have no name...
CSerS in Monty...
are we STILL..
"THE CluB" ?
I was considering about an article about Monty "where the streets have no name" (as its rare if a local can direct you by street names.. they just know the name of the Cafe or whatever/...)

But then...
This morning I spoke to Nora & Flavia about my academy (link ) that although they had been 4 days and nights with me they didnt understand that I invite people to my "academy" @ home for a reason, for social reasons and to share my know-how , experience of life and to share fun & positive times and be honest & direct and tell the truth,
They didnt want to "party" and thought it was ok to suggest I go out alone & "get drunk" so they missed the point..a shame...
I hope they have a good time @ Skadar, I asked Marko to look after them, whilst I then focussed on our footy club , some lads had gone to the beach and "forgot" their agreement to play, its this careless attitude" that is at the source of the world's problems, what the ladies (both teachers) should be explaining to their classes is that CARE for others and human EMPATHY is more important than history or maths or languages, the CULTURE of all people , from wherever should be to CARE..

Raquel A.. seems to care , SHE wrote..." Chris Chris!! How are you?? I just wanted to tell you that I arrived to Istambul!!! I am very very thankful for the time you spent with me in Podgorica, you contributed to make this journey a very enriching experience
I'd like to send you sth before I leave Istambul, so may I ave you adress?
Big big hug from Turkey!
glad U are safe, and u are always welcome to visit, ..as my personal guest not only as a "CSer" keep adding your pics on FB, its good to keep in touch too(snip) cuvaj se
take care, Love X, ChRiS
(Raquel was only with me 24hrs, yet she remembered me and took time ...!
it was a pleasure, and I'd love to have her in Tol-Pg) some more pics she took...Podgorica ; some people claim is "boring" ...and she didnt even TEST the night life.. ;)
this is RAZ! the one who walked to Istanbul..
CSerS comments & "snips"

did I choose to care about you?
i cant forget and dont want to
I wish you had come to stay
and that would make us smile,in every way
this summer, I think I may make a short trip, perhaps rent a car, is there anything special to see in your area, if i visit your town,? I only passed through on the bus (short stop) 2 years ago, so I dont know it!
"Oh, but life is a funny thing
and yet is hard to beat..
for every rose has a THORN!
but the Rose is still sweet..
have i had enough roses in my life?
a girl, a partner, a friend more than one wife?
but I have bled too many times
so i dont care if this poem rhymes .. ! :)"

ChRiS>good, when U want to test yourself, u are welcome... here or there..its nice to know there are Hiiuumaa...n beings on this planet! Liisi, I closed my main Fb , this is only for those i want to retain close contact, are u back home now?? http://cser5.blogspot.com/2013/06/csing-update-dday-dazedd-u-know-what.html
cuvaj se! x
last night another dream
tasted like fruit and cream
as she found me in that dimension
the lady who is supreme (like "Leeloo multipass"...) :D
We walked and talked
ate and danced
romantic , not in some "trance"
and made love that brought new stars
in our universe we healed all scars
its more than I can say
in that place I felt to stay
she values if i have decades,
hundreds or thousands of "earth years"
i have the energy of a boy
but none of those fears..
if only you could see who i could be...
(as it seems no-one in the balkans truly respects my time, I will withdraw until they do or i disappear .. i hope you have enough respect to at least consider my recommendations and wish you a full life..)
Ivona..i hope you understand...about "culture, strangers and relationships"
kako izgleda, niko na balkanu zaista poštuje moje vreme , ja c´u se povuc´i sve dok oni rade , ili ja nestati .. Nadam se da imate dovoljno za najmanje razmotri svoje preporuke i želim vam pun život ..
Cuvaj SE!

