![]() | ||
This was My "Profile pic" on FB ; THE TRUTH IS NOT "popular" ! | - |
..Lucky ...13?
let us
"MAKE it so..."
2013, Jan 1
On this night.your first day of your calendar
.... i felt alone in my own dimension, a bit weird like Bill Murray In "groundhog day"...
the same old...but this morning..the curse will break.. ;)
(..and I felt my soul reach out and understand..that I must stay alone...) ;)
"step into another year
its not mine,
but i have no fear
tell the truth until it hurts,
look for a sign
to do your best
be caring for the rest
because we are one
even when we are not
place your utmost in the pot
we share a planet
so dont dump yr sh*te
be the best you can
with all your might..
i dont know U
you dont know me
but we are ALL coinnected
we are..we

in this mad world
looking for kindness
so dont be so cold/..
its "cool" to be selfish
but thats not the way
make your place
make every one a better day"

"About Me"
Hiya, I am ChriSmitH ; a very well known spy, possibly working for the Brits, but maybe a double agent, for "Monty" .. certainly on the side of the REdS and a missionary in Balkans, seeking independence for Liverpool from the oppressive govt! ;)
(truth is I am just a Crazy Alien..lost on this mad planet) ;)
I am based in Montenegro ("Monty") but my heart still Lives in LIVERPOOL ... I would like (if yr "couch is limited") to have some advices of other local CSers that Host...
Why I'd Like to Meet You
because i dodnt manage to travel this time , id like to try again 8-10th march..if u are there.. :) "HaPpY ChRiSmItH" :) to member Ray Morton
Ray> December 17th, 2012 - 10:48 pm
Chris it is now looking very unlikely I will be here in March I have just been haggling over another Camper bus to buy last coupla days so almost certain I will be gettin on the Road end of Jan. You could try my son Daniel who stays when I go away he is on Cs Liverpool too I think Danthemusicman is his non de plume or contact me and i will talk to him...many Chrissmiths and Noble new years to you too...enjoy/...Ray
ChriS> December 20th, 2012 - 3:22 pm
ok, Ray, maybe cu in Monty, take care, enjoy yr CSing,
"HaPpY ChRiSmItH" ;)
December 23rd, 2012 - 6:57 pm
Hiya again, Ray, search didnt find Dan , would u kindly ask him if he could contact me, ta!
Ray Morton, Liverpool, England ; Age: 19 Gender: Male
Grew up in: Liverpool- 'The Pool of Life' Jung on a Wonderous City
City: Liverpool, Merseyside, England Arrival Date: 03/08/2013
December 17th, 2012 - 10:24 pm ==============

January 3rd, 2013 - 1:56 pm
u still not accepted me as CS "friend" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
G> January 3rd, 2013 - 2:09 pm
smth doent work here. dont know how. :P ==========

Milos N> Happy New Year Chris!!
Sure, we should watch a game somewhere together. I am right now in Latvia but I will be back in Serbia in a few days. Let me know when you figure it out if you are coming to Bg or not. :) ==========================
Re: CS13103
Dusko P> Happy new year :)
If you're in Belgrade send me a msg, or a text. I will probably go to a Serbian New Years celebration party with some couchsurfers, you can join us
my phone +381603910303
13103 CS> to "CSer Friends" ..enjoy the best of this year and if u had a good time visiting me - you are welcome and if i dont have enough room on my couch, or in my garden
then OUR CLUB will host you too ; http://www.monty-logic-club.org
ChRiS ;) p.s Dusko, I shd be in Bg w/end 12/13th ..probably ...celebrating another Novo godine ;)
HaPpY ChRiSmItH ;)
https://www.facebook.com/events/195974310527133/ ("kiss a REdHead")I support this project 200% & OUR CLUB does too ! ;)

