ChRiSmItH for whom it may concern"
AS I have stated before..this is a place where intimate comments, diary & feelings are written, for the sake of my estranged children who may one day WANT to know about wo or what i am/was and for any other person who "cares" (so this IS "for whom it may concern" ...) ... at this time of year there are many emotions..and a lot of hypocrisy .. I am not a religious but rather I AM a "SPRITUAL BEING"..
people say "merry christmas" (xmas) but in their daily lives act the opposite of the legendary person of the xmas is supposed to "celebrate" the birth of Jesus Christ? .... and yet he, according to the bible was an OBVIOUS SOCIALIST, clearing the church of traders and supporting the poor & weak...?
Mike Gallaher > Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of ENVY. - Winston Churchill
Monday at 10:21pm · Marijana C> really didnt mean to ADD political connotation to it...It was more directed to people who live beyond their means and their spoiled kids who dont know the value of anything and I know a NUMBER of them.............Merry Christmas
Mike Gallaher> Oh, I certainly know a bunch of those as well... It's a particular epidemic here in the USA. Merry Christmas Marijana, from the entire Gallaher family!

Yesterday at 10:34am · Mike Gallaher > There's a little saying floating around... "Arguing with people on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics ..."
Merry Christmas, or happy holidays if you prefer Chris.
Yesterday at 2:45pm
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Words much more important than the writer... |
greetings from OUR CLUB ; reminding you all at this time of the year, to APPLY the "spirit" (and not eat, drink and talk about it.., ) how you should DO the right thing.."a Promise IS a PROMISE" and everywhere... otherwise "karma" will bite u in the a*se... brave, safe journey...through your life.... (I am watching "its a wonderful life"..) its worth it to do so, from time to time.... take CARE!

we shd meet some time .?.I probably go to pristina in the new year..
L> why?
CS> i am probably going to fly to Istanbul, depending on a meeting I am waiting for news at the moment,.. .( to go )from Pristina and back.. i hope.. good... how far away is your city from Pristina?? -----------------

Triin 121226 brave, safe journey... (I am watching "its a wonderful life"..) its worth it to do so, from time to time.... take CARE!
11:13am I found it too intimate And I will behave myself! Ooh, tomorrow I will go home.. Kind of anxious about leaving.
1:37pm CS>if U want to stay, or return to "the region" I offer to support u by sharing my place..please dont mis-understand..I just want u to know u have a place ..without worry, to stay, if u long as u can stand it..with me. . but i dont expect u to come here..but I would like it..for the good reasons ...i can "kick-start" your future? and push u in a new way.. take care! ... p.s. also someone with a guest house near Albanian - MNE frontier asked me if I know someone to help >>>but its now...anyway...whatever you decide YOU ARE NEVER ALONE>!! HUgs & x
22:30 ChriS>
CSerS: Trust , Empathy ..or..."preparing for the day after..the end" (V?)
Saturday 11:33 ChriS>
CSerS: He aint heavy? ..being HUman;"HaPpY ChRiSmItH"
ChriS > posted in "The DAY after...the end of the World" party ChriS SmiTH11:40pm Dec 21 party with OUR CLUB... the day after..and the day after that...and every day next year.. ;) well almost..CS & LIVE r BIRD footy CLUB• an open social not for profit club...
Monday 12:12 ChriS>

I know all about enemies & friends... back @ Toloshi International, Pg.." (renovated..not me but the rooms ) (moved at 05h this mornign..suddnly) men.. at xmas think about what llust for power & money is doing to YOUR society and do something yourself to improve y-our world..?
The Company Men Reviews & Ratings - IMDb Review: My 357th Review: Finally a good honest film about the downturn - Whether we like it or not the last couple of years have been incredibly tough...
Monday 19:09 ChriS > and remember there are people with bigger pains than ours,,,
ChriS >Triin, my "alter-ego" has been flirting with U but if U want a reason to stay, I can help u find some income..and also...there s a guest house near the Albanian/MNE frontier needs an assistanT???
T> Be careful, your friend can turn into your enemy. Chris, I think our christmas will be Similar.. I am a bit lonely in this big chaotic city. None the less. I want to wish you a peaceful time in these days. You're a kind-hearted (mostly) soul. It's saddening what you have been through, and are going through.. I will think of you. Be careful with yourself.
CS>Monday 12:21 ...

Bob Marley - Who The Cap Fit
A great meaningful song produced and released on the Rastaman Vibration album. For more information about Bob Marley and his musical experience, or lyrics to...sorry Triin, but when I saw this picture it reminded me of U before u went REd!
... yep MOSTLY I am a GOOD kind-hearted soul but there is a small part of me... wishing you some special NICE feelings knowing that someone cares about YOU, and a "merry xmas" from an almost "HaPpY ChRiSmItH" ... alone but not lonely...

10:21am CS> Why did u delete the "intimate" and very soulful pic of u (REd!) in your bedroom..? ... I commented "Behave yourself" ..because I offer you emotional support ...and that is not always "kind"..
images of Liv Tyler

