(in my life..)
Always a woman/////.(link)..B Joel.. for DaniCA..wherever U are!
(13.3.15) campaigning
I was watching "RED Nose day" lying on the BIG hotel double - bed, (just like the "old days") which I supported and introduced into parts of europe.....and ("my host") Vincent ..& ex Zwolle team-mate finally got through to me..on friday night..
and we agreed to meet in the "BQ members" club members bar after their game saturday..(i checked out of the campanile Zwolle and then checked my messages and made diary notes at the local library net)
I wondered who else may still be at the the club..the barman (as usual) recognised me.. Jan D. was there, and had a "beerchen" ..before I took him in the rental car to watch a bit of our ex-team-mates "veterans" game @ nearby "HTC"...
0-2 up they typically conceded to 2-2 by half-time (without any coaching by but-head Bram)
"Crazy peter" and "south hunter hans" joined us in the bar ...the old boys lost 4-3 ....so nothing much has changed..
I dropped my bag at Vince' s flat after a brief disussion with the club PR /webmaster.. about the friendship event...then met the other lads at their usual after-match pub (with "quiet Wouter"..a guy who is really shy..)
we recalled my "parking problems" with my transit-bus and enjecting "energy" into the club.
despite predictable opposition from the "bored" (board./....of directos) who failed to support my initiative by bringing TWO fans teams from LIVERPOOL to Zwolle..and how ("trainer")loser-Bram opposed me
and claimed I insulted him when I told TRUTH about the lack of motivation, tactics or leadership from him...
how he sulked when the captain (Nico) passed the capt.'s armband to me , automatically , when he got injured..(bram even tried to get me "banned" he was so jealous... shame he never gave so much
energy to morivating or "leading" the lads..
The lads joked that the "Bram-busters" would come to our event at UE .. and then promised they will... The pub owner (Cafe de Pierig) was @made up@ (happy) that I had a LIVERPOOL scarf to pin to the ceiling of the pub....so ANOTHER of my scarves decorated another pub in Europe. ..and by chance met the lad whose company made the European Super-cup "not-without me friendship trophy" (after the last Zwolle event/tournament) that I had taken back from ZonderEigen to Uzice..
I got up "early " before Vince about 10h and got on the road,.. returned the rental car and checked with the wizz desk about taking the painting (signed) on the flight - as i was checking in my luggage (because of the trophy) and asked if I could take the framed picture on board (as it
lie3s flat in the overhead compartment) he said its "ok" ..so i had a coffee and waited to check in ..
the gate opened early, I checked in my bag and carried the picture to the security check.. and the girl sent me back!! and then the checkin guy walked with me to talk to her, but obviously gestapo-trained, she wouldnt be "fair" I had to pay an EXTRA 20 euros just
to take up almost no room on the flight (i had no other hand luggage).. another woman without a soul or common sense!..
I wanted to get to at least part of the "St Paddys" party @ "Dubliner Uzice" sunday..
I realised that part of the airport was split for non-schengen passengers so I thought as I was early I would go through passport control and find a seat near the boarding gate.. then the controller stopped me and delayed me whilst he "checked with colleagues" (police)..
Despite my using my passport all over Europe since I moved from the Netherlands THREE years before without special delay) ...(apart from the previous Friday 8th march In UK when the immigration officer obviosuly
delayed me whilst he photocopied my passport & the many stamps in the "Balkans" ?) ..
his excuse?? a "speeding fine"... ??? claimed 4 years ago, and he said I would have to pay it when I return next time, ... so without any chance to contest this claim, they would hold me and even (in circumstances where i had no cash) force me to miss my flight, ???
and you call this "democracy" ????

SO , my flight arrived Belgrade (Bg) .. 18.15h ... my "last" bus was at 19h! ..
