... greetings all TRUE REbEL REdS worldwide Y N W A with hope.. attention ... GLOBAL SUPPORTERS v owner INFESTORS.... they are sharks, Henry in bed with manu 's glaziers,
Cardinale is an evil sh&te! they dont care about supporters or our TEAM they just build up profits on the back of supporter loyalty
and infest english & european football/media!
best wishes & greetings to you & all our friends ... I am now at mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059 on behalf of all true REbEL REdS worldwide
currently campaigning for GLOBAL RESISTANCE ... daring to challenge their :biased : ANTI-social " BUG" policies ..
THAT shut down this planet TO BENEFIT THE FEW, whilst damaging HUMANITY vimeo.com/531156881 FREEDOM e UNION NOW = F U N
vimeo.com/500409547 = Strategy_20-23
do you own a small enterprise? if yes , JOIN
are you a sports person without an agent protecting you ? JOIN
do you feel the large business & institutions are treating you unfairly.. JOIN
do you have a human rights complaint?
have you been damaged without compensation , JOIN?
FREEDOM & UNION NOW = F U N @ vimeo.com/527347440
Freedom e Union NOW ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwmgSrSOQSc
JOIN: mewe.com/join/rebelchrislivecampaignlbirdco-opviaredgem
I am ... Nikole Tesle ..without the tech,, Ghandi, without a Religion,, Lennon, without the tune, a pirate without a ship
Mandela, without the nation, Martin L-K, without the colour, "the kop" ..without the (modern) fans...
Robin Hood, without arraws, Geronimo, without a horse, Shanks, without a club, I am a leader without an army, A general without a war, a Manager without an office...🙂
an advocate, without a law, A Rebel without his flag, and ...A father, without a child,
a husband without a wife..I am ME, without you!.....Alone and all one...without limits .... complete.! ..
I am now on mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059
Best wishes on your Day! I am on behalf of all true REbEL REdS worldwide currently and probably for a while in fbook jail (!) for daring to challenge their :biased : BUG" policy media (lockdowns etc)
but anyway send you all the best on your day 🙂 + greetings .. from TRUE REbEL REdS abroad members, worldwide & friends of /eured.supporters & all TRUE REdS!
+https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters and over 300 groups worldwide..
in spite of the blocks & bans of USAcorp a.k.a fen way/feck book or twatters ... over 300 groups and almost 5 million are linked and growing DEFIANT resistance opposition with TRUE REbEL REdS ... :)
vimeo.com/500409547 #ChRiS_LIVE_campaign_strategy_20-23 update
who is with me???? 210113/14REbEL
Feck book is cleary a USAcorporate fascist dictated mainSCREAMedia that the global sheeple
are enslaved to .PR_opaganda for "the man" #gameofTHORNS v #LbiRDco-op via REdGEM # #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
start a virus...to laugh at this planet a.k.a FLAMING june#20 by Christopher Richard Smith
useless states of america! inflated stats control sheeple with BUG policy feeding bans/BS of USAcorp
vimeo.com/500409547 cleary USAcorporate fascist dictated mainSCREAMedia global sheeple enslaved by .PR_opaganda #gameofTHORNS v #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
... ....whilst the idiocratic insanity continues , sheeple mutating into #covidiots ready to hook themselves up to ...a weird global mental asylum.
...which seems to mix up the stories of "the boy who cried wolf " (the planet cried wolf) .. "the emperor's new clothes" (every one seems to be EXPOSED naked of intellect, wearing a mask ha ha)
and the "Matrix" ( i keep seeing that image of millions of bodies hooked up to an electronic battery, sucking your life out of you!)
inhumane IDIOCRATIC shutdown increasing depression, suicides, job & HOME losses, destroying SME, making kids stupid too, whilst turning sheeple into #covidiots & the rich get richer! damage to HUMANITY is a bigger danger than any 0.01% bug risk! #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
best wishes & birthday greetings ... I am now at mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059 on behalf of all true REbEL REdS worldwide currently a while in fbook jail (!) for daring to challenge their :biased : BUG" policies
vimeo.com/500409547 Strategy_20-23
& #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet v manc u @ vimeo.com/500770614
do you own a small enterprise? if yes , JOIN
are you a sports person without an agent protecting you ? JOIN
do you feel the large business & institutions are treating you unfairly.. JOIN
do you have a human rights complaint?
have you been damaged without compensation , JOIN?
....210331 see launch IPO 01.04! CSerS???
hello Flo Grn I hope you are well. please have a look at this VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANPGskWKMT8 and give me your opinion and explain the difference in the rules between this and what you play? can IF you think they be 'jojned" in some way and played in public street places? i know some local kids play something casual ...and I want to re-start more activities via @Aefan ...group ...? best wishes ChRiS @ Christopher Richard Smith
Y N W A with hope... pre arse nal V LIVERPOOL & for TRUE REbEL REdS only....@
https://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/2021/03/the-redgemnet-med1ateam-diaries-during.html plus vimeo.com/531156881 F U N !
..just watched "Wit" (film) and its painful and deep portrayal of a very sick Cancer patient with intellect & dignity drained by the procedures still constant;y recommended by most "system doctors" doctors who killed my Father, Mother, Son, Sister and my young (estranged) wife Jacqui, and I despise the system ..for so many reasons,, also .... because i have a feeling of the pain she went through , in vain... which I did not share due to our separation (my fault ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wit_(film)
... hanging on to "life" which in reality is just existence does not justify the "medical profession" ..whilst I do have many credits for the mentality of Nursing staff .. i have been "luckY " in surviving a meningitis coma as a young man in 1995 ... (soon to be reminded on the 15th april, which is also the date the "96" were murdered by the state apparatus (under policies of the evil Thatcher fascisTORY govt.
..just prior to this film, I watched "seaspiracy" film which documents the destruction to the sea and its various species ... by , yet again, the selfish actions of those "humans" who pollute OUR world , its land, sea, air, water, food , fellow creatures, and the minds of our children with poison 24/7... whilst the global sheeple mutate into capitulating #covidiots slaves to the human snarkes, jackals & their global POLICE/Prison state & modern "marshial law" violation..
incredible & disgusting how the sheeple forget how fascists con them... throughout history...
and now imprisoned BY their BIGGEST CON ever ...as we approach the anniversary of the murder of 96 brothers & sisters
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
MtarmrSmclhpf nom30,gci 2mnhsor02uecd0o · Shared with Public
so WHAT should WE do...
OUR initiative is to connect an existing 160+ groups on social media (direct connection with 900k worldwide, who in turn probably have an expanded contact with say 10, million..?)
*Evolve ideas from the community, not from :the pyramid of govt/business exploitation
*Equality, with intelligence, encourage ideas that benefit the whole.
*Share & care for all Human BEings, no discrimination or frontiers
*Apply #eco-logistics (see propsals) @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/F.and.U.at.ME
..note f/book dont like "anti-establishment" initiatives
*BOYCOTT ; large industry, elections, politicians, FREEZE credit, rent, mortgages, halt construction for profit & property speculation..
EVERYONE should have the true CHANCE of living, with home & food ..without prejudice.
1 year ago
NEVER forget WHO caused this
remember the 96, no surrender to fascisTORY rule!
Crvena Dawn
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
Update; Hating the pause (pre Spurs) and pausing for INTELLIGENT REdS ..evolution!
7 years ago
happy SUNday, RedS go top and now back home eating ice cream and watching "Close Encounters" on Tv 🙂
see Maya Engebrethsen the mentality of Simon Jenkins>/ is typical to shrug his shoulders & accept the BS ...the world is polluted because people wait for a leader to solve their problems, vote for politicians to solve their problems, blame other people for their problems, follow rules of corrupt government & "greed" etc ... but YOU , Simon, and myself wew are all responsible for the world, if we ALL stand up & say "NO more" it will improve,, if you dont believe in hope & the positive ..it will not... we dont need leaders, we just need tio wake up and stop following the shy7e into their swamp.. Y N W A with hope... with OUR true REbEL REdS worldwide campaigning for GLOBAL RESISTANCE! challenge their ANTI-social " BUG" policies THAT shut down this planet TO BENEFIT THE FEW, whilst damaging HUMANITY
vimeo.com/500409547 #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
added 14 new photos to the album: March without Madness NOW madness here #20! by Monte Crvena
and 2 others
with worldwide Greetings 🙂 in the midst of madness LIVING in an OPEN PRISON of a local & GLOBAL police state..
+ from REdS abroad members, with almost 900k linked via 160+ groups + worldwide & friends of https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters
& all TRUE REdS!
be well ! be strong, WE TRUE REdS are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL
its spring , I am in shorts , t-shirt & flip - flops .... on the other side i GET .."hay fever" ..sneezing, itchy throat & eyes streaming, BUT I move on, GET on with life .. and that is how we live , we OVERCOME , and should look for the positives..
"with HOPE in our HEARTS" ...You'll never walk alone..J-96_30yrs.!
"what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity" if you CARE about OUR club...LIVERPOOL belongs to OUR people,.(#REdGEM) ..worldwide....
& please take time to absorb...https://vimeo.com/325497763
and share our video with your friends ?
.... with GOOD wishes , from my "academy"
& manager of https://www.facebook.com/groups/1team.without.limits/
banned ; https://newsdawna.blogspot.com/
reminders ; https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/.../montv-series...
& https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/.../censored-chris-in...
in the midst of madness LIVING in an OPEN PRISON of a local & GLOBAL police state..BEST WISHES
+ from REdS abroad members, with almost 900k linked via 160+ groups + worldwide & friends of https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters
& all TRUE REdS!
be well ! be strong, WE TRUE REdS are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL , GET on with life .. and that is how we live , we OVERCOME , and should look for the positives..
"with HOPE in our HEARTS" ...You'll never walk alone..J-96_30yrs.!
"what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity" if you CARE about OUR club...LIVERPOOL belongs to OUR people,.(#REdGEM) ..worldwide....
& please take time to absorb...https://vimeo.com/325497763
and share our video with your friends ?
CARE, staying at home, without mobility, makes u weak, if u dont go out , do 10min of "5 tibetans" to improve energy/resistance
(google it) and https://vimeo.com/399904336
Bracknell LOL’s
tiMSarch thp2odanm2,rsm 20ioiu2rge0ldnm ·
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
is with Crvena Dawn
😍JOIN the GLOBAL REdS+ C0-OPerativeNET😍
O… See More
1 Share
1 year ago
with Global Greetings 🙂 in the midst of madness we are MAKING our NGO initiative with REdS WORLDWIDE..
________________________… See More
1 Share
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
MaatStrSfepchu 2m9do,iS 2mnrs0oi2SrSie0d · Shared with Public
.... 210328
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
otcMSarpductontcschiore 28t, 2cmm0t20gd · Shared with Public
BE positive ..stop WAR, Cancer, road deaths, malnutrition (kids!) homelessness; shootings; all more likely to kill u! #trendyvirus
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
.... with GOOD wishes , from my "academy"
& manager of https://www.facebook.com/groups/1team.without.limits/
https://unsub-b.blogspot.com/.../the-world-is-full-of...… See More
Chris Smith-Mypod
Balkan Eco Village
Jugnitute Spo6,nsomrrised g2armu014 ·
Eco Village - design TEST ... others to consider...
Christopher Richard Smith
still the best manager we have had since 1990 i predict that BR lives to be 100 ,he will not win the trophies that Rafa has won at Liverpool and his other clubs,, worst day of the last 10 years when the yan kers BROKE his contract, and henry should have brought him back when he had the chance, some "fans" dont realise why WE who supported the team all over europe during his time LOVE Rafa and the week we smashed Madrid and the mancs at OT was one of MY BEST...
collecting ideas for eco village by Dg? CRS> Eco village plans information.(.Michael .?).join Fb eco village meeting april 22 or 23 may with planners.. your input , solar powered? residence, hostel eco centre ..eco food production eco, lake and fishing..
