a frog who dreamed of being a king
And then became one
Well, except for the names and a few other changes
If you talk about me, the story's the same one
But I got an emptiness deep inside
And I've tried but it won't let me go
And I'm not a man who likes to swear
But I've never cared for the sound of being alone
I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
I am, I said
I am, I cried
I am...
ChriS SmiTH
this film, contrary to personal expeience shows that there may be intellgent life on your planet after all one day if u come to Pg as u promised..u might know the universe as i know it!
ChriS SmiTH
ovaj film, contrrari licnog iskustva, mi pokazuje da može postojati intellgent život na planeti , nakon svega, kada dodete u Podgorici, kao što je obec´ao .. možda znate univerzum , kao što sam to znao!
Laku Noc!
ChriS SmiTH
p..s are your parents coming to visit you tomorrow? , I hope it goes well for you goodnight!
are you ok??
ChriS SmiTH
cuvaj se!!... take care... molim!
ChriS SmiTH
Dobro Jutro, Danica, Sto ima?
ChriS SmiTH
Dobra Dan I CA you know, I am really looking forward to seeing you here, training together, walking in park, talking, etc ...sharing ideas and breathing!
i want to "share"
Hiya "DaX" ...
you do know i keep asking after you, dont you/????
............ I "lost" everyone I loved & cared for..
I mention it now, because i am here in Pg watching a film..
which reminds me of my "first love" .. I was 15 ..
I was infatuated with the lady next door when I was alone
sometimes came and sat and watched TV with me.. she never
knew , and i never told her or anyone..
then they told me she had died, suddenly of epilepsy,
and i couldnt share.. so please ...accept my concern for you
dont be offended that i care what is going on with you
or my belief that we can do something special tongether//...
her name was Audrey, she was wonderful, as clear in my memory now as then (she was at least 10 years older..)
goodnight! x Laku Noc!
ChriS SmiTH
p.s. I got a postcard from Raz STILL in Istanbul, she is workign at a hostel there..would be NICE if ... we visited her when we can go together,
it SEEMS that u CAN use your passport?? ..
lets discuss when u are in Pg, ok?
err...can u find Me, in this picture <SMILE> ...?
ChriS SmiTH
Hiya Danica , Kako si? are YOU ok??
ChriS SmiTH
Dobar DanICA, i know u do not want to be "controlled" but, i do worry If i dont have any contact from you.. whats new? when do u come to Pg/me?
i am going (even more) crazy ..
ChriS SmiTH
Danica Stancic
xaxaxa I finde you on picture! You have a wonderful red dress, you are so pretty)) Still I dont have a phone, and only way to be in contact is on facebook...My father be here, and we just continue like is evrithing ok...But 13. februyry we have family meeting, and he ask me to come home that day. So, My trip to Pg, must wait couple days...Good thing is that I still dont drink( But on My birthday I drink few gin-tonic, but shhhh, its a secret)) And my physical exercize every time is better! And look out, when I come we will have a little competition, and now maybe I can beat you...
Danica Stancic
Timeline Photos
Ulica Crvenih Noseva 1.1.2013.
by: Dusko Petrovic
Danica Stancic
I didnt know that also in Bg exsist a day of red nose:) Its a firs day of New year!!
ChriS SmiTH
ZDRAVO, Its SO good that u contact me, I got a little worried... I am glad u are fit, I am not a very patient person, but i will wait when it(you) are important..) i accept your challenge, but as I have to wait for you , i will expect you to come as soon after the 13th as possible , MOLIM!!!!
in fact there is some local parti sI would normally not go to alone here in PG on weekend 14/15/16th february , so I hope u can come by then? and dance! ...I am also running (although I had some chest pain and small bit of "bronchitis") I am still very much alive, because i need to be breathing to do the things we should do..there ius som much to tell and share with you.. and I have great hopes ..but step by step we shall build this up.. PLEASE bring a couple of RED noses to Pg for me and you (maybe if its cold u dont need one??) ha ha...
it will be hard to wait one more week until you arrive, because I already "prepared" a sort of programme.. so dont be in a rush to leave after u eventually arrive on MY PLANET! please try to send FB messages from time to time, you will make me SMILE..TAKE CARE, until later , SMILE , hugs ^ X your ChRIS .. i cant open your "link" above... and the "C1A" keep blocking this video ; http://youtu.be/7FSvh0J1MgA
maybe u would prefer a phone as my birthday present to you instead of a trip to Istanbul : ?
..and many more co-incidences, every TV programme mentions "DaX" .. I X U
you know I am Gemini *(Twins) as SUN sign, with AQUAIOUS ascendent..! (97%) ..ha ah..
but monday starts MY (chinese) new year.. i am "Snake" , so do you know your "chinese" sign? ..// ? half pig and half Rat??
my emotional instinct wanted to invite you for a "romantic dinner" on 14th February...
because at first , u were coming here immediately after your birthday, then I expected you this weekend, and now ....I hope u understand that I put plans "on hold" until you arrive, so take care, cuvaj se! please tell me something nice, 'Nica ???
Danica, Nadam se da razumete , ja sam toliko puna emotivnog energije.
Ocekujuc´i vas da se ovde dolazi , bio sam pripreme, planiranja, u nadi da se osec´ate dobro u sve to .
Pa , naravno , ja c´u cekati dok ne dode , ako taj kako mora da bude.
Želim da podelim moje oduševljenje , i naravno njena lakše za mene da vidim šta može da bude.
Želim da podelim ponovo kuva, da ide radi (ja dont misliti da c´e me tuc´i , ali ..)
meditiram i razgovaraju o klubu, akcije i poceti u malom nacin da imaju pozitivan efekat ..
i onda ....
pa vas molimo da razumete da ja razumem da izaberete svoju porodicu , i radujem se naredne sedmice .
ali ja vas propustiti!
ChRiS x
Danica Stancic
probably my english is also funny like your serbian:))))
ChriS SmiTH >
yes that why i also want to spend time, together too, to improve your english and VERY MUCH start to improve my understanding of your language and you, too..
Danica, do u want me to write these messages? i am not sure if you get the feeling.. I want .. but..anyway, i wish you GOOD night, ( i am catching up on my sleep, these days, as i am alone) and will run a lot tomorrow to burn some E N E R G Y.. .... laku noc, and sweet dreams.. x ChRiS
i am testing "Video production" .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUxAC7N3Ckw REdBEL1_LionsCS1vo;
Laku Noc! GOOD night Danica!
MY personal "Diary" (CSerS log) seems blocked..so i "couched" it on my back up UnSub Blog..just for you!! http://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com/2013/02/sub-couched-from-csers-13208-13209.html ..no one else (except probably the C1A ) will see it
UNSuB-ed@Tolosi_LOL : sub-couched from CSerS 13208 (13209)
can u tell me a time , monday or tuesday when we can "coomunicate" ..either on facebook or skype (chrismith.csema) ..maybe i could phone you @ at your family or if u give me a phone number that I can call at Bijeljina ..so that we can make arrangements for your visit , the room is ready..!!
ChriS SmiTH
Danica, molim da li bi bili ljubazni da mi kažete vremena, ponedeljak ili utorak , kada možemo da " komunicira " .. ni na Facebook ili Skipe ( chrismith.csema ) .. da li je moguc´e da vas telefon na porodicu ili ako u mi daju telefonski broj koji mogu pozvati na Bijeljine. Dakle, da možemo napraviti aranžmane za posetu ovde , vaša soba je ocišc´en i spreman ovde .. ! ChRiS
some pain.. early night, hows is your weekend? ..
Happy chinese new Year , of Snake, and..laku noc! ..Good night!
are u Ok,? Danica?
ChriS SmiTH
Hiya Since I returned from Bg/UE I have only been out drinking ONCE and had a day out last week @ VirPazar with a visitor (from Istanbul) ..
I want U to go there with me (it is probably my favourite place in MNE ) ..to go training or at a trek or least a walk/talk if you feel up to it.?? have u been training? .(do u like to eat freshly cooked fish?) http://monty-logic.blogspot.com/2013/02/virpazar-favourite-club-csers-location.html
VirPazar, a favourite club CSerS location.. | monty-logic
kako si? ......it would be wonderful if u could come to me on 14th february?
I am "@home" a lot , and of course "hungry" to see some words from you?
