Thursday, February 24, 2022

updating the puzzle of ChrRiS ...then & now...


Hiya Zorro, I looked for you , ...last couple of days , but did not see you, NOR "Kristina" ..something big at Mamula??

CSERS log ...

so ...the puzzle continues

after Linda, (who also moved stock from (what) wine warehouse to Seabrook s account at another place!
(just to rub salt in my wounds) the "officers of the court" (a bunch of jackal lawyers) had also taken all the wines stacked in our house hallway (sent to me from suppliers to test) arguably they were my property but the all-inclusive nuclear weapon called "anton pillar moravi injunction" covers everything, except the clothes were wearing, as I said they had simultaneously RAIDED our corporate lawyers, accountants, wine bar & warehouse, and of course (Jaqui's) home ..

that was tough... especially on Jacqui, because they (probably urged on by the "solicitors" ...BTW that  is a good word for them, same as prostitutes, they "solicit" !)  accused Jacqui alongside me, so she could (although unlikely) have been punished, and maybe imprisoned had they proven the accusations of FRAUD against us ..

The action, however , has so extreme , and as it was MY eight companies accusing us (rather than Linda & brother Mike) 
when we eventually got to court , 3 months later..

a) Everything had disappeared;
- cash from the business accounts
- stock from the warehouse
- the wine bar (was now In hands of George Piddel, my then adversary too)
- investment in Stanstead ( as the above mentioned George had persuaded the other shareholding director (Roger) to vote me out of the board.

b) So had Linda, with ....

c) my brother had awarded himself 6,500 resignation settlement, which he said i had caused, by plans to hurt them.

Of course, Linda had been trained by me, and she had learnt something.. as I always said "Strategy in business is like WAR, you dont send your planes, then later your tanks, then later your infantry ... if you want to wipe out your opponent , hit them with it all ! " ...and  thats what "HELL have no future like a woman SCORNED" meant ..she wiped my clean..

The above losses were around a MILLION GBP! ..gone... and once I got my own bank accounts freed, had to pay lawyers 20,000 GBP ..  (BTW Ian Timpson, "my" local solicitor, and Richard Baruch (Barush?) both got legal problems fro fraud after we parted...  Melvyn Plawner , the accountant, possible had problems too... I have always had a friend in "karma" those who hurt me, ALWAYS eventually suffer) ...

Christopher Cuthbert (who worked at the corporate lawyer) had to withdraw from the situation as he (being lawyer for "both sides" ) had a conflict of interest... but privately agreed with (MY only TRUE legal advixer) Mike GEORGE who said ... honestly ; "ChriS ..your affair with Linda opened this pandoras box, I sympathise with Jacqui (our house was more hers than mine , as I was always travelling, away 3 months, back for a week , & off again) ...the terms of the iNJUNCTION meant that a "COUNTER CLaim" would be AGAINST YOUR OWN COMPANYS, ALL YOU can do is take a personal action against Linda for malicious damages..." & sue the state/lawyers!

However, I had already employed (brother in law, like "Harvey") Dave Clarke (security/detective) to try to find Linda to serve her with a writ...however, she kept moving , as soon as Dave found her location, she was gone... so, I took Mike G's advice and "moved on" ...

After all, I had been a "house-man" for the previous 3 months..whilst Jacqui was the "bread winner" back at her old insurance job in London...  so I enrolled in a course with "SAS" special, to deepen my knowledge of investments & tax aspects etc..and then started to build my "next empire" ...

filed away as EXPERIENCE....  (to be continued..)



If you recall the film "Forrest GUMP"  when he is with "leutenant Dan" on the shrimping boat ...and Forrest comments " then GOD showed up" ...the storm..which proved beneficial as they become "shrimping millionaires"...
(the Scene where the boat is being tossed around by the storm, whilst "Leutenant Dan" is up top of the rigging screaming at GOD ....) ....anyway;

yesterday, I went to HN for the usual hiking ( up just after midnight, as I cant risk falling back to sleep ) walking from here at 03.30h ,,.. catching the first boat to HN ... I had planned to come back on the mid-day, but
I waited at the jetty, there was a strong wind... the departure time came & went, so I went back to the pub & called the boat captain...who didnt realise his som had brought me to HN that morning"  "oh, i am not sailing again today, due to the storm....

I reacted "but I am here, ..he said "you can come back in the morning" ...he didnt grasp my situation

I have no where to sleep, and I get my provisions delivered tomorrow morning..."

He said " ok I will come " (just for me...) 
So waited ...and we came back.... but....

He had navigate around the waves bigger than the light ferry boat, he changed speed & direction constantly as we ROLLED... like a cork tossed all over the place... at one time I was forced to hold on to the seat... we were almost sideways on to the sea... ( normally the crossing takes about 20 minutes , but it seemed to go on ...) i started to have that "conversation" in my head... and considered I might have to swim back to the shore, not easy In heavy clothes and would lose important documents carried in my pocket... (irreplaceable) ...   crazy times 18 hours of storm followed, but the BLOSSOM is on the trees

another experience...


(as I only adding comments to the latest MOntV (calling for insurrection!) ;) ...I include this here..

to the "Counter punch writers, stop & strike?" ( me v "their game of THORNS" continued ) 

First of all, I comment that I do my utmost to keep my humour in the midst of local & global insanity, as I still seek intelligence on this planet, not yet found it...

