as chrislivecampaign./2021/05/the-antichris-in-monty-land-book-2-is bloGGED blocked & banned by fascist book, etc
continued here;
& the Anti-ChRiS in Monty-Land ..cont;
Chapter (or episode 8)
another dimension .... of atoms, neutrons, more RONS & ...BeeZed!
as he drove away
smiles on my lips play
will he live to fight ..another day
as he goes to meet "M" who hates whoever is "gay"?
he had a spill or 2
but had some laughs & funny times too
he found and crashed the kids party..last night
falling down in the bush, almost a riot...
lounging at the Cuba Libre beach
sometimes a struggle with the english speech
BeeZad is a magnet for Drama
but staying with me, what a panarama??
he stol from Iva
but we drank her Wine
she didnt appreciate all his hard work
BeeZed doesnt seem to shirk
so we planned (in joke?) to steel a yacht
at the snobs paradise
I said "no lets take the submarine"
I am the more wise?
thanks for your company, anyway :P
,,,,, @"BeeZed" changed his plans as often as the average person changes underwear..,,
as he rode his BMW bike to Budva this sunday night, i thought about the dreams i had last night..
so vivid, with a different Jacqui discussing Dancing and protecting her from drugs,
Not my Jacqui , but a footy mans dream-girl?? ;)
...the next @"BeeZed" laughing at everything... (true!) singing badly to english songs (also true)
him selling drugs to the montenegro kids,,, then the water on the loo floor
,..and lastly;
the clearest "dream clip" a girl i used to date, (from Berlin?) meeting in the street, now
and her looking so familiar with BIG eyes...and I am shocked she looks the same as then..
an exclaim "IT'S YOU!" .... (because I couldnt recall her name) so we walk along this old-fashioned street..
her arm in mine, as if we had never parted, and this left wing extreme activist comes on my right ,.. and starts to argue with her, I am in the middle and start to mediate ...and wake up...
to find @"BeeZed" on my couch...
catching up with messages on the net... @"BeeZed" looks a bit hungover, he asks me how I feel..
"with my hands" (i reply) ... the night before we had heard voices and a party atmosphere on our way
back from Cuba Libre beach Bar ( we agreed the 2 "bimbos" on the next table,, were professionals..)
(2 for the price of one offer?) i invented a new cocktail..
and had several...
" The Anti-ChRiS kiss"
1 part CHERRY rakija
1 part vodka
Oramge Juice
and...a dash of sweet chilli sauce
so I stopped half way back to "Mirista" when @"BeeZed" decided to argue with the lady serving in the recently opened shop..but
(in dutch about a bottle of water & a can of Jelena beer...) bought a few items, ice cream, domestic crips.
and had a shot each of apricot rakija, @"BeeZed" caught up with me round for round, at the house,,and we went looking for the "party noise" ,,first we saw that one was on board a boat off shore, but the other seemed to come
from a private housing area, wasn't,,,a party of about a dozen young people from a football group @"BeeZed" told me
in the morning that they lit REd flares as I had left after the 2nd cup of Vino hit me... )
...and I hit the grounbd... in the pitch black darkness, tripping over on my way out of their camping site ... i do recall singing "scouser Tommy" before leaving
(to applause) I had been SOBER after those cocktails (probably due to the shyte music ,, the bar)
It has been a long day ... 07h at the beach bar ... on the net ,, then alternating between anger and concern as I
had expected @"BeeZed" back early that saturday morn... as he was staying over at "M" in Budva , I feared an accident
.. his bike had fallen over, but with minimum damage , he was not hurt, and apologetic, took me a while ...
( I had "UNLOADED" on Novak & his GF Ivana on wednesday night...and apologised, so I forgave @"BeeZed"
for making me wait almost 4 hours, his mail arrived just before he returned...
so we went to the over-rated coastal town of Rose to "chill" in the afternoon, and passed his temp boss's Villa (CensoRED?) ha ha ha ..
"Villa Iva" ...
