but I keep "turning"
I keep on extending my hand... and it keeps getting "bitten" ... it could be "easy" to given up on ... "DaX" ... and this whole region.. but...

cant YOu find a way
to exist without selling y-our soul?
is money or power the only reason
that you are as blind as a mole?
cant you see what life should be?
caring for the kids, for you, for me?
I try not to hate your ignorance
& ruin this planet with your selfish stance
dont make me angry with you
that brings nothing but pain
make this a better day.
and tomorrow, in every way, a gain
dont be a whore for the system
please value your soul
make caring a reason to live
make honesty more than a goal
I have lost too many
so i hold on to the few
and hope you all learn a better way
look in the mirror, long & hard, find a better you..
Dobar Da'NiCA..
there is a saying ; "no good turn goes unpunished" (in other words it seems every time I extend my hand in humanity here, it gets bitten...)
Stevie wonder dedicated to John Henry..
; you haven't done a thing..??

@ f-way..utube
or (Mc5 U tube) ; REdBEL-CAMPAIGN5 ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbA8e6RZ6Wc
...without sound..http://youtu.be/7Bp4iTU_BsM (PAIGN1mute.wmv )
Campaign Video (muted as soundtrack blocked, even though wasnt copyright material,,)
..."first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
(or block yr communications & campaign) ;) ...then WE WIN" (to paraphrase Ghandi,
a little man who brought down an empire much bigger than "them"..) :)
thanks to Global REdS.. dont complain CAMPAIGN
"Because we can"
(bon jovi) the lyrics fit....my mood..so does the weather ;)
To je veoma teško bez vesti , s obzirom putne aranžmane .. kontaktirajte me ..
Danica Stancic
Dear Chris please do not push me. If you do not call back a few days does not mean end of the world. And please do not involve other people in our conversation. I would be grateful.
ChriS SmiTH
I had no contact from you since 8 days, normally you contact me every couple of days. I am not "pushing" i just care what is happening..its normal in my culture ====================== It is very difficult without any news, concerning travel arrangements.. please contact me..
I am concerned that I havent had any news from you, i delayed the programme 10 days as we agreed , and await your promised arrival by LATEST 25 th February..
I shall go to Ue on saturday and stay until sunday
and stay with Ivan @
"The Dubliner"
( the pub address is
M.M. Magazinovic 31 )
(his girlfriend is Tijana)
Ivan ; Tel. 0605 331 300
Tijana ; Tel. 0604 211 424
SO, its "half way" between Bg & Pg
i can bring you back with me.
Vidimo se @ pub!
ChriS SmiTH
cuvaj se!
pokušajte da razmislite pogled sa moje strane ..
please try to consider the view from my side..
ChriS SmiTH
better for me to say that it is NATURAL for me to care about you, did you forget that i make you "partner" in our programme? Sure, i CARE about what is happening with you. It IS natural.. Bolje mi je da kažem da je prirodno za mene da brinem o vama , da li ste zaboravili da ja vas "partner " u našem programu? Naravno, brinem o tome šta se dešava sa tobom. To je prirodno .. RAZUMES?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
thanks for into,
Tijana Bogdanovic
It's busines trip to Bg, I don't know when are we coming back, and cars are full
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ok, understood, her phone is broken anyway, it would be difficult to organise, thanks for the other info.. PLEASE Tell Ivan I'll go to the pub saturday evening.. and hope she can find me there.. hvala ! take care
p.s what is the actual street address of the PUB. ??
Ivan Krsmanovic
hey mate how r u?
Its ok to stay at my place at saturday. See u then in the pub
o yeah the pub address is
M.M. Magazinovic 31
Tijana Bogdanovic
As for rent a car
They have Citroen C3, Toyota Auris, Škoda Octavia
Prices are:
24h 4.200,oo rsd
7 dana 26.880,oo rsd
30 dana 84.000,oo rsd
with no limit for distance traveled
If you are alone, you can stay at Ivan house on Saturday.
If Danica comes, we will ask for some low-price accommodation.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
wow, thats a lot more than here, (*off season") economy cars here between 20-25 euros per day.. hmmmm if its ok with Ivan I will come by train saturday , and stay over until sunday , and hope she can meet me there on sunday and return to PG together .. ..when do go & u come back from Bg? if Danica still in Bg maybe she could travel with you to UE?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
thanks for into,
Tijana Bogdanovic
I will ask rent a car tomorow, for today it's too late.
At the end of this week I am going to Belgrade and I have consultant from 24th... So I won't be able to take you around the region
Should I ask my coleague for the apartment for the two of you?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
thanks for yr help, Tijana, i dont think Danica is coming ..but i dont know yet...(at the moment she is in Bg..) , i dont know for sure.... i meant if I have a car I can check it out myself..
which apartment??
iF she comes to UE , we can drive back to Pg.... or if she is still in Bg,(she is there right niow) i can pick her up there,or she comes to Ue,
...trying to organise one women is more difficult than a whole weekend for hundreds...
i hope u understand..
Ivan, if i am alone..how is it with you?? do u want to meet at the Pub?
any contact with Marko,? Musa?? etc..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
sorry to disturb u ...
