February :20 15
...CSerS Diary notes ,,,and ...lots of unfulfilled "promises" and...as be welcome, Abnb and Csing visitors have been blocked , I have been at the riverside caffe ("Obala" ) for most of the month, assisted Goran, and...well here it is...
used bwebmail.mypod-net.org for ChRiS emails..
added this to my "personal story"
started to distrubute t-shirts ,,,,"non profit fun event , raise awareness and support for homeless , , orphans and disadvantaged low costs, can make massive results,..to have fun AND its just for the sake of the kids......so, no excuses!! PLEASE!!"
at https://www.facebook.com/groups/DaniLOVER/
email dani@mypod-net.org
150228 (pic born again)
watched Life of David Gayle.. (again) when they take it all away, they may find thaT they "PAY"...
gem > Daily Horoscope "Your leadership skills will be challenged today. You will have to quickly find a partner or associate who can help you with the sudden and unexpected responsibilities you'll face. Your love life will be interesting and dynamic today."
followed gilmore girls on tv , some nice script, but silly music "la la la" ...
gave a t shirt black to Milena... next karaoke at Gem Caffe Pg, , where she works ??
"chat withdolly"
CS> i am in Pg, I sent an sms , u replied "not before march 8" ..why?
thanks for yr phone call "explaining" ..when exactly is that exhibition (at the mall?) which dates will u be there? i may come to see... ... btw,,,u dont need to keep telling me your limits, I understand, that doesnt affect me, I go through life waiting for someone to suprise me, they rarely do, i dont need a "friend" just be honest...thats all I want ...
D> ok.
i will be in Mall of Montenegro at 7. and 8. 03.
Bes 1 LFC 0 1 -1 Bes won 5=4 pens
to prepare Posters , flyers and banner for REd nose days
all you need is love..)))))))))))))))))_____________________
ordinary Decent Criminal film , and Pj2's dad tried to get in..house.???
"if we stick together" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AfXL5PZt10 "and stay loyal" they can never beat us//" :)
ther idiots blocked the "RED nose charity initiative " this morning STUPID ..buGG&rs!!
Gem> Daily Horoscope
"You may have had some hard words with a loved one recently, perhaps even your significant other. Yet despite the disagreement there is a greater understanding possible. All you have to do is keep an open mind, and be accepting even if you don't agree....25/26th..."You are definitely looking at a vacation, and it seems that the planning is getting away from you a little bit. Your dreams are pretty big, and a sudden bargain may come your way because of someone else's misfortune. You might be able to find travel deals online"
Net and FB and emails DANI BLOCKED
Gem> Daily Horoscope....
You may be looking at a promotion or a job offer that will significantly improve your social status and overall happiness. You will want to spend a lot of money to celebrate your good fortune but it is a good idea to put some aside for your future first.
ha ha ... really?? what "promotion" ..to heaven?? :)
"build (<this>) and they will come" ???? (field of dreams) ... I wonder if "they will come" .. because there a lack of enthusiasm...
"tomorrow we go to Istanbul (besiktas away) who can forget the "miracle of Istanbul...winning number 5 in may of 05 but also the atmosphere of beating maureens chelski at anfield to get there,...!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3ifR76jsDw talk to Goran, loan, notice, printer, candles/...
added films and music at Danilover
REdNET...the indecision of LFC boREd room ...(see pics) and the wall of sound that got Rafas REDs through against chelski to Istanbul may 05... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3ifR76jsDw
RED nose karaoke party on Network...for...https://www.facebook.com/events/1554037768208490
Gem > "Daily Horoscope ...You are likely to have arguments or disagreements with loved ones today if you are not careful. Take care to avoid any political or social-issues topics around the dinner table. Stick to small talk and focus your energy on what you love about your loved ones instead. " ...ha ha ..i HATE "small talk".. so ...its gonna be an FB fight...i suppose,,, :)
for you....wherever u are, (if I fell....) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYKSeYuOvps________________________________
rednet pics uploaded (Away game at soton Cout, scored goal of the mnoth...)
car hire rental Reservation Number GB498187770:
Roll up f-ed UP sabotaged again??? Anja sent wrong .jpg..,,
karaoke suggestion...
Raindrops ... (Butch & Sundance ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rkS-aORoUE
Wanko eventually paid 2nd part of loan..
Booked paddy air Wed 18 Mar 2015 Reservation Number KWJZYN
for all the "cool" People... " its a FOOL who plays it COOL whilst making this world a little COLDER" so.....warm up ! :)
went for a run in the rain yesterday, after 2 weeks of sun...made a change ha ha ..
Gem> "If you are single, this is not the best day to get out to meet new people. The people you meet will be strange or dysfunctional in some way. If you are not single, you may find yourself win weird arguments with your mate, unless you make a special effort to be patient and understanding." ha ha all the people I meet on this mad planet are strange,,,to me ! :D
soton 0 v Lfc (in black) 2 Cout (super goal) and Raheem
Team at soton...: Mignolet, Can, Skrtel, Lovren, (Sakho injured ) Hendo, Allen, Markovic, Ibe, Lallana, Coutinho, Sterling.
Bench : Ward, Johnson, Toure, Lambert, Studge, (????) Moreno, Balotelli Brent tinkering again, hope it dont end in tears,,, (Brents lad Joe is playing again...do the fan nies moan about BRs "rotation" ha ha ??
raining, stayed in bed late , run in rain, shave etc.. and Rivercaffe chips and cola..
satnight with Andi at Berlin and Gem,, (karaoke> bus, drinks , (she paid one) and taxi back to Dg with mad Jacksa ..e25
wrong date etc,,,
euro http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2015/02/rednet-update.html
sms to Ranko, you are (again) out of order, stop bothering Andrea (she is ill) ..none of your excuses are accepted, a MONTH ago u gave me a SIGNED note to
state u would make the 2nd part (even then, U reduced it!!!)on 20th February & I warned u via sms a few days ago..u waste my time and trip, so YOU can bring it
to "obala" caffe-restoran (near bridge at Dg) MONDAY (23 february) MORNING.(AT YOUR COST!!!)-if you dont want to make me even MORE angry with U! CS
DDvia Fb :)
at obala 19.45h
I had a coffee / chocolate meeting with "Dolly" today and I didnt have time to talk about many things but.....last night
when I was asleep "Micky" came to visit the kitchen when I was sleeping,, and there was no food left open,, so
..he ate a bar of soap... thats a very clean mouse! ha ha...
Gem> "Daily Horoscope
Your significant other may be out of sorts with your family or vice versa. You can smooth the waters by being a good listener. No matter how wild the accusations are - remember that perception is reality from someone else's point of view."
who is my "significant other">>>>>??????
everyone on this mad planet is "other" compared to me, and most are "significant" more or less... smile
Dedic Dolly
150219 >FB
CS>I like your (profile) smile....I am going to be at Caffe Berlin 11-12h tomorrow (friday) will u PLEASE meet me for coffee?? - I am the one with shaven head OR woolly cap! ha ha ...
DD> I do not drink coffee. But, I like hot chocolate.At 11 is ok, but, I do not know where is Caffe Berlin. In Podgorica?
And, i ask one thing from you: Our meeting is only for introduction. OK?
CS> ok chocolate,, of course introduction..thats what i expect, just to start contact..and see.
DD> Are you here now?
CS> caffe Berlin is opposite "corto maltese restoran" in Njegoseva 24...
DD> I just try to find where is that caffe.
CS> near the square, and town hall..
DD> But I do not know where is eny caffe in Podgorica. I am old for that. Oposite of you. opsite from you.
CS> this caffe Berlin is for all people, age is not imprtant, its relaxed..
DD> i do not go out for a long time.it is near to my Agency, I mean.
CS> well its only a short meeting for hello not really "goigb out" .. so dont worry be happy..and i look forward to see u, if u have any delay sms me 068 614427 molim vas! ok ?
DD > I have so many business interviews tomorrow.that one hour I am free. I ll call you.If you have need to call me, my nomber is: 069 212 xxx
CS> hvala! but I will be there at 11h..
DD> ok. we never know what day put with it....I must go now. see you.
CS > ok vidimo se sjutra! laku noc !
(added chat about language, I replied "a little")
Daily Horoscope
Relationships are under a stressful aspect today. This is not a good day to sit down and have a long-overdue chat about whose job it is to do the dishes or take out the garbage. Nothing will get solved. Instead, agree to take it up another time and just have some fun instead.
CS> Dax "Just know I am here for U & hope if u can come here, (help me, do something good
have something in your pocket, and some FUN too, with me...?) take care X"
DD on 2 oooh...
CS> it might be easier "face to face" to understand each other? but here is one of my LOgs ..it may help in the meantime .. http://now2balien.blogspot.com/ and thanks for the FB contact! :) yesterday at 09:35
Real Dolly > not at all.yesterday at 17:01 it is not blog.there are MEMOIRS.yesterday at 17:08
150219/09.22h Chris> its many thiings ... there are many pages,,.,.and links , u wont have time to read or understand.. BUT > I like your smile....I am going to be at Caffe Berlin 11-12h tomorrow (friday) will u PLEASE meet me for coffee?? - I am the one with shaven head OR woolly cap! ha ha ...
DD on fb ...
belated from saturday...(balkans delivery service!( ha ha )
DD>ha ha And, what you think when you know how I look?
CS> I like your smile....I am going to be at Caffe Berlin 11-12h tomorrow (friday) will u PLEASE meet me for coffee?? - I am the one with shaven head OR woolly cap! ha ha ...
Gem>Daily Horoscope "You will be solidifying financial and career gains today. News bulletin though ... you better make time for your neglected love life soon or you won't have one. There may be scheduling conflicts, but it is most likely that you are simply working too hard."
Watched "Interstellar" film, last night , reminded me of when I was doing trancendental meditiation...hmmm...we all come back to ourselves... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstellar_%28film%29
took 4 t shirts to ckbDg
Gem> day off...?
a day of..or OFF... smile emoticon sunny view at the riverside caffe...fresh air and warm sun... hmmmm ..feel too lazy to bother with the bugg^ers smile emoticon just be good..ok?
Gem>" Daily Horoscope
Your love life has your head spinning at the moment. While you have some wonderful opportunities to transform your life in a positive way, you are a little afraid to make the commitments needed to take things to the next level. It will be an enjoyable dilemma though " afraid? moi? smile emoticon ??? sometimes it seems I should be MORE "afraid" stilll..... thinking about my "F*(b)u**it list"
to Dax
sometimes :)
Dax> Ok, now Im at my home in Bosnia, we have situation here, a little bit difficult.
CS> ok Danica,, I hope u work it out, BUT tell me IF there IS anything i can do to HELP YOU?? (and if u come here), I can cover your bus and time...btw!) ok? cuvaj se
CRS> Danica, will you help me? its important
sun exercise SMILE!!!!!!!
dont wait until you are dying to wake up and LIVE....!
CS> THe Bucket list (link to f... group) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bucket_List
why are you here?
a) have you had JOY in your life ????
b) have you brought JOY to others?????
my journey.......
Gem> ? Daily Horoscope
"Today you and your partner would benefit from trying the following technique to conflict resolution. Each of you gets five minutes of uninterrupted time to say what is on your mind. Then the other spends sixty seconds repeating what they heard, before they get a chance for their five minutes
https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters/ add comments to
hmmm i live my dreams and dream my life...(and take lots of risks) ...
run, half , walk & wall passing 3/4 hr
Lola Zarate
2/15, 4:14pm> Thanks my friends, the staff I do post , I do believe has a lot if soul meaning, and I do to encourage my friends and my self to keeping going peaceful and with a little bit of humor I think most off them reflex a lot of my personality, have gray weekend! Stay calm and content life is good!
Chris Smith-Mypod > thanks for that Lola, and for keeping the Love chain" going , keep in contact please... I like u very much! x
Anita Migles (be my valentine?)