ChriS SmiTH>
Ja sustiže na mom snu , ona osec´a cudno da ste u stanju da odgovorite na moje poruke, nedostaje mi je kontakt sa vama, pa vam poslati pozitivnu energiju ,
i pre nego što odem ovu planetu , nadam se da kada me znaš (bolje nego iko drugo ) bic´e poslati mi ovo .. .
Danica, I wish you a GOOD NIGHT!
Laku Noc!
Dobra Dan.. i Ca.....Va? ...we can learn english, sepski & spanish too ha ha ha... its a sunny day.. kako si?
ChriS SmiTH
went for a walk to the "centar" .. i need your HELP with my "local accent" , when I ordered a "wake up" Rakija, i received a COFFEE ..ha ha ha.. it was good to see ppl walking on the field nearby.. was too warm for a coat.. I am waiting for you to start "training" ..I am at MY best when I am supporting , especially someone I care for, its reciprocal , I HAVE to use it (energy & experience) or i lose it, and myself.. vidimo se!
its a "small world" I was in contact with Vera (yr sister) .. :0 and the LFC fan I know is "Rasho" I sent a weekend with his family in kotor the first year I was in MNE, we are not close but I met him a few times together with Ciki and Izabela in NS.. anyway, dont worry about me.. if u have to spend time with your family.. Razumem,
Naravno, . i want to start training with you, here in Pg, I miss you , but I send energy to you and your family.. cuvaj se!
I just want you to be clear, that whilst I really want you to come here and start "training" etc, with me, I know your family is important to you ..
i think I need to get drunk tonight
ChriS SmiTH>
its no fun ..alone, i only got part of "the job" done.. in a bad mood, but it is my fault...my life...whilst it lasts.. who cares?
Danica Stancic
why bad mood? are you drink tonight?
ChriS SmiTH
I didnt drink enough, i came back .. no one to talk to...
i need humanity.. its like being in a desert..
Danica Stancic
aaa you want drink in bar? hm...maybe is better go to store buy some vine and play mouve at home...
ChriS SmiTH
i am feeling sorry for myself, and i dont like feeling like this,, i need to channel my energy into positive.. i miss you!
i dont want...
sure i can escape into fantasy land... thats too easy..
tell me something nice ?
Danica Stancic
oooo I be busy all day because I paint new flat, one room in green:)))
like lepricon
ChriS SmiTH >
i planned a lot of things for us.. and i know u have to go to your family, i dont have family, so I dont have "problem" just me....i wish you well,. i wish...a lot
so you are alone in new flat in Bg??
i know u will spend some days at your family..
Danica Stancic
and now I preparing soma to eat, and I go to sleap...tomorow is day for traveling
...and I need to be a clear head...I have a big talk with my pearents
no, not alone
and wich is a reason your bad mood?
ChriS SmiTH >
with ? (its leprechaun! by the way) cant u communicate with me?? I am in bad mood because
I cant communicate with you!!
you never have time...
who do you live with?
Danica Stancic
hahaha my perfect english:)))
ChriS SmiTH >
do you still come to visit me in Podgorica?
Danica Stancic
because I dont have a routin to be on line...
ChriS SmiTH
do you still come to visit me in Podgorica?
Danica Stancic
yes, on the end of February
ChriS SmiTH
end >? why didnt you say this ?
Danica Stancic
I be at home till next week and after that I coming to visit
ChriS SmiTH
today is 11th february! end is 28th february!
is this a "promise" ?
Danica Stancic
I say to you, I have change plans...I must go to home to make good mood with my pearents
...and today is 11. and I stay few days at home...probably 20. February...and end of February is 28...
I planing to go in Pg about 22 or 23
we speak about same thing:))))
ChriS SmiTH >
its difficult for me ...not knowing about your plans, I have empathy..you know that...
I dont have family to care about,, and I care ABOUT you!! DO U UNDERSTAND ME.. ?? razumem?
Danica Stancic
its not promis, because I dont like give promises...
ChriS SmiTH >
i need a "promise" because then I can be calm! molim?
Danica Stancic
ChriS SmiTH
U did promise me before..
ko? ja
hvala! ... i need some "humanity" on this cold plalnet
Danica Stancic
its something what I dont performing often...I promise to come in Pg farthest 25 February
its ok?
ChriS SmiTH
and I made your room ready, I made a plan, a programme, training, language, projects
.. because..i need to give,,its me!
Danica Stancic
ok we have time for everything:) just dont be sead
ChriS SmiTH >
maybe I go to Uzice...next weekend, because I cant stay alone this time..life is running away from me ..
.i can only be who i am , i respect who you are...
when U finish with your family I can pick u up with car on 22/23 february..
but please BE HONEST with me,. if U are not then I trust no-one., u are the only one i trust now...
u stay in Bijeljina the next 2 weeks?
Danica Stancic
Uzice? Its a good plan...ok...
no two...maybe ten days
ChriS SmiTH >
so Uzice is not so far from Bijeljina .. Laku noc..!
Danica Stancic
I go to eat something..and I go to bed...are you go to bed soon?
ChriS SmiTH >
i hope good things for your family..
... i dont know what I do, maybe i climb the walls, stand on my head, run around ... does it matter?
Danica Stancic
hahahah stand on your head :))))
ChriS SmiTH >
go and eat your food!
Danica Stancic
I would to know that skills
hahah its lunch from yesterday
very nice dinner today :)))
ChriS SmiTH>
If you give me time, I will show YOU everything you need..to surivive on this mad planet ..
an d cook u some nice things, and how to cook "life" .. before i leave it..
Danica Stancic
we have all time of this world...mad world
ChriS SmiTH >
please, will you tell me something "nice" ??
Danica Stancic
you stay here...still is not your time for travel on another dimension
ChriS SmiTH
you have to be my reason.. .. adios!
hasta la vista! ..
when u have time listen to "honesty" by Billy Joel, then u may understand me...a bit!
go eat!, goodnight!
Danica Stancic
I go to translate that song..and please change bed mood in joy and happines
yea, I need food...and sleep
laku noc:)))
ChriS SmiTH >
when U are here , then I will be... not before! laku noc!
sweet dreams "Dax"
Danica Stancic
why not before? its not good
ChriS SmiTH >
because there is no one ..i can trust, no one, who i feel is true.. but I told you months ago, and U did not believe me....
Danica Stancic
we must acting like we have all in this moment...and if we are acting like this we preparing for good moment
ChriS SmiTH >
its the consequence of my life,, a universal gypsy, i never was in a place long enough for anyone to know me ..
thats a nice idea, but also we must be true to what is...
Danica Stancic
I must tell you, like joke...its because you living in Montenegro
ChriS SmiTH>
and I AM TRUE, I am HONEST.. and this is my test to be in MNE.. yes its a "joke" ..
Danica Stancic
hahaha its a really big test...
I go now
laku noc:)
be happy
ChriS SmiTH >
but we find the truth about ourself, often in the LEAST "comfortable" place,,
I lived alone. all my life.. and here is trule ALONE..i will be happy ... when..I am happy,..but i will always be honest with you! good or bad,...goodnight!
Honesty Billy Joel
hope is gud ^^
ChriS SmiTH
If you search for tenderness
It isn't hard to find
You can have the love you need to live
But if you look for truthfulness
You might just as well be blind
It always seems to be so hard to give
Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from YOU
I can always find someone
To say they sympathize
If I wear my heart out on my sleeve
But I don't want some pretty face
To tell me pretty lies
All I want is someone to BELIEVE
Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you
I can find a lover
I can find a friend
I can have security
Until the bitter end
Anyone can comfort me
With PROMISES again
I know, I know
When I'm deep inside of me
Don't be too concerned
I won't ask for ( any thing )' while I'm gone
But when I want sincerity
Tell me where else can I turn
Cause you're the ONE that I depend upon
Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from YOU
ChriS SmiTH
bad translation ;-
Ukoliko tražite nežnost
Nije teško pronac´i
Možete imati ljubav morate da živite
Ali ako pogledate za istinitost
Možda baš kao i biti slep
Ona uvek izgleda da je tako teško dati
Iskrenost je takvausamljena rec
Svako je toliko neistina
Iskrenost je jedva cuo
I uglavnom ono što mi treba od tebe
Uvek možete nac´i nekoga
Da kažu da saosec´aju
Ako ja nosim moje srce na mom rukavu
Ali ja ne želim nešto lepo lice
Da kažem ja lepo leži
Sve što želim je da neko veruje
Iskrenost je takvausamljena rec
Svako je toliko neistina
Iskrenost je jedva cuo
I uglavnom ono što mi treba od tebe
Ja mogu nac´i ljubavnika
Ja mogu da nadem prijatelja
Ja mogu da imaju sigurnost
Do samog kraja
Svako može da me uteši
Sa obec´ava ponovo
Znam , znam
Kada sam duboko u meni
Nemojte biti previše zabrinut
Nec´u tražiti ništa , dok ja odem
Ali kada želim iskrenost
Reci mi gde drugde mogu pretvoriti
Jer ti sionaj koji sam zavisiti
Iskrenost je takvausamljena rec
Svako je toliko neistina
Iskrenost je jedva cuo
I uglavnom ono što mi treba od tebe
ChriS SmiTH >
I just want you to be clear, that whilst I really want you to come here and start "training" etc, with me, I know your family is important to you ..
i think I need to get drunk tonight
Dobra Dan.. i Ca.....Va? ...we can learn english, sepski & spanish too ha ha ha... its a sunny day.. kako si?