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Hiya TiJana & Ivan, I hope u enjoyed yr weekend, I would like to visit UE next w/end from 22 february, time is passing and I would like to meet too Petar, Marko & Musa to "move things on" ..too, sorry to ask u, Tijana, as I may go to pick up Danica too, I could do a bit of sight-seeing of the region, would u please ask the rent-a-car for cheapest car (economy) to rent , by day, or by week (dont mention its for "stranger" as u know prices always go higher when they know its foreigner request ! cuvaj se!
p.s. I van ..if ok with u too? ..(i will pay for mY drinks !!!! )
HiY Gi!
I dont have strong connection on skype
so I send u messages via Cs and Fb and post "updates" on my "timeline" with links to blogs, my projects etc
ha ha ha and then u make me smile. by asking me how things are in Pg??
take care, ChRiS
p.s I would rather you write and answer some of the quest
Saule Gi
I'm doing good. Have my sister coming to vsit me next weekend. We will go to books fare and theater and mucis concert! Also I and redheads are about to finish book! witch am very excited about!! School is on holiday this week, but im working anyway, because Im behind with my planing and units staff. curently i have two boyfriends and cant decide witch one to stay with. something else you wanna know about my dayly life ?
ChriS SmiTH
something..u never shared ..since 3 months..
so its YOUR decision about the boyfriends??
Saule Gi
i can not decide so im not making decition
for me its good like this.
ChriS SmiTH
i am visitng u in about 3 weeks and I know nothign about yr life., for example that u have 2 boyfriends.. or if that makes my visit "compliacted" for you.. or me..
i am glad yr book is progressing..i asked u several times about it..with no reply..so good!
Saule Gi
its my life and my thinks. its doent consist you and your visit is totaly smth else. you are too consciouse
ChriS SmiTH
no u are too "cool"..thats the problem of "modern" life.. no time to care...or share..other than "quick stuff" . I am HUMAN when ppl are too busy they dont care... I just dont get interested in "small talk" i have nearly 3000 "friends" i am in contact with but ...only a handful I want to share with, so u are "playing" with the boyfriends?.. hmmm
Saule Gi
you see
and you are blaming me now
i dont want to talk
ChriS SmiTH
"blaming" ??
Saule Gi
i and regter
i started taling
ChriS SmiTH
i am asking you??
Saule Gi
i dont like wtiring and i have to go back to work
ChriS SmiTH
dont any of your "friends" ever challenge you, ?
Saule Gi
im happy you have time chat with 3000 people. im sorry but i dont
see you in 3 weeks
ChriS SmiTH
U misunderstood , I do NOT "chat" with 3000 ppl, I WANT to talk with YOU, as I DO have some personal interest ..ok just ione last questions , is it still ojk to stay with you, ..I dont want u feel uncomfortable..but i also want u to "feel"
u, Triin, Izabel, & Danica are the only ones I want to "exchange with" because i have met you, ..i can "see " u..dont run away every time..u spent not even ONE minute talkng with me..this year!!
ok go back to work.. thats most important ..for you.. take care!
ChriS SmiTH
i support people.
I make campaigns, for humanity
coach kids & train people in self-supporting projects
organise cross-culturefriendship meetings
and 6 blogs, 7 groups, 3 websites, but most important I am sensitive to other people.. i dont let what I do become more important ..a balance between local & global , because NO one is disconnected everythign affects everyone and everyone affects everything.. u said u understood how its possible to be alone amongst a lot of people.. being happy is not the target, being human is the journey..
ChriS SmiTH
take care ..I wish u well!
Djordje Lazarevic
i hope u are ok with this, but if u havent delivered it, just a short change..to the message;
"Dear Dan ica, I hope you understand, I simply care that you are healthy & well, just a short FB message, would help me, to stop worrying, as you didn't go to Bijeljina, you know I am a crazy alien, <SMILE> but sometimes I need some "human reassurances".
As I "patiently" await your arrival in Pg, (to start our training programme, etc. together) in the coming week...
i delayed the programme 10 days as we agreed , and await your promised arrival by LATEST 25 th February..
I shall go to Ue on saturday and stay until sunday
and stay with Ivan @
"The Dubliner"
( the pub address is
M.M. Magazinovic 31 )
(his girlfriend is Tijana)
Ivan ; Tel. 0605 331 300
Tijana ; Tel. 0604 211 424
SO, its "half way" between Bg & Pg
i can bring you back to Pg with me.
Vidimo se @ pub!
I want to avoid confusion.."Razumem" ? cuvaj se, molim, ChRiS "
i would be very grateful if u did this for me..
We are pretty well, thank u. I have been in novi sad yesterday but bud ciki wasnt there. I can go for a drink at MG, why not. I will bring here your message. How are u?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
how am I? , I am WORRIED, because its almost a week since i had any contact from Danica, Djordje I dont know if you saw Danica, and my "instinct" says thinsg are not as they should be..
so I want to ask you a big FAVOUR.. to take the time and trouble.. write this message clearly on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope (sealed, so that only she reads it) and give it to Branko (if she is not at "Magic garden" ..) to give to her..
(they were living together, and i also dont know if she still works there..its complicated..)
"Dear Dan ica, I hope you understand, I simply care that you are healthy & well, just a short FB message, would help me, to stop worrying, as you didn't go to Bijeljina, you know I am a crazy alien, <SMILE> but sometimes I need some "human reassurances".
As I "patiently" await your arrival in Pg, (to start our training programme, etc. together) in the coming week... OR do YOU want me to pick you up in Uzice next friday (22 Feb?)
