"no GOOD deed goes unpunished" ?)
Its MY life;
"no GOOD deed goes unpunished" ?)
Its MY life;
this is confidential, but u may continue if u have been given this link.. I write this for myself, and in the hope that my 2 estranged children, and anyone who one day may care ...can know me a bit better, because NO-ONE does!..
This is the time of the year when the male suicide rate is at its highest..anyone care? ...Its monday morning 19th november, a bit grey after some fine short-sleeve weather, the power was cut, and another reminder that nature's storms can easily make all the global technology "impotent"
..that humans use their brains & spirit, and not rely on machines & hi-tech..
over the experience that business wants to sell you everything to make you a slave to the system's production..
People wonder what i do with my time....
..... that our 7 million fans (including the core supporters that understand well what we are fighting for) protect our CLUb from "franchise infestors" & commercial exploitation
There's co-ordinating u.r.s.u.n.'s own co-ordinators (Universal REdS Supporters Union Network), its various local & international groups & posting @ https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041 and articles @ http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/
http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2012/10/creds-rebellion-update.html ;
........... "poster campaign" action @ https://www.facebook.com/events/304868639628448/
Plus "other alternatives" @ UnSub..link
organise events & post links & info from OUR CLUB>>> http://www.facebook.com/groups/152996974833540
such as;
FREE Training & LIfe coaching ; http://www.facebook.com/events/480796615299039/
(lessons of Life..such as Rocky, Nature is smart!) ;)
http://antichrismith.blogspot.com/2012/10/am-i-deadly-serious-red-pill-anti-chris.html ; being the "Anti-ChriS" ;
that I will find a good woman, who understands & believes The Best relationship: Talk like best friends, play like children, argue like husband & wife, protect each other like brother & sister.
Santana ; (link) no one to depend on... (except me!) ;)
.....or is there..out there, any........one? :)
"just a Gigolo , I aint got nobody.." (i'll probably sing this at my next birthday party, because I 'm not expecting anyone to match me....)
Marie B, made me smile, with this>
"Once again this year, I've had requests for my Vodka Christmas Cake recipe so here goes. Please keep in your files as I am beginning to get tired of typing this up every year! (Made mine this morning!!!!) 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 cup water, 1 tsp. salt , 1 cup brown sugar, Lemon juice, 4 large eggs, Nuts, 1

If the fried druit getas stuck in the beaterers, just pry it loose with a drewscriver Sample the Vodka to test for tonsisticity. Next, sift 2 cups of salt, or something. Check the Vodka. Now shit shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window. Finish the Vodka and wipe the counter with the cat." ;)
CS>i should try that with Vino, or rakija...in the mood I am in!!

121118 > Its mid - november and i'm sitting outside in the garden having brunch! thats "Monty" ;)
I wrote with M-Law
that my son will know me, but experience says that hes tainted by his mother's contrary & possesive "anti-ChriS" german-feminist propganda
my son;
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MY son...Leon! &...? |
that modern women will have empathy, and men will stop letting fee-males get away with murder (virtual) just to appease them or get in their pants! ...This is the time of the year when the male suicide rate is at its highest..anyone care? ...men need also to get some "balance" and stop "chasing barbie"..
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WHY?, so we become slaves to modern women's moods?? |
or doe she still want to "pass the buck" when the going gets tough?
M is a bright lady, living in Lp, but (at the moment) dont want to share, has been like that for a while, but its obviously her choice if she dont want to discuss it, I am in my own mood right now, so maybe its for the best that we dont "clash".
her buddy "Sean S" seems to think its a contest, (with me) and "I dont know what i am talking about",
i am not interested in "p*ssing contests" with guys (or girls) :0 ..all this "political correct" BS....and people lose their sense of humour.
Its ironic how some ppl (especially on the net, on "social media" like FB can easy insult, but without ever actually debating why...of justifying their insults. The Net has made global communication easier, BUT, it seems still so many dont use it to..."communicate" fairly and honestly..

Sean decided to swear, I dont care about 4-letter words, but its sad that someone cant argue without foul language or insult.its all a bit silly, dont know why he is upset with me, if he wants to have an argument , I'm ok with it, but if he disagrees , i can handle that, just swearing @ each other is not my style..
and I dont need enemies - there are enough yank ers trying to block my campaign etc.. and as its my estranged little girls b'day next week and my deceased Jacquie b'day too..i am not in the mood EITHER! take care, sorry to bother U, M, I read the "banter" with yr mates on yr wall with a "tinge of jealousy" The last time I had mates like that was either after school or with the lads when I was captain of the local footy team and we used to have a party nearly every saturday at each others houses, with wives girlfriends etc, and if any moved house, we'd help out etc..================
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"Ms Harvey"; how ..real? , how true? , are YOU? |
CSerS notes
Charlotta a Dane? CSmail from New York..(hoax?)