ChriS SmiTH
went for a walk to the "centar" .. i need your HELP with my "local accent" , when I ordered a "wake up" Rakija, i received a COFFEE ..ha ha ha.. it was good to see ppl walking on the field nearby.. was too warm for a coat.. I am waiting for you to start "training" ..I am at MY best when I am supporting , especially someone I care for, its reciprocal , I HAVE to use it (energy & experience) or i lose it, and myself.. vidimo se!
ChriS SmiTH
its a "small world" I was in contact with Vera (yr sister) .. :0 and the LFC fan I know is "Rasho" I sent a weekend with his family in kotor the first year I was in MNE, we are not close but I met him a few times together with Ciki and Izabela in NS.. anyway, dont worry about me.. if u have to spend time with your family.. Razumem,
Naravno, . i want to start training with you, here in Pg, I miss you , but I send energy to you and your family.. cuvaj se!
Laku Noc
Ja sustiže na mom snu , ona osec´a cudno da ste u stanju da odgovorite na moje poruke, nedostaje mi je kontakt sa vama, pa vam poslati pozitivnu energiju ,
i pre nego što odem ovu planetu , nadam se da kada me znaš (bolje nego iko drugo ) bic´e poslati mi ovo .. :).
Danica, I wish you a GOODNIGHT! :)
(Special friend..)
I am catching up on my sleep, it feels strange that you are unable to answer my messages, i miss having contact with you, so send you positive energy , and before I leave this planet, hope that when you know me (better than anyone else) YOU will send me this.. :) .
to me
:) I am "@home" a lot , and of course "hungry" to see some words from you? :)
VirPazar, a favourite club CSerS location.. | monty-logic
ChriS SmiTH
kako si? ......it would be wonderful if u could come to me on 14th february?
Since I returned from Bg/UE I have only been out drinking ONCE and had a day out last week @ VirPazar with a visitor (from Istanbul) ..
I want U to go there with me (it is probably my favourite place in MNE ) ..to go training or at a trek or least a walk/talk if you feel up to it.?? ;) have u been training? .(do u like to eat freshly cooked fish?) http://monty-logic.blogspot.com/2013/02/virpazar-favourite-club-csers-location.html
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUxAC7N3Ckw REdBEL1_LionsCS1vo;
(0nly 7 seconds ;; uploafde to Mc5?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FSvh0J1MgA)
please would you be so kind to tell me a time , monday or tuesday when we can "communicate"
..either on facebook or skype (chrismith.csema)
..is it possible to could phone you at your family or if u give me a telephone number that I can call at Bijeljina.
So, that we can make arrangements for your visit here, your room is cleaned and ready here ..!!
==Danica, molim da li bi bili ljubazni da mi kažete vremena, ponedeljak ili utorak , kada možemo da " komunicira "
.. ni na Facebook ili Skipe ( chrismith.csema ) .
. da li je moguc´e da vas telefon na porodicu ili ako u mi daju telefonski broj koji mogu pozvati na Bijeljine.
Dakle, da možemo napraviti aranžmane za posetu ovde , vaša soba je ocišc´en i spreman ovde .. !
some pain.. early night, hows is your weekend? ..
23:15 23:52
ChriS SmiTH >
Happy chinese new Year , of Snake, and..laku noc! ..Good night!
are u Ok,? Danica?
Vera Stancic
yes, hi is my friend. he told me last night about u. and, i am not liverpool's fun
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
its Ok.. i hope it wasnt anything bad that he told U, VerA! cuvaj se! .. !
sorry I am trying to learn your langauge a bit...
Vera Stancic
it's ok, don't worry
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
but today I asked for a Rakija in a caffe , and i received coffee!!
I am hoping Danica and I can improve each others Language, i said i would help her keep up with you!
Vera Stancic
and i learn english so, i don't know write very well
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
you want to "test" , you are welcome to write to me,.
Vera Stancic
hahaha, ok, it is good to know
u are in podgorica now?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
yes ! where are you?
Vera Stancic
i am at home, in Dvorovi, Bijeljina. I am at home since octobar 2011. I am looking for job here.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
what do you want to do? what do you enjoy?
Vera Stancic
i don' know. It is hard to find a job here, u must to pay a work place, or if u have a very strong people behind u.... so, my father and one his friend traying to find some for me....maybe post office or spa.... we don't know jet... enything and i will be happy....
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ok, razumem ,
I understand from Danica that she comes home to Bijeljina for 13th February ? and then she comes to Podgorica to visit me, If you dont mind, I will talk to her, without making any promises, I will see if I ca help... but you should think about what you like to do, because if you enjoy doing something.. its easier to find a way..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Vera Stancic
oh, i love to sing and dance, but, it is just for me and my family
yes, she comes 13th
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ha ha , ok, I am a good dancer, too, but i dont like to punish my audience with singing.,,
Vera Stancic
i don't care about audience
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
what are your favorite subjects at school, ? do you have other "hobbies" ?
Vera Stancic
they all mine, so they must have an undestanding
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ha ha ha ,,,
Vera Stancic
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Ok, Is it ok for me to discuss your "future" with Danica when she comes to Podgorice? again I have no "guarantee" but.. I will try,..
Vera Stancic
about my future? or?
she said about her visit to Podgorica, but one grandfather, in fact one cousin who livs in our home is very ill, and he will probably die very soon
so, maybe she will stay at home for several days longer
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
I am sorry, anyway, I have to contact Danica about her travel to Podgorica, or to make other plans, but of course you know she had problems with her telephone, do YOU have a phone number, if i can call her on 13th? I understand that family is most important.. I just want to know situation..
Vera Stancic
i have a phone and i am always on fb
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
would u let me know your number, so that I can talk to danica?
Vera Stancic
u can call, it's no problem
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Vera Stancic
+387 65 811 477
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ok Hvala, mine is +382 686 14427 , and I am also on skype (but no video) chrismith.csema
Vera Stancic
nema na cemu
i must go now
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
mee too thanks Vera, I dotn get chance to have long conversation with Danica, so its nice to talk with you.. cuvaj se!
me too
Zephod Slartibartfast Biblbroks
big greetings from NS for my old red frend!
ChriS SmiTH
Hello Rasho, do you know Vera Stancic too ??
here is a "Test" if u and Dancia want to try to translate into ENGLISH..
lyrics from a favourite song of mine..
"Ukoliko tražite nežnost
Nije teško pronac´i
Možete imati ljubav morate da živite
Ali ako pogledate za istinitost
Možda baš kao i biti slep
Ona uvek izgleda da je tako teško dati
Iskrenost je takvausamljena rec
Svako je toliko neistina
Iskrenost je jedva cuo
I uglavnom ono što mi od vas
Uvek možete nac´i nekoga
Da kažu da saosec´aju
Ako ja nosim moje srce na mom rukavu
Ali ja ne želim nešto lepo lice
Da kažem ja lepo leži
Sve što želim je da neko VERUJEM
Iskrenost je takvausamljena rec
Svako je toliko neistina
Iskrenost je jedva cuo
I uglavnom ono što mi treba od tebe
Ja mogu nac´i ljubavnika
Ja mogu da nadem prijatelja
Ja mogu da imaju sigurnost
Do samog kraja
Svako može da me uteši
Sa obec´anjima ponovo
Znam , znam
Kada sam duboko u meni
Nemojte biti previše zabrinut
Nec´u tražiti (bilo što ) ' , dok sam otišao
Ali kada želim iskrenost
Reci mi gde drugde mogu pretvoriti
Jer ti sionaj koji sam zavisiti
Iskrenost je takvausamljena rec
Svako je toliko neistina
Iskrenost je jedva cuo
I uglavnom ono što mi od vas"
I will try to contact Danica tomorrow via your phone number, ok?
