Its NOT a FREE world ...................... ...........................
if all people can NOT move FREEly on this mad planet.... join my initiative at ......@ (CENSORED BY FACEBOOK GOONS,) or start your own , wherever you live...???
Whilst politicians make grand statements and national gover nments promote or "protect" their borders I REMIND YOU THAT WE ARE IN THE YEAR 2015 ... ISnt it TIME that you started to be " HUMAN (E) BEings????
There are many empty buildings, many that are left empty in order to increase land prices, sometimes family homes are left empty due to death, or people moving away from villages to the city, some are unable to to be kept due to job losses, or changes in circumstamces, and sometimes because people just "cant be bothered" to repair them.
In this renovaiton prog.. WE SHOULD use the many hundreds of empty houses in the Balkans...
(for example) as there are many migrants and refugees travelling through the region...
refugees, and homeless immigrants could renovate, with little or no costs, as we have done with 3 houses here in Dg, MNE, and they could live in them, thus avoiding the deterioration that is happening ,
SAVING the money wasted on new construction... and bring LIFE to villages and communities that have declined in the last 20-30 years...
and perhaps in the process HONOUR the promises and agreements made by your national "democracies" after the horrors of WW2 ( UDHR 1948)
break down the borders, open your frontiers, your doors , and your hearts and minds..
and BE Human BEINGS! NOW!
ChRiS SMITH 150909
its not enough to focus just on yourself, u need to have courage to apply your beliefs and be honest in your daily activities, if what u said is true, then wouLD u watch a bully beat up a child in front of you,
the MAIN problem today is people just keep their "goodness" inside, and if u dont live as u believe then U are dishonest, sorry about waking anyone up to this cosmic truth! smile emoticon u cannot live in "blissful isolation" and hope that some of it "rubs off" when good people stand by whilst evil flourishes , the "good " are as gulty!
yeah yeah Tamur all these people on Fb writing "smart stuff" but who of you actually DOES something to improve the world?
CRS> BLOG: renovation-mission...
? :? JOIN and dance to the music of a different tune...
Tara and..OTHERS
dont just "like it" DO IT!
Chris Smith> People are dying and being treated as "criminals" for movement !
? :? JOIN and dance to the music of a different tune...
for the kids sake... get GOOD people off their backsides and support FREE initiative!
with positive benefits to the community and especially to give chances to young people,
whatever their background or status..without prejudice..
cHRIs> for YOU ,,
"dont "pause" evil doesnt rest! so why do..
the enemy is as old as it is new
the fear inside and doubt out there
courage "Tara8" I know you CARE
but theres more needed
and you MUST dare
not wait until its "perfect"
and you find a place
we have to "slow down" the (human?) Race
sure enjoy your bike and the happy hosts
but remember the ugly, the dark
and the ghosts
of the many not lucky as you
they arent blond , and attractive
when they knock on doors & frontiers
they may as well be "radio active"
it IS time , no its past the time
to wait for a sign
that is a crime
BE THE PERSON you ARE, and take to heart MY "rhyme" ..
join ...and share "Freedom & Union"
theres no one else gonna do it...
...its not enough to care for yourSELF, its not enough to "know" if u dont apply it u allow evil to grow..
and still "They" obstruct, oppose, delay interfere and spoil.. so...
posted from Pg to ECHR and Dg 17th september 2015
81410 - Danilovgrad
da je sud u Danilovgradu
U skladu sa ECHR "anonimni" application protocoll
Ova tvrdnja je sada uložila u lokalnom sudu , u toku istrage ,
Međutim , smatra se " suspendovan " i čeka dalja kršenja .
U međuvremenu, " oficiri suda " su u obavezi da obezbedi da diskriminacija u Danilovgradu ne prestaje ,
to The court at Danilovgrad
In accordance with ECHR "anonymous" application protocoll
This claim is now lodged at your local court, pending investigations,
However, it is held "suspended" and awaiting further violations.
In the meantime, the "officers of the court" are obliged to endure that discimination in Danilovgrad does cease,
CRS 15916
150914 "Tr o jan " file found 12h by macafee .."quaranteened"
40970 incoming connections have been blocked...
To Campaign: Anonymous & others claimv MNE and others
Campaign REF: AnonVepCG&othersCSvee150913Dg
for translation
To whom it may concern
This is a recorded claim against :
"EPCG" MNE (the full registered name of the institution shall be known at the time of the hearing)
The region "Danilovgrad"
the independent state of Montenegro
As you will be aware, MNE joined the "Council of Europe" in 2007. Therefore is duly BOUND by the ECHR
(the european version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "European Convention on Human Rights" (Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms / ECHR)
and you must hereby take notice that, following a considerable period of complaints, no remedy has been provided.
This is a claim as an "anonymous" application at the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg.(ECHR)
Therefore none of the defendants or witnesses may discuss this outside of the eventual court hearing,
without the permission of the plaintiff or the administrator of the ECHR, Strasbourg.
The Cause is the violation of the articles , namely "DISCRIMINATION" and lack of remedy (cite articles : 5.1 ; 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 & 14) and other breaches of the articles
of the ECHR, that shall be proven during this process. and Justice shall be served.
The immediate claim is against EPCG being state-owned, however other individuals,
state employees and citizens shall be called into question during this procvess.
Evidence shall be provided at an eventual impartial hearing to substanciate these claims of violations.
Should there be further "obstruction", "interference" or "reprisals" against the plaintiff or witnesses,
those directly or indirectly concerned will be held fully responsible, at the international courts.
This claim does not exclude seperate claims against the offenders via civil, financial or criminal courts.
The "Anonymous" plaintiff for the purpose of this correspondence shall be:
Christopher R. SMITH, F. Inst D.
(to be known as "CRS" under the "anonymous" aplication conditions of the ECHR convention)
currently care of P. Ivanovic, BB Blaza Mrakovic, Danilovgrad, MNE.
NO CORRESPONDENCE is accepted as delivered unless acknowledged by "CRS" by his signature, or via email from
"Campaign for Christopher R. SMITH" = "campaign@ursun.^^^" or "chrismith@mypod-net.----"
e & o.e.
Danilovgrad 13th September 2015.
THIS COMMUNICATION is effective 48 Hours from the date of delivery thus allowing the "EPCG" employees opportunity
to settle this matter amicably.
cc: various confidential individuals at HR NGOs and H-T for copy.
Goal: The goal of the ECHR is to outline to European nations the fundamental rights and freedoms that all Europeans are endowed with.