CS> ok, "Charlotta the Viking" , as CS is an informal org. U dont need to cancel it, I wont complain ;) ..I understand ...! i only mean that its a good idea for u to familiarise yourself with the people who u meet in this group, to check if they/we/me fit your hopes... that is why i suggested u look at my profile,,and yes if U let me know your plans I WILL show you this city, and share a fun time ..if U need assistance with selecting hostel/hotel I have contacts with economic locations IF that helps you...keep in touch, ChriS
=====================Dobra Dan i ==========
on skype ; please add me ( chrismith.csema ) if U want to continue?
take CARE, ChriS
121117 I watched the classic Casablanca... I related to the line by "Rick" (played by Humphrey Bogart .."insides kicked out" ; when talking about how SHE had left him standing ... (ah, a feeling I know too well..) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_a57ZNlU6o&feature=related
...for empathy....equality, honesty and understanding from...herChriStorY Confidential; Dobar Dan I = daily diary with "Ms Harvey"
why "Ms Harvey"? ...because I invited her, HOPING over experience, that she had shown some empathy when we met in Budva, ignoring the "experience" with her & "Meaner" (Mina)...and when I got to the group, she was delayed so that Vesna and some others thought I had "invented" her (like the 2 metres tall invisible rabbit, in the old film "Harvey" ..
maybe I did "invent" her, and maybe this is just another script taken out from "ChriStory" ??? ("Dobar Dan"= "Good day")

I just returned from about 30 mins running HARD, to burn "excess energy" (its a "male thing"!) :)
it is now about 10h when I am writing, when (IF?) you read this perhaps YOU think "oh no, another message from ChriS!!!???"... ;)
I wish u had stayed with & tal ed to me instead of going back to Bg after Prizren, thats when I needed you the most ..but that wound was just "covered up" ... and the "bandage" unravelled every time I write to you..or remember..
You wrote in the sms about the "homeless" teaching you about living for now, I have been "homeless" more than half my life = MY choice..!!
and I would challenge you, & them, to say that I would prefer to show you how to "balance" yesterday ., with tomorrow and TODAY...
D, YOu are the "lost" child, (ez 25.17) ...in my life NOW... not my lost wife , not my lost daughter..but you are MORE than replacing them..
you dont know it - you may not WANT it...but thats who U are ..right now, because I need you, and you need me..to find yourself..
The open wounds I carry,
the pain of losing Noela, - who was brutally kidnapped during a violent ambush near our home..
and Jacqui, (the last person I trusted..even after we seperated.she was my ONLY friend..) who her family buried on MY birthday, without even telling me..
....can be hEALED with your help, and you will find yourself with my help..
I am happy you found some positives in Bg, find good people, offer your help, dont think about your ego..GIVE ..
I miss the intimacy we STARTED in prizren...instead you insulted me, and i wasnt ready for that..my fault! I am more experienced than you ...and should have not been so weak to be hurt by you...but I am not perfect and never wanted to be ..I am spiritual being having a HUMAN experience..
I love you in the deepest way. not like anyone else you know. and its your choice to feed the "beast" to find excuses NOT to share with me in Pg, or make a choice to help repair the pain of Prizren, I cant , I WONT even try to persuade you, if you dont have any positive feelings
...or U may want to bury me,with your "independence" , thats a choice too..I can only HOPE that you know we have touched souls and have a positive reason ..and I would like to have some fun together, because I am a lot of FUN, when you know me..
your "Crazy ChriS" :)
(Skype) 121116
CS> : Yes I am "crazy" about, U too!; I NEED communication, at a painful time, I HAVE to smile through it, I know ppl who have bigger problems than me.. I have to use my energy..am running hard, VERY hard, ..if u travel, be safe, I care, Cuvaj se, ChriSx
Hiya D, ...U dont have to reply,I know u have less money, I send U good energy & I know what U mean, I tell EVERYone=because I survived "hell" many times, BUT,when I am alone, & time to think, especially this time,
on 28th is little Noela's birthday, i miss her hugs, & on 1st december; Jacqui, my wife who died 6 years ago,would have birthday too!-
I support everyone,in many ways, but, sometimes, just sometimes, it woudl be nice if someone cared about me!
- i do my best to be STRONG, but...I need to share..I told U in Prizren, I want to trust you..but..do U trust me? have a good weekend, cuvaj se
(pics etc of enemy; Ganushka Klynova, "Anna"@BMM)
Yes, "Crazy" about U! ;)
2 basques visited me yesterday, gone this morning , so I am staying in, watching film "jackie Brown"..
U are a good one, what U did in Bg, proves again that what should progress.. safe travel(!)
scene from a tarantino film (Jacke Brown) ...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qkrGcTjWFY ............Pam Grier and Robert Forster in the last scene of "Jackie Brown". "Across 110th Street" By Bobby Womack
LOOK D, i dont want promises, this is TOO important , I dont want, sympathy, i want truth empathy , understanding and I believe in YOU, without explanation,
YOU will come if its important to you...
I am so happy that you do something for the people, and it just confirms my STRONG, so strong, belief that WE can do so much together, for so many people, if your action . IF OUR LIVES.... mean anything , we are at the beginning of a new world..WE can make..
PLEASE dont worry about money, I will pay for yr bus fare to come here...look in my heart if U trust me??
.because I didnt convince you before, and because I didnt expect our time in Prizren to be cut short by that ...
give me some days over next week to explain what is possible and yes, I do want U to come to repair us too , and to build on it..for you, for me and for everbody..
words on the internet are not enough...so, I NEED U to look in my eyes and then decide what U believe!...
cuvaj se!
Dobra Dan i
Let me FIRST explain that this has NOTHING to do with our previous communications..
I just HAVE to SHARE this with "someone"
.......about 06h ..i woke up this morning from a deep dream..
as I can remember ..the scene was somewhere where i used to play as a kid, but i dont know if i was a kid or my age
i didnt see myself, just felt everythign as if i was awake..
there were 2 girls.. "around me"
I couldnt see their faces but there were known yo me..somehow, newly known ..
and after some time ...I sat down on the grass near a sea wall with one , and started to talk,
i think ..i was holding her hand ... and then the other one sort of knelt in fron to me and slid ther body over me (she wasnt naked) until her face was above me..
then kissed me, so deep and with so much meanign and feelings like I can never remember being kissed before..
the warmth that kiss gave me is still with me now, hours later...
and the music now playing repeatedly in my head is..this.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCdoEb6YA00
...no comment / bez kommentar !!! ..
