I was going to add this to .. http://unsub-b.blogspot.com/2014/12/unsub-dont-happy-be-worried-its-our.html
but, that site is "banned", yes the net has its own "apartheid" this isnt yet, because i have rarely shared it with anyone, it was intended to be a sort of window
into my life for hopefully helping my estranged children , Noela and Leon,
![]() |
Noela before the ambush-kidnap |
![]() |
A lucky surprise xmas visit to Leon before his mum shut the door again |
however as I dont know where the kidnapped Noela s mother Margit Streifender took her (after i found them in Dublin) and my son Leon has been "conditioned" by his mother Annika Hartmann since he was 3 years old, to forget me and accept a replacment "Papa" he, now 18, stil thinks I was wrong. and wont meet me. direct or indirectly!.(I sometimes get a brief email at xmas or birthdays
IF he remembers)..I was hoping that some GOOD woman will come into my life,
but, thats unlikely, as most modern feemales are trained to be b&tches by society or even their parents. SO I seem
to be writong for Me! :)
The world is in a mess, no prizes for guessing how!
ALIENS be warned...
Looking back at December /...
31st Dec..... whilst "contact" is on the Tv ..a good film testing "belief" ..
the irnony being that people on this earth still wonder about "intelligent life on another planet"
whilst I am still looking for it, on this one...and even the "earthly qualities" of women
..who i tend to name as "fee-males" because they are pre/occupied with money, getting it,
or the lack of it...when its just worthless pieces of coloured paper, that the sheeple are fooled into "believing"
(and cost us a LOT of trees........ho ho ho! )
I started to write the (banned) UNSub at Obala-Pizzerija Danilovgrad
D I S C = K1ub.Union.REd.Sup.Eur. ...we are the c1ub
told Goran at Caffe River .that he should go for Major (Mayor?) Herrmeyer..ha aha
Profiling continues <Stefan silent> my lost promotional stand & banner , (for " we are the c1ub"..
also "disappears" I am cut off from C+++++surfing the fascists too over facebook and the net is censored now that cs@monty-logic-club.org is also deleted.. all without notice, warning or explanation.. even Zuzanna and Izzy helps my enemies..
via https://www.facebook.com/groups/DaniLOVER/
I will promote the Dvd o5 fina1, & ce1ebrations "HEart as big" and beatles + images !! SHANKS statue..
The campaign Team = +Goran
-Marko (cult) *& -Mirko &-Drazen (tech)
-lady alternative (Danica, Zuzi, Izzy2 or Nat ..or...Andi)
-Eva english student ... (discussion group in local press? ) Dalia ...make local press!!??????) Dina ?? Dusan nature project, //..
-Pedja footy-school - design t/shirts , clean up Dani.
-a n other buddy of Goran- ex carlsberg print /////.... paint ...- *stefan pro...???
Izzy1 left the project, so need someone to manage https://www.facebook.com/groups/LIVER.birdies/
![]() |
IzzY n.2 ????? but no Y (*b) ankers please! |
I was thinking about last year///... and reminded of
The "days after"(end of the world) party "CrAzY"13116 | AnTiChriS
more members added to .........
e50 for "advance tab" at rivercaffe????
and ... THE love chain
" this is a simple "Love chain" , no pressure just to see how far. or if we
continue this with positive additions, ALL YEAR! ..add a positive message, a smiley :) or a kiss (*x) a hug
or a positive action U make will make, or have made...<SMILE>
punished for http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-fecking-bored-room-at-lfc.html
they switched off water!!
31st dec Gem> "Daily Horoscope
"After the challenges of the past few days it will come as welcome news that today's energy is a lot more positive. You will be getting good news from friends, siblings or neighbors who will help you into a much better frame of mind. "
Chris Smith-Mypod>Tamara Dekker
"a birthday and new year wish
that u can enjoy a tasty dish
have a glass or two or more
dont be falling on the floor
Tamara, I havent seen u of late
come to Monty and find a sort of mate
U will have a good time
and i am running out of rhyme... ha ha
enjoy yr day, in every way
ChRiS x"
(Tamara pic a number of years before ... 38)
Dec 30
"Daily Horoscope
You find that there are unexpectedly positive consequences to an argument, disagreement or misunderstanding today. You could make a new friend by coming to the defense of a stranger today. You are someone's "knight in shining armour" and they will be grateful."
bused to Pg (uploaded REdnet) at gemcaffe and berlin (rank) and then shopped at maxi D ...