I hope the situation with your Grandfather & cousin becomes easier .. !
Cuvja se!
13213 4:18pm
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
just got on lien for a few minutes,,
(there could be some work for u, Vera, as an "agent" translating lyrics for musicians.. ) when U improve...(thats why the test is useeful)
I sent U an sms with my address, please pass it to Dani. I just would like to know that she arrived safely and she is "ok" Molim..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Vera Stancic
i think she will come tonight.... i will tell u when she arrived
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
hvala, Vera, thank you very much, I hope she is safe..
ChriS SmiTH
yes that why i also want to spend time, together too, to improve your english and VERY MUCH start to improve my understanding of your language and you, too..
Danica, do u want me to write these messages? i am not sure if you get the feeling.. I want .. but..anyway, i wish you GOOD night, ( i am catching up on my sleep, these days, as i am alone) and will run a lot tomorrow to burn some E N E R G Y.. .... laku noc, and sweet dreams.. x ChRiS
i am testing "Video production" .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUxAC7N3Ckw REdBEL1_LionsCS1vo;
Laku Noc! GOOD night Danica!
MY personal "Diary" (CSerS log) sems blocked..so i "couched" it on my back up UnSub Blog..just for you!! http://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com/2013/02/sub-couched-from-csers-13208-13209.html ..no one else (except probably the C1A ) will see it
UNSuB-ed@Tolosi_LOL: sub-couched from CSerS 13208 (13209)
ChriS SmiTH
can u tell me a time , monday or tuesday when we can "coomunicate" ..either on facebook or skype (chrismith.csema) ..maybe i could phone you @ at your family or if u give me a phone number that I can call at Bijeljina ..so that we can make arrangements for your visit , the room is ready..!!
ChriS SmiTH
Danica, do u want me to write these messages? i am not sure if you get the feeling.. I want .. but..anyway, i wish you GOOD night, ( i am catching up on my sleep, these days, as i am alone) and will run a lot tomorrow to burn some E N E R G Y.. .... laku noc, and sweet dreams.. x ChRiS
ChriS SmiTH
i am testing "Video production" .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUxAC7N3Ckw REdBEL1_LionsCS1vo;
ChriS SmiTH
Laku Noc! GOOD night Danica!
HiYa Sean . my HiYa Sean . my latest "production"
final version on F-way not to pay Utube??
(check sound..) :) CS
latest "production" final version on F-way (we come not to PAY ) dont complain - CAMPAIGN ..WE ARE THE CLUB...
(check sound..) :) CS
I hope you understand, I am so full of emotional energy.
Expecting you to be coming here,I have been preparing, planning, and hoping that you feel good with it all.
So , of course, I will wait until you come,if thats how it has to be.
I want you to share my enthusiasm , and of course its easier for me to see what can be.
I want to share cooking again, to go running (I dont think you will beat me, yet..) :)
meditate and discuss the club, the actions and start in a small way to have a positive effect..
and then....
so please understand, that I understand you choose your family, and I look forward to next week.
but i miss you!
ChriS SmiTH
Danica, Nadam se da razumete , ja sam toliko puna emotivnog energije.
Ocekujuc´i vas da se ovde dolazi , bio sam pripreme, planiranja, u nadi da se osec´ate dobro u sve to .
Pa , naravno , ja c´u cekati dok ne dode , ako taj kako mora da bude.
Želim da podelim moje oduševljenje , i naravno njena lakše za mene da vidim šta može da bude.
Želim da podelim ponovo kuva, da ide radi (ja dont misliti da c´e me tuc´i , ali ..)
meditiram i razgovaraju o klubu, akcije i poceti u malom nacin da imaju pozitivan efekat ..
i onda ....
pa vas molimo da razumete da ja razumem da izaberete svoju porodicu , i radujem se naredne sedmice .
ali ja vas propustiti!
ChRiS x
ChriS SmiTH
Danica Stancic
probably my english is also funny like your serbian:))))
ChriS SmiTH
yes that why i also want to spend time, together too, to improve your english and VERY MUCH start to improve my understanding of your language and you, too..
ChriS SmiTH
Danica, do u want me to write these messages? i am not sure if you get the feeling.. I want .. but..anyway, i wish you GOOD night, ( i am catching up on my sleep, these days, as i am alone) and will run a lot tomorrow to burn some E N E R G Y.. .... laku noc, and sweet dreams.. x ChRiS
Elif Irem Koç
Yes, we are all well! Thanks! I just saw your ref and i left you one as well! Cheers! Take care!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Hvala! enjoy BiH etc... let me know when u go to Bg (in case...)
please http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3GtAnO66o PLEAse learn the lyrics..they are important to me!! one of my favourite songs... from my heart to you..
Honesty Billy Joel
hope is gud ^^
ChriS SmiTH
šta radiš? today?
ChriS SmiTH
Goo Goo Dolls-Iris Lyrics
.... ..... just listen! happy birthday !! Nicer 'Nica , Dan..I Danas , Dobar dan iCA!
ChriS SmiTH
I just want ..u to know, who i am and I will help u know who u are! x
Ja samo želim da znaš, ko sam ja, i ja c´u pomoc´i u znati ko si!
this film, contrrary to personal expeience whows that there may be intellgent life on your planet after all one day if u come to Pg as u promised..u might know the universe as i know it!
ChriS SmiTH
ovaj film, contrrari licnog iskustva, mi pokazuje da može postojati intellgent život na planeti , nakon svega, kada dodete u Podgorici, kao što je obec´ao .. možda znate univerzum , kao što sam to znao!
Dobro Jutro, Danica, Sto ima?
Dobra Dan I CA you know, I am really looking forward to seeing you here, training together, walking in park, talking, etc ...sharing ideas and breathing!
i want to "share"
Hiya "DaX" ...
you do know i keep asking after you, dont you/????
............ I "lost" everyone I loved & cared for..
I mention it now, because i am here in Pg watching a film..
which reminds me of my "first love" .. I was 15 ..
I was infatuated with the lady next door when I was alone
sometimes came and sat and watched TV with me.. she never
knew , and i never told her or anyone..
then they told me she had died, suddenly of epilepsy,
and i couldnt share.. so please ...accept my concern for you
dont be offended that i care what is going on with you
or my belief that we can do something special tongether//...
her name was Audrey, she was wonderful, as clear in my memory now as then (she was at least 10 years older..)
p.s. I got a postcard from Raz STILL in Istanbul, she is workign at a hostel there..would be NICE if ... we visited her when we can go together,
it SEEMS that u CAN use your passport?? ..

despite the "compliments" from "experts" and self appraisal from BR , that s 9 goals conceded in the last 4 games,, the Reina/Agger/Skrtel/Lucas central structure is the best(currently) ..and conceded less goals than any other selection..
. we cant afford to have a "never will be " like hodson or a "learner" like BR who is a decent coach who can produce pretty football, but is not a BIG enough manager to provide a winning team, ..or to manage a club as BIG as OURS is! certainly not with F S G as his masters..

ChRiS Says:http://live4liverpool.com/2013/02/view-from-the-kop/reds-finally-rising-to-the-occasion
February 10th, 2013 at 5:52 pm
Liverpool FC Ex-Yu REDS
Graeme Souness, Alan Hansen & Kenny Dalglish
Liverpool vs. Arsenal Charity Shield —
Phil Forde We're LIGHT MILES away this right now.
2 minutes ago · Like
ChriS SmiTH The Problems go much deeper..a couple of decent performances left me frustrated still as most ignore the big picture..that we have suffered as a club from off-fiiedl mis-management for a long time…
without the right basis (and IMO, that means a co-op between the global support of 7 million + “customers” , Liverpool community; ex players and Celebrity fan” investors.. we are being fooled into “debating daily issues” instead of a radical re-structuring of our club (which obviously removes F S G)
its pathetic to think that with 7 million “customers” worldwide that we cant make a profit..net… without some y a n k e r s involved!