AM> Ok, done , Last year was really hard, i'm still doing the best i can... Xx
Chris Smith-Mypod> hvala! ... u know it would be great if U, (and sister and soem REdS from Zg ) cam to the special weekend in May, (u only need to pay for yr travel) as u are my guest(s) ..free accomodation, food and drinks, celebrating the RED nose party, 10 years Istanbul, Stevie, and MY birthday in one weekend... ????
Chris Smith-Mypod< Alba Vidal Cacharrón
Just now ·
Hiya Alba, I would still like to show you the BEST parts of this region..
have a very special time...
you came with yr friend to pG
just a few hours, did not see
Skadar lake Tara river and the monastery
we just had a bevvy at the station
and then u both caught the train
i want to make it better,
so please, come visit again... smile emoticon x
Gem>" Daily HoroscopeYour love life is heading for a welcome boost. There is a sudden and unexpected interest in a more secure, stable and committed relationship being expressed in your chart right now. If single, you may be attracted to someone older and more socially established"
...watched Benjamin button last night...before I went to bed,...hmmm... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-wnz3L1xh0
I had such a VIVId dream on "valentines night"..it was like "HD technicoloUr".. // i picked her up, naked and i really FELT this, as I carried her through the countryside.. , (it was more "real " than when i am awake) .. was better asleep, in this non valentines weekend.. thanks for that! made my sunday smile... :)
Jolanta, U sent me "find yr valentines app" but it didnt work, much like "valentinse weekend" for me,,are u still "involved",?? my favourite dance partner of 2013..!! :)
feb 15th
e50 tab renewed at obala.. (e31 for sat night...REdNoses..meet) Good RED NOSE meet and greet (non valentines for me !) night with Goran & Mrs, Pedja & Jelena (*s) Bagi & Mrs..
CS> ?Lola be my valentine?
Lola> thank YOU! x Hope you have a great day with special friends take care!
CS> thanks Lola , I have no friends on this planet. but I do my utmost to enjoy every day, Lola, "friend" has a special meaning for me, (it takes alifetime to get there..) ha ha .., its important for me to keep positive and balanced in this mad world...and do what I do...LIVE what did you do? u have a certain beauty in the things u post on FB that draws me to you... and I love your smile, take care of u!!
CS> i wa blocked by yr C 1 a yestyerday! not online...
Real Dolly I dont understand this
150215 > Chris u should ask someone else, ...nothing that can be explained in a short time, ...u dont want to meet face to face, (if u read my blogs u might understand...) anyway u didnt want me to be yr valentine ? did u ? ,,another chance gone by...
palace 1 LIverpool 2 ..Studge & Lala
to Igor at Pro..."please reply with .jpg and if shirts can be ready friday *13th feb. ?"
MOLIM vas!
13th feb..sms ..maybe ready 16h (call from Igor,.) said wil collect from centre ..sat
" Daily Horoscope
You are busy tripping over your words today. It is in the area of romance and committed partnerships that you make your biggest boo-boos. Wait for more favorable conditions before asking for any promises, or making major commitments."
ooops :)
(for t ahirts red nose charity events and Dg re loacation stickers) paid 250e...
CRS (see CSnos)
who will be mY valentine, in this "land of promises" ha ha...???? :D
so, in this "land of promises"... anyone dare risk to be my "Valentine" (ha ha that is irony ...if u noticed,,,) :D x
Gem> (ha ha now even my horoscopes are banned??) " :) ...pathetic c 1 a ...
ChRiS> This is NOT "the promised land" ..its the beautifully wild land full of (*unfulfilled) promises, and pretences...:)
but .. ... this is to raise support for orphans, homeless and disadvantaged kids..keep in contact with https://www.facebook.com/groups/DaniLOVER/ the project is based at Dg (dates for events on the t-shirt!!!)
cuvaj se! (and have some fun whilst doing Good, and....dancing...) ;) "EVerybody NOSE" ..:D
DaniLOVE Internationa1 Social & Cu1ture Club <org> info meet saturday (today) from 18h at "Obala" (riverside Caffe Pizzeria)
event dates on the t shirt,,,,!!
March 13
April 22
and "vikend" May 23..
.and more irony.. ,,, lots of roses ...BUT every one of the B&&&ERS (so far) has a thorn!!! :) ___________________________________________________________________________
Feb 13
Hello I gor, when can we collect t -shirts from centar office?
CS emails Net blocked, Fb and Tw00 and blogger etc (no daily horoscope either..)
HIY JOvana, this is to raise support for orphans, homeless and disadvantaged kids..keep in contact with https://www.facebook.com/groups/DaniLOVER/ the project is based at Dg (dates for events on the t-shirt!!!) cuvaj se! (and have some fun whilst doing Good, and....dancing...) ;)
DaniLOVE Internationa1 Social & Cu1ture Club <org>
Rockstock Productions
Hi Chris, I'(=Jeroen Frech)m the producer behind Rockstock and work together with Vuk. Vuk is not always reading these conversations via the Rockstock FB page. Could you please tell me a bit more...?
Chris Smith-Mypod>
yep i have seen that reply from u know almost 3 years.. ha ha..its to raise support for orphans, homeless and disadvantaged kids..keep in contact with https://www.facebook.com/groups/DaniLOVER/ the project is based at Dg (dates for events on the t-shirt!!!) cuvaj se!
DaniLOVE Internationa1 Social & Cu1ture Club <org>
No problem Chris, i'll do that at evening when i'll have more time to do that
How are you?
ok, this is translation:
"ovo je naša majica kojom promoviramo i podižemo svijest o djeci koja su bez roditelja, bez doma ili u nepovoljnom položaju, molimo vas da se pridružite našim RED NOSES (crveni nosevi) događajima i inicijativi... kako bi se zabavili i činili dobro... (ako ste blizu Danilovgrada u Crnoj Gori u subotu, bit ću u "Obali" od 18h kako bi vam pružio više informacija...")
"Obala" is the name of the bar? I wrote it in that way...
CS> I am busy challenging people in the "land of promises"...! thanks for that, how are YOU???? x
add ed on 14th..
Daily Horoscope
Your love life is back on the "up" swing again. Your love life has been a bit of a roller coaster lately, so take advantage of the ride. A romantic trip can help cement the positive feelings you establish today. If you can get out together even for a brief time it could work wonders.
Chris Smith-Mypod
Daily Horoscope
Family members may not be terribly supportive of your love life right now. What they say or do is unlikely to make much difference to you though. You not be able to keep a promise or commitment to your partner today, so it may be best to avoid delicate negotiations.
feb 12
Gem> "Daily Horoscope (out of comfort zone)
Your love life is hotter than ever. Maybe a little too hot to handle right now if you are already married. The tempting offers fly fast and furious. If you are single, you will be like a bee among the flowers, but you should choose carefully." ..ha ha ..so anyway (I live in the "promised land" ..and promises is all that i hear, ha ha ..)
I may have had no contact with you
and u probably dont want to "get involved"
could you please help one of the projects by translating into your language ..
"this is our t-shirt to promote and raise support for orphans , homeless and disadvantaged children, please come and join our RED NOSES events and initiatives
....TO have fun and DO GOOD ... (if you are near Danilovgrad Montenegro saturday . I will be at "Obala" to meet
and greet, and inform you from 18h ..) "
Ovo je nasa majica za promociju i pruzanje podrske deci bez roditelja, bez doma i deci sa posebnim potrebama. Pozivamo vas da se pridruzite nasim RED NOSES dogadjajima i inicijativama, da se zabavljamo i da cinimo dobro. (Ako ste u blizini Danilovgrada u subotu, ja cu biti u "Obali" od 18h da se upoznamo i da vam pruzim vise informacija)
Jelena Ill... vic RED haired dancer? invite ...https://www.facebook.com/jovana.vujanovic.5
11 FEB
change Profile to...(after adjustmentI=Red nose etc)
Gem> "Daily Horoscope: Your love life is in the middle of a somewhat painful transition period. Don't fret over any arguments today. They won't have lasting impact, they could even turn into a blessing in disguise. You need to be more honest about the shared resources you manage.
we shall see .... :)
..WE are the club, we are not racists we are just coluRED.... "
....MY Profile and the groups I belong to, and sometimes even "friends" get BLOCKED by internet (and 2-faced-book) G(U)estAPO, DO YOU dare to post something positive here? OR are you just one of the "clones", the matrix robots, ? the "sheeple" the "borg" .. "
to BE or not..is that a QUESTION??"
film "42" its how it feels to be "Alienated " ..dont matter where u come from MY culture invites the odd, different, rebels and "strangers" ./...NO one is an "outsider" where I LIVE..
G liked "hitchhikers" (u tube(
showed Gor ON Lp video ...(for weekend may 23)
Heart a s big as....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_aaGT5ywKg
in my Liverpool home..cavern https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLeBkyQ8Tpo
Liverpool 3 spurs 2
Marko, Stevie (Pen) Balo (!)
team: Mignolet, Can, Skrtel, Sakho, Ibe, Henderson, Gerrard, Moreno, Coutinho, Markovic, Sturridge bench ...Ward, Johnson, Lovren, Lambert, Lallana, Allen, Balotelli
I was thinking as the team was announced with out Raheem or Lucas, that probably we woudl "miss" Lucas the most, and the 2 goals against sort of confirm that . certainly spurs equalizer, could have been cut out by a typical Lucas interception before Hendo and then a slip up by Sakho (again looking a bit shaky, as in the Derby) let shitizen Kane in..
I never really hated spurs, but they seem nastier these days , the manager may have got them playong better, but also like a 2nd class chelski cheating outfit...
I was annoyed also at the "support" , when I was on the kop, there was NO way, that a bunch of cockneys could out sing us, (even if the predicatable tottenham chants are boring and banal)
The kop was quiet and most of the "middle class crowd" didnt do more than more than murmur until we scored and were quiet when we we drawing the game.. it was a VITAL game, yet too many of the home crowd are just on-lookers and dont deserve a seat, (seeing Henrys tart on the net, touching the "This is Anfield" sign, makes me throw up when so many true supporters are treated like shite by "Lfc" these days and many have no chance of a ticket.)
and iam fed up at the number of referee decisions that go against us, Stevie (and aeveral other players, mostly REds) was punished twice for normal challenges, the 2nd spurs goal came a) from another wrong decision by Dowd against Stevie, as the spurs player just fell down going for the ball that Gerrard cleanly played, and then a similar challeng by their defender in the pen area, didnt get another (deserved) pen. b) the pass for the goal was from an offside position, even Mignolet saw that....(who again proved his shot stopping ability, but whose distributuon.....wel....needs improvement...)
Stevie scored another blatant pen when it was clear that Strudge was tripped..
fan nies amaze me , praising Brent, but for me his selections and subs dont make sense, its a fluke if they come off.. Lovren for Gerrard?? , Stevie must be going mad... take off Studge for Balo, who again did nothing for the team, yes he scored the "winner" , HIS first league goal (its february!!!) my main problem is his lack of Team play.
for me, IF Brenda N wants to "rest" Stevie, then Lallana was the obvious choice (he came on to assist the 3rd goal late on..)...Marko scored the goal...but his "industry" often requires a better finish, if he was sharper he could have scored more. Hendo wasnt on "full power" either..
Anyway, Balo was lethal from 1 metre, and 3 points,..how many behind chelski????
feb 10
checked CRS?
already 20 RED noses for the party , thats a start ...lets find 8 instead of 4..ha ha (with complimenst to "Patch"...)
Gem> Daily Horoscope
Your love life looks like it is warming up nicely. You have strongly romantic aspects in your chart right now. If you are trying to add to your family, this evening could be lucky for you in more ways than one. Your personal creativity is high today.
Patch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKLQBuSPVwQ 8 not 4..
ATm Deltacity - e20 for 20 REDnoses....
(((((((((( AngieM
nice memories, Angie, come and stay, here, at my place , as long as u want??
14 hours ago
That was a crazy time till the wee hours
how come u got where u are now?
...and where exactly are you?
ah i see! Podgorica! Wellllll, what made you leave the Dutch and go there?
woman as usual..no, i was planning to go to Ghana, that fell through, and I landed in the Balkans, and then for the first time in my life could not find any reasons to leave..