Thank you for the card. It is nice to receive news from another part of the world. Talk to you soon"
Chris> I am pleased..and I hope all is well with Jana Eva too, cuvaj se! x
" U found me Justyna Time?"
"...in the last days of your balkan holiday
Justyna came to Pg to stay
VirPazar, Skadar Lake, & Kotor in the way..
Caffe "Berlin" Rakija & an ashtray.. :)
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Church@Skadar Lake... |
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NaGS hEAD pUB - Podgorica |
"Pivo" and the tall guys
3 days based with me , i enjoyed
we danced @ Nags head english pub, ..
avoiding the "nice boys" was wise
so i called this "Justyna time"
just..to make it rhyme?
and that u will know
was a bit sad to cu go! :)"
have a great birthday, and hope we can have a "news year party" there or here, cuvaj se! ChRiS x
Justyna from Lodz, was careful too, she sent several messages and kept in touch about her arrivals plans, it was a pleasure to host someone who has respect, and enjoys herself too, the following sunday 7.7. was her birthday..so we had a "warm up" @ "Ragina Glava"
"From Justyna Plamowska
Lodz, Poland
Jul 14

After the poem Chris wrote about me anything I will write wont be enough:):) Chris is one of the most amazing people I have met on my way during my journeys. He have so many incredible stories about his life, and he is so generous, open minded and whats the most important- he is honest and full of positive energy!! Thank you for amazing time, great evening in Caffe Berlin, for my "before birthday party" and all the things:)Hope to meet you soon:):)"
.............in Podgorica, funny night , she was tall, but a couple of local girls danced with me too, because she was there, and we had "started them"..i like this song (and the original series, by Ridley Scott...)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQREaZEpH1U Alicia & will... say good bye to the world you thought you lived in..
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somewhere inside is "G"... |
Congrats, Gi biked to Vienna, only another 1000kmss to Pg & Me..(its all downhill though) ;)
to paraphrase ; the english think cricket is a game, modern fee-males think love is a game...
war games http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WarGames
a nightmare scenario born out of an american dream? .. even today 30 years later, the film is relevant
as they still have the capapility to wipe human race of the face of this planet... and equalluy dangerous
is the global dependence on computers & automation, which may simply decide to turn...against YOU!

although we may be able to connect with other dimensions of this universe,
do you know the people next to you?? where is your empathy?
be the change..
look around.. take your place ..
and i wish a fond "farewell" to Nelson ...Mandela..

(who, when in opposition to the establishment.. was called "terrorist" by english PM ; Margaret Thatcher!)

Weapons of Male destruction;
just reflecting, but suggest a cause of the "cool" of modern women may be their addiction to "fashion" and shopping for it...
the infatuation with "Looks" rather than content says so much about todays problems..
image & youth ;they dont care who or what I am and would much rather be seen with a "boy toy" ... as I told the girls on sunday, I dont want a "barbie"..
but most modern fee-males just go for the "looks" and bitch about each other??
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"Old School" W M D giving it to a Nazi! |
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SO, Carrie.... hello, another modern "W M D"? |
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but it is "goodBye Carra" |