I dont expect a response from you... just ...I just needed to share ..;0
ChriS x
(Joe Jackson - Is She Really Going Out With Him)
I am Crazy! ;)
D> yes you are;)
CS> U are TOO! some party photos of U on Fb!!! ..a bit difficult
still in Bg??
kako si? ...(in serpski, molim?) :) serbski :)
kad ti odu iz Beograda?
do u keep the same phone number when u are @ home??
da li zadržati isti broj telefona kada ste kod kuc´e ?
have a good weekend... imaju dobar vikend i bezbedan put kuc´i
(Enemy; Ganushka Klynova, "Anna"@BMM)
--------- ---------------------------------------
PREVIOUS "script"
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Noela before ambush, Hope over experience to hold her again.. |
an open social not for profit club to bring people together who know how to party & enjoy themselves no matter where they come from & to enjoy & develop social & fun events and tournies ;) ..and MORE (charitable or social events & not-for profit projects)
CS>Thanks for “hosting” me , & the “bed & breakfast” ;) ..U snore by the way! ..I woke up about 8h and half dozed slept until about 11h...
Yr alarm, the neighbours etc ..i couldn’t sleep on, and probably was a good idea to get out of yr way
But head, heart & SOUL was “buzzing” with ideas & positivity form our meeting, I hope mina’s negative waves don’t disturb U too much more
Because I had things I want ed to say to avoid misunderstanding, U are welcome to visit me (I have separate room where the girls sleep) after u leave budva (or sooner!) even a short visit (to at least return my shorts, that I used a towel after I showered at yours!)
Mina (meaner?) has a lot of energy but needs to be “centre of attraction” what we call a “drama queen” if she could direct that energy into positive things and attitude she could be a lovely girl, but at the moment she is “trouble”
I want to share ideas with U, to involve U in the club and subsequent charity activities (even if U don’t come to our project) we can discuss in Pg and again in December (i should be in BG about 12/13th December if not before... let me know when U are going to be there (and please send me a link to yr Bg “street kids” group..) molim
I would like to show u all I know and exchange with U, (and learn yr language / mentality) in short I feel we could great things together for ourselves & most importantly for others who need support..
Take care/cuvaj se!
ChriS x (this is a kiss on the cheek!-dont panic! ) ;)
The circle’s round. The Balkan meetings started in Serbia and now we end the 1st season in Kosovo. It’s been a fun time at every of the semiannual meetings in past 6 years, therefore the Balkan Mafia family invites you to join us at our 12th Balkan meeting to be held in one of the most historical cities...
will u please come to Pg, I would like to meet u before u leave MNE!
D>I think I traveling tonight, but I think that I don't have a time to stay in Podgorica....we see in Belgrade:-)
CS>Hiya, I wont be in Bg until december, I wanted to say, IF u need a place to stay (free) i have a room here in Pg, just so u know,,,and anyway would like to see U. and talk about our project, it looks very positive for next year..i would have invited u to a special meeting of our club 1-5 november in Prizren too, as my guest, but I respect if u have other plans.. for now! :) hope u keep positive! and take care ..cuvaj se !! :)
if u have skype - we can stay in contact ; (chrismith.csema )
D>Just now I don't have time to stay in Pg, but for meeting in Prizren I find a time! It's look so interesanting:-) yes we be in contact I hope we see in a short time
CS>ok, I have added u to the Prizren meeting as my guest..confirm as soon as possible.. dont forget U promised to write when u have time.. :) (with dictionary!) do u keep yr promises?
D>I always keep my promises:-) I'm so happy because I be with you in Prozren, Sorry Prizren
CS> Dobro! have a safe journey tonight ! x
October 23
hows things with U, D*****, are u ok?
October 25

October 26
D***** S******> Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Sorry...You probably expect me earlyer but I have some obligation in Belgrade, and now I finaly at my home:))) But as you know I don't be at home a long time and my family and frends waiting on me, so I be a few days with them...Now I again online =D Probably I can take bus to Prizren in 2th november from Belgrade...and I be in Prizren in the evening...only I need to check can I crossing a Kosovo bord with old Bosnian passport...tomorrow I know more information...take care and see you in a short time :)
CS>Ok D***** I have made a proper reservation at the hostel for you too! and u are my guest, so I am there already from november 1 , It is city hostel (u can see all information @ http://www.couchsurfing.org/meetings.html?mid=172948 ... ) so I wait for u there...do u have a mobile phone number? if so send me a sms on 00382 686 14427 as I wont always be on line next weekend...! ok? ..looking forward to share time with U again.. ChriS x
no news from u??..i expect to see u by friday in Prizren, the people there tell me there are no problems for yr bosnian passport! until then ChriS x ... (please tell me yr mobile phone number as I wont be on line from thursday!) mine ; 00382 686 *****
October 30
DS>ok..I travel to Belgrade tonight, and tomorrow I buy phone number, and after that I send to you sms...
CS>ok Hvala! D*****, dobro! :)
are u ok??