Relevant Articles:
ARTICLE 2: Right to life
1. Everyone�s right to life shall be protected by law.
ARTICLE 3: Prohibition of torture
No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
ARTICLE 4: Prohibition of slavery and forced labour
1. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.
2. No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour.
ARTICLE 5: Right to liberty and security
1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.
2. Everyone who is arrested shall be informed promptly, in a language which he understands, of the reasons for his arrest and of any charge against him.
3. Everyone arrested or detained�shall be brought promptly before a judge�shall be entitled to trial within a reasonable time or to release pending trial.
5. Everyone who has been the victim of arrest or detention in contravention of the provisions of this Article shall have an enforceable right to compensation.
ARTICLE 6: Right to a fair trial
1. �everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law. Judgment shall be pronounced publicly�
2. Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty�
ARTICLE 7: No punishment without law
1. No one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence�which did not constitute a criminal offence under national or international law at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the criminal offence was committed.
ARTICLE 8: Right to respect for private and family life
1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except�in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
ARTICLE 9: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion;
ARTICLE 10: Freedom of expression
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.
ARTICLE 11: Freedom of assembly and association
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests�
ARTICLE 12: Right to marry
Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family�
ARTICLE 13: Right to an effective remedy
Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth in this Convention are violated shall have an effective remedy before a national authority�
ARTICLE 14: Prohibition of discrimination
�rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground�
Re: H-TDg 150912 Re: C150912 Re: CSvEE 150911 COnfidential ref ECHR claims
they are still blocking and bugging any communications..
On Sat, 12 Sep 2015 13:20:56 +0200, cam-PAIN <campaign@ursun.777> wrote:
this email also blocked???
On 11/09/2015 11:58, ChRIS wrote:
> My previous channels to the ECHR are blocked, and because emails, and
> calls, sms etc are monitored , censored, delayed or blocked, i require
> a safe contact, at the ECHR, in particulr regarding violations by 2
> member nations.
> thanks in advance
> Montenegro
PRINT at "Carine office " attachments and translation for collection monday
On Fri, 11 Sep 2015 11:22:37 +0200, cam-PAIN <> wrote:
150911 11h>
Response> Thank you , BUT,
YOU are hereby informed that every hour that passes increases the claim for damges against EPCG , its employeess and others responsible for this SCANDAL!
On 11/09/2015 08:37, slobodanpristupinformacijama wrote:
Dear Sir,
We hereby inform you to forward your request on e-mail address:
Thank you for comprehension.
Best regards
From: cam-PAIN [mailto:campaign@ursun. ]
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2015 10:17 AM
To: ChRIS; slobodanpristupinformacijama; racun; pr
Cc:; harvey.tuttle@mypod-net.---; Anja Pro File; tREdS;; media@ursun.&&&
Subject: Campaign Re: CSvEE-MNElec150910 CLAIM v EPCG and others
IF the power is not conneted today at SPUZ, the claim will increase by the hour , and malicious damages added together with a claim at the EU v MNE!
On 10/09/2015 09:39, ChRIS wrote:
Ref House: "Perovic Dragan" Spuz, Danilovgrad
Pretplatni/naplatni broj : 19665355
Citacki kod: 97-115 0350000
Broj brojila ; 97209648
Poziv na broj : 71-019665355-1506
Paid invoice 06/2015 (231.09) and connection "tax"
= General Claim
The formation of a positive community initiative has been blocked and/or damaged by the parties named below!
at "Spuz clubhouse" wednesday night (9th september 2015) at 17h there was no electricity...
The Campaign mission via FU Org. shall now commence with a formal complaint...
Joint and several "with prejudice"
Causes : Fraud, violation of human rights. prejudice, discrimination, "profiling" and malicious damages ;
V family Perovic , in particular causing expenditure on property in Spuz, without proper authorization.
V Sasa Stanisic FRAUD in the sum of 225e for football kit and other expenses caused by broken agreements.
V EPG , obstruction and fraud. With reference to employees in the EPG offices in Dg and Pg.
V region Danilovgrad, its Mayor and others for discrimination, fraud, and various prejudicial policies
V the State of MNE through its state ministers. for participation in corruption &
oppressive acts versus the people, fraud, and violation of ECHR & UDHR (1948)
nominal sum e1166 , excluding malicious damages.
Campaign for Christopher R. SMITH F.INST D.
Montenegro 9th September
plus e50 advance to Club Sec (expenses( and e100 + investment in Mrdjenovic "football pitch" and associated costs.)
On 08/09/2015 11:52, cam-PAIN wrote:
Claim v ???
Roof e70
paint etc e30
Footy Kit for kids CLUB e225
Elec 231e
balloon training Kids etc / taxi-bus etc Dg - Spuz e290
Re connect e20
carpet /fitting e150
CRS> FBM 150908 > no news is usually bad news here, so I will check again later!
16 hours ago
Marija Mrdjenovic>150909?
I was in Pg again and they promise to me that they will conect electricity in club house!!! If they dont conect by fridey I will go to the news paper because this is shame what are they doing.. Because we paid tex for activation of electricity but Dg electric company ignore us because Pg electricity company send 2 to turn on electricity to the house..
I asked Marko, for a name,, ALL THESE COMMUNICATIONS AND "6 HOURS" ON SATURDAY AND YOU DONE HAVE one NAME TO PROve you spoke to them??? !!, over 1100 e has been invested in Spooz, AND TOO MUCH OF MY LIFE, , there will be no more delay, a formal compaint is now being sent .. people will soon find out that i am not an atm or "soft touch" for them to exploit...
Simplified Version
This simplified version of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been created especially for young people.
CS> its TRAGIC that its the LAST thing applied by officials of the state your in, and not the FIRST things taught you your children, BY YOU!
and although all "democratic" state leaders Worldwide signed to apply this, NOT one state keeps the promise...
HAVING "rights" is one thing,
...GETTING your rights is unlikely, unless you STAND UP for yourself against the abuses & violations that affect EVERY person,
..EVERY day!
1. We Are All Born Free & Equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way.
CS> Well, if you dont have a political lobby, media connections or are rich, you WONT get these rights promised to you...
2. Don�t Discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.
CS> Every policeman discriminates, due to the social pressures and dictators that the business, religious or political powers enforce!
you simply DONT get these rights, and if officials or civilians discriminate, for example, treat you with disrespect, because you are poor,
its unlikely that anyone will care, its now almost impossible to live in their world, without a credit card, car or mobile phone, let alone
if you happen to support the "wrong" poltics, religion or be in an "alienated" minority..