Lisa, do realise that is bad>>> ??? , not because u chose elsewhere, but when made a decision, U should have told me immediately that u chose another host!!!!!, as I rejected other CSerS because of your request, its not fair to others, u have been in MNE a couple of days already, shall I post a "negative"???
ok I get your point.. i am very sorry about that! I know I should have told you immediately but we were so busy on our trip trying to find places to sleep where we were at the moment and I didn't think that far ahead in that moments .. I mean we are on the road a lot as we are hitch hiking and we have Internet only when we are in cafes where they have wifi ..so we normally only write the most important emails .. I didn't think about Podgorica yet and that you rejected other surfers .. I really didn't !! I am sorry ..I hope you understand and maybe reconsider a negative reference .. I mean situation like that can just happen when you are traveling and everything just gets busy and too much sometimes.. Lisa
Lisa, I wont give u negative, but u are wrong, if u think its less important to tell the people that u have changed your plans, u are lucky to enjoy this Cs project and be hosted by people who share their homes with you, if u disregard the importance of that and dont care that the people are expecting u, and making plans to receive u, even if they seem to be "casual" .. we do not run a hostel/hotel , I host for human & social reasons, to give my visitors a special time, I put your names in my calendar 15th-17th July, and OF COURSE if someone else wants to come to would refuse,UNTIL i know u are not coming, soBE CAREFUL because U choose a method of travel that U like, you MUST respect the time & efforts of other people who care to make u welcoem at their private homes, auf passen! ok?
yap I totally agree with you! you are right in all points and I am sorry! it's good you told me because now I will be more careful!! and of course I appreciate all kind of couch surfing experiences and the people who offer their home.. I dot best not to cause any problems anymore! all the best! lisa
enjoy yr Csing...
A CSer called Karolina, S & a friend wrote to me to say they might be coming, to Pg, its good that she is interested in "beautiful Pg" in my opinion, perhaps other places maybe be more attractive, but the location is good, easy to get to Beach, mountains, Skadar Lake, Oestrog, etc from here but if u want a sociable stopover, check my profile ... for sure, to be "hosted" can be good fun here..."Podgorica by night" all week long..I have 2 girl visitors (Swiss) from Bern stayed last 4 nights here, we had a full programme and they left sunday, i believe they are satisfied because Pg is a great "base" to get around , and I hope u all enjoy Csing, if u come here or not, cuvaj se! ChRiS
Stefan S, also from CH (Lucerne) plans to visit and by coincidence is the friend friend 2 CSers that came LAST year..... how small the wold sometimes is...:)
CS> Hello Liis,
I have hosted visitors from Estonia twice, without major diasters! .. I am waiting to hear from CSers who shd arrive today, as I may be visiting Tara tomorrow, I am not sure if i can host U BOTH , but i might still be able to help, sne dme yr mobile number or go to Caffe Berlin, Njegoseva 24, old town, Podgorica, and ask the bar man to call me.

p.s does yr friend have a profile?
LiiS> NO!
CS> oops! ....not a charmer? ;) ...and this is a typical enquiry I get...
Fiona Van Den B, Groningen, Netherlands
Age: 24 Gender: Female
Grew up in: Niehove, Groningen, The Netherlands
Identity checked & location verified!
References: 44 Vouches: 5 Friends: 54
Arriving: 23/07/2013
Departing: 27/07/2013
Group Size: 1

Dear Chris,
I've read your profile and your references. Those few negative ones don't scare me off :) I've got some replies on my Montenegro requests already, but since my plans will be very vague until the last moment, I'd like to write down your phone number :) Then I can text you when I'm around, and maybe we could meet up :) Thanks for your invitation! I've read your positive references as well, which make me feel like you're a great host! Cheers & smiles, Fiona
I keep a "calendar" of CSerS visiting me , as I get quite a few in the summer, so its important that u tell me in advance which days, at the moment I can host Uboth on couch (with some re-organising of my apartment) or in tent .....its best if u tell me your mobile number to keep in touch in case u are late, as i am not always online, if u can keep in touch, I would be pleased to host..enjoy yr CSing..

after leaving me ... I recommended ;

Sutemore, My contact in Bar says his family dont have place at the beach BUT "everything" is available NICE< and CHEAP," if u negociate...5e per night!
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Kotor |
U can get to "Stari Bar" , Petrovac & Kotor (and a special cafe , a place u can swim from the cafe in the bay, a few metres along the coast)
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Ohrid |
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Jala beach |

Albanian beach "JUNO" (Jala Beach, Vlores, past Durres) or along the coast between Shkodra /ada bojana & PIRANA ;)
...to visit Prizren (kos...the City Hostel is great! & cheap and the city small , pretty and enjoyable...not the night life of course!..another "in joke")
Skopje, Ohrid & we get a group deal for rafting on the Tara ..!
OR, stay @ Kotor, and go back to Zg , via Herz. Novi (to please "Z") ,
Mostar, Sarajevo and/or Banja Luka (very pretty with River) there is a bus connection to Zg from B.Luka..
IF u want me to visit you (without OBLIGATION) @ Sutemore OR Kotor, please tell me via sms the day before, at least, if not ..cuvaj se!
p.s. this is our FB club group... for Flavia; i will post info & pics (etc) on there from time to time..
A no ra & Fla vi a
Didn’t catch the first plane
Didn’t land in “Pirana”
But we went to Z@MK on a train
@ Tolosi & In Lodge they stayed
Z said its ok that we have not paid
Days @ beo-Jez, park, Lake & stream
Didn’t worry even if “that one” ..she was mean
Not really, the 2 were a treat
Most of the big boys watched them
Walk down the street
As they flew to Pg, We had plenty to say,,,
Memories there are many
Turquoise water, no rafting this time
I am struggling to keep this..
also In rhyme
Some laughs with Z & son too
He tried to light a fire with a “plane” -its true!
He liked to show nature, not for monetary gain
Funny guy, talks a lot, & a litte insane..
On the first night “flaming” said SH*T
But no one noticed it..(*it was flav!)
So off to the monastery (Oestrog) they went
Cheap buses, hitching , not much holiday money spent..
So,to the last days with me
breakfasts and milk with HER tea
The evening to come a grill together
Not much rain they had sunny weather
To be continued....

