with too much energy
for YOU DaX ,
'Nica & Doba DanIca
... i X U
I was Hoping that she/they would be with me by now.. but delay in a visit to her in Bg, and a decision (?) to spend "valentines" at her family means I have to wait.. will she come ... ? when ? I am not very good at waiting but if I KNOW she will keep her promose I can..
REdbEL-Lions_CS1vo @ mc5 u tube.. http://youtu.be/kUxAC7N3Ckw
to aLL CSErS celebrating their special days...Hope U enjoy your special day, and greetings from REdNET
; ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041 )
and OUR CLUB, https://www.facebook.com/groups/CS.LbIrD.OURCLUB ,we support and invite you to join as guest of this event...
updated http://cser5.blogspot.com
I hope you understand, I am so full of emotional energy.
Expecting you to be coming here,I have been preparing, planning, and hoping that you feel good with it all.
So , of course, I will wait until you come,if thats how it has to be.
I want you to share my enthusiasm , and of course its easier for me to see what can be.
I want to share cooking again, to go running (I dont think you will beat me, yet..) :)
meditate and discuss the club, the actions and start in a small way to have a positive effect..
and then....
so please understand, that I understand you choose your family, and I look forward to next week.
but i miss you!
ChriS SmiTH
Danica, Nadam se da razumete , ja sam toliko puna emotivnog energije.
Ocekujuc´i vas da se ovde dolazi , bio sam pripreme, planiranja, u nadi da se osec´ate dobro u sve to .
Pa , naravno , ja c´u cekati dok ne dode , ako taj kako mora da bude.
Želim da podelim moje oduševljenje , i naravno njena lakše za mene da vidim šta može da bude.
Želim da podelim ponovo kuva, da ide radi (ja dont misliti da c´e me tuc´i , ali ..)
meditiram i razgovaraju o klubu, akcije i poceti u malom nacin da imaju pozitivan efekat ..
i onda ....
pa vas molimo da razumete da ja razumem da izaberete svoju porodicu , i radujem se naredne sedmice .
ali ja vas propustiti!
ChRiS x
ChriS SmiTH
Danica Stancic
Are you ok today?
Are you still feel pain?
ChriS SmiTH
dobar Dan ICA....ha ha ..MY only "pain" is to wait for you to arrive with me..... <SMILE> no, u did not understand Zdravo! ..I pumped the pain out of my system this morning,,, and went to the pub this afternoon to watch my team..and dranke several "bambus" and ran back in the rain just now, I am "super fit" -- u give me good reasons to continue this life.. ...i wait for u... i am really "OK" , KO = Ja,. :0 .but.... i am MISSING YOU , I really would like to phone u tomorrow , can u find someone who has a phone, that i can call?? Pleas tell me when and the number , ...because i would LOVE to hear your voice on your special day.. x
ChriS SmiTH
if u met Dusko or Djordje tomorrow and just asked one of them to sms me i could phone back, and say "Dobar Dan ICA! " on YOUR day>?
ChriS SmiTH
please http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3GtAnO66o PLEAse learn the lyrics..they are important to me!! one of my favourite songs... from my heart to you..
Honesty Billy Joel
hope is gud ^^
ChriS SmiTH
šta radiš? today?
ChriS SmiTH
Goo Goo Dolls-Iris Lyrics
.... ..... just listen! happy birthday !! Nicer 'Nica , Dan..I Danas , Dobar dan iCA!
ChriS SmiTH
I just want ..u to know, who i am and I will help u know who u are! x
Ja samo želim da znaš, ko sam ja, i ja c´u pomoc´i u znati ko si!
ChriS SmiTH
ChriS SmiTH
for U alone... no one else..!
CSerS: 13131 Bg B'day party with DaX, ^ walk in the woods & CharitY in UE..
ChriS SmiTH
kako si?
Danica Stancic
not so well
I hate my birthday
ChriS SmiTH
zaisto? I am so sorry you feel like that I love the fact that you were born and i want to celebrate your life..! i wanted to phone u and sing in a horrible voice "happy birthday to you!" ... then u would hate me more than this day! ha ha .. please....SMILE...i care how u feel! today ..and ...
ChriS SmiTH
i celebrate each of my birthday s more and more , just that I survived another year on this mad planet, every year my PARTY starts earlier and finishes later, even if i am "alone!" ...
ChriS SmiTH
.so .. i AM "celebrating " yr birth ... (and if u ever HEAR my voice its FAR better if these 4 lads from Liverpool sing to you than me! ) SMILE .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_Nz9B1XFio
Birthday by the Beatles
Happy birthday to you
ChriS SmiTH
CUVAJ SE! ..MOLIM! (i care!)
Danica Stancic
hahaha and we celebrating today my birthday together, Im in Bg and you in Pg :))) thanks for wanderful flower :)))
ChriS SmiTH
i am happy when u are happy!
ChriS SmiTH
Ja sam srec´an, kada ste srec´ni, recite mi, molim vas , šta hoc´eš , da nemam?
ChriS SmiTH
sta Radis>? (my little serpski..) so if your parents come wednesday/thursday(?) when do u think to come to Pg? so i can belatedly sing (not really!) to U ! ..
ChriS SmiTH
as this day comes to an end
..i think of you, more than friend
"destiny" or fate..
...its is Soul , mate...
i am thinking of you...
laku noc!
ChriS SmiTH
"all property is theft" ... its a sunny day, anyway! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2384ayqnAho
Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart (official video)
ChriS SmiTH
Dobro... strange this song kept coming into my head then i was helping someone from istanbul and sitting in cafe in Pg and they played the song..i had been thinking of.. it somehow fits me..and i ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxDyXK93o6g
Neil Diamond - I am... I said (W/Lyrics)
I do not own this music or video...
ChriS SmiTH
"I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
Leavin' me lonely still
Did you ever read about a frog who dreamed of being a king
And then became one
Well, except for the names and a few other changes
If you talk about me, the story's the same one
But I got an emptiness deep inside
And I've tried but it won't let me go
And I'm not a man who likes to swear
But I've never cared for the sound of being alone
I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
I am, I said
I am, I cried
I am...
ChriS SmiTH
this film, contrrary to personal expeience whows that there may be intellgent life on your planet after all one day if u come to Pg as u promised..u might know the universe as i know it!
ChriS SmiTH
ovaj film, contrrari licnog iskustva, mi pokazuje da može postojati intellgent život na planeti , nakon svega, kada dodete u Podgorici, kao što je obec´ao .. možda znate univerzum , kao što sam to znao!
Laku Noc!
ChriS SmiTH
p..s are your parents coming to visit you tomorrow? , I hope it goes well for you goodnight!
ChriS SmiTH
are you ok??
ChriS SmiTH
cuvaj se!!... take care... molim!
ChriS SmiTH
Dobro Jutro, Danica, Sto ima?
ChriS SmiTH
p.s. I got a postcard from Raz STILL in Istanbul, she is workign at a hostel there..would be NICE if ... we visited her when we can go together,
it SEEMS that u CAN use your passport?? ..
lets discuss when u are in Pg, ok?
ChriS SmiTH
ChriS SmiTH
err...can u find Me, in this picture <SMILE> ...?
ChriS SmiTH
Hiya Danica , Kako si? are YOU ok??
ChriS SmiTH
Dobar DanICA, i know u do not want to be "controlled" but, i do worry If i dont have any contact from you.. whats new? when do u come to Pg/me?
i am going (even more) crazy ..
ChriS SmiTH
Danica Stancic
xaxaxa I finde you on picture! You have a wonderful red dress, you are so pretty)) Still I dont have a phone, and only way to be in contact is on facebook...My father be here, and we just continue like is evrithing ok...But 13. februyry we have family meeting, and he ask me to come home that day. So, My trip to Pg, must wait couple days...Good thing is that I still dont drink( But on My birthday I drink few gin-tonic, but shhhh, its a secret)) And my physical exercize every time is better! And look out, when I come we will have a little competition, and now maybe I can beat you...
Danica Stancic
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Danica Stancic
I didnt know that also in Bg exsist a day of red nose:) Its a firs day of New year!!
ChriS SmiTH
ZDRAVO, Its SO good that u contact me, I got a little worried... I am glad u are fit, I am not a very patient person, but i will wait when it(you) are important..) i accept your challenge, but as I have to wait for you , i will expect you to come as soon after the 13th as possible , MOLIM!!!!
ChriS SmiTH
in fact there is some local parti sI would normally not go to alone here in PG on weekend 14/15/16th february , so I hope u can come by then? and dance! ...I am also running (although I had some chest pain and small bit of "bronchitis") I am still very much alive, because i need to be breathing to do the things we should do..there ius som much to tell and share with you.. and I have great hopes ..but step by step we shall build this up.. PLEASE bring a couple of RED noses to Pg for me and you (maybe if its cold u dont need one??) ha ha...
ChriS SmiTH
it will be hard to wait one more week until you arrive, because I already "prepared" a sort of programme.. so dont be in a rush to leave after u eventually arrive on MY PLANET! please try to send FB messages from time to time, you will make me SMILE..TAKE CARE, until later , SMILE , hugs ^ X your ChRIS .. i cant open your "link" above... and the "C1A" keep blocking this video ; http://youtu.be/7FSvh0J1MgA REdBEL LIONS1 NM1b
ChriS SmiTH
maybe u would prefer a phone as my birthday present to you instead of a trip to Istanbul : ?
..and many more co-incidences, every TV programme mentions "DaX" .. I X U
you know I am Gemini *(Twins) as SUN sign, with AQUAIOUS ascendent..! (97%) ..ha ah..
but mionday starts MY (chinese) new year.. i am "Snake" , so do you know your "chinese" sign? ..// ? half pig and half Rat??
my emotional instinct wanted to invite you for a "romantic dinner" on 14th February...
ChriS SmiTH
because at first , u were coming here immediately after your birthday, then I expected you this weekend, and now ....I hope u unerstand that I put plans "on hold" until you arrive, so take care, cuvaj se! please tell me something nice, 'Nica ???
fire of freedom; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWcylB0Fiyo
ChriS SmiTH
goodnight! x Laku Noc!
i want to "share" ;)
Hiya "DaX" ...:)
you do know i keep asking after you, dont you/????
............ I "lost" everyone I loved & cared for..
I mention it now, because i am here in Pg watching a film..
which reminds me of my "first love" .. I was 15 ..
I was infatuated with the lady next door when I was alone
sometimes came and sat and watched TV with me.. she never
knew , and i never told her or anyone..
then they told me she had died, suddenly of epilepsy,
and i couldnt share.. so please ...accept my concern for you
dont be offended that i care what is going on with you
or my belief that we can do something special together//...
CUVAJ SE! :) ChRiS ...