Feb 09
(pics wet ball and fb sp y...)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7-6okeCpJY ...green mile ..."i m in heaven...)
Gem> "Daily Horoscope . ....Sudden changes in your or your mate's career could leave you feeling anxious or uncertain. Follow your intuition, but don't be afraid to seek out help and advice. You may be over-reacting to pressure from a parent or sibling who has some old fashioned ideas"
someone complained about being added to a REds facebok group...(susan harris euro..)
this morning,....I reflect// .... there are more than 4000 nuclear weapons that USA still have that could blow us all up several tines when they make another mistake.. i think about "problems" at times like these,, and that my son died, and J4t96 and ...the small things that we let annoy us... and .. when in fact Facebook can and do read everything in your profile and tell their business partners or the government all about you... and what u do or like..
Now2bd alien...? 90s ??
complained to "Tammy" (check email link on web profile..etc and "features" see their email..
at obala , e8 , e6 , e2 , e5...
DD> I do not put my real name here,yesterday at 11:43
Real Dolly > But, in fb are all information about me. I heard that Smith is usually the fake name.yesterday , I do not want money or something else from somebody. All what I have, I earned with my 10 fingers....I am psychologist, y work in public agency, and I try with and decoupage decorations to earn money on honest way. Find my business page on FB, and see what I made until today: ...Dekupaz Darovi Podgorica.yesterday at 11:53
Chris> http://now2balien.blogspot.com/2014/06/naughtyninetiesand-supernova-gemini.html some test for your psychology
contacted Nicole on Linkedin
updated sclog podt derby
woke up with the sun...but its gone back to sleep , REds didnt take the chances, like life , if you dont take them they are gone..
Gem>Daily Horoscope
"You are likely to get unexpected news or information for or about your partner today that will knock you for a loop at first. After you recover your composure though, you'll enjoy the big surprise. There is a lucky break coming that will improve your love life" so many promises.... :) ha ha but....Sclog on Twiitter ..add match?? via redalienet and eurred..
Be welcome informed about event...will they help attract visitors ???
Kruse/invited Anam to REd nose meet..
Sclog to LeonH via CRS
Dax> i have passport so...probably I come to visit soon:)
CRS>i hope so...thats would be great!! yr face is known here ha ha,,,.especially if u can join the RED nose days parties (i am doing everything alone) its for the kids.. ..and dare I ask U to ..."get involved" ..have u been to Istanbul yet?
2 messages from Airbnb not received.. 4 erasmus kids and Steve?
Gem> (clown ninja)
(Love chain...(pic waiting.
..(people talk or chat on FB, even know what they should do, but dont... and this chain needs u all, not just a few who bother to add... come on! dont wait for someone else..:)
Gem > "Daily Horoscope
The battle of the sexes is over. It's hot and happy lovemaking time. There is just nothing like making up is there? You and your partner are back on the same page. If you are single, get out some place like one of those super bookstores where you can chat and read. You won't stay alone for long"
ha ha ..theres nothing like that here..but theres the caffe ...and theres FB ..ha ha.. never mind, :)
DD> I have not so many time for myself.2015-02-05 16:31
Real Dolly > I am lion in horoscope. That mean that I am: communicative, human and tolerant person. This and similar sites are my chance to talk with people. I rather to be in communication with someone who is so far from me,y than to be in worse communication with someone who is near to me.Horoscope is one of so many my hobbies. 2015-02-05 16:36
Real Dolly> I am sure than you and me are not good combination for something else than friendship. And it is enough for me.2015-02-05 16:40
150207 11h Chris> I think thats a negative way to look at this..if U only think about what you want,, what reason should I have to continue contact?? u dont really tell me or communicate...anything more than "small talk" Its easy to hide behind internet, and U can write any thing . tell me lies, and i cant see your eyes! :)
Chris > u cant know me, this way! ..can U? :)
(this probably ends now??)
50e for Tab at riverside,,gorna = gazda?
DAX via CRS???
CS>Tam>u dont need much money, just get yr ticket here, and be my guest, we also have RED nose parties this year,,kot of fun,,,come and join ...and I ll show u this beautiful place..
raining hard , had to get fire going.. bit of sh&te in my nose??
GeM> "Daily Horoscope
If you are still single, this could be an incredibly lucky moment in the history of your love life. There are people with great potential coming into your life. These are new relationships with the possibility of long-term benefits both as lovers and companions." ......hmmmm :)
and join our RED Nose days ....
March 13/14
April 22
and weekend of 23 may... :)
(Dax pic)
Danica , I hope YOU have a very special time x ChRiS
Danica Stanci > 2/5, 4:29pm Thanks...you know that i dont like birthdays...so sad
CRSmith >of course, Danica , we are opposite, I celebrate the date you were born because otherwise, I would not have had the good (& bad) feelign of meeeting you and sharing some short but special times together, that I dont forget,,,i wrote this for u, "this Star .. for YOU,,,,be a star ... "we are all in the gutter, but some are aiming for the stars..) for "Dax" .... I know you dont understand why I want to make a band with you alone I know you dont condone that I make this open i want you to accept this token as I remember the birth of you and now, thats all that can do.. thats all! ChRiS x sinatras with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SINfqtCq0lY thats all let me dream...
That's All (Frank Sinatra - with Lyrics)
come to red nose weekend ..march 13?
Feb 05
Angie> Tuesday 3:47am https://www.facebook.com/Angie.Marchionni Dada dadu dadaaaa
CS> nice memories, Angie, come and stay, here, at my place , as long as u want??
Real Dolly> you have so many younger ladies which want to meet you.
2015-02-03 17:26
Chris> you dont realise that I dont care about younger ladies, its the mentality, which is most important to me, I dont know you by email, i want to see in your eyes, if you are someone that I will enjoy and could share time with, ,, ,,thats all :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SINfqtCq0lY
Real Dolly> i understand.
150205 Chris \i hope you do, because most modern girls and young women dont know how to share, they just want to go shopping,, and I am doing this to see who is interested in a sharing smiles, stories and be company and...to care about me not only themselves , then see what happens after... why are u here??
Gem> "Daily Horoscope
You and your partner have come to some kind of compromise today, and you can get back to harmony if you are flexible enough. Remember to be a good listener. If you are single, you may find yourself attracted to someone who comes from another cultural or religious background." .... Remember that Great Celtville party?? Angies hand & Daby...and a bottle ..
bolton 1 LIVERPOOL 2
Raheem and Coutinho
poor selection choice again by Brent gave the initiative to bolton, BR must learn that a player like Lucas is vital to win control, his selection was "top heavy" and both Hendo and LUcas are preferable, to "teachers pet" Joe (Allen)
a great goal by Phil. who just signed new contract...saved the game for the REDS and another Chance for Stevie to get his hands on a trophy,,,but another difficult away tie at Palace comes in the next round.,,
Gem> Daily Horoscope
You are hotter than hot today. If you are still single, you could meet someone with the potential to totally change your life. If you are already married, you and your significant other could be coming up with some intriguing indoor recreation this evening.
this Star .. for YOU,,,,be a star ... "we are all in the gutter, but some are aiming for the stars..)
for "Dax"
.... I know you dont understand
why I want to make a band
with you alone
I know you dont condone
that I make this open
i want you to accept this token
as I remember the birth of you
and now, thats all that can do..
thats all!
ChRiS x
sinatras with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SINfqtCq0lY thats all
CS> maybe valentines is a big step , but ...how about a meet for coffee in Pg ? :) do U know "Moya mala" caffe ?
Real Dolly> I do not know where is it....I do not go in some caffes for a long time. ...I have daugther, ...9 years old....I said to you that it is enough for me to talk with you here...you have so many younger ladies which want to meet you.yesterday at 17:26
Chris > you dont realsie that I dont care about Younger ladies, its the mentality, which is most important to me, I dont know you by email, i want to see in your eyes, if you are someone that I will enjoy and coulkd share time with, ,, ,,thats all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SINfqtCq0lY
Natasa, I decided to write ... a response, I was hoping for a "surprise" ..I am NOT surprised that you stay in that place you know with the people you know,,,playing it "safe" ... (although I am surprised you have "many reasons"....???) .. its ironic, that I had the fullest life, with so many experiences and stories.. good or bad.. (although the " bad ones" were the things that "made me",,,) because I took a chance, because, when you come to the end of the life (and I am just beginning...) ha ha ... why would you ever want to feel "what if" >>>>????
and yet, if it wasnt for all the people who did NOT take the risk, of "befing uncomfortable" ..I would not have had all this LIFE..
I want to share what I wrote to Izzy with you....
(CS> postcard to Iz.."This is very difficult, I WANT to forgive you for what you said and what you did, I helped and supported you for good reasons, I dont want anything from you that you dont want to give , by choice, so, I am sorry to lose you from my life, & wish you luck, I still believe you can be great! I hope you find a good honest and true way to go forward!(& and good xmas) ChRiS" )
no one knows (or cares) how much that experience drained me, and I dont mean the money, but the time, the energy, the love, the care, and much more..it "aged" me..(because it was the "last time" I intended to offer this to anyone...to share all I know, and who i am... it was too much for her, and she lied ...and abused my trust,..like others, who she had scorned..
I was thinking that I already opened the door to her, after I had so many reasons NOT to trust anyone, let alone a serbian female.... MY instincs are not wrong.. I gave her every chance and she "spat in my face" (by words and actions) but I had to take the chance. (."in case") ... and a couple of days ago, I felt "one more time" ... to offer my hand,, ... if you dont understand what I mean, and wont take a step, then you have made your choice.. its difficult enough for me to open up myself...because to do so cost me a lot, more than Izzy (or you?) will ever know each time, someone wastes a chance...because life offers few such chances, if ever..
So, the door remains open, if you dont take it, I will close it , on February 14th,,, I wont share this with anyone, not you, nor anyone else, for, I suggest, many many more reasons born out of experience, not fear, than you use to stay in your comfortable pain, you see, its not painful to be alone,, for me,, but I know what could be done WITH a true partner,,.
and I know, your pain will not be eased by staying in the comfortable swamp... a slave to that which you know...
Its a sort of curse to have vision of things ...that you or other "friends" refuse to see..
It hurts me too much, not to pull you out, so I dont want, I cant, prolong my hope that my wish will be greater than my experience that people dont live their lives ..because...
I wish you well, really ..but ...life is too short ...
Cuvaj se!
p.s. thanks for supporting the Love chain,,,you are one of the few...
Feb 03
Nat>There are many reasons I could state for not accepting your offer (though much appreciated), but I guess the main one is I'm not ready to leave my comfort zone. That is the way it is for now and I'm ok with it. I admire what you are doing and the love and energy you put into it (the love chain to me is a miracle started and maintained by you). I'm sorry I was not able to visit Pg and see what your projects are up close and make an informed decision. I hope you find a person that's really ready to learn from you and I also hope to share some great moments in the future with you as friends.
CS> what will be will be... :)
Gem>"Daily Horoscope
You may want to sweep your partner off their feet tonight but you may find that work-related scheduling problems get in the way of romance. There could also be problems with relatives on either side of the family tree. One of you may have a family elder with emotional problems." .....
I Dont think much of the selfish "barbie" mentality of "modern fee-males" of this planet...but the REd haired Elf (Evangaline Lillly?) of the Hobbit film...hmmm now, thats the sort of woman i would stand beside.. :)
and 2 nice scenes from "scent of a woman".. the Tango which I really enjoy ..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2zTd_YwTvo
getting that close with a good dance partner, is sensual and ....
..the other is the "this is BS" part at the end...
... just about everyone in the system should look at themselves...the way you educate kids to become more sheeple to feed the....
.. you ask what I have in MInd .. to answer would take a week,
(some of which is in the video CDan1 posted on your FB profile..)
the quandry for you is, that I believe,
(also from what you told me)
the job there is hurting you, I like you, very much and feel easy with you..
and that you would have a better life here, sharing, some of which I told you,
as I am focussed on the community, nature, eco and club progress..
(as the t-shirts project is frozen) ..
there is both risk and chance of course..but...
