Teams .... the most intelligent society , is a good football team , when members take responsibility or pass it to another when preferable., for the sake of the collective greetings from ;
supporting ;
Iris ;
great film, and message.. on board! aint got nobody
Jul 8, 2014
You know what you want, but you must make sure others around you realize that you have your own needs as well. You may have some time to rethink your career strategy. You may experience slight health problem in the coming months. Talk to a friend before you make any financial decision.
Love : Unsubscribe Best Compatibility : Cancer
Vera S>
Imam jednu ideju. Ako si raspoložen, raspitaj se da u toj tvojoj organizaciji, da li ste raspoloženi za neku ekskurziju do Bosne, tacnije u Bijeljinu, u banju Dvorove... Mogli Bismo organizovati neke izlete, Manastiri, reka Drina, Etno selo, žurke.... Ti ovo prevedi na engleski, taman da vežbaš malo
I have an idea. If you're in the mood, ask around you in that your organization, whether you're in the mood for a trip to Bosnia, specifically in Bijeljina, in Dvorovi ... we could organize some trips, monasteries, river Drina, Ethno Village, parties ... . you translate this into English, just that little vežbaš
:) I like the idea, BUT,
is this a marketing messages or meant to be sent to me personally.??
Subject: Lana Samsal, Kate Kopite George and 40 others have their birthday this week
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 02:49:36 -0700
Helped Lana Samsal, Kate Kopite George and 40 others celebrate their birthdays
August 2-10!
Dear friends and dear travelers,
the CS events last year were so amazing and we've met sooo many wonderful people that we have to repeat it this summer.
I'm really reaaally sad that some of you who I like very much can't join, but I promise to drink rakija and do stupid things for you too.
For all the others this is the "plan":
August 2nd:
-meeting in Sarajevo, citytour and lots of coffee breaks during the day, party during the night
August 3rd:
-hiking to Dragan's cottage (the best place in Sarajevo, with the best rakija in Sarajevo and great food), leave our stuff there, walk to the waterfall Skakavac (,_Sarajevo) , have a shower under the waterfall, walk back to the cottage and eat, drink, sing, dance, roll :) sleep?
August 4th:
- stay at Dragans during the day (my plan), just be lazy, play some music, enjoy the sun or go for a hike or get drunk or..or..
the other option is go back to the city and explore Sarajevo a little bit
Around 9pm meet and Kino Bosna and enjoy some Bosnian traditional music (sevdah ) with accordion and dancing on the tables and all the stuff that goes with the music :)
August 5th:
Leave Sarajevo and head east for the rafting on the Tara ( about this coming soon. We'll do the rafting during the day and stay in one of the camps for the night.
August 6th:
-go for a hike to the Trnovacko lake and maybe Sutheska national park ( ,...swim in the lake, enjoy the sun, have a barbecue and a little farewell for the ones who are leaving...
In the evening hours or early the next moring leave towards Serbia, for the ones who want to join us for the Guca festival (
August 6-10 Guca madness! We will be staying in Planet Paprika because last year it was awesome
and we will also join the other CSers
And if you still didn't have enough after Guca, some of us are going back to Sarajevo or Belgrade or continue traveling together, all fun people are welcome to join.
* Details about everything coming soon!
August 2-10!
Dear friends and dear travelers,
the CS events last year were so amazing and we've met sooo many wonderful people that we have to repeat it this summer.
I'm really reaaally sad that some of you who I like very much can't join, but I promise to drink rakija and do stupid things for you too.
For all the others this is the "plan":
August 2nd:
-meeting in Sarajevo, citytour and lots of coffee breaks during the day, party during the night
August 3rd:
-hiking to Dragan's cottage (the best place in Sarajevo, with the best rakija in Sarajevo and great food), leave our stuff there, walk to the waterfall Skakavac (,_Sarajevo) , have a shower under the waterfall, walk back to the cottage and eat, drink, sing, dance, roll :) sleep?
August 4th:
- stay at Dragans during the day (my plan), just be lazy, play some music, enjoy the sun or go for a hike or get drunk or..or..
the other option is go back to the city and explore Sarajevo a little bit
Around 9pm meet and Kino Bosna and enjoy some Bosnian traditional music (sevdah ) with accordion and dancing on the tables and all the stuff that goes with the music :)
August 5th:
Leave Sarajevo and head east for the rafting on the Tara ( about this coming soon. We'll do the rafting during the day and stay in one of the camps for the night.
August 6th:
-go for a hike to the Trnovacko lake and maybe Sutheska national park ( ,...swim in the lake, enjoy the sun, have a barbecue and a little farewell for the ones who are leaving...
In the evening hours or early the next moring leave towards Serbia, for the ones who want to join us for the Guca festival (
August 6-10 Guca madness! We will be staying in Planet Paprika because last year it was awesome
and we will also join the other CSers
And if you still didn't have enough after Guca, some of us are going back to Sarajevo or Belgrade or continue traveling together, all fun people are welcome to join.
* Details about everything coming soon!