ChriS > https://www.facebook.com/groups/152996974833540/
CS & LIVE r BIRD footy CLUB ; an open social not for profit club to bring people together who know how to party...
ChriS > be a Global REd = THE best in bed, and everywhere else, it is said!
"G"> · Like
ChriS > I have a REd wig in my room! shall I bring it to V? ...oops...too personal...?
"T" > Red is nice. So is blonde. It's nice to be female and being able to experient so much with our looks.. men can also do it, but.. why don't you? Our original skin is the best of course, and I'll gradually return to blonde; but maybe it'll take a year. My village is wet, and quite lonely. There's little sunlight. I haven't been alone yet, so I'm unsure how I truly feel about being here again, set, for at least some period of time. I'm here, up, listening to Jethro Tull while I really should be sleeping. It's 3 am. Oh, Chris. Hope you're having some exciting dreams www.youtube.com
(Jethro Tull- Pibroch (Cap in Hand), from the album Songs from the Wood.)
ok, this was in '07 BUT a hat DOES make me look "younger" |
,in the winter, i dont shave completely , and let a little bit of hair grow..on my head , sometimes it grows black (my original colour) and sometimes it grows white, the colour nature chooses for me .(!) ;) .... and i wear different hats .. woolley caps and i look young because it has the effect of a wig..making my face smaller.. and more handsome..(?)
![]() |
RED SnoW! :) |
![]() |
CS->"D" |
ChRiS>"D" ..are u in Bg? I just got a bit concerned to know if you were ok...i still care about you...
...I had replies from a couple of people with jobs to offer U.. but i had no contact with U... but, if u are happy with your new job then thats ok, well , i sent u about a 100 messages and a lot of links & info which u probably have not read,,,, :)
so if u want to know, they are there still in your in box I suppose... anyway, I did not travel (for reasons explained in those messages..) and I returned to my renovated rooms in Toloshi (Pg) I had a quiet xmas/new year at home alone.. apart from one night when I got so drunk that I dont remember how i got back to my bed...(and I really needed to get that drunk..to wash away some demons) :) .. this year looks to becoming positive. and the plans for OUR club are coming along despite someone letting me down.. i still need someone to join "the Monty-logic team" ( (http://www.monty-logic-club.org ), but maybe a girl from Ukraine is interested. (to help with OUR club project..) ....I might visit Bg for their "New Year" ..i would be pleased if you
keep in touch.. Cuvaj se! ChRiS
i tried to call, or sms, "D", best wishes of your new year! ChRiS cuvaj se!
"D" >HappY New Year dear Chris, best wishes:)
ChRiS> thanks for the message, are U ok?
"D" > yes, thanks...i didnt have internet some time, and I start with work and I have a lot work aruond New year. Today is my day off and I get a little reast. How are you? And where you now? ===============

It saddens me to see a man going through his mid age crisis and not being able to buy porche........Ah, LIFE isnt fair:(....
Campbell Field Airport> Porsche
Marijana C> RIIIIGHT, spelling NAZZI!!! %$^#&%*^)_%,
Russell G> im happy with a Les paul
ChRiS>Marijana, thats a relevant comment, because the factory that makes them also made tanks for Hitlers armies.. ironic isnt it,?
...that the "west" has bought so many of these & BMW's as a "thank you" for the machinery that devastated most of europe.. this world is completely mad..!

---------------------------------- ChRiS>.. sometimes the "blocks" and "interference" I get on the Net (and especially on F***Book..) reminds me that it wasnt so long ago that a virtual apartheid was applied in the USA and they had commie witch-hunts and persecute anyone who disagrees with "the new world order" the patriot act and other fascist methods the C1A kidnappings of dissidents and secret prisons of various "security" agenies..mind u, the "poodle nations" around the world arent much better..there is NO national government on the planet that fully applies the UDHR signed by all "democracies" in 1948... this year ppl need to wake up..and take responsibility for the planet they live on..(or rather DONT "live" in)
There a saying by Groucho Marx ; "i never want to join a club that would let me be a member" ..its sometimes how i feel about "Life"..and this is a great comment about "relationships" ...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-M3Q2zhGd4
CS> J-nwt, Thanks for the visit, and for bringing the "goodies" (marmite!..chocs, Tea bags ..brown sauce...great for brekkies...) much appreciated , as i didnt travel..

J,IMO! ...you need to ;
a) make a blog, or even just on yr pc note pad..
1) all the frustrations.. with admin here
2) make a list of "tips" what to do, what NOt to do..
(this can be added later onto a co-operative website, if u wish..)
3) get SIGHT of the "claim" from S.L. ..
4) delay/inform S.L. that you are resident here and cannot
attend, copy to your lawyer there, as u dotn know what the claim is about!
5) write a list of a) positives/targets b) problems /negatives
deal pragmatically with achieving a) and reducing b)
most importantly transfer your stress to "paper"
make a "box" on your PC and write any thing that bothers you
(as if it was your "priest"..!) :)
I with visit on the 6th = lets confirm friday on "SkyPe" ok? (to look at yr place for inclusion in the CLUB ...!)