IF as your partner is your choice (for life) then you must choose,.
to stay in NS, or leave your job, risk and ..find out...
( as said in the "Matrix" I was watching again today..)
"just how far you can go"..with me...is this YOUR BIG chance???
and I WILL share ALL...IF YOU make the same HONEST promise (as I made to Izzy, that she abused)
but...this time I am prepared to take the final risk...for the last time I offer this..
on the condition of mutual respect, humanity, empathy, application & intelligence..
which until now, is my goal..to share all my know-how and my life..
(laugh and to enjoy, to dance, with humour, and a warm smile)
I told you last time I met you, I dont go for compromise, I go "all in"
cuvaj se!
ChRiS x
Feb 1
110e ->pej2 , until 1march
08h sms (invite)
CS> Hello Natasa, dont you want to leave that bad job and come and share this beautiful life in Dg with me? :) ChRiS x
Gem>"Daily Horoscope
You will be filled with abundant energy and will have a lot of passionate ideas. If you are still single, you may find opportunities for meeting new people at sporting events. If you are married, you will want to express your passions strongly today" ....last night I had a "night off" from saving the world, drinking vodka, eatring crackers and watching re-run of the "Gilmore girls" can be gooey , but some of the lines are funny...too ha ha ha...
Chris Smith-Mypod made an invite,,,,will she come?
C(SS)ing Margot Dauban Timosoara
and Fabien
Hiya Margot ,I dont get your message in my "in box" and I am not often online in winter ...if u want to meet in either Danilovgrad , come to "Obala" (Caffe) now or tomorrow in Podgorica (Caffe Berlin) please give me your mobile phone number as I am not always on line? ChRiS
edited test video...at DaniHse
sent Red Nose invites , flyers t-shirts etc ..
anam? 150214??
installed thunderbirds on H /-T?
1st part of wanko repaid -150= 750..? Ranko, "I read your proposal of repayments ,HOW can you gaurantee?" those amounts on those dates? 100% ?? ChRiS
Borko owes 60e?
find apartment Pg?
go to marocco? Istanbul, ? Brussels , SA with Andi>? ----------and Abnb dates?
Skitch , change pics, say hello to mari xmas
claims ; alamo credit and rental Nat xpress bus .. _________________________________________________________________________________
Amount paid 58.41 EUR paddy air Ldn -Pg
1 x 1st Checked Bag (15kg)_________________________________________
started to sort out nowmatterwhatguarantee.com via toshiba support with attachment on FB???
pay forward......pay forward......http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pay_It_Forward_%28film%29
"Not the Messiah, just a very naughty boy", with experience....ha ha
I am not Jesus, Ghandi, or a messiah,
just a "naughty boy" who aims higher,
that any of you, who do not know
that to see all, means i have to go..
on holidays I hear the sounds of "family"
of someone elses "reality"
..all feels so distant to me,
so, I imagine that pain of Stevie.
they are all gone, girlfriends
my kids, Dad, Mum, sis & Jacqui,
I cant find a "sub" you see...?
too many fee males and "fan nies"
no one wants to take my guidance,
difficult to even meet a lass
who will jive - dance!
.... So, it must be time to
leave this planet
now the "borg" infected the internet
this heart too young,
(and the sheeple dont feel that)
my spirit for them too strong..
women dont (want to) know
what they are missing..
so I dont expect more kissing..
sometimes they seem like cats
constantly hissing..
this was once my world,
but you all spoilt it
you fouled this beautiful globe
dumped your sh*te
and made it unfit..
IS there heaven?
this should be here
but I shall make it clear
I have to mention
it will be, in my dimension!
Stevie leaving.. I dont feel like i want to support the "new world order Lfc"
after this season.. the club I fell in love with as a bairn when I just knew they played in RED and Shanks was our "messiah" ....has gone..replaced by y ankers & fan nies, tourists and mercenaries and a "coach made for the media" 50 years married and its ending ..
Torres back to Atletico ... too
________________________________________________________still outstanding
From: campaign@ursun.
Subject: C150122-26 v Instra ^ EU registry Re: Expiring Domain ursun.net
To: renewals@europeregistry.com, 'ChriS Dix'
150126 Complaints to you since 22nd January "chrismith@mypod/net.org" is still blocked (FIVE DAYS!!!)
cc Brit embassy Bg, to be added to continual "profiling" plaints v FCO * and others!
Quoting ChriS Dix :
please note that none of the mail services work at
since TWO days, as I reported SEVERAL times I believe my domains and webmail to be hacked within your system!
Montenegro 09,30h 23 January 2015
On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 7:16 PM, <renewals@europeregistry.com> wrote:
Dear ChriS SmitH,
We wish to inform you that xxxxx.net will be expiring in 60 day(s) time. Ticket ID: WTG-179-87457
Subject: C150122-26 v Instra ^ EU registry Re: Expiring Domain ursun.net
Department: Europe Sales
[#AZH-617-25072]: Re: Expiring Domain
two girls __?? Claire??? blocked ..didnt come...
a room in "Wild Beauty" Bed & Breakfast - Private room • 2 Guests
Arrive Wed, February 11, 2015 Depart Sun, February 15, 2015
Gem 150116 Re: C150107 Re: Fwd: 150103 Olivia J Re: Airbnb: A message from Trust and Safety
Date: Friday, 16 January, 2015 03:38:46 EST
<account.security@airbnb.com>, <dani@mypod>, <campaign@>
Cc: <response@airbnb.com>
2 weeks later and I am still waiting for a link to change banking details..!
Quoting campaign@ IS anyone dealing with this?
Quoting dani@mypod ----- Forwarded message from -----
Date: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 From: campaign@
Reply-To: campaign@
Subject: 150103 Olivia J Re: Airbnb: A message from Trust and Safet To: response@airbnb.com
Hello Olivia , My designated email address for hosting is now dani@mypod but I deal with "problems" from this email address, my main problem is that I have had to refuse visitors because I wish to change the payment preferences to a different bank and I needa secure link from you to do this, as currently I am referred to the "security email" which I used to obtain your response, please answer a.s.a.p (to dani@mypod ) thanks in advance, ChRiS
Quoting response@airbnb.com:
Airbnb Customer Experience
Olivia J, Jan 01 08:39:
W6 4001 17 March 2015 Booking date:16/08/2014Confirmation number:HD3SUX
Departs from: Belgrade (?BEG) 17:40 ? Arrives to: London Luton (?LTN) 19:45
RESERVATION NUMBER JNGHNA London (Stansted) (STN) to Podgorica (TGD)
22 March 2015 - FR7961 STN 08:50 hrs›TGD 12:40 hrs
Purchased: McAfee Secure sites help keep you safe from identity theft, credit card fraud, spyware, spam, viruses and online scams.Toshiba
You need to finish setting up your My Account page. Create your password now and start protecting your PCs, Macs, smartphones, and tablets with McAfee LiveSafe™.# 147434326*
McAfee LiveSafe™ (1-year subscription) £19.99
from .https://www.facebook.com/groups/DaniLOVER/
vid (club) on utube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-c8ggq6FQc&feature=youtu.be
Simplified Version
This simplified version of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been created especially for young people.
CS> its TRAGIC that its the LAST thing applied by officials of the state your in, and not the FIRST things taught you your children, BY YOU!
and although all "democratic" state leaders Worldwide signed to apply this, NOT one state keeps the promise...
HAVING "rights" is one thing,
....GETTING your rights is unlikely, unless you STAND UP for yourself against the abuses & violations that affect EVERY person,
...EVERY day!
1. We Are All Born Free & Equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way.
CS> Well, if you dont have a political lobby, media connections or are rich, you WONT get these rights promised to you...
2. Don’t Discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.
CS> Every policeman discriminates, due to the social pressures and dictators that the business, religious or political powers enforce!
you simply DONT get these rights, and if officials or civilians discriminate, for example, treat you with disrespect, because you are poor,
its unlikely that anyone will care, its now almost impossible to live in their world, without a credit card, car or mobile phone, let alone
if you happen to support the "wrong" poltics, religion or be in an "alienated" minority..
3. The Right to Life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.
CS> The state and/or private agencies control your movement and interfere with your communications, and will detain you on "suspect" grounds
without impartial cause or process, you are segregated by borders & fences and the rich and powerful demand payments for you to "live" so,
WHERE is the "freedom" ?????...
... and with them now employing robot drones that may kill you or someone in your neighbourhood, who is "profiled"
WHERE is the "safety"???
4. No Slavery. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave.
CS> You are all slaves to the system, because if you try to escape from it, or drop out, you are made to feel "wrong" and your children are
taught to feed the system, so you all "learn to be slaves" !!!
5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us.
CS> Yet state "security" agents USE torture on "suspects" and openly admit it. YOU will do nothing against that !!!
(until they do it to YOU!)
6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go. I am a person just like you!
CS> You have no rights, if you are considered, without trial or process to be "subversive" or criminal, anywhere.
7. We’re All Equal Before the Law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly.
CS> The lawyers, politicians and their policemen are biased, you are treated as guilty until proven innocent.
NO ONE gets " a fair and impartial treatment".
8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly.
CS> So who do YOU ask, when its the "law" (or "agents of the law") who violate, y-our rights???
9. No Unfair Detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without good reason and keep us there,
or to send us away from our country.
CS> Yet your state where you live or the state who occupy the lands you travel, can and do it every day to thousands,
and find excuses to detain you, as they wish.
10. The Right to Trial. If we are put on trial this should be in public.
The people who try us should not let anyone tell them what to do.
CS> The system is biased in favour of the prosecution,
so what if it is "public" the state can and does present the "facts" it selects.?
11. We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty. Nobody should be blamed for doing something until it is proven.
When people say we did a bad thing we have the right to show it is not true.
CS> YOU May believe you are innocent, but once you are arrested the "system" deals with you as "guilty"
denies you contact with your people, restricts movement and correspondence,
(thus making you "stressed" before they "process you")
if you canot afford "bail" or the accusation is serious, they may keep you in severe conditons without visitors or outside contact.
12. The Right to Privacy. Nobody should try to harm our good name. Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters,
or bother us or our family without a good reason.
CS> Sounds Good, BUT..in reality, prosecutors can and do bend the truth to suit their accusations against you,
and will convince lazy & (many) inept judges to invade your privacy, even smash down your doors and, by "accident" kill you without warning,
nowdays "in the name of security" you have NO PRIVACY!!!
13. Freedom to Move. We all have the right to go where we want in our own country and to travel as we wish.
CS> BUT., as ....you are NOT Free to move. you have to PROVE that, you have to pass through borders, and frontiers,
you have to have "correct papers" and state officials can and do decide to refuse you passage, without explaining why.
(see "discrimination") you forget that this world once belonged to all its inhabitants, not, as now,
controlled and seperated by the few! (for THEIR benefit)
14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country,
we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe.
CS> Where in the world is safe when the super powers can ("pre judge" *&) use satellites and drones to find & kill you?
15. Right to a Nationality. We all have the right to belong to a country.
CS> Which nationality respects these 15 articles? None, so why would you want to belong to any of them???
BY the way. you are not alone if you find this world order to be unjust, you have the right to form a UNION with others,
but you dont. because you are scared, of "them"
THE REALITY OF THE PERVERTED "UN DECLARATION" has been diluted by fear and greed, by the "powers that be"
( the irony that these articles were sent into the Universe to show or "trick" "Intelligent Aliens" that
this planet is "civiized" , well...this "civilization" is destroying itself, so my Alien friends, stay
way, because the so called "Human Race" will pollute your atmosphere too..)
THE people who should be serving these aims are the ones who, in fact, escalate negativity and form a global DIS CRIMI NATION ..
that I dont belong to... most of the "terrorists" are in suits, ties and uniforms...or employed by them!
IF you act "different" they wont protect you,, they will PROFILE you, discriminate, violate, allienate, and eventually persecute you,
in the way (aparently) they did 2000 years ago to "JC" or to anyone who dares tell the truth.. Ghandi, Madela
Che, any "whistleblower" or whoever that challenges them, and me :)
are you part of the problem??? , or part of the solution... because when you sink (and think) like their "titanic"..with them..
who is going to offer YOU a "life-boat?"