14717 painted at village ChriS went to Village today and painted posts, (left a spare pot of paint, for next time painting is required ) and marked the pitch FOR TAINING (repeat ROUGHLY for training) noticed that a football was left out on the grass, 4 balls were given to the monasterie for tarining, hope they respect them.. n.b. it takes 90 minutes to walk from village to train station..! (downhill)
Ho ME?
the girls come and they go
ME, they dont take any time to know
they claim it is NOt their fault..
In a world where everything is bought..\
the common prejudice now, is AGE!
people just see a number, I SEE RAGE!
of those I loved and lost..
no one ever asked the cost...
I have more energy than a 100 boys
but most modern feemales only want BOY-TOYS..
I woudl discuss the universe with you
I can see your soul and make you new..
but "it may be better to stay alone" I am told..
the y think I am just a "brit" wio is getting old.....
when I go your world will too
then you will know who is ... ME!
ChRiS 14718
14719 anais and caroline
I will be pleased to show u Pg, BUT I get many requests, so PLEASE tell me your mobile so we can connect via sms as I am not always online, ok? ChRiS
Jul 24, 2014 I needed to get drunk when guests that I do so much for , decide NOT to do what WE agreed, I was looking forward to end a wonderful day with something that I like (dance and be cra y) not a boring conversation......your last night and Gilles qualification..that we would all have a big celebration and some REAL fun, which was to dance, etc (the DJ actually played some good stuff, which u didnt hear) ...sitting around chatting in french about bla blah, was NOT what we agreed.. I hosted the four of you, ,,,but ......NONE of you cared what I want to do..........yes, u can say what u want,and point a finger at me, ... but it was COWARDLY to send Gilles to talk to me, instead of YOU having the courage to say good bye or anything last night ...I would have respected you more if you had said this instead of writing it from afar..that I wont forget..yes u FOUR acted like "small people" who didnt make any effort to ask what the HOST wanted to do.. and I only got DRUNK AFTER YOU left so dont write BS! ... "unpleasant" maybe ... but at least I am HONEST, if u do things good i will tell you, if u dont i will tell u, shame u dont get that! ..i have a right to my opinion , and if u dont like my judgement..then u should look in the mirror and ask yourself why...(after i opened up to you...) good luck with the canadians , u will need it! ..
RAMZ31 wrote:
>Well there goes another one of these angry emails you seem to enjoy sending to people (according to your own words).
>I AM really sorry you did not enjoy celebrating just by sharing and talking with other people (small people huh... Who are you to judge??). I thought CS was all about that though...
>As for your expectations, I do not feel like I (by the way: weren't there other people involved?) disrespected you in any way. I enjoyed my time with you and with the guys, no need for drinking your ass off (that is not how I have fun anyway).
>So again: sorry you were fed up (and unpleasant btw).
>Wishing you all the best anyway (small talk from a sheep)
>ChriS SmiTH wrote:
>>so with all what i did to make YOUR time good, u could not honour or respect an agreed "celebration" on the last night and prefer to chat with small talk and small people.. !!! u said about "great expectations" well, I expected MUCH MORE from u, after a wonderful afternoon, but like everyone, u just demote and delete yourself, ..just another sheep. with all consequences..
14725 ....Honesty, so rare, no one will dare, to care , so there! ....the consequence ; u will be gone ...the planet and I are then alone...soon..
Keep your eyes open. Your tense time schedule will loosen once you learn better organization. This is one of the best times of the year for you. Try paying by cash and you’ll soon see how much money you can save this way.
Best Compatibility : Leo
14726 Daniel, Suanna, tomas, Olga & sascha >
14728 Hello Velibor some problems with storm , internet is low, but ok, but oven is not working and water boiler is sometimes not working,... the german family did NOT arrive yet,,, ...........
so short and very sweet,
Lilly I did meet, -
but after Rankos family Rakia , -
i did not have time to appreciate her...
Lilly you MAY come back, I appreciated you joining the family meeting, and HOPE i can show u the best of this place another time...
take care , and have a great life! :) ChRiS
Jul 29, 2014 Trust in your love and affection, they will never let you down. If you feel your efforts aren’t appreciated as much as they should, you must think about changing your job. You may suffer aches and pains in the coming weeks. Don’t get too excited over your new status, either.Your luck is about to change. Don’t make any rushed decisions. You might encounter some short term health problems in the coming months. You are likely to get a new source of income.
Reconsider all options before you making up your mind for good. Now is the time to believe you can succeed, imagine yourself living the life you desire, and it will all happen. You must be careful of minor accidents. New investment opportunities are coming.
Love : Best Compatibility : Virgo
I'll get better soon I hope so I'll let you know to meet in br or pg if I come... When it comes to flat, I'm not sure when I'm coming back to pg since it depends on getting job and I have already agreed with my landlords to stay there and they are saving me apartment in return..
Andrea Preferans
7/28, 2:50pm
prevod za chrisa.docx
7/28, 2:51pm
Andrea Preferans
is there a problem with the file or what??
ok, u will have part time with us in september,
...I cant read the file on my laptop, but if u can send it as a .txt file i can!
Petar ;
what do I have to do, to meet
or at least have contact with the lady who told me I was her" special Friend"
after she spent a couple of days with me??? eh Dobar Dan iCA???