I will be sad when they are gone monday! :) ?
(william Tell)
Thw start of their story...
CS> sms>Hiya Nora, If I dont meet U in person, I can send a cheaper taxi, I wont tell u address as the neighbours dont speak english, I mioght be in town, & I like to greet Csers personally myself, so please confirm airline and flight number (for the taxi driver to meet U) and please tell me the name of your friend? so I know who i am hosting, ok, take care, ChRiS
Thanks for your message. We are still sitting at the
Airport because we missed the flight! We probably
Arrive tomorrow early afternoon at the airport. Yes,
We would like to stay with you tomorrow night, if we get
A flight.(snip)
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A rainbow for ANora & Fla Via Sun and a little rain.. |
Hello Nora,
u dont have a flight yet, so when U do , let me know the airline and flight details, as the airport taxis are expensive.. I decided not to go to Tara today, luckily, but I need u to keep in touch, preferably via sms , as i am not always on line ... tel ----------- hope u solve yr problems!
btw what is the name of yr friend?
Ola Woszczyna
July 5th, 2013 - 5:23 pm
About Me
I'm Ola and I'm looking for a host from 14.07 to 15.07 in Podgorica. Me and my friend Maciek (both from Poland) planed a BALKAN - TRIP lasting for 3 weeks and our stop will be right there in Podgorica. We will appreciate every help from you (we can even sleep on the floor)! We would like to walk through the city to see some interesting old building or monuments or just to see around and in the evenings we want to enjoy the nightlife maybe or just to spend time with you! What might be also interesting we are going to hitchhiking to Podgorica and all the way further.
Why I'd Like to Meet You
You seems to be very opend minded person who is having the time of life and that is very important ! I can seethat you and me and my friend maciek would like each other and we will spend great time together!:)
ChriS >
July 6th, 2013 - 2:05 pm
Hello Ola, I saw your request, i see u are young and new to this idea, u have no references, and as u are hitch-hiking sometimes people mis-calculate their arrival schedule. so I suggest U tell me yr mobile phone number and your accurate arrivate date when u know it, for sure..ok?
take care, ChRiS
p.s does Maciek have a profile too?
They didnt come....and didnt write, thats NOT "POLITE"
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holidays for ChriS "he's not the Messiah, he's......a VERY Naughty BOY! |
MinnA T> Positive
Chris... the most interesting man in the world! He is full of stories from his adventures all over the world and always interested in getting to know more people. He is very welcoming and helpful with his suggestions on things to see and do in the area. He came along with me for a day trip to Virpizar, invited me over for dinner, and even gave me a t-shirt to remember him by. Thank you for your hospitality Chris.

For Minna T , Alhambra, United States
..that ref. deserves a "poem" ..for Minna!
so the lass from L.A
came for dinner one day
we hadnt been far
to the lake @ Virpazar

short and sweet
and somewhat "neat"
Minna, you are welcome ..again
so dont forget to "pen"
please keep in touch! cuvaj se! ChRiS