I had predicted that @"BeeZed" might change his mind, about leaving "M" after having another night with her,..
that DEJA VU feeling... or how I feel about ;
or especially:
so on his "last day" @"BeeZed" had to go to TIVAT we also stopped at Dusan's "Majestic " pub.... for another coffee
..then ;
..... then to "SNOB city" ({Porto Montenegro) seeing the hundreds of Yachts decided that high jacking one or two
would not be AS much fun as sinking them with torpedo's from the submarine also parked there...
to be crew would be funnier!
....but @"BeeZed" probably would never make his mind up where to sail to, so
it would be Myself as CAPTAIN ..wouldn't it @"BeeZed"??? ;P been there , done it!
(I have always been "Captain") ha ha
sent from a beach , with bitches but no sand..ha ha ha
go to hell mail ; from H-T of F & U mission
for the attention of Mrs S. Kojic (advokati, Podgorica)
it is YOU, Mrs Kojic, who needs to be informed!
from f&Umission NGO formed in May 2000 AS E.P.O.C amongst other aims to explore, expose and pursue justice
on behalf of our members worldwide, our Chief co-ordinator "C.R.S" is a highly experienced and Global (strategic) Manager.
the youngest ever fellow of the Institute of Directors, since 1995 has devoted himself to charitable & youth initiatives
and voluntarily given considerable time, energy & resources to your people, without a modicum of reciprocation.
(we understand that also included financial assiatnce to your brother) also made 54 previous HR complaints at the ECHR!
we note your recent response to our proposal (*DC) it really does not interest us what your legal colleagues may be doing!
1. you MUST be well aware that CRS came to you because ;
a) you were involved when Mr. Predrag IVANOVIC of Danilovgrad committed fraud and LOCKED OUT "C.R.S" of his home.
b) and if you refer to your own dossier, or the notes a young lady named : Samra: took of a meeting in 2018
with then ALEKSA RECEVIC who attenped to force an eviction, as IVANOVIC had falsely spread lies & rumour against "C.R.S" !
c) we understand that "C.R.S" mentioned to your husband, acting as translator at the meeting Rusa Radulovica 97b, Podgorica,
that considering the points a) & b) logic applied was obviously to use your previous knowledge, and we are sure that "C.R.S"
would not have invited you for that meeting had you not been previously involved.
d) and OBVIOUSLY "C.R.S" entrusted you with temporary STORAGE of his briefcase , which he told you contained personal items,
including the death certificate of his wife! Did you state that there was a FEE liable to be paid for that act?????
which "C.R.S" obviously proposed at the 4th of May meeting, with the (unfortunately predicted) risk that RECEVIC, a POLICEMAN would repeat the IVANOVIC violations!
(and worse)
2. are you disputing that RECEVIC locked out "C.R.S" on 7th May, after stating that his property could be removed ny 8th May????7
3. are you disputing that only RECEVIC had access to the house from 7th May, or why RECEVIC restricted "C.R.S" to 5 minutes access,
on the 8th May?
4. There are not only items damaged but MISSING, its REASONABLE to propose CRIMINAL intent by RECEVIC, for whatever reason.
5. It is NOT reasonable, to inform (homeless) "C.R.S" that YOU would complain at the Podgorica police stations on 9th may,
and then deny your legal representation of "C.R.S" at a later date,
(please send us the appropriate regulation that you claim prevents you from reporting RECEVIC or the violations against "C.R.S"
6. MNE is a member of the Council of Europe, we are CERTAIN that the Strasbourg committee & ministers would be concerned!
(if your courts do not consider RECEVIC actions criminal or attempted crime, at a period of virtual state of emergency
& "pandemic restrictions)
7. apart the moral issue of a POLICEMAN, who threatened "C.R.S" whilst in uniform and whilst RECEVIC was carring a GUN!
(this is NOT a CRIMINAL action in MNE???)
8. you have NOT complied with the instructions of "C.R.S" at the meeting with you & your husband;
- you did NOT deliver the letter. (you handed him a copy to deliver AFTER he was already LOCKED OUT!!) null & void!
- you have not made any claim against ALEKSA RECEVIC, ("C.R.S" had to leave your city on the 8th to find accommodation.)