....šta treba da radim, da zadovolji ili barem imaju kontakt sa ženom koja mi je rekla da sam joj "posebnog prijatelja" nakon što je provela par dana sa mnom??? eh Dobar Dan ica???
14730 .. SuSanna at Oestrog Arrival Julie , zigga & gerhrdt ;
14731 ; Julies sister at airport , all to Skdar .,,evening at Berlin e100 ..(50 everthing at lake) berlin and taxis etx..X with Suzanna all night :).. immense feelings of happiness..until she left .
14801 sms 20.18 FROM ; NPdancer.. " Im happy you texted me, Miss you too, I havent found a place to sleep yet :) dont worry. I love you." , Dalia arrived via zoran, couple had gone (shocked by electric water) we all walked (cried bye) then guided around town, cafe berlin (e5) they paid shopping Sara arrived and cooked..
14802 sms 22h from Npole dancer "Yes! I found girls (all of them) and theres KARNAWAL in kotor. so were drinking pivo right now :) love you " "Les twin girls" ...I dont believe one of them :) (the economy package) ......I could write a lot and i will elsewhere, she arrived in a storm, from a stormy journey... with a stormy mood..... a long story... and a big heart in a little ....(lady ..!) ... then came the sun and others (and most of all my "non -pole dancer"..and a hangover) ;) ...despite the smoke , we even danced... then at the lake a happy break, .......and swim with Paola too :) as they cooked and I debated and I waited... and waited..she was NOT "electrocuted") and finally hoped they would NEVER leave... such heart & soul and I have a big know! my little piranha fish... :) come back again, if u dare!..interview with Julie T.. all left Sara on suz all met in Kotor..(Sara at VPSkadarBerlin)
sms from NPD 23h "I am jelous about your yesterday evening too! I saw some pictures. Take care & greetings from them! :) ..interview with Julie T.. all left Sara on suz all met in Kotor..(Sara at VPSkadarBerlin)
sms 23.32 .. ha ha maybe! Girls told me about them. It means one day I have to come back"
its gonna feel strange when the place is empty tomorrow. Dalia s PARTICULAR poem.... (sort of) .........she came as a surprise via zoran,,..,,joined the guests; (les francais) twins and Sara, a brazilian...... didnt connect that much with me, but I suppose it was a friendly company....... left FAR too early for me her to know.........but my instinct says with goodness you will go. (and with photo) :) ...... take care , ChRiS ..dont forget next years "offer"..
14803 sms 02.03h from NonPoleDancer " Oh please. That wasnt sympathy. I know you have to get used to someone cares about you :) good night :))) good company sweet smiles and emotions that go on for miles discussions about "eco
engineering" a gentle nature, so endearing :) Skadar & Virpazar & U live not so far (away) an english accent& some jokes BE CAREFUL of amorous Blokes :) Sara..come back soon (dont forget t-shirt photo) :) wishing you a safe and enjoyable journey and CSing (guys be nice to this young Brazilian..ladySara, I will write u a ref later when I can reflect on your visit, good company sweet smiles and emotions , look forward to continuing discussions about "eco engineering" ..come back soon (dont forget t-shirt photo) :) wishing you a safe and enjoyable journey Suzanna, dziekuje, ty mnie ucieszylo, moze jak nastolatka, ale z najglebszej milosci. ...ChRiS
p.s. tell Julie I emailed my "unedited" article to her this morning..take care!
(Sara gone) to Suz anna ; Alone, this morning, Su, so many emotions,
I hope u had a great time with the girls,
yet a mixture of jealousy & self pity conflicting with the extremely wonderful times of this exceptional week of my exceptional life,
a storm of emotion I am doing my best to control, and to accept that U DO CARE! :)
Hugs X & my Love, ChRiS
sms 15.27h from NPDancer ... ChriS,ChriS,ChriS, I really dont know what to answer :) everythings fine, I hope you have a nice day! Take care, Z
CS> sms 16.11 h "Suz, Very quiet day in my self-world. i ll be "ok"& u dont HAVE to say or txt me=I am "dealing with it"
just do it my way, alone, hope u understand & i wont forget. C y."
CFD > via Filip Negran ....Zdravo Filip , nadam se da ste dobro ,
MOLIM reci ocu da uzimam ostatak danas , nema posetioca , bez price i nema sastanaka ,
i on bi trebalo da me pozove ujutru da ugovorite susret da ode u brrcelli ,
da smanji travu i za obuku kao što je dogovoreno ...
You may have to cancel a trip at the last minute today due to circumstances beyond your control. You may be able to work out a new schedule with the help of an older woman who is a lot more knowledgeable and experienced in the area of travel,
research or education.
Thats a serious profile pic! Lilly thanks for your brief visit to "Monty" ................................ Teams .... the most intelligent society , is a good football team , when members take responsibility or pass it to another when preferable., for the sake of the collective ;
supporting ;
Lilly......thanks for the CSing message..apart from U, I had 8 other Csers this week,
from Vilnius, Lille, (not Lilly) Brazilian region, Gallway, Krakov, Copenhagen, Vienna....
and this...
14803 Suz> sms 16.16h I know i dont have to, I do only the things what I WANT to do, remember. Love u.
C>17.04 sms> I cant stop it -have fallen in love with u! NON Pole dancer! ;) ! XYZ ChRiS
C> 21.49 sms> I will watch film & try to sleep ! I am Thinking too much- safe journey ;) . Dobranoc.