I want to avoid confusion.."Razumem" ? cuvaj se, molim, ChRiS "
molim! >>>>????
production problems REdPAIGN1
Dobar DAN I CA ..
I have been open, free and "ready" for you since 5th february..
Danica, I hope you understand, I simply care that you are healthy & well,
just a short FB message, would help me, to stop worrying,
as you didn't go to Bijeljina, you know I am a crazy alien,
but sometimes I need some "human reassurances"
s I "patiently" await your arrival in Pg,
(to start our training programme, etc. together) in the coming week...
OR do YOU want me to pick you up in Uzice next friday (22 Feb?)
I want to avoid confusion.."Razumem" Razumes? cuvaj se, ChRiS "
needed a Run in the sun, to pump out the poisons in blood, heart & mind..
and "reflect" ...todays conclusion..there is ONE thing on this planet that I can rely on..
...and it is nOt a "modern WO(e)man" :)
ChriS SmiTH
ChriS SmiTH
argent ..hold your head up// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8i500NGJsw
went for a walk into the centar of the city, a coffee on the terrace
in the sun..@ "berlin" worked out the "structure" of the next video "production" then
a burek and yoghurt..another coffee @ "west" and back to "Toloshi studios"
"once more into the breech" ... and "dont complain ...CAMPAIGN! :)
..this is MY LIFE! :) .... HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH!!!
Imagine; and text ...
and i love her (Beatles)
Vera Stančić
i don't undersand problem.... i have contact with her few days ago and not anymore... she told me that she must to work and nothing else.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Vera, my only "problem" was NO contact, so I dont want to make any "pressure" just to know..she has to make her own choices, I suppose... I cant do more than I already have,,.take care, .. good luck with your future!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Zdravo Vera,
FYI , I got my first message , a few "angry words" from danica last night (early this morning..)
I wont "apologise for caring" .. last time I saw Danica we made some confidential agreements and I wont tell anyone about that, its between her and myself, I want to support her, in a positive way, and involve her in positive projects, in MNE & Serbia.. she told me her phone is broken, and FB is the only way to communicate, but i had no contact during 8 days, and its my "nature" to be concerned,,I respect her independence in the same way I expect ANYone to respect my time..
as I "know you" via rasho, i contacted you and anyone mutual that knows your sister to see if she was "ok" , thats "natural concern" in MY culture.. so... I will be in Uzice on saturday & sunday ..then back in Pg next week.. i only have another few days left before i travel abroad.. so thats why I "pushed" ..
I am sorry if i caused you any worry...
take care / cuvaj se,
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Vera, thank you for telling me, I can not get any contact with her, i know you can .. with skype?. I just am very worried that she is " ok " and I sense a problem (instinct)... I know she is an independent girl and i dont want her to think I want to "control" her,... I care .. so..please just say this, if u get contact to Dani.
"Danica, I hope you understand, I simply care that you are healthy & well, just a short FB message, would help me, to stop worrying, as you didn't go to Bijeljina, you know I am a crazy alien, but sometimes I need some "human reassurances" as I "patiently" await your arrival in Pg, (to start our training programme, etc. together) in the coming week... OR do YOU want me to pick you up in Uzice next friday (22 Feb?) I want to avoid confusion.."Razumem" ? cuvaj se, ChRiS "
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Vera Stancic
she is ok, and she is still in bg.... a hope that she will come home soon....

thanks Vera, VERY much, it helps ..a bit.. ! I appreciate that, I worry too much, (well, i prefer just to say that i "care"..) its just my natural mentality..(i am a natural "organiser" ) ... its just for transport "arrangements" , whether she wants me to pick her up in Uzice (which is half -way, more or less..) or if she comes to Pg from your home..I dont know what she plans.. its unusual that I havent had contact since one week, she usually contacts me via Fb every 2/3 days..
this is my media..
http://www.youtube.com/user/MultiMonTV ...
campaigning REdNET v F S G
the creative academy for support and self-supporting life-style ,
- body, mind & SPIRIT..
monty-logic-club.org ...doing it for the kids
confronting and waking up the people..
N.E.P.A.K. for parents and kids in pain...
and my humour.. (yes i do like to have fun too...)
cuvaj se!
say "hello" to danica from me... molim
MultiMonTV's channel
The REdAlieN landed in Monty (ME) and this is dedicated to "our Global REd family and the search for humour and intelligence on this planet..(and the buildin...
Lean...ON ME!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FOUqQt3Kg0 ..just a little bit...
Vera Stancic
i hope so....... she is in bg still......
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Vera, thank you for telling me, I can not get any contact with her, i know you can .. with skype?. I just am very worried that she is " ok " and I sense a problem (instinct)... I know she is an independent girl and i dont want her to think I want to "control" her,... I care .. so..please just say this, if u get contact to Dani.
"Danica, I hope you understand, I simply care that you are healthy & well, just a short FB message, would help me, to stop worrying, as you didn't go to Bijeljina, you know I am a crazy alien, but sometimes I need some "human reassurances" as I "patiently" await your arrival in Pg, (to start our training programme, etc. together) in the coming week... OR do YOU want me to pick you up in Uzice next friday (22 Feb?) I want to avoid confusion.."Razumem" ? cuvaj se, ChRiS "
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Dusko, we were goign to meet next month in March, but this situation is a "window" ...
even in a difficult situation, for me,..as I am a "natural organiser" and my "food" is communication in a region where I am "AlieN" to almost everybody.. I reflect "visuallY..
