" ChRiS's Galaxy guide to hiking (with Lustica hitches) "
............just before i go into this ,,,i was breathing in the sweet clean hillside/mountain air as i approached the down hill
phase 3 of my return to home base..when I looled abouve the beautiful skyline to see the traces of jets pumping poison into OUR air...
........one of the reasons THEY got u used to wearing the stpud MASKerAIDS is that within the decade you wont be able to breathe
the air anywhere,, because now the planet is coughing up CO2 ..thanks to the selfish (USAcorp-led) govts you voted for didnt stop
the pollution despite warning going back 5 decades,,,!
European Parliament
Committee on Petitions - Brussels
Chairman ; Marcin Libicki
B1047 Bruxelles
New Ref : CRSvEE-eui70923/F&U211012
(prev.Ref Eu/ECHR-CS11118MY OPEN letter of COMPLAINT!),yr Ref 318764 (letter 02.12.2010)
cc: FU/E.L.s.U.N / human rights watch (Me)
cc: EdAgN-EuREd(FU)
& other NgOs & novimedia (& alterrnative NGO & medias )
cc: UN Geneva & New York
Claim v European Union;
V officials, ministers & "responsible persons" of other states.
(C.R.SMITH /-FU V the EU states & citizens & officials U.K, B.R.D. NL, MNE & others)
Since several years (post 1995) you have been informed of constant violations following formation, almost 2 decades ago, of my F&U union , were clearly no longer considered "incidental" Profliling of myself and many others is a coninual violation of he Convention (ECHR) and encourages other violations by those in authority in the EU and throughout europe! YOU & your colleagues have not only done NOTHING to prevent these VIOLATIONS , you & others have actively used public ignorance to profit and exploited opporuniies to enforce your own poliiical agendi , for national , political or individual advantage contrary to the "spirit " of the convention (and violated aricles of the UDHR, 1948).
Clearly, (having explored the workings of the various States, the EU (ECHR) and its UN counter-parts) that your colleagues in any form of government are NOT employed to SOLVE problems, BECAUSE when problems disappear, so do jobs, for "Beamte" ; lawyers, civil servants, police and politicians such as yourselves From my book I can easily extract some examples to list briefly that have affected me personally (not to mention the numerous examples I have highlighted for other victims since 1995).
-1983 A bank manager of the Largest english bank (BJ of Barclays) manipulated govt loans and business credit according to his personal relationships with a property company (Weargrove ltd)
-1986 Anton Pillar marava Injunction was used to cripple 8 companies I was connected with, (S&S) damage to my wife (who died in 2005) my business status beyond repair (it was later thrown out) because the "high court judge" failed to allow for equitable compensation when the injunction was proven to be fraudulent. a financial loss exceeding 1 million GBP to myself and employees.
-1989 A UK company I managed to take over with other clients were reliant 99% on government contracts to survive, had all said contracts frozen causing damage to all employees and creditors.
-1992 MY father and sister's untimely death in UK hospital due to lack of care & attention, no investigation and lack of fund to finance an enquiry.
-1993 the "insider community" of Freiburg (BRD) began obstructions to my planned environmental & entrepreneurial enterprise and initaive in baden - Wurttemberg.
-1995 Ukrainian government & local business ; with potential of 2000 jobs & several Billion USD investment, "warned off" my network by "affected" politicians influenced by US dollar potential.
-1995 following my meningitis-induced coma, german citizens & beamte threatened me, my complaint to ECHR was lodged but rejected (german state played "ping-pong" with my complaints)
-1996-1998 3 "raids" of my home & premises & threats from "Beamte" who damaged or removed (and never returned) property exceeding value of 200K DM, I was held then released with NO charges!
-1999-following "beamte pressure" my sons mother disappeared, state refused me forwarding address, arrested & released following (non violent) human rights demos, complaints ignored by german court!
-1999 International meeting disrupted by "plain clothes beamte" and then held in military = styel "U-haft" WITHOUT charges, despite telling Brit. embassy that I would be released instantly (refused UK legal council)
-1999 During "investigative detention" my adult son died, during a "routine hospital visit" (hospital refused my demand for explanation) I was prevented from attending the funeral by german state.
-2000 My mother died whilst in "care" ; UK State FAILED to inform me until weeks after her funeral, & they SOLD my HOME ; my parents home (which belonged to me) at below market price.
.2001 UK lawyers infgormed me that I had been illegally renoved as director of property company and had lost my share in shopping mall, (see 1986) UK Judge had not allowed for "recompense"!
-2002-2003 lodged remainder of 54 FIFTY-FOUR complaints against german citizens, lawyers, state attorneys, judges, police & "social workers (jugenndamt) for various victoms & myself.
-2004 I was attacked whilst MY 3-year old daughter violently KIDNAPPED during an ambush near our home in Alsace, German "beamte" aided the abduction and lied to french gendarmerie. Mother later "disappeared".
-2005 After making official complaints through "proper channels" in french & german systems, I was arrested and held in a remote "U-Haft" for a "technicality" until a journalist enquired after me.
-2005 my 2nd wife (Jacqueline) died and was cremated on my birthday, despite being benefactor (widower) I didnt find out until I investigated why I had not heard from her after several months.
-2006 Held again after I attempted to trace the mother & daughter, until I was able to prove that the german mother had lied to the police (she effectively reversed the truth, so german "beamte" helped her)
-2007 Lost my Alsation farmhouse, was force-sold by bank who had been also given false information and personal items & souvenirs were "removed" (worth in excess of 20,000 euros) still no reply to my ebquiries to state attorney.
-2008 German mother & Dublin police stopped my attempt to give birthday presents to my estranged daughter, Despite showing the police a copy of the EU petiton (they said it was "bogus")
-2009 -2010 the latest of "minor" prejudices & disruptions ; to my internet, sms, emails, correspondence & banking relationships; continual prejudicial interference against my "nomadic lifestyle". ( afer research & on reflection , all obstructions, and various server failures , of my own network , computers & internet cafes & oher pulic inernet stations in NL/Be durin 2006-2010!)
and in MNE:
-2011-2017 a brief "highlighted list" of violaions due to a prejudiced sociey , caused by official Gov. policy
- Fraudulent activiies by Gov. employed persons & state institutions,such as Electric/water co.
- corrupion & obstruction by FSCG & busines league members & officials & UK/USA embassy employees.
- intellectual & property theft, condoned by Gov. officials against foreign residents & visitors.