November 4
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DS & ****s |
CS>i wanted to share this event with U, as during our meeting in budva u seemd to much more than being just another pretty girl, u seemd to have a heart and care for other people, and that impressed me so much!!!but it was a sad end to a time that started so well, as i was in a very good mood...and i had registered & paid for U, for the whole programmme 1-4 november, then u told me u would come friday, then U missed the bus, then i ddint know if u were coming (short sms) u had already missed the friday evening...I missed my sleep worrying if u were ok or if u were coming..or not.
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DS goes wild, as creep smiles..waiting to hit on her? |
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hmmmmmmmmmmmm sad & bad , caused a fight |
and i explained the club project next year and really wanted u in my life and especially in this project which will be very positive and creative..but last night when u exagerated the situation after getting drunk and performing with Anna etc, attracting guys to hit on u too. that local guy tried to come between u and her and u over-reacted hitting him with your elbow, he got angry and then I pushed him away from U two...
that got ME into trouble..so, U left the room without even using it for one day, so it was a waste, my problem , not yours of course, because i trusted U, and thats what i really need, someone to trust...a hope against experience as since my coma women have burnt me, stealing my children and using me, I keep hoping that I COULD meet a girl like u,
(seemed to be) but..
u talk about "humanity" welll thats not being human...
and i am sad, for trusting u was MY MISTAKE..so congratulations, YOU won!!! i am sad and have a bitter taste ..again from this even and a n oppositie opinion of U.. .."harvey" ! I know u wont like this but its true!!
Honesty Billy Joel
November 5
CS>u think its too late to bother?, but...IF u still want to know who i was/am...
... try couchsurfing profile @ Podgorica "CHRI5MITH"
& part of my "banned" blog...
C(h)riS’ is STORY book2 1995-2004 -> Noela
(by "popular request" ..extracts from "ChriStorY-booktoo " you have got to get in to get out" …continued ( see previous blog). first a recap of key/relevant points ...)
November 6
CS> u probably wont be able to understand my email...but I always live in hope ...for humanity... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iczaDcixBj4
Seal - Love's Divine (Video)o)
November 8
D*****, I dont know if u got this message from my main private email... but I forgive you for the damage done...I hope U keep in touch, but if U dont I hope that U focus on the POSITIVE spirit and avoid negative people, I wished U chose our project not "massage" or shipping..but its your life & your consequences..
ChriS x
CS> Dear D*****,
It is always a bit strange to come home to an empty house...
I propose that you will not read this, as you may have decided that I dont matter anymore
- thats your choice, so even if i am writing this to cleaR my heart & mind , I send it to you...anyway ;-
during the 8 hours bus journey, sitting alone, as no-one speaks my language, and it seems after this weekend that it is unlikely you will want to help me with that...I obviously had a LOT of time to reflect on the recnt "weekend drama" and you and my own status ..
nature helped me... as i watched the variety of colours on the changing tree-leaves, that beauty reflected by the raging torrent of the river, then Seal's song "Love divine"( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iczaDcixBj4 ) reminded me of you ...and me...nature & the universe and energy!!
other "relevant music" seemed to fit the mood... and then the driver played "honesty" on his CD.. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3GtAnO66o ) and "stand by me" …. what irony! :)
such beautiful saturday afternoon, contrasting with such a bitter saturday night...
I had until this moment today, a sick feeling in my stomach, of course I have to overcome my "tumour" alone ..I cant remember this sort of feeling since my coma,,, but I am not "alone" ; Nature is my co-operative partner, we connect!!
I am one with nature = alone! <smile> and its beautiful..
but..I am often in contrast to the universe..but I must avoid making this a "personal attack"
I do give to people too easily, & care are TOO much, that is "humanity" and being human to the people I meet, and you, especially
because you touched my heart in Budva and in Prizren with what felt like empathy, not just another "pretty girl"… I believe..
you wrote a VERY short reply to my long facebook message,,, "you have problem, sorry" ..that isn’t a very clear message, is it?....
what Problem?
I know its a problem for you that I STILL care about YOU!!!
(even after being hurt & embarassed by you, & insulted by you in a meeting of people I want to enjoy!)
its NOT all your FAULT!!! , Anna and a couple of the guys, I didnt know before this weekend, "came on to you"....they were insensitive to my situation, with NO respect for the FACT that you were obviously MY guest, and its WRONG to do what they did with you...to cause problems for a fellow member..I had been more than friendly to ALL of them before you arrived.!!!!
Its also party MY fault, because I ignored the warning of you kissing Mina, and that she obvuiously felt she had reason to be jealous about me!
remember we agreed that we both have HIGH ENERGY which causes "effects" around us...? I want to believe YOU MEANT everything you said (sober!) .I really do!
(DS> "I always keep my promises:-) I'm so happy because I be with you in Prozren, Sorry Prizren")....?
.......? what ARE YOU "sorry" about????
or ..did you mean that my problem is you?? contradicting all the things we agreed about during the afternoon?
offering yourself to man, woman or "beast" as "available! and "NOT WITH CHRIS"
...did the word "guest" on room 14 door offend YOU???????????
- why didn’t you have your name on it?.
.because your communications were brief,I often waited for answers and so many balkan people had broken promises to me (you said you would WRITE a long message to me..well..) at least you EVENTUALLY came to Prizren...to "be with me" (as YOU WROTE in your email)
i REPEAT ; to be WITH ME, not Anna, nor Rudi or Cameron...or whoever...
WE talked about Humanity, isn’t that caring about each other...?