Subject: My13616 ChRiS-Minna
some extra notes/tips
Look for Facebook friend VUK ivanovic (Kotor) he also knows a lot about local tourism.. to keep fit u can walk up to the ruins above Kotor and see the whole natural harbour.. U can sit in a bayside caffe and swim off the side (dont use their "beach" - too basic!)
I recmmended Piran (Slovenia) where we stayed..
contact; Hostel Piran, Vodopivceva 9, Hostel Piran, Vodopivceva 9
www.hostelpiran.com FYI ; (our Balkan Mafia meeting link) :)
p/s. It ocurred to me that I met both "Max an MInna" this week! :)
Subject: My13615CS proposals for Balkans Tour (7 weeks)
[do not respond directly to this email, use the link]
Pg->(we "done" VirPazar/Skadar lake ...) Sutemore(Bar) or take bus from Ulcinj -> Tirana->Juno Jal beach (lots of quiet albanian beaches, check with local Csers)

Prstina - Tara Canyon(Rafting?) & river ..(Monty) . (not Bg) -> Novi Sad -> Sarajevo -> (Mostar bridge) -> Dubrovnik (if u must!) -> Spilt & Zadar
- Rijeka -> (& highly recommended ; Prain small fishing village with nice hostel and atmosphere) ...
Route 2 ... (relaxed ; Sutemore -> Ulcinj (take bus to an albanian coastal location (probably VIA Tirana) -back up coast to Monty - Kotor
(nice hostel) -> Split -> Zadar -> (ask locals about the islands) -> Piran
btw there is the "caves" near Koper (Slovenia) shd be a bus from Piran(?)
after Piran u can get to Ljubljana or Trieste and from there (bus or train) to Vienna quite easily..
keep in touch (if u want)
p.s. (shd cu later for shopping & dinner @ my garden in Toloshi)
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how about all you CSerS doing this????????????????????????? |
Evren from Istanbul..I was worried ..
I wrote this for her..

So a day at Virpazar and on Skadar Lake...
we later ate fresh fish and home-made cake
Evren , I like U and what you make.
....even if, with u, i am talking too much,
......for goodness sake...! x
;) x
p.s. the view after u left...
She added me, then suddenly//her FB profile was gone?
......... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=430362850392185
but then...
Evren K.>

June 28th, 2013 - 12:30 pm
Hi Chris
I am back. I've written some sms answers while i was still in Montenegro. I couldn't be sure about weather you recieved or not. Beause it was a different number. Below you can see:
Thnx Chris. I enjoy staying by myself and listen my inner voice ;) i guess i would like to keep it how it is. When i reach Kotor i am going to decide my route there. Take care
It was really tiring climbing up to the fortress. I am going to stay in Kotor and my friend will drop me to the airport. I am not sure weather you recieve this sms or not. Nice to meet you and have a nice summer. Evren
I had chance to check my couchsurf inbox just now. Thank you for your poem ;)
Have a nice sunny and enjoyable summer
ChriS >
June 28th, 2013 - 1:49 pm
I am SO glad to read something from you (i dont know what u mean about different number but i didnt get any sms before u arrived or whilst u were in MNE!) I sent several messages too but I dont think u got them , THEN when you added me on FB, and the profile got deleted I was VERY concerned, I respect your choices I just wanted u to know I enjoyed your company and would have been (and will be) happy to meet you again.. I know u will be busy , but i would like to keep in touch, I heard from CSer Elif that things there are "quieter" (?) but maybe I could visit when u have time..if we can plan it so that I can get an economy deal.. I dont expect u to react, & also dont expect U to have time to write references.. I say what i mean! & i meant what i said to you! :) cuvaj se (take care) ChRiS x (but i would like you to add me again on FB!) :)
p.s. ONE of my blogs... http://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-full-monty-ala-chris.html
Message has been sent to Elif Irem Koç
Here is a copy of the email that was sent:
Subject: 13627 ChRiS-Elif, a favour?
Hiy, I hope u are well..?
I hosted 2 people recently , I recommended U to Raquel a girl from Barcelona and..
?? Evren Kose was the name she used.. she was in Taxim recently and after our contact, she went to Budva, and her FB disappeared, her phone didnt answer and she didnt "log in" ..IF u can , without too much trouble" make sure she is ok, i would be obliged.. (u get another free stay in Pg and boat trip ..ok?) :)
really dont know if its sure, but she told me she was organising a TV programme for kids...
take care
cuvaj se
ChRiS x
and another CSing "ghost" who never arrived....
CS> Hiya & Bonjour Marion! :)
so, U should arrive 25th and stay 2 nights?
U dont say whether u will H-H or arrive by bus?
I am almost certainly available to host U and show u Podgorica, and if u want also Skadar lake etc and the surrounding area..etc etc.
it would help if u confirm and tell me yr mobile number to make meeting easier. ... I am not so "cool" i am quite warm... ha ha !
actually its about 35c at the moment..HOT..
enjoy yr CSing and I hope to meet U next week (from yr comments I suppose u already checked my profile and visitor comments, I had 2 different french girls stay with me last year, and i wont mind speaking yr language, if U have problems with mine)
take care
a bientot!
and I gave some tips to the lovely Raquel after she left pg...
Skopje ;
Gorjan (funny lad!)
(i also have contacts with young Lfc fans who showed me skopje, I can send u their mobile numbers or facebook links. .. for example ; a young guy ; Fikla ; tel 8888888888888 ) they can show u the pub where I met them in Skopje..
Thessaloniki, https://www.couchsurfing.org/people/superlam/ Elizabeth nice / funny girl ;
Istanbul ;