CS>to Leon, by email.. Hello Son, are the only “family relative” I have any contact contact with..
I have NO idea, what you do, when or where you do it... as you are too “busy” to share ..with me... No doubt , it is an opinion, that “somehow”... this situation is MY fault...(?)... but .. .. when you are older I HOPE you will learn the TRUTH!
So I wish you a “HaPpY ChRiSmItH” Leon... in the meantime...take CARE, I love you, I always did, Dad x
to "whom it may concern" (I think that makes a great title fpr my next article..(or film..) ;) .....I dont want to feel "sorry for myself" .. at the same time I feel like opening up.. after all, there's probably no one readiong this,,xmas night, everyone with family or friends, or partners..
my "planned xmas" should have been a party In Liverpool then 10 days with a sweet girl in Vilnius (I invited myself to her..)
my "unplanned xmas" for the 3rd year running..alone..a bottle of vino...Tv, internet..and lots of memories of the good times
and those things we only appreciate when they are gone, lovely Jacqui the most beautiful woman I ever met (not just looks but ...
why am i still writing...?
There was a girl i met a couple of months ago "Miss Harvey" a LOT younger than me..I toyed with a dream..
she touched my soul, then stamped on my heart..
ha ha ha ...oh this is soooo wrong.. but I wished
=======[18:34] Chris Smith: then went for a few drinks with guys from Budva..(at the weekend) and got completely drunk, and i really needed to, someone i supported let me down, I cancelled my travel plans (due to be in Liverpool for a party & then invited by a specially nice girl who visited me in summer to stay in Vilnius with her for 2 weeks ..) but i stayed in Pg
...although travel could have been affected by weather, to support a guy, (see below) whose house I was sharing whilst my place in Toloshi was beign renovated.. he then decided on sunday that he no longer needed my help so I am back "home" in Toloshi (Pg) and having a "solo" xmas...
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Still. Last week I was hobbling through a metre + of SNOW with a broken ankle.. |
Hello Nat, merry Xmas and hopefully a "HaPpY ChRiSmItH" too.. ....I feel you are "complicating" things...
the CLUB is NOT for profit..members here offer houses & holiday Villas to be used as "house-telling" (i prefer that name but you can say "family hostels"
if it translates better into your language
I made that site very easily - u can use a wiz template, and simply re-write the text and change the pictures to suit YOUR style..
It IS IMPORTANT that you keep seperate from OUR CLUB because THE CLUB is not-for PROFIT - DO YOU UNDERSTAND???????
you can copy any of the texts or pictures u want..then lets see how it looks , you can "publish it" when happy that it is how YOU want it..
as long as u dont do anythign are the boss of your business ( and I will help you...(and then you can ask EU REgistry to re-direct a link to YOUR wiz site..)
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The club benefits visitors to Monty.. |
1. a) you can build the site without each detail - there are some pictures but new pictures will be added when the weather improves and we take new photos
b) this concept is that we can choose from different members houses, someone asks for a "package" accomodation , tour, etc.. we check with
each member what is available..and each location should have 1 or more houses.. REMEMBER THIS is ECONOMY - the "user" is NOT paying for TOP CLASS we give them what is available.. we dont have to do any more (its on a similar "casual" style like CSers...there is a basic "acceptance"
surely YOU KNOW this from your own travel??
2. I dont wjhat you mean???
3. again I dont know what you mean??
4. test yourself with the wiz site , then show me and I will try to give you some tips or help any way i can..
I have not yet seen the owner, but I think it should be ok...
- could you send me a text - with exacty what you want him to say?
p.s. It might be a good idea to fix a "meeting time" on skype to clear up any mis-understandings..
Nat>9:32am Dec 25
Hello, and Merry ChrisThmas !!!!
E-mail from the owner next week is ok (I plan visiting the embassy in mid-late January)
As for the site, I have some questions:
1. To start its building, I need description of premises (location, amenities, etc). Have you got any pictures of them?
2. I've read in the correspondence that you'd experienced some problems with hosting and placing the club's site (or rather with people responsible for it :)) - is everything is ok by now, or their service is still poor?
3. Have you chosen "Economy" hosting (I guess, it's optimal)?
4. I never did anything like that, so from what shall I start when building the site? Buying a hosting is clear, what's next?
I guess, it's a good idea to translate into russian - this is what I meant when asked about a possibility to make the site bilingual CS Monty-Logic-CLUB : -CLUB "House-Telling" ; friendly members @ several locations for economy travellers to Balkan region...
Subject: My121225 CS-> Anna R (new years..CSing)
hello Anna,
I saw yr message on "Balkan Mafia" (now deleted??)
can I recommend the CS "winter camp" @ Thesaloniki ..
you will find it on the groups ///.. if not let me know and I'll find a link for U,.If u want to stop over in Podgorica on the way, let me know... i probablt have a little party in the old town the weekend before new year,,
take care
cuvaj se
Krystyna M
Here is a copy of the email that was sent:
Subject: MY 121225 CS-> Krystyna
Hello Krystyna
I saw yr message on the Podgorica group..have you found somewhere to stay? ........if no, check my profile, i host a lot of CSerS and at the moment I have no visitors at that time, either way, please let me know,
enjoy the holidays! ChriS
Vanessa W from Hong Kong Island,
Arrival Date: 12/28/2012 This date is flexible
Departure Date: 12/31/2012 This date is flexible
Hey Chris. How are U ?

I m Vanessa from Hong Kong. i m simple, clean. I like travelling to different country to see different culture and to meet different country people. I already traveled over a year and had been mainland China, North Korea, Russia, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Greek, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Austria, Czech, Germany, Netherland, Belgium,Luxemburg, Germany again, Hungary, Serbia, and going to Kosovo, Albania,Montenegro and another Balkan countries.
Its will be great if you can host me for 2-3 days flexiable from 28 or 29/12 to 30 or 31/12 (from Tirana to P0dgorica by bus).
Or we can hang out for drinks.
If you can host me, pls kindly advise me your phone no. and where location you live or any landmark near yr place.
Many thanks.
Why I'd Like to Meet You
You like football. I would like to meet repectful guy. you are living there and I will have a change to learn and know the local cultures from you. Its will be great if you can host me. I will feel very thankful. Thanks. Hope to see you.
ChriS> December 25th, 2012 - 9:03 am
Hello Venessa, its possible to host you, I have just moved back in after renovation, so I am getting used to my place again.. I live in the suburb of podgorica so I prefer to "control" the meeting arrangements as I dont like people turning up without specific arruival time and disturbing neighbours (as they dont speak english) the best think is for you to confirm your EXACT arrival date and tell me your mobile phone, I can then sms you, give you my number and arrange a meeting point
as u can see from my profile, i host a lot of people, i enjoy ..but only when things are clear between me and CSerS who visit here, If you stay with me, I will show you podgorica and socialise a couple of days..
take care & wish you a "HaPpY ChRiSmItH" :)
CS> Hello Mandi
In the "spirit of Xmas, and caring scousers at this time of celebration important for "J4t96" I am offering friendhsip with the "real me" ..not the "plastic cover version"
I have almost 3000 "followers" on Fb, that includes a few "friends" ha ha,.... so lets cut out the BS and tell me why u stopped contact, at this time, when we surely need to be able to be true..
whatever the reason I send you best wishes &
"HaPpY ChrISmItH"
ChriS x
Here is what you said:
Negative Reference
ha ha , I take "offence" at so-called CSerS who apply discimination on ANY grounds...Toma, you do it by age & less a WRONG than if you discriminate by nationality or religion or colour etc. if she or I refuse someone on basis of colour or creed there would be a rightful outcry, this GIRL does not understand "give and take" I have hosted more than 50 people at my place mostly YOUNG people and Mostly girls..and its MY right to openly inform others that YOU discriminate on the basis of AGE and gender.. women dont like to be discriminated against, but its ok for you do so? I DONT WANT TO STAY WITH SOMEONE LIKE TOMA, or any other bigot..
Toma> I don't understand this man as he's far too sensitive. He asked me to host him and I said no because I honestly think I wouldn't feel comfortable hosting a MAN who's twice as old as me. Couchsurfing is not about getting free accommodation, it's about communicating and I think I have a right to decide who I want to come to my house. If I think that I wouldn't feel comfortable hosting a person, why should I? It's my house, it's my home and it's my RIGHT to accept somebody or not. I want to feel comfortable in my own house and I honestly believe that my decision not to accept you was fair.
CS > hello Toma,
its Xmas day, so i am trying to be "careful" about this communication..
I dont know how good your english is..
did u read my profile,?
I should have come to Liverpool & then to Vilnius..
for xmas.. but some weather problems here in the Balkans help me change my plans.. I have "hosted" more than 50 people this year..
mostly young people of between 18-28 ..
and 90 per cent of those were girls..check their comments on my profile..
I only had one "problem" with an american girl and that was only because she abused MY hospitality...
One of my guests will HOST me in Vilnius , she is 26...