29 Dec filed eu mails
and fecking bored room ..rednet on Fb
to inform ana maras new mail address ...
add photo relocated
28 Dec power cut, no tv daytime .. at river caffe ...met banker 2
darts later tv on watched film dekota after shooting in cafe,,,
27 Dec. posted http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2014/12/not-boxing-update.html
Daily Horoscope
"You will be getting a lot of interesting phone calls or emails. You may have shared your spiritual beliefs recently and someone wants to challenge you on what you believe. You will find the encounter enjoyable and stimulating if you keep an open mind.
no BS!
UDHR to embassy
dani email to embassies,
check http___harveytuttle.wix.comd_livebirds-profile
love chain " Hiya this is a simple "Love chain" , no pressure just to sse how far. or if we can
continue this with positive additions, ALL YEAR! ..add a positive message, a smiley :) or a kiss (*x) a hug
or a positive action U make will make, or have made...<SMILE>
26 Dec. CSVee PLaint V UK FCO and others. (*and pic Human R.)
Daily Horoscope
"You can accomplish a great deal with a pen and paper, or a computer and an Internet connection today. You have an opportunity to dramatically improve an important relationship with a friend or sibling, by being the one to take the big risk of holding out a hand.
25 Dec.. at Danihse ..bought fruit .....
." quiet xmas day ..at home alone, sorted my Laptop files back to >
? 07 ..and watched films , have had a lot of memories of family xmas, with Jacqui, mum and dad, and my kids...all gone, but watching "Patch Adams", "Family man", and "Meet Joe Black..." 3 films with a lot of "meaning" <smile>
wasnt so bad being without company especially considering the B+tches around now, alone is BETTER.....
because modern fee-males are soul-less! " (*pics) p.s. thanks to the dozen or so people
that I "supported or helped" this last year, who did NOT send me a "xmas greetings" or thanks..
YOU wont stop me, going on...life goes on withOUT you! ...
24 Dec/ brunch at river.shop at franca "added to & finished sclog Rednet ChRiSmitH" drinks with G ^ (whisky etc)
Gem> "Daily Horoscope
"You may be able to buy a loved one or partner a big, fancy present today. You may tend to get carried away, because you really want to show them your true feelings. Make the thought count for something. Really put yourself in their shoes when you consider what they may want. " ...............
"knowing" can be a curse...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowing_%28film%29
23 Dec... unsub text to Nat
run...then at hse
... Danilov ... a river of dreams .. ( "Field of Dreams" ) ....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_of_Dreams...
Daily Horoscope .........
"If you are still single, you may have an opportunity to meet someone new and special in a bookstore or health food store. You could be looking for a special vitamin or supplement today when you ask for help, and end up making a new friend. "
22 Dec.
You are in demand today - you may be forgiven for answering the phone with "Grand Central Station, how can I help you?" because you will get so many calls you may not be able to deal with them all. The main culprits are siblings and friends who really are just in a chatterbox mood.
Maxi 4 xmas ..( e34 ) caffe boo ze & food .tree another mop for the kitchen and burger
"Mari, its xmas... we shd meet ...dinner at dani, my invitatin, dnt be scared , Im GOOd! ChRiS
paid vodaand (his) elektrik from nov 14
Gem> " Your Daily Horoscope
Unexpected good news about someone's health condition will perk you up. You may be watching television or listening to the radio when you hear of a new and promising medical treatment that could dramatically improve your life or the life of someone you care for. " ... happy solstice .. here comes the sun ...beatles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6j4TGqVl5g
21 Dec 9,30h shower and clean hse, brunch at river /// changed user to campaign *csAT MLC ...moved table. drinks ..and
after power cut vino and pizza .at Rivercaffe. watched....
Lfc v arse nal 2 - 2...
Brent tactics like a fan nie ..throw 2 forwards on..but it was hero Martin who equalized..
*sms== +447781470659 hello, you sent sms friday but it expired on bnb , please resend new code or verify this number via this message, C.Smith
wood table & patio benchchairs for dani hse e1^halfhundred,,
K.R.U.S.Eur = "green mile too many people being ugly to each other
20 Dec.... add to RedNet ...at gem,tea kafu change email to campaign.. bussed to Pg burek, caffe Tea ,
Dani stickers e25 (not dealt with yet due to banner and stand ^ Pro file advice..)