- attemped blackmail & "mobbing", & other public acts of prejudice, "unseen".
- failure to investigate violations by such as OSCE officials & oher "designated police"
in 2017 & 2021 illegally forced to move home (with losses of furnoture & personal effects , inc important documents) locked out, the latter by policeman!)
continual obstructions of the F & U mission in Montenegro (classified) on line & in daily duties or activities , all on record in the process of being presented!
(as an opposition to the MNE state application to join EU membership and to half continual use of the Euro curency, as this society is rotten through & through!)
The "problem" of local & global society are deep and the people who are supposedly employed to solve them from UN, EU, state or local governments make matters worse ; officials & employees of their social departments &/or private or alternative NGO's are so bogged down by contradictive regulations & so far of course that it could take a miracle to ever repair the damage to people, not only children but all people, of any origin, status or age.
YOU are partcipating in, AND worse, you are PROMOTING a culture of WAR , fear, and WASTE! ONLY when the FIRST THINGS understood by children are care for others and global human rights and not the LAST thing applied by those in power will we have a chance of a fair and equitable society.
THIS IS NOW A CLAIM for you to deal with.
Value if EVER accounted is in Billions of Euros, should you ever settle wih those victims whose lives you DAMAGE & destroy.
Of course, as with other politicians you may prefer to ignore or "discredit" me. Either way I have no fear, as I KNOW that I ,
for one, will do whatever is honest for the sake of y-our society, local or global!
Despite ignoring my previous request, due to the delay & unreliable postal services here,
I would appreciate an acknowledgement by email to mc5@mypos-net.org with cc zreds.ze@gmail.com
as I really can never be sure if my emails are blocked at one or other adddress.
Christopher R. SMITH F Inst D. 211012
F & U Mission
RUSA Radulovica 97 (bb. recevic A) THis address now vacated, as the home base oof F & U NGO is also in "exile" reply by email direct to chris@ursun.net
ngo@mypod-net.org or campaign@ursun.net and code; "activate CgamePlaNOW"
(note from previous 2012 letter ref BRD : "Please pass my thanks to Karen lone Chioti - ("The Secretariat") for enclosing the observations & investigations conducted as a result of our petition to the EU, however if ANYone is "satisfied" then they are guilty of papering over the cracks in the global society and the EU in particular. The contents of your report are mildly exposing part of a problem caused by the German state & its "system" and that being the largest member state, it is "rule-dominated" & BAD examples are being copied by other states, thus it has become a NEGATIVE influence on European culture.
Therefore, as your department cant act as a "legal tribunal" Have YOU passed the relevant information to a "body" that COULD? (and SHOULD!)
I ask not only in my "role" as human rights advocate/activist ( "common or natural lawyer")
but as a residential parent who has lost 3 children to said "system"s violations ...the answer is".....(snipped from above)
note to Worldwide N G O s: the PLANdemic restrictions, lockdown and MASKerAIDS of their :game of THORNS: is of course an illiegal action by all state governmentts... NO state of emergency declaREd!
On 2021-10-19 19:15, chris@ursun.net wrote:
211001 REdFU
ChhRiS ....(October) ChRiS exiled im Monty-land is HUNTING REd www.cser5.blogspot.com
_______________________________________________________________________also at montv-chrislog.blogspot.com
previous : (when not blocked by "them" )
a GREAT "hvala" to Mr. xxxxx now we are testing the link on our own global social media
( my acer is in repair shop but my old toshiba is a bit slow, but functions, ;)
..........the ChRiS ; LbiRDco-op/REdGEMnet flies ..
f book goons spent so much time with "community standards" & other blocks on here & twatter
and stopped almost all invitations to join mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059 that they missed the action!! ha ha ha!
so copied from banned;
from log (banned) "ChRiS in Exile" https://chrislivecampaign.blogspot.com/2021/10/chris-in-exile-hunting-for-red-october.html
be a REbEL, local & Global ... 😉 with personal greetings! & to all TRUE REbEL REdS!
! J4t97_32yrs (no JUSTICE yet on earth!) & ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
see previous (REdGEMnet) at https://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/2021/09/european-champions-trophy
I created the UNsub net after the meningitis inducced COMA woke me up and i started a series of campaign & community initiatives , Local & Global //... ... ."activate Cgame>PLANow"
during one of my campaigns , after a series of arrested by the Nazi goons of "modern gerMONEY" i agreed to a "truce" , to suspend my action.. in the hope of resume some :fanily life: with my son Leon , who had been stolen from my life at his age of 3 ...he was around 6 when I agreed to also suspend complaints against german judges, police, attorneys & "beamte" etc ...and re-start with my GF...
There was a hearing ...and it was difficult NOT to stand up and insult the stupid female judge... who accused me of being "subversive" AS ALL MY ACTIONS WERE PUBLIC .. which led me..
after my GF betrayed me anyway, and the little girl (Noela) also was 3 years old when she was violently kid-napped from my alsation farmhouse.. in the village of Geiswasser , near the Rhien river..
so I resumed & distributed articles & more via "UNSUB" (UNsubversive) i also later discovered that "unsub" was also a police term for criminals activities.. that increased the intrusions on my life AND phone tapping, viral-bombing of websites, deleting of emails & sms etc...
Zorro asked me this morning... why i dont use a mobile.. apart from a) making it a little more difficult for "them" ...i hate the addiction that 99% of the sheeple have, not least because I was involved as a young man In the development of the NET & "multi-media.. " before it was called such... (see also https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2021/06/book-2-plus-not-censored.html and the latest https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com and my attack on USAcorp & co... of course they do not need to assasinate me.. they control YOUR media so there is no chance of the truth being shared ..especially since they WON the media war using the PLANdemic to subdue a whole planet's population....
just listening to my old music videos ' Crazy (by Seal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Fc67yQsPqQ
and verson of Gnarles Barclay.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N4jf6rtyuw
And when you're out there without care
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me crazy
Does that make me crazy
. Imagine (John) and "honesty" ...Billy Joel... hmmmm then the very intimate feeling of
"Iris" (goo goo dolls" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdYWuo9OFAw
this "episode" is just a vers ion of ."activate Cgame>PLANow" via & ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN @ mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059 www.cser5.blogspot.com
so as i know how little time you all have for the TRUTH and YOUR responsiibility for the MESS we are in...
so I will pictures and as brief a comment as possible...