and as I fly from Liverpool to Vilnius on 10th march I thought
it would be nice to stay with YOU..
but is it you that decides it is "akward" or people around you?
I find it sad and ironic,that people think its "ok" to discriminate on AGE, but not on basis of colour , creed or nationality, religion etc..
what a shame! not the "spirit" of CS-ing as I know it..and not the spirit of Liverpool people and NOT the spirit of xmas..but its YOUR CHOICE!
wishing you a "HaPpY ChRiSmItH"
p.s. I am really not 43, I am 143 , I just look younger
(on my planet they call me "Yoda") ;)
birthday greetings & warm xmas wishes to all those celebrating birthays and special events from
to all members.. birthday greetings . x.."HaPpY ChRiSmItH" and from OUR CLUB ;
Toloshi; 12th December 2012 Hello Velibor, excuse my mistakes in your language:-
Posjetio sam svoj ??ducan subotu - ali nisu bili tamo, a ja ostavio poruku, poslao sam neke poruke, ali nisam dobio nikakve odgovore na nedjelja, onda mi je poslao jedan "SMS" pitati kad sam se vracao ..
da vas podsjetim prvi mom prvotnom planu za prosinac i sijecanj;
Trebao sam napustio Podgoricu u drugom tjednu prosinca, a putovao - takoder promovirati naš klub .. ukljucujuci vikenda u Liverpoolu,
i trošenje odmor razdoblje u Vilniusu, vracaju negdje tijekom sijecnja
Tako da ste mogli "obnoviti" slobodno, sam se preselio svoje stvari u sobi u Jabjelo u kuci u kojoj živi Stefan.
Ostao sam tamo neko vrijeme, te mu placa unaprijed (E90 za sobu + elektricna i internet)
Zbog njegove financijske situacije i moje putuju planova - Platio sam mu 290 eura unaprijed (za prosinac i sijecanj) on me ne vraca! (još)
..ali vremenski uvjeti (snijeg) pod utjecajem moje planove i on me je zamolio da mu pomogne, pa sam ostao u Zabjelo
i odgodeni moje putovanje do iduce godine
Ali onda je prošlog petka njegov otac bio poslan kuci iz bolnice, a situacija je postala komplicirana.
Mi smo imali raspravu, i odlucio sam rano jucer ujutro, nakon što je dobio svoje "SMS" da se vrate SADA da Toloshi.
Cijenim vaše radove. Planiram ostati u Toloshi i promicati "Toloshi International"
Dakle, sam pocetak moj smještaj od jucer; 24. prosinca
Medutim tražim da platim "retroaktivno" na 23. sljedeceg mjeseca
inace nemam proracun za putovanje do moj sljedeci bankovni prijenos stigne. Nadam se da se slažete .wishing you all , family Natascha, Lana & Anastasia & Grandad a "HaPpY ChRiSmItH" :)
12:11pm CS> thanks for helping "Raz" ..i am occupied in Pg, helping someone the moment ..ok obviously as she is walkign internet access is only available if she stops in a town or city.. suggest u leave a message also , on her website.. (comments) ??
she wants to WALK over the bridge...(!) to asia..thats the final target then stay in istanbul for a "rest"...

Friday 7:28pm
Sevilay > well frankly speaking it is hard as it is not allowed to walk except some special events such as Eurosia maraton which was in november
hey Chris I still could not get an answer from Raz. To publicize her challenge please let me know when she will be around here because sometime I might be out of city in the weekends.
Today 12:36am CS> thanks but, I need to explain clearly, she is walking, without ( as there is no "exact e.t.a") sure time of arrival , obviously i have asked...but a) DID you check her website, to watch her "progress" on her map?? b) she knows its NOt "usual" to walk....across ..BUT thats why we need u and local "co-operation" to make it "possible""..
wishing you a merry time, and hope for a "HaPpY ChRiSmItH"... soon
.......a special moment for all people connected with Liverpool ...

& Vilniius as guest to a nice girl who visited me last summer// .... 10 days of "relax" but I postponed the trip because of "force majeur"
combined expected weatherproblems and someone local who needed me to help him and his sick Dad, today he informs me a week too late that he does not now need my support. .so its a "Giros & chips" and a twix for "chrissie eve" supper, alone..ha , this crazy life of mine
..reminds me of "moldy bread" (budjav lebac)
3:33pm Renata S> no, I am not saying. Its ok- we meet in March. Just said that can not come to party now... ..but can do it in may...
I gues it was greaaaat party, right?:)
CS>different that "planned" ... i dont remember how i got back to my bed, but i did, apparently...i wish u the very best of the season...and my plans for xmas changed again this morning, so i am just gonna have the "usual quiet" time alone...and you?
company men.. at xmas think about what lust for power & money is doing to YOUR society and
do something yourself to improve y-our world..?
Dear Stevan (Stefan?) without prejudice , Podgorica; monday; Christmas Eve, 24th December 2012.
I am not interested in a slanging match with you, when someone does what you did, "discussion" is futile.. I just want to put this on the record..
YOU arrived in my room, uninvited, and without warning invaded my privacy, (I was undressed) .. at a moment in between 03h-04h ..(this morning)
This was obviously not an "accident" it was prepared and with malicious intent to get "revenge".. as you stated, ..that you waited 24hrs to "invade my room & wake me up" as apparently i had "caused trouble" when returning at 03h on saturday night.. I have NO idea why you did NOT confront me with this at the time, or during "normal time" as I had dome my best to avoid confrontation yesterday, following your outburst saturday.
however, I also question most of your activities, that have caused my life to be "disturbed".. IF i did anything saturday night it was after a late night drinking, I suggest most "saturday night drinkers" could be accused,
I told you I was going out, obviously to try to get your "attack" out of MY system... when perhaps i was not "focussed" ..however there was no Negative INTENT on my part, to harm or cause trouble to you , your father, or your neighbours.
I postponed travel (when I was invited to share xmas elsewhere (Liverpool & Vilnius)because you obviously needed support & because you claimed you could start business this month, because you were convinced " Dado" could provide you with events to manage... you persuaded me to advance money to you on this basis, witnessed, and I told you also that I would do that but at a cost I have explained this on several occasions... the total costs to me this month related to moving to Zabjelo (cancelled travel costs e115 , e310 advanced plus 250 for the company and thats without "incidentals") = e675 ...I was told by you that you woudl be happy for me to pay half before I moved from Toloshi.. (your rent e180, + e110 to cover electric/cable/tv/internet = 290 divided by 2 = 145e) virtually "screamed" that I advance money to you
although you didnt want to give Anna any proposed agreement. so I paid FIVE HUNDRED & THIRTY EUROS more than I should have done - in fact I would say add at least another e25 to compensate me for termination of the accomodation at Zabjelo, as I have only been there just over 3 weeks..(& e15 split for
I have a key, which i wish to return to the owner immediately, as you seem to be suggesting that it is the wish of the owner that I am
moved out WITHOUT NOTICE.. then I shall wait to contact him at an appropriate time OR you and I meet in a few days when all is calm..
You have my umberella, some place mats and of course the "drinks for xmas" ...etc - as you insisted I leave first thing this morning I had no chance to check everything - I was careful to be as quiet as possible packing between 04-07hrs (it wasnt possible to sleep after the "shock" of your latest "action" - I left by taxi (again at my cost ) @ 08hs whilst you WATCHED me carry every single thing to the car.
I am going to avoid suggestiong of INTENT on your part, and temporarily put this down to stress.. I sugest your attitude is much more
reasonable aND you bring a "witness" to our avoid any further unpleasantness.
p.s. i followed your "demand" to leave to avoid any further conflict or risk of violence.
........and paid e15 for visitng cards.(my choice too!!)
they are on the seat in the hallyway..
the fruit has gone bad (so, even when i buy stuff u dont eat it..)
If someone can lend U e145 - and u pay me back that (which I
advanced for January, we can call it quits and I can leave..
so I can pay for another place to stay..)
in the meantime, I will only use the living room/kitchen
at limited times, and go out when the weather is not too bad,..
I shall eat out more, and only use the food I buy, for myself
(i suggest it stays in one place in the top shelf of the fridge)
and we try to be polite & respectful to each other..
p.s when the club gets busy again (probably in spring)
i will offer anything relevant ...
(yapping dog keeps me awake ..)