3. The Right to Life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.
CS> The state and/or private agencies control your movement and interfere with your communications, and will detain you on "suspect" grounds
without impartial cause or process, you are segregated by borders & fences and the rich and powerful demand payments for you to "live" so,
WHERE is the "freedom" ?????...
.. and with them now employing robot drones that may kill you or someone in your neighbourhood, who is "profiled"
WHERE is the "safety"???
4. No Slavery. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave.
CS> You are all slaves to the system, because if you try to escape from it, or drop out, you are made to feel "wrong" and your children are
taught to feed the system, so you all "learn to be slaves" !!!
5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us.
CS> Yet state "security" agents USE torture on "suspects" and openly admit it. YOU will do nothing against that !!!
(until they do it to YOU!)
6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go. I am a person just like you!
CS> You have no rights, if you are considered, without trial or process to be "subversive" or criminal, anywhere.
7. We�re All Equal Before the Law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly.
CS> The lawyers, politicians and their policemen are biased, you are treated as guilty until proven innocent.
NO ONE gets " a fair and impartial treatment".
8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly.
CS> So who do YOU ask, when its the "law" (or "agents of the law") who violate, y-our rights???
9. No Unfair Detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without good reason and keep us there,
or to send us away from our country.
CS> Yet your state where you live or the state who occupy the lands you travel, can and do it every day to thousands,
and find excuses to detain you, as they wish.
10. The Right to Trial. If we are put on trial this should be in public.
The people who try us should not let anyone tell them what to do.
CS> The system is biased in favour of the prosecution,
so what if it is "public" the state can and does present the "facts" it selects.?
11. We�re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty. Nobody should be blamed for doing something until it is proven.
When people say we did a bad thing we have the right to show it is not true.
CS> YOU May believe you are innocent, but once you are arrested the "system" deals with you as "guilty"
denies you contact with your people, restricts movement and correspondence,
(thus making you "stressed" before they "process you")
if you canot afford "bail" or the accusation is serious, they may keep you in severe conditons without visitors or outside contact.
12. The Right to Privacy. Nobody should try to harm our good name. Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters,
or bother us or our family without a good reason.
CS> Sounds Good, reality, prosecutors can and do bend the truth to suit their accusations against you,
and will convince lazy & (many) inept judges to invade your privacy, even smash down your doors and, by "accident" kill you without warning,
nowdays "in the name of security" you have NO PRIVACY!!!
13. Freedom to Move. We all have the right to go where we want in our own country and to travel as we wish.
CS> BUT., as are NOT Free to move. you have to PROVE that, you have to pass through borders, and frontiers,
you have to have "correct papers" and state officials can and do decide to refuse you passage, without explaining why.
(see "discrimination") you forget that this world once belonged to all its inhabitants, not, as now,
controlled and seperated by the few! (for THEIR benefit)
14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country,
we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe.
CS> Where in the world is safe when the super powers can ("pre judge" *&) use satellites and drones to find & kill you?
15. Right to a Nationality. We all have the right to belong to a country.
CS> Which nationality respects these 15 articles? None, so why would you want to belong to any of them???
BY the way. you are not alone if you find this world order to be unjust, you have the right to form a UNION with others,
but you dont. because you are scared, of "them"
THE REALITY OF THE PERVERTED "UN DECLARATION" has been diluted by fear and greed, by the "powers that be"
( the irony that these articles were sent into the Universe to show or "trick" "Intelligent Aliens" that
this planet is "civiized" , well...this "civilization" is destroying itself, so my Alien friends, stay
way, because the so called "Human Race" will pollute your atmosphere too..)
THE people who should be serving these aims are the ones who, in fact, escalate negativity and form a global DIS CRIMI NATION ..
that I dont belong to... most of the "terrorists" are in suits, ties and uniforms...or employed by them!
IF you act "different" they wont protect you,, they will PROFILE you, discriminate, violate, allienate, and eventually persecute you,
in the way (aparently) they did 2000 years ago to "JC" or to anyone who dares tell the truth.. Ghandi, Madela
Che, any "whistleblower" or whoever that challenges them, and me
are you part of the problem??? , or part of the solution... because when you sink (and think) like their "titanic"..with them..
who is going to offer YOU a "life-boat?"
ChRiS SMITH 1501115
C150912 claim VERSUS EPCG and others Re: C150911 Re: Campaign Re: CSvEE-MNElec150910 CLAIM v EPCG and others
cam-PAIN <campaign@ursun.--->
12/09/2015 13:28
call centar <>,,, slobodanpristupinformacijama <>,
ChRIS <chrismith@mypod >,,
Redawn Livebirds 12:27pm Sep 12
This morning (saturday 12 th September 2015) the NEW carpet was laid in the "Spuz Clubhouse" .. and the grass cut.
therefore the claim against the GUILTY increases by 20e and "compounds" by the hour from 12h today!
cc : club members : also we have found a new coach, and a field in the Dg region,
for the teams to play on, and 10 more kids who want to join.
Therefore this "sabotage" damages the kids and the community
On 11/09/2015 11:30, cam-PAIN wrote:
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: C150911 Re: Campaign Re: CSvEE-MNElec150910 CLAIM v EPCG and others
> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2015 11:22:37 +0200
> From: cam-PAIN <campaign@ursun.---->
> To: slobodanpristupinformacijama <>,,
> CC:, media@ursun.---, Dani <dani@mypod-net.--->, tREdS <treds@ursun.===>, harvey.tuttle@mypod-net.===, Ana Maras <>, Anja Pro File <>
> 150911 11h>
> Response> Thank you , BUT,
> YOU are hereby informed that every hour that passes increases the claim for damges against EPCG , its employeess and others responsible for this SCANDAL!
On 11/09/2015 11:33, call centar wrote:
> Dear,
> This issue is un the authority of local unit of Supply and Distribution Podgorica.
> Best regards,
> Call Centar
> From: cam-PAIN []
> Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 11:31 AM
> To: call centar
> Cc: tREdS;
> Subject: Fwd: C150911 Re: Campaign Re: CSvEE-MNElec150910 CLAIM v EPCG and others
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:
> C150911 Re: Campaign Re: CSvEE-MNElec150910 CLAIM v EPCG and others
> Date:
> Fri, 11 Sep 2015 11:22:37 +0200
> From:
> cam-PAIN <>
> To:
> slobodanpristupinformacijama <>,,
> CC:
>, media@ursun.---, Dani <dani@mypod-.--->, tREdS <treds@ursun.--->,, Ana Maras <>, Anja Pro File <>
> 150911 11h>
> Response> Thank you , BUT,
> YOU are hereby informed that every hour that passes increases the claim for damges against EPCG , its employeess and others responsible for this SCANDAL!