enjoy Csing..

in a short time , i enjoyed your company,and hope one day
you will come to stay ...in "Monty"
take care and be the best you can be! :)
ChriS x
R>Hey there! Thank u a lot for the invitation :) i love o get to know u hut i hope that iam not only a number ;)
My phone number is 0034..............................
CS>Hello Raquel, have u found a host? how do u plan to arrive here? bus , train, plane?Hiya , I can show u Podgorica , Skadar lake & other (less well known) parts of this region , we have a party @ weekend, we can talk and walk, too ;) I suggest U send me yr mobile number, check my profile & comments to see if u woudl be "comfortable" staying with me...enjoy Csing in the BalKANS! cHrIs
Raquel A
Bern, Switzerland
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Grew up in: Barcelona
References: 16
Friends: 9
Arriving: 06/20/2013
Departing: 06/22/2013
Raquels Pics of Pg;

then there are those that seem "nice" ..but...
The Conversation with Jana Kurpiša started June 11
Chris >
hosting u in Montenegro?

Jana Kurpiša
oh, you're Chris Smith?:)
how long are u going to be in the Balkans?
Jana Kurpiša
from this Friday till 30th of June
Chris >
ok, well the 2 latvian girls Maija and Jolanta (Kuprisa?) enjoyed their stay (check their comments on my profile!) .. we also went to skadar lake and had aboat trip and enjoyed the social life (good in Podgorica, not too many tourists) and had long talks & walks .. will u stay one or 2 nights with me?
i had a couple of negatives too so read my profile, I am not always as sweet as U, ha ha... but most of my guests had positive experience.. I am direct and expect my guests to be open and honest with me too..
let me know yr mobile number so we can keep in touch and so i can meet u at the bus station...
usually i dont host any Csers who havbe no previous references .. but I will hope u are who u say u are ! cuvaj se! (take care) vidimo se! (see you!) ChRiS
Jana Kurpiša
Kuprisa- yeah, it's similar but not the same as my surname.
I'll planing take the night train on 23th of June to Kosovo, so it would be one night. tomorrow I'm planning to make a schedule of all my trains, buses so I'll let you know.
negative comments - yes, I read them. but no one is always perfect! and I also appreciate honesty in people!
My Slovene number -> + 386 040617364
My Latvian number -> + 371 26296700
I use both of them!
wow, that could be really great if we could already meet in bus station.
and thank you very much for making exception with me! I really appreciate that!:)
take care you too,
Chris >keep in touch!
ok just now got yr Latvian sms ! keep me informed of yr plans..! vidimo se!
WE had a lot of communications , she also told me she was planning to go from Podgorica to Pristina and she CONFIRMED a request for me to HOST her the next weekend in PG!