ChriS SmiTH
her name was Audrey, she was wonderful, as clear in my memory now as then (she was at least 10 years older..)
ChriS SmiTH
ovaj film, contrrari licnog iskustva, mi pokazuje da može postojati intellgent život na planeti , nakon svega, kada dodete u Podgorici, kao što je obec´ao .. možda znate univerzum , kao što sam to znao!
Laku Noc!
ChriS SmiTH
p..s are your parents coming to visit you tomorrow? , I hope it goes well for you goodnight!
ChriS SmiTH
are you ok??
ChriS SmiTH
cuvaj se!!... take care... molim!
ChriS SmiTH
Dobro Jutro, Danica, Sto ima?
ChriS SmiTH
Dobra Dan I CA you know, I am really looking forward to seeing you here, training together, walking in park, talking, etc ...sharing ideas and breathing!
ChriS SmiTH
Hiya Danica , Kako si? are YOU ok??
ChriS SmiTH
Dobar DanICA, i know u do not want to be "controlled" but,
i do worry If i dont have any contact from you..
whats new? when do u come to Pg/me?
i am going (even more) crazy ..
"all property is theft" ... its a sunny day, anyway! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2384ayqnAho
Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart (official video)
Vice City Songs
ChriS SmiTH
Kako si? ...
Danica Stancic
Today better than yesterday:)
ChriS SmiTH
Dobro... strange this song kept coming into my head then i was helping someone from istanbul and sitting in cafe in Pg and they played the song..i had been thinking of.. it somehow fits me..and i ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxDyXK93o6g
Neil Diamond - I am... I said (W/Lyrics)
I do not own this music or video...
ChriS SmiTH
"I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
Leavin' me lonely still
Did you ever read about a frog who dreamed of being a king
And then became one
Well, except for the names and a few other changes
If you talk about me, the story's the same one
But I got an emptiness deep inside
And I've tried but it won't let me go
And I'm not a man who likes to swear
But I've never cared for the sound of being alone
I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
I am, I said
I am, I cried
I am...
ChriS SmiTH
this film, contrrary to personal expeience whows that there may be intellgent life on your planet after all one day if u come to Pg as u promised..u might know the universe as i know it!
ChriS SmiTH
ovaj film, contrrari licnog iskustva, mi pokazuje da može postojati intellgent život na planeti , nakon svega, kada dodete u Podgorici, kao što je obec´ao .. možda znate univerzum , kao što sam to znao!
Laku Noc!
ChriS SmiTH
p..s are your parents coming to visit you tomorrow? , I hope it goes well for you goodnight!
ChriS SmiTH
are you ok??
Now 2 be alien
i am happy when u are happy!
ChriS SmiTH
Ja sam srec´an, kada ste srec´ni, recite mi, molim vas , šta hoc´eš , da nemam?
ChriS SmiTH
sta Radis>? (my little serpski..) so if your parents come wednesday/thursday(?) when do u think to come to Pg? so i can belatedly sing (not really!) to U ! ..
ChriS SmiTH
as this day comes to an end
..i think of you, more than friend
"destiny" or fate..
...its is Soul , mate...
i am thinking of you...
laku noc!
i am happy, when you are happy, tell me, please , what do you want, that you do not have?
for U alone... no one else..!
ChriS SmiTH
.so .. i AM "celebrating " yr birth ... (and if u ever HEAR my voice its FAR better if these 4 lads from Liverpool sing to you than me! ) SMILE .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_Nz9B1XFio
Birthday by the Beatles
Happy birthday to you
ChriS SmiTH
CUVAJ SE! ..MOLIM! (i care!)
Danica Stancic
hahaha and we celebrating today my birthday together, Im in Bg and you in Pg :))) thanks for wanderful flower :)))
ChriS SmiTH
i am happy when u are happy!
ChriS SmiTH
Ja sam srec´an, kada ste srec´ni, recite mi, molim vas , šta hoc´eš , da nemam?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3GtAnO66o learn the lyrics..they are important!!
because losing everything..is like the sun going down on me..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YE9pIcASll8
ChriS SmiTH
goodnight! x Laku Noc!
ChriS SmiTH
p.s. I got a postcard from Raz STILL in Istanbul, she is working at a hostel there..would be NICE if ... we visited her when we can go together,
it SEEMS that u CAN use your passport?? ..
lets discuss when u are in Pg, ok?
ChriS SmiTH
err...can u find Me, in this picture <SMILE> ...?
ChriS SmiTH
for U alone... no one else..!
CSerS: 13131 Bg B'day party with DaX, ^ walk in the woods & CharitY in UE..
ChriS SmiTH
kako si?
Danica Stancic
not so well
I hate my birthday
ChriS SmiTH
zaisto? I am so sorry you feel like that I love the fact that you were born and i want to celebrate your life..! i wanted to phone u and sing in a horrible voice "happy birthday to you!" ... then u would hate me more than this day! ha ha .. please....SMILE...i care how u feel! today ..and ...
ChriS SmiTH
i celebrate each of my birthday s more and more , just that I survived another year on this mad planet, every year my patry starts earlier and finishes later, even if i am "alone!" ...
ChriS SmiTH
.so .. i AM "celebrating " yr birth ... (and if u ever HEAR my voice its FAR better if these 4 lads from Liverpool sing to you than me! ) SMILE .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_Nz9B1XFio
Birthday by the Beatles
Happy birthday to you
ChriS SmiTH
did u see your poem??
Dobar DANiCA , hope things are well between u and your family.. do u understand the word "destiny" ? ..this morning on Tv was a programme all about "DaX" ; ... kako si?
did u see your poem??
Dobar DANiCA , hope things are well between u and your family.. do u understand the word "destiny" ? ..this morning on Tv was a programme all about "DaX" ; ... kako si?
"sudbina" <SMILE>
ChriS SmiTH
"Destiny" I have heard that several times already today!
"bells that make the angel smile"
ChriS SmiTH
just went for a 30 minute run, ..woke up with a sore throat and a pain on my chest, no medicine just pumped the air and my blood= "alternative medicine" (and a Rakija!) LMAO!
Danica Stancic
thanks for poem, its wonderful:) My parents are change date their coming...ow is wednwsday or thursday...they have some problems at home...I told them, again, that is not necessary to come. But, they wont...and now I waiting, and when see that is everything is ok, Im gone just smile on the end:)
Danica Stancic
Are you ok today?
Are you still feel pain?
ChriS SmiTH
dobar Dan ICA....ha ha ..MY only "pain" is to wait for you to arrive with me..... <SMILE> no, u did not understand Zdravo! ..I pumped the pain out of my system this morning,,, and went to the pub this afternoon to watch my team..and dranke several "bambus" and ran back in the rain just now, I am "super fit" -- u give me good reasons to continue this life.. ...i wait for u... i am really "OK" , KO = Ja,. :0 .but.... i am MISSING YOU , I really would like to phone u tomorrow , can u find someone who has a phone, that i can call?? Pleas tell me when and the number , ...because i would LOVE to hear your voice on your special day.. x
ChriS SmiTH
if u met Dusko or Djordje tomorrow and just asked one of them to sms me i could phone back, and say "Dobar Dan ICA! " on YOUR day>?
ChriS SmiTH
please http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3GtAnO66o PLEAse learn the lyrics..they are important to me!! one of my favourite songs... from my heart to you..
Honesty Billy Joel
hope is gud ^^
ChriS SmiTH > "Destiny" I have heard that several times already today! :D "bells that make the angel smile" ..CrAzY? I hope so.. (5 photos)
Photo: ChriS SmiTH > "Destiny" I have heard that several times already today!
ChriS SmiTH just went for a 30 minute run, ..woke up with a sore throat and a pain on my chest, no medicine just pumped the air and my blood= "alternative medicine" (and a Rakija!) LMAO!
ChriS SmiTH
"Destiny" I have heard that several times already today!
"bells that make the angel smile"
did u see your poem??
Dobar DANiCA , hope things are well between u and your family.. do u understand the word "destiny" ? ..this morning on Tv was a programme all about "DaX" ; ... kako si?
"sudbina" <SMILE>
13202 14h
Danica Stancic
My parents will come on sunday, probably. And next week I be your guest in Pg...and I bring my snikers for run, because i want to run with you...its can be fun, and I dont want stop with my trening.
ChriS SmiTH
ok, but "snickers" is a chocolate??? . ha ha ha.. "sneakers" is the american word for sports shoes, in our culture we call them "trainers".. and i hope u are able to run.
. .. we can run as much as u can cope with.. i'd l;ike to show u methods of breathing and meditation and talk , walk and share language....exchange! .. & have a lot of FUN too, especially when I speak serpski!!!
... ha ha .. ..i shall tell u now where i live, but if i know what bus u come on i will meet you at bus sta. ...,..I live in a suburban district called "Toloshi".. and there is a "mini market " street "Blaya Raickevica - elastica.. " (name "Nadje market" near me.. the people in the shop know who i am )
so the "training programme" can begin... it would be nice ('Nica) if you could find a way, that i could phone u on your birthday Monday..i would be pleased , if say, i could phone to a friends phone on that day, maybe if you met Djordje and i phone him ..i want to wish u "haoppy birthday"... on monday.. human to human..

be honest and lose the mask.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=g-ibK5L2a4I&NR=1
ChriS SmiTH
Laku noc! sweet dreams!
"promises" ............this morning, I went for a run, have been away since a week, and needed to pump my blood and refresh myself.. say what U mean and mean what u say, because your character depends on it,, have SOUL, care, dare and make positive energy.. LIVE its (written) the opposite of evil...be GOOD! or i will be gone..forever
ChriS SmiTH
kako si? what have u been doing today?? are your parents in Bg?
cuvaj se!
ChriS SmiTH
a nice sound..for 'Nica dreams..
ChriS SmiTH
ChriS SmiTH
I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love. Intense love does not measure, it just gives , Peace begins with a smile.
Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.
Mother Teresa
cuvaj se!
Mother Teresa " if you want to help yourself, help someone who truly needs you" ? who will find good (god) in their eyes..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
http://www.facebook.com/danica.stancic.3 if u find Danica a job, please make sure they respect her__??? ChRiS
Danica Stancic
Born on February 4, 1984Female
Dusko Petrovic
I'll do my best
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ok I know u met her, as I hope u will be honest and respect her, please also repect me, and keep me informed. as i care for her very much..
Dusko Petrovic
Yeah, I got that
I gave her a contact or two for work, but more importantly I'm gonna work with her on getting her a bit more focused, a bit less random and going in the directions she wants.
she seems like a good girl, just needs a bit of support.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
i have a plan to support her and bring her into positive activity, i am just concerned that she might get confused by u adding yours onto the direction i already agreed with her... thats what i mean about respect.. she is supposed to meet me in Pg, next week..and i wished u had mentione d that to me before .. because too many "directions" will not help her.. i know u mean well... but u dont know me well enough.. take care, cuvaj se ChRIS
Run, 20 mins...