ChRiS SMITH 1501115
...CSerS Diary notes ,,,and ...lots of unfulfilled "promises" and...as be welcome, Abnb and Csing visitors have been blocked , I have been at the riverside caffe ("Obala" ) for most of the month, assisted Goran, and...well here it is...
used bwebmail.mypod-net.org for ChRiS emails..
added this to my "personal story"
started to distrubute t-shirts ,,,,"non profit fun event , raise awareness and support for homeless , , orphans and disadvantaged low costs, can make massive results,..to have fun AND its just for the sake of the kids......so, no excuses!! PLEASE!!"
at https://www.facebook.com/groups/DaniLOVER/
email dani@mypod-net.org
150228 (pic born again)
watched Life of David Gayle.. (again) when they take it all away, they may find thaT they "PAY"...
gem > Daily Horoscope "Your leadership skills will be challenged today. You will have to quickly find a partner or associate who can help you with the sudden and unexpected responsibilities you'll face. Your love life will be interesting and dynamic today."
followed gilmore girls on tv , some nice script, but silly music "la la la" ...
gave a t shirt black to Milena... next karaoke at Gem Caffe Pg, , where she works ??
"chat withdolly"
CS> i am in Pg, I sent an sms , u replied "not before march 8" ..why?
thanks for yr phone call "explaining" ..when exactly is that exhibition (at the mall?) which dates will u be there? i may come to see... ... btw,,,u dont need to keep telling me your limits, I understand, that doesnt affect me, I go through life waiting for someone to suprise me, they rarely do, i dont need a "friend" just be honest...thats all I want ...
D> ok.
i will be in Mall of Montenegro at 7. and 8. 03.
Bes 1 LFC 0 1 -1 Bes won 5=4 pens
to prepare Posters , flyers and banner for REd nose days
all you need is love..)))))))))))))))))_____________________
ordinary Decent Criminal film , and Pj2's dad tried to get in..house.???
"if we stick together" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AfXL5PZt10 "and stay loyal" they can never beat us//" :)
ther idiots blocked the "RED nose charity initiative " this morning STUPID ..buGG&rs!!
Gem> Daily Horoscope
"You may have had some hard words with a loved one recently, perhaps even your significant other. Yet despite the disagreement there is a greater understanding possible. All you have to do is keep an open mind, and be accepting even if you don't agree....25/26th..."You are definitely looking at a vacation, and it seems that the planning is getting away from you a little bit. Your dreams are pretty big, and a sudden bargain may come your way because of someone else's misfortune. You might be able to find travel deals online"
Net and FB and emails DANI BLOCKED
Gem> Daily Horoscope....
You may be looking at a promotion or a job offer that will significantly improve your social status and overall happiness. You will want to spend a lot of money to celebrate your good fortune but it is a good idea to put some aside for your future first.
ha ha ... really?? what "promotion" ..to heaven?? :)
"build (<this>) and they will come" ???? (field of dreams) ... I wonder if "they will come" .. because there a lack of enthusiasm...
"tomorrow we go to Istanbul (besiktas away) who can forget the "miracle of Istanbul...winning number 5 in may of 05 but also the atmosphere of beating maureens chelski at anfield to get there,...!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3ifR76jsDw talk to Goran, loan, notice, printer, candles/...
added films and music at Danilover
REdNET...the indecision of LFC boREd room ...(see pics) and the wall of sound that got Rafas REDs through against chelski to Istanbul may 05... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3ifR76jsDw
RED nose karaoke party on Network...for...https://www.facebook.com/events/1554037768208490
Gem > "Daily Horoscope ...You are likely to have arguments or disagreements with loved ones today if you are not careful. Take care to avoid any political or social-issues topics around the dinner table. Stick to small talk and focus your energy on what you love about your loved ones instead. " ...ha ha ..i HATE "small talk".. so ...its gonna be an FB fight...i suppose,,, :)
for you....wherever u are, (if I fell....) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYKSeYuOvps________________________________
rednet pics uploaded (Away game at soton Cout, scored goal of the mnoth...)
car hire rental Reservation Number GB498187770:
Roll up f-ed UP sabotaged again??? Anja sent wrong .jpg..,,
karaoke suggestion...
Raindrops ... (Butch & Sundance ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rkS-aORoUE
Wanko eventually paid 2nd part of loan..
Booked paddy air Wed 18 Mar 2015 Reservation Number KWJZYN
for all the "cool" People... " its a FOOL who plays it COOL whilst making this world a little COLDER" so.....warm up ! :)
went for a run in the rain yesterday, after 2 weeks of sun...made a change ha ha ..
Gem> "If you are single, this is not the best day to get out to meet new people. The people you meet will be strange or dysfunctional in some way. If you are not single, you may find yourself win weird arguments with your mate, unless you make a special effort to be patient and understanding." ha ha all the people I meet on this mad planet are strange,,,to me ! :D
soton 0 v Lfc (in black) 2 Cout (super goal) and Raheem
Team at soton...: Mignolet, Can, Skrtel, Lovren, (Sakho injured ) Hendo, Allen, Markovic, Ibe, Lallana, Coutinho, Sterling.
Bench : Ward, Johnson, Toure, Lambert, Studge, (????) Moreno, Balotelli Brent tinkering again, hope it dont end in tears,,, (Brents lad Joe is playing again...do the fan nies moan about BRs "rotation" ha ha ??
raining, stayed in bed late , run in rain, shave etc.. and Rivercaffe chips and cola..
satnight with Andi at Berlin and Gem,, (karaoke> bus, drinks , (she paid one) and taxi back to Dg with mad Jacksa ..e25
wrong date etc,,,
euro http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2015/02/rednet-update.html
sms to Ranko, you are (again) out of order, stop bothering Andrea (she is ill) ..none of your excuses are accepted, a MONTH ago u gave me a SIGNED note to
state u would make the 2nd part (even then, U reduced it!!!)on 20th February & I warned u via sms a few days ago..u waste my time and trip, so YOU can bring it
to "obala" caffe-restoran (near bridge at Dg) MONDAY (23 february) MORNING.(AT YOUR COST!!!)-if you dont want to make me even MORE angry with U! CS
DDvia Fb :)
at obala 19.45h
I had a coffee / chocolate meeting with "Dolly" today and I didnt have time to talk about many things but.....last night
when I was asleep "Micky" came to visit the kitchen when I was sleeping,, and there was no food left open,, so
..he ate a bar of soap... thats a very clean mouse! ha ha...
Gem> "Daily Horoscope
Your significant other may be out of sorts with your family or vice versa. You can smooth the waters by being a good listener. No matter how wild the accusations are - remember that perception is reality from someone else's point of view."
who is my "significant other">>>>>??????
everyone on this mad planet is "other" compared to me, and most are "significant" more or less... smile
Dedic Dolly
150219 >FB
CS>I like your (profile) smile....I am going to be at Caffe Berlin 11-12h tomorrow (friday) will u PLEASE meet me for coffee?? - I am the one with shaven head OR woolly cap! ha ha ...
DD> I do not drink coffee. But, I like hot chocolate.At 11 is ok, but, I do not know where is Caffe Berlin. In Podgorica?
And, i ask one thing from you: Our meeting is only for introduction. OK?
CS> ok chocolate,, of course introduction..thats what i expect, just to start contact..and see.
DD> Are you here now?
CS> caffe Berlin is opposite "corto maltese restoran" in Njegoseva 24...
DD> I just try to find where is that caffe.
CS> near the square, and town hall..
DD> But I do not know where is eny caffe in Podgorica. I am old for that. Oposite of you. opsite from you.
CS> this caffe Berlin is for all people, age is not imprtant, its relaxed..
DD> i do not go out for a long time.it is near to my Agency, I mean.
CS> well its only a short meeting for hello not really "goigb out" .. so dont worry be happy..and i look forward to see u, if u have any delay sms me 068 614427 molim vas! ok ?
DD > I have so many business interviews tomorrow.that one hour I am free. I ll call you.If you have need to call me, my nomber is: 069 212 xxx
CS> hvala! but I will be there at 11h..
DD> ok. we never know what day put with it....I must go now. see you.
CS > ok vidimo se sjutra! laku noc !
(added chat about language, I replied "a little")
Daily Horoscope
Relationships are under a stressful aspect today. This is not a good day to sit down and have a long-overdue chat about whose job it is to do the dishes or take out the garbage. Nothing will get solved. Instead, agree to take it up another time and just have some fun instead.
CS> Dax "Just know I am here for U & hope if u can come here, (help me, do something good
have something in your pocket, and some FUN too, with me...?) take care X"
DD on 2 oooh...
CS> it might be easier "face to face" to understand each other? but here is one of my LOgs ..it may help in the meantime .. http://now2balien.blogspot.com/ and thanks for the FB contact! :) yesterday at 09:35
Real Dolly > not at all.yesterday at 17:01 it is not blog.there are MEMOIRS.yesterday at 17:08
150219/09.22h Chris> its many thiings ... there are many pages,,.,.and links , u wont have time to read or understand.. BUT > I like your smile....I am going to be at Caffe Berlin 11-12h tomorrow (friday) will u PLEASE meet me for coffee?? - I am the one with shaven head OR woolly cap! ha ha ...
DD on fb ...
belated from saturday...(balkans delivery service!( ha ha )
DD>ha ha And, what you think when you know how I look?
CS> I like your smile....I am going to be at Caffe Berlin 11-12h tomorrow (friday) will u PLEASE meet me for coffee?? - I am the one with shaven head OR woolly cap! ha ha ...
Gem>Daily Horoscope "You will be solidifying financial and career gains today. News bulletin though ... you better make time for your neglected love life soon or you won't have one. There may be scheduling conflicts, but it is most likely that you are simply working too hard."
Watched "Interstellar" film, last night , reminded me of when I was doing trancendental meditiation...hmmm...we all come back to ourselves... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstellar_%28film%29
took 4 t shirts to ckbDg
Gem> day off...?
a day of..or OFF... smile emoticon sunny view at the riverside caffe...fresh air and warm sun... hmmmm ..feel too lazy to bother with the bugg^ers smile emoticon just be good..ok?
Gem>" Daily Horoscope
Your love life has your head spinning at the moment. While you have some wonderful opportunities to transform your life in a positive way, you are a little afraid to make the commitments needed to take things to the next level. It will be an enjoyable dilemma though " afraid? moi? smile emoticon ??? sometimes it seems I should be MORE "afraid" stilll..... thinking about my "F*(b)u**it list"
to Dax
sometimes :)
Dax> Ok, now Im at my home in Bosnia, we have situation here, a little bit difficult.
CS> ok Danica,, I hope u work it out, BUT tell me IF there IS anything i can do to HELP YOU?? (and if u come here), I can cover your bus and time...btw!) ok? cuvaj se
CRS> Danica, will you help me? its important
sun exercise SMILE!!!!!!!

CS> THe Bucket list (link to f... group) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bucket_List
why are you here?
a) have you had JOY in your life ????
b) have you brought JOY to others?????
my journey.......
Gem> ? Daily Horoscope
"Today you and your partner would benefit from trying the following technique to conflict resolution. Each of you gets five minutes of uninterrupted time to say what is on your mind. Then the other spends sixty seconds repeating what they heard, before they get a chance for their five minutes
https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters/ add comments to
hmmm i live my dreams and dream my life...(and take lots of risks) ...
run, half , walk & wall passing 3/4 hr
Lola Zarate
2/15, 4:14pm> Thanks my friends, the staff I do post , I do believe has a lot if soul meaning, and I do to encourage my friends and my self to keeping going peaceful and with a little bit of humor I think most off them reflex a lot of my personality, have gray weekend! Stay calm and content life is good!
Chris Smith-Mypod > thanks for that Lola, and for keeping the Love chain" going , keep in contact please... I like u very much! x
Anita Migles (be my valentine?)