I wrote a very LONG & comprehensive CONTRE to "counter punch" writers , but irony won, & it got deleted by a BUG!
( another variant? )

I will extract some aspects from my previous longer letter (*email);

WHY has there been no OUTRAGE by your writers;

* That in most states of the world THERE WAS BEEN NO OFFICIAL DECLARATION of a :state of emergency:

* To then remove human rights, freedom of movement, and enable a form of APARTHEID to be applied & brutally enforced in contradiction to the "CONSTUTUTION" of those governemnts, declaring enforced LOCKDOWNs , masking, distancing, and vaccines & even (despite promises to the contrary) "vax passports" and the excusion of opponents from society?

* WHY, if you all consider yourelves "socially conscious" you clamour and PROMOTE an illegal status because of FEAR media & dictates from governemt & pharma - related "experts" who are of a "system" (I prefer to call their "games of THORNS) who YOU KNOW HAVE LIED TO YOU SINCE FOREVER!!!???
* That, if you truly care about people dying... why you are no as OUTRAGED & incensed and ON THE streets;

- against all your government, who all have sanctioned, one way or another ; MURDER , of your own & other humans?
- against the policies of WAR business, if you voted (EVER) those policies are YOUR fault!
- been CONSTANTLY reminding the sheeple that an estimated 25,000 kids have died DAILY ..due to imbalanced distribution of global resources & greed of you & your nations!?
- Campaigning for an end to WAR business?
- PROTESTING to STOP the pollution of OUR atmosphere , water, land , food by industry & traffic (do you drive a car, travel by air?) 
- Demonstrating to change the "lifestyle & working practises, the stress caused by capitalist greed & other pressures that lead to CANCER ; (which killls more than 10 MILLION per annum!!!! ) care about people do you???

- remind the sheeple that we have always had to deal with disease and aids, ebola, bird flu, mad cow, and all the winter Flus, meningitis , pneumonia etc etc... none of which were MARKETED to benefit billionaires like C19 etc????

A) My parents survived WW2, my father stationed in London survived the blitz and my mother was also alone with my elder brother on the "bomb run" ...without phone contact to Dad, could see London in flames from her window!...said to me "yes it was hard, BUT our people decided we would NOT let it stop us LIVING, we did our utmost, very few of us hid in shelters, and even with rations & limited coupons, shared.. (my mother became regional secretary for the labour party ) BUT it seems you would call her & ME ..."freedom facists or loony?" 

B) it digusts me that , despite me living as a healthy person, since I survived a meningitis coma in 1995 and having kept fit, (I played soccer , pre PLANdemic, & join mini marathons, when possible, and walk daily, run 3 times a week)
your writers constantly BOX me , as an anti-vaxer with right wingers etc... I have hardly used "school (chemical) medicine since 1995, occasionaly taken homeopathic, but mostly, used my natural strength & "willed" myself through (rare) boughts of sickness in the last 26 years...

C) It "sickens" me, that for the first time in a long time I got a comination of bronchitis / heavy cold (no not C19!) BECAUSE i was obliged to sit out side a local cafe / restaurant as the friendly manager told me that the community police were around and HE would be penalised if a "non vaxed" person was found in his establishment!  (gestapo? ) 
I am excluded from :
- social contact (pubs , restaurants, cafes )
- my love of football (soccer) watching at stadium, sharing a live Tv game pub, PLAYING (yes even at my age) 
and although i recently trained & sponsored kids football & a girls Dojo, that is also OUT!!!!!!
- no cinema

D) DO YOU not see / feel the MASSIVE damage being done, NOT ONLY to a youth growing up in a society ruled by fear (well they might get nuked thanks to your "john wayne military" ) ??? that people refuse handshakes, a kiss of the cheek, the HUMANITY that my parents generation sacrificed for.  ...

E) I REALLY DO NOT FEEL THAT you understand society or socialism... it IS the community Family & warmth of human exchange & contact that was being eroded long before C19 got MARKETED!! (and exploited by business and ANY government who wishes to USE the opportunity handed to them to control the sheeple!!! ) 

I was fortunate to grow up in LOVE,a true SOCILISM, (not made by politics, but by HUMANITY) sharing with friends & neighbours, I now live alone, and have so far, survived, the APARTHEID that your writers HELP cause!

"Freedom e Union" NGO
Montenego (thats in Europe!) ;)


(capt spring, jump, head, hound press pass & move the LIVERPOOL way..)

When I was captain of the lads local amateur Team, I played at Centre back/sweeper/libero or central defendin/holiding midfield (the Quarterback role for the americans) .. FOOTBALL (soccer) then was physical and on heavy winter fields.. in all weathers, my speciality , apart from sliding tackles (later I converted to full back when I couldnt train and therefore couldnt play as well . due to missing sessions as business took me away from home,..) I was able to SPRING (jump) high , higher than the opposing forwards who were often much bigger/taller ...

i would like to show this to kids, but all has been sabotahed, by either local idiots or the PLANdemic suspension of so many social activities I love... also , some fane think Klopp the current Lfc coach discovered his form of counter-pressing... but in my time, as  aplayer and supporter, i copied the "LIVERPOOL way" of Shanks & Bob's teams...
HOUNDING opponents into mistake and puching them back (playing a high line, for offside) ..

we suppressed opponents pushed them back & back so the game (and the mistakes) were made in their half of the field...

take note

Yes I see, nice videos BUT...

I do not feel you understand ME, what I am, who I am or my capabilities ..I do NOT need to "sell myself" ..
I have options
- local
- yours
and the LBIRD co-op  at the biggest club in the world !
N,G.O. actions
plus strategic initiative

I have stated my conditions!
PLEASE, I again demand that you respect me, READ, absorb & ask questions of what you do NOT undersand of my last THREE emails..?

On 2022-

02-24 07:03, wrote:

THis is for you:



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