I "share" this with you, because I trusted you enough to introduce you to Danica, she says she wants to be "independent" but we are all dependent .. no one is an island..not even me!!
for me the situation is visualised like this,,,if i could draw a picture..
I believe , with 100% heart , mind and soul, I have a "near perfect" way (nothing shd be perfect) for Her to become strong and avoid the "dark side" ..
I prepared a number of things which I intend to introduce to DS over the next 6 months, without being "fixed" ...deciding what things , at which time, according to her level and speed of progress..push & pull and in a pace that "challenges" but without over-loading...
the picture...
I see her going down a "whirlpool" ..
I extend a strong hand, to pull her out, but she has to use her other hand to push herself out...
at the same time, she is distracted , by "jackals" who hunt her late at night... and even more "dangerous" other "hands" that promise to "help her" out of the whirlpool...
I have experienced many many things in my lives, good & bad, extreme and "normal" its in my "culture" to naturally "care" ..and that can hurt me too...
I know when to walk away from people... but i wont "give up" on her...
even IF she "gives up"
i wonder if you understand?
cuvaj se!
Dusko Petrovic
I don't know what to say, really. I haven't heard from her or seen her for more than 10 days
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ok hvala! she is obviously confused.. i got contact now first time since 8/9 days
It is very difficult without any news, concerning travel arrangements..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
http://www.facebook.com/events/497251876993327/ .. I believe in DanIca.. and its as important fpr me and everyone that what i do copntinues when i am gone.. vidimo se!
Turnir u fudbalu "UE - U žicama i bez granica"
May 31 at 9:00pm
Užice in Užice
Invite Friends · You're going
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
HiY Dusko, are U ok?.. have you started something with Danica? , her phone is still "broken" and she isnt on Fb, so I cant get any contact, and, i am concerned, i waiting for her to start our "programme" with mind body & spirit..
Dusko Petrovic
I'm good, thanks. just got back from the weekend in Budapest, still recovering
We've met a few times, talked a bit. I know she's out of town,
she said she'll call when she gets back.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
she was supposed to go to her family last week,
but didnt, usually she is in contact with me via FB every 2 0r 3 days,
and its a week since our last contact,
and she delayed her stay in Pg until this coming weekend, because of
"family problems" but i got mixed info that she is still in Bg..
hmmmm , Dusko, its probably, me. i always worry about people I care about,
it may be nothing , but also she and her sister told me of family complications..
I have made special arrangements for her visit ,
and cleared my calendar to give her the support
and progress that I believe she needs..
it may be that she gets angry with my "concern"
but i would rather her be angry, than not care,,
i hope U understand.. CU next time..
... still getting mixed and contradictive info from ppl in Bg, its ironic and a little disturbibg, that since I introduced you to her, she met with you more and contacted me much less..
I realy need to improve my local language and cultural info.. for her sake as much as mine.. I feel she is trouble..

Branko Djermanovic
Porodica bistrih potoka je ekološko-umetnicka komuna u podnožju planine Rudnik, u selu Brezovica. Komuna je osnovana 1977. godine. Njen osnivac je književnik, likovni umetnik i dramaturg Božidar Mandi...
277 members
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Zdravo Branko, Hows things @ "Magic Garden" ? I told 2 PPL from Istanbul about yr cafe-bar after visiting me in Pg, (I gave them a "map" but I dont know if they found you./.. I haven't had contact in recent days , is Danica ok? still in Bg?
cu next time
Branko Djermanovic
Hi Cris,in MG is everything ok,I dont know did they come here,maybe..but if they are in Belgrade definitly they will
Danica is in Belgrade now and she is fine Pozdrav!
Djordje Lazarevic
I went yesterday to mg, some guy called
Her on her tel, and i told hr u are worried, she said she will contact u and tjhat she doesnt understend your concern.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ok thanks, she was originally supposed to come to stay with me in Pg after her birthday (4th feb) week ..then delayed until this week, sbut he doesnt answer the phone because its "broken" ???? she said she was goign to visit her parents, but her sister told me she did not..and Danica said the only contact would be by FB, but then i didnt get any contact via FB from her since 8 days (but yesterday , probably after yr contact she sent me that message) .. .. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! so she has another phone number?? ... pity he didnt tell u it... ! ... thanks anyway.. !
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
I hope u & Jelena are well,,enjoying "Valentines" ? .. Djordje,would you do me a favour?.. I have contact "problems" again with Dani. .. she was supposed to visit her family then come to Pg this coming week, but still "broken phone" ..
without making a "fuss" ..and ONLY IF you go OUT today or tonight in the Bg centar.. see if she is @ "Magic Garden" ..and give her this message
" "Danica, I hope you understand, I simply care that you are healthy & well, just a short FB message, would help me, to stop worrying, as you didn't go to Bijeljina, you know I am a crazy alien, but sometimes I need some "human reassurances" as I "patiently" await your arrival in Pg, (to start our training programme, etc. together) in the coming week... OR do YOU want me to pick you up in Uzice next friday (22 Feb?) I want to avoid confusion.."Razumem" ? cuvaj se, ChRiS "
Djordje Lazarevic
We are pretty well, thank u. I have been in novi sad yesterday but bud ciki wasnt there. I can go for a drink at MG, why not. I will bring here your message. How are u?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
nema problems, please give it to "SaRa"
Sanja Raickovic
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
not in Pg??
