CS log 13503-5
'13 may 3/4/5 as I havent written much (on this CSlog) since a while..
A review...see links (its been a while...) and I'm in the couldnt care less about you too, mood! ;)
Notice for all the "govt and private agencies and C1 a who hack my comms"
..I declare my open intention to enable global domination for "the REdS"
..who "the REDS" are , and if i am serious must be completely fecking your heads!... good job i am only joking , eh? ...or am I ? ;) sincerely, the "AntiChRiS" :D
this blog intended for my estranged children and anyone who cares, as the latter dont exist i suppose my enemies are closer than anyone else , so enjoy ..."who the cap fits" Bob Marley..
Bob Marley - Who The Cap Fit - YouTube
NOTE to all the "fannies" who think we cant get rid of the "INFESTORS" and still manage oUR CLUB..
The CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL WILL BE CONTESTED BY TWO CLUBS WHICH HAVE A MAJORITY SUPPORTER OWNERSHIP or publicly owned , Dortmund; Bayern & Barca!!!! (OUR idea ; a partnership betweeen Liverpool Supporters & community!)
p.s. Dortmund one of the few clubs to beat us ina european final ('66) and hosted the incredible 2001 UEFA final Liverpool v alaves 5-4 ! .. and they also sing Y.N.W.A.!
it seems to many people either on Fb or that I meet in my travels are so absorbed with themselves, I accept everyone has their own problems BUT if we dont start realising that most of those problems are our collectively responsibility, and stop blaming the other nation, religion or colour etc ..that the manipulators in govt. institutions, corporations and media WANT us to be divided
..that if we pull down the fences (real or virtual) they are lost and we have the power to improve the world ..dont wait until you are drowning to reach out , DARE to care and share
..because they haven't built enough "lifeboats" to rescue you on the sinking TITanic system..
Vera, please give message to Danica "U can go to this ; https://www.couchsurfing.org/group_read.html?gid=3741&post=14320003
without me,
I am doing my utmost to let go, of everything ;
so I wont go now!
I still believe WE could be great, but,
cuvaj se!
ChRiS x"

the UN/council of europe have cleared stated these rights , signed by all "democracies" however, nOT ONE of their governments apply them!
..e.g. "everyone has the right of freedom of movement" havent you noticed how easy it is to travel.. the ppl are to blame, for allowing each right to be violated , anywhere on anyone..
Marija ..i forgot to mention I know very well, how to socialise in this city and i am arguably the best dancer here (probably because most guys dont dance) ha ha..
if u change yr mind..when u are here contact me.. anyway enjoy yr stay! ChRiS