19 Dec
talking to goran at river caffee ..wife said..65!.. 10 years too much!!!
share from eured to RedNetFB... new bg , p0em... freeca11... invite ... and ...twitter rednet b1gs too
Gem> "You may be spending a lot of time talking about some hot new alternative medicine or herbal treatment with a friend or group of friends who share your interests. You may be asked to make a presentation, speech or to tutor or mentor others
18 Dec.. at rivercaffe /// kafu and Tea ... shop & spuds ..
uploaded to>
Dec 17 lift from P2, ban K sent 200 gbp to ID ...printscan and they send notice...to NS! night Laptop at caffe had tea and chips
saw ranko, bnl berlin MM ( Borkos dad died monday so *not repaid )sendvic and Gemcaffe & bussed back > shop @ *delta for NewLtop ..//..
14113o> sms t +382 67 339 511& Email> Hy Mari, It IS VERY Good "fortune" that we both know Borko, a beautiful surprise, especially as i chose to come back from NS early and I AM very happy to meet you again, ... I want to help him and thats a good reason to meet , & make A "Creative MEETing " .... you know that I wanted to meet ,anyway <..at MM!!!! >... but, AS my MNE Mobile is "sick" = you can send me a message via + 381 64 9288 184 <i think! = or via Borko > cuvaj se ChRiS x
December 1st, 10:16am
of course U are busy Mari, but I shd be YOUR lifestyle coach because I got the same "these days" sms from U almost 2 years ago, anyway I will discuss with Borko, and we can meet for coffee & talk and maybe celebrate too at the weekend .. cuvaj se!
you probably know that Borkos father died at the weekend, so it would be good for U to do something positive at this time of the year especially..dont be scared of me... ordinary decent crimina1s They wi11 never beat you if you stay together and stay 1oya1
16 Dec Rivercaffe brunch and shop. blogs etc b1ocked NO ACCESS AT ALL..
..... IN MEMORY of , my son ..Adam ...traged1y 1eft this earth 15 years ago ..today wou1d have been his birthday...missing YoU ! Dad x
Good news is coming your way. You will be hearing about big opportunities to make new friends and meet new people in unusual ways. You may join one of those online chat boards, or call up one of those telephone chat lines for a lark. It could be more fun than you think.
15 Dec bus etc skype to ID..." Izabela "in the spirit of Xmas" (and with Adams birthday tomorrow I dont want this "hatred" in my life) I wi11 forgive the "pMS mai1s" <2 x 12 dec.>
I suggest YoU READ CAREFu11y my emai1s <such as 1412=3 & 131211 & 142o8 ...because u didnt answer a proposal - unless yr "rant" was the rejection..
IF you want any he1p from me YOU must be ca1m and come to ta1k carefu11y with me, "face to face" as you suggested..if u were sick I believe its because u made yrself ill
I will meet you HERE, bring my things and the 1ap top and we MAY be ab1e to sort this mess out..your bro. owes me for the new phone so he can pay yourr ticket..
but if u cant reply with sense and respect, dont reply at all.. ChriS"
"IF WE stick together and stay LOYAL, they can never beat us"... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordinary_Decent_Criminal
14 Dec. REdNet UPdate & review of MancsUNDAY http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2014/12/back1ash-rednet-update-review-of.html
13 DEc...hungver ..... ordinary decent crimina1s
11 Dec brunch at river caffe "sweet harmony" ( *LINK?? ) then kara ke Night e15
14121o The phone will be ringing off the hook today, and if you are single, someone may be trying to get in touch with you to set up a blind date. Keep an open mind - even if they haven't been too good a judge of character in the past, they just might have picked a winner this time ==== Bus x 2 , MM, Ck&b = e5 first mai frm ID since a1m=st a week
K.R.U.S Euro FU & u.r.s.u.n = ..KRUSEur......added to Rnet
9 DEc. Gem > " Your phone is ringing off the hook and you are getting strange invitations to gatherings that are likely to feature sales pitches from multi-level-marketers selling the latest brand of snake oil. Keep an open mind
- there might be something to this stuff after all "
kafu, brunch tea & shop drinks & chips at riverside Lfc 1 base1 1 (OUT of CL....)
to Izzy1 sms> "
a11 my FB and emais are 0FF, s0, enj0y a rest and h01iday, and Birthday with yr friends..bye CS "
make .agenda. changed suyy name to BaLL CAN LiveBIRD
CS> (FB) Bi1ja, I know U dont expect me to like yoU, after u & the other fan nies he1ped them remove Rafa, the WoRST day in modern LFC histry since twenty five years.<its more than MY Life!>.
u are her "friend" BUT, U are nothing to me, IM0, if U were her TRUE friend she woud n0t N0W hate ME , or herself, for telling her the TRUTH!............"