> On 11/09/2015 08:37, slobodanpristupinformacijama wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> We hereby inform you to forward your request on e-mail address:
> Thank you for comprehension.
> Best regards
> From: cam-PAIN [mailto:campaign@ursun.^^^]
> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2015 10:17 AM
> To: ChRIS; slobodanpristupinformacijama; racun; pr
> Cc:; harvey.tuttle@mypod-net.&&&; Anja Pro File; tREdS;; media@ursun.888
> Subject: Campaign Re: CSvEE-MNElec150910 CLAIM v EPCG and others
> IF the power is not conneted today at SPUZ, the claim will increase by the hour , and malicious damages added together with a claim at the EU v MNE!
> On 10/09/2015 09:39, ChRIS wrote:
> Ref House: "Perovic Dragan" Spuz, Danilovgrad
> Pretplatni/naplatni broj : 19665355
> Citacki kod: 97-115 0350000
> Broj brojila ; 97209648
> Poziv na broj : 71-019665355-1506
> Paid invoice 06/2015 (231.09) and connection "tax"
> __________________________________________
> General Claim
> The formation of a positive community initiative has been blocked and/or damaged by the parties named below!
> at "Spuz clubhouse" wednesday night (9th september 2015) at 17h there was no electricity...
> The Campaign mission via FU Org. shall now commence with a formal complaint...
> Joint and several "with prejudice"
> Causes : Fraud, violation of human rights. prejudice, discrimination, "profiling" and malicious damages ;
> V family Perovic , in particular causing expenditure on property in Spuz, without proper authorization.
> V Sasa Stanisic FRAUD in the sum of 225e for football kit and other expenses caused by broken agreements.
> V EPG , obstruction and fraud. With reference to employees in the EPG offices in Dg and Pg.
> V region Danilovgrad, its Mayor and others for discrimination, fraud, and various prejudicial policies
> and
> V the State of MNE through its state ministers. for participation in corruption &
> oppressive acts versus the people, fraud, and violation of ECHR & UDHR (1948)
> nominal sum e1166 , excluding malicious damages.
> Campaign for Christopher R. SMITH F.INST D.
> Montenegro 9th September
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> plus e50 advance to Club Sec (expenses( and e100 + investment in Mrdjenovic "football pitch" and associated costs.)
> On 08/09/2015 11:52, cam-PAIN wrote:
> Claim v ???
> Roof e70
> paint etc e30
> Footy Kit for kids CLUB e225
> Elec 231e
> balloon training Kids etc / taxi-bus etc Dg - Spuz e290
> Re connect e20
> carpet /fitting e150
> e1016
> water?
> no news is usually bad news here, so I will check again later!
> 16 hours ago
> Marija Mrdjenovic
> I was in Pg again and they promise to me that they will conect electricity in club house!!! If they dont conect by fridey I willgo to the news paper because this is shame what are they doing.. Because we paid tex for activation of electricity but Dg electric company ignore us because Pg electricity company send 2 to turn on electricity to the house..
> a few seconds ago
> I asked Marko, for a name,, ALL THESE COMMUNICATIONS AND "6 HOURS" ON SATURDAY AND YOU DONE HAVE one NAME TO PROve you spoke to them??? !!, over 1100 e has been invested in Spooz, AND TOO MUCH OF MY LIFE, , there will be no more delay, a formal compaint is now being sent .. people will soon find out that i am not an atm or "soft touch" for them to exploit...
beware of h ackers beyond this point?
if all people can NOT move FREEly on this mad planet.... join my initiative at ......@ (CENSORED BY FACEBOOK GOONS,) or start your own , wherever you live...???
Whilst politicians make grand statements and national gover nments promote or "protect" their borders I REMIND YOU THAT WE ARE IN THE YEAR 2015 ... ISnt it TIME that you started to be " HUMAN (E) BEings????
There are many empty buildings, many that are left empty in order to increase land prices, sometimes family homes are left empty due to death, or people moving away from villages to the city, some are unable to to be kept due to job losses, or changes in circumstamces, and sometimes because people just "cant be bothered" to repair them.
In this renovaiton prog.. WE SHOULD use the many hundreds of empty houses in the Balkans...
(for example) as there are many migrants and refugees travelling through the region...
refugees, and homeless immigrants could renovate, with little or no costs, as we have done with 3 houses here in Dg, MNE, and they could live in them, thus avoiding the deterioration that is happening ,
SAVING the money wasted on new construction... and bring LIFE to villages and communities that have declined in the last 20-30 years...
and perhaps in the process HONOUR the promises and agreements made by your national "democracies" after the horrors of WW2 ( UDHR 1948)
break down the borders, open your frontiers, your doors , and your hearts and minds..
and BE Human BEINGS! NOW!
ChRiS SMITH 150909
its not enough to focus just on yourself, u need to have courage to apply your beliefs and be honest in your daily activities, if what u said is true, then wouLD u watch a bully beat up a child in front of you,
the MAIN problem today is people just keep their "goodness" inside, and if u dont live as u believe then U are dishonest, sorry about waking anyone up to this cosmic truth! smile emoticon u cannot live in "blissful isolation" and hope that some of it "rubs off" when good people stand by whilst evil flourishes , the "good " are as gulty!
yeah yeah Tamur all these people on Fb writing "smart stuff" but who of you actually DOES something to improve the world?
CRS> BLOG: renovation-mission...
? :? JOIN and dance to the music of a different tune...
Tara and..OTHERS
dont just "like it" DO IT!
Chris Smith> People are dying and being treated as "criminals" for movement !
? :? JOIN and dance to the music of a different tune...
for the kids sake... get GOOD people off their backsides and support FREE initiative!
iTeamIssion statement 150919
I have been investigating the potential of my mission in the Balkans for the last 5 years in the whole region test who and what can be done..... test who and what can be done.....
most of the people caused me to conclude that whilst often polite, I was always the "outisider" an "Alien"
and someone to be either mistrusted or .."used" an "ATM machine" to provide cash for THEIR selfish gain..
however recently I have found people who may yet contradict this opinion..
and someone to be either mistrusted or .."used" an "ATM machine" to provide cash for THEIR selfish gain..
however recently I have found people who may yet contradict this opinion..