13131 Bg B'day party with DaX, ^ walk in the woods & CharitY in UE..
to Ms Harvey, 97% , even Nicer 'Nica, DaX...
...............My poem for your special day... DaniS
@ Budva Irish , talking a lot
drinking and dancing ,
I couched at yours..
it wasnt a "chance-thing"..
then we had the "family meet"
this "guest" i wanted to greet
extreme feeling between us..
bud SADly i returned on the bus,
but TRUE SOUL_MATES can NEVER let go..
that much..
by now you must know...
the Bg party had its funny moments
a little tense but also saw a sad little girl
yet, next day in the park
all in OUR universe was well..
WE are SUN and Moon & together..
we could probably even change the weather..
I wish you all you DESERVE..
and much more, but avoid the curve,,
BE STRONG, BE GOOD, be all that you should..
because 97% is a very GOOD start.. <SMILE>
Hugs & X , from your ChRiS :)
ChriS SmiTH
I "over loaded" you with news of my progress because i only wanted to share with you..
but I will be careful to help you to become strong before september..
over the next months, step by step to stay on course, i am your friend and much more..
I am the only honest person who will risk the truth with you,
and be a "tough trainer" when you need that too,
to avoid "excuses" distractions and keep you "on course"
but of course this needs trust..in both directions..
I hope we learnt that already..vidimo se!
Ja " preko loaded " vas sa vestima moj napredak , jer sam samo hteo da podelim sa vama ..
ali ja c´u biti oprezan da vam pomogne da postanu jaki pre septembra ..
tokom narednih meseci , korak po korak, da ostanu na kursu , ja sam tvoj prijatelj i još mnogo toga ..
Ja sam samo iskrenaosoba koja c´e rizikovati istinu sa vama,
i da bude" težak trener " kada je potrebno da se previše,
da bi se izbeglo " izgovore " uznemiravanja i držati vas " na kursu "
ali naravno to mora poverenje .. u oba smera ..
Nadam se da c´emo vec´ naucili da .. Vidimo se !
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Dusko petrovic contact who u met at "MG" saturday .. (i hope if u decide to stay in Bg ... that u have a job with respect..
but you know where I believe you should go... with GOOD..
i wrote to with poem on the other...
Dusko Petrovic
Lives in Belgrade, SerbiaKnows Serbian, English, SpanishMale
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
i also gave u contact with Ivans Irish pub in UE, and he has yr phone number, because when we make charity project there,
there may be some events and work for you, but we need to talk about it, because there is alot of activity u can join,
I also met a man (another Ivan) on the bus from Bg who told me of Dutch "chris" who runs a charity in UE @ popova voda, where Vesna lives..
its very small word and very positive for u and y-our good life,,, btw do u realise that "evil" is the opposite spelling of "LIVE"..
Danica Stancic
laku noc:) see you tomorrow
ChriS SmiTH
i am sorry i didnt know u were going to meet me at bus sta. just a quick reply , using Vesna s laptop at UE, i said a lot,
i MEANT ALL I said and I hope you did too, ebcause i trsut you again..
and will write more when I have more time, but i hope you know what i want, and what i feel u can be , and the things we can do..
i had this connection with Dusko ...
"Dusko Petrovic (Belgrade, Central Serbia, Serbia)
Sent January 28th, 2013 - 7:21 pm
Dusko Petrovic is a Verified Member
13128 Re: CS 13123 ChriS-Dusko
CS: Hiza good to cu saturday, we had a quiet sunday (needed that) i am at Vesna (UE) at the moment,so just a short reply..
I will connect u with Danica via FB, if u cane find her something where they will respect her, that would be good! cuvaj SE,
see u again, soon ChriS
Dusko Petrovic wrote:
Here's the website I told you about last night, for learning Serbian, hope it helps
also, can you send me Danica's facebook contact, or send her mine, see if we can do something about her job
hope you had fun today, see you next time
ChriS SmiTH wrote:
Hiya again.. I didnt find host for tonight , so I expect to arrive , goodness willing, about 18,30 bus @ Bg,saturday
I wonder if you want to meet me , I can take a coffee in train station restoran until 19h, if u dont come I will walk to "Magic Garden caffe"
.if u feel like it. u can join the party there....ok? (dont forget I will NOT be online tomorrow!!! ) ChRiS ..
i hope u can spend more days with me in Pg, because not least that i enjoy your company I would like us to have some extra dazs helping me to learn your language, and helping you to keep ahead of Vera in english .
.and to improve upon our new feelings of progress TOGETHER..hope and amazing coincidences that happened todaz that will make you smile..
someone who was next to meet on the bus walked with me to the station this morning , HE )not me= started to talk about ENERGY and that he had just found someone who is 100 per cent compatible..
and although we (you and I) are 97 percent..its a GOOD NEW beginning... do nt you feel the energy___????
cuvaj se, I wrote a poem,
something spontaneous..
to follow..
Livemocha - Serbian
Serbian is a form of the Serbo-Croatian language, and the official language of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
It has around 9 million native speakers, mainly in Serbia, but also in neighboring countries: Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia, Albania, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Greece, Slovakia and th...
ChriS SmiTH
the poem, its in my memory from the bus, and i couldnt find my original note but ..i hope u understand...
and i have to do this before Vesna reclaims her laptop ...SMILE
I send you a BIG SMILE ::::::::
...to "DaX" or are U "NiCA" ..
this weekend you were NICER..
I am probably old enough to be your father..
and i suppose protective as a brother
i want to avoid the "jealousy of a typical lover"
in me too is the fountain of a son..
i want you to be THE one..
i am also just a boy, with so much ENERGY
wise though as Yoda ...i know WE ARE SOUL...mate!!
we are the TRUE meaning of SYNERGX
all my love,
and spirit too is trusted in you
::BIG HUG and X
ChriS SmiTH
be care ful we are both like magnets and when u are weak (drunk) the devil s vultures and jackals (Mark?) circle around u...
be strong be good , you know you what u should... do! cuvaj se, many more stories to be made..good ones !! battery gone now... SMILE!
ChriS SmiTH
just a quick message before the day starts, Vesna is in her room and i am just getting ready to go out .
. hoping another piece of our puzzle is in place by the end of this day.. do or dont do , ,
Nica, (we focus on the "nicer" life.. slow things down stop and BREATHE, smile at the darkness,
we must be in this world but not OF this world, i send u good SPIRIT ..(but not Velibor,s Rakija! ) ha ha cuvaj se! ---.
u know u can stay visit me or stay with me as long as i live, and after too we fight the 3 percent !
Danica Stancic
You're absolutely right that when a man is weak then the devil is waiting around the corner ...
And you mean that Mark from San Francisco? I see him a second time in my life,
but Branko said it was very common guest of cafe...Maybe I had that night more problematic with Van Damme,
and I didnt noticed the true intentions of the Mark, did not pay attention .
.. But the good thing is that now I was on another training and I didnt drank alcohol. Thats a good thing:)))
How is be your day? Are you finis job in factory?
ChriS SmiTH
i t s early in the is morning that i can see your message.. yes i noticed Mark, but let me tell u about positive things .
.BECAUSE the pieces of the "puzzle" are forming very well, i didnt tell u yet but on the bus from Bg ,
monday i asked a localman if the bus stopped near vesna,s vilage (outiside of UE) and he was so kind.
.he asked the driver and showed me when i had to get off, etc
.. and we talkled a bit and HE knows a man in UE who helps kids!! and i asked him to make contact with Ivan,
but by CHANCE...when I mentioned to Ivan yesterday .... Ivan told me that he ALREADY met him,
because that man came to his irish pub on saturday!!!!! its been amazing, i met 2 more friends of Ivan who can help the project
I went on the OLDEST bus in europe yesterday ..it was funny...
and the secretary at the factory spoke english as if she went to the same school as you ha ha ...but not as nice as you...
oh i must be careful not to compliment u soooo much...
and she was so interested in my stories that we talked for 2 hours with mentioning the reason i was there
..and she mentioned ENERGY and had a son who likes football so i gave her one of my Liverpool balkan REdS t-shirts for him
,and she probably l also brings him and his friends as the boy has no father..
all meetings were positive, we went to "orient express" restoran here in UE last night, and that was nice too.
as i always wanted to go on the REAL train
...i know i should not be so soft and "sentimental" about u,
but i kept thinking all yesterday that I wish u could share every minute of this with me..
.the miracle is happening, adn i am glad that u do something for health, because u are very important..
i just keep seeing u in the "vision" as it becomes reality--- cuvaj se! Hugs and X
ChriS SmiTH
Energy Empathy, humanity and spirit... people i meet keep using the words we talked about on sunday, .
.not repeating me but saying them to me BEFORE I do.. its a miracle forming--
and Ivans girlfriend Tijana also had an idea for helping HOMELESS kids and orphans, that fits PERFECTLY with what YOU said to me..
vidimo se!!
ChriS SmiTH
i miss U!
ChriS SmiTH
DOBRA Danica, I HOPE YOU are u ok, I am just back from UE, @ toloshi (Pg) home, so much to tell u , just a bit tired...
positive ENEGY & hope is pushing our progress.. ...i will write again later..
<SMILE> molim..!
so, i just have to check what i already told u, I am sort of over-(F)slowing and with too much energy .
.and just want to share,,, did i mention the immense co-incidence..on the bus from Bg to UE,
i asked a man stting near me if the bus stopped at "popova voda" (where vesna lives) and his name was also "Ivan"
and he was reall kind and checked with the driver and at the next stop introduced me to the driver .
.and we got talkign and he know a "chris" from holland who..is organising kids charities in ..."popova voda",....amazing huh??
ChriS SmiTH
btw "mark" kept comign back to "MG" and boasted that he's had 55 serbian girls in his bed since he moved to Bg..i think ...
no, it seems like i am being "small" i dont like , i just hope u keep the training and follow the GOOD way forward.. any news of your parents visit to BG???
ChriS SmiTH
do u like Zlatibor, I want to know "the Balkans" your language and your culture and in return I want to show you my world,,
,before i leave it.. starting with Podgorica, then Istanbul /... do u have a turlish embassy near u, u could ask if u can use your passport to fly there?
ChriS SmiTH
when u want to start with "Monty Logic club" it would be good also to take club members to Mokra gore??,.
..i hope u want to do this.. ofr course it has to be your choice.. ok, now i really am ,
writing too much ha ha I dont know when u will read this or if u understand , but ..i send u positive energy.....! and a HUG x and a big <SMILE>
ChriS SmiTH
turkish (not turlish!) laku noc
Danica Stancic
Today I meet Dusko, and I think in this moment of my cleaning negativ energy, he can be very positiv gay in my life..