- Renata S>ohhh...man, you are poet:)
nice nice.
My next travel will be in middle of january, to Budapest.
but its for my work, training....
how about you??? anything besides Lithuania?:)
have a nice begining of New year:)

ChRiS> Hiya vesna, best wishes of the year.. do u celebrate the serbian new year "at home"?
ChRiS x
RESPONSE LINK: http://www.couchsurfing.org/send_message.html?id=M7A85TA&mid=16F69CMFA&utm_campaign=message&utm_medium=email&utm_source=cs
KristYna> What a beautiful poem
Thanks. I have sometimes such a feel, everything connected to everything, everyone connected to everyone, but sometimes not. Quite confusing. I bealive that we all have same basis. Like Jung and his theory about collective unconsciousness.ChRiS>. Thanks Kristyna There is a saying by Groucho Marx ; "i never want to join a club that would let me be a member" ..its sometimes how i feel about "Life"..and this is a great comment about "relationships" ...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-M3Q2zhGd4
I’m free, I think. I shut my eyes and think hard and deep about how free I am, but I can’t really understand what it means. All I know is I’m totally alone. All alone in an unfamiliar place, like some solitary explorer who’s lost his compass and his map. Is this what it means to be free? I don’t know, and I give up thinking about it.
ChRiS > well "freedom" depends on your iown ideas.. if u feel it, but sometimes u need to just stiop , slow down and breathe, u are willing to visit here ..we can get lost together

00:40 ChRiS > Podgorica.. !
00:43 Sabina D> i visit podgorica frequently, my cousins live there but now i am in bar, in next to days i will be in sarajevo
00:43 ChRiS > why not make a stop in Pg, would like to meet u.. ?
00:45 Sabina D>maybe some other time, now my familly goes with me... why dont u come to bar sometimes... Bar, u ve been here?
00:46 ChRiS > sure, i often go to surtmore to swim.. but its a bit cold at the moment.. (!)
00:46 Sabina D> cold?
00:47 ChRiS > let me know next time you come to MNE..OK?
00:47 Sabina D> in sarajevo is even colder
00:47ChRiS > Too cold for swimming , I mean ======= (LMAO!) ;)

Nat. Kh>Hi!!
Happy New Year, wish you ALL!! Well, a bit too late since I’ve just
returned from a countryside house where me and some friends had been
staying. But I celebrated with my Mom, quite boring… How was your New
Year day? “At home alone” ?
That’s clear with the “structure”, don’t worry about that…
I’ve started working with my site on wix, it’s in Russian. Hope, I will have something to show you in some days, and than we’ll connect on skype.
Thank you for seeing the owner Anyway, I don’t care much about the lodging, basically, all I need is Internet&WCloset (fresh rhymes!) When are you going to send me the contract? Probably, I will go to the embassy nest week so that to get the visa and forget about the bustle with paper collection, it definitely makes me stressed.
Yes, my “contract” is for 5 month, I’m going to the Elton John’s concert on Sept. 7 in Germany and then travel further there. You know, my passion to music is as big as yours, and I just can not miss this event.
Enjoy first days of new year, and do not drink tooooo much .
I’ve started working with my site on wix, it’s in Russian. Hope, I will have something to show you in some days, and than we’ll connect on skype.
Thank you for seeing the owner Anyway, I don’t care much about the lodging, basically, all I need is Internet&WCloset (fresh rhymes!) When are you going to send me the contract? Probably, I will go to the embassy nest week so that to get the visa and forget about the bustle with paper collection, it definitely makes me stressed.
Yes, my “contract” is for 5 month, I’m going to the Elton John’s concert on Sept. 7 in Germany and then travel further there. You know, my passion to music is as big as yours, and I just can not miss this event.
Enjoy first days of new year, and do not drink tooooo much .
been very quiet..and thats ok becuase it likely to be a very active
spring & summer...havent had anything to drink other than one night
ouT 2 weeks ago! - i shd be able to scan & send u the email
tomorrow. BFN..and special greetings and from OUR CLUB : https://www.facebook.com/groups/152996974833540/
Ana Anee>
CS> Still the most complete footballer in the world.