I smile a lot when watching re-runs of " 2 and a half men" because "Charlie" reminds me of the
worst i used to be when I was very young, and "Alan" reminds me of the worst I am now..;)
and both together are the worst of modern fee-males...
I would like to offer advice to young men, but U probably dont want to know this..
so that make your own "adventure" ..but..
role-playing in order to win a women" has a very short "shelf-life"
...and she can also pretend to be the wonderful creature of your dreams//
AND SHOW YOU her very best "aspects" in the beginning
but you are both likely to get a shock when those roles get exposed as a fascade..and you become who you should be..you..and her, when she takes off the "mask" its likely that my "info" WONT help you find your "dream partner" but i suggest if you are truly HONEST from day one..
you may ..find someone who loves and cares for you, for who are are, and not who they want you to be...
in a world full of BULLsh*te and media "spin" painting pictures of who THEY want you to be,
its harder to stay true to yourself..
and maybe you dont win, but during this ridiculous journey called "life" you may at least have peace of mind..
and that may be all you really need!
good luck (you'll need it!) ;)
Nina, I may be wrong, but from the stuff u post on Fb, you seem to be a sensitive person,
am honestly direct , my situation is that I alone since I seperated from my dutch girlfriend
4 years ago, (on my birthday!) and i have tried some "platonic" friendships here in the Balkans
but nothing lasted, because either the girls were too young, inexperienced, or their families didnt like strangers or my own expectations were higher than theirs..
We would obviously have some languages/cultural differences but I am not planning to leave this region after travelling most of my adult life, i am not joking, although i have a keen sense of humour :)
if you would like to come to meet me here for my birthday, sonner or somewhere in the middle. I am open to take a chance too..
over to you??
Hello, Lou, so now we are FB friends i'd like to know more about you, anything you would care to share that i would not find out from your profile??? ;) ChRiS
[17:37:52] Chris Smith: Hi ..i didny get a reply as to yr time tonight? ..was interested to know how it felt playing football.. ?
[17:38:18] Chris Smith: i also wondered how yr plans are going re china..
[17:40:39] Chris Smith: i am in a stranger mood than normal ... i wondered if u wanted a chaperone, bodyguard/minder ..or come here and join the project here as a stepping stone.. although i know u are fixed on Beijing.. ah i am just in a weird mood.. take care///..
13428 film; Mozart and the whale autistic (aspergers?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiRzwhb6d2E
Ivan, the saddest (for me) and most IRONIC aspect of the last week is to see you (RIGHTLY!) support Luis publicly even though you never met the man (of course we should publicly support our players especially when they are "targeted" by the FA/media)
..and yet you DO NOT SUPPORT me!!! ...I told you that I considered you the closest person to being a "friend" in the world, yet because of me "snapping" (and although it was a “justified” bad mood I didn’t hurt or attack anyone, and only really hurt my own "status" ) the similarity I have
with Luis is that we seem to both be considered "outcasts" now,
yet he has family and friends around to support him because they know he mostly is a good man.. we shared your room, late,night discussions and exchanged "secrets" , yet its a shame (for me) you dont believe that I am good enough to "support"!
...and IF as Tijana says..i was "inappropriate" previous to that night, then I expect my "friend" to talk about it to me...as I certainly tell you if i disagree with you!
And “ignoring” me for 2 weeks was a basic form of insult when you knew a whole event and my future location (“home”) was at stake..
Vera, please be kind enough to transmit this message to Danica..
"I am so sad u didnt visit me, i also wanted to invite you to this event.. because i felt that we could have had fun together in Uzice and "repair" the problems and perceptions of people of the meeting in Prizren, I dont feel like going alone, because now i am the "odd one" again.. no one knows me, but i wanted that with u.. i cancelled my "alternative" birthday party last week .. because without u there, i didnt feel like "celebrating" - instead i got drunk in Podgorica.. cuvaj se! i miss you very much! x ChRiS
Relevant words of wisdom...

every picture tells a STORY>...?

me Da took me to watch this when I was little
================== or not.....
the rest of this exposure of ChRiS is concerning the REdS...but if you understand that its a cultural and social campaign...you will understand me ..a bit!
CS> 0-6 ..it wasnt Tiky-taky ;) it was "RafaBal" !! ..the sort of footy that Rafa
got the team winning game after game and when we were top of UEFA rankings victorious @ Bernabeu, San Siro, Nou Camp, velodrome & Old Toilet ... we were most feared in Europe.
glad we didnt play "like barca" , was direct and cutting counter.
..need to press, especially when we have advantage..
if we start games with momentum and pressure every time. we can win every game.. even though i dont like BR ruining DG s perfect season..
to bring on Borini, even though he scored, ...http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/skipper-nears-perfect-campaign
BR is a decent sort, and did a good press conference pre-game, BUT
a) appointed by the yankers .(who betrayed a true Legend; Kenny) .6 years of G & H/Henry has taken us from top of the UEFA Rankings to an average position in an average league.. still some 30 points behind United, scoring lots of goals is great but scoring more than the opposite team wins games. we are not West ham! .
b) BR is not a "winner" dont think he is big enough to handle top players..
c) he came on strong with being like "barca" WE ARE LIVERPOOL we dont need to copy anyone else, the game at St james yesterday was proof that alternative, cutting direct footy (as played when Rafa bossed us) is effective NOT passing the ball 20 times before having a shot (thats aimed at wenger too gooner!)
d) Henry appointed him because he looks good with the media and says the right things..We should have a manager capable of managing one of the biggest clubs and representing the best support in the world.. thats the WRONG reason.. the most important thing this wek was SoS making moves to protect anfield from F S G selling the club.. I have nothing against BR persay, BUT. he should never have been placed in our clubat this time
e) we have an accademy for players...we aren't here to educate our "manager"
.. BR is learning from us, thats NOT the LIVERPOOL way ...Kenny should have been kept on like Bob did with him, to keep continuity and ...because BR isnt a "manager" hes a coach..
ChriS> .. its not "the Liverpool way" to stab a legend in t he back F S G gave him a 3 years contract (he didnt ask for it) and "vote of confidence" only 2 months before forcing him out, in his first full season albeit not consistent enough in the league(nor is this seaosn team) BR accepted the job .. so lives by the same sword Kenny gave us 3 wembley trips close to 2 cups..we didnt compete in anything this season../ and playing "pretty football" is not "The Liverpool way"
.. football hasn't changed in as much that u have to score more goals than concede.. BR is an attack minded coach, but what has he WON?? Rafa a natural winner was available.. I done lay the blame on BR i lay it on Henry , FSG and the fans that swallow the idea that Henry is a "saviour" F S G dont invest big money into the club, have no footballing knowledge , make stupid decisions in the market, (alledgedly) consult tha mancs about running a club.. and Henrys own investment empire collapsed.. we are missing the point that pre y a n k e r s in 2007 we were force ..that we are talkign about this being ANOTHER "transitional season" 6 years later just shows how well your expecations are being managed by the "spin" p..s it is KING Kenny not Jesus!
ChriS SmiTH BR is a decent sort, and did a good press conference pre-game, BUT a) appointed by the yankers .(who betrayed a true Legend; Kenny) .6 years of G & H/Henry has taken us from top of the UEFA Rankings to an average position in an average league