.and we start story about how I change my negativ energy. First I need to help myself,
and when I be healty after that I can help other... Im tired and now is time for sleeaping...Leku noc, nice dreams:)
ChriS SmiTH
well i want u to have trust in me, as I trusted you.. I can show u the way to develop positive energy,
and by doing this with kids and sharing their energy... to be positive.. .i need you to do good things..
and dont be distracted..keep your word, and anyway, i am also a bit tired physically,now although my heart and soul is on fire..
I go to sleep ... sweet .'Nica dreams
ChriS SmiTH
Beck - Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime (Live)
Change your heart Look around you Change your heart It will astound you I need your lovin'
Like the sunshine Everybody's gotta learn sometime Everybody's got...
ChriS SmiTH
i thought maybe , for fun, u might like to know a bit about "DaX" ....and ..her(their) friendship with "Worf" ..
i like the last line... when Worf says " maybe all of you will have to adapt to me" ... ..i hope things go well for u,
and u convince your parents u dont need "treatment" ..YOU ONLY NEED a GOOD friend.. and I know it is ME! ...I am looking forward to see u (Dani, Nica, Ms Harvey, 97% "DaX" ) ..ALL OF YOU.. again in pg next week. i need you to be me friend as much..as u do! cuvaj se!
Born on February 4, 1984Female
Dusko Petrovic
I'll do my best
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ok I know u met her, as I hope u will be honest and respect her, please also repect me, and keep me informed. as i care for her very much..
Elif Irem Koç has written the following reference about you on your
Chris hosted me for three nights in Podgarica, a city which people say that
is boring. :D But when we went around with Chris, it seems not more boring
that most other places in the Balkans. :D We went to the little fishing
village, where I was treated with home-grown tea and spices. Chris is a
very sociable person, he talks a lot and he listens a lot, too. It was
amazing having conversations with him about life and relationships, I
needed it. Thank you, Chris for everything and see you again sometime!
To see this person's profile, go to
Elif Irem Koç
My host has to take a flight tomorrow urgently, so i'll have to leave earlier than i expected.
Tomorrow in the morning i'll take the 10am bus to kotor
Would it be okay for you to host me one night earlier? Tomorrow i mean?
If it is not possible i will try to find a hostel for one night. But if it is okay for you, i can just come to podgorica from kotor tomorrow.
I think i will be in kotor at at 13:30 or so and then from there i will take the first bus (they have buses like every 45 mins)
I dont know how long it exactly takes me to arrive in podgorica though.
ok, hope u see this, (i will sms)..please sms me from Kotor when u know the bus departure time , its about 2 hrs from there.. OF COURSE i will host U, ..and u can arrive in "boring Pg" in day light! hahahaha...
by the way , there are buses to Herzeg novi from Dubrovnik...with a connection to PG??
Elif Irem Koç
Ok. Tomorrow when i go to the station i ll ask for the easiest way and then when i take the bus i'll text you.
Thanks a lot!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
"nema problema" just keep me informed... u will be my first visitor this year,.. welcome!
p..s good luck with "info" i have the impression that "service employees" were trained by KGB not to give info...especially to foreigners.. ha ha!
Elif Irem Koç
February 2nd, 2013 - 7:35 pm
Hey again! It's me, with a new couch request. :) I am in Dubrovnik now and I'll be staying here for 3 nights and then on the fifth I'll take a bus from here to Podgorica. I do not know the exact time of the bus, but I'll let you know as soon as I learn it! My friend (we are friends since high school.) is also on CS, so you can check her profile here:
She will arrive with bus from Skopje at 7am on the morning of Feb, 6th. I'll need to go pick her up from the station. :')
My cell phone is 00905384699848.
If you want to keep in touch, you can add me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/elif.irem.koc
All the best,
February 3rd, 2013 - 9:43 am
OK Elif, I got your message and now U know my number, I accept U & Mehtap (I havent had a "best friend" since schooldays as i travelled like a universal gypsy since then) :) i am not always online, so please sms when U know bus time as i am in suburbs .. if i can , i will meet u at station.. & connect on Fb too , enjoy yr time, ChRiS (b4 "boring Pg") :) 00382 686 14427
20-20h production of REdBEL-LIONS1 16mins

this film, contrary to personal experience shows that there may be intellgent life on your planet after all :) ....
Photo: this film, contrrary to personal expeience whows that there may be intellgent life on your planet after all :) ....
Hugo Staman > must say i liked the movie. Different then most of the alien movies...
ChriS SmiTH> yeah, it includes several strong "messages" about the "idiocracy" on this mad planet
Yesterday took visitor from Istanbul around Pg and to Virpazar, nice day, nice pics :) today raining so cooking
@ Toloshi...looking forward to the "training programme, need to get fit myself too, ;)
anita M> Reamonn - Tonight
Music video by Reamonn performing Tonight. (C) 2006 Reamonn GbR under exclusive license to Universal Music Domestic Rock/Urban - a division of Universal Music...
Chris East-west Invest Ursun> cant open the link, but did u know... I "discovered" HIm "jammming" at a wine festival near Freiburg when i lived there, with a sax. player ..we had a few bevvies together in Freiburgh.. then got the virgin contact, and then later on, after "fame" his secretary wouldnt put me through to him/..tut tut!
Hiya Gi, I suggested that Triin Paja an estonian CS/FB friend is visiting Vilnius) contact you, I hope u dodnt mind.. she lost her phone in Pg so i dont know her number, but i told her yours.. she is as "difficult" as u , and a "REd" (currently) :)
Frank C.
dont complain campaign!..join the REdvolution.. Liverpool people have to take back the city and OUR CLUB too!
Dear Ana,
I hope you are well,
The offer sent did not include "woolly caps" as per the example i lent to you, please return to Ivan @ Dubliner pub (via Tijana Bogdanovic) when you have finished with it.
and be kind enough to also indicate when "samples" could be made ready. we are preparing a new website "Global REdS (Liverpool) Supporters" and obviously want to promote with pictures & prices
==== =====
Goog le code for uploading REdBEL1_LionsCS1vo; (*rev) ; 240746
Hope U enjoy your special days,
and greetings from REdNET
; ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041 )
and OUR CLUB, https://www.facebook.com/groups/CS.LbIrD.OURCLUB ,we support and invite you to join as guest of this event...

REdbEL-LionnSnm1b ; http://youtu.be/N91nqZHkyKw
"There is a pub in Uzice,
& Rakija's been the love of many a poor boy..
you must drink more than only ONE!
WE had a special party,
a GOOD one,
in this Celtic public house
new years night, Serbian
& talked a bit of "Scouse"
...Mothers, tell your children..
not to drink like I have done,
if you drink Rakija at THE DUBLINER
dont go OUT in the mid-day SUN!
(with compliments to Eric Burdon & the Animals..
"House of the Rising Sun)
Are you willing to take the risk?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun > The risk has been taken, we cant keep dwelling on the errors made by the directors, from Moores through Parry , Hicks Purslow Broughton and Ayre..the fans are as much to blame for allowing this mess.. it s the equivalent of playing fiddle on the top deck as the Titanic sinks...dont complain CAMPAIGN..
F-way. We Come Not To Pay> Sean> fair enough point to make tho chris. we dont wanna be making the same mistake again. seanoc
Chris East-west Invest Ursun > the damage is already done, its about building a "Life boat" sean, otherwise the club as we knew it, wont exist at all..!
REdbEL-LionnSnm1b ; http://youtu.be/N91nqZHkyKw
probably cut & censored...after almost 24 hrs of trying to get it
uploaded, will try again at weekend..http://youtu.be/7FSvh0J1MgA
(when the C1A have a day off! ha ha)
(google =code rev; 823782
to easton cowboys...republica
we would like to invite you to bring women, mens or mixed 5-a side team, plus subs , fans & anyone who wishes to contribute to a unique event a "FRIENDSHIP WEEKEND" in the Balkans..to overcome ignorance & bigotry, and develop international friendships, footy, fun, party, concerts & cheap accomodation in a beautiful region.. see https://www.facebook.com/groups/without.frontiers.ue/
its a fraud...clever."PRopaganda" .but still a fraud...and S o S should have used the funds WE invested in the supporters Union to stop a repeat of the exploitation that G & H attempted..with a legakll injunction to protect our club ..the club should belong to Liverpool community and global supporters.. (CS) its pathetic to think that with 7 million "custiomers" worldwide that we cant make a profit..net... without some yankers involved!
Like · · Share
<Fenway. We Come Not To Pay> "bankers" and hedge funds will be exposed for playing with "virtual money" they are USELESS to us.... WE ARE the club and WE could raise 200-300 million from global support, celebs and ex players... apart from which..F S G are THE problem, , betraying Kenny, (which alone makes them unTRUSTworthy as custodians), ignoring Rafa, both these men are of massive value to our club, having made the progress with the youth players which "buck" is benefiing from.(between them Rafa and Kenny developed 25 international standard youth players ..for the club to "use" (Rafa brought Kenny back and Rudolfo in)
...BR is a novice using OUR club for HIS education & "CV", he has won nothing, and whilst the footy may be "pretty" we still havent beaten a club in the top half!! progress?..decent coach , but as a man, not big enough "winner" to be manager OF LIVERPOOL..
Henry also snubbed the Hillsborough memorial and backed Bush's campaign,
..WE members @ Global REdS) Do NOT want such people associated with LFC.. thats more important than what Rodgers does.
.. Kenny got us a our first trophy in 6 years, and 2 cup finals and there's no reason to say we wouldn't have been challenging this season, instead F S G took us back to another "re-building" cost
...in finance, and in players and backroom staff etc.. and letting Ince go and trying to buy him back.. Andy let go with out forward cover, etc, buying another young player when we already have so many good ones...and there is no evidence that they transferred CASH into our club when the first Yankers were "ejected"..is there??
F S G used Anfield and Melwood as collatreal, even G & H didnt do that!!..they regularly send our team out to play away in the "change kit" despite there being no colour clash (why didnt we play in REd @ Norwich etc?) they have sucked in OUR Cash from early tricket sales and marketing of new klits,, there is NO evidence of NET investment by F S G..so what

...please are they good for?? NOTHING! they have no understanding of our culture or our club or the game..Ayre is their poodle in the office and the "business acuimen" of Henry is a myth..(his empire losing about 50% of its investments recently) !!! (CS)

...BR is a novice using OUR club for HIS education & "CV", he has won nothing, and whilst the footy may be "pretty" we still havent beaten a club in the top half!! progress?..decent coach , but as a man, not big enough "winner" to be manager OF LIVERPOOL..