...did YOU CARE about me??? how I would feel when you publicly stormed out , of the paRTY!,& out of OUR room?? when YOU seemd to want to be "centre of attraction" (Mina/Kim?)
WE talked about selfish fee-males... who "want to be man & woman" ...who want to have it all?

....who were YOU saturday night?? selfish woman who wanted to be a man, I joked about "harvey" but that "joke" became sour , ????
YOU thought I was angry because of "jealousy"... but it was NOT that, it WAS disrespect!! :-
a) because YOU contradicted who you told me you were ..even though I had "protected" you and RESPECTED ..and TRUSTED you!!
b) those people who were supposed to be "friends in the CS family" were being more than rude, they were PUBLICLY showing disrespect
I did NOT invite you to Prizren to have SEX, but i DID INVITE YOU to SHARE with you spend TIME ...WITH YOU...too!!
a GOOD INTENT to build a POSITIVE ENERGY and TRUST between US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SURE, you probably have a beautiful body, and S U R E, i am a MAN, who also enjoys MAKING LOVE...even if I haven’t had a girlfriend since I
left my beautiful dutch girlfriend because she turned into a B*TCH when she got drunk and cheated etc etc
...I repeat I did NOT invite you for SEX,
I did not EXPECT you to prefer me instead of all the younger, more handsome men (or women) that may chase you.. ….I know this is NOT "cool" , but one day you will know I am the most truthful person you know, and you may be too late, for you and others who need you!
I BELIEVE YOU have a massive potential , IF YOu FEED the energy in a positive way...I Believe I am capable of showing you the way to take over from me when I leave this planet..sooner than later! and I Believe one day you will know who I AM! and who YOU should BE!
I offered you a special place and an equal participation in OUR club project, I offered you free accomodation in the meantime, I offered you
ALL I know.
..but i did NOT say all of that in exchange for SEX, so stop your insults & over-reaction!!

D***** S******>My dear Chris, I sitting few days and thinkin whats gona happend in Prizren...we drinkinking and dancing and after that incident everything be crash. Iam so sorry if I hurt you but I am very independent person, and if somebody wants to obtrusion something on me I have over reakcion. It is far and wide famous serbian spit. It is something in our mentality. And when you told me than I am your guest and and lalala I feld like you wont to obstrucion me, and like you be kinde and now I must be greatiful...I think if you give somthing never dont to expect something to reverse. Because its stop to be present its become sale...I ride to you leter when translate letter
a n i,
1) I am SO happy that U replied... because i have "disease" ..i have some bad feeling and have been so low that I got a flu , and I NEVER get flu ..
2) U misunderstood, i didnt expect gratitude but also did not want u to act like a stranger suddenly .

I am also independent but respect for others is a balance ...and i was indeed shocked that u could change so much within one day, even if I have had so many bad experiences, maybe I wished u to be someone i could trust TOO much... i only meant as my guest I expect u to have dignity for yourself as well as myself..
I did not expect anything exceot U to be reasonable and NOT like the women we complained about saturday afternoon during that beautiful time, I did NOT invite you for any other reason than to SHARE a good event , to exchange information and stories & I hoped you would be my "drinking/dance partner" (but that is hope over experience)
YES it hurt me, you hurt me, and I hurt myself by allowing u inside my wall...
anyway ,I hope U can come to terms with yourself,, I have written perhaps too much, but its a good test for your english ! (thats me trying to make a joke! u will surely need to ask many questions to understand the depth of my words!!??? ) :) I dont know if we can repair...anything, I hope so, but i dont expect ANYthing from you that you dont want to do.. I just always hope that I will find someone on this planet with humanity & trustworthy..
cuvaj se!

i am NEVER sick...so ...U had an "effect" on me, but not in the way I hoped!
i am a "giver" sorry about that!! :)
D***** S******> If you fell better I be sick few days and today I fell some better
CS>u want me to correct your english? :)
DS> yes please
CS>i think you mean to say
"hope you feel better, I was sick for a few days, and today I feel a bit better!"
D>:) yes Now it looks better
CS>i feel a lot better now, because I was worried about you, even if you dont want me to worry or care.. and I would like you to understand that long letter, because I need you to understand me, even if I NEVER meet you again!
D***** S******>anand when you ask me am I woman or man or beast I can tell you Iam evrithing of those
and I cant be so different of today world
CS>I know what WE can ALL be... me too!
DS> I trying
CS>which is why I wanted so much to bring you into a positive project..
and thats another reason why I also "reacted" because ......(well I already wrote too much about that)
yes there is beast , but there is goodness in you, IF i thought you were no good, I would NOT invite you, I know plenty of beasts...
I shared many secrets with you... and you touched my soul for a few moments.. so I was unprepared..

Pulp Fiction - Ending Scene
Jules: There's a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny...
last sentens is my favorit
it is never ending fight
CS>if you are busy I will cut off - I can also meet you on skype another time... If you ever find time to read through the hundreds of "blogs" that I have written..you will find I have repeated that quotation many times...
i have been lucky... i learnt how to be strong..until last saturday! ..but I
will be ok ...now..
DS>ok I must translate so many things because on serbian language we have so many thiny things to better understand sense
man learn to the ending his life
CS>"because on serbian language there are many tiny things necessary to know to understand the sense" (?)
DS>on serbian- covek se uci dok je živ:)
the sense of sentence
CS>please (!) dont forget that I come from a culture, as a child which taught me to give, and the land of "please & thank you" ..it can be small ...but important ...