...(lyrics from Billy??? ) If you search for tenderness
You can have the love you need to live
But if you look for truthfulness
You might just as well be blind
It always seems to be so hard to give
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you
To say they sympathize
If I wear my heart out on my sleeve
But I don't want some pretty face
To tell me pretty lies
All I want is someone to believe
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you
I can find a friend
I can have security until the bitter end
Anyone can comfort me
With promises again
I know, I know
Don't be too concerned
I won't ask for nothin' while I'm gone
But when I want sincerity
Tell me where else can I turn
'Cause you're the one I depend upon
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you
I really would PREFER to be playing, training with or managing a TEAM
this is my base/home...
.... Campaign means getting up of your arse and doing something to improve OUR world...~
against the fen way USAcorp sharks too....
NO you cant WAIT until....
NON secret agent is he ????
Weird to write this too! R E S P E C T & enjoy should be automatic...
confusion to my ebemies whoever & wherever you are!
local or global ... WE ARE!
is worth repeating to YOU!
I am Patient WHEN important
This Continent is OUR land....
the chelski & mancs are the enemy (on & off the field, but we must rid of fen way too!! they are evil sharks... infesting OUR club...!!
THEY sabotaged this too...
enough said ??? apparently not!
a Balkan review in PICS!
the teenage captain ; with hair! ' :)
recently ..at Perast ..sunglasses (instead) ;)
2019 friday nights with International Team ...I miss THIS!
then its BYe Bye planet !
OUR Lbird is VERY ANGRY!!!!!!!!
the academy flyer ; more SABOTAGE!
a message to the ULTRAS! ;)
Juergen play JOE at CB!!!!!
LbiRD Co-op via REdGEMNET ; " activate Cgameplanow "
and JACQUI you TRULY are!!!
funny tournament with antifa lads-lasses! ')
we shall SEE via mewe.com ?
dancing at MIRISTE with Mathilde!!!!!!
EXILED too , at the coast?
get a shave, great T-shirt!
" I cant change it ..waaaaahhhhhhh"
who has a stable, Zorro?
old card but now promote ;;;;;;
just as you STOLE theirs...
REdS hero from my youth
especially when fools provoke me!!!!
and when SOUNESS did this ;
they shall defeat them selves!
helped her but cheated me ..
destroyed by the USAcorp sharks ..
Torres dunped on the mancs!

or YOU,Zorro , can TOO?
REd NOSE days here soon?????
........personal contacts may still connect with me , but only with comments & probably i will still do the "birthday greets"
if I "find time" Y N W A with hope ,,,and (strategic energy) ;)
Zoorro see ; Ban B trekking group event on F book and;
........211004 ..
"activate Cgame>PLANow....... .."activate Cgame>PLANow
..........last evening I LOST it....but the REdS only drew,,but (I did not see REdS TEAM v blue manc elite frauds!_)
Today would have been my "wedding anniversary" a mere lad I found my beautiful wife and within months of meeting
we married 0n 4th October 1980 ... in 2005, she was crenated on my birthday 23 may at a time when I was fighting the "establishment" and we were separated... for that I wont ever forgive myself...
because she , Jacqui SMITH, nei Greaves (a distant cousin of the famous Jimmy) ... was far too GOOD for who i was
and who I hope I will be... BUT yesterday she would not be proud of me, I LOst my :control: my plan for a boat trip with Zorro, picnic on board and a concert by the best singer of the region (Sanja) ...was sabotaged
again by jealous & selfish sheeple..
but such is the World ...now,,,there are only walking dead zombie-sheeple who have no original thought
no empathy , they dont care about anything or anyone unless there is something in it for them..
well. maybe I didnt WAKE up on 15th April 1989 ... maybe I died, and this "heaven/hell" is my punishment to live on a planet of inhabitants who kill those who are different, or hate them, or discredit them for a few dollars will cheat and lie, and not even notice what they are doing to society and themselves
...the LUNATIC in "Porto Adriatic" was NOT the actual cause of my anger, its OBVIOUS that HE is deranged//
as they all KNEW that I wanted to watch the (BIGGEST) game of the season between LIVERPOOL and the blue mancs..
... ...and so I was there , drinking wine,..(even though noticed waitress Olga was a bit :off:) ...waiting for the game
to start..checking on TEAM news via the net, informing my REdGEMnet of the selection...
The game starts... big atmosphere (but no sound on the TV, as usual here ..) when the "FOOL" comes in and asks Nicola how to use the remote control... 10 minutes into the game...changes to tennis.. I said "hey" :everyone knows I am here for this .."
he was drunk, i could see the eyes glazed over... i looked around and the waiter Nicola (who also knew that I wanted to watch the game) the idiot didnt even watch the Tennis on tv...
and their "manageress" and some young kid who also "belongs" were laughing...NO RESPECT/// yes I dont spend aLL my "disposable" income there ... but I have in the last 5 months been a "regular customer" (maybe several hundred euros worth of drinks , snacks & the occasional meal) ...
..theY wouldn't turn the TV back , I had already paid Olga for my drinks early ( funny that she asked me to pay early!)
.......she just sat at a table and ignored everything... do I smashed my glass on the floor...
and left... imagine what sort of review (to 6000 followers on Trip advisor) I could give "porto Adriatic" / Zanjice on the trAval network, never mind our 300+ groups on REdGEMnet>!!!
Cuba LIbre...offered me 20% discount, then ignored me after 2 months of almost daily investment
they then OVER charged me..THREE times..
Contact Caffe / Pizerija ; increased their prices in MIDDLE of August!
....and "posh" Porto Adriatic... let a lunatic run loose in their place..!!!
served me with over priced drinks /food..Vranac / Chardonnay costs per glass what it cots for a 75cl bottle in the shop!
served me a "fish soup" (at Lucista bay...where seafood shoudl be at its best) which was just watery with minute pieces of fish!
......and sure I kmow they build in the price of their beach... but i dont sit on the beach AND THEY KNOW this..
ONE OF MY VISITORS asked me , when swimming, if there are sharks here... i replied " ONLY with 2 legs in the restoran/caffes on Zanjice"
DO NOT come here ..!
you have been warned...