Henry also snubbed the Hillsborough memorial and backed Bush's campaign,
..WE members @ Global REdS) Do NOT want such people associated with LFC.. thats more important than what Rodgers does.
.. Kenny got us a our first trophy in 6 years, and 2 cup finals and there's no reason to say we wouldn't have been challenging this season, instead F S G took us back to another "re-building" cost
...in finance, and in players and backroom staff etc.. and letting Ince go and trying to buy him back.. Andy let go with out forward cover, etc, buying another young player when we already have so many good ones...and there is no evidence that they transferred CASH into our club when the first Yankers were "ejected"..is there??

F S G used Anfield and Melwood as collateral, even G & H didnt do that!!..they regularly send our team out to play away in the "change kit" despite there being no colour clash (why didnt we play in REd @ Norwich etc?) they have sucked in OUR Cash from early tricket sales and marketing of new klits,, there is NO evidence of NET investment by F S G..so what
...please are they good for?? NOTHING! they have no understanding of our culture or our club or the game..Ayre is their poodle in the office and the "business acuimen" of Henry is a myth..(his empire losing about 50% of its investments recently) !!! (CS)
Carra earned the respect of our "travelling Kop" .. and i think wise enough to know when to go, whilst still competing at the top level, however, the best defenders learn how to compensate for lack of pace with use of game knowledge & positioning,..I feel he should play for as long as he can..because later he will regret not playing....

p.s. thank you Carra! (for all those games & memories)
ha ha .. 7 england players 4 ex-mancs (Robson ? but no Dalglish ) so no bias then? LMAO! from an era dominated by LFC.. hmmm they know..."FA" :)
e25 ..various,,,with Elif..
virpazar etc..
I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
Leavin' me lonely still
Did you ever read about a frog who dreamed of being a king?
And then became one
Well, except for the names and a few other changes
If you talk about me, the story's the same one
But I got an emptiness deep inside
And I've tried but it won't let me go
And I'm not a man who likes to swear
But I've never cared for the sound of being alone
I am, I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
I am, I cried
I am, said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
I am, I said
I am, I cried
I am..."
this film, contrary to personal experience, shows me that there may be intellgent life on your planet after all, when you come to Podgorica as you promised..you may know the universe, as i know it!
if u want to know the darkest of me...its here...!
Now 2 be alien
and the positive
of course I would inteprete the plastic remark according to myself because you never did explain what you meant by that, and I'm not supposed to know the explanation you gave me. To me, you just called me plastic, for whatever reason. If you gave me the reason why, I wouldn't feel that way.
He doesn't matter, but it is related to you, so of course I'd share it.
And Chris, I called you evil, just as you called me evil too. Why would you re-act to that if it was obvious it's not a serious remark? I don't mind someone playfully calling me evil. I can be evil, again, playfully. But you called me plastic after you were upset because I was too busy to reply. So I would translate it differenctly because of the action, consequence.
Again, I don't see that I was too busy to respond to be worth all this. I had a busy month, without internet, I was enjoying my time with the ginger who now left, after which I was left a bit lonely. I have some more time online now as I borrowed my mother's internet stick for a while. I didn't change either. Obviously I would prefer people to be nice to me. Why would they not be nice to me? Unless I truly deserve bad attitude.
I'm not having an easy time either these days, but I won't go into my problems. There's still a lot you don't know about me, while I do know more about you (and yet, I'm sure there's more and more). I don't always share my feelings, and do tend to withdraw when I feel uneasy about something. I don't mind being isolated from everything, although I've found life can be more enjoyable when shared. Maybe we're still strangers to each other, or at least mysterious. And maybe just now we're getting to know one another in a different way.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
its up to U Triin,, really , I still feel that u caused this ... but what u havent done is to feel my side,,,I DO feel yours, more easily..of course,
yes there is much we dont know about each other, but if u dont communicate, (in fact u promised to visit again...but...) .. it will stay like that or get worse!
its in your hands..as is life
..I will tell another story..
" In a quiet country town there was an old man , who sat, almost every day in the village square, who seemed to know the answer to everyone's questions..
... the leader of a gang of young men got p*ssed off with this.. and told his cronies " I am sick of that old man,,,always being so wise...thinks he has all the answers.. I have a solution...I will take a little bird in my hand... and hold it behind my back..and ask the old man if the bird is alive or dead..
if he says Alive ..I will squeeze it and prove him wrong.. if he says Dead, I will proiduce the live bird, HE CANT win...this time...." ..his buddies
thought this was a great ploy...
....so the young "leader" found a little bird and went to the old man... and stood in front with a sneer, said; " so old man who knows it all.. .....i have a little bird behind my back.. is it ALIVE ...or is it DEAD ... ? " ....
..The old man...looked deep into the eyes of the youth , and began to smile... "THE ANSWER, my son, is in your OWN hands!" ... he replied!..
Triin Paja> By the way Chris, I got a weird message on CS concerning you
Chris East-west Invest Ursun>
well check my "references" ..he and i dont like each other, so , why do u mention this NOW?? and why shd he communivate with YOU?? very suspiscious (to me) ...as somesort of "revenge" Triin???
i supposedly drunk a dozen beers..accoding to him, .quite unique ..as I rarely drink beer..but u choose what YOU want to believe?
why shd he send a message to you, about me??? ridiculous!
I DONT CARE WHAT he writes, but what do YOU believe about me ??? Triin>???
CS> i always cared about u, ... ! even when u had no time..to reply
whats the matter?? cant u answer?? honestly?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3GtAnO66o learn the lyrics..they are important!!
Honesty Billy Joel
hope is gud ^^
Triin Paja> I'm not in contact with him. He sent me that message and I never replied.
What I believe about you is unrelated to what he thinks of you, I'm not that easily affected by a stranger. I prefer to make my opinion on my own experience. However, you refering to me as plastic and insensitive makes me wonder if my vision of you is correct. I didn't have time to answer to you, but I never did anything bad to you, or changed my opinion about you, or said anything bad about you. I always read through your writings, and I cared about them, and you. So, now you're acting kind of bitter with me. Which itself holds me back from you.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun>
Triin, thats a "cop out" what u are really saying is "if u dont always say nice things to me , then I wont contact u" ???
a) if he doesnt matter, why mention him?
b) u interpreted the "plastic" remark ... its a common "scouse" teminology, if someone looks or acts different to what they naturally are, there are "plastic irish", "plastic scousers" and "plastic RedS" .. theres a girl from Vilnius who organises events for REd-haired ppl, which made me "copy" your picture, she is also a "plastic REd" .. it was "banter" .. but u are using it to "hit me" with..,.arent u?
c) i shared intimate info with you, despite feemales because the pain that caused my darkness during this wintertime.. ..no one is "pure" u called me a little "evil" on CS, i could react to that (as others may do!) but I didnt feel i should..
d) I offered you support, in case u needed it, I dotn "expect" a reciprocation...
BUT... I HOPE that anyone I let in my life will respect me enough to do more than "complain" during a month.. its not that u said anythign bad about me, but u didnt "bother" to send me even a short (positive?) message ... and I am "sensitive" because I believe its NOT who you are,,, and if by "reacting" HONESTLY you have to "withdraw" contact u , u are (again) not feeling me, and its a sort of "threat" u make... a "punishment" ... in other words..u send me the message that if i react HONESTLY, u will become distant...
u are (IMO) a better person than that... and i woudlnt expect you to be "sensitive" if i didnt think u were worth it..
u have a lot of time to understand life.. I am going to leave this planet soon.. therefore . a few words , or lack of them has a bigger effect, I have lived alone, and will leave alone.. because "honesty" is such a lonely word..(world)
i said before, I dont want "sympathy" I want understanding..i needed humanity during my dark days.. BUT instead i found again myself looking in the mirror..
i had hoped that u "react" to Fred..to stand on my side...but..?
[09:08:29] GI-to-wonderland: hi
[09:08:48] Chris Smith: low
[09:08:57] GI-to-wonderland: have time to chat?
[09:09:05] Chris Smith: a bit...
[09:09:14] GI-to-wonderland: me too :)
[09:09:35] Chris Smith: just let me pick myself up off the floor..
[09:10:12] Chris Smith: humour?
[09:12:28] *** Call from GI-to-wonderland ***
[09:15:12] Chris Smith: connection not good, cant u write something about , the flat flooding, your book...your life..? just be "bothered" to to that a little to please me.. i wont be around all that much on this planet,,
[09:15:48] GI-to-wonderland: m?
[09:15:54] GI-to-wonderland: im good
[09:16:07] GI-to-wonderland: busy as allways
[09:18:56] Chris Smith: cant u tell me something I dont know about you?? its bloody obvious u are too busy to write,,
[09:20:37] Chris Smith: u know so much about me,.i post links on FB and info on my "logs" ..and currently occupied with this ; https://www.facebook.com/groups/without.frontiers.ue/
[09:20:38] GI-to-wonderland: mm
[09:20:51] GI-to-wonderland: i wwent to my class reunion on Saturday
[09:21:03] GI-to-wonderland: was super!!!
[09:21:39] Chris Smith: was it god to see those people, did anyone surprise u how they "developed" ?
[09:22:45] GI-to-wonderland: I just decided again i LIKE MY LIFE very much
[09:22:58] GI-to-wonderland: some of them are married and have kids
[09:23:14] GI-to-wonderland: worried about their jobs, cars houses ALREADY!
[09:23:33] GI-to-wonderland: and Im just moving to China and enjoing myself
[09:24:08] Chris Smith: china?
[09:24:59] GI-to-wonderland: yep!
[09:25:23] GI-to-wonderland: in octobre
[09:25:39] Chris Smith: for ???
[09:30:32] GI-to-wonderland: living
[09:30:36] GI-to-wonderland: !!!
[09:30:37] GI-to-wonderland: :)
[09:32:34] Chris Smith: ok if i am still Living I would like to visit u there..where, which city/region?
[09:39:04] GI-to-wonderland: you are welcome very much :)
[09:39:14] GI-to-wonderland: by the way are you still coming in March?
[09:49:55] Chris Smith: of course, its booked! but do u still host me, because with so little contact u dont seem "keen" on that???
[09:51:08] GI-to-wonderland: you are saying the SAME all the time
[09:51:15] GI-to-wonderland: im bored to repeat
[09:51:16] GI-to-wonderland: ;)
[09:52:25] Chris Smith: ok but if u want to understand life, u should understand how ppl feel is based on how communication is received (or in this case almost NO communication..
[09:53:11] Chris Smith: i react to the fact u dont bother to communicate, its natural! if that bores u, thats yr problem?
[09:53:14] Chris Smith: :)
[09:54:19] GI-to-wonderland: but!