http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-fc/liverpool-fc-news/2013/04/27/spirit-of-shankly-move-to-prevent-liverpool-fc-being-sold-under-their-noses-100252-33244357/ .... most important news to come out of LIVERPOOL this season.. someone's been paying attention! ;) its "defensive" but its a start , in opposing F S G .. ideally a contract/co-operation between the community and global supporters will be the eventual outcome.!! :)
they CAN, if the legal aspect is done correctly, its not what i asked of them (an injunction to take over the club) but its a protective move that can at least protect Anfield and stop them using it to make MORE money out of us! psychologically is an important sign of Supporters action , after 3 years of apathy...and exposing F S Gs actual "aim
(Beautiful morning, early sun, not too hot, running through the field ...just me and the dewey grass ..pump out the poison in heart & mind.. some "nettle tea" (Beryl!) ..now I can fly ..ha ha decided not to fly, but shave shower and...s..ugar in my tea! ;) i have to believe..in "me=we"
"The price of people having freedom is that they can make their own choices...and sometimes the people make bad choices" ... but really ! John Henry???? F S G ? Ian Ayre?, Purslow/ Broughton, G & H? , Parry?? Moores..?? if u dont think these are YOUR choices..YOU are SO WRONG, by doing nothing you allow others to take control.. ...six years ago ...2007 we were TOP of the UEFA rankings, now we are in an average position in an average League..and "celebrate" a home draw! ??? six years of Y A N K E R S
not surprised ...
a) dont expect ian Ayre to fight yr corner, like he did NOT for you last time, or for Rafa v G & H or fr Kenny v henry..
b) however inappropriate or unsavoury the incident was, is it really worse than breakign a leg or putting a player out of footy for life.. ?
in sociaty as in footy, morals and standards are corrupted by the lack of intelligence and moral fortitude.. and the nedia rules!
Read more: Liverpool Echo http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-fc/liverpool-fc-news/2013/04/27/james-pearce-the-fa-s-reasons-for-luis-suarez-bite-ban-raise-more-questions-than-answers-100252-33244389/#ixzz2RezA3K4i
that word "inappropriate" ... http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/reminder-to-away-fans
My own viewpoint ;) ....
from the heart...
http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/fa-confirms-suarez-decision-on-ban sickening ; FA = F**k all!
witch hunt? no, which C*nt on their board ?
http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/lfc-statement-on-luis-suarez-decision .. "He will be missed for the remainder of this season and the early part of next, but we will have the opportunity to welcome a better person and player when he returns." ..LFC statement on Luis Suarez decision ! wtf??
Luis Suarez today confirmed his decision not to appeal the 10-game ban
REdNeT > wonder if Ayre was ready to back Luis like he DID NOT last time, Like Ayre did NOT defend Rafa against G & H or Kenny against Henry ... gutless!!!
............ attention; when he left Ajax (Amsterdam) where in spite of the "problems" they made him captain and gave him a special celebration when he left.... REdS are not racist ; we only hate mancs...and y a n k e r s
13425 ..making an ironic response...
https://www.facebook.com/events/448875718526823/ "eat a serb week"
just some notes from the past...http://antichrismith.blogspot.com/2012/10/am-i-deadly-serious-red-pill-anti-chris.html
'13 may 3/4/5 as I havent written much (on this CSlog) since a while..
A review...see links (its been a while...) and I'm in the couldnt care less about you too, mood! ;)
Notice for all the "govt and private agencies and C1 a who hack my comms"
..I declare my open intention to enable global domination for "the REdS"
..who "the REDS" are , and if i am serious must be completely fecking your heads!... good job i am only joking , eh? ...or am I ? ;) sincerely, the "AntiChRiS" :D
this blog intended for my estranged children and anyone who cares, as the latter dont exist i suppose my enemies are closer than anyone else , so enjoy ..."who the cap fits" Bob Marley..
Bob Marley - Who The Cap Fit - YouTube
ChriS SmiTH>are FB "targetting me" ,?, posting "sponsors" *advertisers) on my time line.. "meet younger women" ... "meet asian women" ..."meet black women" ..what no women from outer space want to meet me?? LMAO! look I may be !Alone" but i am not lonely enough to fall for your subtle form of prostitution..!! sign up, then get lots of "messages" from sexy young things,(with bogus photos) and then pay for contact? what a SCAM! ..FB ; filling the net with crap., will then block you if you tell the truth! I may be "ugly" but i'm not STUPID! :D
when u understand this ...we can talk, but otherwise not.. stay the F*ck away from me, i prefer "alone"
went for a sunny run this morn.. ;) almost 30 degress C. but a slight breeze made it do-able! .(4/5 kms in 20 mins, not bad..!) . on news they are making "great Gatsby" again.. and on Tv last night some pr*t is playing some modern version of Holmes and Watson... turned it off,,, th
e sheeple run the media too, (its either medical or police related, or vampires! pathetic!) nothing original, music is mostly re-hashed music of my generation, kids are robots, just plug them into the "matrix" .."idiocracy rules the world" ...beam me up,
NOTE to all the "fannies" who think we cant get rid of the "INFESTORS" and still manage oUR CLUB..
The CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL WILL BE CONTESTED BY TWO CLUBS WHICH HAVE A MAJORITY SUPPORTER OWNERSHIP or publicly owned , Dortmund; Bayern & Barca!!!! (OUR idea ; a partnership betweeen Liverpool Supporters & community!)
p.s. Dortmund one of the few clubs to beat us ina european final ('66) and hosted the incredible 2001 UEFA final Liverpool v alaves 5-4 ! .. and they also sing Y.N.W.A.!