hello Ste,
I am writing from a net station in Pg, today was 3rd time we had
in only 3 weeks... ! I feel I have been exceptionally "supporive" but
it seems a one-way street... ...
I appreciate the situation with yr father.. I offered to share supervision
of yr Dad ,,, in deed this morning i gave him his pee-bottle and emptied itin the toilet... how many others *let alone a "stranger" >>>> would do
I know YOU are STRESSED ... I get it ...but moaning at ME ,,,one of the "idiotic" isnt it>?
Its cost me over 600 euros...MY decision..
to support YOU and the situation...
- 250 euros for the company
- advance of e290 for 2 months until end janaury,, for
room/tv/net/electric *shared ,,and now 3people,,,!! yr dad has a pension
- another e20 cash this week,,,
- about 100 euros in shopping and taxi *inc drinks yesterday *e25
*(I would not normally spend)
- and about 100 e to change my travel plans.. was MY decision to stay with you ..but i dont expect petty moans
and "attacks"... I wash up clear up and CLEAN UP after you...mostly when you are out... WHO puts the plates away? me!, I have hoovered once a week, its yr ash on the floor... I cleaned up cobwebs in living room..who took out rubbish ? me! every time! ...
I cooked twice this week (*meat I bought)and made a soup you ignored..yr choice on wednesday we planned to make a BIG shopping together to get Meat, Eggs etc for party & weekend,..
on thursday you were at the hospital, and yesterday - I tried to talk to you
but yr head was elsewhere, and YOU insisted that you would bake thursday and cook for your Dads homecoming yesterday ..what do you expect???
to make a problem over small things..?? when WE both (ME TOO!!!) have
emotional issues that cause strain....
...well ...!!!
obviously you want me out, but communicate honestly dont make some problem to cause it.. I have been MORE than FAIR to you..

This time of the year I think of those i have “lost” in my life and wish spiritual energy to those in trouble ...or who have suffered many ways.. ; & Dad, Mum ; Jacqui; Carole, Adam, & in difficulties ; Stevan, Triin, “the 96” and of course! …cuvaj Se! Danica! (5 photos)
CS>Raz, having a difficult time here, probably xmas alone again, so happy u found "colleagues" to walk with (!) ..
I told a girl Sevilay about u (a CSer in Istanbul) and she wants to host and help u achieve your "goal" ;) i think she sent u a message
If i can afford it (and u tell me in advance) i'd like to make it to "party" in Istanbul (theres a cheap airline from Kosov. o
IF I can book in advance...thats why i am askign if u have a "precise" e.t.a. (within a couple of days?)
i sent u this message, dont know if u read it yet..
CS>so, u are that close???
was hoping to greet u there...can u let me know a few days before u expect to arrive..(did U connect with the CSerS group in Istanbul?)
and which phone number will u be using??
last weekend we had a thaw, its almost 15 degrees today!, i delayed my plans until march.. but i probably cd have gone to the party in Lp and has xmas with the girls in vilnius..but.. i am plannign a "day after the end of the world party on the 22nd ..if any one turns up.. :)
p.s what is a chrisTAMS turkey..specially grown in istanbul?
hello Janet, it sunday evening, and i dont if u were feeling ok today, but I wasnt..I havent been "out" for a bevvy since weeks and although the party was postponed, 3 lads from Budva invited me to have a drink, we watched some footy on tv in the pub and after a couple they went back, but i was "in the mood" so did the rounds on my own, until some time this morn.. Ste. isnt talking to me, we had a bit of a "discussion" so I wanted tp meet tomorrow instead?

p.s there are some trains to Belgrade, but service unreliable and u could have big delays at this time of the year (i suppose its ok if u want to sleep...a long time ... ;) ...)
if u let me know in advance yr e.t.a. i will see if i can meet u at the station or nearby for a coffee. if u time between travel..
Wayne wrote:
>Thank you. I will be there 4 days.
>ChriS SmiTH wrote:
>>am occupied at the moment, get nback to u a.s.p, how long are u planning to stay?
>>Wayne Wright wrote:
>>>I am thinking to come to Podgorica at the end of December. I am wondering how easy it is to do a day or overnight trip to interesting parts of another country like Kosovo, Bosnia or Macedonia. I prefer cities to camping etc. I have been to Albania and Serbia and not as interested in those places. Any information would be great.

“Project Monty-Logic (CLUB)”
(ChriS = “CS”)
To develop community ; SOCIAL sport and club member events & activiyites that benefit members & the MNE community creating a positive relationship Between MNE population and “Liverpool people”
The population of MNE is of similar size to the Liverpool inner city area, “Liverpool” (known through the football clubs & “the beatles” etc) , is a “global brand” and MNE is becoming more and more popular as a pleasure & leisure location & potential “Cultural & enterprise meeting point” of Europe.
Outline programme
Short Term (within 12 months)
26/03/13 TBA Montenegro
- England
( to offer “entertainment/cultural experience” to participants of the estimated 2000 visiting England fans, this is possible via the supportersb org..IF “we” have something special to offer; this also helps avoid any “problems between fans”! (avoiding also the “awful treatment” by local police after the previous match)
From April - > October “Club facilities” ...(see test website ; ) (local rep needs to set up the .me version for receipt of member payments for local facilities ; see also “Monty Logic D.o.o. )
“CSerS party / Global REdS weekend” ; May 23-26 ..already c. 100 people invited, ; Rafting & Skadar lake programme suggested)
“Liverpool experience event” to bring the community to MNE ...(currently promoted by a NUMBER ONE chart hit ; “he aint heavy”)
Early summer (TBA)
Other “test” events; fun tournaments & Youth projects to be explored.. linking MNE with Liverpool.
“Logical Centre” courses by CS & for new ideas and “meeting point” for adventurous people..(autumn)
“ Monty-Xmas” / winter programme for club members) new year..2013/2014
Long term (within 5 years..)