[09:54:47] GI-to-wonderland: there are different field of interection
[09:54:51] GI-to-wonderland: fields

[09:56:49] GI-to-wonderland: dot. its not something very seriouse and life deciding
[09:57:30] GI-to-wonderland: anyway, I have to run, get ready for work
[09:57:41] GI-to-wonderland: have a wonderfyl day you there!
[09:57:42] GI-to-wonderland: :)
[09:57:54] GI-to-wonderland: *wonderful!
[09:59:45] Chris Smith: well I am different :) and then U should decide... if you want me to act like the sheep , because i am not!
[10:00:16] GI-to-wonderland: ?
[10:00:29] Chris Smith: so u "escape"..hmmm Bi bi!
Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick (Part 1)
Chris East-west Invest Ursun> ? thick,,,! hmmmm
Triin Paja ?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun > thick = insensitive!
Alexi Crazybass> Thank you, Captain Obvious. BTW, in Russian it looks like "thick-skinned".
Dan Thaler > You may make them feel, but you can't make them think. Can you Trinny!?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun > i see that the "fan club" is out in force,, yours sincerely , Capt Obvious...
the world is mad, but sheeple to blame, the UDHR states that everyone has freedom of movement , but everywhere govt violates those rights.. and ppl swallow the BS of "security" ..the society is going backwards..less and less intelligence and more rules to compensate for teaching people to be stupid..
"nema problema" just keep me informed... u will be my first visitor this year,.. welcome!
p..s good luck with "info" i have the impression that "service employees" were trained by KGB not to give info...especially to foreigners.. ha ha!
Elif Irem KoçYes, we are all well! Thanks! I just saw your ref and i left you one as well! Cheers! Take care!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Hvala! enjoy BiH etc... let me know when u go to Bg (in case...)
Elif Irem Koç
Haha yea i felt a bit reluctance for helping people
You think its easier to come through herzeg novi?
I thought it was easier from kotor
There seems to be a direct high way
Chris East-west Invest Ursun>
no i dont say its easier, i just mean there is a connection via H. novi..let me know, as i going shopping so i can cook for u later..
mOnty Pics ; www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.256575197809050
whilst Elif from Istanbul was here, (co-incidence!)
am still hoping to visit u there, is the hostel in Sultanhamet?
a sweet girl,
Thank you Elif, for your visit.
the first this year
yesterday WAS "boring" (rainy TV day)
but I wish you a cheer
But we had some sunny time
and i am trying to make this rhymne
but..hope we meet again..
Cuvaj SE!
Hey Chris! On the schedule it says that there is bus at 3pm from here and it takes 4 hours appr. So i should be in Podgorica around 7pm! Ciao!
On the 5th.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ok , I will be at the bus station, if any delay let me know please by sms..
goodness. we have accumulated a number of "cupid stunts" , yanker (F S G ) clones and "fannies" in recent years, its embarassing,..please engage brain before opening you big mouths or writing banal comments on the WWW... PLEASE!
ChriS SmiTH we just more than dominated the "money-made champs" ...enjoy u fools!
A few seconds ago · Like
BR - is a lamb leading lions..a decent coach - but not a "winner" @ arsenal & citeh we should have 6 points but lack the instincts that Kenny and Rafa would bring.. F S G and their clones.. OUT!
well Done Andre, good lad, just another insight into the roles Rudolfo (introduced by Rafa) and Kenny (brought back by Rafa) had that BR is "using"
and F S G wasting. to discard Rafa and Kenny is a disgrace to OUR club!!
Hiya Jovita, if u havent "solved" things,,,
... I probably have CSerS at the time, but, my neighbour has rooms which he offers at e5 per night per person, and if u come at the right time I'll cook u breakfast. if u want help let me know yr mobile number,
Podgorica sunday
Hello Vuk,
I am Jovita from Lithuania, at the moment I am erasmus student in Sarajevo. As all my exams finished and I have some free time till I go back to Lithuania, I want to travel around Balkans. I'm going to travel with 7 more people but as I joined them later than they decided, some of them already found a place to sleep. I saw in your profile that you can host 3 people (even thats a max) so I'm gonna ask you to accept me and two of my Lithuanian friends :). We are planning to come to Podgorica around 4th-6th of February (for one night, but not really sure because traveling with the van and didnt decide which way to take yet and when to leave because of snow. Im sorry to say I cant actually discuss a lot about Salinger but I guess it should be impressing as you like him so much haha :)
Anyways, please let me know if you're willing to give us a hand!
Cheers from Sarajevo, Jovita
Podgorica, Podgorica, Montenegro
Arrival Date:
Departure Date:
Number of Surfers:
Triin Paja
By the way Chris, I got a weird message on CS concerning you
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
well check my "references" ..he and i dont like each other, so , why do u mention this NOW?? and why shd he communivate with YOU?? very suspiscious (to me) ...as somesort of "revenge" Triin???
i supposedly drunk a dozen beers..accoding to him, .quite unique ..as I rarely drink beer..but u choose what YOU want to believe?
why shd he send a message to you, about me??? ridiculous!
I DONT CARE WHAT he writes, but what do YOU believe about me ??? Triin>???
i always cared about u, ... ! even when u had no time..to reply
whats the matter?? cant u answer?? honestly?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3GtAnO66o learn the lyrics..they are important!!
Honesty Billy Joel
hope is gud ^^
Triin Paja
I'm not in contact with him. He sent me that message and I never replied.
superficial...but typically balkan! i made the mistake of thinking u were "deeper" than that! join the herd!
February 3rd, 2013 - 11:20 pm
Apparently I'm already in the herd :p
Sorry mate, but I can't go against my own self. I'm the love-at-first-sight-person :( I will most likely turn around for a good looking lad and that's it which doesn't mean I'd fall for him.. And it would be stupid to say that handsome people are shallow.. There's more than looks.. Plus many of us have different views on what's handsome..
ChriS SmiTH
February 4th, 2013 - 12:44 am
why do u say "sorry"?.. i haven't got enough time left on this planet to do anything else than be honest...like it or not.. i was just curious..
u will find out ..one day./...what is really important..but thats the journey u have to take for yourself..
i like u, a bit, :) and its quite possible we could have some fun together if u unwound a bit..
...u remind me a lot of my "alternative life" and my "ex" in Freiburg..and i respect SOME of the things u do..but the way the "family " is heading worries me..which is why next May (if it happens) will be my last.. so i'll just "enjoy our friendship" until then.. cuvaj se! ChRiS x
thanks, i will sms when i am on my way.. i may spend a few months (mid-summer) if i can find a good cheap apartment there ( and this ; http://www.facebook.com/groups/without.frontiers.ue )
member photo ChriS SmiTH
February 3rd, 2013 - 10:08 am
thanks again.. V! enjoy a "romantic italian carnival" ;) with Dom...
I finally got to couch at "GodMother"
Mum Artu fed me well
we watched a "scottish" (film from ken)
the story later , i will tell
Dined at the orient express in UE
another dream fulfilled
I drunk that much ("klingon")wine ("T'Ga"?)
i almost myself spilled.. :)
take care and thanks again
cu in Pg for my /BM? Birthday party..or anytime :)
CS , the Go(o)Dfather :)x
Hiya, have u decided your plan?
member photo Marketa Musilova
February 8th, 2013 - 12:06 am
Hi Chris,
I am sorry I write you late. Actually I still didn´t know how it will be till today...but finally it seems that I will not stay in Podgorica during the night because my boyfriend can come for me on 13th.
Anyway, I thank you very much for the offer.
Maybe see you other time, maybe other place:)
Take care
member photo ChriS SmiTH
February 8th, 2013 - 12:46 pm
From ChriS SmiTH
Podgorica, Montenegro
Feb 3 Only met online Hosted 1 days
Marie & her friend, did not actually stay with me, unfortunately they arrived in Pg when I was (rarely) away.. BUT, I was VERY pleased that she kept in constant contact and informed me, this is much appreciated as i get a lot of visitors.. merci beaucoup Marie, u are always welcome here! :)
Subject: CS 13202 IriS Re: CS 13131
IriS, I did not understand why he had to contact me??? i didnt know him before..and couldnt hear him properly on bus,., were U so ill that you could not send me a message or sms yourself? anyway i had a good time, if U dont like top meet me, thats yr choice... please dont use other people, CiA=-0! ChRiS
Iris Vukovic wrote:
>Sorry I want to make it a bit more clear.
>I didn't feel well last weekend so I couldn't meet you.
>Jovan phoned you, while you were still travelling. You said that you were still travelling and to meet the day after. After that he sent you a message "Hi it's Jovan, Iris's friend (from CouchSurfing). This is my phone number, give me a call if you want to meet."
From ChriS SmiTH
Podgorica, Montenegro
Feb 3 Only met online Surfed 1 days
I didnt meet Tamara, confused as she invited me to meet/show me Bg, then did not respond to several mails/sms???
January 4
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
let me know if u received the "scan"
Natella Kh
Yes, I have, thank you! I've replied to monty.logic@gmail.com (btw, its pass w o r d was changed. I mean, it's different from what you gave me)
I dream about very active spring and summer since here in Ukraine I usually actively hike in summertime and don't want to be deprived of that
January 4
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
but do U realise that u will be "jointly responsible" not only for hiking groups, but have to meet & greet visitors share organising & etc etc ...the people here will also expect u to have sufficient money and be able to support yourself until the .net brings you income...ok? ok, ?
January 5
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
http://monty-logic.blogspot.com/2013/01/itchy-mountain-day-one-of-our-club.html (with a link to your site!)
"Itchy Mountain" a day @ one of our Club "House-Tellers" | monty-logic
January 7
Natella Kh
Srechan Bozhich! I learned, it’s analogue of “Marry Christmas” in Montenegrin . Are there any special events this day?
I’ve read the post, great! I will translate it and post on my Russian blog as soon as I start it, so your link will be linked to the English version of the site, and from my blog – to the Russian version. And now for the site I need some info about packages, i.e. rafting, hiking, etc. If I take and re-write some general descriptions and offers (without exact features and prices) from sites like www.adventuremontenegro.com/ , www.tara-grab.com/en/02_12.html and others, will it be possible to offer same tours to our guests?
As for the money, well, I was thinking a couple of euros would be enough for a start...
Just kidding Surely, I will take some money to support myself etc., it’s clear. Meeting and guiding groups – perfect, being a sort of a guide/pilot is what I intended to do. BTW, do you receive your money to the card issued by some Montenegrin bank in euro or pounds or what? Does the bank charge any commission for currency converting (if you receive the money in pounds)? I ask to know whether it’s possible to get a local bank’s card for a foreigner, otherwise I will somehow arrange this matter here with Ukrainian banks.