The wizz taxi driver was nowhere to be seen by the time i had picked up my back (after 18,30H!)
then I found him, he hadnt seen me and had no "Wizz sign" for me to see, when mots people had gone I say him standing with a small card with my name on held waist high!! ..but although we left the airport carpart at 18.45(!) "Ayrton Senna mk2" got me to the city centar BUS STation at
precisely 18.59!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
The bus to Uzice was actually in from of the gate, and as i tried to pass through with my return ticket the security said I needed a "geton" (coin) for the gate,... ! i threw my bag at the guy and shouted at him and the whole world "DONT LET THAT BUS LEAVE" ..I had ran 500 metres from the taxi to the gate with a heavy bag and a painting with my jeans falling off my a*se...I wasnt going to let it leave,,, ;)
I was so relieved to be on the bus...at last I could relax i was on my way back to UE and some friendly atmosphere and the end of my travels ..for that day at least..
@ The "Dubliner" 23h a few were still there and had a "quiet/late" celebration with (dont)Kilkenny beers with Ivo, Tijana, Marija and others.. presented them with the "friendship trophy"

Marija told of her "new love" ..and I joked that she had been "saving herself" for me (I meant ...dancing) ..but no news about a place..for me..
Later after more beers and "special UE pie (Lepinja supper)" (perfect for drinking nights) I sat together with Ivo and discussed the infestation of our club by Henry's F S G and their Naive BR's selection /"tactics"
before getting some much needed sleep...
I woke artound 14h!!! on monday , Grateful for a warm & enjoyable lunch by Ivo's mum ...
a quiet / thoutful night of watching various footy matches on Tv with Ivo in the pub..and talking over the plans of the "within wires-without frontiers" event @ UE...
Tuesday morning an early start and meeting with Nemanja(N not V!) at the pub to confirm the stadium participation..Musa invited me for a coffee @ "orient express" reaturant which also became a drink of Rakija thanks to a 90 minute delay of the train to Podgorica..
It was a long and action packed & in some ways weary 2 weeks of Campaigning and visits meetings and travels...packing & unpacking checking in and out.. controlled and delayed its nothing to really "complain" about as I am lucky to have travelled so much, seen so much
and more importantly met so many.. but its enough... cu on 4th April!! SLO v PBg!!!!
in the Meantime, i'll be "SCLOGGING" ..
and ....against all odds ... by my mate Phil ..tells how i feel..(sometimes) ;)
just got back from 2 weeks of travel....5 languages , packing , unpacking , checkin checkout , not czech, but Podgorica->Ldn-LIVERPOOL->VILNIUS->Einhoven->ZonderEigen/Meerksplats/Baarle->ZWOLLE-Bg-UZICE->Podgorica,... ready for bed... another story to be told ..;) (some funny moments too..see photo ..(NO, I am NOT the one with the beard! ) LMAO!
had a rest, went for a run (first in 2weeks +) needed that! as i was "heavy" from different food & drink and no "sport" , caught a bug @"G" and now i am back from campaigning & have to get super-fit... for me/we ..... to be continued... x
Previous @ .....................
saturday 16th March..
getting near to the end of my "nostalgia trip" amd I was walking through the Zwolle, streets this morning, , noticing that in only 3 years how many changes, places , people gone, I have met some people for the first time in the last 10 days, some for the LAST time, and some are not "äround".. and reflected on my past üniversal gypsy-REdalien lifestyle.. and this song...
"I was born under a wandrin' star
I was born under a wandrin' star
Wheels are made for rolling, mules are made to pack
I've never seen a sight that didn't look better looking back
I was born under a wandrin' star
I was born under a wandrin' star
Wheels are made for rolling, mules are made to pack
I've never seen a sight that didn't look better looking back
I was born under a wandrin' star
Mud can make you prisoner and the plains can bake you dry
Snow can burn your eyes, but only people make you cry
Home is made for coming from, for dreams of going to
Which with any luck will never come true
I was born under a wandrin' star
I was born under a wandrin' star
Snow can burn your eyes, but only people make you cry
Home is made for coming from, for dreams of going to
Which with any luck will never come true
I was born under a wandrin' star
I was born under a wandrin' star
Do I know where hell is, hell is in hello
Heaven is goodbye forever, its time for me to go
I was born under a wandrin' star
A wandrin' wandrin' star
Heaven is goodbye forever, its time for me to go
I was born under a wandrin' star
A wandrin' wandrin' star
(Mud can make you prisoner and the plains can bake you dry)
(Snow can burn your eyes, but only people make you cry)
(Snow can burn your eyes, but only people make you cry)
(Home is made for coming from, for dreams of going to)
(Which with any luck will never come true)
(Which with any luck will never come true)
(I was born under a wandrin' star)
(I was born under a wandrin' star)
(I was born under a wandrin' star)
When I get to heaven, tie me to a tree
For I'll begin to roam and soon you'll know where I will be
I was born under a wandrin' star
A wandrin' wandrin' star "
For I'll begin to roam and soon you'll know where I will be
I was born under a wandrin' star
A wandrin' wandrin' star "
....yes, all weathers and feelings in the last TEN days,,, I stayed in a hotel last night as i had "communication problems"(again) ..