8 Dec.
.........2 x bus to ^ back from Pg, burek at ber1in, Gem, MM and print 4 citytaxi plaint and riverside .rest of day..
Gem| "Speak out. The worst that can happen is you put your foot in your mouth in front of some companions.
Your thoughts just need to come out today, no matter how strange they seem. The status quo does stink,
and you are just the one to say so. Don't be afraid of being ahead of the curve...........
Keep your ears open - you could be hearing some wonderful news for or about a loved one today.
Spiritual beliefs and shared values bring hearts together. If you are single,
a spiritual meeting could be the place to broaden your circle of contacts " :)
................ we shall see ..or feel the way!
WE are Club birdies Group AND new FB group... D,I,S.C org, added aims and images <danibridge>
REdNET... added to this http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2014/12/rednet-bootroom-review-repeat-and-up.html
print Ranko c1aim & emai1 it
sms hi. (P1), "i gave a letter to yr mother <i thought u would be home> for u to give to city taxis boss.
please take it to their office tomorrow moiim vas! CS"=======
andi... (just for Info) sent sms to Ranko 10.22h "Zdravo, I have not yet collected my things (2baLLS, net and sleeping bag) from city taxi office as I found that YOU also "forgot" the "we are the club " banner that you kept for me. also you still dont email your new proposals to repay 900 euros (as I will obviously not stay at your house, )1000 euros if you have lost banner!) C.SmiTh via net 141205 (FCsms)"
7 Dec/........<" WE just got a message about our admin.<https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters/ >
Izabela , THAT she has been in the E.R of the NS klinic, since friday,
she gave up her old job <paid less than minimum wage> recenty to start a fashion service for female REd Supporters!
<a big step for her> WE WISH HER WEll " x
........<change ID at Suzzy Ray Brut ....2 1 ate u tw.........and n Eurean FB .GR.." ........ Suzzy>
" WE just got a message about admin. Izabela THAT she has been in the E.R of the NS klinic, since friday,
she gave up her old job <paid less than minimum wage> recenty to start a fashion service for female REd Supporters!
<a big step for her> WE WISH HER WEll "
..she b)tched about it and sent 2 emails from hell////....
=====================================You may be looking at rows of computers and telephone equipment today. You want to make a better, more organized working or living space. You may find it difficult to get ideas across to others today, but it will be a valuable tay to put your thoughts in order. ============================
" FB&Sms> Hy Nat, late saturday night, I gt an sms frm Izabela THAT she has been in the E.R f the NS klinic, since friday, No oNE, neither her brother. nor "friends" bothered to tell ME! so, I dont know what happened ..... can U plEASE contact or visit her...or? "
Cuvaj SE ! ChRiS x
6 Dec. stayed 1ate in bed, rain, & ran, met G=ran kafu & rakija
knows... zgeistfilme, D.Ike , etc meet marko (Dani culture dept>) ..>q> absent answer frm ID,,,
12/5, 10:26am
CRSmith > andi..
if U want to meet me, I am visiting a friends room at Dg, and have place if u want to visit and "stop over"
i can make dinner and talk about next things , if u want.. but plan in advance...please
Andrea Preferans
not this weekend, I'm in br... btw, Ranko called like a thousand times and I'm getting tired..