I am always learning... ;) THANK YOU! :)
D***** S******> different colture, different language give a different sense of sentence

CS> but some people NEVER learn... and never give, always take... and learn nothing from "having it all"
DS>in future I be careffuly with small words on the and of sentence
thank you because we have another chanse to better understude
CS>I hope that there is "future" but I dont EXPECT anything from you... I learnt another lesson last weekend.. but I ask you ("politely") to please , some day, soon, to read and translate the long email I sent..because ...just "because" :)
i felt so frustrated and angry with you & me & everyone that I could not, and cannot communicate these feelings in your language..and thats now my priority and I made a decision to learn from January I will take 2/3 hours a day...I never want to feel this way again...
I am also (another time?) on skype ; chrismith.csema
so the positive result, from the "drama" will BE, that I WILL improve my languages :)
btw , this is my favourite scene from a tarantino film (Jacke Brown) ...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qkrGcTjWFY
Pam Grier and Robert Forster in the last scene of "Jackie Brown". "Across 110th Street" By Bobby Womack I was the third brother of five, Doing whatever I had...
to correct your last sentence.. :) :-
thank you because we have another chance to better understand (each other) :) ..and I thank you for not running too far away! :) i am here until december then I plan to go through Bg ..then to Liverpool & Baltic states..
we had an extreme clash of cultures... do we survive..?
The reason I stayed In contact, with YOU, after U hurt me, and yourself!! is because ...........I know YOU! i was you a long time ago... I hurt people that I should have loved & cared for ...by being ME...letting the beast out... IF you want to handle that, then I will help you help yourself... i only expect decent treatment for you to respect me and yourself to be a human being..with humanity..
I know you are NOT Mina or Kim...
I am having connection problems again, so, I dont know If YOU want to continue contact, anyway, I wish you well, and hope have a good life! i also hope U understand me, one day! cuvaj se, laku noc! ChriS x
this ....spontaneous last night before I went to bed (early!) ..
a poem for you...
"the things I might do,
If I care through ,
a poem for us two,
because I care about you..
we go through life
a man , a child, sometimes a wife
looking for answers on the way..
yet not even knowing what to say..
when I met a being
she was not seeing
who or what I am
others said it was a scam
the BEAT in me, the beast in her
the wolf i choose to feed
i want to be human
but the man in me has need
have I the right to show I care
do you know I am (t)here?
I really want you to be aware
I trust, I dare, to share...
..with you....
a poem for you...
"the things I might do,
If I care through ,
a poem for us two,
because I care about you..
we go through life
a man , a child, sometimes a wife
looking for answers on the way..
yet not even knowing what to say..
when I met a being
she was not seeing
who or what I am
others said it was a scam
the BEAT in me, the beast in her
the wolf i choose to feed
i want to be human
but the man in me has need
have I the right to show I care
do you know I am (t)here?
I really want you to be aware
I trust, I dare, to share...
..with you....

if U can teach me serbian in 3 months - u can live here rent/food free!
too much??
FREE training & life coaching
March 1, 2013
November 9
..... I am active, I communicate a lot, MORE than you... ;) ... so ...I reflected today, that last saturday was the worst night since 3 years.. it should have been the best, I want to make something positive happen..even after that .....perhaps I made you too important because I lost everyone i cared about, and I let myself get close to you and opened up myself.. ... i am a very emotional person, and that means i give a lot ... of me... but i have such a lot to give this world...so you can decide that you should be "cool" and walk away from my offer.. or realise that you and I can do something TRULY great combining our energies in a positive way and still be independent & free ... i keep the door open..!
DS>I never decide nothing, I just felling
if you right person to be in my life or if I right person for your way...we fell it..dont worry
i dont have so much net to use so my msg is so short
CS> i need communication... and I need to care about you! whether u real;ise it or not, we met for a big reason..
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children."
my decisions are made through spiritual feeling (& universal experience) ;)
Dobar Dan
i, i get the message that U are only online a short time, whn U FEEL its important ..contact me, there is reason.. ChriS :)
i hope u dont mind, because I am also offline sometimes, I sent a long message on this SPECIAL day via Vera, reply if/when U get the feeling.;
DS>ok:9 its not problem...now I have some problems about job and apartmant and many....but I hope for couple days probably I finde some job
CS> ok , just know (and I DO know U want to stay independent) I have a spare room u can use (free ...or in exchange for teaching me serbian) if u need a place to stay now.. "no strings attached" vcuvaj se..
D***, yes I have heart, but NOT only, I am not stupid,
I propose ; IF u dont find job this week come to Pg. (i pay bus fare, food and U can have my room as I can sleep another place, so u dont feel oppressed)
...so, ..dont look for job, barmaid, masseuse, or on ship, teach me serbian & help me,& be at the start of something WONDERFUL ,u can BE IN,
I am here until 4th december then i start moving until january.
..i want u in the start of this project, MOLIM!!!! :)
PLEASE dont ALWAYS BE so stubborn!
... ok????

btw-in case u forgot...:) this is me, exactly a year ago, (above) @ a snobs party at the coast, the reason I am not dancing is that I broke my ankle playing footy the wek before.. ;) i am the one without hair...