the line... "SNOW can burn your eyes ..., but only PEOPLE can make ME CRY...."
my eyes have been very sensitive these days,,,
if somebody still havn't seen it... ;)
Gandhi - Official® Trailer [HD]
Release Date: 3 December 1982 GANDHI was not a ruler of nations, nor did he have scientific gifts. Yet this small, modest man did what others before him
ChriS SmiTH > Great story , classic... what one person can do If they REALLY believe!
Saule Gi yep!
ChriS SmiTH > I just got home...goodnight! x
Saule Gi how were the trips?
ChriS SmiTH > I just got off a 8 hour train ride, after 2 weeks of packing, unpacking, checkin s & outs .. I will update my notes tomorrow of thursday..just too tired to answer u as i wish now.. thanks for asking though..
Saule Gi > thank you for taking time to explain
ChriS SmiTH > http://cser5.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-long-and-windingroad-in-my-life.html
CSerS: the long and winding...Road, (in my life..) campaigning +
Mar 19, 2013
ReplyDeleteYou have every chance to meet the love of your life. There will be no serious turbulences in your career this month. Start eating more fruits and vegetables. Don’t negotiate hard – you may scare away your contractors and waste great opportunities.
all members invited to... fun footy & international friendship (live music, party, grill dance etc cheap drinks and sponsored accomodation)
Mar 16, 2013
ReplyDeleteDon't force yourself crazy, complicated life on those you're romantically linked to. Many obstacles appear but you will succeed in attaining your goals if you maintain your positive attitude. You may suffer aches and pains in the coming weeks. Think about lotteries and investments because Fortune is on your side.
Mar 15, 2013
ReplyDeleteLaughter is the closest distance between two people. Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. Cut back on salt and sugar. You may face some financial losses by the end of the month.
Mar 14, 2013
ReplyDeleteYou haven't failed in your relationship until you've given up. Experience is not what happens to a man, it is what a man does with what happens to him. In the coming month, you will feel full of energy. New job or a raise won’t make you a billionaire – so don’t overdo with unnecessary shopping.
Mar 13, 2013
ReplyDeleteTo live without loving is to not really live. Your tense time schedule will loosen once you learn better organization. You may experience slight health problem in the coming months. You will be able to make money through your effort.
Mar 12, 2013
ReplyDeleteBe ready to choose from a variety of romantic invitations and offers. You should always think twice before you state your opinions on different people and their actions. This is one of the best times of the year for you. You will need to reserve money for something unforeseen.
Avaaz> Incredible response! We're crashing through our initial goal. We just got Thailand's Prime Minister to promise to shut down her country’s ivory trade. But for every victory, there are hundreds more animals facing extinction, and time is running out. To truly win, we need to grow a team focused on beating the poachers and profiteers. If 30,000 of us pledge to donate €4 today, we can scale up all our conservation campaigns and save these endangered creatures:
ReplyDeleteEvery day, a long list of majestic creatures are cruelly slaughtered by poachers -- driving them closer to extinction. And they are killed to fuel violent syndicates getting rich on bogus goods -- elephant tusks become trinkets, rhino horns become fake sex remedies, and shark fins become soup. It is a global disgrace, and the sad truth is we’re losing this fight. But we know how to tip the balance to save these noble animals, before the last elephant falls.
Mar 11, 2013
ReplyDeleteTo love simply, you must show love. A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. You may consider loosing some weight. Credit cards lure you to shop for random things you don’t even need.