..that if we pull down the fences (real or virtual) they are lost and we have the power to improve the world ..dont wait until you are drowning to reach out , DARE to care and share
..because they haven't built enough "lifeboats" to rescue you on the sinking TITanic system..

without me,
I am doing my utmost to let go, of everything ;
so I wont go now!
I still believe WE could be great, but,
cuvaj se!
ChRiS x"

the UN/council of europe have cleared stated these rights , signed by all "democracies" however, nOT ONE of their governments apply them!
..e.g. "everyone has the right of freedom of movement" havent you noticed how easy it is to travel.. the ppl are to blame, for allowing each right to be violated , anywhere on anyone..
Marija ..i forgot to mention I know very well, how to socialise in this city and i am arguably the best dancer here (probably because most guys dont dance) ha ha..
if u change yr mind..when u are here contact me.. anyway enjoy yr stay! ChRiS

I smile a lot when watching re-runs of " 2 and a half men" because "Charlie" reminds me of the
worst i used to be when I was very young, and "Alan" reminds me of the worst I am now..;)
and both together are the worst of modern fee-males...
I would like to offer advice to young men, but U probably dont want to know this..
so that make your own "adventure" ..but..
role-playing in order to win a women" has a very short "shelf-life"
...and she can also pretend to be the wonderful creature of your dreams//
AND SHOW YOU her very best "aspects" in the beginning
but you are both likely to get a shock when those roles get exposed as a fascade..and you become who you should be..you..and her, when she takes off the "mask" its likely that my "info" WONT help you find your "dream partner" but i suggest if you are truly HONEST from day one..
you may ..find someone who loves and cares for you, for who are are, and not who they want you to be...