Suz 21.56> Im thinking too, you know? So,you are not alone in this :) Im going to meet girls soon. DOBRANOC :)) Z
14804 Suz, I didnt sleep much, please tell Julie I sent the article via her CSmail,
Hope u have an easy & safe journey! ;) I hope, when ready U will join with me,
in this life or another, yr ChRiS x 48881777338 Anna chris Szymon I caNT PROMISE TO WAIT FOR U, Thats the problem, if u dont know your arrival time - It means a lot of disruption to my daynighty hanging around, you can plan, u just slow down and suggest u stop somewhere else tonight, ? however, IF u want to take a chance and turn up at Caffe berlin I might be there at about 21h tonight..but i wont I have a full day, ChRiS
Abnb rejected too late
Aug 4, 2014
Reconsider all options before you making up your mind for good. Stars favor your career plans – promotions, raises, and transfers to other companies. You may experience slight health problem in the coming months. Consult professionals about all your money decisions – avoid dealing with finances on your own.
Love :
You may have some moments of self doubt today but a friend or sibling will give you the figurative kick in the behind that you need to get you back on course. Stick to the mundane and avoid the deeply spiritual today if you want to stay "upbeat".
Best Compatibility : Aries
please join us, supporting ;
Aug 7, 2014 sms to zuz.> Hiy u, juast found out that train goes through to the hungarian border ,
it would be logical to pay a little extra to staY on train.and go through to Subotica, Please sms when u are safely home, your ChRiS , :) x
and>> Hiy again, (3rd sms) !!! in case u need it : Izzy Darbanji, Futoski Put, 14a (NOVI SAD) <+381655319799 . I think she will help u if u need a place. NOvi Sad is nicver than Bg. C
Tell them what you really think. Otherwise, nothing will change. The lesson is in the struggle, not in the victory. Your general physical health is good this year but you may be prone to stress. Good time for signing all kinds of legal and business contracts. Keeping your feelings secret for too long is not something you can afford. You will soon be able to show how much you excel at completing tasks as compared to others. Your health should be good but take care when traveling. If you have any savings, this is the right time of the year to invest in something. You need to pay attention to others, not all of them are absolutely honest with you. Your tense time schedule will loosen once you learn better organization. Light but frequent meals might be a good switch from your usual eating habits. You will experience some financial up and down. Aug 8
Aug 8, 2014
Your relationship success and happiness must be earned with earnest efforts. Maybe you could think about starting your own business? Rest properly whenever you can. You make money fast, but spend it faster.
Aug 9, 2014
Tell them what you really think. Otherwise, nothing will change. It’s no use wasting your time and energy on something that doesn’t fully satisfy you. You might encounter some short term health problems in the coming months. Carefully manage your assets.
Best Compatibility : Cancer
Your workplace is likely to be something of a hotbed of gossip and
office politics today. You may be suffering from information overload, or from not being able to get the information that you need in order to get your work done on time.
148 10You seem to have a hard time putting your thoughts into words today. There are times when your head says one thing and your mouth seems to want to say something else. Take long breaks if you are working on any important presentation or paperwork today.
Lee , Greg & co, many haVE TRIED TO STOP my anti F S G and ant- Yan Ker campaigns, or my huma rights blogs or charity initiatives etc etc by blocking me on FB ,or the net , with viruses and such ,another way is to tell lies and fill my in box with insults,, that wont work either...
please join us, supporting ;
Molimo vas da dodate svoje ime u "komentarima odjeljku" (ispod) da se ukljuce u uvodnom treningu 17-19h nedjelja 10. avgust,,,,,,,, i pobrinite se da su takoder podržavaju; Please add your name in the "comments section" (below) to join the introductory training session 17-19h sunday 10th August,,,,,,,,and make sure you are also supporting ;
J4t96! Training is next sunday (make sure Petar and all other friends who want to be connected to me, register on here ;
we should cut grass during the week at a convenient time...ChRiS (I probably go to skadar with visitors monday)
..Ranko to pick up lawnmowever BEFORE...if posible,,,
CSCS>,14h I am happy you are happy, and safe, but I miss U, cant sleep and its almost 40c HOT! in Pg.. X +y = Z ChRiS :)
ZuZ> 14h.11 > Im very happy because I am not travelling alone,
(but ZuZ didnt ask me to travel with !!!) & were close to my fathers home!
Im happy to give accomodation to this (these) ppl! Ive met & spent more time with them;)
I also (!!!..."also") miss you! Love. z.
... I have so many mixed Feelings, u is close to home, and I suppose safety. but further away from me, and soon,,,
will be deep in her projects...and ppl who dont know me and who are unlikely to want her to share my life..