...............but it was clearly another day and another way of telling me (again) : "welcome to monty" ..so, as my regular taxi - driver
kept telling me... "here they are only happy when their neighbour's cow dies!" ..a form of jealousy..// :sabotage: comes in several
forms since i arrived ; when my first "girl friday" (jelena C) got seduced by a USAcorp embassy seciurity officer...when the next
(Andy) got offered a job in Budva the day aftershe agreed to assist me,..
when Borko (Spuz) & Tadija (Pg) and Nemanja likewise..
when Dejan Rolovic was offered a big salary to work in tourist and abandoned our original academy project (and the Biz league re-located my teenage Team) and they got invited to the USAcorp embassy instead of training with me for the hungarian football festival/holiday/ .. ..when"Mile" at Katun promised to distribute the next academy brochures/flyers to coaches for the co-op (then threw then away..apparently) ...atnd several other "petty" obstructions, in between 3 physical attacks by anon cowards... and damages /interference at almost every house i was located..(theft, flooded, even 2 x "locked out" (Ivanovic, Dg & Recevic "FAMILY" , Pg) ..resulting in coastal "exile"
for F& U and myself..
I know its impossible, but I will do it anyway...so, Jacqui, wherever you are, I am sorry, I suppose I will never change
I am always alone against "them"
your ChRiS x
.............Went for another 7 kms run about 05.30h this morning...stars still in the sky.. with a smiley moon;)
an hour running an hour (about 7/8kms is how much the average player runs in a match)
so i stay fit for whenever i can play footy again...many men wont get this & neither most fee-males..
...I...would MUCH rather play a GOOD competitive game of footy in a good Team than spend an hour in bed
with the most beautiful woman in the world! thats how much i miss playing, training (even watching) football!
..........ChRiS 211001 REdFU
ChhRiS ....ChRiS exiled im Monty-land is HUNTING REd (October) www.cser5.blogspot.com
adiary which reflects the MESS YOU made of MY planet ;
..............FFS! you are truly " walking dead" mobile phone infested zombie-sheeple!
..this article is typical of what is supposed to be "COUNTER-journalism...AND AS USUAL the "alternatives" MISS THE FECKING point
the argument id not to decide to set aside "nature parks" even if they were 30 % of the land mass...
because THE POLLUTION caused by WAR Biz, industrial/trafffic & factory farmign is pumping so much POISON into the atmosphere
. land, water , seas , FOOD , bodies & minds of our children...that the ONLY benefit of a global shut down ..due to an exaggerated
(or man made) FLU (C1A ebola/strain) BUG..(c19) knocks that 0.01% intot a MINOR RISK by comparison..
SWICH TO HEALTH ..! OR DIE! (https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/09/30/the-new-con-in-conservation-why-the-proposed-voluntary-paris-agreement-style-30x30-target-for-protected-areas-wont-save-the-worlds-biodiversity/ ) AND (https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/09/30/open-for-military-business-ebola-research-at-canadas-only-bsl-4-lab ) ...
and as USAcorp arm their airforce with multi-billions dollars worth of killing equipment ; namesly 20 SUPER nukes which , in the
hands of "john wayne inc. USA " could easily cause an accident or incident . (narrowly avoided several times previosuly)
enjoy the sheer HYPOCRISY of USAcorp ..in this,..
............" SEPTEMBER 29, 2021
Diary Entry: Handling the Truth of Cuba ( https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/09/29/diary-entry-handling-the-truth-of-cuba/ )
BY JOHN KENDALL HAWKINS FacebookTwitterRedditEmail "
To hear Daniel Ellsberg tell it, the world came a lot closer to nuclear annihilation during the Cuban Missile Crisis than has ever been played up by the Press for our education. What’s new? In his must-read book, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner, Ellsberg delivers the astonishing news, not well-known even today, that had a planned US invasion of Cuba gone off as planned, it would have brought Doomsday. He writes,
…along with SAMs and ballistic missiles, they had been secretly equipped with over a hundred tactical nuclear weapons, warheads included…Yet not only had he done this, but also the Presidium had agreed to delegate authority to local commanders to use them against an invasion fleet, without direct orders from Moscow…The invasion would almost surely trigger a two-sided nuclear exchange that would with near certainty expand to massive U.S. nuclear attacks on the Soviet Union. [pp. 241-3, Ellsberg’s emphasis] "there was no true North/South Korea — the status had been imposed on the nation after WW2 when the Japanese were evicted, and the Cold War between the US and the Soviets led to a division of Korea at the 38th parallel and the DMZ.
Ellsberg and his must-read book remind us that we’are all probably fucking crazy and that it’s just a matter of time before we start up and can’t stop the Doomsday Machine that will leave no doubt that whatever else our species was, we were the bonkers species. The Animal Kingdom cleared a path and couldn’t wait to see us go. (snip_) One do-able starting point for a historical exploration of and education about our policies toward the world. Maybe we can end drive-thru Democracies and drive-by enforcement of American exceptionalism.
With America’s longest war over, maybe it’s time to not only close Gitmo but give the base back to the Cubans and normalize relations with them. Let’s cut the shit."
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
October 1, 2017 · Shared with Your friends
despite accolades, i find such can never come close to acknowledge how Shanks really “MADE” Liverpool… a global entity many modern fans are encouraged by current lfc commercials to focus on the future , i like JK however he hasnt got much of a clue about our culture.. (he even compared fergie with John Lennon!) I was a more mature supporter @ ’74 final , (i still have the match programmer and 1 quid ticket stub) remember the friendly geordies too, me going crazy when Alec scored early , then being pulled back … “the feckin ref disallowed it, lad” in my ear,, signing YNWA durin the game., and the concrete wembley stand “bouncing” . …. Shanks making he ultimate transfer from “British ” football to something else… Emlyn & Phil snuffed out “supermac” and his big mouth, Shanks selection of Tommo , a scouse kid , amazing , he stylish Peer Cormack.. Kevin, …
these flashes of mine distract from his influence on my generation, (yeah “everything” !) we would have died for him… he and Lennon the main influences of my life and especially my social awareness.. and the importance of football in society .. he was not wrong about that .. sadly perverted by “biz” & media..
he was betrayed time & again by Directors , and eventually I believe that was his reason to resign … had given too much to Lfc…
and i happened with Rafa..todays “opponent” who is the closes to Shanks in his “vision” of how a club (which was our club) should be …
Rafa, and with due respect to a legend that is Kenny, , was/is the best manager Lfc had since 1990 , complete understanding of youth development, club management through all strategic & tactical aspects , home or abroad ….Benitez had a 10 year plan disrupted by USAcorp (G&H/+ henry & co) during and after his removal and the damage has been done , probably biggest error of Lfc boardroom in over a quarter of a century to remove him, some fans underestimated his value, true Red supporters still love his commitment , on & off the field , in he Liverpool community.. whatever happens today!
in closing, I noted friday how few remembered, “fans” who chat away about rubbish on Lfc groups etc ,have their pic taken by his statue .. forgot Shanks ..he who made i all possible..