(in full knowledge that reporting REcEVIC to his colleagues is "equal to reporting Hitler to the gestapo")
On a general note, knowing how dependent MNE is on foreign aid & tourism, and with a pending EU membership application,
do you or your compatriots wish this matter to be social media fodder, as your tone suggests your sympathy lays with
RECEVIC? Albeit that english is NOT your native tongue. Our members also have mainstream contacts!
"C.R.S" is missing many items, not least his passport, and the attached list identified as NGO items, are also missing,
as far as is known to us or "C.R.S".
Therefore, if you are unwilling to forward the claim to RECEVIC (which is without any other demand on your time)
would you prefer to repay "C.R.S" the 200 Euros CASH handed to you ?
for F&Umission NGO
p.s It is unlikely that "C.R.S" could trust any other MNE citizen or lawyer, considering the numerous violations experienced. (on record)
p.p.s. we suggest you decease from promoting Mr. N.Ljumovic, who, since December 2020 received over 1500 financial euros support, weekly free lunches, strategic advice, without positive result, and whom was also "ABSENT" when "C.R.S" required assistance on 7th may
and has since failed to reply to questions about personal property of "C.R.S" !
the house AT Danilovgrad ....5/6 years ago!
210604 ...story
Hello peoples 🙂 I am hosting in Montenegro , adriatic coast, my dutch guest will be travelling through Albanian , Greek & Turkish regions during June & July... if anyone can recommend hosts..
Hiya , if you are hosting , please contact my current guest , he will be in your country in July.. contact . and on facebook " @
CSerS before they "sold it" (Balkan mafia diivision) ;)
Chapter 9 (NEIN NEIN , no, Nyet, Nada, NON!
"why the skY continues to cry?"
"As if an open wound its weeping..
as from me life is seeping...
I lost everything i cared about
..without YoU ..I have nought
freedom..another name for nothing more to lose
its easy to drown in the booze..
did you ever wonder why ?
there is NOW much water in the sky?
it will rain rain and RAIN
without you ..must i be sane?
my heart can no longer cry ..
my eyes are teardrops dry..
so the weather cries, instead of me..
ChRiS 13602
this is more a "Monty (python) update,,,
with best wishes for ALL TRUE REbEL REdS!
#J4t96_32yrs #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN @ shares for all #LbIRDco-op via REdGEMnet;
ONLY future offering shares to over 30 million SUPPORTERS
start saving , with 300 groups worldwide plus already linked
..20 e gets you (if you are a true REd) 1 share each , LbiRD coin
by year 2023! & get the USAcorp sharks OUT of our club!
SOULstice preparing for enlightenment? ;)
part 2 (&academy)
I PROPSED (Via AeFAN) ; (this is the text of the event... if the participants realise that their plane
has more chance of crashing, or being high-jacked by terr or wrists than any of them catching the #paranoiaBUG !!!
" invitation to Football fun games & party & tour , with events in wildly beautiful location....
Supporters, fans & friends & friends or Friends are welcome
A GREAT time is (almost) GUARANTEED ... games will be played in fair & positive spirit (hugs allowed!)
GOOD food & drinks , beautiful location
will arrange tour on boat and much more
once in a lifetime experience IF YOU WANT TO HAVE FUN & FOGET THR bullsh&te of the last year or so..??
(Belgian, Dutch, Slovakian fan clubs & Teams invited to join with local BALKAN teams, and hopefully a friendly TEAM from LIVERPOOL)
leave your worries & your masks in the rubbish BIN!
you will never PLAY (oir drink) alone!
& for AeFaN FREE fair play league association "
and the "advokat" more like an eggy drink than a legal eagle...
(210607/8 )
CS> on 4th May at RR97b ;
Bad advices from Sanida Kojic (advokati) when I asked if Recevic could do the same as Ivanovic did (lock me out)
she said "HE CANT DO THAT!"