the Best v the Ugliest (most important match in the World)
the Uglies v THE TEAM from the Beatles hometown is the Biggest club game in the...See more
by: ChriS SmiTH
Photos: 264
Ivan? (REdS party) @ the dubliners? uzice?
Birthday greetings to all TRUE REdS have a special time,on this new day.. & from RedNet
and special greetings and from OUR CLUB : https://www.facebook.com/groups/152996974833540/
someone to watch over me...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E07b0SbWWFc
just one more day..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWrg1kUiAX4
just a gigalo / i aint got no body..
I'm just a gigolo and everywhere I go,
People know the part I'm playin'.
Pay for every dance, sellin' each romance,
Ooohh what they're sayin'?
There will come a day, when youth will pass away,
What will they say about me?
When the end comes I know, there was just a gigolo's
Life goes on without me.
I 'm just a gigolo, everywhere I go,
People know the part I'm playin'.
Pay for every dance, sellin' each romance,
Ooohh what they're sayin'?
And there will come a day and youth will pass away,
What will they say about me?
When the end comes I know, there was just a gigolo's
Life goes on without me.
'Coz I... Ain't got nobody and there's
Nobody cares for me, there's
Nobody cares for me
I'm so sad and lonely, sad and lonely, sad and lonely
Won't some sweet mama come and take a chance with me?
Cause I ain't so bad.
I... Ain't got nobody and there's
Nobody cares for me there's
Nobody cares for me, nobody cares for me, nobody cares for me
(and I'm sing the love song a long time, she was lonely beat)
I... Ain't got nobody and there's
Nobody cares for me there's
Nobody cares for me
I'm so sad and lonely,oh lonely, oh lonely, lonely, lonely
Won't some sweet mama come and rescue me?
Cause I ain't no bad.
(and I'm sing the love song a long time, she was lonely beat)
Baby, mama, sugar, darling
I ain't got nobody baby
And there is nobody
(There is nobody)
There is nobody
(There is nobody)
There is nobody
(There is nobody)
There is no one
(There's no one)
There is no one
(There's no one)
Nobody (repeat several times)
Nobody cares for me
it had to be you... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ipJ2P8duaY&feature=endscreen&NR=1
Random Pics...for TRUE REdS only...
Dec 30, 2012
ReplyDeleteVariety is the key to making wise decisions. You must define your goals and start working toward achieving them. Lately, you are sensitive to flu and cough. You make money fast, but spend it faster.
ChriS SmiTH shared a link MonTV: it is y-our..... MON TV !!!!!...: "http://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2012/12/it-is-y-our-mon-tv-day-after_7845.html"
ReplyDeleteMonTV: it is y-our..... MON TV !!!!! ?..THE DAY AFTER ;
Jan 2, 2013
ReplyDeleteYou should concentrate on accidental acquaintanceships and meetings, rather than on the people you already know. You will soon be able to show how much you excel at completing tasks as compared to others. Light but frequent meals might be a good switch from your usual eating habits. Strong indication that you have total financial security.
Izabela Darabanj updated her status: "Nice job Redsssssssssssssss..........was great to see,the sparkle in the game...we needed that......Lfc,we love you <3"
ReplyDeleteFrank Carlyle updated his status: "Good job the undertaker doesn't get killed in Midsommer, the bodies would be piling up...."
ChriS SmiTH
9:45pm Jan 2
There a saying by Groucho Marx ; "i never want to join a club that would let me be a member" ..its sometimes how i feel about "Life"..and this is a great comment about "relationships" ...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-M3Q2zhGd4
Annie Hall ending
the end of "Annie Hall"...
ChriS SmiTH shared a link Stevie Wonder - Living for the City: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSRyf5G2uI8"
ReplyDeleteStevie Wonder - Living for the City
1973 Motown Time Capsule Video featuring the song Living for the City by Stevie Wonder
ChriS SmiTH shared a link Bill Withers- ''Ain't No Sunshine'': "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBKcAc8VpIw"
ReplyDeleteBill Withers- ''Ain't No Sunshine''
Bill Withers singing Ain't No Sunshine + lyrics
ChriS SmiTH updated his status: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBKcAc8VpIw"
Malek Djaafar (friends with Verica Crevar Ex Radovanovic) also commented on Verica Crevar Ex Radovanovic's photo.
Djaafar wrote: "la nostalgie l'ancien époque waww"
Milos Adzic shared a link https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/h...: "https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/284904_10151461917932573_602567908_n.jpg"
ReplyDeleteJam Session u Podmornici
ReplyDeleteTomorrow at 22:00 - Friday at 02:00 at "Podmornica - Beogradski Rnr Podrum" https://www.facebook.com/podmornica.beogradskirnrpodrum?fref=ts