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
if u are, fancy a "bevvy" with this alien , still stranded on this mad planet,..in "Berlin" ?
Sanja Raickovic
I can't Chris, sorry. I have to see some friends this morning, help them with some decoration.. Next time.. Have a good day.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Sure Sanja, i knew it was a "long shot" wiht u, as usual... I think I prefer to talk to "Sara" ..
Carol Johnson
Hi Chris, thankyou for the beautiful rose Hun xxxxx
ChriS SmiTH
my pleasure, so any special "romantic" activities this weekend, Carol??
Carol Johnson
Well I'm off to the match tomorrow hun, so not really very romantic, but as long as we win, I'll be very happy xxxxxxx
ChriS SmiTH
hope u enjoy it.. ..Btw, Carol, have u ever been to the former yugoslavia?
Carol Johnson
no i havent Chris x
ChriS SmiTH
well, U are "invited".. beautiful region.. mountains lakes & beaches ,, if u like wine and good food .. come and visit..
Carol Johnson
Sounds beautiful xx
ChriS SmiTH
any time ... we have rooms next door.. x
Carol Johnson
thankyou very much Chris xx
ChriS SmiTH
Goodnight REEd! x
Carol Johnson
Goodnight xxx
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
what are your plans now, visa received?/
Natella Kh
Hello! How are things over there?
Yes, they've granted me visa for 30 days within 6 months, this is even more than I need. But I'm coming to Monty about April 5-6 (instead March 31 as I planned before) since all cheap air tickets before this date are sold out, and I never buy tickets before visa is 100% received. So I'm (oh sorrow) not be able to take part in a party on April 1.. As for the nearer plans, on Monday I'm leaving to Hong Kong for a week.. Hopefully, after about 12-hour flight I will be dead for no more than about 12 per cent
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
er??? visa 30 daYS ONLY?? i understaood u were coming for 5 months?? so please be specific , as I have to make plans..
Natella Kh
relax I mean, Schengen visa for 30 days since I arrive to Italy and then will be travelling through Croatia which is currrently in a transition period. But I do not need visa for Monty and can stay there for 90 days without any permission. I plan to visit Albania or Croatia for several days when this period elapces, and then come back to Monty again to start a new 90-days period. I know, it works, some people do that. So everything is ok.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Natella Kh
probably, "hmmmm" is the most meaningful word in a world
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
its getting close to march,, and not much "promotion done"!.. i wonder if u are really committed to this monty-logic idea or u just want to "holiday" here??

Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to scream 'racism' these days.
A customer asked, "In what aisle could I find the Irish sausage?"
The assistant asks, "Are you Irish?"
The guy, clearly offended, says, "Yes I am. But let me ask you something. If I had asked for Italian sausage, would you ask me if I was Italian?
Or if I had asked for German Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German?
Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish?
Or if I had asked for a Taco, would you ask if I was Mexican?
Or if I asked for Polish sausage, would you ask if I was Polish?"
The assistant says, "No, I probably wouldn't."
The guy says, "Well then, just because I asked for Irish sausage, why did you ask me if I'm Irish?"
The assistant replied, "Because you're in Halfords."
Pun naziv: JAVNI PREVOZ, vl. Stancic Borislav - Dvorovi
Adresa: Kneza Miloša 52
Maticni broj: 4507132880001
Šifra delatnosti : F0801
Naziv delatnosti : Drumski saobracaj
Full name: public transport, vl. Borislav little flat - Palaces
Address: Knez Milos 52
ID number: 4507132880001
Activity Code: F0801
Activity: Road transport

ChriS SmiTH
really hope to see you in the Balkans this year??
Evita Torini
I don't know yet, I wish I would be there! nice day to u Chris:)
ChriS SmiTH
well if u can afford the travel, the rest will cost "nothing" as i would like u to be guest!
keep on with the Vids... mind u i think its "unfair" using Katie,..like a trump card :) ... really think u are lucky to have a good woman, so rare these days.... and its clear U appreciate her... as u know I dont always agree with u, but i respect your passion.. do u want me to prepare a letter to SoS, (if I write it there will be no "punches pulled")
you know ! :)
...based on the following items v F S G ..

- their financial empire is in freefall - so their "business acumen" is in doubt
- The "warrior promotion" is a joke.....
- they have no knowledge of footy
- no experience of running a UK business
- no knowledge of managing a global entity (non american)
- no understanding of our culture (the manner of Kenny's removal, the snubbing of Hillsborough memorial)
- they are cash poor (too many cash "promotions, noted)
- failed to recognise Steve Clarke's value, and ...
(for me ignoring the best manager we had in 20 years ; Rafa who deserved to complete the contract cut short by G & H)
- signed Borini (due to "connections" with the Italian club) ..sanctioned BR bringing his favourite, Joe Allen but ....
and they tricked some good people into thinking they are "saviours" (SoS amongst them...)
Seans F-way vids not surprised that these aRE being blocked too. (CS)
The Midfield of Stevie, Henderson & Lucas works well, we tend to leak goals when BR changes it and plays his boy Allen which then does make us "lightweight" , the failing has been in team cohesion too, and changing defence which is a weakness of BR's lack of experience...we are playing the price of F S G's lacl of interest or knowledge in our club and employing a "manager" who is really only a "coach" still learning his trade , .. F S G ignoring Rafa, or retainign Kenny as Footy dierctoir with Steve Clarke as coach is further evidence that F S G are wrong for our club,... all the rest going on at Lfc is "small talk " in comparison to this basic TRUTH!

