Tuesday, December 21, 2021

_happy SOULStice (pre view) NO time to die..so LIVE!

;) preview   see UNIVERSAL tribunal FOR HUMAN BEing ....link title  ; UNIVERSAL tribunal FOR HUMAN BEing 

wishing you all a happy SOULstice..

\dec 21 after the storm turned over my terrace  table  (again) i didnt sleep much before my short but early trip to Hn to vidit DOBAR Dan.. we met at the pub and a short walk, I cooked some veggie/pasta dish and we watched the LAST? James BOND film...! "NO TIME TO DIE\2  ..i watched the first "Dr NO" with my dear Dad when I was a young boy at the "pictures" (cinema)

it was the first time i visited a cinema and i fell in love with the HERO-agent , seemingly indestructible... but this (as perhaps fitting as Craig was the best of the rest after Connery) end to  my tradition of watching them all...

Ok it was a home view, but for me the story was always more important than the £effects£ shown now in amazing tech on the big screen..this story seemed to be a collection of pieces thrown together and without giving too much away, too much "comedy & romance"..a cop-out perhaps to  fit the global capitulation..

by all means give it a look ..but i would prefer, in this and in life and society recall the BETTER days of Connery, Criaig and my youth ..which i will enjoy again as the SOULstice brings brighter days... ;)

.....................btw its over 2 decades ago when I started changing from Video networking to local "audio media" (radio)  .. www.youtube.com/watch?v=dV16RhmCeug ( ScouserAbroadi81004intro test ) ...the original intro to SCOUSER abroad (from Monty)  ChriS Dix
having previously co-ordinated a series of progs for Radio Drei Eck land ( in Colmar, Alsace & Freiburg( this was the Intro for Access North west (LIVERPOOL) 3 1/2 years ago...AND;

........I HAVE WRITTEN, or POSTED THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF ARTICLES, VIDEOS, MAILINGS, LOGS , BLOGS twittered, twattered & googlied on the net...abd apart from my own GEM net REd / LbiRD co-op see NO improvement in society local or global since I AWOKE from a meningitis -induced coma, (on the contrary, when the likes of Cameron/May/"blowjo" ruin the UK, whilst Obama/Trump/Biden, Putin, Macon, Merkel & co ruin the remainder of the planet i hiold my hands up and claim in the midst of c19 exaggerated global DICTATORSHIP "vive la resistance" as I tell
my contacts to "be (euro) "vietcong" and oppose the "titamic system) in any way possible,, my personal efforts v USAcorp (a.k.a. fen way)
are known by those following my supporter club logs (+ REdNET / and not via MONtv) 

...i have , since :exile: reduced my posting and I will COMPACT those even more, less commentary and more a brief summary as I see no significant improvement, all I will do is assist & SUPPORT the 1 in a 1000 out there who have NOT capitulated... as i expect either 
 a)USAcorp origin NUKE :disaster: or
 b) a global tsunami (already in effect  partially with us! (thanks to climate arrogance & ignorance by the corps/govts/YOU sheeple too) and/
c) a TRUE "death bug" now that the majority have weakened their natural immunity with all sorts of potions willy gates /WHO PR_opaganda have conned you with,,

..enforced masking, social distancing (destruction of human relations) and VAX are simply WRONG, there is NO REASON to trust govt /private agencies capability of putting the correct potion in MY or YOUR body,,,whatever your spiritual belief...nature gave us defences and its YOUR responsibility to maintain a fit & healthy life style... i propose that the majority of "victims" had a condition, age or weakness that could not withstand the bug, whether man-made or a result of constant pollution of the atmosphere we breathe! IT IS NOT RACKET SCIENCE!

may your GOOD go with you!

.........Dec 18 ... (UN)sub title ;  "I am walking backwards for (a happy) "ChRiSMITH" 
( ..song "i am walking backwards for xmas"

 ( ...having walked over 25kms today... I want to inform any would-be "HI(gh)KINGS" that to east the calf muscles when met with difficult
hill areas , walking up them backwards helps! :) 

................i survived the "easy path" over 3 hours to make 12kms from Miriste to Radovici (via Marovici entrance to path !!)

all seems fine, with clear marked step.. up to Babunchi ? (even part of the route was wide enough for vehicles)... then lots of loose ricks almost tore my boots apart *that's the 2nd pair damaged by "easy paths.. the other at Rose!)  2nd jogging pants too.. caught by overgrown undergrowth...again! ... i usually "phase" a route 
and I had expected a "12 phase' path (12kms) ...but...

...as I started the walk down at the far "end" more and more difficult with bushes and fallen trees and loose rocks on the route...
and then as I thought i was on "12" the path disappeared ..a constructors excavation site about 100 metres wide , just wiped away any trace
of the "path" ... i walked around ..tried to walk down but undergrowth was too thick, then at the edge of the area, saw what seemed to be
a continuation... down to a dirt ROAD ... but no more "hiking signs" .. (red/white painted symbols) so i walked about 10 minutes until i realsied I was walking back towards the other side of the peninula (opposie HN) ...

...........so walked back to near the excavation site (Monty is becoming similar to the Croatian state ; one BIG construction site to benefit the rich ...)  ,,, then saw a path ..and on it WAS a "sign" but then I needed to ask 2 different people (one of whom looked at me as  if i was a tramp!) ... the was to "Centar" (Voli market on the main road)...2 more kms. made is something about 15/16kms... it was almost 3 1/2 hours since I left "home base" ...

to Robert A (via Proton)
 I have sent several mails from my personal and from several of our addresses via both domains hundreds of emails in  recently weeks..to our KNOWN contacts,(via T-bird, outlook & your webmail) .. that NOT ONE, of those recipients have acknowledged receipt, whilst many of OUR own addresses and your own support address are "bounced" tells me that the PROBLEM is significantly on your own system (as stated previously p words have been changed & mails sent from various locations and different (sending) computers,... the last time i was involved in (Gemini network comms) security operations was back pre "95, when even then the agencies such as C1A / M16 /KGB and private contractors engaged had capabilities to hack into just about any PC  & by pass normal anti-virus etc protections available to regular users... goodness knows what they use now... 

NO protective software available to me, is likely to prevent hacking, but you guys should be able to protect my domains & email addreses ..so as I havent seen any relative response, (BTW i am still only 80& through the re-organisation of thousands of files since ursun.net was "moved" ) i would appreciate your acceptance & positive response to my request for support & assistance.. I am aware of the risk of our anti-establishment correspondence and especially comsidering the facist actions v Assange etc that we live in a net dictatorship.. that being said
I appeal to you as a human BEing... that once this system crushes all opposition, no one will benefit..NO ONE!

best wishes & happy SOULstice



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