.........I believe we should share our projects , her in mine and me in hers...but.....but..U had difficulty in my "challenge" to her choices... will my trust be matched by hers? we should cut grass during the week at a convenient time...ChRiS (I probably go to skadar with visitors monday)..Ranko to pick up lawnmowever BEFORE...if possible,,,
Filip Negran
Okay I'll give Cerise all Ranku
Are you okay
Filip Negran
Chris FD>
I am having a quiet day, Filip hope you had a good time yesterday (& Sinoc) message for Ranko, hope YOU sort out all your problems, I have done all that was asked of ME, now I wait for YOU to deliver.. DO NOT telephone me today - we should ,meet tomorrow , but please lets talk early (if the lwanmower is available) vidimo se, ChRiS
Filip Negran
Entertainment was great, everything is fine ...
supporting ;
Iris ;
great film, and message.. on board! aint got nobody
Jul 8, 2014
You know what you want, but you must make sure others around you realize that you have your own needs as well. You may have some time to rethink your career strategy. You may experience slight health problem in the coming months. Talk to a friend before you make any financial decision.
Love : Unsubscribe Best Compatibility : Cancer
Vera S>

I have an idea. If you're in the mood, ask around you in that your organization, whether you're in the mood for a trip to Bosnia, specifically in Bijeljina, in Dvorovi ... we could organize some trips, monasteries, river Drina, Ethno Village, parties ... . you translate this into English, just that little vežbaš
:) I like the idea, BUT,
is this a marketing messages or meant to be sent to me personally.??
Subject: Lana Samsal, Kate Kopite George and 40 others have their birthday this week
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 02:49:36 -0700
Helped Lana Samsal, Kate Kopite George and 40 others celebrate their birthdays
August 2-10!
Dear friends and dear travelers,
the CS events last year were so amazing and we've met sooo many wonderful people that we have to repeat it this summer.
I'm really reaaally sad that some of you who I like very much can't join, but I promise to drink rakija and do stupid things for you too.
For all the others this is the "plan":
August 2nd:
-meeting in Sarajevo, citytour and lots of coffee breaks during the day, party during the night
August 3rd:
-hiking to Dragan's cottage (the best place in Sarajevo, with the best rakija in Sarajevo and great food), leave our stuff there, walk to the waterfall Skakavac (,_Sarajevo) , have a shower under the waterfall, walk back to the cottage and eat, drink, sing, dance, roll :) sleep?
August 4th:
- stay at Dragans during the day (my plan), just be lazy, play some music, enjoy the sun or go for a hike or get drunk or..or..
the other option is go back to the city and explore Sarajevo a little bit
Around 9pm meet and Kino Bosna and enjoy some Bosnian traditional music (sevdah ) with accordion and dancing on the tables and all the stuff that goes with the music :)
August 5th:
Leave Sarajevo and head east for the rafting on the Tara ( about this coming soon. We'll do the rafting during the day and stay in one of the camps for the night.
August 6th:
-go for a hike to the Trnovacko lake and maybe Sutheska national park ( ,...swim in the lake, enjoy the sun, have a barbecue and a little farewell for the ones who are leaving...
In the evening hours or early the next moring leave towards Serbia, for the ones who want to join us for the Guca festival (
August 6-10 Guca madness! We will be staying in Planet Paprika because last year it was awesome
and we will also join the other CSers
And if you still didn't have enough after Guca, some of us are going back to Sarajevo or Belgrade or continue traveling together, all fun people are welcome to join.
* Details about everything coming soon!
August 2-10!
Dear friends and dear travelers,
the CS events last year were so amazing and we've met sooo many wonderful people that we have to repeat it this summer.
I'm really reaaally sad that some of you who I like very much can't join, but I promise to drink rakija and do stupid things for you too.
For all the others this is the "plan":
August 2nd:
-meeting in Sarajevo, citytour and lots of coffee breaks during the day, party during the night
August 3rd:
-hiking to Dragan's cottage (the best place in Sarajevo, with the best rakija in Sarajevo and great food), leave our stuff there, walk to the waterfall Skakavac (,_Sarajevo) , have a shower under the waterfall, walk back to the cottage and eat, drink, sing, dance, roll :) sleep?
August 4th:
- stay at Dragans during the day (my plan), just be lazy, play some music, enjoy the sun or go for a hike or get drunk or..or..
the other option is go back to the city and explore Sarajevo a little bit
Around 9pm meet and Kino Bosna and enjoy some Bosnian traditional music (sevdah ) with accordion and dancing on the tables and all the stuff that goes with the music :)
August 5th:
Leave Sarajevo and head east for the rafting on the Tara ( about this coming soon. We'll do the rafting during the day and stay in one of the camps for the night.
August 6th:
-go for a hike to the Trnovacko lake and maybe Sutheska national park ( ,...swim in the lake, enjoy the sun, have a barbecue and a little farewell for the ones who are leaving...
In the evening hours or early the next moring leave towards Serbia, for the ones who want to join us for the Guca festival (
August 6-10 Guca madness! We will be staying in Planet Paprika because last year it was awesome
and we will also join the other CSers
And if you still didn't have enough after Guca, some of us are going back to Sarajevo or Belgrade or continue traveling together, all fun people are welcome to join.
* Details about everything coming soon!
14717 painted at village ChriS went to Village today and painted posts, (left a spare pot of paint, for next time painting is required ) and marked the pitch FOR TAINING (repeat ROUGHLY for training) noticed that a football was left out on the grass, 4 balls were given to the monasterie for tarining, hope they respect them.. n.b. it takes 90 minutes to walk from village to train station..! (downhill)
Ho ME?
the girls come and they go
ME, they dont take any time to know
they claim it is NOt their fault..