Christopher Richard Smith
i asked 4 translation thats all. dont talk to him he is a cheat & liar, I wont meet him.or talk .... I want an email, and thats iT..... MY mobile dont work anyway, i make it formal monday
5 Dec...
add "Whistleblower" .en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Whistleblower
if you have "trust" in the system, the UN , or politicians, , or leaders that tell you to attack & kill others
for THEIR selfish causes or "patriotism" or to protect your land, for a land or a flag,
then YoU are as mad & perverse as these scum are portrayed...(too .close to truth for most people...)
andrea preferans
C R Smith
(just for Info) sent sms to Ranko 10.22h "Zdravo, I have not yet collected my things (2baLLS, net and sleeping bag) from city taxi office as I found that YOU also "forgot" the "we are the club " banner that you kept for me. also you still dont email your new proposals to repay 900 euros (as I will obviously not stay at your house, )1000 euros if you have lost banner!) C.SmiTh via net 141205 (FCsms)"
Gem <wed> hacked 2!!! " Not the best day to sit behind a computer, if you can avoid it. It will seem to have a mind of its own, one bent on chaos. You may be considering buying anti-viral protection, firewalls, security programs, but it is important you back up all your date <DATA!> before installing anything new. " ha ha ha ... where can I get antifannie ware...<q>
3 Dec.... 18h ar Riverside , I cant get a connection so I might not be ab1e to see yr mai1 or answer unti sometime tomrrow,
=I am in Dani tomrrowm I go city friday,
< Not city taxi >, Bus x 2 , Gem,TEA MM Cafe ,bank store <mi1k & bikkies> & Riverside =
"Hello, My previous phone is working, the new one isnt, so please sms me with the city taxi driver (or his car number) this morning
..thanks, CS"
09h sms :
"Monty TSUNAMI" on fb ...
diving board disappeared 2 days ago = river water a1most at window of caffe now <add frm ec vi11age view f bridge...
, wRanko <ID> city taxis office
yesterdayGem: :" You come across as a bit loopy and unreliable today. You will be distracted and easily excited, and it may be hard for you to stay focused on one topic. You are not known for running off at the mouth but you will definitely be the chatty one today." ..... still remembering Jacqui,(she would have had birthday monday last) this photo taken just before she broke with her fiance and married me, :) ...so thats IT, no more mourning, Lass, its 9 years since u left this earth, I am now going...on! I go again.. full on 100% look out world!! here i come ;)
CSers b1og text <poem> 2 these notes
Caffe Riverside VERY High water ... "Being there" <se11ers>.... an accurate view of the "system sTOP people "
ha ha ha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bow1ZJTV4L4 .. an accurate view of the "system" ha ha ha
..b1og text ...Jacqui text from FB profi1e...
2 Dec
o7h sms> pedja2 12oe
o8h start at riverside.caffe..
Received severa1 ID emai1s today, answered
caffe & g1ue
diving board disappeared 2 days ago = river water a1most at window of caffe now
This was before it all fell apart between us , Jacqui , I miss U and for sure, only realised after we seperated how good U were to me...
for U!
" it is NINE years since U left this earth,
the best person I have known since Birth
Jacqui, the only regret of my life
that I didnt do more for my wife
we were still married when U died
i met so many others , to me they have lied..
modern women are so cruel and cold
dont know what a good man is
they dont see the boy in me
they only think I am getting OLD..
I am very fit, play footy and ALL
I party when I can, & still having fun with football
yes I have many years, of experience
but the only one that ever made sense..
was YOU
1 Dec...
This was before it all fell apart between us , Jacqui , I miss U and for sure, only realised after we seperated how good U were to me...
for U!
" it is NINE years since U left this earth,
the best person I have known since Birth
Jacqui, the only regret of my life
that I didnt do more for my wife
we were still married when U died
i met so many others , to me they have lied..
modern women are so cruel and cold
dont know what a good man is
they dont see the boy in me
they only think I am getting OLD..
I am very fit, play footy and ALL
I party when I can, & still having fun with football
yes I have many years, of experience
but the only one that ever made sense..
was YOU
ChRiS 141201
Margareta Pavlovic and Djordje Lazarevic like this
Chris Smith-Mypod
December 1 at 10:34am ·
Gem; "Avoid driving today if you can. Business trips are maddening, the schedule is tight, and other drivers are insane. If you must drive, keep in mind that you'll tend to attract authority figures today. A speeding ticket stop will definitely put you behind schedule, so don't risk it." ???????????? (returning rentacar!!) ..no more chickens ...in MY life!
8h rivercaffe net <dani> & Gem caffe & MM <park> =
fue1 = e35 visa 1346kms = 6 hundred kms frm NS =>returned
items = hse shoes, tape & tacks 4 hse!!! & taxi <pedja> & bus & shop <dani> =
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELpRwoRb1fA .... <MY way>
Gem> "You will be kept busy on the phone,
fielding calls from friends and loved ones who want your time,
presence and attention. The sudden burst of popularity won't go to your head, though.