AM> Ok, done , Last year was really hard, i'm still doing the best i can... Xx
Chris Smith-Mypod> hvala! ... u know it would be great if U, (and sister and soem REdS from Zg ) cam to the special weekend in May, (u only need to pay for yr travel) as u are my guest(s) ..free accomodation, food and drinks, celebrating the RED nose party, 10 years Istanbul, Stevie, and MY birthday in one weekend... ????
Chris Smith-Mypod< Alba Vidal Cacharrón
Just now ·
Hiya Alba, I would still like to show you the BEST parts of this region..
have a very special time...
you came with yr friend to pG
just a few hours, did not see
Skadar lake Tara river and the monastery
we just had a bevvy at the station
and then u both caught the train
i want to make it better,
so please, come visit again... smile emoticon x
Gem>" Daily HoroscopeYour love life is heading for a welcome boost. There is a sudden and unexpected interest in a more secure, stable and committed relationship being expressed in your chart right now. If single, you may be attracted to someone older and more socially established"
...watched Benjamin button last night...before I went to bed,...hmmm... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-wnz3L1xh0
I had such a VIVId dream on "valentines night"..it was like "HD technicoloUr".. // i picked her up, naked and i really FELT this, as I carried her through the countryside.. , (it was more "real " than when i am awake) .. was better asleep, in this non valentines weekend.. thanks for that! made my sunday smile... :)
Jolanta, U sent me "find yr valentines app" but it didnt work, much like "valentinse weekend" for me,,are u still "involved",?? my favourite dance partner of 2013..!! :)
feb 15th
e50 tab renewed at obala.. (e31 for sat night...REdNoses..meet) Good RED NOSE meet and greet (non valentines for me !) night with Goran & Mrs, Pedja & Jelena (*s) Bagi & Mrs..
CS> ?Lola be my valentine?
Lola> thank YOU! x Hope you have a great day with special friends take care!
CS> thanks Lola , I have no friends on this planet. but I do my utmost to enjoy every day, Lola, "friend" has a special meaning for me, (it takes alifetime to get there..) ha ha .., its important for me to keep positive and balanced in this mad world...and do what I do...LIVE what did you do? u have a certain beauty in the things u post on FB that draws me to you... and I love your smile, take care of u!!
CS> i wa blocked by yr C 1 a yestyerday! not online...
Real Dolly I dont understand this
150215 > Chris u should ask someone else, ...nothing that can be explained in a short time, ...u dont want to meet face to face, (if u read my blogs u might understand...) anyway u didnt want me to be yr valentine ? did u ? ,,another chance gone by...
palace 1 LIverpool 2 ..Studge & Lala
to Igor at Pro..."please reply with .jpg and if shirts can be ready friday *13th feb. ?"
MOLIM vas!
13th feb..sms ..maybe ready 16h (call from Igor,.) said wil collect from centre ..sat
" Daily Horoscope
You are busy tripping over your words today. It is in the area of romance and committed partnerships that you make your biggest boo-boos. Wait for more favorable conditions before asking for any promises, or making major commitments."
ooops :)
(for t ahirts red nose charity events and Dg re loacation stickers) paid 250e...
CRS (see CSnos)
who will be mY valentine, in this "land of promises" ha ha...???? :D
so, in this "land of promises"... anyone dare risk to be my "Valentine" (ha ha that is irony ...if u noticed,,,) :D x
Gem> (ha ha now even my horoscopes are banned??) " :) ...pathetic c 1 a ...
ChRiS> This is NOT "the promised land" ..its the beautifully wild land full of (*unfulfilled) promises, and pretences...:)
but .. ... this is to raise support for orphans, homeless and disadvantaged kids..keep in contact with https://www.facebook.com/groups/DaniLOVER/ the project is based at Dg (dates for events on the t-shirt!!!)
cuvaj se! (and have some fun whilst doing Good, and....dancing...) ;) "EVerybody NOSE" ..:D
DaniLOVE Internationa1 Social & Cu1ture Club <org> info meet saturday (today) from 18h at "Obala" (riverside Caffe Pizzeria)
event dates on the t shirt,,,,!!
March 13
April 22
and "vikend" May 23..
.and more irony.. ,,, lots of roses ...BUT every one of the B&&&ERS (so far) has a thorn!!! :) ___________________________________________________________________________
Feb 13
Hello I gor, when can we collect t -shirts from centar office?
CS emails Net blocked, Fb and Tw00 and blogger etc (no daily horoscope either..)
HIY JOvana, this is to raise support for orphans, homeless and disadvantaged kids..keep in contact with https://www.facebook.com/groups/DaniLOVER/ the project is based at Dg (dates for events on the t-shirt!!!) cuvaj se! (and have some fun whilst doing Good, and....dancing...) ;)
DaniLOVE Internationa1 Social & Cu1ture Club <org>
Rockstock Productions
Hi Chris, I'(=Jeroen Frech)m the producer behind Rockstock and work together with Vuk. Vuk is not always reading these conversations via the Rockstock FB page. Could you please tell me a bit more...?
Chris Smith-Mypod>
yep i have seen that reply from u know almost 3 years.. ha ha..its to raise support for orphans, homeless and disadvantaged kids..keep in contact with https://www.facebook.com/groups/DaniLOVER/ the project is based at Dg (dates for events on the t-shirt!!!) cuvaj se!
DaniLOVE Internationa1 Social & Cu1ture Club <org>
No problem Chris, i'll do that at evening when i'll have more time to do that
How are you?
ok, this is translation:
"ovo je naša majica kojom promoviramo i podižemo svijest o djeci koja su bez roditelja, bez doma ili u nepovoljnom položaju, molimo vas da se pridružite našim RED NOSES (crveni nosevi) događajima i inicijativi... kako bi se zabavili i činili dobro... (ako ste blizu Danilovgrada u Crnoj Gori u subotu, bit ću u "Obali" od 18h kako bi vam pružio više informacija...")
"Obala" is the name of the bar? I wrote it in that way...
CS> I am busy challenging people in the "land of promises"...! thanks for that, how are YOU???? x
add ed on 14th..
Daily Horoscope
Your love life is back on the "up" swing again. Your love life has been a bit of a roller coaster lately, so take advantage of the ride. A romantic trip can help cement the positive feelings you establish today. If you can get out together even for a brief time it could work wonders.
Chris Smith-Mypod
Daily Horoscope
Family members may not be terribly supportive of your love life right now. What they say or do is unlikely to make much difference to you though. You not be able to keep a promise or commitment to your partner today, so it may be best to avoid delicate negotiations.
feb 12
Gem> "Daily Horoscope (out of comfort zone)
Your love life is hotter than ever. Maybe a little too hot to handle right now if you are already married. The tempting offers fly fast and furious. If you are single, you will be like a bee among the flowers, but you should choose carefully." ..ha ha ..so anyway (I live in the "promised land" ..and promises is all that i hear, ha ha ..)
I may have had no contact with you
and u probably dont want to "get involved"
could you please help one of the projects by translating into your language ..
"this is our t-shirt to promote and raise support for orphans , homeless and disadvantaged children, please come and join our RED NOSES events and initiatives
....TO have fun and DO GOOD ... (if you are near Danilovgrad Montenegro saturday . I will be at "Obala" to meet
and greet, and inform you from 18h ..) "
Ovo je nasa majica za promociju i pruzanje podrske deci bez roditelja, bez doma i deci sa posebnim potrebama. Pozivamo vas da se pridruzite nasim RED NOSES dogadjajima i inicijativama, da se zabavljamo i da cinimo dobro. (Ako ste u blizini Danilovgrada u subotu, ja cu biti u "Obali" od 18h da se upoznamo i da vam pruzim vise informacija)
Jelena Ill... vic RED haired dancer? invite ...https://www.facebook.com/jovana.vujanovic.5
11 FEB
change Profile to...(after adjustmentI=Red nose etc)
Gem> "Daily Horoscope: Your love life is in the middle of a somewhat painful transition period. Don't fret over any arguments today. They won't have lasting impact, they could even turn into a blessing in disguise. You need to be more honest about the shared resources you manage.
we shall see .... :)
..WE are the club, we are not racists we are just coluRED.... "
....MY Profile and the groups I belong to, and sometimes even "friends" get BLOCKED by internet (and 2-faced-book) G(U)estAPO, DO YOU dare to post something positive here? OR are you just one of the "clones", the matrix robots, ? the "sheeple" the "borg" .. "
to BE or not..is that a QUESTION??"
film "42" its how it feels to be "Alienated " ..dont matter where u come from MY culture invites the odd, different, rebels and "strangers" ./...NO one is an "outsider" where I LIVE..
G liked "hitchhikers" (u tube(
showed Gor ON Lp video ...(for weekend may 23)
Heart a s big as....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_aaGT5ywKg
in my Liverpool home..cavern https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLeBkyQ8Tpo
Liverpool 3 spurs 2
Marko, Stevie (Pen) Balo (!)
team: Mignolet, Can, Skrtel, Sakho, Ibe, Henderson, Gerrard, Moreno, Coutinho, Markovic, Sturridge bench ...Ward, Johnson, Lovren, Lambert, Lallana, Allen, Balotelli
I was thinking as the team was announced with out Raheem or Lucas, that probably we woudl "miss" Lucas the most, and the 2 goals against sort of confirm that . certainly spurs equalizer, could have been cut out by a typical Lucas interception before Hendo and then a slip up by Sakho (again looking a bit shaky, as in the Derby) let shitizen Kane in..
I never really hated spurs, but they seem nastier these days , the manager may have got them playong better, but also like a 2nd class chelski cheating outfit...
I was annoyed also at the "support" , when I was on the kop, there was NO way, that a bunch of cockneys could out sing us, (even if the predicatable tottenham chants are boring and banal)
The kop was quiet and most of the "middle class crowd" didnt do more than more than murmur until we scored and were quiet when we we drawing the game.. it was a VITAL game, yet too many of the home crowd are just on-lookers and dont deserve a seat, (seeing Henrys tart on the net, touching the "This is Anfield" sign, makes me throw up when so many true supporters are treated like shite by "Lfc" these days and many have no chance of a ticket.)
and iam fed up at the number of referee decisions that go against us, Stevie (and aeveral other players, mostly REds) was punished twice for normal challenges, the 2nd spurs goal came a) from another wrong decision by Dowd against Stevie, as the spurs player just fell down going for the ball that Gerrard cleanly played, and then a similar challeng by their defender in the pen area, didnt get another (deserved) pen. b) the pass for the goal was from an offside position, even Mignolet saw that....(who again proved his shot stopping ability, but whose distributuon.....wel....needs improvement...)
Stevie scored another blatant pen when it was clear that Strudge was tripped..
fan nies amaze me , praising Brent, but for me his selections and subs dont make sense, its a fluke if they come off.. Lovren for Gerrard?? , Stevie must be going mad... take off Studge for Balo, who again did nothing for the team, yes he scored the "winner" , HIS first league goal (its february!!!) my main problem is his lack of Team play.
for me, IF Brenda N wants to "rest" Stevie, then Lallana was the obvious choice (he came on to assist the 3rd goal late on..)...Marko scored the goal...but his "industry" often requires a better finish, if he was sharper he could have scored more. Hendo wasnt on "full power" either..
Anyway, Balo was lethal from 1 metre, and 3 points,..how many behind chelski????
feb 10
checked CRS?

Your love life looks like it is warming up nicely. You have strongly romantic aspects in your chart right now. If you are trying to add to your family, this evening could be lucky for you in more ways than one. Your personal creativity is high today.
Patch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKLQBuSPVwQ 8 not 4..
ATm Deltacity - e20 for 20 REDnoses....
(((((((((( AngieM
nice memories, Angie, come and stay, here, at my place , as long as u want??
14 hours ago
That was a crazy time till the wee hours
how come u got where u are now?
...and where exactly are you?
ah i see! Podgorica! Wellllll, what made you leave the Dutch and go there?
woman as usual..no, i was planning to go to Ghana, that fell through, and I landed in the Balkans, and then for the first time in my life could not find any reasons to leave..
Feb 09
(pics wet ball and fb sp y...)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7-6okeCpJY ...green mile ..."i m in heaven...)