During the next 9 months i shall be "growing" an initiative;
.. the creation of a social , community and football club,
.. the creation of a social , community and football club,
which shall harness the abilities and experice and MENTALITY...
of the best of the former yugoslavia...and my former "hometown"; Liverpool
of the best of the former yugoslavia...and my former "hometown"; Liverpool
The region here has become far too commercialised, (benefiting the FEW, and polluting the country)
and the negative aspects of the "market" and infestors from the U S of A,
have also negatively affected Liverpool football club..
therefore, I have strengthened my connection to EVERTON,
a club whuch is regarded and claims to be the "peoples club"..
and the negative aspects of the "market" and infestors from the U S of A,
have also negatively affected Liverpool football club..
therefore, I have strengthened my connection to EVERTON,
a club whuch is regarded and claims to be the "peoples club"..
Children shall be invited to join YOUR community club, from age 6 will not only prepare kids for league football, improve the technical aspects of football but;
will encourage the mentality of a team community, as my mentor the GREAT SCot; Bill Shankly
(who "made LIVERPOOL a global entity) would insist... will not only prepare kids for league football, improve the technical aspects of football but;
will encourage the mentality of a team community, as my mentor the GREAT SCot; Bill Shankly
(who "made LIVERPOOL a global entity) would insist...
"I dont believe in politics, the best form of socialism
is to join together as a community , and STRIVE together to improve life and share the benefits.."
is to join together as a community , and STRIVE together to improve life and share the benefits.."
I was also lucky enough some 8 years ago to meet and talk with Rafa Benitez, (when he was manager of Lfc) in the Netherlands
... and also study his training programme during their swiss summer training camp
... and also study his training programme during their swiss summer training camp
and i shall co-operate with local trainers to include his best ideas, and maintain contact with him
(when time permits; now he is manager at Real Madrid)
explaining the Psychology of "Shanks", and use my own unique methods
whilst respecting the best style of " the former Yugo..."
(when time permits; now he is manager at Real Madrid)
explaining the Psychology of "Shanks", and use my own unique methods
whilst respecting the best style of " the former Yugo..."
who am I? well,
it could be asked, better; WHAT AM I? ; or i could say that I am a "trainer of trainers,
an "organiser of organisers"
.... a Manager of managers,
& here to police the policemen, (smile) ..
it could be asked, better; WHAT AM I? ; or i could say that I am a "trainer of trainers,
an "organiser of organisers"
.... a Manager of managers,
& here to police the policemen, (smile) ..
I will APPLY my expertise in Strateguc management and "eco logistics" which enables me to maximise energy and
make the most of all assets and resources..
to identify how people and things may be better engaged and challenged to progress THIS INITIATIVE
make the most of all assets and resources..
to identify how people and things may be better engaged and challenged to progress THIS INITIATIVE
with positive benefits to the community and especially to give chances to young people,
whatever their background or status..without prejudice..
All people are expected to commit to this "community club"
to socialise, to co-operate, and to help me help you become whatveer role you may have..
there will be events and activities for everyone, to make this a family affair,
and make the best of each individual
..and that is the essence of a good team, which i label "InatTeam"..excellent individual mentality within a "Team community spirit"
to socialise, to co-operate, and to help me help you become whatveer role you may have..
there will be events and activities for everyone, to make this a family affair,
and make the best of each individual
..and that is the essence of a good team, which i label "InatTeam"..excellent individual mentality within a "Team community spirit"
...because what we are doing "rebels" against the "commercially obsessed society"
I present this mission not as a benefactor, nor do I wish to "promote" my self,
...I am here as the ultimate "supporter"
not rich in financial terms, but, i will give 100% to OUR initiative, because I am rich in life experience
and this "club" is more important than me , or anyone, as a vehicle for the community...
.....a society with positive relations. open to humanity , to be strong and fair, with empathy
our slogan is: "WE are the club"
ChriS SMITH 150919
cHRIs> for YOU ,,
"dont "pause" evil doesnt rest! so why do..
the enemy is as old as it is new
the fear inside and doubt out there
courage "Tara8" I know you CARE
but theres more needed
and you MUST dare
not wait until its "perfect"
and you find a place
we have to "slow down" the (human?) Race
sure enjoy your bike and the happy hosts

and the ghosts
of the many not lucky as you
they arent blond , and attractive
when they knock on doors & frontiers
they may as well be "radio active"
it IS time , no its past the time
to wait for a sign
that is a crime
BE THE PERSON you ARE, and take to heart MY "rhyme" ..
join ...and share "Freedom & Union"
theres no one else gonna do it...
...its not enough to care for yourSELF, its not enough to "know" if u dont apply it u allow evil to grow..
and still "They" obstruct, oppose, delay interfere and spoil.. so...
posted from Pg to ECHR and Dg 17th september 2015
81410 - Danilovgrad
da je sud u Danilovgradu
U skladu sa ECHR "anonimni" application protocoll
Ova tvrdnja je sada uložila u lokalnom sudu , u toku istrage ,
Međutim , smatra se " suspendovan " i čeka dalja kršenja .
U međuvremenu, " oficiri suda " su u obavezi da obezbedi da diskriminacija u Danilovgradu ne prestaje ,
to The court at Danilovgrad
In accordance with ECHR "anonymous" application protocoll
This claim is now lodged at your local court, pending investigations,
However, it is held "suspended" and awaiting further violations.
In the meantime, the "officers of the court" are obliged to endure that discimination in Danilovgrad does cease,
CRS 15916
150914 "Tr o jan " file found 12h by macafee .."quaranteened"
40970 incoming connections have been blocked...
To Campaign: Anonymous & others claimv MNE and others
Campaign REF: AnonVepCG&othersCSvee150913Dg
for translation
To whom it may concern
This is a recorded claim against :
"EPCG" MNE (the full registered name of the institution shall be known at the time of the hearing)
The region "Danilovgrad"
the independent state of Montenegro
As you will be aware, MNE joined the "Council of Europe" in 2007. Therefore is duly BOUND by the ECHR
(the european version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "European Convention on Human Rights" (Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms / ECHR)
and you must hereby take notice that, following a considerable period of complaints, no remedy has been provided.
This is a claim as an "anonymous" application at the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg.(ECHR)
Therefore none of the defendants or witnesses may discuss this outside of the eventual court hearing,
without the permission of the plaintiff or the administrator of the ECHR, Strasbourg.