He will always be in MY heart & soul , long after the modern Lfc is not… thanks Shanks
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
September 29, 2017 ·
4 years ago
October 1, 2017 · Shared with Your friends
Rafa, and with due respect to a legend that is Kenny, , was/is the best manager Lfc had since 1990 , complete understanding of youth development, club management through all strategic & tactical aspects , home or abroad ....Benitez had a 10 year plan disrupted by USAcorp (G&H/+ henry & co) during and after his removal and the damage has been done , probably biggest error of Lfc boardoom in over a quarter of a century to remove him, some fans underestimaed his value,
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
October 1, 2017 ·
Rafa, and with due respect to a legend that is Kenny, , was/is the best manager Lfc had since 1990 , complete understanding of youth development, club management through all strategic & tactical aspects , home or abroad ....Benitez had a 10 year plan disrupted by USAcorp (G&H/+ henry & co) during and after his removal and the damage has been done , probably biggest error of Lfc boardoom in over a quarter of a century to remove him, some fans underestimaed his value, true Red supporers still love his commitment , on & off the field , in he Liverpool community.. whatever happens today!
Rafa Benitez still loved at Liverpool as Newcastle plot shock over Klopp
As Jurgen Klopp faces the first wobble of his Liverpool tenure, ex-Reds boss Rafa Benitez would relish the chance to deepen his gloom on Sunday.
4 years ago October 1, 2017 ·
September 28, 2017 ·
Local Councils stand against the rag.
Yesterday Flintshire County Council became the 11th local council to pass a formal motion against the s*n.
Speak to your councillor ?
8 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith added 9 new photos to the album: Goodbye from C R S ..still looking.... by Crvena Dawn and Christopher Richard Smith.
October 1, 2013 ·
for intelligence and empathy! game over!
(add ME calendar for september)
.........listening to local radio and the "pop music" played local & global, repeated every couple of hours, as obviously no one listens to it? .. went off during the storm, which is a sound I dont mind as thunder vibrates across the Lucista peninsula..
.........the "modern pop music is simply CRAP... most of it renovated or snipped & stolen from original sounds of decades past
just YET another reminded if I needed it how the NOW generation lacks imagination and original ideas (of any worth)
slaves to selling music as loyal capitalists, slaves to the F U B A R system..
..........I wonder about my obsession with supporting & helping people who dont really deserve ..much help AT ALL!!
there is woody allen joke, which I half forgot ..about a couple of people watching one of their relatives get battered
in the boxing ring.. something about " well even God expects him to be met half way .. " (thats not exactly the joke..)
and anyway the zombie sheeple just expect some other a-hole to solve it all..
btw ONLY for TRUE REbEL REdS who love the game & more chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2021/09/supporters-club-log-update-red-october.
(add ME calendar for september)
.........listening to local radio and the "pop music" played local & global, repeated every couple of hours, as obviously no one listens to it? .. went off during the storm, which is a sound I dont mind as thunder vibrates across the Lucista peninsula..
.........the "modern pop music is simply CRAP... most of it renovated or snipped & stolen from original sounds of decades past
just YET another reminded if I needed it how the NOW generation lacks imagination and original ideas (of any worth)
slves to selling music as loyal capitalists, slaves to the F U B A R system..
..........I wonder about my obsession with supporting & helping people who dont really deserve ..much help AT ALL!!
there is woody allen joke, which I half forgot ..about a couple of people watching one of their relatives get battered
in the boxing ring.. something about " well even God expects him to be met half way .. " (thats not exactly the joke..)
and anyway the zombie sheeple just expect some other a-hole to solve it all..
btw ONLY for TRUE REbEL REdS who love the game & more https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2021/09/supporters-club-log-update-red-october.html
.........YOUR F U B A R world;
.........so some comments about the "news" from your MASK_er_AID world & their game of THORNS that your apethy allows;
this made me smile " Gen Z-based mass movements are unlikely to be pacified by partisan propaganda and diversions. There is too much youth awareness of the problems at hand, drawing on a slew of compelling evidence, data, and studies, which now make it all but impossible to deny the increasingly urgent realities of record inequality, systemic racism in policing, and the threat of climate change. Armed with this evidence, youth activism has been propelled to new heights beyond previous waves of movement protests of previous decades. It’s only a matter of time before this activism rises again to pressure the political system for further action in the push for economic, racial, and social justice. " ( https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/09/29/the-climate-strike-that-wasnt-whats-behind-declining-protest-in-2021/ ) "
where is the outrage over this ; ?????????? ; https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/09/29/the-names-youll-never-know/ NAMES YOU NEVER KNOW or CARE about!!!??? "" As a parting shot, on its way out of Afghanistan, the United States military launched a drone attack that the Pentagon called a “righteous strike.” The final missile fired during 20 years of occupation, that August 29th airstrike averted an Islamic State car-bomb attack on the last American troops at Kabul’s airport. At least, that’s what the Pentagon told the world.....Within two weeks, a New York Times investigation would dismantle that official narrative. Seven days later, even the Pentagon admitted it. Instead of killing an ISIS suicide bomber, the United States had slaughtered 10 civilians: Zemari Ahmadi, a longtime worker for a U.S. aid group; three of his children, Zamir, 20, Faisal, 16, and Farzad, 10; Ahmadi’s cousin Naser, 30; three children of Ahmadi’s brother Romal, Arwin, 7, Benyamin, 6, and Hayat, 2; and two 3-year-old girls, Malika and Somaya. " ...........names like 70000 other civilians killed there ..NON OF YOU CARE about because they arent your white granny dying at 80 from a flue bug called C19!??? FECK OFF!