“bankers” and hedge funds will be exposed for playing with “virtual money” …they are USELESS to us…. WE ARE the club and WE could raise 200-300 million from global support, celebs and ex players… apart from which..F S G are THE problem, , betraying Kenny, (which alone makes them unTRUSTworthy as custodians), ignoring Rafa, both these men are of massive value to our club, having made the progress with the youth players which “buck” is benefiing from.(between them Rafa and Kenny developed 25 international standard youth players ..for the club to “use” (Rafa brought Kenny back and Rudolfo in)
…BR is a novice using OUR club for HIS education & “CV”, he has won nothing, and whilst the footy may be “pretty” we still havent beaten a club in the top half!! progress?..decent coach , but as a man, not big enough “winner” to be manager OF LIVERPOOL..
Henry also snubbed the Hillsborough memorial and backed Bush’s campaign, ...
..WE members @ Global REdS) Do NOT want such people associated with LFC.. thats more important than what Rodgers does... if we want better times back then its in Y-OUR hands,, http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/ SCLOG
?- "Vision without Action is merely a dream. Action without Vision is passing the time. Vision with Action can change the world!"

Americans hire "media men" .. G & H brought in Hodgson in opposition to Rafa (his own man) F S G bring in BR , who maked buddies, and looks good on camera.. in opposition to Kenny who wiped the floor with every Scum journo ,Kenny and Rafa are Ours , woy & "buck" are "theirs"
I suggest ALL SUPPORTERS get off backsides and start distributing the anti F-way poster , and wear protest t-shirts & "we are the club" , boycott shops etc, because SoS..are not "mobilised".. DONT "oass the buck" all TRUE REDS take RESPONSIBILITY for OUR CLUB! its YOUR club.. DONT "complain" CAMPAIGN..(CS)
The time for action is now, FSG are sinking this ship and fast. We either get out and swim to safety or we sink with this ship. I suggest we get writing to spirit of shankly. (Seanocleirigh)
Like ·
Its all going tits up. (seanoc)
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay> As we said would happen..........yet, the penny hasn't dropped with the deluded supporters who think this team and manager are going somewhere........only place they're headed is Championship...!!!
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay > CS> they are not supporters they are "fannies" & F S G clones; 5 games = 3 losses , 2 draws and at least 2 goals conceded in each game.. out of domestic cups , and struggling t stay in europe, and after 2'3 season not yet beaten a team above us.. F S G ? no thank u !!
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay> CS> I see some fana are calling for BR's head but as hard as it may seem, the solution is the removal of F S G, expecting them to manage important decisonns about our football club properly is the equivalent of asking a blind man to choose the colour scheme of your house! (CS)
Although I blame F S G for the mess, people who have no idea or connection to the Culture of our club or a clue about Footy in general, are in trouble in Boston, and Henry (despite the "business acumen" losing 50% of his investments is sinking faster than the titanic.. ) BR took the job, the money and the inclusion on his eventual CV
.. so no sympathy, WHY does anyone believe that we should employ a manager who needs to "learn on the job" we are NOT a training accademy, The Liverpool way would (if , and its a BIG IF, ANOTHER change was needed) would have been to make Steve daily coach and Kenny a Director (of football) as it is F S G virtually (by design or ignorance) INVITED Rebellion..which is here and wont go away..until Henry & co disappear which considering the financial collapse in the USA is closer than you think..
BR is suited to Swanea..but not big enough for the global entity that is Liverpool, unable to "manage" the big players, he is probably 10 years away from being "big enough" for the job that has caused 2 heart attacks and a near breakdown for its encumbants,
We have over 7 million registered fans Worldwide, explayers and celeb investors, who together with the community of our city must prepare a salvage action when Henry's titanic finally sinks... it hit the iceberg some time ago..and I for one wont be throwing him any lifeline..our supporters are too busy building lifeboats..as usual fans arent aware of the depth of the problems..
CS> anti F-way, (u tube) & go to https://www.facebook.com/FenwayWeComeNotToPay
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IakvL1Qwkc Spirit of Shankly where are you?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun CS>Hiya Sean, agree with most of this, (although I think BR is a decent "coach") I mostly blame F S G for putting him in job too big employed by men who are only interested in a "F(R)ANchise" ..(& no NET investment !) but he has to take the blame too, WE, invest daily into the club,via shop purchases, tickets, and via support &media keep the global club going J. Henry who having lost so much of his empires investments is NOt the "shrewd businessman their PR-opaganda spouts..SoS are impotent, without radical leadership!
;a slow-moving committee that was "courted" by Henry when NESV first infected our club.... its embarrasing for a lot of ppl to now admit they have been "conned" by y a n k e r s TWICE..
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay > SEAN> hes made mistakes chris.. that much is sure. hes also spouting a lot of the PR shite fsg feed us... so hes wrong there too. however, my main gripe is with the YANKS. i want them out as do we all on this page. i dont think we can afford to off load another manager. if he had the financial backing, he may be able to do something positive with the squad.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun> CS> well Sean I dont hate him like i did Hodgson, but i believe that BR is not special enough, at this stage of his career, at least,(and a club our size is not a managerial accademy) it is a massive demand to be manager of Lfc, IF Kenny had been made director and either Steve Clarke or even BR instated as team coach with guidance from "above" it would have been sensible, but its mute as F S G know "sweet FA" about the game, our club or our culture.. but from the reaction I have seen recently on the NET to our campaign around the World, they KNOW now.. ..ppl need to realise that the reason jW****r H is not interested in coming to Lp is that his business empire is sinking faster than the titanic.. ..time to build lifeboats ppl! ...! (CS) back on point ...SoS should have taken out an injunction.. to oppose them, organised protests, and supported our poster camopaign etc, but there is an old "joke" ... Q; "what do you call a racehorse designed by a committee? A; A CAMEL! ..
"Spirit of Shankly" , I am sure of one thing, if BILL had been around during the y a n k e r occupation of his club , he wouldn't be sitting on his ar*e!!
a few seconds ago · Like
(i dont think BR is "tough enough" to manage a team of international standard..yet! and we cant afford to wait...) (CS)
Hiya Sean
this is the "raw offer" ..
the mother of a local Liverpool fan works in a clothes factory, and these are their proces for us, cut to the bone.. no middle men, to save shipping costs Ivan (also a RedS Supporter) and manager @ "The Dubliner" pub ( a base for Liverpool and Celtic fans) has offered to collect individual orders as these prices are based on bulk production ex factory..
the REdvolution is coming.. :)
basic T-shirts = 3 euros
Polo & cap together = 15 Euros
woolly hat & Scarf together = (choose your own print) = e12
WE are THE CLUB , dont complain , CAMPAIGN! :)
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
Conversation started December 29, 2012
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
December 31, 2012
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
I am away from my computer chris. What's this you sent me? Happy new year to u
January 19
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
chris. set up youtbe account
gmail is fenwaywecomenottoplay@gmail.com
username: fenwaywecomenottoplay
youtube is the same when logging in.
January 19
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
who are u ?
January 20
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
its sean
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
I know Sean, just having a "light moment" in the middle of "WAR" ...i dont think we need a seperate "get fenway out" group though..it just splits the group and makes another group to look at when i already have too many..
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
i know but i think posting videos from a youtube account which i have started doing, well mean it will bring some attention to this issue
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
design for our "we are the club" t-shirt ;
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Hiya Sean
this is the "raw offer" ..
the mother of a local Liverpool fan works in a clothes factory, and these are their proces for us, cut to the bone.. no middle men, to save shipping costs Ivan (also a RedS Supporter) and manager @ "The Dubliner" pub ( a base for Liverpool and Celtic fans) has offered to collect individual orders as these prices are based on bulk production ex factory..
the REdvolution is coming..
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
great stuff. u in the process of doing this with him?