its harder to stay true to yourself..
and maybe you dont win, but during this ridiculous journey called "life" you may at least have peace of mind..
and that may be all you really need!
good luck (you'll need it!) ;)
Nina, I may be wrong, but from the stuff u post on Fb, you seem to be a sensitive person,
am honestly direct , my situation is that I alone since I seperated from my dutch girlfriend
4 years ago, (on my birthday!) and i have tried some "platonic" friendships here in the Balkans
but nothing lasted, because either the girls were too young, inexperienced, or their families didnt like strangers or my own expectations were higher than theirs..
We would obviously have some languages/cultural differences but I am not planning to leave this region after travelling most of my adult life, i am not joking, although i have a keen sense of humour :)
if you would like to come to meet me here for my birthday, sonner or somewhere in the middle. I am open to take a chance too..
over to you??
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Bogus? Lou! |
[17:37:52] Chris Smith: Hi ..i didny get a reply as to yr time tonight? ..was interested to know how it felt playing football.. ?
[17:38:18] Chris Smith: i also wondered how yr plans are going re china..
[17:40:39] Chris Smith: i am in a stranger mood than normal ... i wondered if u wanted a chaperone, bodyguard/minder ..or come here and join the project here as a stepping stone.. although i know u are fixed on Beijing.. ah i am just in a weird mood.. take care///..
13428 film; Mozart and the whale autistic (aspergers?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiRzwhb6d2E

..and yet you DO NOT SUPPORT me!!! ...I told you that I considered you the closest person to being a "friend" in the world, yet because of me "snapping" (and although it was a “justified” bad mood I didn’t hurt or attack anyone, and only really hurt my own "status" ) the similarity I have
with Luis is that we seem to both be considered "outcasts" now,

...and IF as Tijana says..i was "inappropriate" previous to that night, then I expect my "friend" to talk about it to me...as I certainly tell you if i disagree with you!
And “ignoring” me for 2 weeks was a basic form of insult when you knew a whole event and my future location (“home”) was at stake..
Vera, please be kind enough to transmit this message to Danica..
"I am so sad u didnt visit me, i also wanted to invite you to this event.. because i felt that we could have had fun together in Uzice and "repair" the problems and perceptions of people of the meeting in Prizren, I dont feel like going alone, because now i am the "odd one" again.. no one knows me, but i wanted that with u.. i cancelled my "alternative" birthday party last week .. because without u there, i didnt feel like "celebrating" - instead i got drunk in Podgorica.. cuvaj se! i miss you very much! x ChRiS
Relevant words of wisdom...

every picture tells a STORY>...?
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Zhujeta a lone CSer? + 6 then + 12...not really camping @ Toloshi?? |
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Vita (Vilnius) nice name ; Nice girl but BF! |
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no comment necessary! :) |

me Da took me to watch this when I was little
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a real-life WAR hero who smiled at his Nazi executioners? (Cupic; jelena's Granda? |

the rest of this exposure of ChRiS is concerning the REdS...but if you understand that its a cultural and social campaign...you will understand me ..a bit!