The current estimation of “CSerS” using the economy travel/companion not for profit website is circa 3 million people worldwide; OUR Liverpool Supporters & fans network has a REGISTERED internet membership of over 7 million; Worldwide, through this potential the proposal is to bring ONE (1) per cent of this combined potential to at least one actuivity, or event within the next FIVE (5) years = 100,000 people. (this is not including the previously untapped network of CS ; 25,000+ orgs & institutional contacts Worldwide; Round Table ; Linkdin ; Fb ; Netlog, etc .
Football & general sport training camp
Annual Twinning events
Economic locations for fun, holiday; international concerts.. & seminar s
LINKS ( a casual “testing place” for member ideas)
thanks for the invitation to your party FRIDAY, look forward to further info..& response from you!
Vidimo SE!
(note this is “not for profit” project however I expect the local community to benefit, socially)
I am open to an “exchange of ideas” … I am “strange” as I am occupied as “not for profit” …Co-ordinator of 2 club websites; 8 “blogs” and several Fb groups , clubs & “linkdin “ directly / indirectly to over 25,000 orgs & corps. ;) much of it “just for fun” , social networks , football (7 million registered “Lfc fans” on the net) & other cultural activities, I am ready to make a “Logical centre” myself now with a link between MNE (“Monty”) & Liverpool (which even though the English disagree, is a separate Independent entity with similar population to MNE) ..
p.p.s some subtle corrections..just spent a few minutes on this..if u want me to check all – let me know..
„KotorMar“ Ltd. is a port agent which provides services to clients in yachting, cruising & the tourism sectors,visiting Montenegrin ports and marinas.
As in previous years, KotorMar exhibited at the renowned Seatrade Cruise Shipping Convention which took place in Miami between 12th of March until 15th of March. Apart from...
Nowhere else can you find such a small country with so much natural wealth, beauty, with beautiful beaches, clear lakes, fast rivers and magnificent mountains...
KotorMar established a Souvenir and Gift shop at the passenger terminal in the Port of Kotor which contains carefully chosen souvenirs to achieve the best correlation between the quality,...
You want to charter a yacht?
Feel free to contact us through our standard form or directly through our contact (link?).
CRUISE (I would need to check your meaning ..but…suggest)
“Since we are very nicely positioned & directly involved in the cruise industry we offer our cooperation in all aspects of cruise arrangements & sale of cruises.” ?
N.B suggest strategic separation of offers??
If u provide Stevan with the local website, I’ll provide you with “global business English” ?
From: Dado Sent: 05 December 2012 15:25
To: chrismith Subject: Hi Chris
Hi Chris, Im in hurry right now. If you can see this web site. Tell me what you think! Best regards, Dado!
[19:18:24] ChRiS > Hiya G, wishing you a merry time, and hope for a "HaPpY ChRiSmItH"... soon thanks for the sms, whats happening the next 2 days? ;) now I am alone again, so doing my utmost to ignore it, will watch a 100 tv films..;) & drink aLOT of Vino..ok "skyping" on 27th
..sure, any special time?? (send me a FB message if its cheaper( than sms) take care, "HaPpY ChRiSmItH" (delayed) :)
"freedom; just another name for nothing left to lose", so i m alone again. i'll make friends with the booze.. ;) (well not even booze but i'll get a bottle for tomorrow.. ) :) still. there is always someone with bigger pain than me, i've got none...
"G" having Xmas without me...

wrapped ; CoRRecT!
ChriS> very "proper" Gi...
Lisa Maria > What were you guys doing in the Kempinski?
ChriS> rich people....
Gi> managing the world!
ChriS > Gi "managing the world" ?..nice of u to take the blame! LMAO!
![]() |
A "proper G... |
skyping with "G"..
ok ok..
[17:59:16] Chris Smith: just thinking of subjects for "discussion"/...probably 10 days at yours was too much of a "request" ....i will be 4 days in V. in march,... unfortunately my host in Lp is travelling..and the others there seem to be young and not will to host "yoda2" ;)
[17:59:23] Chris Smith: I am back in toloshi..
[17:59:32] Chris Smith: getting used to my bed again...
[17:59:53] Chris Smith: the owner brought me a bottle of I drink that glass to u now..
[18:00:06] Chris Smith: connection not great so maybe video is out again...
[18:00:56] Chris Smith: yr pics look nice so u had a good "xmas" days...back in the system today or plannign to leave..tomorrow...?
[18:01:23] Chris Smith: if u use wizz..get "flex" i have had to pay for postponement until march
[18:01:25] *** Call from GI-to-wonderland ***
[18:40:11] Chris Smith:
[18:41:51] Chris Smith: sorry ...bad connection.....
[18:42:10] GI-to-wonderland: i understand
[18:42:28] Chris Smith: ok i cant hear u very well
[18:42:33] GI-to-wonderland: i hear you very well
[18:42:40] Chris Smith: poor u! :D
[18:42:45] GI-to-wonderland: yessssssssssssssssssssss
[18:42:47] GI-to-wonderland: !
[18:43:38] GI-to-wonderland: to meet new year very well!
[18:44:02] Chris Smith: what about a little chat before 31st night?
[18:44:22] GI-to-wonderland: and im looking forward to meet you in March!
[18:44:24] Chris Smith: of course i ll just (send)u an sms..
[18:44:30] Chris Smith: i am (nice) sometimes
[18:44:55] Chris Smith: take care! if u cant be good , be careful..:)
[18:44:59] GI-to-wonderland: i like hearing your actent
[18:45:06] GI-to-wonderland: acent (accent?)
[18:45:09] Chris Smith: oh did u get my card>????
[18:45:18] GI-to-wonderland: nooooooooooooooo
[18:45:21] GI-to-wonderland: not yet!
[18:45:30] GI-to-wonderland: 4 weeks to get it
[18:45:48] Chris Smith: post ... ok well the thought was there... big HUG!
[18:45:49] *** Call ended, duration 44:26 ***

ChriS SmiTH> it wont happen.i dont want any other name on OUR stadium....if the 7 million fans were enbcourage by an OFFICIAL fund @ e50 per share...we could raise the funds to progress the club, theres lots of fund-raising schemes that we sell "Liverpool brand" productrts and NOt "sponsors" then ALL income goes into OUR club..
ChriS > i would want 50% because 49 o/o would still give cowboys management least..
Andrew Gerrard > Glad you can see it I've said all along kenny was sacked because he didn't talk in a way which suited there PR machine which is bleeding this club dry
ChriS> Andrew, I told everyone when NESV arrived that it was another "con" ..a "FANchise" that the "fannies" swallowed too quickly..(CS)
Andrew Gerrard > Same here chris, a hedge fund is the worst possible owner I'd have rather have gone into admin and got a ten point deduction than end up with this lot it would have given is more time to find proper owners
ChriS >agreed Andrew i said that fans made the biggest mistake not letting club go into admin..."woy" lost us 20 points in his first few months anyway.. if club was in admin, supporters could have taken it over @ virtual ZERO cost..
Boxing day? no , but i came hitting someone...
returning "home" from watching the "match" reflecting..on the on-going "problem"..
there will be ppl, fannies, yankers, and all.. making
banal, and sometimes elegant intellectual comment..
but in this "year 2012/2013" ...miss the spiritual..TRUTH
Our "J4t96" campaign had more courage and commitment
than all of our players in every game of this season