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
chris, the video u did, as great as it was, the quality of the audio was poor. next time will you make sure u can hear urself on it.
cheers mate
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
didnt u notice i said "check sound" ?? i KNOW !!!! making stuff on a laptop bombarded with viruses from ppl who want to block me, and having to re-load software constantly and change anti virus programmes, scan every single minute i am online... just to give u a small idea of what i am up against....during "production" 36 hours just to upload ONE video
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
the deal with the shirts etc is done, you just have to order via Ivan @ "the dubliner" the orders go direct to factory , NO "middle men" no one can cheat as payments are made direct..not for profit, in order to take income from F S G , and benefit SUPPORTERS!
i only helped set it up when I viisted there , I live 300 kms away!
Milos Adzic
how r u mate? getting ready for trip to lvp?
ChriS SmiTH
not yet... a lot of organising ..videos, campaigns.. etc ...
Milos Adzic
what do u organise?
ChriS SmiTH
i have invited you to meetimngs, somewhere in your in box, are the links, videos, etc ..
Milos Adzic
i see now
i will see, this meeting in uzice looks nice. i havent been there since i was kid
ChriS SmiTH
met some nice people and the "Dubliner" is managed by a true RED! will be the "welcome party" location too.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Hiya, I was thinking about visiting UE again this weekend?..Dani was supposed to visit but it seems her family needs her.. anything good going on, maybe I can help Marko get the website started , and get away from these "valerntine blues" ..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
I see yr programme, can I play??
Dubliner Uzice
Dont know mate. I ll go on weekend 2 Zlatibor wt. Tijana. I havent be on holiday for at least 1 year. I need some rest... from pub, from people, from everthing...
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
sorry I thought that "programme" was from you ?? valentines from thursday until sunday, obviously i wont come to UE if u arent there..
i/m confused!!
Dubliner Uzice
It was for all The Dubliner friends. Sorry I send event to everyone.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
never mind..
Dubliner Uzice
Sorry again. See ya
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
"nema problema" be happy that u have Tijana.. best regards to u both, I'll bury myself in "production" & campaigning.. take a rest..
maybe I shall come the next weekend, if possible kick a ball around too.
Dubliner Uzice
Thx mate
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
i need to kick something or someone..
Dubliner Uzice
Hahaha i know me 2. Talk to u soon. Take care
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
cuvaj se!
CSeRS v Bummers
Timusorry guys, I am bit getting old (or drunk :P) i guess.
I dont have a full time job so I prefer it to be in a non-eu country so that I don't have to deal with Visas.
I don't mind doing it in Turkiye(Turkey) but i prefer it to be outside of Istanbul since the last one was here. So if there is any non-Istanbul people here, they can make the nominations.
I am excited to participate again and miss all the balkan people (even the ones arguing in this thread).
Posted 15 hrs ago by artu from Uzice, Serbia (Permalink)
I'm travelling at the moment, but will be back by Wednesday and will set up the poll as otherwise it seems we won't get anywhere. In the meantime, do keep on with ideas & suggestions both for places and dates and PLEASE be nice to fellow mafiosos :)
ChriS SmiTH
Posted 0 secs ago by ChriS SmiTH from Podgorica, Montenegro (Permalink)
Public - Make members only
old nik>? :) why dont YOU take a long walk off a shirt Pier, there is enough "thought police" in this world, I would have thought anyone living in your country where the police crack down on any one who dares "protest" woudl have a little more freedom on CS..
if u want to insult me, be MAN enough to do it to my face, its cowardly to try to do it in a language that you ASS ume that I dont understand. grow up! and grow some! in fact i dont mind facing you and "Mega" (as thats the size of his MOUTH?) too at the same time..ok?
very brave guys on a keyboard!
if u want to "ban" me from BM do so, because i could care less right now because the way u are heading is right down the fascist line..good riddance to you!
CS (thats MY initials!) :)
No,U got it wrong.. I said recently that I just need an indication by email (not a "confirmation) to justify the hostel holding all its rooms for us.. is it so unreasonable for pp?? as the base location is VirPazar (Skadar lake), and i making commitment from my pocket.for a very special programme. as i already told u, I dont why u suggest that, ???? but then ... BM doesnt necessarily follow logic.. :)
Posted February 5th, 2013 - 12:18 pm by artu from Uzice, Serbia (Permalink)
It certainly does say 'the deal requires confirmation in advance' - https://www.couchsurfing.org/group_read.html?gid=3741&post=13643086#post14130674
Obviously it does. Every of our previous accommodations needed a confirmation and a deposit I left from my own pocket money (for all the meetings I've organized), but no-one asked for it 2-3 months in advance and there's always a 72h cancellation policy.
Just get used to the Balkan way of life and how things work (meaning don't work :) ) ;)
ChriS SmiTH>
Posted 1 sec ago by ChriS SmiTH from Podgorica, Montenegro (Permalink)
Public - Make members only
it requires (required) confirmation to ME! .. did u ever get a deal like that? NO! only 50 euros for everything>> !! so make sure u stay "balanced" Vesna,TRY to be FAIR .. and just because you cant organise properly in "the Balakns" doesnt mean I have to follow your ways..(or is that why u excluded me from the last "organisation" ? ) as I said ..anyway, I 'll make my party, MY WAY, and u can hold on to your "control" of BMM sheeple! C1A-O!
Ohoooo! calm down!
I am one of Vesna's biggest supporters. And please don't attack her.
And also understand that our lives are complicated, so we can't commit so much in advance (in my case: i am travelling in Russia now, will start a new job in England soon, don't know what spring will look like).
So personally i hope we'll keep meeting ( :-DDD ) but pls understand we in the mafia are not kind of people who plan, organize, settle. We want love, and love is open :-)
Love, love, love... Emeline :-D
????? ???????????
Posted 7 hrs ago by ????? ??????????? from Belgrade, Serbia (Permalink)
I vote for love, 2!!! (>
Borko Cicovic
Posted 5 hrs ago by Borko Cicovic from Vrsac, Serbia (Permalink)
First of all Vesna is good organiser and nice person, and how I see you are probably "excluded" because good reason. So calm down,
you can suggest place for next meeting but that doesn't mean it will be on that place. All members make decision about that.
So, we will see soon what can happen this year.
Maybe this year "wine route" in Vrsac can be in schedule of BMM, what do you think people?
Nikolas Mitsopoulos
Posted 4 hrs ago by Nikolas Mitsopoulos from Athens, Greece (Permalink)
I do not know you in person dear Balcan Mafiozo..
The way you put it, it say to me that you have something like a personal argue with Vesna or not?
But when you pout it like this (so antidemocratic)
" I 'll make my party, MY WAY, and u can hold on to your "control" of BMM sheeple! C1A-O!
forget it!"
I thing it is better for us to forget it...
a) Emeline, if this is "Balkans Mafia" the Godmother, i am sure, dont need "protection from me, by you.. :) ha ha ha
b) sure some people cant commit..but others could.. if you dont see that, thats not my problem, I offered a whole weekend programme, party boat on skadar, accomodation
basic meals and drinks at MY birthday party @ e50 per person for WHOLE weekend (and Rafting @ Tara)
... all i asked was for an email from those that COULD to show some commitment that I can justify the main hostel (at a place which gets 1000 tourists a DAY during season!!) holding its rooms for ME, not for you, because its MY party and I
opened it up (at the beginning in a friendly way) to BM members..
who i wanted to celebrate with me ..as (at the time) it seemed logical as it falls around the same time as the last "spring meeting" (Piran 2012)
c) People shouldnt comment unless they know the whole picture...
D) "Love" ( a word too easily used bu without depth) without RESPECT is like "soup in a basket" .. :) it seeps out through the holes.. ha ha ha
E) Vesna said she was NOT a good organiser, I agreed.. :) so Borko dont tell me to "calm down" I am calm, I am precise.. U havent bothered to check the
situation properly , I offered MY party to you, so I WILL go ahead and invite those CSers that RESPECT what I am doing.. and being "excluded" shows
what direction the BMMers are going ...
F) make your own plans and I will make mine..simple! (i have only 3 months to ensure this will be MY last and BEST ever birthday party)
G) Nikolas , you said I shouldnt take it "personally" well, when ppl disrespect me , IT IS "PERSONAL", I do.. and did , and will, REACT!
"democracy" ?? ha ha ,.. in the BMM? hmmmm.. thats funny.. you mean herding the "sheeple" ?? doesnt exist on this planet,
and seems to contradict the reality..of the BMM...