People get real...........who gives a fiddlers how Arse and Arsenal do.........why is it botthering LFC fans how Arsenal are playing, whether they win or loose or whether or not Wenger is going to be sacked...............worry about your own club and team.... if LFC dont get a result on Thursday night it will be a defining stage in the season.......
Like · · 37 minutes ago near Limerick, Ireland ·
Seán Ó Cléirigh, Frank Carlyle and 10 others like this.

Tony Benson> I thinks its to with the fact that Arsenal fans gloat because Liverpool are not in the champs Lg..I understand what you are saying but no harm to give back a bit of banter to these Gunners that think for some reason they have the right to laff or mock Liverpool..
Terry White> spot on marie ...it really does make me wonder sometimes if some of our lot follow LFC for the right reasons...did they just jump on the bandwagon that was lfc a few years back or so...now we are a struggling club they take their frustrations out on more successful clubs of today like the mancs and the london clubs
Tony Benson > other clubs fans have every right to gloat about us its only what we deserve if not more, our fans gloating is sheer jealousy of where the likes of the gunners are ...i wish it was us who were in the C/L as fans we need to take it on the chin & just hope our glory days return soon
Eoghan O'toole > Well said Marie Buckley
16 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Tony Benson> As i said, i understand that...But i'm also saying there's nothing wrong with a bit of banter.What good for the goose an all that...From what you are saying,fans of other clubs can give stick and Liverpool fans should accept it..I don't think so.
16 minutes ago · Like
Chris East-west Invest Ursun> Tony, agree we should defend our club, however we have enemies in our own camp .. F S G .. what are F S G good for?
- their financial empire is in freefall - so their "business acumen" is in doubt
- The "warrior promotion" is a joke.....
- they have no knowledge of footy
- no experience of running a UK business
- no knowledge of managing a global entity (non american)
- no understanding of our culture (the manner of Kenny's removal, the snubbing of Hillsborough memorial)
- they are cash poor (too many cash "promotions, noted)
- failed to recognise Steve Clarke's value, and ...
(for me ignoring the best manager we had in 20 years ; Rafa who deserved to complete the contract cut short by G & H)
- signed Borini (due to "connections" with the Italian club) ..sanctioned BR bringing his favourite, Joe Allen but ....
so YES lets have a go at the mancs, cockneys and anyone...but lets get our priorities right, get our own house..in order???
Stevie wonder ; you haven't done a thing..?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjs_sHwMj-0

Hello Laura and and Max, I may be away that weekend, and I usually prefer single couch, (especially in winter) but if u are stuck , my neighbours may be able to help.. you may sms me when u are SURE 100% of your arrival date , as I wont ask for CSerS who dont have references (as we had a few "time-wasters" last year ) +382 686 14427 , and i will try to help or find help for you, ChRIS
Merve Tunc is looking for a host!
I am traveling with my friend http://www.couchsurfing.org/people/ enginkaban/ in Balkans. We will possibly be in Podgorica on Friday 22nd. We want to stay for 1 night.
We are cheerful people from Turkey. We like spending time with the locals and going out. We will be very glad if you can host us.
Please send me a message and give us your phone number if you can host us. Thank you.... :)
Podgorica, Podgorica, Montenegro
Arrival Date:
Departure Date:
Number of Surfers:
hello Merve,
I am not a "local" but as u will see from my profile i have "guided" many visitors..and shared "Podgorica by night" ..I hope u have a sense of humour ?
I may be able to help you, although I cant see the person who is with you, I have limited space, and maybe have to travel at the weekend, but my neighbours shd be able to help..if U are sure of your arrival date, send me yr mobile ph. number and i will send u an sms so u have mine, of not I hope U enjoy your travels,
Conversation started today
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Zdravo Dusica, I am sure u dont understand me, but as it took almost 2 years for us to have any meaningful conversation, I have to persue the situation or "not" I am confident of success if my own energy and enthusiasm is only even partially matched.. i have wasted too much time with wrong ppl , but they taught me not to waste any more..this is my "organisational identity" and if u realyl want o "make a difference, lets get together in the next days, i am sure the Kotor project wont interfere with it, and in fact IMO these things should be integrated, so many times I have seen WASTED energy by people who have good causes but WONT share resources or co-operate,,,its easy for me, I have done it all, but its also a curse. as i know too much :0 ... (yes of course I find you very attractive, they put me in mans body on this mad planet...but thats "another story" ..) i am honest! ... ChRiS
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
http://www.youtube.com/user/MultiMonTV ...
campaigning REdNET v F S G
the creative academy for support and self-supporting life-style ,
- body, mind & SPIRIT..
monty-logic-club.org ...doing it for the kids
confronting and waking up the people..
N.E.P.A.K. for parents and kids in pain...

greetings from REdNET
; ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041 )
and OUR CLUB, https://www.facebook.com/groups/CS.LbIrD.OURCLUB ,we support and invite you to join as guest of this event...