The Cause is the violation of the articles , namely "DISCRIMINATION" and lack of remedy (cite articles : 5.1 ; 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 & 14) and other breaches of the articles
of the ECHR, that shall be proven during this process. and Justice shall be served.
The immediate claim is against EPCG being state-owned, however other individuals,
state employees and citizens shall be called into question during this procvess.
Evidence shall be provided at an eventual impartial hearing to substanciate these claims of violations.
Should there be further "obstruction", "interference" or "reprisals" against the plaintiff or witnesses,
those directly or indirectly concerned will be held fully responsible, at the international courts.
This claim does not exclude seperate claims against the offenders via civil, financial or criminal courts.
The "Anonymous" plaintiff for the purpose of this correspondence shall be:
Christopher R. SMITH, F. Inst D.
(to be known as "CRS" under the "anonymous" aplication conditions of the ECHR convention)
currently care of P. Ivanovic, BB Blaza Mrakovic, Danilovgrad, MNE.
NO CORRESPONDENCE is accepted as delivered unless acknowledged by "CRS" by his signature, or via email from
"Campaign for Christopher R. SMITH" = "campaign@ursun.^^^" or "chrismith@mypod-net.----"
e & o.e.
Danilovgrad 13th September 2015.
THIS COMMUNICATION is effective 48 Hours from the date of delivery thus allowing the "EPCG" employees opportunity
to settle this matter amicably.
cc: various confidential individuals at HR NGOs and H-T for copy.
Goal: The goal of the ECHR is to outline to European nations the fundamental rights and freedoms that all Europeans are endowed with.
Relevant Articles:
ARTICLE 2: Right to life
1. Everyone�s right to life shall be protected by law.
ARTICLE 3: Prohibition of torture
No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
ARTICLE 4: Prohibition of slavery and forced labour
1. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.
2. No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour.
ARTICLE 5: Right to liberty and security
1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.
2. Everyone who is arrested shall be informed promptly, in a language which he understands, of the reasons for his arrest and of any charge against him.
3. Everyone arrested or detained�shall be brought promptly before a judge�shall be entitled to trial within a reasonable time or to release pending trial.
5. Everyone who has been the victim of arrest or detention in contravention of the provisions of this Article shall have an enforceable right to compensation.
ARTICLE 6: Right to a fair trial
1. �everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law. Judgment shall be pronounced publicly�
2. Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty�
ARTICLE 7: No punishment without law
1. No one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence�which did not constitute a criminal offence under national or international law at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the criminal offence was committed.
ARTICLE 8: Right to respect for private and family life
1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except�in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
ARTICLE 9: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion;
ARTICLE 10: Freedom of expression
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.
ARTICLE 11: Freedom of assembly and association
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests�
ARTICLE 12: Right to marry
Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family�
ARTICLE 13: Right to an effective remedy
Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth in this Convention are violated shall have an effective remedy before a national authority�
ARTICLE 14: Prohibition of discrimination
�rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground�
Re: H-TDg 150912 Re: C150912 Re: CSvEE 150911 COnfidential ref ECHR claims
they are still blocking and bugging any communications..
On Sat, 12 Sep 2015 13:20:56 +0200, cam-PAIN <campaign@ursun.777> wrote:
this email also blocked???
On 11/09/2015 11:58, ChRIS wrote:
> My previous channels to the ECHR are blocked, and because emails, and
> calls, sms etc are monitored , censored, delayed or blocked, i require
> a safe contact, at the ECHR, in particulr regarding violations by 2
> member nations.
> thanks in advance
> Montenegro
PRINT at "Carine office " attachments and translation for collection monday
On Fri, 11 Sep 2015 11:22:37 +0200, cam-PAIN <> wrote:
150911 11h>
Response> Thank you , BUT,
YOU are hereby informed that every hour that passes increases the claim for damges against EPCG , its employeess and others responsible for this SCANDAL!
On 11/09/2015 08:37, slobodanpristupinformacijama wrote:
Dear Sir,
We hereby inform you to forward your request on e-mail address:
Thank you for comprehension.
Best regards
From: cam-PAIN [mailto:campaign@ursun. ]
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2015 10:17 AM
To: ChRIS; slobodanpristupinformacijama; racun; pr
Cc:; harvey.tuttle@mypod-net.---; Anja Pro File; tREdS;; media@ursun.&&&
Subject: Campaign Re: CSvEE-MNElec150910 CLAIM v EPCG and others
IF the power is not conneted today at SPUZ, the claim will increase by the hour , and malicious damages added together with a claim at the EU v MNE!
On 10/09/2015 09:39, ChRIS wrote:
Ref House: "Perovic Dragan" Spuz, Danilovgrad
Pretplatni/naplatni broj : 19665355
Citacki kod: 97-115 0350000
Broj brojila ; 97209648
Poziv na broj : 71-019665355-1506
Paid invoice 06/2015 (231.09) and connection "tax"
= General Claim
The formation of a positive community initiative has been blocked and/or damaged by the parties named below!
at "Spuz clubhouse" wednesday night (9th september 2015) at 17h there was no electricity...
The Campaign mission via FU Org. shall now commence with a formal complaint...
Joint and several "with prejudice"
Causes : Fraud, violation of human rights. prejudice, discrimination, "profiling" and malicious damages ;
V family Perovic , in particular causing expenditure on property in Spuz, without proper authorization.
V Sasa Stanisic FRAUD in the sum of 225e for football kit and other expenses caused by broken agreements.
V EPG , obstruction and fraud. With reference to employees in the EPG offices in Dg and Pg.
V region Danilovgrad, its Mayor and others for discrimination, fraud, and various prejudicial policies
V the State of MNE through its state ministers. for participation in corruption &
oppressive acts versus the people, fraud, and violation of ECHR & UDHR (1948)
nominal sum e1166 , excluding malicious damages.
Campaign for Christopher R. SMITH F.INST D.
Montenegro 9th September
plus e50 advance to Club Sec (expenses( and e100 + investment in Mrdjenovic "football pitch" and associated costs.)
On 08/09/2015 11:52, cam-PAIN wrote:
Claim v ???
Roof e70
paint etc e30
Footy Kit for kids CLUB e225
Elec 231e
balloon training Kids etc / taxi-bus etc Dg - Spuz e290
Re connect e20
carpet /fitting e150
CRS> FBM 150908 > no news is usually bad news here, so I will check again later!