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I'm without the Hair! |
got the team winning game after game and when we were top of UEFA rankings victorious @ Bernabeu, San Siro, Nou Camp, velodrome & Old Toilet ... we were most feared in Europe.
glad we didnt play "like barca" , was direct and cutting counter.
..need to press, especially when we have advantage..
if we start games with momentum and pressure every time. we can win every game.. even though i dont like BR ruining DG s perfect season..
to bring on Borini, even though he scored, ...http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/skipper-nears-perfect-campaign
BR is a decent sort, and did a good press conference pre-game, BUT
a) appointed by the yankers .(who betrayed a true Legend; Kenny) .6 years of G & H/Henry has taken us from top of the UEFA Rankings to an average position in an average league.. still some 30 points behind United, scoring lots of goals is great but scoring more than the opposite team wins games. we are not West ham! .
b) BR is not a "winner" dont think he is big enough to handle top players..
c) he came on strong with being like "barca" WE ARE LIVERPOOL we dont need to copy anyone else, the game at St james yesterday was proof that alternative, cutting direct footy (as played when Rafa bossed us) is effective NOT passing the ball 20 times before having a shot (thats aimed at wenger too gooner!)
d) Henry appointed him because he looks good with the media and says the right things..We should have a manager capable of managing one of the biggest clubs and representing the best support in the world.. thats the WRONG reason.. the most important thing this wek was SoS making moves to protect anfield from F S G selling the club.. I have nothing against BR persay, BUT. he should never have been placed in our clubat this time
e) we have an accademy for players...we aren't here to educate our "manager"
.. BR is learning from us, thats NOT the LIVERPOOL way ...Kenny should have been kept on like Bob did with him, to keep continuity and ...because BR isnt a "manager" hes a coach..
ChriS> .. its not "the Liverpool way" to stab a legend in t he back F S G gave him a 3 years contract (he didnt ask for it) and "vote of confidence" only 2 months before forcing him out, in his first full season albeit not consistent enough in the league(nor is this seaosn team) BR accepted the job .. so lives by the same sword Kenny gave us 3 wembley trips close to 2 cups..we didnt compete in anything this season../ and playing "pretty football" is not "The Liverpool way"
.. football hasn't changed in as much that u have to score more goals than concede.. BR is an attack minded coach, but what has he WON?? Rafa a natural winner was available.. I done lay the blame on BR i lay it on Henry , FSG and the fans that swallow the idea that Henry is a "saviour" F S G dont invest big money into the club, have no footballing knowledge , make stupid decisions in the market, (alledgedly) consult tha mancs about running a club.. and Henrys own investment empire collapsed.. we are missing the point that pre y a n k e r s in 2007 we were force ..that we are talkign about this being ANOTHER "transitional season" 6 years later just shows how well your expecations are being managed by the "spin" p..s it is KING Kenny not Jesus!
ChriS SmiTH BR is a decent sort, and did a good press conference pre-game, BUT a) appointed by the yankers .(who betrayed a true Legend; Kenny) .6 years of G & H/Henry has taken us from top of the UEFA Rankings to an average position in an average league