Dobra DaN
I really mean that i want you to help me,(learn serbian) and I want you to be part of this project, to help you too. and
...I also REALLY DONT want that last memory of you in the hostel to be in my mind, I want to get that out of me, and meet u psoitively! soon as possible!! :) ChriS x
last night I watched 2 old films...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FiX7qWUbgA (entrapment , Connery & Zeta-Jones) strange, but,,,this film and "blind date" (Nadya is played as comedy by Kim basinger ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_Date_%281987_film%29 ..with Bruce Willis, reminded me of you ???
and I want your personal help, to purge those bad feelings we had, on 28th Novemmber my 11 year old daughter has a birthday, who I love (who i havent seen since several years, because of her cheating mother) and I really would not want to be alone, if you are with me planning positive things...It would ease me, molim!
D***** S******> Dobar dan Chris!:) How are you? As you know I have some limited with useing net, but when you call me yesterday, I was busy...No, I didnt finde a job....:) but I finde one group young people who is so enthusiast, and now I spent my time with them. I join in their akcion about help a homeless. And all day yesterday we colect a food and clothing, and last nigh we walking arond the city looking for a homless and givin them a cop of hot tea, or same meal package...There so many people on the street, it is horrible....so sad...And we go to the visit in shelter for adult person and in Belgrade there only one!!! And that shelter have 80 place, and inside is 130 people!!! And there are people who go aut from jail, and its they some kind of recovery, and there are people who have a serious mental problem, and there is one part *normal* people but all they is so poor and they family left they or they just alone....and we go to speak with them, because as thay say...its not hard be poor and weak, much wors is because normal people turn head on other side...and for homeless is equally important nice word like food...
Next weekend I go to home because we have mention for my granny, she was diad in January...And I stay at home cuple days...but 28. is Wednesday, and maybe if I get enugh many, maybe I can come in Pg on one or two days...but I cant to promise nothing...
LOOK Danica, i dont want promises, this is TOO important , I dont want, sympathy, i want truth empathy , understanding and I believe in YOU, without explanation,
YOU will come if its important to you...
I am so happy that you do something for the people, and it just confirms my STRONG, so strong, belief that WE can do so much together, for so many people, if your action . IF OUR LIVES.... mean anything , we are at the beginning of a new world..WE can make..
PLEASE dont worry about money, I will pay for yr bus fare to come here...look in my heart if U trust me??
.because I didnt convince you before, and because I didnt expect our time in Prizren to be cut short by that ...
give me some days over next week to explain what is possible and yes, I do want U to come to repair us too , and to build on it..for you, for me and for everbody..
words on the internet are not enough...so, I NEED U to look in my eyes and then decide what U believe!...
cuvaj se!
Dobra Dan i
Let me FIRST explain that this has NOTHING to do with our previous communications..
I just HAVE to SHARE this with "someone"
.......about 06h ..i woke up this morning from a deep dream..
as I can remember ..the scene was somewhere where i used to play as a kid, but i dont know if i was a kid or my age
i didnt see myself, just felt everythign as if i was awake..
there were 2 girls.. "around me"
I couldnt see their faces but there were known yo me..somehow, newly known ..
and after some time ...I sat down on the grass near a sea wall with one , and started to talk,
i think ..i was holding her hand ... and then the other one sort of knelt in fron to me and slid ther body over me (she wasnt naked) until her face was above me..
then kissed me, so deep and with so much meanign and feelings like I can never remember being kissed before..
the warmth that kiss gave me is still with me now, hours later...
and the music now playing repeatedly in my head is..this..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCdoEb6YA00
...no comment / bez kommentar !!! ..
I dont expect a response from you... just ...I just needed to share ..;0
ChriS x
Joe Jackson - Is She Really Going Out With Him
I am Crazy! ;)
D***** S******> yes you are;)
CS> U are TOO! some party photos of U on Fb!!! ..a bit difficult
still in Bg??
kako si? ...(in serpski, molim?) :) serbski :)
kad ti odu iz Beograda?
do u keep the same phone number when u are @ home??
da li zadržati isti broj telefona kada ste kod kuc´e ?
have a good weekend... imaju dobar vikend i bezbedan put kuc´i
[21:12:01] Chris Smith: Hi **-to-wonderland! I’d like to add you on Skype. Chris Smith
[21:30:42] GI-to-wonderland: GI-to-wonderland has shared contact details with Chris Smith.
[21:31:46] GI-to-wonderland: hi!
[21:31:53] GI-to-wonderland: are you here?
[21:32:08] Chris Smith: yes!
[21:32:25] GI-to-wonderland: great! :)
[21:32:37] Chris Smith: WHY DO u want to know about wizz air..?
[21:33:44] GI-to-wonderland: hm
[21:34:12] GI-to-wonderland: Im planing to go to holland for New Years Eve
[21:34:21] GI-to-wonderland: visit my friend
[21:34:35] GI-to-wonderland: and checked flights
[21:35:36] GI-to-wonderland: they have discount with card, so was wondering if somebody has and how worth it is to get one
[21:35:59] Chris Smith: for me its worth it, u use it a couple of times and u get yr money back..
[21:36:16] Chris Smith: btw which date will u fly, because....?
[21:37:32] GI-to-wonderland: 28- 29
[21:37:51] GI-to-wonderland: I have a guest till 27 :)
[21:39:18] Chris Smith: that very nice to know.....im not sure how I wil return from Vilniius.. i havent planned that yet, ..and if u travel to holland I might visit my old team mates ... i lived in Holland /belgium for a few years and know a few people in Zwolle, where will u stay?
[21:40:50] Chris Smith: we could fly together?? if u want, please let me know when u decide, and i will either fly to NL and take a long journey back.. or to Bergamo and come back via slovenia..etc..