16 hours ago
Marija Mrdjenovic>150909?
I was in Pg again and they promise to me that they will conect electricity in club house!!! If they dont conect by fridey I will go to the news paper because this is shame what are they doing.. Because we paid tex for activation of electricity but Dg electric company ignore us because Pg electricity company send 2 to turn on electricity to the house..
I asked Marko, for a name,, ALL THESE COMMUNICATIONS AND "6 HOURS" ON SATURDAY AND YOU DONE HAVE one NAME TO PROve you spoke to them??? !!, over 1100 e has been invested in Spooz, AND TOO MUCH OF MY LIFE, , there will be no more delay, a formal compaint is now being sent .. people will soon find out that i am not an atm or "soft touch" for them to exploit...
Simplified Version
This simplified version of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been created especially for young people.
CS> its TRAGIC that its the LAST thing applied by officials of the state your in, and not the FIRST things taught you your children, BY YOU!
and although all "democratic" state leaders Worldwide signed to apply this, NOT one state keeps the promise...
HAVING "rights" is one thing,
...GETTING your rights is unlikely, unless you STAND UP for yourself against the abuses & violations that affect EVERY person,
..EVERY day!
1. We Are All Born Free & Equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way.
CS> Well, if you dont have a political lobby, media connections or are rich, you WONT get these rights promised to you...
2. Don�t Discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.
CS> Every policeman discriminates, due to the social pressures and dictators that the business, religious or political powers enforce!
you simply DONT get these rights, and if officials or civilians discriminate, for example, treat you with disrespect, because you are poor,
its unlikely that anyone will care, its now almost impossible to live in their world, without a credit card, car or mobile phone, let alone
if you happen to support the "wrong" poltics, religion or be in an "alienated" minority..
3. The Right to Life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.
CS> The state and/or private agencies control your movement and interfere with your communications, and will detain you on "suspect" grounds
without impartial cause or process, you are segregated by borders & fences and the rich and powerful demand payments for you to "live" so,
WHERE is the "freedom" ?????...
.. and with them now employing robot drones that may kill you or someone in your neighbourhood, who is "profiled"
WHERE is the "safety"???
4. No Slavery. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave.
CS> You are all slaves to the system, because if you try to escape from it, or drop out, you are made to feel "wrong" and your children are
taught to feed the system, so you all "learn to be slaves" !!!
5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us.
CS> Yet state "security" agents USE torture on "suspects" and openly admit it. YOU will do nothing against that !!!
(until they do it to YOU!)
6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go. I am a person just like you!
CS> You have no rights, if you are considered, without trial or process to be "subversive" or criminal, anywhere.
7. We�re All Equal Before the Law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly.
CS> The lawyers, politicians and their policemen are biased, you are treated as guilty until proven innocent.
NO ONE gets " a fair and impartial treatment".
8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly.
CS> So who do YOU ask, when its the "law" (or "agents of the law") who violate, y-our rights???
9. No Unfair Detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without good reason and keep us there,
or to send us away from our country.
CS> Yet your state where you live or the state who occupy the lands you travel, can and do it every day to thousands,
and find excuses to detain you, as they wish.
10. The Right to Trial. If we are put on trial this should be in public.
The people who try us should not let anyone tell them what to do.
CS> The system is biased in favour of the prosecution,
so what if it is "public" the state can and does present the "facts" it selects.?
11. We�re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty. Nobody should be blamed for doing something until it is proven.
When people say we did a bad thing we have the right to show it is not true.
CS> YOU May believe you are innocent, but once you are arrested the "system" deals with you as "guilty"
denies you contact with your people, restricts movement and correspondence,
(thus making you "stressed" before they "process you")
if you canot afford "bail" or the accusation is serious, they may keep you in severe conditons without visitors or outside contact.
12. The Right to Privacy. Nobody should try to harm our good name. Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters,
or bother us or our family without a good reason.
CS> Sounds Good, reality, prosecutors can and do bend the truth to suit their accusations against you,
and will convince lazy & (many) inept judges to invade your privacy, even smash down your doors and, by "accident" kill you without warning,
nowdays "in the name of security" you have NO PRIVACY!!!
13. Freedom to Move. We all have the right to go where we want in our own country and to travel as we wish.
CS> BUT., as are NOT Free to move. you have to PROVE that, you have to pass through borders, and frontiers,
you have to have "correct papers" and state officials can and do decide to refuse you passage, without explaining why.
(see "discrimination") you forget that this world once belonged to all its inhabitants, not, as now,
controlled and seperated by the few! (for THEIR benefit)
14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country,
we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe.
CS> Where in the world is safe when the super powers can ("pre judge" *&) use satellites and drones to find & kill you?
15. Right to a Nationality. We all have the right to belong to a country.
CS> Which nationality respects these 15 articles? None, so why would you want to belong to any of them???
BY the way. you are not alone if you find this world order to be unjust, you have the right to form a UNION with others,
but you dont. because you are scared, of "them"
THE REALITY OF THE PERVERTED "UN DECLARATION" has been diluted by fear and greed, by the "powers that be"
( the irony that these articles were sent into the Universe to show or "trick" "Intelligent Aliens" that
this planet is "civiized" , well...this "civilization" is destroying itself, so my Alien friends, stay
way, because the so called "Human Race" will pollute your atmosphere too..)
THE people who should be serving these aims are the ones who, in fact, escalate negativity and form a global DIS CRIMI NATION ..
that I dont belong to... most of the "terrorists" are in suits, ties and uniforms...or employed by them!
IF you act "different" they wont protect you,, they will PROFILE you, discriminate, violate, allienate, and eventually persecute you,
in the way (aparently) they did 2000 years ago to "JC" or to anyone who dares tell the truth.. Ghandi, Madela
Che, any "whistleblower" or whoever that challenges them, and me
are you part of the problem??? , or part of the solution... because when you sink (and think) like their "titanic"..with them..
who is going to offer YOU a "life-boat?"
ChRiS SMITH 1501115
C150912 claim VERSUS EPCG and others Re: C150911 Re: Campaign Re: CSvEE-MNElec150910 CLAIM v EPCG and others
cam-PAIN <campaign@ursun.--->
12/09/2015 13:28
call centar <>,,, slobodanpristupinformacijama <>,
ChRIS <chrismith@mypod >,,
Redawn Livebirds 12:27pm Sep 12
This morning (saturday 12 th September 2015) the NEW carpet was laid in the "Spuz Clubhouse" .. and the grass cut.
therefore the claim against the GUILTY increases by 20e and "compounds" by the hour from 12h today!
cc : club members : also we have found a new coach, and a field in the Dg region,
for the teams to play on, and 10 more kids who want to join.