Adventure Montenegro - Montenegro's Active Holidays Specialist offers multi day and single day active tours at Adriatic sea and Montenegro mountains : walking, sea kayaking, rafting, hiking, fishing,rent a boat&kayak ...
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
I dont like discusing such things on unsecure internet.. we offer all possible variations of tours, treks and hikes..make up your own plans..short day trips or longer tours.. everything is available in this small country and we can do it easily.. its impossible to list all the alternatives..we have to be "reactive" ..but if u want to make packages, then probably u cant do that until u sit with me in Pg..(thats another reason I said u should have come earlier, but.....) u should bring as much cash as u can (wiuthin reason) at least to pay the rent, and food..otherwise use your ATM card...and take euros from the machine as u need it..make sure yr bank know s u will be in MNE before u leave..I wish you "slanje novca" (it means "send money" ha ha ha
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
p.s. I live alone...so theer are no "events" for me during xmas./new year...i just rest..and write..
January 9
Natella Kh
Ok, I will write about tours in general, and then we’ll make more detailed descriptions and offers.
Here it’s snowy again, and it looks like for a long time, I hope. I bet, there’s snow in Durmitor (Žabljak and other places) where many people go skiing, are there any club members?
BTW, do you like Mark Knopfler? He gives a concert in Belgrade on April 30, does it make sense to create an event in a group? I’d like to go, probably, someone else will also want to join, what do you think?
January 9
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
why not!!
January 12
Natella Kh
It’s so foggy here at the moment, I can hardly see a keyboard and have to touch-type
I need some general information about the properties, basically, number of beds in each of them, facilities (Internet, kitchen, etc), and so on, could you give it? I will write more precise description as soon as I come to Monty, say “hello” to their owners and see everything with my own eyes.
January 12
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
well i suppose better than freezing ? see my previous replies! suggest we have a@skype meeting next week and discuss everything - i am occupied until tuesday
January 13
Natella Kh
Is Friday ok? I go to Kiev on Wednesday to submit the papers to the embassy, and then will have to wait for a couple of weeks for the result... Ukraine is treated like some African country, you know And it does deserve.
January 15
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ok friday, what time..?
January 15
Natella Kh
in the evening... I will be online
just about to leave for the interview at the embassy tomorrow.. keep your fingers crossed for me But I don't know how you would be able to type with crossed fingers, though..
January 15
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
good luck, I just got back from the "day after-continued" ...party weekend..
January 17
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
i'll go on skype at about 18-19h C.e.t. ..pse dont forget!!!
The "days after"(end of the world) party "CrAzY"13116 | AnTiChriS
January 18
Natella Kh
Great party! I can imagine how it would be if "the end" really happened. It would be just terrific
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
cu on skype later 18-19h dont forget please!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
hows things,.i left u a message on skype...
Natella Kh
Hello! I'm ok, how are you?
I've just returned from a 2-day escape Kiev and then had to re-set operational system on my laptop, so your message has probably fallen into some virtual abyss ... Would you please copy it?
Next week I go to Moscow for a week, by the way.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
whats the news on visa??
[21/01/2013 22:16:58] Chris Smith: I checked your pages , they looked good, some very small gramatical/spelling mistakes, but nothing serious, i didnt know it was the "trend" to prmote to gay visitors in russian countries?..or did u just mean to invite "happy" people ?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
[09:19:26] Natella: hi! I expect to receive the answer (positive or negative) next Friday...
[09:21:36] Natella: btw, I think of moving the site to "go daddy". they offer a chaeper hosting, and a good friend of mine has a good experience with them. As for gays... well, it just means that we're happy to meet all people . Or do you have anything against gays ?
[09:24:47] Chris Smith: dont turn it upside down.. ! u should know the "problems" of discrimination in your region ..awaiting your news..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
[09:27:37] Natella: never! I just joke. I know these problems, therefore I always support gays even though hardly have anything to do with them.. just met one gay guy.. at the Elton John concert in Belarus . We had 2 bottels of wine for 4 people and really great time!!
[09:33:42] Chris Smith: I just try to be "equal" neither discrimination, nor "promotion" ..i deal with people accordng to how i know them.. ciao for now! keep in touch..
Olivera Lazic
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Hiya, I am still surviving Pg, have u learnt some empathy yet?
Christine Deverdzic
Hiya Chrissie! hows are U, where are u??? do u want to join me for a drink or join this ... https://www.facebook.com/groups/without.frontiers.ue/
Elif Irem Koç
February 2nd, 2013 - 5:14 am
Hello Chris! How are you? How is everything going? I was wondering if you could host me on the fifth of february and my friend will arrive on the 6th so the two of us for the 6th? Would you available? I wanna see the "boring" Podgorica after all! Hehe. Hope to hear from you!
ChriS SmiTH
February 2nd, 2013 - 1:56 pm
HiYa Elif, I expect it to be ok. to host...but could u please make a CS "request" and ...a) give me info about your friend (as I like to know who wants to stay , ;) and b) your mobile phone number (and i will send u an sms so u have mine..) c) how will u arrive, ???
I am expecting a visit next week but probably later on..
..if u stay , I will try to make it less boring.. :)
Dubliner Uzice
Look on youtube
Hadzi porodane duse
Vodja (there is Radomir Antic ex Serbia national team manager)
The part of that video has been taken on Sloboda stadium
U have other they video and song on ther channel
About Lokalni Anesteziolozi
They dont have recorded songs but they are much older and mature then H P duse.
About Dejan Petrovic Big band u have them to on youtube
Its eazy to find them
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
thanks Ivan, thats nice, but... for "toloshi studios" i want to use some of their as background to next video "production" so I need a compatible file. if they have a computer file ..otherwise it takes a long time to convert music to my laptop (slow connection here) if u have time...
Ciki Nasilnik
i just don't understand what you are trying to say?
I said that youtube gives me notification that
the video is banned because of copyright issues.
it doesnt make a difference whether or not I'm subscribed to your youtube chanel
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
it does, but when u are like this, its no point to explain.. http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2013/02/campaign-dont-complain-we-are-club.html
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Hiya Chrissie! hows are U, where are u??? do u want to join me for a drink or join this ... https://www.facebook.com/groups/without.frontiers.ue/
UE " In Wires and WITHOUT frontiers" = friendship weekend @ UE
the first UE "Balkan & Global friendship event" to bring people together , welcome, exchange, grill, party, with Fun , music , dance & footy tournament ; for kids charity and especially to overcome b...
335 members
Christine Deverdzic
Hey Chris.....living in Manhattan. How is Montenegro?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
more or less the same. but i am not..no "internations" no snobs, bringing lots of visitors and my culture to MNE & the Balkans , solo of course , but still cant find a modern woman worthy of my trust.. so i just carry on campaigning and not complaining..
must be boring in NY?
Triin Paja
If I didn't care, I wouldn't kept in contact with you, I wouldn't write this to you right now. You know I was busy because I hosted my friend for three weeks in my home, and that I don't have internet in my village. If you're angry at me, and you think I don't care, then what kind of a person do you think I am? I always cared about you and what you went through, I don't think I deserve being angry with. How you phrase your message makes me think that you see me as someone who took what you offered, your home, you opening yourself, and simply didn't care. If you see me as that, tell me.
Triin Paja
Also, you called me plastic which made me ponder.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
the first UE "Balkan & Global friendship event" to bring people together , welcome, exchange, grill, party, with Fun , music , dance & footy tournament ; for kids charity and especially to overcome barriers between people local & global ; to make friends and benefit kids and y-our future....without frontiers; first event planned for Užice/Zlatibor/Mocra Gora region...join, contribute and enjoy..."make a miracle"
first friendship weekend;
31 may->2 June, with extensions
Interim programme;
- Friday; 31 may ;
from noon;
welcome party, @Dubliner Irish Pub,
Meet & greet, bar snacks,
ticket & t-shirt sale.
- Saturday; 1 June ; main events
12h -fun & footy tournament
18h -grill party ; connections
21h - benefit concert & dance
- Sunday 2nd June final day ;
11-13h "Sendvic brunch" @ Pub
14h semi finals
15h Final
then "Surprise event"..
& extra activities for those who stay ..!
...& enjoy this beautiful region..(& after the friendship party....make more friends.. with nature!) can stay for more days with us...
UE " In Wires and WITHOUT frontiers" = friendship weekend @ UE
the first UE "Balkan & Global friendship event" to bring people together , welcome, exchange, grill, party, with Fun , music , dance & footy tournament ; for kids charity and especially to overcome b...
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
and i wouldnt "bother" if i didnt think u were "worth it".. i WANTED to get a "reaction" from u, because i expect sopeone of your sensitivity to be careful, and u were careless, it takes less than a minute to send a posiitve message, but i only got a "moan" in a period of about 4/5 weeks, and i react honestly..whether u like it or not, my life is too short to be "diplomatic" and when u reflect one day, when i am gone u will understand what true friendship really means, not just saying what someone wants to hear.. take care, ChRiS
CS> nice pic----! btw,
Triin Paja
Plastic red?
Triin, I opened my home , heart & soul to you.. and offered to share that place, physical, mental and spiritual with you.. because u are troubled girl.. i shared many intimate things with you.. but in a period of 5 weeks , u chose only to send me a complaint, then u want to tell me really dont understand ... ? why i am angry with u..u didnt care! did u?? ChRiS
Branko Djermanovic
Porodica bistrih potoka je ekološko-umetnicka komuna u podnožju planine Rudnik, u selu Brezovica. Komuna je osnovana 1977. godine. Njen osnivac je književnik, likovni umetnik i dramaturg Božidar Mandi...
REdNET / Global REdS
CAMPIGN not complain..about OUR CLUB, about LIFE..
WHy do I bother??
when its a fight to wake so many people from a sort of coma, induced by constant media propganda
that has filled the head of sheeple since forver,
technology has removed the ability to "reason£ from the heads of so many of the global population..
BUT WE shall NOT be fooledl again..WE are THe CLUB..and I shall not rest until we regain this...our lifes passion!
a "club" is made up of people ..it is not a "F(r)ANchise" of some exploiters, their titanic - system sunk,
but they (in this situation Henry and his F S G clones and "fannies" ) use media and propaganda to fool you into thinking they are in control
(even using their own "stats" Henry's empire lost 50% of its investments recently, so the "fannies" claiming he is a "great businessman" is a myth!)