Chris Smith-Mypod
Balkan Eco Village
Eco Village - design TEST ... others to consider...
the FEAR media strikes again, more profits for vaccinators, billionaire pharma owners & mask makers (est profit from 2020 = over 500 BILLION uSD! ...yeah let the sheeple imprison themselves again & mutate into #covidiots ...
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
is with Crvena Dawn
and 6 others
200326 ..........
isn't this the Time for human BEings to grow up? ...
NO more borders & frontiers between human BEings?
WAKE UP!! to LIVING without frontiers invites members to consider a world with NO borders, this planet once belonged to everyone , and its very silly to accept that some "leader" from the past drew a line and said that you can only cross it with permission from another group that is also made up of human beings, isnt it time to grow up and take responsibility local & Global with co-operation of freedom e union group
supported by Christopher Richard Smith
#REdGEM_Lbird with greetings from MEd1A TEAM & friends of
1 Share
Stevie G!
😉.......for #19 "I think of her skin as smooth as silk,
and her lips as drinky as milk,
.... her breasts, as smooth as a pebble...
I dream of her form , oh so vital..
but most of all, I want the Title..!!!!! " ... again #19
but if she is so much trouble, why not dream of the double?"
greetings---------@RedAlieNeT -updated-censoREDS;-
for ALL REdNET friends (500,000?) linked worldwide
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"
@ facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters
Red EVolution http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com
; weekly @ chrismithlog.blogspot.com
"what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity"
#censoREDS #LbiRD #REdNET
0:13 / 2:37
Sidol Dol
Geerard memang ok
what's on my mind this morning.?? you ask me???
.. hatred by ignorance , racism, walls , the human race into stupidity, fixit instead of Brexit, selfish / idiot politicians and sheeple following them.. WAR! .(.is a deliberate.. business.)..POLLUTION , wasted kids ... ...and THIRTY years of Hillsborough, with NO JUSTICE! for anyone .."civilization" what a sick joke...
3 years ago
Gloria Cario Saludo Galamiton
Good morning
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
is with Мијајловић Јован
my youth team are at the game Fifa WC qualification Montenegro V poland tonight
... typical over exaggerated paranoia of FIFA/FSCG
, Podgorica is in "security lock down" as if football fans are enemies of the state (guarantee their bent president will claim the fame, if they qualify... )
all caffes closed... pathetic cowardly football authorities , STINK all of they STINK... FA, UEFA , FUFA , FSCG ... are a bunch of Warrington bankers...
I treated our lads , i wanted to buy more tickets , but they would only limit me to 5 so I chose the team ...Bdidnt come.. hope Montenergo win...but FSCG lose...my 10k euros claim against them ! 🙂
normal tickets are e15 (which is more than the average person is paid for ONE DAYS labour! ...
:) had several "esoteric flirts" lately, intimate dreams, sort of compensation for the lack of ladies company this last year? :)
... ....whilst the idiocratic insanity continues , sheeple mutating into #covidiots ready to hook themselves up to ...a weird global mental asylum.
...which seems to mix up the stories of "the boy who cried wolf " (the planet cried wolf) .. "the emperor's new clothes" (every one seems to be EXPOSED naked of intellect, wearing a mask ha ha)
and the "Matrix" ( i keep seeing that image of millions of bodies hooked up to an electronic battery, sucking your life out of you!)
inhumane IDIOCRATIC shutdown increasing depression, suicides, job & HOME losses, destroying SME, making kids stupid too, whilst turning sheeple into #covidiots & the rich get richer! damage to HUMANITY is a bigger danger than any 0.01% bug risk! #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
I am ... Nikole Tesle ..without the tech,, Ghandi, without a Religion,, Lennon, without the tune, a pirate without a ship
Mandela, without the nation, Martin L-K, without the colour, "the kop" ..without the (modern) fans...
Robin Hood, without arraws, Geronimo, without a horse, Shanks, without a club, I am a leader without an army, A general without a war, a Manager without an office...🙂
an advocate, without a law, A Rebel without his flag, and ...A father, without a child,
a husband without a wife..I am ME, without you!.....Alone and all one...without limits .... complete.! ..
miss ion ary position interview... with GOOD?
miss ion ary position interview... with GOOD?
...continuing ...."missionary position".... our sequence of Interviews... ( /2017/12/missing-hairy-5-interview-on-fast-food. ) ...
Chris Smullz
agree about the 12th man , but they are only in it for the money ... educate yourselves during theis time without a game and stop swallowing uSAcorp propaganda, Juergen and the TEAM hit a peak in 2019 in SPITE of the restrictions of a money bollox :sell before buy policy: they built a 2 billion usd asset on the back of our supporters loyalty... the "big picture" plan with the glaziers is to milk the english & european media profits with (ex goldman) Cardinale seeing how much money can be made from foolish fans blind loyalty ... it will all end in tears ...but carry on with the fantasy and we will see what happens ... over 300 groups worldwide oppose their aims ! LIVERPOOL heart is socialist not to benefit greedy capitalist sharks
"bood red" bs... Cardinale evil snarke ...
attention ... GLOBAL SUPPORTERS v owner INFESTORS.... they are sharks, Henry in bed with manu 's glaziers, Cardinale is an evil sh&te! they dont care about supporters or our TEAM they just build up profits on the back of supporter loyalty and infest english & european footy ./media!
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
.... with GOOD wishes , from my "academy"
& manager of https://www.facebook.com/groups/1team.without.limits/
https://unsub-b.blogspot.com/.../the-world-is-full-of...… See More
Montv_crs_akada ME Ja
my and y-our methods of personal evolution,& individual abilities naturally enhanced within team , collective and/or community, local & global!
also from ChRiS supporting
1 Comment
4 years ago
Ronnie Dawson·
Welcome. . Christopher
Sharon Snow
MtaSprcoifunauscrhnst e22, i2orgeg017tdu ·
R.I.P Ronnie Moran YNWA
You're All Caught Up
... attention ... GLOBAL SUPPORTERS v owner INFESTORS.... they are sharks, Henry in bed with manu 's glaziers, Cardinale is an evil sh&te! they dont care about supporters or our TEAM they just build up profits on the back of supporter loyalty and infest english & european footy ./media!
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
is in Bar, Montenegro
March 21, 2020 · · Shared with Public
Started New Job at Redgem-lbird FU mission globa
March 21, 2020 — Commander
Bar, Montenegro
to complete 5 year plan by 2022/23
2 years ago
Plesna Škola Montenegrodance
is with Čarobni Svijet Kamenčića
and 80 others
at Sketch
MtSparmodtchn nS2sc1ooir, 2e0dtl1hSgh9sc · Podgorica ·
is with Velimir Grbovic
and 4 others
MtSparmodtchn nS2sc1ooir, 2e0dtl1hSgh9sc ·
Sketch dance and poetry day last night! An evening of wonderful energies, joys, a perfect combination of verse and dance movement! Thanks to our guests and thank… See More
· ·
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
MtgdolearcShpr toni20,fsfoS f20ureogd19m ·
REdGEMtv1a Explaining the 5 year plan
REdGEMtv1a Explaining the 5 year plan
explaining the 5 year plan - and progressing #REdNET into REdGEM , and an alternative DEDICATED social media for supporting TRUE REd shareholders ..currently c500,000…
1 Share
2 years ago
Best Wishes
& greetings friends worldwide...
from ChRiS supporting
PLus… See More
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
- greetings
.....with REd SOUL & Best wishes
to all true REdS worldwide ..
& for those we have lost.,.. still in our hearts
..+ all members @ facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"… See More
1 Share
3 years ago
Gloria Wenslove
Goodnight to you my friend
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
is with Вук Бубања
and Божо Ћуковић
some of the FK MontyReds "Trinity INatTeam" lads in "civvies" by river Zeta, Danilovgrad (Obala) sunday 21 March 2016.. 🙂
You're All Caught Up
memories of 3 years ago (and st Paddys day) ... there WAS some FUN and intelligence on this planet then!
2 years ago
never forget - JUSTICE for ALL !
YNWA/ J-96 + 30 YEARS !!!!!!!!
Monte Crvena
AEFAN ; Alternative European Football ASSOCIATIVE NETWORK
MaftuSpgtrchsoan sil1o9,a o2ul0r1ettid7 ·
all members of : https://www.facebook.com/groups/aefan.eurofootyliga
please NOTE carefullly
& REMEMBER all teams during the test phase, to get used to "reporting" results, this way we dont need to pay referee and monitors fees
makes it possible for all to join this pan european initiative!
... the home team provides the location... and sends the score to this group, or my inbox... once we have enough experience and its working well all over europe we will have a promo tournament weekend 23-29 may and then start ..
next year divisions leaders , 1st & 2nd place ..will go forwards to regional tournament (similar to champions league) then to area, and then by 2019 european championship league for those,
there will also be "fair play" awards for teams who respect and apply the "spirit" of AeFAN-eurofootyliga the best...
in Montenegro a selection of youth players of the local divisions will be invited to an international tournament in July...
Hello Nemaja, as "mentor-manager"(strategic) i often have to calculate time/value ; it applies to others as it does to myself,
as in this modern idiocracy, local or global, finiabcial calcultaions are seen, time given is not, therefore i feel, as I would
if i was in charge of a youth TEAM or a global network, that i must allow my "members" to solve their own problems..
and if your problem is not solved by my previous advices, I suggest you seek other solutions.. otherwise,
we can meet during the week, anyway, best wishes to your family.
Me(we?) v bug BS!
...it is clear after a year of "bug panic" that this apparent "danger" is NOT a "death plague" that will see the public dropping dead on the streets..
as was portrayed by the UN, w.h.o. & mainSCREAMedia ... it is clear to anyone with half a brain that;
* whilst there is a threat, it is not much greater than any other we have lived with in my lifetime,. and that govts, medical "experts" & media
have deliberately inflated & SPUN "stats" which has been exploited by so called "authorities"...
* the ONLY connsistency has been the INCONSISTENT "mis-managment" of the situation and the ultimate damages caused by REACTION has & shall far
outweight the "identified (fatal?) risk" (0.01% of global population)
* that whether contrived ("CONspired") or incidental, profiteers; vaccine producers, ZOOMers, ISPers., f book, & twatters etc
(not least the 200 BILLION usd mask business of 2020) have had a "best year" this seems obscene , doesnt it?
* IT IS Tragic that WAR, weapons sales by your govts, the industrial / traffic pollution (pumping 20 BILLION tonnes of poison into the atmosphere WE BREATHE)
has continued, alchohol/tobbaco abuse, POISONOUS pharma drugs & deaths from cancer & other viral threats have not been dealt with by the same "enthusiasm" as theIR "bug"!
* an alternative "theory" that the poisoned air is so BAD that govts were told to lockdown to reduce the intake of the sh*t THIER policies made,
to reduce travel, construction, and traffic would actually have some merit, however, I doubt the intelligence of "those in power". #gameofTHORNS
it is intelligent to REbEL, you , as a human BEing, have as much power as you wish, to challenge the "rulers" who FALSELY placed you in a local/global prison/police state.
the (potential) good, may be that you learn to stand up to BE someone worthy of the LIFE given, the wonder of this universe and ALL!
BE the GOOD! #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
ChRiS SMITH 210314
LIFE has an "end game" u can seem to LOSE it, when U leave this planet
but if you are wise your ENERGY survives , your WILL be done...
its not the "result" of it that counts, like in football, the game, the season, your life "ends"
its HOW you LIVED, how you played the game, the measure of your commitment, your courage, what YOU GIVE,
to YOUR TEAM, your community, the world, to YOUR life and OUR planet...
do not hide behind their mask, stuff their fascist rules & rulers, only sheep obey without question.
disobey their idiocratic lock downs, lockouts & gestapo curfews, LIVE every moment you have,
make it count, play every game like you have no more to give, breathe the air, get out in the SUN
stop being victims & the prisoners of THEIR fear, LIVE your life, play YOUR game, be the best you are.
fight for humanity, fight the negatives, BE, a HUMAN BEing..