---------------------" Americans have been killing civilians since before there was a United States. At home and abroad, civilians — Pequots, African Americans, Cheyenne and Arapaho, Filipinos, Haitians, Japanese, Germans, Koreans, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, Yemenis, and Somalis, among others — have been shot, burned, and bombed to death. The slaughter at Sand Creek, the Bud Dajomassacre, the firebombing of Dresden, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the My Lai massacre — the United States has done what it can to sweep it all under the rugthrough denial, cover-ups, and the most effective means of all: forgetting. """" The total number of civilians who have died from direct violence in America’s wars since 9/11 tops out at 364,000 to 387,000, according to Brown University’s Costs of War Project. """
..........................not much to add from a nation that I escaped from when i was 19 years old (if I could cut out the THEN LIVERPOOL
and bring it here ..then it would be "heaven" but now even that society is affected by the poison & infestation of the UKippers brexiters & other fascits ..."" British ministers appear on television engulfed in union jacks, like so many third world despots. " ( https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/09/28/britain-will-never-be-taken-seriously-with-a-genuine-charlatan-as-prime-minister/ )
and BIG PHARMA thanks to the PLANdemic making over 500 BILLION USD more in 2020 ; almost rivalling the USAcorp WAR Biz for profit marketing the c19 flue bug! ..https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/09/28/danny-glover-under-cover-for-big-pharma-and-insurance-companies
.....................the new James Bond film now in Cinema...or a bigger fiction when these 2 act like "commercial buddies" its business /...
a colder war ... " China’s buying of dollar assets has often been referred to as currency “manipulation.” This word implies that China’s actions were somehow undercover and secretive. In fact, China quite explicitly pegged its exchange rate to the dollar and openly intervened to support this peg. It would be more accurate to say that China “managed” its exchange rate. .... political elites were able to get their way in pushing their trade agenda in the 1990s and 2000s, with devastating consequences for millions of workers. The consequences of their new agenda could be even more devastating since it is not only a path designed to further the upward redistribution of income, but also a path designed to put us in continual conflict with the world’s other major superpower." ( https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/09/27/the-us-and-china-a-productive-path-forward ) ..
and ..just for FUn; in :footy" and...
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: I’m here to win and Gary Neville knows that ; https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40708619.html
..really fecked up too;
Tucel;;;;;;; " ha ha ha he says ; “I’m a football coach, I’m not a 100 per cent expert in this and I would leave it up to them. And everybody is adult enough and everybody lives in a free country and a free society, which is a good thing, so people can make their choices."
FRE society ??? where do YOU live , Thomas??? ( https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40708547.html )
....and NO one "shot this sheriff" ..yet !!! ;)
& “The way for me is to be an independent nation,” Rodion says. “But I don’t need any referendums, any international recognition. I can personally identify myself as a Pridnestrovian.” ( https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40709069.html ) " As Sheriff and Shakhtar walk out, a banner is held aloft from sector 13: “Dreams come true.” They always do in football, for someone; in Sheriff’s case, though, the identities and motivations of those doing the dreaming pose questions one night of Champions League football can only leave hanging in the air. ( Guardian ) "
no detrails of the abuse ; https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40707569.html
.........but some abuse Juergen after 3-3 ??? ... "a bad day at the OFFICE for Lfc ...says david Brent...ford" ha ha ha
...where is your sense of humour scousers? ..you were quiet ... the locals sang "your support is sh&t" they never sange that to OUR generation of REd SUPPORTERS!!!!!!!!
Hello Michal, I was In HN again Monday/Tuesday night ,,,a russuian member lives there..
did you get an email invitation to an event sunday via your NVO??
I am helping the international club with an excursion to Blue Cave sunday after noon meet at Miriste 14h
..........picnic ^ concert with :"Sanja" *who sang at the Perast party 2 years ago)
who should be invited ??? Serey & Budva GF or Mr. Speak, wife & 2 boys>?
*weather expected to be good (do u want to invite Aleksa & ....?_)
....................... Inites; FB via DC even , cope B and b , Chiropracter
you always post a good night
I usually post a good morning reply? right? ;)
we dont know each other
just through football, no bother!
but you clearly have passion for both
your TEAM and Mine..
so I try to make this Rhyme..
have the best of days
and have fun in so many ways!
Christopher Richard Smith
Walked to Rose ...taxi boat to Herceg Novi
vid what was required, Pajo boat back to Zanjice/Miriste *Mirista clsed without warning (Mladaen(Jasna) 3 daughters of ..
for my diary 210928
Monday, ,,,I was virtually accused of some sort of "stalking>"
of a young female who slept on my coauch 3 nights
who I hosted on her (alledgedly) first travel abroad of this type
on her own..., I took her to see a beautiful sunset from the restaurant 150 metres from me which has a panaormic viwe of one of the better
parts of the "tomato republic" ..
after 3 days during which we laughed a lot and probably I talked too much
and not enough about her.. an argentinian couple joined us..
she changed ...more than ignored me, she made sarcastic comment..
and on her/their last evening (*th others had no cash, so I had already
funded her / and them between 150-200 euros..a bit into my budget
Dani the new argentinian girl made comment which I took to be pro - USAcorp
and it opened up a rant by me,, concluded by a "verbal attack " on
"LULU" too for being a mute specttaor, knowing that she was previosuly rarely shy in offering her opinios,..
She wanted to be treated as equal, but after leaving acted as if she was
the "fair maiden" violated by a "tongue i cheek poem" that I wrote on her profile (her profile now withdrawn) with some advices of where to go
and what to do in Montenegro before she leaves
the couple (Dani & Leo) decided to become avengers on her behalf...and
posted what is a "warning" to single females ..ABOUT me!
that girl (LULU
) was dressed in a bikini on a boat trip organised by & paid for by myself.. floshing her attractive body's "best bits " ( thats a sprt of comment by the skipper "Zorro" ) ... in a thong inches away from him and myself..sotting wither side of her...
I made no pass, no sexual inuendo, I diome as she left my home THEN helped the Dani & Leo show sabotage my sucial life ,,, foot ball accademy was
obstucted ,,during the PLANdemic...so there leaves nothing left other than full on REBELLION!
the walking dead" inhabit the planet I belong to.. I will fight you for it..with everything i know and dont know and the energy without limits and the stra
tegy of surprise and ....
.............210927 Monday morning feeling ? as some more sheeple show their selfish & stupid ways..