Mar 9, 2013
ReplyDeleteLove is out there for you, you just have to give it a chance. Don’t make any rushed decisions. You can think about going on a diet. You are likely to get a new source of income.
Mar 8, 2013
ReplyDeleteYou should concentrate on accidental acquaintanceships and meetings, rather than on the people you already know. You will soon be able to show how much you excel at completing tasks as compared to others. Light but frequent meals might be a good switch from your usual eating habits. Strong indication that you have total financial security.
Mar 7, 2013
ReplyDeleteYou will rediscover your partner in many ways. It’s no use wasting your time and energy on something that doesn’t fully satisfy you. Be careful of what you eat. You are extravagant in spending.
ReplyDeleteThe shortest month of the year didn't stop Care2 members from celebrating victories all over the globe, standing up to corporations, courts and anyone else who tried to stand in our way! Want your own success?
Mar 6, 2013
ReplyDeleteTell them what you really think. Otherwise, nothing will change. You may have to take some extra hours to compensate for previous weeks when you neglected some of your duties. Your general physical health is good this year but you may be prone to stress. During the coming months, a substantial gain in income will be evident.
Joe Burns shared Colorado Gun Owners's photo.
ReplyDeleteJim Webster> Ban guns and go and kick the shit out of the intruder. We are Scottish and don't take shit!
Joe Burns> Easier said than done Jim. If you kill them with a rock or a gun they are still dead and you still in trouble. At least with a gun you can stand 12 feet away and not get hurt.
Jim Webster > We don't have guns so we get up close and use our fists and feet. Ban all guns and cut the death toll instantly, it's too easy to kill from 12 feet away!
Joe Burns > I would love to ban all guns, from police, military and most of all the criminals. That's the problem with the anti gun argument. Disarm honest, law abiding citizens so only criminal have guns. Being woken up in the middle of the night when you are old and unable to protect yourself against young people with weapons is an unfair fight, the weaker one will die. Guns level the playing field.
Jim Webster> Guns level bodies! In Scotland we have stringent gun control and I have never met anyone who was at home when their house was broken into nor do i know anyone who has been threatened with a gun. Ban guns and you take them away from the criminals because they will have illegal weapons which if banned will exist in smaller quantities and so cease to be a factor. The fear of banning guns is killing people.
Joe Burns> Nobody will succeed in taking guns from criminals, if they did they would just use other weapons. I would love to see and end to criminality and war but it's not going to happen in my lifetime.
Jim Webster> Solution....Do nothing or make a start by controlling weapon ownership. USA....Do nothing; Result....more deaths each year and rising crime. Scotland.....Tighter control; Result....reduced gun deaths and crime year on year! The choice is yours, do you live in fear with a gun under your pillow or do you start to fight back?
Joe Burns > How can you level the playing field Jim between a 70 yo man or woman against 1 or 2 drug crazed zombies looking for cash? How do you explain in countries where they have high gun ownership like Canada and Switzerland that crime rates are low?
Jim Webster > To level the playing field we stop reading the Sun, this stops worry, then we ensure the punishment fits the crime. In Canada and Switzerland they have tight gun control and getting tighter.
ChriS SmiTH > u are dealing with symptoms instead of with the cause...a society built on greed and fear!
Jim Webster > Correct Chris, By treating the symptoms we will cure the disease, the USA is not doing this and Scotland is.
ChriS SmiTH > no by treating the symptoms is like putting a bandaid on a cut thumb when u have heart attack.. the route of every ill is in the way of life...we have to dare to care
Jim Webster > Banning the guns stops the fear and empowers the people. Doing nothing, as at present in USA, is not a real option.
Joe Burns > I sleep better know I have "Insurance", that's all I have to say on the matter.
Jim Webster > Joe, you are to obviously grown too old to overcome your fears. All it takes is for one person to overcome the block and the rest will follow, see Rosa Parks as an example! Living in fear is not an option and living with 'insurance' is living in fear.
ChriS SmiTH> Age is not the problem ; there are old fools and young fools and on this planet far too many fools! when we start showing kids that caring for others is more important than getting rich, we might survive .. otherwise ..not!