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4uX5awjpLM Football Finance Special: FSG, Liverpool and a £130m transfer market gamble )
no one mentions that the USAcorp backers of fenway have been increasing their assets & profiteering from billionaires to trillionaires exploiuting the "bug panic"
Henry & co only care about 4th place & above... when will Lfc fans realise that the fen way boardroom is infested by sharks...(USAcorp snarkes) .. on behalf of all true REbEL REdS worldwide daring to challenge their :biased : BUG" policy media (lockdowns, lockouts, curfews etc) including members, worldwide & friends of /eured.supporters & all TRUE REdS!
+www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters and over 300 groups worldwide..
in spite of the blocks & bans of USAcorp a.k.a fen way/feck book or twatters ... over 300 groups and almost 5 million are linked and growing DEFIANT resistance opposition with TRUE REbEL REdS ... :)
vimeo.com/500409547 #ChRiS_LIVE_campaign_strategy_20-23 update
who is with me???? with courage to REbEL???
p.s. Feck book is cleary a USAcorporate fascist dictated mainSCREAMedia that the global sheeple
are enslaved to .PR_opaganda for "the man" #gameofTHORNS v #LbiRDco-op via REdGEM # #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
ChRiS live CAMPAIGN #21 compilation #WEsingourownSONG
to the registrar (ECHR) with reference to your email below: please note;
* The applicants injunction is on record, and publication of this complaint is intended to oppose oppression.
* due to the public record of corruption within the state of MNE, and the risk of mobbing by the adversaries, the DELAY caused by processing via " domestic remedies " is IRRELEVANT.
* We site the petition applied to the EU PARLIAMENT ( REF 318764) FOLLOWING SUCH DELAYS & deliberate constructions by various court "officials" during SMITH v B.R.D at the ECHR & in the B.R.D (54 complaints v german policemen, attorneys, judges & other "beamte" 1999-2010) as further reason to apply to the ombudsman at the ECHR for an exceptional "fast track" process.
* Please note our campaign & investigation here in MNE has uncovered numerous incidents of violation, and to this day would apply for an investigation into all nation states exploitation of the "corona risk 0.01% fatalities in global population"
* whereby not only is their violation of the original conventions articles, (and that of the UDHR 1948) but profiteering, clear & obvious, leading to a virtual local & global dictatorship & via enforced, masking, curfews, lockouts & lock downs, a de facto "global PRISON-POLICE state" in DIRECT CONTRADICTION TO THE STATES AIMS OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE & THE UN!
C.R SMITH on behalf of F & U Mission CAMPAIGN
& others
CC various
On 2021-02-15 13:53, noreply, echr wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> The Court has jurisdiction to hear allegations of violations of the
> European Convention on Human Rights and does so on receiving
> individual or inter-State applications. It cannot take up cases of its
> own motion.
> Please follow the link below to the attention of persons wishing to
> apply to the Court. As you will notice, there are some admissibility
> conditions, in particular the exhaustion of domestic remedies.
> http://www.echr.coe.int/Documents/Questions_Answers_ENG.pdf
> More information about the admissibility conditions can be found on
> the Internet website:
> http://www.echr.coe.int/Documents/Admissibility_guide_ENG.pdf
> Yours sincerely,
> Registry of the European Court of Human Rights
> Greffe de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme
> Council of Europe | Conseil de l’Europe
> Central Office of the European Court of Human Rights
> Bureau Central de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme
> www.echr.coe.int
> ___________________
> cc:
> Head of Department for Organisation of Justice Directorate for
> Judiciary Ministry of Justice Vuka Karadžica 3, Podgorica Montenegro
> +382 20 407 504
> momir.jaukovic [at] mpa.gov.me
> Basic Court of Podgorica
> Mr Zoran RADOVIC
> President
> 13 July bb street, Podgorica
> (+382) 20 481 200
> osnovnisud [at] t-com.me
> zoran.radovic [at] sudstvo.me
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: International Court injunction v MFI Alter Modus & Adnan Karastanovic
> Date: 2021-02-11 20:45
> From: Harvey Tuttle <harvey.tuttledg@gmail.com>
> To: adnan.karastanovic@altermodus.me
> Cc: Cam-pain <campaign@ursun.net>
> Sun, Feb 7, 10:07 AM (4 days ago)
> We hereby inform A. Karastanovic that not only will we DO apply for an
> injunction in the international court, we hereby claim costs &
> MALICIOUS damages against you Adnan Karastanovic for oppressive
> pursuit of an individual during a ]pandemic crisis.
> INJUNCTION versus MFI Alter Modus
> Re; Mr. Nemanja Ljumovic your ref; 39-10-207/2021
> Due to a Force majeure;
> This injunction is made on behalf of Mr. Nemanja Ljumovic,("NL") a
> resident of Podgorica, who has been unemployed for the duration of
> the W.H.O / UN stated "GLOBAL PANDEMIC".
> The public precautions applied by the state of Montenegro prevent NL
> maintaining a consistent employment of any meaningful level.
> NL is married with 4 dependent children
> Therefore as the MFI Alter Modus are also registered within the same
> state of Montenegro they are also bound by the articles of the COUNCIL
> of Europe & the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) convention.
> This injunction invokes the convention articles 8,11,12 & 14, and
> retains the right to add other articles contained within the United
> Nations UDHR 1948, convention should the plaintiff wish to proceed
> with any further relevant action.
> This injunction therefore blocks MFI Alter Modus or any other party,
> institution, or individual making financial claims against NL until
> such time that the pandemic is cleared by the W.H.O/UN/ECHR, plus a
> period of
> 3 months.
> for & on behalf of F & U legal claims department (a bona fide Union
> registered on 1 may of the year 2000 at Stuttgart Justiz ministerium)
ONLY for TRUE REBEL REdS https://vimeo.com/515237632
also compilation & comments at
strategy outlined aT
bad karma by USAcorp snarkes?
Original campaign plan at rear of Video
> for & on behalf of F & U legal claims department (a bona fide Union
> registered on 1 may of the year 2000 at Stuttgart Justiz ministerium)
Challenging them again
do you own a small enterprise? if yes , JOIN
are you a sports person without an agent protecting you ? JOIN
do you feel the large business & institutions are treating you unfairly.. JOIN
do you have a human rights complaint?
have you been damaged without compensation , JOIN?
start a virus...to laugh at this planet a.k.a FLAMING june#20 by Christopher Richard Smith
useless states of america! inflated stats control sheeple with BUG policy feeding bans/BS of USAcorp
vimeo.com/500409547 cleary USAcorporate fascist dictated mainSCREAMedia global sheeple enslaved by .PR_opaganda #gameofTHORNS v #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
.............. a reminder of our HOLY TRINITY ...
.... " its easy to follow
when all is good
but many words are hollow
and I know you should...
Remember Y N W A
with hope in your heart
the world is FUBAR
so its time, again, to re-start
to know who is true
to do your best
overcome their lies
and all the rest
I will fight USAcorp
& their fen way sharks
overcome their bug & blocks
and the negative remarks
I SUPPORT my team
whether YOUTH or Pros
not the rich, or their CON
which it seems , GOOD only knows...
#LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
and sing with me if YOUR HEART is big as MY LIVERPOOL
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTDiyX3fEQs&list=RDtTDiyX3fEQs "
ONLY for TRUE REBEL REdS https://vimeo.com/515237632
My chats
3:56 AM
Nemanja Ljumovic
Hiy Nemanja, glad u brought Ana & the kids yesterday, they could have gone inside if they were cold, havent doen a grill since 2019 , out of practice..(timing, like with everything, is important) shame the kids were unhappy, and I dont know why, I called Michail by the name "Mathias" (!) maybe he looked yesterday a bit like a schoolfriend of my son, when I lived in Freiburg... anyway u should have corrected me, thank Ana for the Vino, and a tip (dont buy chicken from Voli, its was bland,..) vidimo se ..ciao p.s. I am going to make pressure on the International court v MNE & all govts who employ lockdowns & curfews against the international common law! (see group at mewe.com/i/dawncrvena ...)
Feb 23
Dawn Crvena
........ a reminder of our HOLY TRINITY ...
.... " its easy to follow
when all is good
but many words are hollow
and I know you should...
Remember Y N W A
with hope in your heart
the world is FUBAR
so its time, again, to re-start
to know who is true
to do your best
overcome their lies
and all the rest
I will fight USAcorp
& their fen way sharks
overcome their bug & blocks
and the negative remarks
I SUPPORT my team
whether YOUTH or Pros
not the rich, or their CON
which it seems , GOOD only knows...
#LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
and sing with me if YOUR HEART is big as MY LIVERPOOL
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTDiyX3fEQs&list=RDtTDiyX3fEQs "
ONLY for TRUE REBEL REdS https://vimeo.com/515237632
Feb 12
Just L en Vadrouille
any HUMAN BEing v ALL nation states
Share the group link:
v their #gameofTHORNS SUPPORT #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
Feb 12
Lisa OKeefe
any HUMAN BEing v ALL nation states
Share the group link:
v their #gameofTHORNS SUPPORT #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
Nemanja Ljumovic
Hiy Nemanja, glad u brought Ana & the kids yesterday, they could have gone inside if they were cold, havent doen a grill since 2019 , out of practice..(timing, like with everything, is important) shame the kids were unhappy, and I dont know why, I called Michail by the name "Mathias" (!) maybe he looked yesterday a bit like a schoolfriend of my son, when I lived in Freiburg... anyway u should have corrected me, thank Ana for the Vino, and a tip (dont buy chicken from Voli, its was bland,..) vidimo se ..ciao p.s. I am going to make pressure on the International court v MNE & all govts who employ lockdowns & curfews against the international common law! (see group at mewe.com/i/dawncrvena ...)
3:56 AM
... ALSO WHEN YOU ARE ready with your website you could make an offer to : Monica via
infinitycastlebar@gmail.com ....send the weblink when u are happy with it, (iban/swif of Ana?)
10:36 AM
ALSO WHEN YOU ARE ready with your website you...
Ok, but how? To send a web link or ?
8:32 PM
tomorrow I will finish website
8:31 PM
8:31 PM
yes it will be our pleasure o come
8:31 PM
I had 3 days some referee seminar for africa
8:30 PM
Hi Chris, I hope that you had a good weekend
8:30 PM
Mar 1
ALSO WHEN YOU ARE ready with your website you could make an offer to : Monica via
11:01 AM
..........Hello Nemanja , does your local printer make big posters , say 2 metres x 2 metres , if so cost (sticky back?)
............ & if your family are free next sunday , invitation to an afternoon grill on my terrace..!
9:16 AM
Feb 28
p.s. and I miss hosting parties & interesting visitors ... 🙂
8:52 AM
if I hadnt spent around 200 euros on the injury (which Sladjana now ignores) i could have had 200 euros extra in my monthly budget...(xray, bike, chiropractor etc) ...
I want/would like ,...
to play football again , after over a year without...
not to have to deal with so many stupid people., local & global
to commence character building of local youth via my UNIQUE academy methods & know-how
to be valued for what i am, not for how i look..
that this region be the best & worthy of pride..
the world to be better, people to be honest...less about image & BS!
the people to really understand money is worthless pieces of paper..
to strategically manage a new LIVERPOOL football club , there or here..
for a lady to see & care for me for the man I am, not her "bancomat"
to dance & sing to good music,preferably not alone
for you to stand up against the con, for you & your family's future
for someone to actually come through on their promise..
but i NEED nothing...whilst i am breathing , i shall prevail..