RebEL REdS MEd1A TEAM posted
https://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/2021/09/european-champions-trophy-season-2122.html pre porto v LIVERPOOL
and I just reflect on the world ...Sharks, jackals, & sheeple , 7 billion sheeple who capitulate 24.7 to te BS
of their game of THORNS.. so.. after 26 years of initiatives, challenges , opposition and charity..local & global
....why the feck should I "save the world" when I am surrounded by 99.99% more rons...????
veen the brave few dont know how deep the sh&te goes..and my curse is knowing and knowing how to make it better
but for whom? no children here to care for ..and the parents who have kids consign them tobe fodder for their "titanic" systemomombies
.........i could just reply "go to hell, the lot of you!" but seems to me you are 99.99% just Zombies already there!
guve me a reason PLEASE!
Diary 210926
Only one at Mirista for dinner!
didnt get my prize for being best customer (4 months ! June, July,
August & september) ,...
fu (add ChRiStrategy ) to mh@michael-hudson.com (ref counter-punch
vocabulary-of-neoliberal-diplomacy-in-todays-new-cold-war ...)
so on behalf of REbEL REdS MEd1ATEAM
another example of the threat to humanity over the usual winters
bug ignored during the summer by most (who are swallowing the #game of THORNS BS since 2019...and decades before)
WAR biz is even more profitable than selling drugs to the previously healthy sheeple??
*(BLUE( INSERT pic *REbelion duty)
" If this is merely an arms deal hidden behind a military pact, then it is a cynical use of war-making rhetoric for business purposes. This cynicism could eventually lead to a great deal of suffering.
(article produced by Globetrotter.) as On September 15, 2021, the heads of government of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States announced the formation of AUKUS, “a new enhanced trilateral security partnership” between these three countries. .... Zhao Lijian of the Chinese Foreign Ministry associated the creation of AUKUS with “the outdated Cold War zero-sum mentality and narrow-minded geopolitical perception.” .. A closer look at AUKUS suggests that this deal has less to do with military security and more to do with arms deals. ... Australia is the second-largest producer of uranium after Kazakhstan, and most of this nuclear material is sold to the UK and the U.S. For the past several decades, ''
FFS , its BIG business and thats why they NEED " a threat" so that
they can spend more billions on killing machines!!
& ,,,,
... Zorro told me that there are traces of radiation on the nearby adriatic coast caused by airial raid attacks by USAcorp (camouflaged as :NATO: (N azty A rmed T errorist Org)
timely production of thos warning https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/09/24/a-little-radiation-is-not-good-for-you ... of course the New World order
doesnt consider the 10 million or so deaths or sickness from cancer (many times MORE than C19) as big a threat as the 0.01% risk of dying from C19
as long as they profit from Nuclear ... wait for the next disaster..it could END you all, as the USAcorp airforce is now armed with ANOTHER 20
super-nukes to kill other humans!!!
(blue) " In addition, between 1977 and 1990, scientists tripled their estimate of the damage inflicted by a given dose of radiation. A 1992 study published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine found that nuclear weapons production workers exposed to small doses were four to eight times more likely to contract cancer than previously estimated. And in 2012, a wide-ranging analysis of 46 peer-reviewed studies published in Biological Reviews found that even the very lowest background levels of radiation exposure are harmful to health and have statistically significant negative effects on DNA. "
Not important random information from Conny again
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From Co Pi on 2021-09-20 06:55
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Hi Chris!
Thanks for this I am replying OFFline then will send the next day ,,so I prefr to reply as if its a LIVER conversation..
hope u understabd ,,scroll down... ;)
I hope you're doing well in Mirista :) I hope it's not getting too boring in autumn (but at least the children from hell should be gone? :D) and I hope the weird hailstorms left out Lustica😬.
........Cs> had the 4th storm which almost cleared the terrace whilst i was out on my morning run..
..i am used to being alone, not lonely ..I attract drama.. so i doubt if it will be boring..just another challenge.. ;) I hope!
I wanted to keep you updated how my journey went: s
........Cs...much appreciated!
After Risan I went on a rafting tour on Tara, with Rakija and Tarawater and nice people, for example a German guy I also went to Seadance with. (It's always the Germans who travel alone and want to make friends)
........Cs> ha ha i had a few singles stay with me who were not german who might disagree..
and u are the only one this year, who dared accept my hosting ha ha ah...
After that I've had a not so good or long time at Budva (you can read the gossip on CS haha)
..........Cs> I told my last guests ot to bother with Budva,,, but i havent heard from them since they left
(and no references either) ,,,what :gossip: ? or is that teutomic humour ??
.........the latest deleted her profile ..(well as far as my connection) so maybe I upset her/them (she left with an argenmtinian couple
who came here with no cash, that I had to ask to move on, because i would not continue 3 (as they were also suprised the shop does
not accept craedit cards...i funded a trip to blue cave on Zorros boat so thought they were happy when leaving me..
(Kotor has bankomat here none)
....to Sutomore and then on to Bar and Ulcinj/Doni Stoj where I stayed with some hippies at the beach for a few days and visited Ada Bojana. Stefan, the guy I was staying with there, built his own place there, where people come and go all the time like an open pub.
t halfway outside in an open Van there, which attracted many mosquitoes who chose to sting my face till noone could recognize me
..............Cs > thats a problem, i never had in Podgorica, mind you here at Miriste ; its difficult to say which casued
the most annoyance; the mozzies, the wasps or the serb neighbours!
(should have taken a picture). I met many interesting other travelers there, though I have to say no one I really kept in touch with.
After that I went to Kravari from where I hiked/hitchhiked around Skadarsko Jezero (one night at Murici and one at Virpazar). The g hitchhiked with is from Besa, a small village there (he had kind eyes and no sunglasses😄) . He told me a lot about history and the war (only from the beginning of it, after that he immigrated to New York) and asked me for my address in Germany. I'm afraid he will actually just randomly appear in front of my door someday haha.
........Cs> is that a problem?? ha ha ha ..do not forget that "if u ask 10 questions here, you get (at least) 11 answers"
(..almost everyone has a different view, story or opinion, depending on their ethnic, religious, national and family perspective!
At Virpazar I had a boat tour and we got to swim in the "middle" of the lake. It was late afternoon, there was no other boat and hills all the calm water, I will never forget that :)
..........Cs> Skada & boat *probably NUMBER 1 on my list of things to do with visitors when I was based in Pg!
(even organised a boat picnic with 30 internationals living in MNE 2 years ago) and fresh fish dinner at "Silistija "
was often my treat to myself ! :)
After that a Romanian couple drove me to Podgorica where I got sick, but luckily had a great cs host with whom I could relax and get better. So in the end I spent a whole week at Podgorica,
.......Cs> hope u wrote a good reference for that host!
but did one trip to Nikšić (Krupac lake) and one to Durmitor/Tara Bridge/Moraca canyon. I went for a quick swim in the black lake and the colors there were amazing. We also went to Eco Selo Nevidio where I made too many bad jokes about "Nevidio" (thinking of your Taxi-story
.........Cs> thats noce ha ha ha!