AND when I asked what would happen, she said ;
"a couple of community policemen will come to the door, and politely ask you to pay the rent,
you just tell them that its paid and Recevic then must go to court" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(but she took the money & refuses to repair the situation)
and "CRIMINAL policeman" ALeksa Recevic told Michal Spevak that YOU (Nemanja Ljumovic) took these things from RR97b
2 x extension cables
the Montage *ChRiS" POSTER from the HALL way wall
2 Round Table Pennants (Europe & Italian) from living room wall
2 winter jackets from guest room wardrobe
loose covers (bed from both bedroons)
and ?
coffee table
2 High wooden bar stools
cups & cutlery
postcards from guest bedroom wall
small electric heater in bedroom
exercise weight,
vacuum cleaner
poster from my bedroom
If you have these items, and feel in any way that you deserve to keep them,
please explain
last night (Monday at the Free C beach bar) Borko was drunk, even before I got there (as I had an evening brekkie at the "NFA/FU home")
arond 18h, ordered a portion of chippies to soak up the potential alchohol content, as Borko gave me a BEAR-HUG ...
he had a HUGE CUBA flag on the bar, and invited the Biker, the new girl (Nina), the GB from Oport0-adriatic restoran,
and Voyo (main barman) I had been "shopping" with THE NICE LAD ; Novak, and his new talkative colleague Stefan ..all afternoon,
logistics is NOT the priority here as we managed to go backwards & forwards around Tivat for various items for more than 3 hours!!
with a coffee break invited by me, at Dusan's "Majestic" pub.. near the bank in TV ... (old man asking where my passport is ...ask Recevic???)
..not a joke... ;)
had a chat with Nina, but when there is only ONE female at bar, with several others, including the drunken owner, sniffing around like dogs,,, there is little chance for any depth of discussion, which I hunger for, that reminds me that Jayne (Morton)
turned into a foul-language bitch, merefly because I got tired with the sms type of social media exchanges and suggested a TRUE
"CONVERSATION" ... she just kept replying with "oh all right" ..."wot do u mean?" etc ... so when i replied "EXACTLY, no one holds a proper conversation any more"
..she got pissed and wrote that I am a "F***ing loser" etc etc ... yeah thats your modern FEE-male...!
Anyway, at one stage when was keeping my distance from the drunken / smoking group Borko literally took me from chatting with Novak
, by my hand, to join them, ..ginger shots and some sort of gilled meat (very tender) was offered, then Dusan & a couple of his buddies
one who had lived in London and the other a funny guy called Dimitrie ..whose face made me laugh... took my mind off the snub from Nina
as when the music had improved , I wanted to dance, and aksed her twice, (I really am the best dancer in Monty, because no other man can!)
;) and she pointed to her "best friend" (the idiot rude biker!) as if that might annoy him, or she was talking with him... just seemed a bit
weird as she gave off the impression she was "entertainments manageress" hired by Borko as "eye candy" (Fabs expression) please customers..
I dont expect her to dance with me, just because she is employed by the bar, ("private dancer" Tina Turner?) ..
i smell potential A G R O if she is going to be there the whole summer.. i dont ask for favours! i am not that "hungry"
![]() |
except for "DAX" ! |
... Monty is an "ad hoc" bodge job, society, .... many houses are constructed with less professional know-how commitment than by a kiddy with a lego set,
several of the places I rented here , had loose wiring, and tiles with grouting smeared over them, eroded sealing.. and more..
they often, in the new places cover the external walls with toxic/flammable cladding, then paint over it, as |insulation" ...
or leave without any paint(as with my forner address by RECEVIV mafiosi, BP) and damp gets into the walls, and mold inside the rooms
the society here that (officially) religiously obeys the masking, quarantine, distance & other coroNATION BULLsh&te ...
dont care if I might catch a disease from mold in my room... THE country is BEAUTIFUL, but many of the locals throw rubbish everywhere..
which says that the "beautiful people" are indeed ...UGLY!
They dont know much except what the Media tells them...
there ARE exceptions, must most of their travel involves staying with like-minded compatriots living in another part of the world..
its one of "God's little jokes" that I decided to (good or bad) make this my base...
@"BEEzed" may or may not be on his way to workaway job in Albanian Skodra , and despite the horror stories i was told by MOnty-knee-grins,
I and those who also had spent TIME there had only good things to say about our Albanian experience.,.. not forgetting that
whilst I was "detained for investigation" by the Freiburg gestapo, MY greatest HONOUR was being invited to play in the (close knit)
Albanian Team, in the "U-haft mini tournament) I arranged with a football from the english consulate, (that and smuggling in chocs, newspapers
& tea bags was their only use to me!) ...