8:48 AM
Feb 16
ok, anyway thank you, I understand...
10:47 AM
i already invest more than 1200 e in you / projects .. there is no guarantee when or if the HN goes ahead ... i am full today!
10:46 AM
are you visiting them as you planned?
no I called them(the girl)
, to tell situation...
10:43 AM
karnel said that computer is working
10:42 AM
i am occupied today!
10:41 AM
the injunction against them is valid...
10:41 AM
are you visiting them as you planned?
10:40 AM
Last week i payed one loan 108 euros
10:39 AM
did you pay the credit? (alter modus)
10:31 AM
Is there any chance that you give me a loan 200 euros for one month, we are totally without money, it is just try to survive... I will give you back after Polino CUP...
10:18 AM
I dont want to meet owner without your budget plan in advance...so bring Ana for a tea after your visit there..
8:28 AM
Feb 15
Tonight I will send you link
6:11 PM
I will call them in the morning
6:11 PM
I forgot to mentioned it to SoHail
6:10 PM
I already prepared some things
6:09 PM
Yes we have meeting with owner
6:09 PM
if you have finished any websites; please send me the link, and i will update (and probably compact) the latest videos...(club)
as for rogami, tomorrow, ..as i understand it, you do NOt have a meeting there with the owners, its just to show Ana & get measurements .. so I dont see why i should go.. better to meet when u have worked our budget/plan.. (as you are an accountant referee!) 🙂 ...(btw why didnt you tell Soheil you passed your truckers license?) of course you & Ana are welocme to come for a tea after if you wish .. plus.. if you can remember , to please phone kernel, to ask when they might be nice enough to repair what they did NOT repair (touchpad) on my laptop.? )
10:26 AM
Feb 14
6:53 PM
Feb 10
have u an answer ??? abou the meeting tomorrow ????
11:46 AM
9:09 AM
when you phone Darko, (CKB) note I am available tomorrow between 11 h- 15h ...ok?
7:41 AM
Feb 8
1:02 PM
I am all day on minifootball. Another delegate is sick, so I will be there from 12-22. 😞
8:31 AM
Feb 7
4:20 PM
12:18 PM
Feb 6
ok see u here at 11.30 ,tomorrow ,.. please bring this with you, i cant read the email address or details,
5:22 PM
Tomorrow at 11:30 am?
9:01 AM
9:01 AM
Feb 5
1:36 PM
I propose you arrange a meeting minday at CKB *Darko? ..for U & me and get me the email of the court that issued the "bank notice" ...lets meet saturday ?
8:17 AM
Feb 4
3:41 PM
good luck with version 2... this file for your attention & translation...
3:41 PM
if you can get your son to look at the tutorial at https://www.wix.com/ before we meet..?
Free Website Builder | Create a Free Website | Wix.com
Create a free website with Wix.com. Choose a stunning template and customize anything with the Wix website builder—no coding skills needed. Create yours today!
7:20 AM
Feb 3
thats not the company formation that was forwarded to you, ignore
7:56 AM
Feb 2
10:31 PM
Yes I am
4:45 PM
are you on line here now?
10:03 AM
___________________________________________________________discusion FEN way not the LIVERPOOL way
REdawn LiveBirds
@Neverman Is Here your bosses deleted the original response? ; typical fascism USAcorp style
@Neverman Is Here ..never mind,,,,, i dont usually bother with fen way clones ...but :p 1... the well & the world is poisoned by the sharks of fenway & their kind USAcorp policies pollute the aire , water land food & minds of our kids .., hedge funders & others who leach off society ...proof? I dont need or want to convince YOU! ... so you can keep your condescending BS to yourself.. I have seen and experienced too much to be blinded by the fen way PR_opaganda... 2. ignoring their failures and a decade selling off the best players with a net spend lower than main rivals? 3. then you havent seen our solutions which start with replacement of the sharks with our global #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet ...if you want to fight check who u are fighting with? ...4 you ignore than it is /was OUR SUPPORT in bond with our generations managers that made LIVERPOOL , our anthem our slogans chants, songs banners & flags a force admired globally ...and OUR LIVERPOOL way exists despite your shark friends... 5. you also know f all about Rafa, and how much he is respected amongst true experts & core LIVERPOOL supporters... however he is his own man, and that is hated by the likes of Henry & co... he would have argued and made his own strategy , that would not fit in the "sell before buy" policy... 6. we are NOT (yet) a manc club...you really dont get it do you?? 7. I like Juergen, he has done a great job in difficult circumstances but his silence when fen way scandals were big news... says much ... 8 ...cherry picking ? Torres & Masch wouldnt have left Rafa, Suarez, Courinho, Sterling... ? 9... "WE" .. ? you are not @ "we" .... after a decade... ? hundreds were dumped, ... Stevie & Carra ? and u wont make any scouse friends by dishing Jay... ... the last para of yours is CLASSIC ...human rights AND comparitive law?? ... your home nation violates human rights as policy... ... and "not saying you are wrong" ??? you spent a lot of time calling me out , and calling me names ... so in conclusion ... F U 2 !
Neverman Is Here
Neverman Is Here
1 day ago (edited)
I've said this before but it's worth restating.
This ownership understands the value of tradition. - I lived in Boston when the same ownership group kept The Red Sox at Fenway Park. So I was very happy that Anfield, and the Kop, were given the respect this palace of historical football was due. They understood that going to Fenway Park is a completely different experience than going to "The 7-11 Dorito's Heinz Ketchup Baseball Grounds".
I simply don't find a reason to complain with the product on the field over the last 4 seasons. If one is not AT LEAST OK with 2 CL Finals - including the Win, a 2nd place finish that broke season points records, and an English Title, well then I have nothing to say to you about it. We are quality. <--end of.
I LEAVE LOCAL ISSUES ALONE because I know that - I don't have the information nor do I pay for tickets. I have no stake in the land or local businesses (apart from the humanist goal of the more happy people the better).
Hey Andy, the short cut looks good man.
YNWA Gentlemen. - Neverman
david doink
None of my mates kids , in their teens or early twenties, who identify as Reds , go to the match.
They watch them in the TV but you can see that they haven't really got the bug.
The difficulty in getting tickets for the match has meant that they aren't getting the habit,
there is no substitute for going to the match. FSG obviously see the value in selling £400 tickets to tourists,
how much of that has influenced them in the speed of getting the AR done? The Main Stand is a great achievement
but I think that they need to move quicker with the ground redevelopment or they run the risk of losing another generation of fans.
REdawn LiveBirds
... anyway the unwelcome TRUTH : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYnhOnKNi-8
- in it for profit not us, aims were always to build assets on back of supporter loyalty
- ignored Rafa when they sacked hodgson, ONLY after 10,000 boycotted Anfield
- their man (Chang) threatened dissenting Lfc fans
- ignored J4t96 until their PR dept told them to attaend..
- SOLD best players , sold youth prospects - sell before buy money bollox policies
- ticket SCANDAL
- furlough SCANDAL
- constant PR spin on LfcTv
- constantl;y "pleading poverty" although fen way backed by several billionaires..
- buddies of G.w Bush...
- they see Juergen as their stooge...?
- and so many aspects summed up their mentality when they attempted to BRAND the name "LIVERPOOL"..
AS HEN RY & co got into bed with man u's Glaziers for the "big picture"recenetly aiming to take over the english.european football/media/scene... adding chief ex goldman-sachs SHARK...Cardinale! ...
= Total conclusion they are the furthest type of nasty snarkes that TRUE REdS would want associated with our (once proud socialist ) club..
Graham Sardan
1 day ago (edited)
10 years = tenure ...theyre way sounder than the last set of yanks, although if some other crazy shite happens on the world stage i cant see how they can keep going without either selling or squeezing the s out of us.
EDIT - that wallpaper is a photo of Vera Duckworth's soul
REdawn LiveBirds
REdawn LiveBirds
21 hours ago
thats part of the problem, , the fans would have accepted anyone after G & H! , inc, these obvious sharks.
.....REdawn LiveBirds
REdawn LiveBirds
20 hours ago
closing with Gibbons kissing the arses of Gordon & the posing GF .... sums up the TAW policy in nutshell ; for middle/business class fanny channel.. again~ ..not ONE contributor from the alternative opinion (i.e. anti fen way)
21 hours ago
Gareth cant see past his own nose.,.. with over 30 million fans , we could back a 20 quid ownership scheme , get it matched by the market and have a controlling interest with pro managers (when JK goes; Stevie & Rata ... ?) and kick out the sharks... because that is what THEY ARE!
___________________________________________ from Acers1____________________________

... attention ... GLOBAL SUPPORTERS v owner INFESTORS.... they are sharks, Henry in bed with manu 's glaziers, Cardinale is an evil sh&te! they dont care about supporters or our TEAM they just build up profits on the back of supporter loyalty and infest english & european footy ./media! ... .. best wishes ...
..... Y N W A with hope, J4t96 + 32yrs; SUPPORT our TEAM & JOIN TRUE REbEL REdS ! & Share group link: https://mewe.com/join/rebelchrislivecampaignlbirdco-opviaredgem #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet
Y N W A with hope, J4t96 + 32yrs; SUPPORT our TEAM & JOIN TRUE REbEL REdS ! & Share group link: https://mewe.com/join/rebelchrislivecampaignlbirdco-opviaredgem
+ harve; missionary position v U S A kaka korps.... https://harveysclog.blogspot.com
the game, their league, the world, is FUBAR sold as a tv show #LbiRdco-op via REdGEMnet @ vimeo.com/517755978
......... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DozLfaFg4_0 & winning at home whilst away in Europe
https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2021/03/rednet-bootroom-updating-winning-at.html feature GINI!! #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet
there is the duty to care
and the chance to dare
only the old forget
the people one has met
selfish beings inhabit this earth
do not know what is worth
pollute each other with greed
and say , "its what I need"
me me me , is all I hear
its ok to shed a tear
be happy in what you do
but remember i am connected to you
we are all one,
in the rain or under the sun.
non-rules for y-our life 😉
rule number 1 - never follow the rules
rule 2 - always obey rule number 1 🙂
be yourself, the wonder of life is enjoying the journey to a dream that you may never arrive at
learn the language and rules of the "system" so u can break them
strive for freedom & let freedom be your mentality yet always accept the consequences of your choices
dont intend to hurt anyone or anything, unless in honest self-defence
sing your song , say what you mean and mean what you say...
Have empathy for others, but know when and where to draw the line of generosity
be to others as you wish them to be to you, dont be led by the herd or "popular opinion"
enjoy what you have, or it too may disappear whilst you chase more...
Laugh, joke and dance whenever you can, because one day your legs may not move at all.
search for intelligence and when experience talks, listen, you have twice as many earholes as mouth-hole 🙂
dont read too much of others stories, make your own adventure
be a player, not just a spectator
If you dont like your life, change it, dont waste time on blame, state your truth and move on.
get out in the sun, and through wind or rain, add you own positive message, to this mad , wonderful, tragic strange & beautiful life
p.s. maKE a miracle every day...
p.p.s add your own "wisdom" ..if u dare ... 🙂
...................210323 ... FREEDOM e UNION (NOW) = F U N ? https://vimeo.com/527347440
chance for Mo to get revenge over Ramos?
... .. best wishes ...
..... Y N W A with hope, J4t96 + 32yrs; SUPPORT our TEAM & JOIN TRUE REbEL REdS ! & Share group link: https://mewe.com/join/rebelchrislivecampaignlbirdco-opviaredgem #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet
vimeo.vimeo.com/524447135.. as a protest against the BAN of st paddys day parties . jOIN GLOBAL RESISTANCE V SHUT DOWNS!!! ChRiS live from #01 .. a retro flashback .... a radio programme I moderated 20 years ago with guests Daby & Angie ..., all copyrights & music covered by Radio Dreyeckland license (Freiburg, B.R.D) ... some snips due to recording cuts & sound restrictions. and random images from my past and also of CSers visiting my Montenegro "HOSTelle" 🙂 ... of course the USAcorp/germoney fascists destruoyed the freedome.org links of the time, but the #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN continues today with True REbELs ; with ME(we) @ https://mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059 ... BTW f book mute the music, despite being covered by Radio Dreyeckland (Freiburg) licence!