F S G and their employee doesn' t....they are soul-less, and that is bad luck for OUR TEAM...
it is simple yet beyoond the soul-less mentality of the
pundits, experts & fannies who convince themselves they
have "knowledge"... facts are just whaT you MAKE UP..
why DID LFC BECOME A Global "icon"..ANSWER:
BECAUSE we (True SUPPORters) had SPIRIT..a red FORCE..
a belief , and a feeling ...that Henry's" FANchise" will NEVER understand...
when YOU, any one of you, starts to connect with our core ; our RED, socialist, core we shall win every game.....
this I promise ...because WE are THE CLUB..WE are LIVERPOOL!
Guillem Balague ?@GuillemBalague >Wow. Well done Chelsea...again
ChriS-EuRED @EuRED09@GuillemBalague @RedAlieNeT well done Rafa, the best manager we had in 20 years... made up for him!
More "FANchise" ...BR (should be "PR" ? )..constantly saying "warrior" (script written by F S G?) during interviews & press conferences,,,
and "bucks boy" Allen selling his soul too ? Chevvie (chavie, not xavi?)
ChriS >took a long time to get to Anfield by horse in them old days , lad..
reminds me of back in the early days when I was a bairn, and we had to wait in line to get into the ground.. there was a long line...used to get there about mid-day for a 3 pm kick-off... anyway there was a policewoman (scouser) on horse ..and one of the lads shouted something to her about the horse is sweating.. she replied , quickly...with this "look lad, if you had been between my legs for the last 2 hrs you'd be sweating too"
Random ... (as if its wasnt already ..Random..)
Chris Forb Dix posted in CS & LIVE r BIRD footy CLUB
ReplyDeleteChris Forb Dix
6:03pm Dec 5
2014 Brazil Qualifying
Montenegro 4 3 0 1 12 2 10
England 4 2 0 2 12 2 8
Poland 3 1 0 2 5 3 5
Moldova 4 1 2 1 2 7 4
Ukraine 3 0 1 2 1 2 2
San Marino 4 0 4 0 0 16 0
Micheal O Regan commented on his post in The Irish LFC Fans Gathering 2013.
ReplyDeleteMicheal O Regan
7:57pm Dec 5
im going to be doing a few radio interviews in the new year once we have the date sorted to promote it further
Periskop posted in Periskop019 Music
11:19pm Dec 6
Wherever you find the hardest, sleaziest, dirtiest music you will find Dusko Damjanovic photographing it! For this presentation he turns his lens on the audience.
“ How I live & travel the world for free...
ReplyDeleteNamaste', I travel and live for free worldwide and I gift people where ever I go... I love giving things away. I'm an activist globally and I love locating resources that uplift people. I'm not advertising or selling anything! As a Tantric Wellness Sustainable Teacher I teach up to 5,000 women annually to be sustainable, off the grid and be free! Free from the demands of life, financially and spiritually. Send me your email and I'll send you my video (that I produced and own) on How to Live & Travel for Free... it's easier than you think! I believe in a bartering and shared economy... not solely based on money. Please no angry or fear based email. I'm a verified member on Couchsurfering for 2 years... Love
To date, 102 Tibetans have given their lives in protest of the oppressive Chinese Communist Party's policies. Now, The Huffington Post has insensitively posted a graphic video of a self-immolation.
ReplyDeleteMultiMonTV, check out the latest video from your channel subscriptions for Dec 10, 2012.
ReplyDeleteChriS SmiTH posted in CS & LIVE r BIRD footy CLUB
ReplyDeleteChriS SmiTH
11:43am Dec 10
ChriS SmiTH shared a link Hillsborough Justice Collective - FULL...: " he was..."
ReplyDeleteHillsborough Justice Collective - FULL SONG - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
Pre-order from itunes Order now from HMV Pre-order by texting JUSTICE to 80010 NOW. Texts cost £1 + s...
ChriS SmiTH shared a link on your timeline.
ReplyDeleteTo see your timeline, follow the link below:
ChriS SmiTH shared a link Billy Bragg - Scousers never buy the Sun: ""
ReplyDeleteBilly Bragg - Scousers never buy the Sun
Billy Bragg - Scousers never buy the Sun
Authoritarian regimes are pushing for governmental control over the internet in a binding global treaty. If they succeed, the internet could become less open, more costly and much slower. We've stopped threats like this before, and we can again -- but only with a massive global outcry. Sign the petition and share with everyone you know:
ReplyDeleteMilos Adzic shared a link Ogledalo lune - Luna
ReplyDeleteOgledalo lune - Luna
Fabrizio Stanzione shared Anonymous ART of Revolution's photo
ReplyDeleteTimeline Photos
Periskop posted in Periskop019 Music
5:29pm Dec 11
From the early days of Punk, to Rio with with the Rolling Stones! We are proud to announce the participation of Brian Rasic, a story of doggedness, following one's passion and humility.
Periskop posted in Periskop019 Music
12:27am Dec 12
Aleksandar Carevic and the party people
ChriS SmiTH posted in ChriSmitH's Eco-Logistic Training & Coaching Academy
ReplyDeleteChriS SmiTH
6:02pm Dec 13
"Happy ChRiSmItH- reloaded? ;)
"one more time" .."make the best of a bad lot & laugh it off-huh?" "Happy ChRiSmItH - reloaded" sno...
Fabrizio Stanzione
Fabrizio Stanzione shared The secret to humor is a sense of humor's photo
Timeline Photos
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ReplyDelete14 December 13:48
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ReplyDelete14 December 17:48
the REd NOSE invasion is where YOU are! be warned!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
14 December 20:09
STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS -- Official Teaser Trailer (2013) [HD] - STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS -- Official Teaser Trailer (2013) [HD]! htt...
Fabrizio Stanzione shared Potomac SecretAgent's video Pissing off a frog...
ReplyDeletePissing off a frog...
The government of Panama wants to flood the Ngabe people's land with a new hydroelectric dam and let foreign mining companies extract minerals. Help the Ngabe fight back.
ReplyDeleteFriends Day
Flying is cool. Flying together with your best buddy is supercool. Flying together for free is airBaltic-SUPER-COOL! Check it out! CS> NOT flying is better!
ChriS SmiTH
2:17pm Dec 15
Introducing "ME" @ Monty-Logic | monty-logic
Hugo Staman
ReplyDeleteHugo Staman added a new photo
ChriS SmiTH posted in The DAY after..."the end of the World" party
ReplyDeleteChriS SmiTH
3:45pm Dec 15
program :
12 am - registration at party venue
8 pm - chat some - pre party dj night at party venue
11 am - 14 registration again at party venue
16:30 cocktail workshop pt 1 at party venue ( infos:giannis nikiforidis -15 limited spots + cost for buying drinks-etc)
18:30 : traditional salsa workshop with carlos :(cs DerCarlos)
21 pm international night - Let’s taste a bit of your country!
22:30 balkan-gypsy-punk-fever night LIVE BAND "BAILDSA"
8 am - 15:30 Daily trip for ski-snowboard (limited places ) - details soon
11-14 : registration at pary venue
14 pm treasure hunt (around thessaloniki (themed) )
16:30 pm cocktail workshop pt-2 at party venue ( infos:giannis nikiforidis -15 limited spots + cost for buying drinks-etc)
19 - 21 pm early pub-bar-crawl around thessaloniki (small grps of 15-20 ppl)
21:30 pm venue party -dj night
12 - 3 pm registration at party venue
15:30 free hugs at aristotelous sq.
19 pm toga party + greek -winter -olimpics (fastest beer drinkin etc !! ) wine drinkin -ouzo shots :p
21 pm - nye party -party -party
12:30 pm city walk
17 pm battle of nations
21 secret santa night -(brink small gifts 2 trade random with other peoples :) )
22:30 pm dj night -party venue last night big party
soon the last updates about workshops and daily trips (ski snowboard )
ChriS SmiTH shared a link Connecticut school shooting: latest -...: "The "american dream" = the world nightmare!"
ReplyDeleteConnecticut school shooting: latest - Telegraph
Latest updates as police respond to a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
Frank Carlyle updated his status: "In the not too distant past, people used to say heartily 'Merry Christmas'. Now today, they say forlornly 'Hope you have a decent Christmas'... Things have changed haven't they? Ah Well...."