Vojo suggested I report the RECEVIC violations to the englush embassy!!! a) their govt is fascisTORY b) they only care about business!
cant thing of anything else I want have a go about, except the capitulation by global sheeple this last year,
as I "Celebrated D-Day " (6th June 1944) so many gave their lives to fight for FREEDOM/against fascism, just for the world
to scrap all that which my parents generation fought for, swallowing the lies & exploitation by BIG BUSINESS sharks, gleeful govt....
ministers, police and the SCUMedia who like many of the hospitals worldwide , ignored ALL the OTHER causes of death since early 2020!
No, I am still convinced by my theory, that this planet was a dumping ground, for insane or criminals from all over the Universe,
and I am the only one I KNOW is not....
(drink Ginger Tea) ..including enough Rakija to wipe out any #paranoiaBUG that may threaten my body or mind... btw ever since
i was a kid I heard people say, every winter, there is a (dangerous) BUG going around, only then Bill Gates & scientists in WUTaN
didnt cause the whole fecking world to shut down, to protect 0.01% of the global population, who may well have died from something else,
due to a weakness, other disease, OBESITY!!! or simply old age,... just stop and think...REBEL & RESIST! at
on this day...
D-days(Djune)DEja Vu Decisions Daze! ..
69 years since "d-day" liberating europe ( didnt u know u are free?)
69 is a significant number
between the genders (a key?)
avoiding the missionary , unencumber
each minority frights for majority (rule)
democracy is just a name...
anyway why should i trust the mass?
none of whom understand the "game"
"Monty pythons life of brian"
challenges the way u think,
i want to show u a similar film,
because sheeple, u stink!
who is intelligent on this planet?
one, i have longed to meet
question, what? how and which?
who can be strong, and not bitch?
how can sheeple still vote for suit and tie?
they lie!
its my planet, so i ask U why?
u follow the ignorance, the media too,
are u too blind to see?
the only question is..
to be ... or not to BE!
you are cordially invited to join our (FREE for my contacts) international club, currently hosting at "Cuba Libre" Lustica Bay, MNE
(tel +382 68 505 797)
invitation to Football fun games & party & tour , with events in wildly beautiful location....
Supporters, fans & friends & friends or Friends are welcome
A GREAT time is (almost) GUARANTEED ... games will be played in fair & positive spirit (hugs allowed!)
GOOD food & drinks , beautiful location
will arrange tour on boat and much more
once in a lifetime experience IF YOU WANT TO HAVE FUN & FOGET THE bullsh&te of the last year or so..??
(Belgian, Dutch, Slovakian fan clubs & Teams invited to join with local BALKAN teams, and hopefully a friendly TEAM from LIVERPOOL)
leave your worries & your masks in the rubbish BIN!
you will never PLAY (oir drink) alone!
& for AeFaN FREE fair play league association
Me (we?) #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN almost live from "Free Cuba beach bar , Monty-land..
& with best wishes for ALL TRUE REbEL REdS!
#J4t96_32yrs #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN @ shares for all #LbIRDco-op via REdGEMnet;
ONLY future offering shares to over 30 million SUPPORTERS
start saving , with 300 groups worldwide plus already linked
..20 e gets you (if you are a true REd) 1 share each , LbiRD coin
by year 2023! & get the USAcorp sharks OUT of our club!
SOULstice preparing for enlightenment? ;)
part 2 (& academy)
CS> on 4th May at RR97b ;
Bad advices from Sanida Kojic (advokati) when I asked if Recevic could do the same as Ivanovic did (lock me out)
she said "HE CANT DO THAT!"
AND when I asked what would happen, she said ;
"a couple of community policemen will come to the door, and politely ask you to pay the rent,
you just tell them that its paid and Recevic then must go to court" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(but she took the money (e200) & refuses to repair the situation)
this is a corrupt CoroNATION!
From MainSCREAMedia extracted fron their "Game of THORNS;
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