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
updated his status.
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
happy st paddys / red nose day weekend..
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
updated his profile picture.
........... there is the duty to care
and the chance to dare
only the old forget
the people one has met… See More
May be an image of 1 person, food and text that says 'CHRISSMITHI0S9 Morality: Doing what is right regardless of what you are told. You were born an original. Don't die a copy. become ahabit. Liveyour Why do we spend So much time looking for intelligen life other tofind intelligent life here Earth first takerisks. Lifeis FIND SOMET HING WORTH DYING FOR, Obedience: Doing what you are told regardless of what right. DEAR GOVERNMENT, NO AND THEN LIVE FOR BELIEVE BULLSHIT ÛMORE! JOIN US!'
5 years ago
May be an image of 1 person, food and text that says 'CHRISSMITHI0S9 Morality: Doing what is right regardless of what you are told. You were born an original. Don't die a copy. become ahabit. Liveyour Why do we spend So much time looking for intelligen life other tofind intelligent life here Earth first takerisks. Lifeis FIND SOMET HING WORTH DYING FOR, Obedience: Doing what you are told regardless of what right. DEAR GOVERNMENT, NO AND THEN LIVE FOR BELIEVE BULLSHIT ÛMORE! JOIN US!'
No photo description available.
1 Comment
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 17, 2016 · Shared with Public
happy St Paddys day ..... 🙂
You're All Caught Up
birthday greetings & best wishes on match day! ,Y N W A with hope ; all TRUE REbEL REdS pre wolves v LIVERPOOL plus,,,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DozLfaFg4_0
2 years ago
#REdGEMEdia; https://soundcloud.com/lbird-monte-red/rebtvradiomc519_1a
1 Comment
6 years ago
added 2 new photos to the album: filMs.
March 15, 2015 ·
I will add films (or their book versions) I recommend..ask me why?? 😉
..........REbEL, because your world is mad, slaves to corrupt govts & biased media, but do you deserve a better world for kids
if YOU dont care about truth? #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
Y N W A with hope, J4t96 + 32yrs; SUPPORT our TEAM & JOIN TRUE REbEL REdS ! & Share group link: https://mewe.com/join/rebelchrislivecampaignlbirdco-opviaredgem
+ harve; missionary position v U S A kaka korps.... https://harveysclog.blogspot.com
the game, their league, the world, is FUBAR sold as a tv show #LbiRdco-op via REdGEMnet @ vimeo.com/517755978
......... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DozLfaFg4_0 & winning at home whilst away in Europe
https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2021/03/rednet-bootroom-updating-winning-at.html feature GINI!! #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet
..................ON THIS DAY
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
If we dare to question, they ban alternative opinion...
2 years ago
one of my favourite awaydays! 🙂
... and .welcome .@RedAlieNeT
greetings ALL REdNET friends (500,000?) linked worldwide
… See More
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A special tribute: Ian St John 1938-2021…
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Liverpool FC - Liverpool Echo
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Liverpool FC
is at Old Trafford
March 14, 2019 · Manchester, United Kingdom ·
Another of our memorable away wins... 👀
An unforgettable 4-1 victory at Manchester United
on this day ten years ago. 🙌🙌
1 Share
6 years ago
to all my "facebook friends" who did NOT support this yesterday .. 😛
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
there is the duty to care
and the chance to dare
only the old forget
the people one has met
selfish beings inhabit this earth
do not know what is worth
pollute each other with greed
and say , "its what I need"
me me me , is all I hear
its ok to shed a tear
be happy in what you do
but remember i am connected to you
we are all one,
in the rain or under the sun.
4 years ago
Michelle Hobbie
Christopher Richard Smith
March 13, 2017 ·
1 Share
4 years ago
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
1 Comment
1 Share
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 12, 2017 · Shared with Your friends
Rafa made lfc the best in europe....and you wouldnt know Alonso if he had not signed him in the first place...
Christopher Richard Smith
European REdS LbiRD Supporters Club & "REdS abroad" via #REdGEMnet
March 12, 2017 ·
H enry & co will have to go, because they wont accept someone like Rafa and thats why I doubt Jk is strong enough to stand up to them and hopefully most of th… See More
Benitez on Liverpool, Newcastle and understanding Scousers
Benitez on Liverpool, Newcastle and understanding Scousers…
Toon boss sees similarities between current job and the one he had at Anfield
5 years ago
Good luck Rafa at Geordies fc .. the best Lfc MANAGER of the last 25 years!
March 11, 2016 ·
Benitez named Newcastle manager
Benitez named Newcastle manager…
Rafael Benitez has replaced Steve McClaren as manager of Newcastle, with the Spaniard signing a three-year contract with the struggling north-east club.
6 years ago
non-rules for y-our life 😉
rule number 1 - never follow the rules
rule 2 - always obey rule number 1 🙂
be yourself, the wonder of life is enjoying the journey to a dream that you may never arrive at
learn the language and rules of the "system" so u can break them
strive for freedom & let freedom be your mentality yet always accept the consequences of your choices
dont intend to hurt anyone or anything, unless in honest self-defence
sing your song , say what you mean and mean what you say...
Have empathy for others, but know when and where to draw the line of generosity
be to others as you wish them to be to you, dont be led by the herd or "popular opinion"
enjoy what you have, or it too may disappear whilst you chase more...
Laugh, joke and dance whenever you can, because one day your legs may not move at all.
search for intelligence and when experience talks, listen, you have twice as many earholes as mouth-hole 🙂
dont read too much of others stories, make your own adventure
be a player, not just a spectator
If you dont like your life, change it, dont waste time on blame, state your truth and move on.
get out in the sun, and through wind or rain, add you own positive message, to this mad , wonderful, tragic strange & beautiful life
p.s. maKE a miracle every day...
p.p.s add your own "wisdom" ..if u dare ... 🙂
1 Comment
Multi-cultural ; Footy, Fun & International friendship party
March 12, 2014 ·
the "Friendship trophy" for the team that understand the meaning,...
7 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
added 4 new photos from March 12, 2014.
March 12, 2014 · ·
https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2021/03/rednet-bootroom-updating-winning-at.html we said Nath & Ozan shd watch videos of european campaign , 05 ... when Carra & Sami kept out some of the best palyers in the world without the style & pace of VVD/Joe!!!! feature GINI!!
Paul is the fickle fan ny of this fanny Channel, who wrote of the european campaign a few weeks ago... so much BS! Ben is nul! ... a waffle pairing , ...not comparible with our new CB pairing who NEEDED time to get sorted, JK couldnt have played this a month ago... https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2021/03/rednet-bootroom-updating-winning-at.html
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/.../rednet-update... tough one tonight , needs 200% on & off the field,,, SUPPORT #REdGEM #censoREdS #colouREdS
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
March 11, 2019 ·
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
2 years ago
Amadou Liverpoo Kaba
is with Alain Celis
and 40 others
March 11, 2019 ·
Best wishes
Robbo !!
and to all true REdS worldwide
& @ facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters
REdNET links c 500,000 via unlimited groups worldwide
SUPPORT REd Evolution!
YNWA/ J-96+30yrs
"what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity"
#censoRED #LbiRD #REdNET #colouREDS
Christopher Richard Smith
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
March 11, 2019 ·
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
1 Share
May be an image of 1 person, food and text that says 'CHRISSMITHI0S9 Morality: Doing what is right regardless of what you are told. You were born an original. Don't die a copy. become ahabit. Liveyour Why do we spend So much time looking for intelligen life other tofind intelligent life here Earth first takerisks. Lifeis FIND SOMET HING WORTH DYING FOR, Obedience: Doing what you are told regardless of what right. DEAR GOVERNMENT, NO AND THEN LIVE FOR BELIEVE BULLSHIT ÛMORE! JOIN US!'
1 Share
May be an image of 2 people
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
is in Podgorica
March 11, 2017 ·
March 11, 2017 in Podgorica
1 Comment
May be an image of 1 person, food and text that says 'CHRISSMITHI0S9 Morality: Doing what is right regardless of what you are told. You were born an original. Don't die a copy. become ahabit. Liveyour Why do we spend So much time looking for intelligen life other tofind intelligent life here Earth first takerisks. Lifeis FIND SOMET HING WORTH DYING FOR, Obedience: Doing what you are told regardless of what right. DEAR GOVERNMENT, NO AND THEN LIVE FOR BELIEVE BULLSHIT ÛMORE! JOIN US!'
,,,,,,,,, get up off the floor and fight for our TEAM, SUPPORT ... vimeo.com/512442991 "Heaven is SEVEN in Istanbul!, never surrender, we are the CLUB! "
...with TRUE REbEL REdS ; mewe.com/join/rebelchrislivecampaignlbirdco-opviaredgem
the english plastic money league is a VARce, FascisTORY rules imprison you & fen way are sharks,
the game, their league , the world is FUBAR ...sold off as a tv show... review at vimeo.com/517755978 plus MEDiATEAM at harveysclog.blogspot.com #LbiRdco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
SUE G b day...scroll down?
Today at 9:58 AM
...on YOUR day... this
" YOUR NAME is SUE , how do you DO?
I always think of johhny cash song
hope thats not wrong
when I think of SUE
and other things too
i dont always agree
with you, you see,
but respect a fighter
wishing your load to be lighter!
so on this day
I send flowers , why not?
HOPE , for your heart
Rakija to connect
and SOUL , with respect
and close with a smile 😉 a wink
& a rasberry ha ha ha 😛
wishing you GOOD times & many more
ChRiS x
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 10, 2020 · Shared with Public
Truth & Justice for the 96…
Truth & Justice for the 96…
Liverpool FC
was live — in Anfield
Watch our live matchday show pitchside at Anfield. Where in the world are you following the Reds from today?
LFCTV coverage from 11am GMT: video.liverpoolfc.c… See More
1 Share
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
March 10, 2019 ·
Matip VVD
Trent Fab Robbo… See More
1 Share
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 10, 2019 · Shared with Your friends
join #REdNET @ facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters
0:00 / 1:01
Liverpool FC
March 9, 2019 ·
Sadio Mané
's ingenious backheel vs Watford FC
is your Goal of the Month. 🏆
7 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 10, 2014 · Shared with Public
Brian Tracy
March 10, 2014 ·
You are a thoroughly good and excellent person. No one is better than you or more gifted than you. Only when you doubt your essential goodness and value do you … See More
1 Comment
You're All Caught Up
LIVE your life & FIGHT for freedom v idiocratic govt rules, fear media & pollutive bisiness! PROTECT & enjoy the beauty of MY planet ; get out in the nature, hug & kiss your kids & friends , stop being victims * prisoners of their exploitation police state... be a HUMAN BEing with all the daily risk & opportunities life OFFERS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUfZyI1U5qE
Crvena Dawn
shared a link.
· 3h ·
and we are sick of fan nies whining , SUPPORT, fen way are sharks, bad luck follows bad karma! wake up, cowardly fans s capitulating to a fascisTORY govt who everyone knows are corrupt, you condone a FUBAR world...so stop pointing fingers at players SUPPORT! .. https://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/.../redgemnet-updating... for TRUE REbEL REdS ..#LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet
"Christopher Richard Smith
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 8, 2018 · Shared with Your friends
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36
#GreedOverPeople #ameriCANTS #TRUEREdS
its ironic, even in the midst of planning to progress a union to improve the situation and equalrights local & global... egos & "aim to be top" cloud my vision...