I already told you to "forget" it.. ha ha ha ...
or shall we "go to the mattresses" ..this is my last event, and i probably wont go to yours..
..because the irony is that Vesna explained quite clearly why I should not....
.. MY life is too short.. Piran was great, but prizren was ruined by selfish YOUNG Bmmers....without RESPECT for "the familY" :)
adios BMers!!!
Do not take it wrong man.
As you say it is "MY last and BEST ever birthday party" and "I offered MY party to you, so I WILL go ahead and invite those CSers that RESPECT what I am doing"
This are the two sentences of you that make it clear. A birthday party in witch you will decide who to invite it can not be a Balcan Mafia open meeting! So simple...
I also find my life too sort and the same time too exciting.
I wish you also feel so. ;)
So my best wishes for Happy Birthday at your lovely VirPazar with ppl witch will participate. :)
ps. I supposed that the 50€ per person for all this is a very good price indeed.
Nebojsa Miskovic
Posted 14 hrs ago by Nebojsa Miskovic from Belgrade, Serbia (Permalink)
I already forgot it.
Too much ego for my taste, anyway.
Kudos & all my respect goes to Vesna, for all her energy and excellent organization!
ChriS SmiTH
Posted 0 secs ago by ChriS SmiTH from Podgorica, Montenegro (Permalink)
Public - Make members only
I DO, take it "wrong" ... Nikolas, because YOU got it wrong
(as many have!)
..I have NOW decided to restrict it to invited guests, because it wasnt respected ...when I first offered it, it WAS "open" to be used as a BMM , but the reaction ...shows a complete and utter lack of understanding.. so ..get it right, and as it said before best to understand it all before commenting..
BTW, I stayed with Vesna recently and enjoyed her company, i dodnt have to agree with someone..in fact i often have more respect for "enemies" than those who PRETEND to be "friends" then act in an opposite manner..
"ego" ? thats ironic in the lando of "macho" ;) look at yourselves!
(stands for "ChriS SMITH" & did long before couchsurfing existed..ha ha )
get a sense of humour! Molim!
Indeed, let's stick to the main theme of the thread and let us have constructive discussions.
For everyone's information I don't have any personal problems with Chris. The fact that he thinks I'm in charge of the Balkan Mafia is so wrong and the fact that the majority here decides where and when the meetings will be is not acceptable/understandable to him. Go figure.
Dear Chris, you have offered to organize the meeting. Acknowledged.
Some people were up for it. Acknowledged.
Some people wanted to see more options & vote. Acknowledged.
New thread was started to move things forward.
You were to wait and see what the majority would say and accept their will.
Some people expressed their opinions.
Suddenly you don't feel like having your birthday party as the Balkan meeting because we didn't accept your offer at first!?
Have I missed the boat?!
"Mega" :) (ego?) ha ha ha..am i supposed to be "impressed" ?
nice of you to take the blame ... U obviously dont understand my point, or have any humour.... and its obvious no-one here really WANTS to understand, have jumped to their own conclusions..& (false) "interpretations " (you too .."R2" :)
.. so "mega" you stick your BMM where the sun dont shine.. as u seem to be yet another dictator.. or mass-debator! U wont "see me around" .. unless you want to discuss the "spirit of Balkan people" ...?
I have a met a few recently which encourages me to make more International events ..in the Balkans , but too many cant actually "debate" ... honestly! ..
"Fredaupoint" made an official complaint against me, which may result in my withdrwal as a couchsurfer
(this is what happens when TRUTH is told, and my "friends" are nowhere ..)
Request #24331 ""Problem With member", Com..." created
Detailed list|Compact list
Open requests
#24331 "Problem With member", Complaint V couchsurfing & its ambassador
I have received a note stating my reference against this man is "inappropriate"
- i do not agree
- this man LIED about me in HIS reference
- he insulted me & my other guests (2 other CSers were staying with me
- he has "secretly" contacted a girl who stayed with me to try to get her to say something against me
- the man is a sham!
IF this is the way Couchsurfing is proceeding, where you automatically take ONE side (that co-incidentally of an "ambassador" ) without asking for input or explanation from BOTH parties then you certainly are results of the UNdemocratic united states of america, who increasingly deal out robotic justice without any due process.!
If i dont a reply and a deletion of "FREDAUPOINT" reference, I shall make this public within the 25,000 global contacts of my own social network! and other media,and bring it up during the next "broadcast"
this act by your colleagues is not in the spirit of couchsurfing as we undersrood it..
Submitted less than a minute ago
Awaiting assignment to a support agent. View request history »
Triin Paja
I only stood in Vilnius a few hours, until my flight to Rome. So it wouldn't have been possible, but thanks for the contact. Now I'm here, with a short time to check my mail until I'll enjoy the sunny Rome a little more.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
well if u want to ...she also stayed with me, and i f we can overcome "communication problems" and ................ I willl visit her next month..she is also too busy...
Triin, I saW YR COMMENT ABOut Roma, its nice and "romantic" although the ir are some problems .. nearby Frascati hold memories for me.. however my favourite "romantic city" is Verona..
many do not know how to BE romantic, their feminity lost in their entrapment in the "capitalist pyramid game"
Triin Paja
I feel the happiest here than I have been for a long time. Its soft, romantic, beautiful, magical. I feel in love. It wasn't the same when I was here two years ago. Never been to Verona.
hope u had a "special" 40th birthday?..u are getting close to me?..remember U said a long time agio, if there seemed not to be such a difference in our ages, we could have... ??? anyway I hope U are well..
16 November 2011
Iris Vogl
Hi Chris, I had a real good party with all my friends but remind me of taking the money on my 50th birthday and to fly away for two weeks...
17 November 2011
ChriS SmiTH
Hiya Iiris, glad u had a good time ..doubt if I will be on this planet, or if anyone will be on this planet in another 10 years...come for xmas, i would be a very "happy ChriSmitH" if u did ! x http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5k21U6hUeg
Chris Rea - The road to hell & lyrics (complete)
Stood still on a highway I saw a woman By the side of the road With a face that I knew like my own Reflected in my window Well she walked up to my quarterlig...
ChriS SmiTH
i think og u often, because "Iris" (goo goo dolls is a song i play often.. of
Iris - goo goo dolls [lyrics]
1 Million views! thanks for your kind comments. I don't own the copyright to the song, and the pics belong to their respected artists, but I can show you whe...
2 December 2011
ChriS SmiTH
UnSUB-B: UnSUB Xtra , getting by ("Fire and Rain....continued") miss U Jacqui...
ChriS SmiTH
Hello Iris, I hope u are well, getting near to the BIG day..sorry I dont mean to make you nervous, I send positive energy that you both are healthy and happy now and after birth,, I had some "complications" a) I belong to a travel club, and hoped to be "hosted" in Fr. but no answer, and b) I had hoped to have some contact with Leon and his mum (Annika) but he seems to be "too busy" to communicate and i got "frozen" the last time i suggetsed a meetign with him to Annika, and...c) the main problem which is practical..I booked an economy flight from belgrade.. the airline changed their schedule, but i can get a refund..
so on reflection I wante dto suggest, that as "fate2 is makig my travel akward that i use my "credit" to pay for your flight to here, when u are "ready" as I am not sure if anyway you woudl be able to see me if you are at the "vital time" next month...
what is your (honest) feeling>?
wishing you all the best, and hoping for a positive answer
ChRiS x
Goog le code for uploading http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUxAC7N3Ckw REdBEL1_LionsCS1vo; (*rev) ; 240746
pity U couldnt share this with me today in Pg.. https://www.facebook.com/events/483845058329621/permalink/486108204769973/
ReplyDelete1 Milijarda ustaje protiv nasilja
14 February at 14:00
Feb15 Keep your eyes wide open and try not to reject any offers. You may have some time to rethink your career strategy. Light but frequent meals might be a good switch from your usual eating habits. Strong indication that you have total financial security.
ReplyDeleteFeb 14, 2013
ReplyDeleteDon’t try to impress him in return – it’s not the best time for that. The coming month is great changes for you and entirely new challenges. If sleepless nights upset you, take a bath with very warm water before you go to bed. New investment opportunities are coming.
Feb 11, 2013
ReplyDeleteYou have every chance to meet the love of your life. There will be no serious turbulences in your career this month. Go outside, get some sunlight. You should avoid overspending.