You are feeling incredibly generous and have lots of bubbly, infectious energy. "
24 nov <ATM here e9o >2119e
car 145e & 41e <green card>
6oo e DEposit
25 Nov trave1 NoT to Sofia but to NS ... e5 snacks <she used her visa d13oo mea1 at "Viva"
to11 = e2
26 nov... cash e5o to d 599o
WEbsite fr ID = e78
27 nov ..ATM < o Tp> d 6ooo <e5o> for IDs poT
28 nov...Te1...d 2ooo ME and d 35oo > ID = d55oo <e47> by BRo. !!!!!
Fue1 = <Daki> 5653 <e48>
Hte1 UE = d 232o = e2o
29 nov ATM Here e9o = e1189 !!! 1ESS oKoV <e3o> = e116o
=========================================================================== <<<< MY WAY >>>>
"HEll hath no fury ..like a "chicken scorned" http://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com /…/serbian-rocky-non-flyi…(PIC>)
Well, we didnt get to see the "Rocky statue..thats twice that she seemed hesitant, <she isnt keen to "share" this with me > .5 explosions in 6 weeks then last chance
(after my sms which said "enough" from mE <sick and tired of being sick and tired >
..5 days good "training" then ...
as if "leaving dani." meant she must to go back to the previous (!) ways...
...Jacqui (deceased may 05) has birthday on december 1 ,,she used to say that i am a "cynical optimist"
, because i know "IT" . ((or people ) ar impossible, BUT do it ANYway (my way ) and sometimes miracles happen,
..drove her to NS because she-we was not in mood for Sofia,
her anger exploded in the car, because I was honest & I said I fee1 she is not ready to have a child,
and I dont want another to be grown by a sefish mother !!
she has suzzy and cant handle her.. ) or me, I spent 2 or 3 hrs explaining myself,
and "breaking down"# a reason I prefer to be alone at this time...and ..)
and she asked what she can do i wanted her to hold me, but it was empty, no feeling,
,,and thats been true always since 2 years, only once when after the 2nd latest arguement in NS ,
she held me properly and said "do the best for U an us both" ) I said "I always DO"
..but the next day...
I was preparing for (LBirds) fotoshop after composing myself,
(it was emotional to think about my estanged kids and loss of fatherhood)
I was preparing HER profile and she looked at TV, so I said something,
...not aggresive, but sharp, then her brother phoned and she just left me and talked to him
... so how is it when i am NOT there:::??
... the next day she returned to usual ways < Wednesday > it went better at Csing but even then she was ...!
...and friday after visiting OT p manager ,
we went to get MY mobile then found a cheapy (2000 d) as mine has been assasinated, finally,
and she suprised me by asking for a new one (2nd) as a birthday present from her bro.
and took money from the pot...(again like Nemanjas emai1 cc,,,,like deleting freecall, etc ,
,didnt consult me first, I put it in there for HER "living expenses") ,,, so we went on laptop at irish...Pub NS
, and she had a beer at 09,30h!!!! ...on an empty stomach,,, she didnt take care, didnt focus on what I wad doing//again!
I went to meet Nat, <and Jon ) ...and when I got back I asked "anything new_?" <NO she replied>
but then as i w as eating lunch (chicken again) she said that she hadnt linked with the other clubs
because "she couldnt find my link" (and obviously hadnt taken note) so
(considering she had done almost no "work" =I had sent fan clubs emails for her
and emails to several NPazar suppliers) I said "I am NOT doing yr work again"
(especially as i had plaNNED TO DO fSHOP WORK THAT AFTERNOON AFTER A NAP= she exploded,
another heated exchange ....and ...the end...
as I write, I have just driven back Alone with overnight stop at UE at Zlatibr hotel (sure1y THE worst in region)
.....when she said F 0ff ,I felt.... "thats IT" fina11y,so, I did !
...and she can do it her way , see Dush. and Slob. and invite an new boy toy into her bed "when she wants" to
"USE them" (her words) in theirs, can phone who she wants, in the middle of "work"
...drink beer or pelin....before work,,,, act like a bigot or racist ,
, ignore my training programmme etc. etc, .....
BUT I wont be "partner" or be "trainer" or anything else, if she stays the person I left or does it "her way!