I truly FEEL that I am an "alien" (allein, alone all one?) on my own planet occupied by 7 billion strange foreign mis-guided people...
so many "good people" get caught by the same methods of the system they claim to oppose
Christopher Richard Smith
Campaign site for equality & anti DIS CRIMI NATIoN Plaints , ME and Global
March 8, 2018 ·
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36 #GreedOverPeople #ameriCANTS #TRUEREdS
its ironic, even in the midst of planning to progress a union to improve the situation and equalrights local & global... egos & "aim to be top" cloud my vision...
I truly FEEL that I am an "alien" (allein, alone all one?) on my own planet occupied by 7 billion strange foreign mis-guided people...
so many "good people" get caught by the same methods of the system they claim to oppose
good evening, enjoying the great voice of Sanja, @ ethno jazz caffe dancing with Dragana V? ... ardic? (bogus name..probably, . anyway then talking with red head Milena at skader ... its only 02h... and i am full of 3energy to do everything...but not how they want it to be,....i AM an alien on my own planet occupied by 7 billion others./.. how absurd is this?
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 8, 2017 ·
on this day its important , not to inflate the status of any one group above another ... EQUALITY of chance, no matter WHAT your origins, race, creed, colour, age OR gender -------- be a human,...BEing 🙂
4 years ago
more fake ... by FIFA
All know football institutions are corrupt,
and just as likely to OBSTRUCT or inform on anyone who doesnt feed the financial monsters that FIFA, UEFA and almost all National Football associatiosn have become,, at AeFaN (# eurofootyliga ) we provide alternative friendlies, tournaments and FAIR PLAY leagues available , not only for migrant/refugee players and teams, but for ANYONE, especially kids of working class or low income. unemployed families or orphans to play football...! (http://www.farenet.org/.../fifa-announce-changes-make...) !!!
INSTEAD join... facebook.com/groups/aefan.eurofootyliga/
You're All Caught Up
I hope u have a good time,,, .. I just found a recording of a radio prog I did about 20 years ago when I was just a kid ...called the "multi-cultural music & pirates" show,,, anyway this was the theme music...
.........Fire of freedom..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWcylB0Fiyo
here you go, sure there is a virus, and virus may kill, but NO justification for global shut down with all the damages caused to Humanity ...
anyway LIFE goes on even at an empty Anfield ,,,
(its the fen way english plastic money league match day, I dont expect our TEAM to repeat "service as normal" in a FUBAR VARce environment,,, hope for number 7 in Istanbul..
SUPPORT the TEAM & JOIN TRUE REbEL REdS ! OUR resistance party-party group ; & Share the group link:
........210305 harvey ; missionary position TRUE RebEL REdS v U S A kaka korps.... https://harveysclog.blogspot.com/
................. ... 🙂 &
with greetings to all TRUE REbEL REdS Y N W A with hope... as anyway the game, their league , the world is FUBAR ...sold off as a tv show... #LbiRdco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN review at vimeo.com/517755978
1 year ago
Jackie Brown
Christopher Richard Smith
March 7, 2020 ·
Hi,I have seen football results and I had to give up my season ticket at the end off 2012 to 2013 season
1 year ago
reminds me of the ridiculous "mad cow panic"coughs, flu, colds & similar ailments will be LISTED & "promoted" (c-virus trend) ...
1 year ago
Mackrine Pauls
Christopher Richard Smith
March 6, 2020 ·
Thank you my Friend
1 year ago
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
2 years ago
.....with REd SOUL & Best wishes
to all true REdS worldwide ..
& for those we have lost.,.. still in our hearts
..+ all members @ facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"… See More
Liverpool FC-Balkan Fans
is with Zorana Otašević
and 18 others
September 23, 2012 ·
1 Share
( for Jacqui, sister Carole & all those lost to me) ..with & Best wishes
to all true REdS worldwide ..
.and @ facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"
'Greetings from REdNET-REDS abroad members evolving… See More
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
1 Share
Anthony Ynwa Davies
March 4, 2018 ·
So so sad R.I.P Davide
Fiorentina captain Davide Astori, 31, dies in his sleep at team hotel
1 Share
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 6, 2017 · Shared with Your friends
Just to INFORM the misguided young fans and all those BARCA and arsenal fans abroad who think they invented "tippy tappy" football (or whatever they call it) 😛 that Shanks & the Liverpool teams of MY generation were way ahead of modern play.. Shanks , Joe, Rueben and Ronnie Moran showed our players how to "HOUND" ,,( what Klopp now calls :" gegenpressing" ) all those idiot coaches "experts" & pundits, who think that football football didn't exist before their mercenary premi… See More
Christopher Richard Smith
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
March 6, 2017 ·
Just to INFORM rthe young fans and all those BARCA and arsenal fans abroad who think they invented "tippy tappy" football (or whatever they call it) 😛 that … See More
Ronnie Moran: One Liverpool legend and his battle with dementia | JOE.co.uk
Ronnie Moran: One Liverpool legend and his battle with dementia | JOE.co.uk…
"Without the Ronnie Morans of this world, you don't have a football club - certainly not a successful one like Liverpool."
7 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
likes a listing on Airbnb.
March 6, 2014 · Airbnb · Shared with Only me
Only me
a room in Wild Beauty in Podgorica
Bed & Breakfast in Podgorica, Montenegro
7 years ago
Lola Zarate
March 5, 2014 ·
Moving 🙂
...with birthday greetings & Best wishes to all TRUE REbEL REdS Y N W A with hope... as anyway the game, their league , the world is FUBAR ...sold off as a tv show... https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2021/02/rednet-bootroom-update-after-winnig-at.html and #LbiRdco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN review at vimeo.com/517755978
bro REd Harve s new site ..for TRUE REbEL REdS 🙂 and clubs https://harveytuttledg.wixsite.com/montyinterclub/shop not for profit NGO /charity F&Umission
Shop | SportsEvents-MOntyCLUB…
2 years ago
Micky Stevens
is with Paul Doherty
and 43 others
March 4, 2019 ·
Happy birthday to Sir Kenny Dalglish,a true legend of our great club and totally worthy of the word legend.He fought for club both on the field and of it.After the Hillsborough disaster he was never the same man but his support for the families was unwavering he stood with them at the funerals and in their fight for justice and right up to this very day has been unable to step foot in the city of Sheffield.
No matter how much praise is put his way he always remains very humbl… See More
2 years ago
Ann-bodil Kristiansen
updated her cover photo.
March 1, 2019 ·
1 Comment
1 Share
2 years ago
March 3, 2019 ·
A TALE OF TWO CLUBS: Is there another city out there that can match the fans and rivalry between two clubs? Read more here: buff.ly/2NGlSPA 🔴⚽️🔵
1 Share
2 years ago
March 2, 2019 ·
Sunburst behind the Liver Building 🌇
📸 Chris Law
1 Share
2 years ago
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
1 Share
everton 0 LFc 0… See More
Christopher Richard Smith
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
March 4, 2019 ·
REdNET update ... 9 games left for #19. ,.... ... karma..? ... fortune favours th Brave! ( Bootroom opinion )
REdNET update ... 9 games left for #19. ,.... ... karma..? ... fortune favours th Brave! ( Bootroom opinion )…
CS190303 everton 0 LFc 0 almost instant post match reaction the LIVERPOOL team got sucked into too many hopeful long balls, derby g...
1 Share
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
updated his profile picture.
May be an image of 1 person, food and text that says 'CHRISSMITHI0S9 Morality: Doing what is right regardless of what you are told. You were born an original. Don't die a copy. become ahabit. Liveyour Why do we spend So much time looking for intelligen life other tofind intelligent life here Earth first takerisks. Lifeis FIND SOMET HING WORTH DYING FOR, Obedience: Doing what you are told regardless of what right. DEAR GOVERNMENT, NO AND THEN LIVE FOR BELIEVE BULLSHIT ÛMORE! JOIN US!'
5 years ago
May be an image of 1 person, food and text that says 'CHRISSMITHI0S9 Morality: Doing what is right regardless of what you are told. You were born an original. Don't die a copy. become ahabit. Liveyour Why do we spend So much time looking for intelligen life other tofind intelligent life here Earth first takerisks. Lifeis FIND SOMET HING WORTH DYING FOR, Obedience: Doing what you are told regardless of what right. DEAR GOVERNMENT, NO AND THEN LIVE FOR BELIEVE BULLSHIT ÛMORE! JOIN US!'
1 Comment
Ian St John, I met about 10 years ago, at a dinner in Liverpool (i think it was the Adelphi, ) in the loo, :) the only time i bothered with getting an autograph ..
an Icon, more than a legend, A vital key in Shanks first TEAM, what the modern pundits would calla "false 9" Ian would come deep, create goals for Roger, without Shanks & the Teams he made in the 60/70s and the basis which made LIVERPOOL world famous,,
none of the success that followed was possible with out Shanks & the lads & the SUPPORTERS made OUR unique "holy trinity" ...the original KOP,,gone now, replaced by middle class spectators,
Melwood gone,
the etihics gone , sold to the yan ker sharks,
now the SAINT gone, the curse is on the modern game, & the modern fen way/ lfc ... and our club needs cleansing..
...with the spirit of TRUE REbEL REd KOPITES..the 96.. Shanks, St John and the Teams before the money dictatorship of the premiere league,, you will NEVER walk alone ... in our HEARTS!
...marhc 3
i had a loss today, someone close but not, so I would usually want to kick a ball, but the next best is music so I am going to ,,"DJ"
march 2
& Best wishes to all TRUE REbEL REdS Y N W A with hope... as anyway the game, their league , the world is FUBAR ...sold off as a tv show... https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2021/02/rednet-bootroom-update-after-winnig-at.html and #LbiRdco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN review at vimeo.com/517755978
warning! Gerry Cardinale is the chief shark (ex goldman sachs) , will push henry & the glaziers to completely turn european footy into theIR USA mainSCREAMedia version...and Lfc into the same as man U...a commercial money maker, not a football cllub!
& Best wishes to all TRUE REbEL REdS Y N W A with hope... as anyway the game, their league , the world is FUBAR ...sold off as a tv show... https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2021/02/rednet-bootroom-update-after-winnig-at.html and #LbiRdco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN review at vimeo.com/517755978
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
@RedAlieNeT @harveytuttle difference is , since decades writers are at the mercy of commercialized society & thus writers stifled by the box & needs to be "correct' according to their masters, writers today are no better than the rest of those chained to the titanic! #ameriCANTS
Media Lens
Feb 28
Media Lens Retweeted Henry Zeffman
Forget it. Don't write for the 'mainstream'. Don't write for money. Don't write for prestige. Just 'follow your bliss' by writing what you absolutely love to write to inspire and enlighten other people. Write what seems interesting, important and true, and give it away for free.
Media Lens added,
Henry Zeffman
Verified account @hzeffman
Under 27? Want to spend a year writing about politics for The Observer, @NewStatesman and @thetimes? Anthony Howard Award 2018 is now open: http://anthonyhowardaward.org.uk . It gave @LOS_Fisher @ashcowburn @patrickkmaguire @Dulcie_Lee and me our starts in Westminster. Apply!