ChriS SmiTH shared a link This Masquerade - George Benson (1976): "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-ibK5L2a4I"
ReplyDeleteThis Masquerade - George Benson (1976)
"This Masquerade" is a song written by Leon Russell. The song first appeared on the B-side of the single for Russell's 1972 hit "Tight Rope". The song has al...
ChriS SmiTH shared a link John Lennon stand by me: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4_ghOG9JQM"
ReplyDeleteJohn Lennon stand by me
CS>who will............stand by me?
ChriS SmiTH shared a link George Benson Star of a story (X): "https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j0c_MbhIMJ4#!"
ReplyDeleteGeorge Benson Star of a story (X)
An hypnotic groove, giants playing together,a onderful song. Masterpiece!
CS>who will be...the star of my story,,,? ;)
ChriS SmiTH shared a link Mandolin Wind -Lyrics - Rod Stewart: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAyWj8KbY0s"
ReplyDeleteMandolin Wind -Lyrics - Rod Stewart
I have always loved the sound of the mandolin. Mandolin Wind was written and sung by Rod Stewart. It was performed in his 1971 album Every Picture Tells a St...
ChriS SmiTH shared a link Rod Stewart - Every Picture Tells a Story: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmyGa29zIqk"
ReplyDeleteRod Stewart - Every Picture Tells a Story
Private party...just music and my soul.. :)
ChriS SmiTH shared a link David Bowie - Suffragette city: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLnPd7lzT4g"
ReplyDeleteDavid Bowie - Suffragette city
Suffragette city = now domin-HATE?
ChriS SmiTH shared a link Louis Prima - Just a Gigolo: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXRRrpI3-hk"
ReplyDeleteLouis Prima - Just a Gigolo
...'cause I aint so bad.. ;)
ChriS SmiTH
ReplyDelete12:11pm Jan 1
hold on by wilson phillips
i love this song... so i put the lyrics...
Micheal O Regan posted in The Irish LFC Fans Gathering 2013
ReplyDeleteMicheal O Regan
11:07am Jan 1
happy new year to one and all,hopefully 2013 will bring bout full justice for the 96,we wont forget them at the gathering in march.
posted: "earlier today..I went for a walk, the sun waS so strong, that i took off my woolly hat & scarf, undid my jacket, i was sweating.. i went to one of the 2 "local" pubs i frequent in the city...couple of lads told me that I should return later, and that there was a"novo godine (new year) party" in the pub,, ...i spent the afternoon @ "home"..my original plan was to travel..Lp & V.. ..but i had stayed to help someone..who eventually didnt want/need it.. (after i had postponed my flights....) .. the weather improved,,as an ironic twist... so I didnt fancy another "stay at home" night...i only went out once in the last week.. although arguably my "new year" is Celts... "samain" the 1st of november .. " but as the laDS in the pub, who i only saw there, briefly, whenever I am watching "live footy" on tv..had "invited me"..i thought "why not"..? there was a strange feel about Pg this evening,.,..as I walked through the steets with "bangers" (fireworks) going off all over , the sound was more like a "war zone!" ...at the pub only one lad was there and the barman told me that the "private party" started later..but everyone had booked tables 2 weeks earlier.. (when i wasnt there!) one of the owners told me I could stay at a corner table..i ordered a large one, and... drunk it and left... If i had "plannned" to stay, I would have thought about it, as this is one night of the year.. when everything is closed in this city..except for "private parties"..my other "favouraite caffe" was closed too.. but i had "planned to travel" ..the property owners family were also having a party, they told me this afternoon ..offering me a rakija///as "consolation" .. I have drunk a few today and half a bottle of dark rhum..and a large "bambus" ..but i am sober... so, I decided to come "home"...and i'll party another day, another way.. I wish you Strength,freedom, understanding, empathy & consequence.. Your ChRiS xxx"
ReplyDeleteDec 31, 2012
ReplyDeleteTo love simply, you must show love. A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. You may consider loosing some weight. Credit cards lure you to shop for random things you don’t even need.