[21:42:24] Chris Smith: so ...are U shocked, or are u scared i will meet yr dutch boyfriend?? :)
[21:44:03] GI-to-wonderland: :)))))))))
[21:44:10] Chris Smith: its funny "communicatign with you" we seem to have a conversation, then I get cut off and ..then another contact a week later!!! ..?? (clap)
[21:44:36] GI-to-wonderland: i was texting my other friend
[21:44:43] GI-to-wonderland: you are not cut!
[21:45:07] GI-to-wonderland: just we are used to diffrent types of communications
[21:45:17] GI-to-wonderland: that's all ;)
[21:45:20] Chris Smith: (:|
[21:46:01] GI-to-wonderland: I'll fligh with my girlfriend most likely and you are welcome to join
[21:46:29] GI-to-wonderland: I will stay at her place
[21:47:17] Chris Smith: in hamster?
[21:48:33] Chris Smith: (think)
[21:49:23] GI-to-wonderland: amsterdam
[21:49:38] GI-to-wonderland: we are thinking to fly to Edinhover
[21:49:59] GI-to-wonderland: Eindhoveno (EIN)
[21:50:13] GI-to-wonderland: and then take a bus to amsterdam
[21:50:27] Chris Smith: ivanhoe, ? or eindhoven :) i'll have to check with the lads in Zwolle, if they want to "host" me for new years, i've still got their door key from 3 years ago, but i'm not sure if they have moved, I knwo one of them is now in prague..
[21:51:15] Chris Smith: mind u eindhoven is also close to where I lived in belgium...I spent 50/50 of my time between the 2 countries between 2006-2009
[21:51:46] GI-to-wonderland: where didnt you live ? :)
[21:51:56] Chris Smith: baltics!!! ;)
[21:52:24] Chris Smith: i am a baltic virgin, be gentle with me!
[21:52:53] Chris Smith: btw who is that in your picture?
[21:53:34] GI-to-wonderland: I made a joke in one of the airports
[21:53:56] GI-to-wonderland: all the people there very sad there and I was reading the magazine
[21:54:08] GI-to-wonderland: then I saw this man in a picture
[21:54:46] GI-to-wonderland: so I put it on my face and walked to the plane like that :D
[21:55:11] GI-to-wonderland: my mom receded me
[21:55:13] GI-to-wonderland: :)
[21:55:22] Chris Smith: receded?
[21:55:35] Chris Smith: u mean denied?
[21:55:46] Chris Smith: ignored?
[21:56:45] GI-to-wonderland: yesss.....
[21:57:42] GI-to-wonderland: she was too embarrassed
[21:58:02] GI-to-wonderland: but my sister found it funny :)
[21:58:47] Chris Smith: nice joke! :)
[21:59:54] Chris Smith: once I met a senegalese friend at a german airport and made a sing that said "welcome King xxxx of senegal" ..ppl were reacting very funny..
[22:00:03] Chris Smith: sign
[22:00:27] GI-to-wonderland: :)
[22:01:50] Chris Smith: is there any time difference? , its 22h here!
[22:02:25] GI-to-wonderland: its 23
[22:02:28] GI-to-wonderland: in LT
[22:02:39] GI-to-wonderland: and Il about to go to bed
[22:03:48] Chris Smith: ok then I wish u bon nuit, laku noc, , buenos noces, Bouno notte! & SWEAT DREAMS (I have had some vivid ones recently..!) :)
[22:04:03] Chris Smith: goodnight! :)
[22:05:30] GI-to-wonderland: :D
[22:06:07] Chris Smith: SWEET
[22:06:20] Chris Smith: oops..! :)
[22:06:43] GI-to-wonderland: polyglot ;)
[22:06:52] Chris Smith: same to U!
[22:07:28] GI-to-wonderland: you too, have a good rest!
[22:08:09] Chris Smith: thanks ...goodnight! (what is it in yr langauge?)
[22:13:07] GI-to-wonderland: labanakt
[22:13:23] GI-to-wonderland: (hug)
[22:14:00] Chris Smith: ok thanks "Labanakt" x (sun)
ChriS SMITH > "My little girl Noela , Kidnapped following a violent ambush in the Alsatian forest near our home several years ago, shall be ELEVEN (11) Years old on 28th November 2012
I have no Info about where, or more important, HOW she is… her german mother (Margit Streifeneder) disappeared and a policeman in Dublin is the last person to know where she is
… IF you WANT to help me put pressure on to at least get some form of contact send a birthday card to Noela ; (pic on the right taken when she was living with me)
send birthday / postcard/letter to Noela Via;-
(ref Noela)
"Garda Station"
Clontarf Road,
Dublin 3
Ireland (Eire)
Thank you in advance
Network of Estranged Parents and Abused Kids created an event.
(Message /Birthday card for stolen Noela)
SmiTH shared a link
SKYFALL - Official Trailer: "SKYFALL - as I
myself am a "mature agent" i really enjoyed seeing a film where the
male hero is over 21...Judi Dench played her part too, (looks a bit like my
scottish grannie, bless her soul, almost as scarey) ;) Daniels makes a decent
Bond, IMO best bond since Sean (Connery, for U kids) good story, and not so
many SFX either..yes good fun, not like the real thing though ;) ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kw1UVovByw"
........... "poster campaign"
lessons of Life ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaaVs5W6T6s&feature=share
ChriS SmiTH shared a link Casablanca Best Scene-Play it sam! For...: "a classic.. ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_a57ZNlU6o&feature=related"
or beautifully wild...fee males !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHHQZIZiIqA
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