6 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 2, 2015 · Shared with Your friends
REdS 2 citeh 1
Hendo & Phil
Liverpool started and finished well, Phil must be my man of the game, top right corner of the Kop end goal is the best way to score a winner against the current champions,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeADil44xKU&feature=youtu.be… See More
1 Comment
march 1
Sheffield came out , and truied to play, even without the level ...the oNLY TEAM (inc the blue mancs) in the last 10 games that have done that, which helped our game,, may need different tactics on thursday if chelski park their bus,,
& Best wishes to all TRUE REbEL REdS Y N W A with hope... as anyway the game, their league , the world is FUBAR ...sold off as a tv show... https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2021/02/rednet-bootroom-update-after-winnig-at.html and #LbiRdco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN review at vimeo.com/517755978
bye Pauline Jones Patsy Palmer Barbara Noble I get a notification on all your posts, Pauline Jones ... like about 10 EVERY day, but u dont want my opinion !!! ok, nor do your buddies it seems, if you want to be imprisoned because of a risk which is no greater than many others we have to deal with in daily life...then those sheeple will keep u company... i am only interested in supporting TRUE REbEL REdS ..you should know that by now... the community my parents gacve to believed in free speech, but now anyone who disagrees gets mobbed by the sheeple, so ciao. I will block your notifications from now on...
https://vimeo.com/517755978 ChRiS live REview #21 RE start & STAND up! #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 1, 2018 · Shared with Your friends
more MFN ... ("mommy-faker news" ) ? ...
Caroline LucasVerified account @CarolineLucas
Caroline Lucas Retweeted Boris Johnson
Today the British Government is rolling out the red carpet to a leader of a murderous regime, accused of committing war crimes.
No doubt we'll be trying to flog them weapons while they're here. Our cosy relationship with Saudi Arabia is a complete disgrace.
Caroline Lucas added,
Boris Johnson
Verified account @BorisJohnson
Look forward to welcoming Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to UK – an opportunity for constructive foreign policy discussions and to offer UK support for his programme of reforms to create a more inclusive and diverse Saudi Arabia #CrownPrinceVisit http://bit.ly/2BTQ71y
10:56 AM - 28 Feb 2018
Replying to @CarolineLucas
CRS> @harveytuttle UK sheeple are responsible, voted for bunch of murderous tory fascists, whats the point of reminding the fools that their souls have already been sold to the devil, when they swallowed selfish promises rather than social justice for all in or out of UK? #ameriCANTS
USA corp is FUBAR...
... http://triblive.com/.../monica-lewinsky-speaks-out-on-her...
i always think of the paraody film "wag the dog" (script incredibly written 2 years prior to the "Lewinskgate" ...
so little, and Soooooooooooo late as US(A)ual....!
truly feckup up USAcorp.... https://www.wsj.com/.../the-first-day-of-school-after...
they will just start another war , to feed the machine..https://www.bloomberg.com/.../summers-warns-next-u-s...
... war biz is BIG biz!
and they want to kid you that IS is IS no more??? ... https://www.wsj.com/.../in-syria-foreign-powers-scramble... liars & more lies....
as the chinese planning to take over as the beggest bunch of a&&HOLES once USAcorp eventually fails its war machine.. (or blows us all to kingdom come.. https://www.reuters.com/.../chinas-military-flexes...
These C&nts infest your kids stomoach with chemical food...
mocking the week....?
the last words , may well be... Mine..😉 @ ..
https://unsub-b.blogspot.com/.../yes-its-time-for-ms... (but they will censor me before we all leave the planet...) 😉
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 1, 2018 · Shared with Your friends
had a great night , in good company "celebrating" surviving 8 more years...ha ha... and
just a reminder how WE used to invent songs,.. with lyrics...
🎶🎵 You're just too good to be true,
Can't take the ball off of you,
You've got a heavenly touch,
You pass like Souness to Rush,
And when we're all drunk in the bars,
We thank the Lord that you're ours,
You're just to good to be true,
Can't get the ball off of you... .
Oh Steven, Steven, Steven Gerrard...💌🌹💝
Oh Steven Gerrard
you know he hates Man U,
he hates the blue sh&te too...
...... repeat!....
European REdS LbiRD Supporters Club & "REdS abroad" via #REdGEMnet
March 1, 2017 ·
Carra made some obvious points, but I DEFO do NOTwant to see a smiling Lfc manager after that, I LIKE JK, but i said before he came to Lfc that he is a similar person to BR ...& feel Henry employed him because he has a media "face" and will keep within the USA corp budget... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5dffyy
how many times i warned Lfc fans not to get carried away with the hype pre xmas ,,because in this league , opponents will suss out yr weak points IF you dont perform at your best,, credit to leicester, (although i still want them to be relegated for what the player did to Ranieri) they fought from the off,
and I wonder if JK failed to hammer home that our main rivals won another trophy at the weekend and the players should have gone out there to prove their are wothy trophy achievers... so for me JK must take the blame (as mich as the root cause is the USA corp. pollutiing our club)
. - Video Dailymotion
. - Video Dailymotion…
Watch the video «.» uploaded by LFCmostar on Dailymotion.
4 years ago
European REdS LbiRD Supporters Club & "REdS abroad" via #REdGEMnet
February 28, 2017 ·
10 years of USAcorp Biz before football : Klopp acquired by F s g for profit motives Henry' & co have no ambition other than money ....
http://www.ursun.net/MyLFCLUB_2.htm (2011 )
7 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
added 39 new photos to the album: March without Madness NOW madness here #20! by Monte Crvena
and 2 others
March 1, 2014 ·
with worldwide Greetings 🙂 in the midst of madness LIVING in an OPEN PRISON of a local & GLOBAL police state..
+ from REdS abroad members, with almost 900k linked via 160+ groups + worldwide & friends of https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters
& all TRUE REdS!
be well ! be strong, WE TRUE REdS are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL … See More
7 years ago
Higher Perspective
added a new photo — with Shelley Johnson
and 3 others
____________________________________________________________PREVIOUS worth
February 28, 2014 ·
if we consider the apparent sacrifices of the "Holy" , the input of legend , myths or actual "heroes", whether u believe or not.. from Jesus Christ, Muhammad, King Arthur, Robin Hood, through Ghandi, Luther-King, R. Kennedy, Mandela, Bicko... and then see the state of the global society with the vast majority accepting a POLICE STATE imprisonment with scarce resistance.. why would I fight for them to evolve out of this swamp, just to repreat devolution into it again, does any of those who read this actually deserve the life they have?? or the efforts I gave or give?
and support : https://newsdawna.blogspot.com/2021/02/defying-global-policeprison-states-any.html
with greetings from TruE REbElREdS ..worldwide linked to over 300 groups & growing,.
https://vimeo.com/508419051 (concept) and Strategy for Lost planet!
vimeo.com/325497763 ..REdGEMtv1a Explaining the 5 year plan
#WEsingourownSONG https://vimeo.com/484330282\
late bu____________________
birthday greetings from TRUE REbEl REdS and..
Share the group link:and JOIN TRUE REbEl REdS (new link at;
& newsdawna.blogspot.com/2021/02/defying-global-policeprison-states-any.html
+ from REdS abroad members, worldwide & friends of https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters
& all TRUE REdS!
YNWA/J-96+30 "what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity" if you CARE about OUR club...LIVERPOOL belongs to OUR people,.(#REdGEM)
& please take time to absorb...https://vimeo.com/325497763
and share our video with your friends ?
I want/would like ,...
* to play football again , after over a year without...
* not to have to deal with so many stupid people., local & global
* to commence character building of local youth via my UNIQUE academy methods & know-how
* to be valued for what i am, not for how i look..
* that this region be the best & worthy of pride..
* the world to be better, people to be honest...less about image & BS!
* the people to really understand money is worthless pieces of paper..
* to strategically manage a new LIVERPOOL football club , there or here..
* for a lady to see & care for me for the man I am, not her "bancomat"
* to dance & sing to good music,preferably not alone
* for you to stand up against the con, for you & your family's future
* for someone to actually come through on their promise..
but i NEED nothing...whilst i am breathing , i shall prevail..
...p.s... to party, and to host interesting people again..
February 2, 2015 ·
Honesty, so rare, no one will dare, to care , so there! ....the consequence ; u will be gone ...the planet and I are then alone...soon.., u dont help, but, I just needed to make.... Teams .... the most intelligent society , is a good football team , when members take responsibility or pass it to another when preferable., for the sake of the collective
Hopes, U will be..or .to be?
• Be my soul-mate...
• Be my equal.
• Have faith and trust in me, please don’t lie to me....
• Want to know who i am (not what I have)
• Respect and exchange my experience and culture
• Enjoy my humour & hospitality
• Will care how I feel & be kind to me when I am low..
• Be my “mate”
• Stay loyal to each other ...and stand by me against all.
• To be the only one, who TRULY knows me!
• Lots of cuddles & kisses (not only on sms!)
• Sensual MORE than sex, and Dancing together when ever possible,
= A spiritual connection..
Hiya True REBEL REdS... ... if you are committed to our LIVERPOOL TEAM or admin / moderator of a REdS group...we want to co-operate with you........for mutual benefit and the members of your group..to discuss this either
- join TRUE REbEl REdS (new link at;
https://mewe.com/join/rebelchrislivecampaignlbirdco-opviaredgem )
contact our colleague @ MEDiATEAM ; mewe.com/i/dawncrvena
on f book : Ela1ne Tuttle
email; zreds.ze@gmail.com / harvey.tuttledg@gmail.com
no obligation, we are non-profit with aims to improve our club & SUPPORT our TEAM; we are LIVERPOOL we are the global club!
#LBIrdCo-op via REdGEMnet ...
and ..with reference to "RESPECT"
JOIN any HUMAN BEing v ALL nation states
Share the group link:
v their #gameofTHORNS SUPPORT #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
The members of this group represent any "HUMAN BEing" of this planet and do claim that ALL nation states of this planet are in violation of humanity and the equality of the individual.
It is stated as a golden rule of humanity that all human being MUST be equal and the representatives of government or any other institution, corporation or group of people MUST respect the equality of EVERY HUMAN BEing on this planet.
The articles of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION of HUMAN RIGHTS (1948) following the horrors of WW2 was signed by so-called "democratic" governments in relation to the concepts of the "United Nations" treaties and the European convention of human rights & fundamental freedoms articles, supposedly respected by the council of Europe member states.
However. the freedom of the individual has been and IS currently obstructed, delayed, removed or deleted by the nation state "laws" rules & regulations, the officers & officials, police & others have repeatedly violated the equality of the individual human being.
The exploitation of "threats" & "risks" which have been obviously caused, directly or indirectly, by the members of the guilty nation states, have now reached such a level that the freedoms & movement of the individual is now completely violated and suffocated to a degree of OPPRESSION. This group defies and opposes all nation states and does claim compensation against them on behalf of its members.
Share the group link:
with birthday greetings
https://vimeo.com/512442991 Heaven is SEVEN in Istanbul!, never surrender, we are the CLUB! best wishes all TRUE REbEL REdS!
...................... if you are committed to our LIVERPOOL TEAM or admin / moderator of a REdS group...we want to co-operate with you........for mutual benefit and the members of your group..to discuss this either
- join TRUE REbEl REdS (new link at;
https://mewe.com/join/rebelchrislivecampaignlbirdco-opviaredgem )
..................have you a REd SOUL ? https://vimeo.com/515237632 only for TRUE REbEL REdS
this was banned by google/f book and blogger ..but they never explain why..:) https://unsub-b.blogspot.com/2018/02/miss-one-airy-position-size-quantity-is.html
....................... . ne c dawn / @ :
& newsdawna.blogspot.com/2021/02/defying-global-policeprison-states-any.htm
...------------------a reminder of our HOLY TRINITY ...
.... " its easy to follow
when all is good
but many words are hollow
and I know you should...
Remember Y N W A
with hope in your heart
the world is FUBAR
so its time, again, to re-start
to know who is true
to do your best
overcome their lies
and all the rest
I will fight USAcorp
& their fen way sharks
overcome their bug & blocks
and the negative remarks
I SUPPORT my team
whether YOUTH or Pros
not the rich, or their CON
which it seems , GOOD only knows...
#LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
and sing with me if YOUR HEART is big as MY LIVERPOOL
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTDiyX3fEQs... "
ONLY for TRUE REBEL REdS https://vimeo.com/515237632
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
February 23, 2018 · Shared with Your friends
"scars on my soul, take their tole, i must go on"
John Lennon wrote a special song " the cripple inside" aimed at the rich & privaledged..
i have never considered suicide, but i have seen death, and it has seen me, ..this....