Therefore this "sabotage" damages the kids and the community
On 11/09/2015 11:30, cam-PAIN wrote:
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: C150911 Re: Campaign Re: CSvEE-MNElec150910 CLAIM v EPCG and others
> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2015 11:22:37 +0200
> From: cam-PAIN <campaign@ursun.---->
> To: slobodanpristupinformacijama <>,,
> CC:, media@ursun.---, Dani <dani@mypod-net.--->, tREdS <treds@ursun.===>, harvey.tuttle@mypod-net.===, Ana Maras <>, Anja Pro File <>
> 150911 11h>
> Response> Thank you , BUT,
> YOU are hereby informed that every hour that passes increases the claim for damges against EPCG , its employeess and others responsible for this SCANDAL!
On 11/09/2015 11:33, call centar wrote:
> Dear,
> This issue is un the authority of local unit of Supply and Distribution Podgorica.
> Best regards,
> Call Centar
> From: cam-PAIN []
> Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 11:31 AM
> To: call centar
> Cc: tREdS;
> Subject: Fwd: C150911 Re: Campaign Re: CSvEE-MNElec150910 CLAIM v EPCG and others
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:
> C150911 Re: Campaign Re: CSvEE-MNElec150910 CLAIM v EPCG and others
> Date:
> Fri, 11 Sep 2015 11:22:37 +0200
> From:
> cam-PAIN <>
> To:
> slobodanpristupinformacijama <>,,
> CC:
>, media@ursun.---, Dani <dani@mypod-.--->, tREdS <treds@ursun.--->,, Ana Maras <>, Anja Pro File <>
> 150911 11h>
> Response> Thank you , BUT,
> YOU are hereby informed that every hour that passes increases the claim for damges against EPCG , its employeess and others responsible for this SCANDAL!
> On 11/09/2015 08:37, slobodanpristupinformacijama wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> We hereby inform you to forward your request on e-mail address:
> Thank you for comprehension.
> Best regards
> From: cam-PAIN [mailto:campaign@ursun.^^^]
> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2015 10:17 AM
> To: ChRIS; slobodanpristupinformacijama; racun; pr
> Cc:; harvey.tuttle@mypod-net.&&&; Anja Pro File; tREdS;; media@ursun.888
> Subject: Campaign Re: CSvEE-MNElec150910 CLAIM v EPCG and others
> IF the power is not conneted today at SPUZ, the claim will increase by the hour , and malicious damages added together with a claim at the EU v MNE!
> On 10/09/2015 09:39, ChRIS wrote:
> Ref House: "Perovic Dragan" Spuz, Danilovgrad
> Pretplatni/naplatni broj : 19665355
> Citacki kod: 97-115 0350000
> Broj brojila ; 97209648
> Poziv na broj : 71-019665355-1506
> Paid invoice 06/2015 (231.09) and connection "tax"
> __________________________________________
> General Claim
> The formation of a positive community initiative has been blocked and/or damaged by the parties named below!
> at "Spuz clubhouse" wednesday night (9th september 2015) at 17h there was no electricity...
> The Campaign mission via FU Org. shall now commence with a formal complaint...
> Joint and several "with prejudice"
> Causes : Fraud, violation of human rights. prejudice, discrimination, "profiling" and malicious damages ;
> V family Perovic , in particular causing expenditure on property in Spuz, without proper authorization.
> V Sasa Stanisic FRAUD in the sum of 225e for football kit and other expenses caused by broken agreements.
> V EPG , obstruction and fraud. With reference to employees in the EPG offices in Dg and Pg.
> V region Danilovgrad, its Mayor and others for discrimination, fraud, and various prejudicial policies
> and
> V the State of MNE through its state ministers. for participation in corruption &
> oppressive acts versus the people, fraud, and violation of ECHR & UDHR (1948)
> nominal sum e1166 , excluding malicious damages.
> Campaign for Christopher R. SMITH F.INST D.
> Montenegro 9th September
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> plus e50 advance to Club Sec (expenses( and e100 + investment in Mrdjenovic "football pitch" and associated costs.)
> On 08/09/2015 11:52, cam-PAIN wrote:
> Claim v ???
> Roof e70
> paint etc e30
> Footy Kit for kids CLUB e225
> Elec 231e
> balloon training Kids etc / taxi-bus etc Dg - Spuz e290
> Re connect e20
> carpet /fitting e150
> e1016
> water?
> no news is usually bad news here, so I will check again later!
> 16 hours ago
> Marija Mrdjenovic
> I was in Pg again and they promise to me that they will conect electricity in club house!!! If they dont conect by fridey I willgo to the news paper because this is shame what are they doing.. Because we paid tex for activation of electricity but Dg electric company ignore us because Pg electricity company send 2 to turn on electricity to the house..
> a few seconds ago
> I asked Marko, for a name,, ALL THESE COMMUNICATIONS AND "6 HOURS" ON SATURDAY AND YOU DONE HAVE one NAME TO PROve you spoke to them??? !!, over 1100 e has been invested in Spooz, AND TOO MUCH OF MY LIFE, , there will be no more delay, a formal compaint is now being sent .. people will soon find out that i am not an atm or "soft touch" for them to exploit...
beware of h ackers beyond this point?
ReplyDelete ?
ReplyDeletedue to bad transport co ordination invitations are cancelled until January!
Sooooo manypeople of so-called “intelligent education” talk BOLLOX.. cannot understand that I don’t associate with a political identification of a “nation state” , which in every case was formed by politicians and leaders to control a group of people and set them apart from their human brothers and sisters, you morans have violated so many equal claims
ReplyDelete….of all the people of this plant to share and enjoy the beauty and wonders and natural resources and with the the roman and other pathetic so-called “civilization” you began to CONCRETE the planet And concrete the mind of the masses so much so that most of the inhabitants on this earth have NOT ONE original idea..!!
I am ChRiS , no more and no less, do NOT tag me with your bullsh*TE groups .. I am human iam Alien this is my planet but not my world..
I am in this world, but not of it… Father of stolen children and child of murdered family..
I curse the pyramid of corruption u made and I will undo it and maker it better! , in this world OR the next..dimension I SHALL have my vengence in this life ..or another!
“what we do in life..echoes in eternity”