Gem> "Daily Horoscope . ....Sudden changes in your or your mate's career could leave you feeling anxious or uncertain. Follow your intuition, but don't be afraid to seek out help and advice. You may be over-reacting to pressure from a parent or sibling who has some old fashioned ideas"
someone complained about being added to a REds facebok group...(susan harris euro..)
this morning,....I reflect// .... there are more than 4000 nuclear weapons that USA still have that could blow us all up several tines when they make another mistake.. i think about "problems" at times like these,, and that my son died, and J4t96 and ...the small things that we let annoy us... and .. when in fact Facebook can and do read everything in your profile and tell their business partners or the government all about you... and what u do or like..
Now2bd alien...? 90s ??
complained to "Tammy" (check email link on web profile..etc and "features" see their email..
at obala , e8 , e6 , e2 , e5...
DD> I do not put my real name here,yesterday at 11:43
Real Dolly > But, in fb are all information about me. I heard that Smith is usually the fake name.yesterday , I do not want money or something else from somebody. All what I have, I earned with my 10 fingers....I am psychologist, y work in public agency, and I try with and decoupage decorations to earn money on honest way. Find my business page on FB, and see what I made until today: ...Dekupaz Darovi Podgorica.yesterday at 11:53
Chris> http://now2balien.blogspot.com/2014/06/naughtyninetiesand-supernova-gemini.html some test for your psychology
contacted Nicole on Linkedin
updated sclog podt derby
woke up with the sun...but its gone back to sleep , REds didnt take the chances, like life , if you dont take them they are gone..
Gem>Daily Horoscope
"You are likely to get unexpected news or information for or about your partner today that will knock you for a loop at first. After you recover your composure though, you'll enjoy the big surprise. There is a lucky break coming that will improve your love life" so many promises.... :) ha ha but....Sclog on Twiitter ..add match?? via redalienet and eurred..
Be welcome informed about event...will they help attract visitors ???
Kruse/invited Anam to REd nose meet..
Sclog to LeonH via CRS
Dax> i have passport so...probably I come to visit soon:)
CRS>i hope so...thats would be great!! yr face is known here ha ha,,,.especially if u can join the RED nose days parties (i am doing everything alone) its for the kids.. ..and dare I ask U to ..."get involved" ..have u been to Istanbul yet?
2 messages from Airbnb not received.. 4 erasmus kids and Steve?
Gem> (clown ninja)
(Love chain...(pic waiting.
..(people talk or chat on FB, even know what they should do, but dont... and this chain needs u all, not just a few who bother to add... come on! dont wait for someone else..:)
Gem > "Daily Horoscope
The battle of the sexes is over. It's hot and happy lovemaking time. There is just nothing like making up is there? You and your partner are back on the same page. If you are single, get out some place like one of those super bookstores where you can chat and read. You won't stay alone for long"
ha ha ..theres nothing like that here..but theres the caffe ...and theres FB ..ha ha.. never mind, :)
DD> I have not so many time for myself.2015-02-05 16:31
Real Dolly > I am lion in horoscope. That mean that I am: communicative, human and tolerant person. This and similar sites are my chance to talk with people. I rather to be in communication with someone who is so far from me,y than to be in worse communication with someone who is near to me.Horoscope is one of so many my hobbies. 2015-02-05 16:36
Real Dolly> I am sure than you and me are not good combination for something else than friendship. And it is enough for me.2015-02-05 16:40
150207 11h Chris> I think thats a negative way to look at this..if U only think about what you want,, what reason should I have to continue contact?? u dont really tell me or communicate...anything more than "small talk" Its easy to hide behind internet, and U can write any thing . tell me lies, and i cant see your eyes! :)
Chris > u cant know me, this way! ..can U? :)
(this probably ends now??)
50e for Tab at riverside,,gorna = gazda?
DAX via CRS???
CS>Tam>u dont need much money, just get yr ticket here, and be my guest, we also have RED nose parties this year,,kot of fun,,,come and join ...and I ll show u this beautiful place..
raining hard , had to get fire going.. bit of sh&te in my nose??
GeM> "Daily Horoscope
If you are still single, this could be an incredibly lucky moment in the history of your love life. There are people with great potential coming into your life. These are new relationships with the possibility of long-term benefits both as lovers and companions." ......hmmmm :)
and join our RED Nose days ....
March 13/14
April 22
and weekend of 23 may... :)
(Dax pic)
Danica , I hope YOU have a very special time x ChRiS
Danica Stanci > 2/5, 4:29pm Thanks...you know that i dont like birthdays...so sad
CRSmith >of course, Danica , we are opposite, I celebrate the date you were born because otherwise, I would not have had the good (& bad) feelign of meeeting you and sharing some short but special times together, that I dont forget,,,i wrote this for u, "this Star .. for YOU,,,,be a star ... "we are all in the gutter, but some are aiming for the stars..) for "Dax" .... I know you dont understand why I want to make a band with you alone I know you dont condone that I make this open i want you to accept this token as I remember the birth of you and now, thats all that can do.. thats all! ChRiS x sinatras with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SINfqtCq0lY thats all let me dream...
That's All (Frank Sinatra - with Lyrics)
come to red nose weekend ..march 13?
Feb 05
Angie> Tuesday 3:47am https://www.facebook.com/Angie.Marchionni Dada dadu dadaaaa
CS> nice memories, Angie, come and stay, here, at my place , as long as u want??
Real Dolly> you have so many younger ladies which want to meet you.
2015-02-03 17:26
Chris> you dont realise that I dont care about younger ladies, its the mentality, which is most important to me, I dont know you by email, i want to see in your eyes, if you are someone that I will enjoy and could share time with, ,, ,,thats all :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SINfqtCq0lY
Real Dolly> i understand.
150205 Chris \i hope you do, because most modern girls and young women dont know how to share, they just want to go shopping,, and I am doing this to see who is interested in a sharing smiles, stories and be company and...to care about me not only themselves , then see what happens after... why are u here??
Gem> "Daily Horoscope
You and your partner have come to some kind of compromise today, and you can get back to harmony if you are flexible enough. Remember to be a good listener. If you are single, you may find yourself attracted to someone who comes from another cultural or religious background." .... Remember that Great Celtville party?? Angies hand & Daby...and a bottle ..
bolton 1 LIVERPOOL 2
Raheem and Coutinho
poor selection choice again by Brent gave the initiative to bolton, BR must learn that a player like Lucas is vital to win control, his selection was "top heavy" and both Hendo and LUcas are preferable, to "teachers pet" Joe (Allen)
a great goal by Phil. who just signed new contract...saved the game for the REDS and another Chance for Stevie to get his hands on a trophy,,,but another difficult away tie at Palace comes in the next round.,,
Gem> Daily Horoscope
You are hotter than hot today. If you are still single, you could meet someone with the potential to totally change your life. If you are already married, you and your significant other could be coming up with some intriguing indoor recreation this evening.
this Star .. for YOU,,,,be a star ... "we are all in the gutter, but some are aiming for the stars..)
for "Dax"
.... I know you dont understand
why I want to make a band
with you alone
I know you dont condone
that I make this open
i want you to accept this token
as I remember the birth of you
and now, thats all that can do..
thats all!
ChRiS x
sinatras with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SINfqtCq0lY thats all
CS> maybe valentines is a big step , but ...how about a meet for coffee in Pg ? :) do U know "Moya mala" caffe ?
Real Dolly> I do not know where is it....I do not go in some caffes for a long time. ...I have daugther, ...9 years old....I said to you that it is enough for me to talk with you here...you have so many younger ladies which want to meet you.yesterday at 17:26
Chris > you dont realsie that I dont care about Younger ladies, its the mentality, which is most important to me, I dont know you by email, i want to see in your eyes, if you are someone that I will enjoy and coulkd share time with, ,, ,,thats all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SINfqtCq0lY
Natasa, I decided to write ... a response, I was hoping for a "surprise" ..I am NOT surprised that you stay in that place you know with the people you know,,,playing it "safe" ... (although I am surprised you have "many reasons"....???) .. its ironic, that I had the fullest life, with so many experiences and stories.. good or bad.. (although the " bad ones" were the things that "made me",,,) because I took a chance, because, when you come to the end of the life (and I am just beginning...) ha ha ... why would you ever want to feel "what if" >>>>????
and yet, if it wasnt for all the people who did NOT take the risk, of "befing uncomfortable" ..I would not have had all this LIFE..
I want to share what I wrote to Izzy with you....
(CS> postcard to Iz.."This is very difficult, I WANT to forgive you for what you said and what you did, I helped and supported you for good reasons, I dont want anything from you that you dont want to give , by choice, so, I am sorry to lose you from my life, & wish you luck, I still believe you can be great! I hope you find a good honest and true way to go forward!(& and good xmas) ChRiS" )
no one knows (or cares) how much that experience drained me, and I dont mean the money, but the time, the energy, the love, the care, and much more..it "aged" me..(because it was the "last time" I intended to offer this to anyone...to share all I know, and who i am... it was too much for her, and she lied ...and abused my trust,..like others, who she had scorned..
I was thinking that I already opened the door to her, after I had so many reasons NOT to trust anyone, let alone a serbian female.... MY instincs are not wrong.. I gave her every chance and she "spat in my face" (by words and actions) but I had to take the chance. (."in case") ... and a couple of days ago, I felt "one more time" ... to offer my hand,, ... if you dont understand what I mean, and wont take a step, then you have made your choice.. its difficult enough for me to open up myself...because to do so cost me a lot, more than Izzy (or you?) will ever know each time, someone wastes a chance...because life offers few such chances, if ever..
So, the door remains open, if you dont take it, I will close it , on February 14th,,, I wont share this with anyone, not you, nor anyone else, for, I suggest, many many more reasons born out of experience, not fear, than you use to stay in your comfortable pain, you see, its not painful to be alone,, for me,, but I know what could be done WITH a true partner,,.
and I know, your pain will not be eased by staying in the comfortable swamp... a slave to that which you know...
Its a sort of curse to have vision of things ...that you or other "friends" refuse to see..
It hurts me too much, not to pull you out, so I dont want, I cant, prolong my hope that my wish will be greater than my experience that people dont live their lives ..because...
I wish you well, really ..but ...life is too short ...
Cuvaj se!
p.s. thanks for supporting the Love chain,,,you are one of the few...
Feb 03
Nat>There are many reasons I could state for not accepting your offer (though much appreciated), but I guess the main one is I'm not ready to leave my comfort zone. That is the way it is for now and I'm ok with it. I admire what you are doing and the love and energy you put into it (the love chain to me is a miracle started and maintained by you). I'm sorry I was not able to visit Pg and see what your projects are up close and make an informed decision. I hope you find a person that's really ready to learn from you and I also hope to share some great moments in the future with you as friends.
CS> what will be will be... :)
Gem>"Daily Horoscope
You may want to sweep your partner off their feet tonight but you may find that work-related scheduling problems get in the way of romance. There could also be problems with relatives on either side of the family tree. One of you may have a family elder with emotional problems." .....
I Dont think much of the selfish "barbie" mentality of "modern fee-males" of this planet...but the REd haired Elf (Evangaline Lillly?) of the Hobbit film...hmmm now, thats the sort of woman i would stand beside.. :)
and 2 nice scenes from "scent of a woman".. the Tango which I really enjoy ..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2zTd_YwTvo
getting that close with a good dance partner, is sensual and ....
..the other is the "this is BS" part at the end...
... just about everyone in the system should look at themselves...the way you educate kids to become more sheeple to feed the....
.. you ask what I have in MInd .. to answer would take a week,
(some of which is in the video CDan1 posted on your FB profile..)
the quandry for you is, that I believe,
(also from what you told me)
the job there is hurting you, I like you, very much and feel easy with you..
and that you would have a better life here, sharing, some of which I told you,
as I am focussed on the community, nature, eco and club progress..
(as the t-shirts project is frozen) ..
there is both risk and chance of course..but...
IF as your partner is your choice (for life) then you must choose,.
to stay in NS, or leave your job, risk and ..find out...