" because she is WRONG...and whist I empathise that she had to grow up in a society that desnt seem to know how to TRUlY love
...I must be HoNEST!
& TAKE CARE!!!!!
further comment... I really wanted to NoT oNlY train ID with what she needs, but to show HER the world ,
<my way> and much more , but....
.... I got back to Dani. saturday evening, I stopped at a hotel on the way ..as I didnt want to
arrive here in the night...the road I drove saturday was VERY heaviy flooded,& the day was so stormy,
which sort of refected the mood of how we "divorced", thats probably an appropriate word,
considering the atmosphere as I left, .....
I dont and wont accept ANYone talking to me THAT way, how YoU have done, almost since we "agreed" ...!
It seemed as if you WANTed to BREAK this, anyway, it dont maKE any difference to YoU,
whatever I write now!...it really hurt that YoU reacted so badly on a day when I had opened up so deeply to YoU!
and most things, I could say, I have already written before...even if YoU dont understand me, <or WANT to!>
... so, as stated in the "agreement" ... when it breaks <as it has, not of my choice, BTW!>
we could seek mediation ...but I have no obligation ... to support you ANY more, but I will !!
...you will have to come here, as I feel, it would be wrong for me to be at your place,
as I am UNwanted there!
apart from the SEVEN weeks I gave you, <and YoU owe me 15oo + euros> ...I CAN wait until You have it...
in some ways your lack of enthusiasm for this partnership or training <or anything personal ?>
says that YoU only wanted to get out of your sh*te job! < or have another job waiting?>
= you didnt show SUFFICIENT belief in me or the enterprise..<YoU didnt ask many questions about anything,
< not even what I mailed to oT.p.> I was honest when I asked if you "know" the products you offer on the net!!!!
... and I think you dont give it YoUR "best" because you will have some cash when yr flat is sold.
THIS "critical" observation is that it was "enough" <my sms> before YoU came to Dani. , when there were FIVE "blow ups " in 6 of the previous weeks
and lAST WEEK, FoUR "explosions" in only FIVE DAYS!!!! culminating in "F*** off"..! so I did......
... YoU "surprised" me with YoUR phone purchase friday morning, <as we were there to get it for me!!>
but I did get it, for YoU but, YoU were NoT gratefu, & of curse U didnt give me back the cost, either..
so, WHEN he gives YoU that money, YoU can use it for a return bus ticket NS=>pg=>NS
<YoU can please wash and bring the REd sleeping bag & towel that I left behind!
and anything else ...I may have forgot...<this hurts, to say, as its almost seems like a WRanko "deja vu" >
I cant believe that YoU "blamed" ME, for YoU not "knowing what you had to do", I asked YoU THREE times,
before YoU left Meridian, <I asked "are you sure"?> Tamara coud have checked if you "understood"
....but, its just anther "excuse" and YoU didnt ask many questions at ANY time,
..That means I have supported THIS THREE months now , without resut, and ....
more stress than I have had in any new enterprise of my eventful life.
and, I will do what I can to continue, as long as YoU dont abuse me again,
Nor do anything negative that further affects or damages me, we dont enjoy each other any more
..and thats more than a shame!
a>I ask You to send me the "dai1y reports", inc. those from last week, via email
b> tell me during the next 1o days IF you are going to continue with lBird <"YoUR WAY"> or if you have other plans,
...as I have to decide what I must do...
the gift for her....wasted??
=Going out
W6 4001 17 March 2015
Departs from:Belgrade (?BEG) 17:40
Arrives to:London Luton (?LTN) 19:45
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Contact Information
Tripa Kokolja15
Phone: 38268614427
Email: chrismith@
MS Izabela Darabanj
Belgrade: Web check-in
Small cabin bag
Price summary
One way flight Belgrade (?BEG) ? London Luton (?LTN) din1,949.00
WIZZ Flexdin1,200.00
Administration feedin950.00
Total pricedin4,099.00
Payment summary
Visa XXXXXXXXXXXX12din4,099.00€36.42 (confirmed)
----- Original Message -----
From: ChRiS
To: i.d@ursun
Cc: harvey.tuttle@mypod ; cs@monty-logic-club.org (banned)
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 5:41 PM
Subject: http://antichrismith.blogspot.com/2014/11/missi-ng-hairy-sitin-wh-is-rentra.html
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truce then they killled each other again... manipulated by the few |