ReplyDeleteFeb 20, 2013
ReplyDeleteYour passion will not be rewarded. Time to let go. Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right. You should start cutting back on junk food. Use your intuition in making decisions about money.
thatchers funeral... as see Ugos FB "wall picture" it reminds me of this,,,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRVY1jGf7Co
ReplyDeleteFeb 10, 2013 (*reninder!) :)
ReplyDeleteIf someone says they're in a relationship, married or otherwise unavailable, believe what they say. Try to prioritize your tasks and concentrate on those which will work for you in the future. You are very stressed out now, slow down. Finally, you will be able to spend more money on entertainments.
Love :
ChriS SmiTH
Danica, if you are indeed "ok" why dont u respond properly to my messages on FB, ? u told me FB was the only way u can communicate, but then YOU didnt use it.. we had an agreement, i ask u to foicus on the 97% ..PLEASE dont let THREE percent ruin this big CHANCE .. we will do a lot of GOOD things together which helps a lot of kids , will help YOU ... and me too.. i only contacted people you know because I was worried by your lack of communication... RAZUMEM..? i hope u come to Ue, or Pg monday..vidimo se! ChRiS
Dobar Da'NiCA..
there is a saying ; "no good turn goes unpunished" (in other words it seems
every time I extend my hand in humanity here, it gets bitten...)
ChriS SmiTH
Lacu Noc!
ChriS SmiTH
Do you know ?
- if you meet me @ Uzice saturday or sunday (and I can bring you back with me to Pg)
do you come directly on Monday (25th February) to Podgorica.. ?
cuvaj se"
ChriS SmiTH
Danica, if you are indeed "ok" why dont u respond properly to my messages on FB, ? u told me FB was the only way u can communicate, but then YOU didnt use it.. we had an agreement, i ask u to foicus on the 97% ..PLEASE dont let THREE percent ruin this big CHANCE .. we will do a lot of GOOD things together which helps a lot of kids , will help YOU ... and me too.. i only contacted people you know because I was worried by your lack of communication... RAZUMEM..? i hope u come to Ue, or Pg monday..vidimo se! ChRiS
I await your promised arrival by LATEST 25 th February..
& shall go to Ue on saturday and stay until sunday
with Ivan @ "The Dubliner"
( the pub address is
M.M. Magazinovic 31 )
Do you know ?
- if you meet me @ Uzice saturday or sunday (and I can bring you back with me to Pg)
do you come directly on Monday (25th February) to Podgorica.. ?
cuvaj se"
ChRiS Laku noc..
Danica, if you are indeed "ok" why dont u respond properly to my messages on FB, ? u told me FB was the only way u can communicate, but then YOU didnt use it.. we had an agreement, i ask u to foicus on the 97% ..PLEASE dont let THREE percent ruin this big CHANCE .. we will do a lot of GOOD things together which helps a lot of kids , will help YOU ... and me too.. i only contacted people you know because I was worried by your lack of communication... RAZUMEM..? i hope u come to Ue, or Pg monday..vidimo se! ChRiS
This weekend I will be able to come because they expected me change the flat. Moving can be done by 1 Marta.Zbog that all plans are canceled. I just do not depend on me. but it will be time for all, take it easy
??? u will be able or NOt able??
i dont understand U, tomorrow & sunday I am in UE then back in Pg monday!!
NE RAZUMEM!! write in your language , clearly MOLIM!
Zato sto se selim, krecim stan i do utorka moram preci u novi stan
danas je petak i ceo vikend je u selidbi
iz tog razloga ne mogu ici nigde ovaj vikend
well I have kept my calendar clear for our programme etc since 2 weeks, so...
i would have been happy if you had taken a littler time to send me ocassional messages in the last 2 weeks but you chose to ignore me..so i am not feeling "easy".. so what do you propose next?
moram zavrsiti stvari koje su mi prece, a to je novi stan
nisam imala vremena jer sam u guzvi
ali ne vidim zasto je sad to toliki problem jer je svejedno tek mart
is that a reason for not respecting MY time? that I kept free for you, you first said you woudl come after your birthday and then you said by LATEST 25th February..if you had considered my feelings , just to say something , i did not need to ask your sister, djordje etc to find out ... its takes less than 1 minute so send me a message via FB.. so you had not ONE minute during 8 days... ok if thats the truth.. what do you propiose next, will come because I dont have limitless time, I tried to explain many times.. and I travel abroad on 7th march...
its no use to discuss what has been done or not done , what do you propose? after 1 march??
I can "host you" beween 1-6 march,
i have a special programme ready for you ..which we discussed when we were together in Bg..
can you imagine how it feels? for me , waiting for contact from you, and my "instinct" was screaming at me.. time running by.. i told you that we can do many things.. but you are not on phone so the ONLY contact was via FB, but i got no "news" ..that made me feel sick, because i thought maybe you had serious problems with your family or ...(something else) .. i dont need mcuh, just a few words..
i have value too!