http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-fc/liverpool-fc-news/2013/04/27/spirit-of-shankly-move-to-prevent-liverpool-fc-being-sold-under-their-noses-100252-33244357/ .... most important news to come out of LIVERPOOL this season.. someone's been paying attention! ;) its "defensive" but its a start , in opposing F S G .. ideally a contract/co-operation between the community and global supporters will be the eventual outcome.!! :)
they CAN, if the legal aspect is done correctly, its not what i asked of them (an injunction to take over the club) but its a protective move that can at least protect Anfield and stop them using it to make MORE money out of us! psychologically is an important sign of Supporters action , after 3 years of apathy...and exposing F S Gs actual "aim
(Beautiful morning, early sun, not too hot, running through the field ...just me and the dewey grass ..pump out the poison in heart & mind.. some "nettle tea" (Beryl!) ..now I can fly ..ha ha decided not to fly, but shave shower and...s..ugar in my tea! ;) i have to believe..in "me=we"
"The price of people having freedom is that they can make their own choices...and sometimes the people make bad choices" ... but really ! John Henry???? F S G ? Ian Ayre?, Purslow/ Broughton, G & H? , Parry?? Moores..?? if u dont think these are YOUR choices..YOU are SO WRONG, by doing nothing you allow others to take control.. ...six years ago ...2007 we were TOP of the UEFA rankings, now we are in an average position in an average League..and "celebrate" a home draw! ??? six years of Y A N K E R S
a) dont expect ian Ayre to fight yr corner, like he did NOT for you last time, or for Rafa v G & H or fr Kenny v henry..
b) however inappropriate or unsavoury the incident was, is it really worse than breakign a leg or putting a player out of footy for life.. ?
in sociaty as in footy, morals and standards are corrupted by the lack of intelligence and moral fortitude.. and the nedia rules!
Read more: Liverpool Echo http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-fc/liverpool-fc-news/2013/04/27/james-pearce-the-fa-s-reasons-for-luis-suarez-bite-ban-raise-more-questions-than-answers-100252-33244389/#ixzz2RezA3K4i
that word "inappropriate" ... http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/reminder-to-away-fans
My own viewpoint ;) ....
from the heart...
http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/fa-confirms-suarez-decision-on-ban sickening ; FA = F**k all!
witch hunt? no, which C*nt on their board ?
http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/lfc-statement-on-luis-suarez-decision .. "He will be missed for the remainder of this season and the early part of next, but we will have the opportunity to welcome a better person and player when he returns." ..LFC statement on Luis Suarez decision ! wtf??
Luis Suarez today confirmed his decision not to appeal the 10-game ban
REdNeT > wonder if Ayre was ready to back Luis like he DID NOT last time, Like Ayre did NOT defend Rafa against G & H or Kenny against Henry ... gutless!!!
............ attention; when he left Ajax (Amsterdam) where in spite of the "problems" they made him captain and gave him a special celebration when he left.... REdS are not racist ; we only hate mancs...and y a n k e r s
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http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/ |
https://www.facebook.com/events/448875718526823/ "eat a serb week"
just some notes from the past...http://antichrismith.blogspot.com/2012/10/am-i-deadly-serious-red-pill-anti-chris.html
May 3, 2013
ReplyDeleteSpeaking your mind without feeling guilty is a craft you still need to learn. Stop thinking what others might think of you. You are very stressed out now, slow down. Finally, you will be able to spend more money on entertainments.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun posted in Crazy EuRED Insider tour group
ReplyDelete28 April 2013 20:27
See www.liverpoolunravelled.com and click BUNDLE DEAL for a great offer.
6 DVD box set, my book and ...
ReplyDeleteChris East-west Invest Ursun posted in UE " In Wires and WITHOUT frontiers" = friendship weekend @ UE
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
28 April 20:08
The local population descends from the Slavs who mixed with Illyrian and Celtic tribes in the early Middle Ages,[13] and therefore the dialect in its earliest mediaeval form has been rather influenced by the Celtic and Illyrian languages, the remaining of which are some local toponyms of Illyrian or Romanized Celtic etymology, such as Tara Mountain, Negbina, Murtenica, Čigota etc.,[14] or the mediaeval Užican personal name Brajan of Celtic origin.[15]
ChriScLOG has left a new comment on your post "Announcement : Supporters Union formed ; CAMPAIGN":
http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-fc/liverpool-fc-news/2013/04/27/spirit-of-shankly-move-to-prevent-liverpool-fc-being-sold-under-their-noses-100252-33244357/ .... most important news to come out of LIVERPOOL this season.. someone's been paying attention! ;)
its "defensive" but its a start , in opposing F S G .. ideally a contract/co-operation between the community and global supporters will be the eventual outcome.!! :)
Ćiki Nasilnik
Not a bad move, I reckon, what do you make of it ?
Will they really get 6 months and right of first refusal/purchase ?
ChriS SmiTH
they CAN, if the legal aspect is done correctly, its not what i asked of them (an injunction to take over the club) but its a protective move that can at least protect Anfield and stop them using it to make MORE money out of us! psychologically is an important sign of Supporters action , after 3 years of apathy...and exposing F S Gs actual "aim
Posted by ChriScLOG to REdNET at April 27, 2013 at 6:58 AM
Chris East-west Invest Ursun posted in May 2013 ; CSerS "big family" @ w/end meeting ..in Monty