18 Years ago, i woke up from a coma.. and in common with many, who have (literally) "faced death" it had a profound effect..
we live in a madness.. people talk about "realism"..but when everything u see is apparently made up of atom which "move" ...
how easily the sheeple accept that, but wont accept that WE should own OUR OWN CLUB???????????????????///
I "saw" what was possible , within and without, our club, but it wasnt "scripted" more like a glimpse of a picture or scenes of a film..like a jigsaw
puzzle I have been travelling around europe, finding "pieces" some which "fit" some which I had to put away and pick up later ...and piece the bits
together ..
we are close to that scene.. and I am close to the end of my "journey" not so much the beginning of the end (as people were foolishly mislead concerning
21 December) but the end of the beginning..but as with EVERYTHING in this life the choice is still y-ours... "the age of aquarious" ..its not my
place , because I am of conflict, my "mission" is to take this journey, not to see its "arrival".. (DaX)
CrAzY , yeah of course I am, and, so many times I felt ready to give up or give in... fighting & arguing (like my mentor "Shanks"..) with people
that should be on our side,
"you can do that" ..how many times I have heard this, and how many times must i prove them wrong??
I told a local REd the "old story of the 2 shoe salesmen" ....
"The first flies to Africa, (or somewhere without commercial "civilization" ) his plane lands, he checks in the hotel, goes researching on the streets..
and that evening phones his "western boss" .... "I am catching the next flight back, NO ONE WEARS SHOES... ...... ..... .....
The 2nd salesman flies in, checks in, goes researching, same places... phones HIS boss... send me 10 containers of shoes, NO ONE WEARS SHOES..
The major problem with Our club, is that we never had a man with "ShankS vision" in the boardroom...
.....Some of the "educated" fannies, tell me .. look at Portsmouth, it didnt work... we are NOT them - WE are LIVERPOOL
some F S G "clones" ("the borg!?" ) .. say Man Utd are succesful with yankers .. thats now a NASTY club.. WE have SOUL, WE are LIVERPOOL
they say Barca is not a good example because they have financial problems... but those problems were not made by supporters..and WE are the BEST..
When I mention Bayern.,. and the Bundesliga "rule" that supporters must own 51 % ...they go quiet,,,but even that is not how I see it ..
I see OUR CLUB with a share for everyone who invests 50 quid. but onle one vote, to avoid speculators and business monopoly (again)...
it should be possible to buy non-voting shares which WILL give a return on investment.. ..
with 7 million registered fans (and probably more than double that Worldwide, We are more powerful than many nations...collectively
we dont need "sponsors" the "LIVERPOOL BRAND NAME" is bigger than any one whose name pollutes our shirts etc,
HOW...when so many will try to say it is "impossible" ???
I will tell another story..
" In a quiet country town there was an old man , who sat, almost every day in the village square, who seemed to know the answer to everyone's questions..
... the leader of a gang of young men got p*ssed off with this.. and told his cronies " I am sick of that old man,,,always being so wise...thinks he has all
the answers.. I have a solution...I will take a little bird in my hand... and hold it behind my back..and ask the old man if the bird is alive or dead..
if he says Alive ..I will squeeze it and prove him wrong.. if he says Dead, I will proiduce the live bird, HE CANT win...this time...." ..his buddies
thought this was a great ploy...
....so the young "leader" found a little bird and went to the old man... and stood in front with a sneer, said; " so old man who knows it all..
.....i have a little bird behind my back.. is it ALIVE ...or is it DEAD ... ? " ....
..The old man...looked in to the eyes of the youth , and began to smile... "THE ANSWER, my son, is in your OWN hands!" ... he replied!..
and therefore WE are the special one, that you have to be , WE are LIVERPOOL ; WE ARE THE CLUB...
I am mostly occupied with REdNET, campaign s and the u.r.s.u.n. (Global REdS network) and our club locally..and "Monty Logic" ..but I am hoping so, if our budget for travel allows, some of our members may have friends who can host me in Klona or Cork to keep the costs down.. credos for organising this gathering, i am sure it will go well!
Micheal O Regan
i hope it will plenty interest anyway
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
Hiya Michael, I dont know if u considered having special t-shirts printed for the KLona meeting..
but we just got a deal with a local Red whose mother works for a textile factory,
we are ordering a lot for our friendship meetings in May and the Global REdS meet in June , so if u want to take advantage
, let me know and i 'll put u in touch direct with factory,,,YNWA!
plus for name and number??
Original Message:
From: Miteks miteks@eunet.rs
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2013 10:21:48 +0100
To: campaign@ursun.net
Subject: offer
Dear Cris,
Thoes are the offer prices:
T shirt - qnt 100 psc -3.50 eur
500 psc- 3.30 eur
1000 psc- 3.00 eur
Polo shirt 100 psc- 8.20 eur
500 psc- 8.00 eur
1000 psc- 7.80 eur
Retro shirt 100 psc- 6.30 eur
500 psc- 6.00 eur
1000 psc- 5.50 eur
Scarf 100 psc - 5.00 eur
500 psc - 4.50 eur
1000 psc - 4.00 eur
Best regards
Jevtiæ Ana
Menadžer prodaje
Miteks, d.o.o.
Stupèeviæi, Arilje
tel. +381 31 3899 388
mob. +381 64 813 07 06
Hiya Carole, would be GREAT if u could bring a small group of fans from Marseille...?? it promises to be a great party.,,,and fantastic scenery etc (footy too) .. (we could share our birthday parties too) ??
Original Message:
From: campaign@
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2013 07:20:27 -0500
To: dani@
Subject: INVITATION ; friendship party, weekend, and / or holiday?
Hiya, you and y-our friends are invited to this meeting ;
bring your own team, this will also include a friendly European/Global REdS
meeting with media ; local & global..(campaign for supporters ownership of
OUR club) BENEFIT concert with surprise guests ..
the first UE "Balkan & Global friendship event" to bring people together
, welcome, exchange, grill, party, with Fun , music , dance & footy
tournament ; for kids charity and especially to overcome barriers between
people local & global ; to make friends and benefit kids and y-our
future....without frontiers; first event planned for Užice/Zlatibor/Mocra
Gora region...join, contribute and enjoy..."make a miracle" :)
first friendship weekend;
31 may->2 June, with extensions
Interim programme;
- Friday; 31 may ;
from noon;
welcome party, @Dubliner Irish Pub,
Meet & greet, bar snacks,
ticket & t-shirt sale.
- Saturday; 1 June ; main events
12h -fun & footy tournament
18h -grill party ; connections
21h - benefit concert & dance
- Sunday 2nd June final day ;
11-13h "Sendvic brunch" @ Pub
14h semi finals
15h Final
then "Surprise event"..
& extra activities for those who stay ..!
...& enjoy this beautiful region..(& after the friendship party....make
more friends.. with nature!) can stay for more days with us...all sponsored
at economy costs..
Hello! How are things? I’ve got stunning news – my old customers invited me to Hong Kong, so after Moscow I fly there. They cover all expenses, I would never go at my own expense . It’s so unexpectedly, I’m a bit shocked and in a rush with many things. Besides, I was going to work with my site after coming back from Moscow, but now it will be postponed till the end of February.. Anyway, this is the only chance to see Hong Kong for free
Hope you’re fine, and have nice time!
Subject: 13201Re: CS13103 Johannakunze :) hello, I also made a club for visitors who want to join parties and tours through the year, and if there are no hosts , as MNE is becoming more popular ; www.monty-logic-club.org
Johanna Kunze wrote:
>I am sorry i did`nt answer suhc a long time. our trip changed and we are not going to be in montenegro, but hopefully one day i can join the balkna mafia- best wishes. greetings. johanna.
>ChriS SmiTH wrote:
Tamara Durkovic
January 24th, 2013 - 2:09 pm
Hey there, I can't host you unfortunatly but I can show you the city and all
the good sights of Belgrade if you want :) My number is +381644235307 so if
you are interested let me know, regards
Hiya Tamara, hvala! i couldnt get a host for friday but seems ok for saturday (thers a party in Bg!) so I will send u an sms or maybe meet for coffee before or/and "tour" on sunday if u have time? vidimo se! my mobile number is 00382 686 14427 cuvaj se! ChriS
member photo ChriS SmiTH
January 25th, 2013 - 2:22 pm
Hiy, again i didnt get a "host" for tonight in Bg, Hiya again.. so I expect to arrive , goodness willing, about 18,30 (tomorrow) with @ Bg, I wonder if you want to meet me , I can take a coffee in (central) train station restoran until 19h, if u dont come I will walk to "Magic Garden" caffe..ok? (dont forget I will NOT be online tomorrow!!!) :) ChRiS ..
member photo ChriS SmiTH
January 31st, 2013 - 11:26 pm
i sent u several sms , but no answer from u ////.....did U regret your offer??
Iris/jovan (649625353)
[CS Reference written: Marie Gabriel...] NEW reference
Marie Gabrielle Durand has written the following reference about you on
your profile:
We didn't meet but Chris offered us to host, finally when we reached
Podgorica we was in holidays but he was very thoughful and kept contact.
We might meet another day !
take care!
To see this person's profile, go to
Hiy, again i didnt get a "host" for tonight in Bg, Hiya again.. so I expect to arrive , goodness willing, about 18,30 (tomorrow) with @ Bg, I wonder if you want to meet me , I can take a coffee in (central) train station restoran until 19h, if u dont come I will walk to "Magic Garden" caffe..ok? (dont forget I will NOT be online tomorrow!!!) :) ChRiS ..
member photo ChriS SmiTH
January 31st, 2013 - 11:26 pm
i sent u several sms , but no answer from u ////.....did U regret your offer??
OK, look, lets leave it.. since the deal to include accomodation and boat party, etc and rafting for only 50 euros is , for me , such a very special offer that it seems incredible that its not "snapped up" , but obviosuly some ppl thing they can do better (typically)
I feel now that it is better for to withdraw it -and those who want to maintain a friendship with me can email me outside of the BMM via cs@monty-logic-club.org via CS mail or facebook and join the birthday party if places are still available, cuvaj se! ChRiS
Dear Anita,
I had hoped that it would NOT be necessary to complain again.. however I have received this RIDICULOUS communication from your colleague…
“Dear Passenger,
We regret to inform you that there has been a schedule change, which affects your flight under confirmation code IYZCAC.
Wizz Air sincerely apologises for any inconvenience the change may cause.
The new flight times are:
2013/03/19 Basel Mulhouse (1645) - Belgrade (1840)
2013/03/19 Belgrade (1910) - Basel Mulhouse (2105)
Please check the travel dates and departure times carefully!
If the new times are acceptable to you, please confirm this by ticking the acceptance box and clicking the ”accept schedule change” button.
a) I do not depart from Basel!!
b) The flight schedule proposed are ON THE SAME day???? With only 30 minutes between them thus IMPOSSIBLE to use!
PLEASE communicate with your colleagues and ask someone intelligent to check the information supplied to Wizz customers??
Feb 1 , 2013
CS almost final video (sound corrupted by "them"?? ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97cRdNFihVY&feature=youtu.be
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