ReplyDeleteThink of a petition you'd like to start on any issue -- it takes just a few minutes to create your own campaign! If your petition takes off, it may become an Avaaz campaign -- either to members in your area, or even to the whole world.
ReplyDeleteAleksandra Cicmil added a photo of you.
ReplyDeleteThe python trade is worth $1 billion every year. Too bad a lot of that profit comes from illegal (and often cruel) poaching of snakes. "save Monty"(CS)
ReplyDeleteFrank Carlyle added a new photo
ReplyDeleteHi gang, just a little update..order on or before this Tuesday to make sure you get your Book or Liverpool Streets and Statues DVD in time for Christmas.
Rade Mrdak (friends with Vesna Radojevic) commented on Aleksandra Cicmil's photo of you.
ReplyDeleteRade wrote: "Dugo toplo ljeto... podgoricka vrucincina... to je vrijeme..."
Someone to travel with through Europe (short or long time :)
ReplyDeleteI'm going on a trip through Europe in January (no start-date yet) and I'm searching for someone to travel with, or someone (or more someones) who can give me a ride anywhere! Feel free to reply if you are also looking for a ride somewhere! :)
ReplyDelete8:49pm Dec 16
Well, I should be home, in Estonia, this evening.. But I had some issues, so I am in Istanbul.. Again. Oh well, such is life. I havent had much chance to use internet, to stay in touch better. I didn't know you haven't traveled.. Why, I wonder. Hugs!
ChriS SmiTH
10:24pm Dec 16
CS Monty-Logic-CLUB |
-CLUB "House-Telling" ; friendly members @ several locations for economy travellers to Balkan region...
Aleksandra wrote: "ko zapane na ovaj brod,ima samo na podgoricku vrelinu da misli,hahaha"
ReplyDeleteHi Chris,
ReplyDeleteI won't be going to Thessaloniki for the new year bash, i'm pushing on to Istanbul for an early2013 arrival. Got a few people to meet there too who have walked there so hopefully lots of tales to share. Have a good christmas where ever you spend it. Guessing it will be a white one if your are in Podgerica.
Hope you're well
Take care
Like Katie Stack modelling on Facebook
ReplyDeleteSeán Ó Cléirigh has invited you to like his new Page Katie Stack modelling..
ChriS SmiTH posted in May 2013 ; CSerS "big family" @ w/end meeting Monty
ReplyDeleteChriS SmiTH
8:38pm Dec 17
and its my birthday party..
Mira Mirica Draskovic commented on ChriS SmiTH's link.
ReplyDeleteMira wrote: "<3"
Maija Saule updated her status: "These Christmas will be awesome!! Just bought my first very own Christmas tree, waiting for Inese Rampane arrival and preparing for gingerbread baking marathon :)"
ReplyDeleteHugo Staman updated his status: "Arthur van Tongeren Gertjan Van Heerde Jaap Zijffers Fokke Doorn Heren, ik kreeg het bericht van Joost van den Born dat de kantine morgen open is. Ik neem aan dat er een pilsje gedronken gaat worden?!"
ReplyDeleteI’m excited to announce that Bill, our Community Product Manager, and I will be hosting the first in a series of monthly webcasts this Thursday, December 20th, at 10am PST. I’ll address feedback and concerns, answer questions and talk about where we’re headed together in 2013.
ReplyDelete2012 has been a year of many changes for Couchsurfing. Many of you have taken the time to provide us with feedback, ideas and concerns. We want to keep hearing from you. We know that in order to succeed in evolving a service that the community loves, we’ll need to be even more connected. We’re committed to that.
Please join us Thursday. The webcast will be open to the entire community, and I hope you’ll be there.
Submit your questions ahead of time in the Discussion Forums or on Facebook. You can also ask them live during the webcast with Twitter hashtag #cswebcast.
Dec 20, 2012
ReplyDeleteLoosen up, experiment with different types of people in new situations. The lesson is in the struggle, not in the victory. You should take time off to relax. Don’t get too excited over your new status, either.
Tune into our Sport Relief highlights show, the Final Score, find out about Pixie Lott's visit to an amazing project in Zambia, and here's to a great Nose Year.
ReplyDeleteProblems viewing this email? Try the online version
Depardieu mulls Russian citizenship?
The French movie star Gerard Depardieu has upped the ante in his tax battle with the government of F...
1. How can we add to the list of "related groups", on our local place page?
ReplyDelete2. Many core members have given thousands of hours of their time to welcoming people into their home, and organising free events. It is these things that have allowed couchsurfing to become the most successful travel network. These same members have been banned from, and had their posts censored on place pages, and the feedback forums. These actions have been very hurtful. Do you have any respect for the people who have dedicated their lives to making couchsurfing a wonderful community?
Like Hillsborough Justice Campaign Unofficial Group on Facebook
ReplyDeleteSeán Ó Cléirigh has invited you to like his Page Hillsborough Justice Campaign Unofficial Group..
REdNET has left a new comment on your post " end?... NOt for TRuE REdS! ..but it might be.....":
ReplyDelete"Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."
ChriS SmiTH
ReplyDelete1:28am Dec 21
club member benefits ;
ReplyDeleteWe are the Centre for Access to Football in Europe.
ReplyDelete'Total Football - Total Access'
ChriS SmiTH shared a link Hillsborough exclusive: Ex-Wembley boss...: "why are we surprised? the FA love to hand out punishment.. as with UEFA, FIFA and every other self-important bunch of blue-suited self-appointed bizzies..time for them to be taken to task..its been a LONG time coming!"
ReplyDeleteHillsborough exclusive: Ex-Wembley boss raps apathetic 'what's for lunch' culture of FA grounds comm
What your Birthday says about your love life? Find at
ReplyDeleteProtestors are camping out on the site of a proposed airport in the Rohanne Forest. Support them by telling the French government to abandon this expensive, environmentally destructive
ReplyDeleteChriS SmiTH
ReplyDelete23 December 14:17
first meeting last night ...@ Kozel, Pg last night...then Irish pub..then "Berlin" then tropicana, then back to "berlin"..then woke up in bed..with huge hangover :) argggghhh
ChriS SmiTH updated his status: ""
ReplyDeleteReply to "Post-12th BMM thank you's, impressions & conclusions.." in Balkan mafia :)
36 / Female
Serbia “ Thanks for sharing!
This time of the year I think of those i have “lost” in my life and wish spiritual energy to those in trouble ...or who have suffered many ways..
ReplyDelete; & Dad, Mum ; Jacqui; Carole, Adam, & in difficulties ; Stevan, Triin, “the 96” and of course! …cuvaj Se! Danica!
“ February 2013 Egypt, Morocco, Israel, Turkey or somewhere hot
ReplyDeleteHi there, I got a 2 weeks holidays in February, and want to get somewhere hot, with cheap airplanes tickets available. I'm looking for a travel mate or a bigger party :) If going to a Muslim country at least one male would be necessary. The sooner we buy the tickets the cheaper they are :) I would like to do some sightseeing, meet people and maybe use some sea and dive, wanna go with me?
Klaudia Kubicka
9 people posted 17 times Read the full thread
Micheal O Regan posted in The Irish LFC Fans Gathering 2013
ReplyDeleteMicheal O Regan
10:32pm Dec 23
ChriS SmiTH posted: "u are still number1 for True Red Supporters , Kenny.."
ReplyDeletePodmornica Beogradski Rnr Podrum invited you to her event:
Saturday, December 29 at 10:00pm
Podmornica Beogradski Rnr Podrum and Klub Lepota are guests.
Jolanta Kuprisa added a photo of you.
ChriS SmiTH shared a link Everybody's Fine (2009 film) -...: "some good stuff on on TV thanks, because the party sleith got grounded ands so did I,...this.."
ReplyDeleteEverybody's Fine (2009 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Everybody's Fine is a 2009 American drama film that is written and directed by Kirk Jones, and stars Robert De Niro, Drew Barrymore, Sam Rockwell, and Kate Beckinsale. It is a remake of the Giuseppe Tornatore's Italian film Stanno Tutti Bene.