In a world where everything is bought..\
the common prejudice now, is AGE!
people just see a number, I SEE RAGE!
of those I loved and lost..
no one ever asked the cost...
I have more energy than a 100 boys
but most modern feemales only want BOY-TOYS..
I woudl discuss the universe with you
I can see your soul and make you new..
but "it may be better to stay alone" I am told..
the y think I am just a "brit" wio is getting old.....
when I go your world will too
then you will know who is ... ME!
ChRiS 14718
14719 anais and caroline
I will be pleased to show u Pg, BUT I get many requests, so PLEASE tell me your mobile so we can connect via sms as I am not always online, ok? ChRiS
Jul 24, 2014 I needed to get drunk when guests that I do so much for , decide NOT to do what WE agreed, I was looking forward to end a wonderful day with something that I like (dance and be cra y) not a boring conversation......your last night and Gilles qualification..that we would all have a big celebration and some REAL fun, which was to dance, etc (the DJ actually played some good stuff, which u didnt hear) ...sitting around chatting in french about bla blah, was NOT what we agreed.. I hosted the four of you, ,,,but ......NONE of you cared what I want to do..........yes, u can say what u want,and point a finger at me, ... but it was COWARDLY to send Gilles to talk to me, instead of YOU having the courage to say good bye or anything last night ...I would have respected you more if you had said this instead of writing it from afar..that I wont forget..yes u FOUR acted like "small people" who didnt make any effort to ask what the HOST wanted to do.. and I only got DRUNK AFTER YOU left so dont write BS! ... "unpleasant" maybe ... but at least I am HONEST, if u do things good i will tell you, if u dont i will tell u, shame u dont get that! ..i have a right to my opinion , and if u dont like my judgement..then u should look in the mirror and ask yourself why...(after i opened up to you...) good luck with the canadians , u will need it! ..
RAMZ31 wrote:
>Well there goes another one of these angry emails you seem to enjoy sending to people (according to your own words).
>I AM really sorry you did not enjoy celebrating just by sharing and talking with other people (small people huh... Who are you to judge??). I thought CS was all about that though...
>As for your expectations, I do not feel like I (by the way: weren't there other people involved?) disrespected you in any way. I enjoyed my time with you and with the guys, no need for drinking your ass off (that is not how I have fun anyway).
>So again: sorry you were fed up (and unpleasant btw).
>Wishing you all the best anyway (small talk from a sheep)

>>so with all what i did to make YOUR time good, u could not honour or respect an agreed "celebration" on the last night and prefer to chat with small talk and small people.. !!! u said about "great expectations" well, I expected MUCH MORE from u, after a wonderful afternoon, but like everyone, u just demote and delete yourself, ..just another sheep. with all consequences..
14725 ....Honesty, so rare, no one will dare, to care , so there! ....the consequence ; u will be gone ...the planet and I are then alone...soon..
Keep your eyes open. Your tense time schedule will loosen once you learn better organization. This is one of the best times of the year for you. Try paying by cash and you’ll soon see how much money you can save this way.
Best Compatibility : Leo
14726 Daniel, Suanna, tomas, Olga & sascha >
14728 Hello Velibor some problems with storm , internet is low, but ok, but oven is not working and water boiler is sometimes not working,... the german family did NOT arrive yet,,, ...........
so short and very sweet,
Lilly I did meet, -
but after Rankos family Rakia , -
i did not have time to appreciate her...
Lilly you MAY come back, I appreciated you joining the family meeting, and HOPE i can show u the best of this place another time...
take care , and have a great life! :) ChRiS
Jul 29, 2014 Trust in your love and affection, they will never let you down. If you feel your efforts aren’t appreciated as much as they should, you must think about changing your job. You may suffer aches and pains in the coming weeks. Don’t get too excited over your new status, either.Your luck is about to change. Don’t make any rushed decisions. You might encounter some short term health problems in the coming months. You are likely to get a new source of income.
Reconsider all options before you making up your mind for good. Now is the time to believe you can succeed, imagine yourself living the life you desire, and it will all happen. You must be careful of minor accidents. New investment opportunities are coming.
Love : Best Compatibility : Virgo
I'll get better soon I hope so I'll let you know to meet in br or pg if I come... When it comes to flat, I'm not sure when I'm coming back to pg since it depends on getting job and I have already agreed with my landlords to stay there and they are saving me apartment in return..
Andrea Preferans
7/28, 2:50pm
prevod za chrisa.docx
7/28, 2:51pm
Andrea Preferans
is there a problem with the file or what??
ok, u will have part time with us in september,
...I cant read the file on my laptop, but if u can send it as a .txt file i can!
Petar ;
what do I have to do, to meet
or at least have contact with the lady who told me I was her" special Friend"
after she spent a couple of days with me??? eh Dobar Dan iCA???
....šta treba da radim, da zadovolji ili barem imaju kontakt sa ženom koja mi je rekla da sam joj "posebnog prijatelja" nakon što je provela par dana sa mnom??? eh Dobar Dan ica???