Feb 10, 2013
ReplyDeleteIf someone says they're in a relationship, married or otherwise unavailable, believe what they say. Try to prioritize your tasks and concentrate on those which will work for you in the future. You are very stressed out now, slow down. Finally, you will be able to spend more money on entertainments.
"2 Weeks in Turkey March/April: Fun Companion and Advice..." and other posts from the Travel Companions Group on Couchsurfing.org
ReplyDelete“ 2 Weeks in Turkey March/April: Fun Companion and Advice Needed!
Hello all! I will be traveling around Turkey March 30 - April 12. So far I am traveling solo and will be arriving/ leaving from Istanbul and going around Western/ Central Turkey (due to time constraints). I like to travel with people that are fun, easy going, and always up for meeting new people. If anyone will be there- or interested in being there during that time let me know. Also, anyone in Turkey that can recommend some nice cities/places to visit outside of the normal tourist places I would love to know. Cheers!
Melody Foelsch
United States
4 people posted 4 times Read the full thread
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Anyone wanting to travel through out Africa & South East Asia. start June 2013 for 6 months?!
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SAVE THE DATE! European Fans' Congress 2013 in Amsterdam!
ReplyDeleteFinally, the first step is accomplished….
We are happy to announce that the European Football Fans’ Congress 2013 (EFFC) will take place in the lovely city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands this year, from 19-21 July 2013!
The Dutch Canals and our members from Ajax Amsterdam and the Oranjes with their Amsterdam Arena take up the challenge to compete with last year’s venues at the Bosporus in Istanbul. Should be interesting!
The event programme is just being drawn up, and further info on venues will follow soon!
If you have any proposal for workshop topics or other activities, get in touch and let us know by 22 Feb 2013!
This is your chance to put your topics on the agenda! The Committee will then look at all proposals and try to come up with a selection that can hopefully meet (almost) everyone’s interest and needs!
So, save the date, get involved and keep checking back!
Members can also submit their proposals and contribute their views on the event via this link in the FSE Members Forum where we put up a section on the EFFC 2013 for you!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun posted in CS & LIVE r BIRD footy CLUB
ReplyDeleteChris East-west Invest Ursun
10 February 17:49
VirPazar, a favourite club CSerS location.. | monty-logic
posted in European REdS Meeting..to PARTY!
ReplyDeleteChris East-west Invest Ursun
8 February 13:06
REdbEL-LionnSnm1b ; http://youtu.be/N91nqZHkyKw
Feb 19, 2013
ReplyDeleteTo live without loving is to not really live. Your tense time schedule will loosen once you learn better organization. You may experience slight health problem in the coming months. You will be able to make money through your effort.
Klub Lepota invited you to Johnny B. Good's event:
ReplyDeleteJam Session u Podmornici
21 February at 22:00 at "Podmornica - Beogradski Rnr Podrum" https://www.facebook.com/podmornica.beogradskirnrpodrum
Maja Zmajica, Chris East-west Invest Ursun and Klub Lepota are guests.
Our upcoming event is getting closer and we hope you will all join us for our InterNations Podgorica Event February 2013!
ReplyDeleteLet’s get together for some after work drinks at the PKB Darts Bar- top floor at the Mall of Montenegro in Podgorica! Come and meet up with fellow global minds,have a drink or two, mix and mingle and get to know interesting people from all over the world!
InterNations Podgorica Event February 2013
Location: PKB Darts Bar
Date: Thursday Feb 21, 2013 18:30
Host: Zorka & Carine - InterNations Ambassadors Podgorica
Dusica Krivokapic
19 February 10:24 i am at work and we are very busy these days.... how about next week?
CARE2> action alert!
ReplyDeleteThanks to increased demand for ivory in China and elsewhere, the rising rate of poaching in Kenya could drive elephants to extinction.
Stop Elephant Poaching in Kenya!
Feb 18, 2013
ReplyDeleteYou will rediscover your partner in many ways. It’s no use wasting your time and energy on something that doesn’t fully satisfy you. Be careful of what you eat. You are extravagant in spending.
CAUSES> Phil Pedlow has invited you to sign a petition
ReplyDelete"Your voice will make a difference. Sign the petition."
Care of the Elderly - Without Bias.
Everyone, but especially YOUNG PEOPLE, should sign this to protect their future, their home, and any assets or capital they may acquire through their years of employment and effort. The ' young' of today are tomorrows 'old'. When you are old with...See More
CARE2> (emily ? prejudiced v islam? )
ReplyDeleteaction alert!
militias in Mali can't get away with using child soldiers. The international community needs to step in to protect these kids.
Investigate War Crimes Against Children in Mali
CS13216 -> Allie R#24331 RE: [CS Announcements] Re: "Problem With member", Complaint V couchsurfing & its ambassador
ReplyDeleteSat 16/02/2013 00:07
Dear Allie,
So, I lbegan with a “neutral” reference..
The “FRED” .. left a negative comment within his RETAILATORY comment..
WHICH I DECIDED to correct with a fuller “reference” otherwise other CSerS would have the WRONG information, as I said there were 2 other “witnesses”staying at the same time, who, if I must , I will call upon to support my part
..I do not like such “biased censorship” and I do not like this couchsurfiing stance to take “sides” with Fred, and remove MY reference whilst retaining HIS FALSE reference full of lies!!
(and see my comments below, he has been DEVIOUS” in dealing with other CSeRS…but you seem to want to COVER up this “ambassador’s failings”
You need a lesson in democracy..
You have 7 days to remove BOTH references before I take this complaint PUBLIC!
C.R Smith
Request #24331 ""Problem With member", Com..." created
Detailed list|Compact list
Open requests
#24331 "Problem With member", Complaint V couchsurfing & its ambassador
I have received a note stating my reference against this man is "inappropriate"
- i do not agree
- this man LIED about me in HIS reference
- he insulted me & my other guests (2 other CSers were staying with me
- he has "secretly" contacted a girl who stayed with me to try to get her to say something against me
- the man is a sham!
IF this is the way Couchsurfing is proceeding, where you automatically take ONE side (that co-incidentally of an "ambassador" ) without asking for input or explanation from BOTH parties then you certainly are results of the UNdemocratic united states of america, who increasingly deal out robotic justice without any due process.!
If i dont get a reply and a deletion of "FREDAUPOINT" reference, I shall make this public within the 25,000 global contacts of my own social network! and other media,and bring it up during the next "broadcast"
this act by your colleagues is not in the spirit of couchsurfing as we undersrood it..
Submitted less than a minute ago
Awaiting assignment to a support agent. View request history »
CARE2>> action alert!
ReplyDeleteIt's ironic that festivals to pay homage to Andean condors torture them for entertainment. Tell Peru's government to stop this cruelty.
Stop Torture of Andean Condors
Feb 16, 2013
ReplyDeleteYou will enjoy moderate stability in your personal life. It’s high time you learn how to prioritize tasks. Smaller amounts of coffee might help you overcome sleeplessness and reappearing headaches. Talk to a friend before you make any financial decision.
SAVE THE DATE! European Fans' Congress 2013 in Amsterdam!
ReplyDeleteFinally, the first step is accomplished….
We are happy to announce that the European Football Fans’ Congress 2013 (EFFC) will take place in the lovely city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands this year, from 19-21 July 2013!
The Dutch Canals and our members from Ajax Amsterdam and the Oranjes with their Amsterdam Arena take up the challenge to compete with last year’s venues at the Bosporus in Istanbul. Should be interesting!
The event programme is just being drawn up, and further info on venues will follow soon!
If you have any proposal for workshop topics or other activities, get in touch and let us know by 22 Feb 2013!
This is your chance to put your topics on the agenda! The Committee will then look at all proposals and try to come up with a selection that can hopefully meet (almost) everyone’s interest and needs!
So, save the date, get involved and keep checking back!
Members can also submit their proposals and contribute their views on the event via this link in the FSE Members Forum where we put up a section on the EFFC 2013 for you!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ReplyDelete10 February 17:49
VirPazar, a favourite club CSerS location.. | monty-logic
Feb 10, 2013
ReplyDeleteIf someone says they're in a relationship, married or otherwise unavailable, believe what they say. Try to prioritize your tasks and concentrate on those which will work for you in the future. You are very stressed out now, slow down. Finally, you will be able to spend more money on entertainments.
Love :