Zato sto se selim , krecim stan radim utorka moram Preci u NOVI STAN
Danas je petak i ceo vikend je u selidbi
Tog iz razloga Ne mogu ici nigde Ovaj vikend
moram zavrsiti stvari Koje su mi prece ,da je novi stan
nisam Imala vremena Jer sam u guzvi
Ali ne vidim zasto je toliki problem tužno JER JE TEK svejedno mart
ReplyDeletemoram zavrsiti stvari Koje su mi prece ,da je novi stan
nisam Imala vremena Jer sam u guzvi
Ali ne vidim zasto je toliki problem tužno JER JE TEK svejedno Martu
je da jerazlog za ne poštuje moje vreme? da bude slobodan za vas, prvo je rekao da voudl došao nakon rođendana , a onda ste rekli najnovijim 25. februara .. ako je smatrao svojim osećanjima , samo da kažem nešto , nisam imao potrebe da pitam sestru , Đorđe itd do saznajte ... svojim traje manje od 1 minut , tako da mi pošalje poruku preko FB .. tako ste imali ni jedan minut u toku 8 dana ... ok ako taj istinu .. šta ti propiose sledeći će doći, jer ja dont imati neograničen vremena , pokušao sam da objasnim mnogo puta .. i ja putuju u inostranstvo na 7. marta ...
njegova upotreba ne bi razgovarali o tome šta je urađeno ili nije urađeno, šta ti predlažeš? posle 1. marta ?
Ja mogu da " te prime " beveen 1-6 marš ,
Imam poseban program spreman za vas .. što smo pričali kada smo zajedno bili u Bg ..
možete li da zamislite kako se oseća ? za mene, čekajući kontakt sa vama, a moj " instinkt " je vrištao na mene .. vreme pokrenut od strane .. Rekao sam vam da možemo da uradimo mnogo stvari .. ali vi niste na telefonu tako dajedini kontakt je bio preko FB , ali ja nemam "Novosti" .. To me je muka , jer sam mislio da ste imali ozbiljne probleme sa vašom porodicom ili ... (nešto drugo ) .. ja dont morati mcuh , samo nekoliko reči ..
Imam vrednost previše!
tako . ćeš doći između 1-6 mart ?
Bilo je problema, jos nisu svi reseni, deda je pred smrt pa je to malo ublazilo ljutnju mojih roditelja na mene...ja sam pokazala da manje pijem iako mi se opet desava da pogresim...mogu da razumem ako si ljut, ali jos uvek nije kasno...pocetkom marta cu doci do Pg...idem sad da krecim vec kasnim....cujemo se kasnije...
Please Dont ... recite mi o svojoj porodici, ja sam bio saosećajan, i čekali .. mogli ste tamo otišli prošle nedelje .. Ovde sam 1-6 marta, njena šansa tvoj .. da dođu ovde?, onda idite na ior porodicu posle Pg .. Jer ja ne mogu da promenim svoje putovanje, njegova sve u potpunosti rezervisana! .. a ako uzmete ozbiljno ovu ponudu, moramo više od 2 dana ..
i wont be online much after today until monday.. i will be in UE saturday & sunday
Dusko Petrovic
you've done what you could, the rest is up to her. relax for a day
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
...("do your Best..anyway")
Dusko Petrovic
very true. thanks for this, it's a nice reminder
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
its to remind me too ..especially when someone i care about breaks promises again today.. have a good weekend!
Dobar Da'NiCA..
there is a saying ; "no good turn goes unpunished" (in other words it seems every time I extend my hand in humanity here, it gets bitten...)
CARE2> action alert!
ReplyDeleteSweden's wolves have been hunted nearly to extinction, but that hasn't stopped the Swedish EPA from authorizing wolf culls even today. Now, conservationists are asking the government to spare the life of one wolf in particular.
ChriS SmiTH> i wont be online much after today until monday.. i will be in UE saturday & sunday
ChriS SmiTH
so, this afternoon, in 5 minutes,
we had more "conversation" than in the last 2 weeks..
if you dont understand why i am "UNeasy" - i have to smile in "irony"...
a) I felt that we had a GOOD basis of understanding when we were together in Bg
(4 weeks ago)
b) we agreed you would visit me "after your birthday" (estimated 5/6th february)
c) TWO weeks ago you said you had to visit your parents 13th-20/21 february
d) you told me that you would Only contact me via FB..
e) in between you were out of contact for 8/9 days!
f) because of no contact I asked Vera & Djordje about you, and was told you were NOT at your parents.
i WAS CONCERNED....(as I recall your distress, and our deep discussions in Bg)
G) you had PROMISED to be with me in Pg from 20/21 or LATEST from 25th February
H) we agreed to make a "training programme" ; fitness and projects together (see below)
i) I cleared my guest room, AND my calendar for your visit (NO HOSTING!) awaiting your arrival
J) the first contact from you after NINE days was a ONE LINE message that seemed "angry"
K) NOW you say you must spend from now until 1 march "moving" (7 days!!)
- I dont know where you move to, or why!
- I dont know who you move with, Branko?
- it seems a lot of time - considering you showed me you have ONE suitcase to pack..
L) you also mention your family problems again..
M) you say we have "lots of time"
- but I told you I travel abroad on 7th march (from Bg airport)
would you be easy, if i told YOU these things , in reverse?
sure we come from different cultures, but you are NOT a "bimbo"
I suggested meeting in UE this weekend because its nearer to your family
and half way from Bg to Pg..
so, do you come between 1-6 march? what do YOU propose??
"CS-DaX training Programme"
Body-mind-Spirit training (to strengthen you whilst learning self support)
english-serbia langauge exchange
discuss monty-logic-club.org plans
plan N.E.P.A.K co-operation with womens movement/homeless kids/REd NOSE days
- plan charity & concerts & etc
- Campaign photos (mYtEX)
- explain MonTV/OUR CLUB & creative academy
- plan VirPazar/Ue meetings