( as said in the "Matrix" I was watching again today..)
"just how far you can go"..with me...is this YOUR BIG chance???
and I WILL share ALL...IF YOU make the same HONEST promise (as I made to Izzy, that she abused)
but...this time I am prepared to take the final risk...for the last time I offer this..
on the condition of mutual respect, humanity, empathy, application & intelligence..
which until now, is my goal..to share all my know-how and my life..
(laugh and to enjoy, to dance, with humour, and a warm smile)
I told you last time I met you, I dont go for compromise, I go "all in"
cuvaj se!
ChRiS x
Feb 1
110e ->pej2 , until 1march
08h sms (invite)
CS> Hello Natasa, dont you want to leave that bad job and come and share this beautiful life in Dg with me? :) ChRiS x
Gem>"Daily Horoscope
You will be filled with abundant energy and will have a lot of passionate ideas. If you are still single, you may find opportunities for meeting new people at sporting events. If you are married, you will want to express your passions strongly today" ....last night I had a "night off" from saving the world, drinking vodka, eatring crackers and watching re-run of the "Gilmore girls" can be gooey , but some of the lines are funny...too ha ha ha...
Chris Smith-Mypod made an invite,,,,will she come?
C(SS)ing Margot Dauban Timosoara
and Fabien
Hiya Margot ,I dont get your message in my "in box" and I am not often online in winter ...if u want to meet in either Danilovgrad , come to "Obala" (Caffe) now or tomorrow in Podgorica (Caffe Berlin) please give me your mobile phone number as I am not always on line? ChRiS
edited test video...at DaniHse
sent Red Nose invites , flyers t-shirts etc ..
anam? 150214??
installed thunderbirds on H /-T?
1st part of wanko repaid -150= 750..? Ranko, "I read your proposal of repayments ,HOW can you gaurantee?" those amounts on those dates? 100% ?? ChRiS
Borko owes 60e?
find apartment Pg?
go to marocco? Istanbul, ? Brussels , SA with Andi>? ----------and Abnb dates?
Skitch , change pics, say hello to mari xmas
claims ; alamo credit and rental Nat xpress bus .. _________________________________________________________________________________
Amount paid 58.41 EUR paddy air Ldn -Pg
1 x 1st Checked Bag (15kg)_________________________________________
started to sort out nowmatterwhatguarantee.com via toshiba support with attachment on FB???
pay forward......pay forward......http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pay_It_Forward_%28film%29
"Not the Messiah, just a very naughty boy", with experience....ha ha
I am not Jesus, Ghandi, or a messiah,
just a "naughty boy" who aims higher,
that any of you, who do not know
that to see all, means i have to go..
on holidays I hear the sounds of "family"
of someone elses "reality"
..all feels so distant to me,
so, I imagine that pain of Stevie.
they are all gone, girlfriends
my kids, Dad, Mum, sis & Jacqui,
I cant find a "sub" you see...?
too many fee males and "fan nies"
no one wants to take my guidance,
difficult to even meet a lass
who will jive - dance!
.... So, it must be time to
leave this planet
now the "borg" infected the internet
this heart too young,
(and the sheeple dont feel that)
my spirit for them too strong..
women dont (want to) know
what they are missing..
so I dont expect more kissing..
sometimes they seem like cats
constantly hissing..
this was once my world,
but you all spoilt it
you fouled this beautiful globe
dumped your sh*te
and made it unfit..
IS there heaven?
this should be here
but I shall make it clear
I have to mention
it will be, in my dimension!

after this season.. the club I fell in love with as a bairn when I just knew they played in RED and Shanks was our "messiah" ....has gone..replaced by y ankers & fan nies, tourists and mercenaries and a "coach made for the media" 50 years married and its ending ..
Torres back to Atletico ... too
________________________________________________________still outstanding
From: campaign@ursun.
Subject: C150122-26 v Instra ^ EU registry Re: Expiring Domain ursun.net
To: renewals@europeregistry.com, 'ChriS Dix'
150126 Complaints to you since 22nd January "chrismith@mypod/net.org" is still blocked (FIVE DAYS!!!)
cc Brit embassy Bg, to be added to continual "profiling" plaints v FCO * and others!
Quoting ChriS Dix :
please note that none of the mail services work at
since TWO days, as I reported SEVERAL times I believe my domains and webmail to be hacked within your system!
Montenegro 09,30h 23 January 2015
On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 7:16 PM, <renewals@europeregistry.com> wrote:
Dear ChriS SmitH,
We wish to inform you that xxxxx.net will be expiring in 60 day(s) time. Ticket ID: WTG-179-87457
Subject: C150122-26 v Instra ^ EU registry Re: Expiring Domain ursun.net
Department: Europe Sales
[#AZH-617-25072]: Re: Expiring Domain
two girls __?? Claire??? blocked ..didnt come...
a room in "Wild Beauty" Bed & Breakfast - Private room • 2 Guests
Arrive Wed, February 11, 2015 Depart Sun, February 15, 2015
Gem 150116 Re: C150107 Re: Fwd: 150103 Olivia J Re: Airbnb: A message from Trust and Safety
Date: Friday, 16 January, 2015 03:38:46 EST
<account.security@airbnb.com>, <dani@mypod>, <campaign@>
Cc: <response@airbnb.com>
2 weeks later and I am still waiting for a link to change banking details..!
Quoting campaign@ IS anyone dealing with this?
Quoting dani@mypod ----- Forwarded message from -----
Date: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 From: campaign@
Reply-To: campaign@
Subject: 150103 Olivia J Re: Airbnb: A message from Trust and Safet To: response@airbnb.com
Hello Olivia , My designated email address for hosting is now dani@mypod but I deal with "problems" from this email address, my main problem is that I have had to refuse visitors because I wish to change the payment preferences to a different bank and I needa secure link from you to do this, as currently I am referred to the "security email" which I used to obtain your response, please answer a.s.a.p (to dani@mypod ) thanks in advance, ChRiS
Quoting response@airbnb.com:
Airbnb Customer Experience
Olivia J, Jan 01 08:39:
W6 4001 17 March 2015 Booking date:16/08/2014Confirmation number:HD3SUX
Departs from: Belgrade (?BEG) 17:40 ? Arrives to: London Luton (?LTN) 19:45
RESERVATION NUMBER JNGHNA London (Stansted) (STN) to Podgorica (TGD)
22 March 2015 - FR7961 STN 08:50 hrs›TGD 12:40 hrs
Purchased: McAfee Secure sites help keep you safe from identity theft, credit card fraud, spyware, spam, viruses and online scams.Toshiba
You need to finish setting up your My Account page. Create your password now and start protecting your PCs, Macs, smartphones, and tablets with McAfee LiveSafe™.# 147434326*
McAfee LiveSafe™ (1-year subscription) £19.99
from .https://www.facebook.com/groups/DaniLOVER/
vid (club) on utube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-c8ggq6FQc&feature=youtu.be
Simplified Version
This simplified version of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been created especially for young people.
CS> its TRAGIC that its the LAST thing applied by officials of the state your in, and not the FIRST things taught you your children, BY YOU!
and although all "democratic" state leaders Worldwide signed to apply this, NOT one state keeps the promise...
HAVING "rights" is one thing,
....GETTING your rights is unlikely, unless you STAND UP for yourself against the abuses & violations that affect EVERY person,
...EVERY day!
1. We Are All Born Free & Equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way.
CS> Well, if you dont have a political lobby, media connections or are rich, you WONT get these rights promised to you...
2. Don’t Discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.
CS> Every policeman discriminates, due to the social pressures and dictators that the business, religious or political powers enforce!
you simply DONT get these rights, and if officials or civilians discriminate, for example, treat you with disrespect, because you are poor,
its unlikely that anyone will care, its now almost impossible to live in their world, without a credit card, car or mobile phone, let alone
if you happen to support the "wrong" poltics, religion or be in an "alienated" minority..
3. The Right to Life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.
CS> The state and/or private agencies control your movement and interfere with your communications, and will detain you on "suspect" grounds
without impartial cause or process, you are segregated by borders & fences and the rich and powerful demand payments for you to "live" so,
WHERE is the "freedom" ?????...
... and with them now employing robot drones that may kill you or someone in your neighbourhood, who is "profiled"
WHERE is the "safety"???
4. No Slavery. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave.
CS> You are all slaves to the system, because if you try to escape from it, or drop out, you are made to feel "wrong" and your children are
taught to feed the system, so you all "learn to be slaves" !!!
5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us.
CS> Yet state "security" agents USE torture on "suspects" and openly admit it. YOU will do nothing against that !!!
(until they do it to YOU!)
6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go. I am a person just like you!
CS> You have no rights, if you are considered, without trial or process to be "subversive" or criminal, anywhere.
7. We’re All Equal Before the Law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly.
CS> The lawyers, politicians and their policemen are biased, you are treated as guilty until proven innocent.
NO ONE gets " a fair and impartial treatment".
8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly.
CS> So who do YOU ask, when its the "law" (or "agents of the law") who violate, y-our rights???
9. No Unfair Detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without good reason and keep us there,
or to send us away from our country.
CS> Yet your state where you live or the state who occupy the lands you travel, can and do it every day to thousands,
and find excuses to detain you, as they wish.
10. The Right to Trial. If we are put on trial this should be in public.
The people who try us should not let anyone tell them what to do.
CS> The system is biased in favour of the prosecution,
so what if it is "public" the state can and does present the "facts" it selects.?
11. We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty. Nobody should be blamed for doing something until it is proven.
When people say we did a bad thing we have the right to show it is not true.
CS> YOU May believe you are innocent, but once you are arrested the "system" deals with you as "guilty"
denies you contact with your people, restricts movement and correspondence,
(thus making you "stressed" before they "process you")
if you canot afford "bail" or the accusation is serious, they may keep you in severe conditons without visitors or outside contact.
12. The Right to Privacy. Nobody should try to harm our good name. Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters,
or bother us or our family without a good reason.
CS> Sounds Good, BUT..in reality, prosecutors can and do bend the truth to suit their accusations against you,
and will convince lazy & (many) inept judges to invade your privacy, even smash down your doors and, by "accident" kill you without warning,
nowdays "in the name of security" you have NO PRIVACY!!!
13. Freedom to Move. We all have the right to go where we want in our own country and to travel as we wish.
CS> BUT., as ....you are NOT Free to move. you have to PROVE that, you have to pass through borders, and frontiers,
you have to have "correct papers" and state officials can and do decide to refuse you passage, without explaining why.
(see "discrimination") you forget that this world once belonged to all its inhabitants, not, as now,
controlled and seperated by the few! (for THEIR benefit)
14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country,
we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe.
CS> Where in the world is safe when the super powers can ("pre judge" *&) use satellites and drones to find & kill you?
15. Right to a Nationality. We all have the right to belong to a country.
CS> Which nationality respects these 15 articles? None, so why would you want to belong to any of them???
BY the way. you are not alone if you find this world order to be unjust, you have the right to form a UNION with others,
but you dont. because you are scared, of "them"
THE REALITY OF THE PERVERTED "UN DECLARATION" has been diluted by fear and greed, by the "powers that be"
( the irony that these articles were sent into the Universe to show or "trick" "Intelligent Aliens" that
this planet is "civiized" , well...this "civilization" is destroying itself, so my Alien friends, stay
way, because the so called "Human Race" will pollute your atmosphere too..)
THE people who should be serving these aims are the ones who, in fact, escalate negativity and form a global DIS CRIMI NATION ..
that I dont belong to... most of the "terrorists" are in suits, ties and uniforms...or employed by them!
IF you act "different" they wont protect you,, they will PROFILE you, discriminate, violate, allienate, and eventually persecute you,
in the way (aparently) they did 2000 years ago to "JC" or to anyone who dares tell the truth.. Ghandi, Madela
Che, any "whistleblower" or whoever that challenges them, and me :)
are you part of the problem??? , or part of the solution... because when you sink (and think) like their "titanic"..with them..
who is going to offer YOU a "life-boat?"
ChRiS SMITH 1501115