14730 .. SuSanna at Oestrog Arrival Julie , zigga & gerhrdt ;
14731 ; Julies sister at airport , all to Skdar .,,evening at Berlin e100 ..(50 everthing at lake) berlin and taxis etx..X with Suzanna all night :).. immense feelings of happiness..until she left .
14801 sms 20.18 FROM ; NPdancer.. " Im happy you texted me, Miss you too, I havent found a place to sleep yet :) dont worry. I love you." , Dalia arrived via zoran, couple had gone (shocked by electric water) we all walked (cried bye) then guided around town, cafe berlin (e5) they paid shopping Sara arrived and cooked..
14802 sms 22h from Npole dancer "Yes! I found girls (all of them) and theres KARNAWAL in kotor. so were drinking pivo right now :) love you " "Les twin girls" ...I dont believe one of them :) (the economy package) ......I could write a lot and i will elsewhere, she arrived in a storm, from a stormy journey... with a stormy mood..... a long story... and a big heart in a little ....(lady ..!) ... then came the sun and others (and most of all my "non -pole dancer"..and a hangover) ;) ...despite the smoke , we even danced... then at the lake a happy break, .......and swim with Paola too :) as they cooked and I debated and I waited... and waited..she was NOT "electrocuted") and finally hoped they would NEVER leave... such heart & soul and I have a big know! my little piranha fish... :) come back again, if u dare!..interview with Julie T.. all left Sara on suz all met in Kotor..(Sara at VPSkadarBerlin)
sms from NPD 23h "I am jelous about your yesterday evening too! I saw some pictures. Take care & greetings from them! :) ..interview with Julie T.. all left Sara on suz all met in Kotor..(Sara at VPSkadarBerlin)
sms 23.32 .. ha ha maybe! Girls told me about them. It means one day I have to come back"
its gonna feel strange when the place is empty tomorrow. Dalia s PARTICULAR poem.... (sort of) .........she came as a surprise via zoran,,..,,joined the guests; (les francais) twins and Sara, a brazilian...... didnt connect that much with me, but I suppose it was a friendly company....... left FAR too early for me her to know.........but my instinct says with goodness you will go. (and with photo) :) ...... take care , ChRiS ..dont forget next years "offer"..
14803 sms 02.03h from NonPoleDancer " Oh please. That wasnt sympathy. I know you have to get used to someone cares about you :) good night :))) good company sweet smiles and emotions that go on for miles discussions about "eco
engineering" a gentle nature, so endearing :) Skadar & Virpazar & U live not so far (away) an english accent& some jokes BE CAREFUL of amorous Blokes :) Sara..come back soon (dont forget t-shirt photo) :) wishing you a safe and enjoyable journey and CSing (guys be nice to this young Brazilian..ladySara, I will write u a ref later when I can reflect on your visit, good company sweet smiles and emotions , look forward to continuing discussions about "eco engineering" ..come back soon (dont forget t-shirt photo) :) wishing you a safe and enjoyable journey Suzanna, dziekuje, ty mnie ucieszylo, moze jak nastolatka, ale z najglebszej milosci. ...ChRiS
p.s. tell Julie I emailed my "unedited" article to her this morning..take care!
(Sara gone) to Suz anna ; Alone, this morning, Su, so many emotions,
I hope u had a great time with the girls,
yet a mixture of jealousy & self pity conflicting with the extremely wonderful times of this exceptional week of my exceptional life,
a storm of emotion I am doing my best to control, and to accept that U DO CARE! :)
Hugs X & my Love, ChRiS
sms 15.27h from NPDancer ... ChriS,ChriS,ChriS, I really dont know what to answer :) everythings fine, I hope you have a nice day! Take care, Z
CS> sms 16.11 h "Suz, Very quiet day in my self-world. i ll be "ok"& u dont HAVE to say or txt me=I am "dealing with it"
just do it my way, alone, hope u understand & i wont forget. C y."
CFD > via Filip Negran ....Zdravo Filip , nadam se da ste dobro ,
MOLIM reci ocu da uzimam ostatak danas , nema posetioca , bez price i nema sastanaka ,
i on bi trebalo da me pozove ujutru da ugovorite susret da ode u brrcelli ,
da smanji travu i za obuku kao što je dogovoreno ...
You may have to cancel a trip at the last minute today due to circumstances beyond your control. You may be able to work out a new schedule with the help of an older woman who is a lot more knowledgeable and experienced in the area of travel,
research or education.
Thats a serious profile pic! Lilly thanks for your brief visit to "Monty" ................................ Teams .... the most intelligent society , is a good football team , when members take responsibility or pass it to another when preferable., for the sake of the collective ;
supporting ;

from Vilnius, Lille, (not Lilly) Brazilian region, Gallway, Krakov, Copenhagen, Vienna....
and this...
14803 Suz> sms 16.16h I know i dont have to, I do only the things what I WANT to do, remember. Love u.
C>17.04 sms> I cant stop it -have fallen in love with u! NON Pole dancer! ;) ! XYZ ChRiS
C> 21.49 sms> I will watch film & try to sleep ! I am Thinking too much- safe journey ;) . Dobranoc.