Charlie the Brits "plastic Santa" :) in bazaar, well done Chas.!(see photo above)
ReplyDeleteChriS SmiTH added a new photo ("censored"?)
ReplyDeleteOnly 10 players???? OK, I'll GO in goal..but I'll wear my own hat , ta! :D
Sevilay Sezer
8:18am Dec 21
Chris ,
How are you? I still could not get reply from Naz. This weekend I am planning to wonrk on the PR of her trip but need to know more about her plans so I can organize some stuff.
ChriS SmiTH posted: "Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell
ReplyDeleteRows and flows of angel hair And ice cream castles in the air And feather canyons everywhere I've looked at clouds * that way
But now they only block the sun They rain and snow on everyone So many things I would have done But clouds got in my way I've looked at clouds from both sides now From up and down, and still somehow It's cloud illusions I recall I really don't know clouds at all
Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels The dizzy dancing way you feel As ev'ry fairy tale comes real I've looked at love that way But now it's just another show You leave 'em laughing when you go And if you care, don't let them know Don't give yourself away
I've looked at love from both sides now From give and take, and still somehow It's love's illusions I recall I really don't know love at all Tears and fears and feeling proud To say "I love you" right out loud Dreams and schemes and circus crowds I've looked at life that way But now old friends are acting strange They shake their heads, they say I've changed Well something's lost, but something's gained In living every day
I've looked at life from both sides now From win and lose and still somehow It's life's illusions I recall I really don't know life at all I've looked at life from both sides now From up and down, and still somehow It's life's illusions I recall I really don't know life at all"
Alba Vidal Cacharrón (friends with ChriS SmiTH) also commented on ChriS SmiTH's photo.
ReplyDeleteAlba wrote: "hahhahahahha nice one!!!!i love it!!!!hahahahhaa" ("FAIRY on tree")
Ivan Simic
1:31am Dec 26 imamo i ovakve erotske pesme
Live at studio underground Danilo Jovičić- truba Milan Simić- bas gitara Jovana Petrović- bubnjevi I...
ChriS SmiTH posted in CS & LIVE r BIRD footy CLUB
ReplyDeleteChriS SmiTH
7:49am Dec 26
December 4, 2011
say something about this album...
Frank Carlyle updated his status: "Got a brand new phone for Christmas, can I work it out? I might be able to, if I knew how to switch the 'Bleedin' thing on!!!!! Merry Christmas each and everyone of you. :-) xxxxxxxxx"
ReplyDeleteSeán wrote: "If u have Scarlett Johanson in ur house... Fair play to ya lol"
ReplyDeleteSemper Fidelis (friends with ChriS SmiTH) commented on REdNeT's photo.
ReplyDeleteSemper wrote: "americans and football.. Just not psbl... Against moder fooball! Against ppl who are destroying everythig that someone was made for years without big money, for with passion, love and commitment to the club! Against ppl who think they can BUY everything! Buy history ang glory? Buy love and spirit!? You can never buy that things! "
ReplyDeleteMany aspects of his life were similar, and so we discussed some "possibilites" for 2013.. as I have had experience in "starting from scratch" I said I would support an idea that could allow him to regain his dignity...but "fate" took a hand
He had been working the "night shift" and visiting his father who had heart & leg complaints...until a few weeks ago it turned critical..Ste had to agree to an amputation of one of his Dads leg to ..prolong the life... but the constant visits to hospital meant he had no time to rest..either give up his night job or...probably...give up his Dad...(?)
what a choice.. I was planning to travel in december..whilst my place in Toloshi needed some renovation..but without a job, Ste could even afford his rent/living expenses, so we agreed I woudl share his larger accomodation...
Only a week ago his father had to have heart surgery, with the risk of failure..maybe he wouldnt survive.. the strain on Ste was bolied over when we argued about what to do..with the projet we planned.
I am the only one who saw the situation..
I was plannign to go to Liverpool enjoy a weekend of footy and party then spend a long 10 days of xmas+ with a nice girl in Vilnius and she planned a special programme, being withOUT "family" myself - most of the recent xmas time (since I split with my last dutch girlfriend 3 years ago) have been killing time
(and memories of those i loved and lost) alone...I was looking forward to it..,
I had to postpone my travels , even though It was difficult to explain to "G" .exactly "why".....then the weather intervened making it almost impossible even to get from Pg to Bg airport ... but i was still stretched COULD i leave this poor depressed guy , who himself was so "down" over the state of his dad, that i feared the worst IF I left him "cope"..
Doctors seemed to load him with all the decisions..2 departments one rseponsible for heart , and the other for the legs (even suggestign they may have to amputate the other) played "ping - pong" with this Dads problems..
then, just ONE WEEK after his Dad had the operation..and less than a week from being in the "intensive care" section..
TODAY, they sent him home. and I had to go with Ste. to pick up his Dad..LITERALLY this is "holiday time" ....
and there is NO "ambulance service " for "non-emegencies" !!!!!
WE had to use 2 taxis to bring back the wheelchair (borrowed from hospital) ...taxis have cost Ste (with my support) more than food or rent this last month!!
His dad is now propped up on a bed-chair in the living room...we shall have to share 24/7 supervision..
the emotions I share ...because...
i didnt say "goodbye" to my own father..this is another "karma story" of my life..
21. 12, 2012... no its not the end of the take care of someone who needs it!
visit a neighbour who is alone? to a stranger who is without a home.. be kind to a man who has no family..he might be you one day ..or me..
p.s. but ...I dont have anyone to depend on, and i dont want ever to be in the same situation as Ste's, even if its a violent death, i hope I go quick, even soon,,please shoot me, rather than die slowly without dignity...""
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
8:20pm Dec 21
Gi, as u are into RED hair ..what about REd Noses?
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
8:33pm Dec 21
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
12:42am Dec 24
"freedom; just another name for nothing left to lose", so i m alone again. i'll make friends with the booze..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun posted in CS & LIVE r BIRD footy CLUB
ReplyDeleteChris East-west Invest Ursun
27 December 11:39
CS Monty-Logic-CLUB |
-CLUB "House-Telling" ; friendly members @ several locations for economy travellers to Balkan region...
Kayla Louisa Welch (friends with Lisa Anne Keen) also commented on Lisa Anne Keen's status.
ReplyDeleteKayla wrote: "Lisa don't u mean bored not board lol xxx :)"
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ReplyDelete27 December 16:30
" SO WHAT " band toniiiiite (thats tonight for english speakers ha ha ) , Sejdefa.(caffe-bar) (ul. Bokeska) Podgorica... great Music! 21,30h
Hugo Staman updated his status: "home sweet home"
ReplyDeleteDolores Alvarez Lmt
ReplyDelete4:10am Dec 28
Hi,how are you doing ?Thank you for the intention to take me for a walk or dinner,is really sad,i would love to share some time with you,and get to know you!
[10:46:09] Chris Smith: had a good nights sleep & my "first aerobics "of the festive season and a long run to pump out the toxic in my body, mind, and i feel good.."xmas"aone..& a strong soul,. :)
ReplyDelete[12:08:43] Chris Smith: travel safe...enjoy the journey...of life
[12:09:47] GI-to-wonderland: thanks,
[13:16:10] Chris Smith: p.s.
[13:18:00] Chris Smith: I suggest u use wizz-flex when booking and join their club, it took me 6 letters but i got back a credit from the extra 115 euros paid to delay my travel... 35 LTL (enough for a drink at your "soulcafe" ..and if u argue with me I will sing there "revenge" :)