ChriS SmiTH posted: "had a "quiet time" ,watching tv film.s; matrix 3..."constantin" and "lord of the rings" and identifying my journey with their "fiction" so I am here, I bought a bottle of rum for "company" on the way back from the pub (the RedS in black winning in London..and Rafas blues winning @ goodison..) mixed it wth tea to avoid a big hangover in the morn.. and decided to write.. today i wont fight.. another year i have no fear what can life do..? oh nothing bad if i stay true.. //////...... but why do that? i could stop sport, and get fat.. i write too much (in winter) but miss the human touch.. i am a spiiritual being.. but on this plant seeing.. ...everything.. so i open up my heart its too deep, for a start.. who could catch me now? ...none is slow enough... I need a match..some strength & honesty is there a person to trust..? shall i wait for another dimension..? or choose to stay on this planet..if i must... (I just wrote that in the time it took to think it..) and dedicate it to you, Tr iin...ity.. ChRiS"
ReplyDeleteTorsten Hückmann mentioned you in a comment.
ReplyDeleteTorsten wrote: "@ ChriS SmiTH, 50 pints !"
Micheal O Regan posted in The Irish LFC Fans Gathering 2013
Micheal O Regan
9:40pm Dec 30
i am seriously looking forward to this gathering,cant wait for it to happen and have a super time with all my fellow reds
ChriS SmiTH shared a link SCLOG: Shepherd's Bush burnt by Luis =...: "http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2012/12/shepherds-bush-burnt-by-luis-buck-not.html"
ReplyDeleteSCLOG: Shepherd's Bush burnt by Luis = "buck NOT needed"
- "Vision without Action is merely a dream. Action without Vision is passing the time. Vision with Action can change the world!"
“ February 2013 Egypt, Morocco, Israel, Turkey or somewhere hot
ReplyDeleteHi there, I got a 2 weeks holidays in February, and want to get somewhere hot, with cheap airplanes tickets available. I'm looking for a travel mate or a bigger party :) If going to a Muslim country at least one male would be necessary. The sooner we buy the tickets the cheaper they are :) I would like to do some sightseeing, meet people and maybe use some sea and dive, wanna go with me?
Klaudia Kubicka
by Anita Nagy | 4 people posted 9 times | Read more
Who want to rock South Asia this time? :)
by Mona Zolfaghari | 3 people posted 5 times |
South-East-Asia in February 2013
by Nicola Staender | 3 people posted 3 times |
Travel buddy for end of January - 1-2 weeks
by Tom G | 3 people posted 3 times | Read more
Long travel through Latin America from Cancun from 1.1.2013/el vieje por America Latina empezando de Mexico
by Anna Bolkowska | 3 people posted 3 times |
Italy 2013
by Jason Rivera | 3 people posted 3 times |
Iran - spring 2013
by Rafał Małeska | 2 people posted 4 times |
Invitation to a CS Carpooling group - let´s travel for cheap and ecologically!
by Barbora Hubená | 2 people posted 3 times |
Lets go on a road trip (or Interrail), in the next few days!? (From the UK to southern Europe)
by Ranvir Bassi | 2 people posted 2 times |
Job offers in Jordan / Petra
by Belal Helalat | 2 people posted 2 times | ===========================================
Hiya Kidder,
ReplyDeletewell I warned everyone that associating with me, means u are on the C1A "naughty list" so obvious interference follows... ;)
pity, I wante dto be there "at the moment" .. thoughts with U...
I wanted to get a cheap flight to "party" with U & celebrate your "target" still at least Sevilay is there with u, seems a decent sort.. take care...YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!! ChRiS :)
p.s if u are stayign there a while...let me know, just in case i can get doiwn to istanbul.. BIG HUG
NICRAZ wrote:
>Hi Chris
>Really sorry but you appear to be another person who i ahve replied to a message through couch surfing and the message has disappeared. I think i sent them all on the same day as a glitch in the system as Sevilay and 2 other hosts i messaged didn't receive them either - gggrrrr.
>But i am with Sevilay now in Istanbul and will walk the last 20km to the bosphorus tomorrow morning - think it might be a bit of an emotional day!!
its clear, I am meant to stay alone..to be free to support people who need me, and contest the wrong I meet//...
ReplyDelete; Pro file Email scan to Nat vermillion7777@gmail.com ref BR-elastika 55
ReplyDeleteTo ; VB
cc ; SF
cc ; CS
It is decided that it is only necessary to have the following signed & witnessed by private parties (notar NOT required, nor additional costs by "Special +"))
Ref ; D.O.O. Monty-Logic.
Due to the current and forseeable situation concerning Stevan Faddy, who due to “family crisis & financial restrictions”
Is unable to repay CS the euros 530 advanced. Therefore it is mutually agreed;
Stevan Faddy resigns as sole officer of “D.O.O. Monty Logic” with immediate effect.
The total control & equity of D.O.O Monty-Logic to be transferred with immediate effect without debt or other encumberance and be shared y ;
Danica Stancic
Natella Khachaturova
Who shall share residence of the premises in Blaya Raicevica, Toloshi, 81000 – Podgorica, Crna Gora (“hereafter known as “family hostel Toloshi International”)
Signed __________________Stevan Faddy
Witness _________________Dated________________