Suz 21.56> Im thinking too, you know? So,you are not alone in this :) Im going to meet girls soon. DOBRANOC :)) Z
14804 Suz, I didnt sleep much, please tell Julie I sent the article via her CSmail,
Hope u have an easy & safe journey! ;) I hope, when ready U will join with me,
in this life or another, yr ChRiS x 48881777338 Anna chris Szymon I caNT PROMISE TO WAIT FOR U, Thats the problem, if u dont know your arrival time - It means a lot of disruption to my daynighty hanging around, you can plan, u just slow down and suggest u stop somewhere else tonight, ? however, IF u want to take a chance and turn up at Caffe berlin I might be there at about 21h tonight..but i wont I have a full day, ChRiS
Abnb rejected too late
Aug 4, 2014
Reconsider all options before you making up your mind for good. Stars favor your career plans – promotions, raises, and transfers to other companies. You may experience slight health problem in the coming months. Consult professionals about all your money decisions – avoid dealing with finances on your own.
Love :
You may have some moments of self doubt today but a friend or sibling will give you the figurative kick in the behind that you need to get you back on course. Stick to the mundane and avoid the deeply spiritual today if you want to stay "upbeat".
Best Compatibility : Aries
please join us, supporting ;
Aug 7, 2014 sms to zuz.> Hiy u, juast found out that train goes through to the hungarian border ,
it would be logical to pay a little extra to staY on train.and go through to Subotica, Please sms when u are safely home, your ChRiS , :) x
and>> Hiy again, (3rd sms) !!! in case u need it : Izzy Darbanji, Futoski Put, 14a (NOVI SAD) <+381655319799 . I think she will help u if u need a place. NOvi Sad is nicver than Bg. C
Tell them what you really think. Otherwise, nothing will change. The lesson is in the struggle, not in the victory. Your general physical health is good this year but you may be prone to stress. Good time for signing all kinds of legal and business contracts. Keeping your feelings secret for too long is not something you can afford. You will soon be able to show how much you excel at completing tasks as compared to others. Your health should be good but take care when traveling. If you have any savings, this is the right time of the year to invest in something. You need to pay attention to others, not all of them are absolutely honest with you. Your tense time schedule will loosen once you learn better organization. Light but frequent meals might be a good switch from your usual eating habits. You will experience some financial up and down. Aug 8
Aug 8, 2014
Your relationship success and happiness must be earned with earnest efforts. Maybe you could think about starting your own business? Rest properly whenever you can. You make money fast, but spend it faster.
Aug 9, 2014
Tell them what you really think. Otherwise, nothing will change. It’s no use wasting your time and energy on something that doesn’t fully satisfy you. You might encounter some short term health problems in the coming months. Carefully manage your assets.
Best Compatibility : Cancer
Your workplace is likely to be something of a hotbed of gossip and
office politics today. You may be suffering from information overload, or from not being able to get the information that you need in order to get your work done on time.
148 10You seem to have a hard time putting your thoughts into words today. There are times when your head says one thing and your mouth seems to want to say something else. Take long breaks if you are working on any important presentation or paperwork today.

please join us, supporting ;
Molimo vas da dodate svoje ime u "komentarima odjeljku" (ispod) da se ukljuce u uvodnom treningu 17-19h nedjelja 10. avgust,,,,,,,, i pobrinite se da su takoder podržavaju; Please add your name in the "comments section" (below) to join the introductory training session 17-19h sunday 10th August,,,,,,,,and make sure you are also supporting ;
J4t96! Training is next sunday (make sure Petar and all other friends who want to be connected to me, register on here ;
we should cut grass during the week at a convenient time...ChRiS (I probably go to skadar with visitors monday)
..Ranko to pick up lawnmowever BEFORE...if posible,,,
CSCS>,14h I am happy you are happy, and safe, but I miss U, cant sleep and its almost 40c HOT! in Pg.. X +y = Z ChRiS :)
ZuZ> 14h.11 > Im very happy because I am not travelling alone,
(but ZuZ didnt ask me to travel with !!!) & were close to my fathers home!
Im happy to give accomodation to this (these) ppl! Ive met & spent more time with them;)
I also (!!!..."also") miss you! Love. z.
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A Rose for my Zuz |
... I have so many mixed Feelings, u is close to home, and I suppose safety. but further away from me, and soon,,,
will be deep in her projects...and ppl who dont know me and who are unlikely to want her to share my life..
.........I believe we should share our projects , her in mine and me in hers...but.....but..U had difficulty in my "challenge" to her choices... will my trust be matched by hers? we should cut grass during the week at a convenient time...ChRiS (I probably go to skadar with visitors monday)..Ranko to pick up lawnmowever BEFORE...if possible,,,
Filip Negran
Okay I'll give Cerise all Ranku
Are you okay
Filip Negran
Chris FD>
I am having a quiet day, Filip hope you had a good time yesterday (& Sinoc) message for Ranko, hope YOU sort out all your problems, I have done all that was asked of ME, now I wait for YOU to deliver.. DO NOT telephone me today - we should ,meet tomorrow , but please lets talk early (if the lwanmower is available) vidimo se, ChRiS
Filip Negran
Entertainment was great, everything is fine ...
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