Jana Kurpiša
thanks for the inviting in Balkan page.
I'm not sure if I get correctly the message - ''weekend 22/23..6.13 2 x car places x available Pg -> Tara and Pg - Pristina''
so is there a car from Pg to Pristina on 23.06. at 6:13? [am or pm?]
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ah, its a surprise.. ! i decided to re-arrange my weekend party to include u,:) I was going to rent a car next month, but i will be driving ! so as u are staying with me, I suggest u take one place from Pg to Pristina, OK?
WE discussed plans and my party & I told her she dont need to worry about costs as she would be my guest at party, just a few euros for fuel (half the bus fare!) for the car ride! I said she can buy breakfast or4 something or do the washing up before u leave ha ha ! (?)
Jana Kurpiša> of course about the fuel! I just have to really calculate my expenses for this trip. and then in the evening back on 22th of June? it could be great to see Podgorica too and thank you for your kindness!
Chris> ok, we'll have to pack in a lot... i enjoy the company of visitors if they have positive attitude... so its good for me too! ..and taking CSerS around has helped me get to know more locals too!
if u can be here an extra day,i am sure u wont regret it
(i mean be here friday & saturday night?)
u are lucky because most of these things I would have done on 23 may (for my birthday) but i postponed because ppl didnt come, due to extreme weather back then.. etc
Jana Kurpiša
actually, not, I was planning to be in Podgorice on 22th of June. and then stay also on 23 of June and in the evening take my night bus to Prishtina. I have already arranged CS there. that was my initial plan! so your party will be 22-23.06. or just 22.06.? and greetings for previous birthday!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun

Jana Kurpiša
ok, I will try to be as soon as possible! hmm now I start to think to be on 21st of June, then I could visit the capital and the weekend with you and then take night bus on Sunday's night. it could be possible?
Chris >
my couch is available to you that weekend, its NO problem for me.. and either u take the bus OR u could still drive with me so u are @ yr host monday 24th!
WE continued to discuss the plans but it was clear she would stay , just some details about her time of arrival..
Jana Kurpiša
by the way, where we will sleep in that weekend? I don't have sleeping bag
Chris >
its not far from Pg to Skadar etc , 20 mins so , as i said, u can stay on my couch! (Pg)
Jana Kurpiša
aaa oh ok, I understood that this lake is quite far way. ok, perfect! thanks!
June 13
Chris >
ok i'll meet u, at 05h (22 june) then u can sleep a bit on my couch before we go to the lake in the afternoon.... dont worry about the plan & seeing Podgorica, we will see Virpazar then Podgorica at night and then sunday see another area, by day, U will be in Pristina monday moprning ( as I reserved a car for those days,) so dont worry I will work things out so that u enjoy as much of Montenegro as possible that weekend! ..btw do u drink wine or beer?
June 13
WE kept in contact...but...
June 15
Jana Kurpiša
hvala! now I am in Zagreb

June 16
Chris >
where next?
June 16
Jana Kurpiša
Tomorrow - Plitvice lakes, evening Zagreb, and on 18th of June - Banja Luka
Chris >B. Luka is pretty too.. have fun!
June 19
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
hows things progressing>??
Chris> i am considering writing a CS reference about you, question is; do u deserve a positive or negative?
i note that u made it to Pris. with Sarali Hall Lindkvist ? any reason why i should not write a negative CS ref. for wasting my time???
Jana Kurpiša
Chris, you are in CS for a long time, so you should be aware that traveling not always goes as it planned. in my case, unfortunately, it happened too. the bus,which I wanted to take to Podgorica from Mostar wasn't existing in the end. in addition, I needed to go to another town to get to Podgorica. but that's not all, few buses were cancelled from that town. so if I would go to Podgorica, then I could get there only for Sunday and not even full day so I decided to stay longer in Mostar.