"So many scars on my soul..
when my loved one again they stole...
all those I loved departed this life,
or in theft, by some selfish GF or wife..
many have died, my son was one..
when he did , you could shoot me with a gun..
but those 2 still out there ..
are am open wound, daily hard to bear..
So channel energy into new stuff..
provoke the enemy, oh yes, I really must..
burn up the pain..
otherwise my soul, evil might gain...
in this superficial now..
sheeple inhabit the world, .. ciao!
cant tell the difference between film..or fact..
just overloaded with BS, their lives are an act..
fast food messages and banal chat..
are they even worth that..?
striving for their 15 minutes of fame?
they are clueless in this lifes game...!
but I must go on...because I am aflame!!
February 21, 2014 · Shared with Public
once upon a time
women were feminine
they cared about the world
warm and feline
now its about power
and who will win
they want a car
and deal in sin
once upon a time
a man was a man
kept his word
and carried responsibility, all that he can
now they are weak
and sad, and lost
women have choices
at many mens cost
modern fee-males claim the kid
many men just donate and then are"got rid"
women please be carers, dont lose the best
men, find your dignity and remember the rest
ChRiS 14221
..........Hello Nemanja , does your local printer make big posters , say 2 metres x 2 metres , if so cost (sticky back?)
............ & if your family are free next sunday , and invitation to an afternoon grill on my terrace..!
https://vimeo.com/517755978 ChRiS live REview #21 RE start & STAND up! #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
Chris Lfc Bowden Patsy Palmer June Astill Steve Clarke Barbara Noble ... did they wake up you & the f book "thought police? stop obeying an idiocratic govt using infkated stats to keep you in a police/prison state !! cowardly sheeple .. good ! I am glad when I see there is resistance against a dictatorship for an 0.01% fatal risk & greetings from TRUE REbEL REdS , Y N W A with hope..--a reminder of our HOLY TRINITY ...
_________________________________________________________________other notes
Oh GOOD morning on YOUR day!
this for you.."Lilly" Ilenia Imbrogno :p
" you are one of the best
..visitors to "Monty" I had
there were many good, few bad,
and missing you makes me sad..
but today is yours..
forget all your chores
do what YOU wish
not any of those dish(es) ;)
sing me a song
that cant be wrong
live life as it should
do more than you could...:)
hoping one day you will come
and we will have more FUN
laughing & playing the fool,
not cool,
in fresh air , clean water & SUN!
be you!
Christopher Richard Smith
....210325.. Charlie
March 23 at 9:03 AM
You sent March 23 at 9:03 AM
hello "Charlie" hope you will come here soon, for a holiday .. have a great day!
Charlotte sent March 23 at 9:25 AM
Thank you I hope so too xxx
You sent March 23 at 10:10 AM
Hiya Charlie , me too, I would be pleased to Host you here, i have a guest room , and show you the best & beutiful scenery etc , enjoy your day! x ChRiS
Charlotte sent March 23 at 11:10 AM
Thank you Chris I will keep you in mind when and if I can get there xxx
Yesterday at 9:24 AM
Wed 9:24 AM
You sent Yesterday at 9:24 AM
i hope so, Charlie, take care, & keep in touch! x
Charlotte sent Yesterday at 9:57 AM
Thank you, yes I will, take care xxx
Today at 8:05 AM
8:05 AM
You sent Today at 8:06 AM
have you ever been to the former yugo region?
Charlotte sent Today at 8:20 AM
Hi Chris, no I have never been out of south Africa
You sent Today at 8:22 AM
well Charlie, in which case , you should come for a a long holiday, you can stay as long as you want in my guest room 🙂 its a a beauttiful region ..and unusual mixture of cultures..
Today at 12:48 PM
12:48 PM
Charlotte sent Today at 12:48 PM
Yes I will definitely keep that in mind when I decide to visit xxx
Today at 9:58 AM
...on YOUR day... this
" YOUR NAME is SUE , how do you DO?
I always think of johhny cash song
hope thats not wrong
when I think of SUE
and other things too
i dont always agree
with you, you see,
but respect a fighter
wishing your load to be lighter!
so on this day
I send flowers , why not?
HOPE , for your heart
Rakija to connect
and SOUL , with respect
and close with a smile 😉 a wink
& a rasberry ha ha ha 😛
wishing you GOOD times & many more
ChRiS x
Sue sent March 2 at 9:09 PM
Its a sad day 😞 I've been to the Adelphi I stayed there 3 years ago..x
You sent March 2 at 9:20 PM
year, it was funny, I was invited to a dinner and the old team were being celebrated , and I went to the loo, and he was standing next to me, but weird because i never ever wanted to get autographs or chase celebreties, but i felt a bit like a kid again, and we talked a bit on the way back to the dining room, and ia sked him to sign my menu card, its probably around somewhere.. it occurred to me that he was the same height & build as me, sort of average, whereby now all the players are giants, ... i hope your challenge went well, x
Sue sent March 2 at 9:22 PM
Its going good day 2 done ✔ boom 29 to go...x
You sent March 2 at 9:22 PM
March 7 at 10:22 AM
Sun 10:22 AM
You sent March 7 at 10:22 AM
I hope u have a good time,,, .. I just found a recording of a radio prog I did about 20 years ago when I was just a kid ...called the "multi-cultural music & pirates" show,,, anyway this was the theme music...
.........Fire of freedom..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWcylB0Fiyo
March 7 at 11:56 AM
Sun 11:56 AM
Sue sent March 7 at 11:56 AM
Good morning to you Chris.... cool
March 8 at 9:48 AM
Mon 9:48 AM
You sent March 8 at 9:48 AM
good morning to you Sue, no, I am warm, average temp here is 60f plus ..but i am always warm, never "cool" 😛
March 8 at 11:36 AM
Mon 11:36 AM
Sue sent March 8 at 11:36 AM
Good morning to you Chris...its bloody freezing 🥶 here send the warm here ....I'm normally hot 🔥 but jeez its frosty cold...🙄
Yesterday at 10:59 AM
Tue 10:59 AM
You sent Yesterday at 10:59 AM
i send u good vibes SUE and pics from this land,,hope it warms you,,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUfZyI1U5qE
Yesterday at 12:00 PM
Tue 12:00 PM
Sue sent Yesterday at 12:00 PM
Good morning to you Chris Good because its freezing here again..
Today at 9:58 AM
9:58 AM
You sent
Today at 9:07 PM
9:07 PM
You sent Today at 9:07 PM
Ian St John, I met about 10 years ago, at a dinner in Liverpool (i think it was the Adelphi, ) in the loo, 🙂 the only time i bothered with getting an autograph ..
an Icon, more than a legend, A vital key in Shanks first TEAM, what the modern pundits would calla "false 9" Ian would come deep, create goals for Roger, without Shanks & the Teams he made in the 60/70s and the basis which made LIVERPOOL world famous,,
none of the success that followed was possible with out Shanks & the lads & the SUPPORTERS made OUR unique "holy trinity" ...the original KOP,,gone now, replaced by middle class spectators,
Melwood gone,
the etihics gone , sold to the yan ker sharks,
now the SAINT gone, the curse is on the modern game, & the modern fen way/ lfc ... and our club needs cleansing..
...with the spirit of TRUE REbEL REd KOPITES..the 96.. Shanks, St John and the Teams before the money dictatorship of the premiere league,, you will NEVER walk alone ... in our HEARTS!
XMA Header Image
Ian St John, I met about 10 years ago, at a dinner in Liverpool (i think it was the Adelphi, ) in the loo, :) the only time i bothered with getting an autograph ..
an Icon, more than a legend, A vital key in Shanks first TEAM, what the modern pundits would calla "false 9" Ian would come deep, create goals for Roger, without Shanks & the Teams he made in the 60/70s and the basis which made LIVERPOOL world famous,,
none of the success that followed was possible with out Shanks & the lads & the SUPPORTERS made OUR unique "holy trinity" ...the original KOP,,gone now, replaced by middle class spectators,
Melwood gone,
the etihics gone , sold to the yan ker sharks,
now the SAINT gone, the curse is on the modern game, & the modern fen way/ lfc ... and our club needs cleansing..
...with the spirit of TRUE REbEL REd KOPITES..the 96.. Shanks, St John and the Teams before the money dictatorship of the premiere league,, you will NEVER walk alone ... in our HEARTS!…
Christopher Richard Smith…
Sue sent Today at 9:09 PM
Its a sad day 😞 I've been to the Adelphi I stayed there 3 years ago..x
You sent Today at 9:20 PM
year, it was funny, I was invited to a dinner and the old team were being celebrated , and I went to the loo, and he was standing next to me, but weird because i never ever wanted to get autographs or chase celebreties, but i felt a bit like a kid again, and we talked a bit on the way back to the dining room, and ia sked him to sign my menu card, its probably around somewhere.. it occurred to me that he was the same height & build as me, sort of average, whereby now all the players are giants, ... i hope your challenge went well, x
.... stand up , join GLOBAL disobedience
Strategy... vimeo.com/458445482
& vimeo.com/517755978
there is the duty to care
and the chance to dare
only the old forget
the people one has met
selfish beings inhabit this earth
do not know what is worth
pollute each other with greed
and say , "its what I need"
me me me , is all I hear
its ok to shed a tear
be happy in what you do
but remember i am connected to you
we are all one,
in the rain or under the sun.
non-rules for y-our life 😉
rule number 1 - never follow the rules
rule 2 - always obey rule number 1 🙂
be yourself, the wonder of life is enjoying the journey to a dream that you may never arrive at
learn the language and rules of the "system" so u can break them
strive for freedom & let freedom be your mentality yet always accept the consequences of your choices
dont intend to hurt anyone or anything, unless in honest self-defence
sing your song , say what you mean and mean what you say...
Have empathy for others, but know when and where to draw the line of generosity
be to others as you wish them to be to you, dont be led by the herd or "popular opinion"
enjoy what you have, or it too may disappear whilst you chase more...
Laugh, joke and dance whenever you can, because one day your legs may not move at all.
search for intelligence and when experience talks, listen, you have twice as many earholes as mouth-hole 🙂
dont read too much of others stories, make your own adventure
be a player, not just a spectator
If you dont like your life, change it, dont waste time on blame, state your truth and move on.
get out in the sun, and through wind or rain, add you own positive message, to this mad , wonderful, tragic strange & beautiful life
p.s. maKE a miracle every day...
p.p.s add your own "wisdom" ..if u dare ... 🙂
... attention ... GLOBAL SUPPORTERS v owner INFESTORS.... they are sharks, Henry in bed with manu 's glaziers, Cardinale is an evil sh&te! they dont care about supporters or our TEAM they just build up profits on the back of supporter loyalty and infest english & european footy ./media! ... .. best wishes ...
..... Y N W A with hope, J4t96 + 32yrs; SUPPORT our TEAM & JOIN TRUE REbEL REdS ! & Share group link: https://mewe.com/join/rebelchrislivecampaignlbirdco-opviaredgem #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet
jOIN GLOBAL RESISTANCE V SHUT DOWNS!!! ChRiS live from #01 .. a retro flashback .... a radio programme I moderated 20 years ago with guests Daby & Angie ..., all copyrights & music covered by Radio Dreyeckland license (Freiburg, B.R.D) ... some snips due to recording cuts & sound restrictions. and random images from my past and also of CSers visiting my Montenegro "HOSTelle" 🙂 ... of course the USAcorp/germoney fascists destruoyed the freedome.org links of the time, but the #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN continues today with True REbELs ; with ME(we) @ https://mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059 ... BTW f book mute the music, despite being covered by Radio Dreyeckland (Freiburg) licence!
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