ReplyDeleteChris East-west Invest Ursun
27 April 11:07
AS its less than a month and no-one has confirmed their "attendance" I am gonna go Fecking crazy and ..... ..who cares? ;) ....!
replacing first plan with this .. (as John Lennon once said "life happens when U start to plan") ..and i am fed up with "planning" ...FFS! (for "friends")
ts sunny..over 30 degrees C ..again ..in Pg, the last few weeks.. (already tanned) ...only 30 mins from beach and the same from the beautiful mountains of "monty".. but i'm lazy today.. stay on the patio ,(thats the patio minus me! ) the neighbour brought me some pancakes for brekkie ( his wife made) ... so i'm gonna just stay "@home" and enjoy "alone" ...just the " way it is" www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtMhXA4bLQw
ReplyDeletemy way... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E2hYDIFDIU
ReplyDeleteMay 4, 2013
ReplyDeleteLaughter is the closest distance between two people. Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. Cut back on salt and sugar. You may face some financial losses by the end of the month.
Care2> Brazil's Amazon pink river dolphins are being hunted to extinction, even though laws on the books ban their killing. It's time for the government to start enforcing these laws before it's too late.
"Dani, you are still in my heart.
ReplyDeleteeven though we are clearly apart
and i dont know where or how you are
near or maybe very far..
although you are not with me
a vision of you i see
in my soul
....for eternity"
my way... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E2hYDIFDIU
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6NNGVHrqho waiting in vain 4 yr love (Marley)
....waking up to the "usual mainstream news" ... are you??
..when any govt. uses its own "forces" military/police or any other form of suppression on ANY of the people...whether it be Post-Thatcher england, or any number of african states, or Syria today, Korea, Adolf or Merkel's reich, french against gypsies, or the USA since Kennedy, the former-Yugo/MNE or anywhere else on this mad planet ...IT IS LOST....and you, the individual, have the responsibility to make it better,
freedom & justice ; and an equal CHANCE for all.. so, dont blame anyone else...its YOUR fault and your opportunity ... to be or not to be!
(8 photos)
ReplyDeletea full and enjoytable sunday...
today "european Liberation day" (WW2) ...and in many ways a "liberating day" for me too
an early start , brekkie, then walk to to get a connection to Budva @ at the coast, I'm in shorts...
its very warm, a bit humid in the suburbs .. talk to a Ana a nice local girl,
who works this (easter!) sunday as receptionist at a Becici hotel. makes the short journey even shorter and sweeter, meet Milos and we watch the merseyside derby @ the irish pub in Budva..
Stevie M>o>M .. in a hard fought , "thud & blunder" game, 0-0 but then a belated (chinese)"lunch" for Milos' s belated birthday .. (lunch can come at any time here..)
then sat next to a local blond "Barbi" on the way back who could only speak french , she was surprised that i could , I forgot her name instantly (totally opposite to the nice girl this morning) she seemed offended that I dosed off (guinesses lunch & vino) ...now back at Toloshi and watching the great film "cry freedom" (Biko, IMO, was a bigger hero that Mandela...but like so many true heroes never survived to tell his own story....) when will they ever learn,...? so many bigots still today!
my way... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E2hYDIFDIU
may 4
sorry Dave, which game did u watch, it wasnt "tiky" @ st james , they played more like a "RafaBall" style ;) .. with quick forward passing, so I think with Stevie Hendo and Coutinho , looking to pass early , the players caused that result not BR, I agree about Barca, I criticised the "barca - hype " last season.. chelski caught them out in last seasons CL semis... and most top managers will do the same.. an intelligent team varies ...!
Read more: Liverpool Echo http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-fc/liverpool-fc-news/2013/05/03/david-prentice-when-tiki-taka-fails-any-team-needs-a-plan-b-100252-33277909/#sitelife-commentsWidget-bottom#ixzz2T1BKl6tX
ts sunny..over 30 degrees C ..again ..in Pg, the last few weeks.. (already tanned) ...only 30 mins from beach and the same from the beautiful mountains of "monty".. but i'm lazy today.. stay on the patio ,(thats the patio minus me! ) the neighbour brought me some pancakes for brekkie ( his wife made) ... so i'm gonna just stay "@home" and enjoy "alone" ...just the " way it is" www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtMhXA4bLQw
may 3
are FB "targetting me" ,, posting "sponsors" *advertisers) on my time line.. "meet younger women" ... "meet asian women" ..."meet black women" ..what no women from outer space want to meet me?? LMAO! look I may be !Alone" but i am not lonely enough to fall for your subtle form of prostitution..!! sign up, then get lots of "messages" from sexy young things,(with bogus photos) and then pay for contact? what a SCAM! ..FB ; filling the net with crap., will then block you if you tell the truth! I may be "ugly" but i'm not STUPID! :D
CS log http://cser5.blogspot.com/2013/05/no-more-may-be-days.html
Hello Iris ......... sorry if the phone call disturbed u and yr babe! .. (did u say "Jana-eva?" tell me the correct spelling, please... u asked me how i am well , u shd remember that if u ask me a question u get a "book reply" :) if u are interested and understand "crazy" then u can go to http://cser5.blogspot.com/2013/05/no-more-may-be-days.html
but, i'd rather you tell me all about u and her, CONGRATULATIONS! "Iris flower. on the birth of your baby girl :)
dedicated to ..Iris ; Goo goo dolls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdYWuo9OFAw
ReplyDelete..."The last birthday & Leaving party"
Chris Rocks...