So in conclusion there where many places where I had a swim and I slept a lot and 3/4 couchsurfing experiences were amazing. It was quiet adventurous, but I also spent more time in busses and less with walking than I thought before. Also I got used to Rakija, I think it's just
.... ne sort that I don't get along with 😝
And I actually saw two (!) snakes: A thick dark one while hiking at Skadar lake close to the Albanian border (near Ostros) and a bright green slim one at Podgorica in a parc.
........Cs> thats 2 more than I have ever seen here in the wild(apart from (harmless) water snakes, i have met (and been cheated by)
far too many with 2 legs here!!! ;)
The last few days I told everyone I'm not sure if I will come back again, because it was sometimes so difficult to me to organize things on my own, I often needed help and I wasn't able to do everything in the independent and easy way I'm used to. But when I actually came back home it took two days, then I began to look for workaway opportunities in Montenegro again. I miss the mountains, hills and the random sheep and donkeys on the streets (and the weather of course, I'm freezing here now).
........Cs> well if u dont mind my couch I am looking for apasrt time "girl friday" to help with my stuff.,,media etc on the net
(your english writing is quite good! i am still in shorts & flip flops & in the water yesterday (25c) ;) u are welcome
to come back and test if it suits you and have another holiday , i would be pleased to have company .. (even taking into account what i wrote above! >) ;)
I have to start studying for exams again tomorrow and probably we will welcome our first couchsurfer tomorrow in our WG. He will be the first tourist here in 100 years, I still don't think this will actually happen 😂
.........Cs> ha ha ha ..did it happen?
If you read through all of this with my bad English I'm impressed 😄 If you can and want to take the time, tell me what your last weeks were like :)
Also when I send a postcard should I really use Caffe Berlin as adress?
.........Yes , probbaly nothing here I could trust willbe open ..so Caffe Barlin, I may visit during October /..(i have a bike there!)
...and there is no pstbox here ...the postie probably wouldnt expect me to be here , either!
Pictures: The map with my route, the view over George's Mary's hut from my mother's flat at my hometown (Die "Georgsmarienhütte" is on the left side in the back) and the beautiful sharkshirt I should have brought.
............Cs> I still doubt the existence of "george & Mary's hut" ...! where was that sharkshirt?? i want to get it for "someone"
hahah ... by the wAY i found the "path" from Tici to Zanjice ...apart from the beach end being inside a ruinedhouse,,it was
more liek rock climbing..downwards,,,but I have done it twice now..I think the locals consider me VERY strange,,
..which is NORMAL! ha ha ha,,
really if you want to come back, i will be here (or a short time in Pg, let me know..Ok ? u are more tha welcome..
Best wishes,
Take care
Not important random information from Conny again
Contact photo
From Co Pi on 2021-09-20 06:55
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Hi Chris!
I hope you're doing well in Mirista :) I hope it's not getting too boring in autumn (but at least the children from hell should be gone? :D) and I hope the weird hailstorms left out Lustica😬.
I wanted to keep you updated how my journey went:
After Risan I went on a rafting tour on Tara, with Rakija and Tarawater and nice people, for example a German guy I also went to Seadance with. (It's always the Germans who travel alone and want to make friends)
After that I've had a not so good or long time at Budva (you can read the gossip on CS haha) but went on to Sutomore and then on to Bar and Ulcinj/Doni Stoj where I stayed with some hippies at the beach for a few days and visited Ada Bojana. Stefan, the guy I was staying with there, built his own place there, where people come and go all the time like an open pub. I slept halfway outside in an open Van there, which attracted many mosquitoes who chose to sting my face till noone could recognize me (should have taken a picture). I met many interesting other travelers there, though I have to say no one I really kept in touch with.
After that I went to Kravari from where I hiked/hitchhiked around Skadarsko Jezero (one night at Murici and one at Virpazar). The guy I hitchhiked with is from Besa, a small village there (he had kind eyes and no sunglasses😄) . He told me a lot about history and the war (only from the beginning of it, after that he immigrated to New York) and asked me for my address in Germany. I'm afraid he will actually just randomly appear in front of my door someday haha.
At Virpazar I had a boat tour and we got to swim in the "middle" of the lake. It was late afternoon, there was no other boat and hills all around the calm water, I will never forget that :)
After that a Romanian couple drove me to Podgorica where I got sick, but luckily had a great cs host with whom I could relax and get better. So in the end I spent a whole week at Podgorica, but did one trip to Nikšić (Krupac lake) and one to Durmitor/Tara Bridge/Moraca canyon. I went for a quick swim in the black lake and the colors there were amazing. We also went to Eco Selo Nevidio where I made too many bad jokes about "Nevidio" (thinking of your Taxi-story 😅) .
So in conclusion there where many places where I had a swim and I slept a lot and 3/4 couchsurfing experiences were amazing. It was quiet adventurous, but I also spent more time in busses and less with walking than I thought before. Also I got used to Rakija, I think it's just one sort that I don't get along with 😝
And I actually saw two (!) snakes: A thick dark one while hiking at Skadar lake close to the Albanian border (near Ostros) and a bright green slim one at Podgorica in a parc.
The last few days I told everyone I'm not sure if I will come back again, because it was sometimes so difficult to me to organize things on my own, I often needed help and I wasn't able to do everything in the independent and easy way I'm used to. But when I actually came back home it took two days, then I began to look for workaway opportunities in Montenegro again. I miss the mountains, hills and the random sheep and donkeys on the streets (and the weather of course, I'm freezing here now).
I have to start studying for exams again tomorrow and probably we will welcome our first couchsurfer tomorrow in our WG. He will be the first tourist here in 100 years, I still don't think this will actually happen 😂
If you read through all of this with my bad English I'm impressed 😄 If you can and want to take the time, tell me what your last weeks were like :)
Also when I send a postcard should I really use Caffe Berlin as adress?
Pictures: The map with my route, the view over George's Mary's hut from my mother's flat at my hometown (Die "Georgsmarienhütte" is on the left side in the back) and the beautiful sharkshirt I should have brought.
Best wishes,