Sarali - yeah,I met her in Prishtina for few hours as she is my good friend but thats my own business,not yours.an as you know after PG I wanted to go to Kosovo. yeah, I changed my plans about Montenegro but in other countries after my stupid situation with buses I just tried to be back on plan.
I already said to you that I am really sorry for this situation and I am quite surprised about your letter, because if you are wise,adult man and meeting travelers for many years via CS then you should know that traveling cant be always fixed as the person would like to. I informed you as soon I got to know the transport problem.
hope for your understanding,
Chris >
yes I do know that things can go wrong, but i also know that you could have chosen to come to Pg, u know full well that there are buses direct from Sarajevo, u made a selfish choice to go elsewhere, and didnt care that i had re-arranged my weekend to accomodate you,
i am older and probably wiser, but that is not your excuse to treat my invitation lightly..i can appreciate you are "surprised" because u only see things from YOUR side..?????
this sort of "careless" attitude on Couchsurfing is becoming far too frequent when surfers dont care that if i keep a place for you, i also REJECT requests from others during that time.. (and as I say, this was a special tiome..too)
i usually have only one plaCE to offer, and like myself gets a lot of visits (i realise thats my choice) i do my best to accomodate, i kept specially in touch with u, because this was a special weekend, and I planned a party .. certain aspects ..and i think you must have seen and u acknowledged that i kept in touch (vuia FB) ..I mentioned Sarali, because IMO , u simply jumped Pg to be with yr buddy
.. ignoring that i already told you that I included u in my weekend plans and that I even was prepared to "invite you" (gratis) to the lake party and share my car to pristina.. i have found out on friday u weren't coming.. i understand very well... but i believe you acted unreasonably, I have not given you a negative reference..yet!
p.s. I hope u give other hosts more respect!
Seen 8:26pm
Jana> as I said Im truly sorry and, of course, I changed my plans according to my plans, but as I wrote you I even couldnt get to PG at that time as we talked, so if we watch the situation from positive side, then thats good that I didnt come and bother you in the middle of your party.
hope that no one of us will not have to face such situations often and hope to better cooperation!
good luck!
Chris >
you dont want to understand do you??? , i repeat , (i know english is not your language) ...but I made special plans so that i could be at the bus station on 05h..and I kept a place for you, (your change disrupted MY plaans..)
.i rejected other activities so I could host you, i learnt only less than 24hrs before that you were not coming, you could have taken a bus to Pg, with a little bit of effort but you chose NOT to come..
...without any care. on the contrary just look how much care i gave to you, look at all the FB messages..and think carefully before you write any more.. really take some time aand read the words carefully..
. i see that you are new, but maybe u want to continue with this..and hope you host people and then start to seee what i mean...perhaps only when someone does this to you, you will then understand ..right now i dont get the message that you are "sorry" other than writing that word very easily..
how it should be.....

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Giving it "FIVE" outside Loerrach 's "Colditz" |
[do not respond directly to this email, use the link]
good for u! I thought i made it clear, just something to confirm, that no Serbs in the BMM had problems (Prizren) , as some of my Serb contacts are nervous to attend my meeting..
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ask the Serbs who this is? |
>Just got back from Croatia ;-)
>What exactly do I have to write in Serbian?

>ChriS SmiTH wrote:
>>Hiya Vesna,
>>due to the negativity at BMM & the disruption of my owm special birthday party plans..I have decided to plan a belated meeting with others in September..("kosovo")
>>some serbian contacts are nervous, but as I recall none of the Serbs who came to Prizren had "trouble" ? maybe you could write a paragraph or a few words in your/their language to say that?
>>when/if u have time
13707 sunday footy?
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These are mature compared to some of ouir "MNE MEN" |
THIS WAS the notice...
As the Facebook notice, the first meeting of the Podgorica International football club is planned for 20,30h @ the "Toloshi balloon" (Pg) sunday 7.7.2013 and to play a "friendly test match" = 1 hour @ 1 euro each - please inform y-our friends
THIS is the "reality"....
Shanks would have kicked them into touch!

F S G dont respect Shanks idealism, or Kenny, or Rafa
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even @ Brazil demos a REd is a RED! |

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REd Lads are everywhere...here and there & on the beach @ Oz. |

we are the Club......................about to explode y-our Universe :)

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A great film and superb acting ; Good Will Hunting.. |
dont worry about the "detail" of the story..IF YOU get the message and the "spirit" within..
IF U get to LIVERPOOL..go to..."The Cavern" |
PICs to wake YOU up or to make you SMILE

THIS IS...................?......
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